View Full Version : Interesting true story

09-05-2010, 08:30 AM
I got a interesting story from an other ballbusting site. (www.kickedinthegroin.ning.com) :

Hello everyone:
Thanks to those who asked me questions for the video interview. I was working on it and I'm not sure what to do now after what happened to me last Saturday. Last Saturday was the worst day of my bb life.
As many of you know, I'm the guy who posted over 100 videos of me being busted here. I have around 280 videos now. I never imagined myself getting so many videos. I also never thought that I would meet someone that would really ruin my balls. It it ballbusting after all, but I never had this sort of experience from a simple video.
I went to these girls for the third time. These were a blond girl and a tan brunette who hit me while I was still on my crutches. If any of you remember, I was wearing shorts the day that they stomped and kicked me. The brunette stomped me VERY hard that day.
So I went to them again for some videos because I knew the brunette hits very hard and she liked to bully others when she was younger. I had her kick me standing front to front and that felt amazing. Then I went on all fours like a pushup and she kicked me from behind...it was probably one of the hardest but most enjoyable experience I had ever had. Her thunderous foot nailed my left ball with such precision that I gasped for air and she was having fun.
But then the worst happened. I asked her to stomp me. I was afraid partly because of last time, but I wanted it anyway. I had her set her foot on where to do it and she did a few gentle stomps followed by a few harder ones. These were just for aim practice before the actual video. Before the video started I asked her to not do it as hard as she can and she agreed. When the video shot, she asked if I was ready and counted to three. When she hit three she stomped me hard. It wasn't as hard as before but she got me like no other girl had gotten me before. Her shoes stomped a lot of my erected penis near the tip of it and it stung LIKE CRAZY! I couldn't take it so I asked to go to the bathroom. When I zipped my pants down to check on my penis, to my complete astonishment, my underweay was red. I freaked out, not believing what had happened, and so I pulled my underwear down and my penis was bleeding :( I could not believe it! I absolutely freaked out. My penis was dripping blood. I sat to wipe it with paper but it kept going. After about 10 mins I got it to stop temporarily. I left the bathroom and asked for water. The girls didn't know what was going on but they were scared when they say that I was blacking out. I almost passed out had it not been for the water.
When the dad was arriving home I left to see where else I could go. I didn't want to go to the ER because I was afraid of the cost I would have to pay, especially after just paying for the knee surgeries the past month. I went to a grocery store's bathroom and sat, and it bled again. My penis was cut a few centimeters away from the tip. I got it to stop bleeding and continued. Finally I couldn't take it and looked for an instacare place. I told them I had fallen on a fence and cut my penis and they had a laceration doctor there to help. Unfortunately, he said he had never seen such a problem and so he spoke to a urologist over the phone. The urologist suggested that I meet him in the ER where he would perform surgery.
I arrived to the ER and met with the urologist after like an hour and a half of a wait. LUCKILY, he said that the cut was just in the penis' foreskin. He said I wouldn't bleed to death or anything like that, and he said I didn't bust a vein or anything else that would have caused further trouble. I'll save you the details as to what happened but, long story short, he stitched my penis to close the two cuts. The largest cust was about 2cm wide and the other was like half a cm. I now have a stitched penis. The stitches dissolve in 2 weeks. I'm on antibiotics and I have some painkillers which I can take (which fortunately I haven't needed yet). My penis doesn't hurt but it does feel a bit uncomfortable every once in a while. Now I'm completely terrified about the money that I'll have to pay for the surgery. I paid the hospital copayment now as well as the other instacare place. I'm terrified in case my insurance doesn't cover. There's NO WAY EVER that I'm telling ANYONE in my family about this. I cannot tell them about this surgery at all. I'm BEGGING that I can pay it without them finding out.
I'm debating whether or not to upload that video. It's a solid stomp from a girl that said she's considering being a ballbuster after I told her about it. I'm sure it's a 5-star video, but I feel a lot of pain by watching it. It saddens me because of the effects it had on me. That video ruined me in many ways. I'm crushed, and I'm seriously considering to stop ballbusting because of that. I love ballbusting. I love when a hot female dominates me through kicks, knees, stomps and the sort, and I've been quite succesful at getting over 100 random girls to bust me. However, I can't do something that will have such a devastating effect on me. I'm considering quitting.
What do you guys think? PLEASE comment, I want to know everyone's input.
Thank you all for making me feel appreciated, valued and cared for with my ballbusting fetish. I have never been accepted with it as I have been here.

09-05-2010, 02:32 PM
Bah, well, that's one of the risks if you push your fetish too hard. I never practice hard ballbusting, just light or medium, and I don't want my dick to be destroyed so just I avoid stupid games like beeing stomped when my dick is hard.

That guy will be terrified for a while, then he'll forget everything and will be back to his fetish, probably with renewed and stronger desire; it's always the same.

BTW, I think Obama was going to provide free health care in the USA, isn't it? Sometimes I think you should waste less in the Army and spend more on your own care, guys.

Alec Anaconda
09-06-2010, 09:46 AM
This story illustrates, yet again, the danger of receiving clothed CBT.
Wearing two layers over the target is asking for trouble.

I knew the brunette hits very hard and she liked to bully others when she was younger.

Again, asking for trouble.
It’s the top’s responsibility to cause pain without serious injury, so one needs to pick carefully.

Nevertheless, I wish this man a speedy recovery.

Alec Anaconda

10-06-2010, 11:03 AM
[QUOTE=chablife;83990 I'm considering quitting.

I think many of us will be happy to quit this fetish like quitting smoking.

Do you really heard about a guy involved in ballbusting that really quit?

Alec Anaconda
10-06-2010, 12:17 PM
I’m still attempting to give up the cigarettes!

10-07-2010, 06:12 PM
he needs better doms, and needs to rein things in a bit. he should be able to get financing I think for the hospital bills, if not just pay what he can when he can and learn from the lesson. its too bad he can't use the videos to make a few dollars to pay for the bills? and would the doms be willing to help out a bit? probably not but in theory they should. i hope he finds a lady that will care about him to share his fetish with.