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View Full Version : Ballbusting disaster and varicoceles question

09-14-2010, 09:05 AM
Hi all.. I'm an occasional subscriber and lurker here, and noticed that in the past year there's been a couple topics on varicoceles (including someone who had a surgery a few months ago) so I thought I'd ask people here about their experiences with this condition.

Short story: I'm a late bloomer, got into BB at a preschool age, but due to lengthy circumstances only came out with my fetish like a year or two ago :wooow

So having maybe had a handful of BB experiences in my life, all good, I was dying for a few kicks. It's totally my primary fetish in every way. After all these years of waiting, right when I get set up with a friend of a friend who is an awesome, intelligent dom with a great sense of humor, just before booking my first session, I start getting pains in my scrot.

Four months (and nearly going crazy from the seeming irony) later, I have some nice fat lumps and it turns out I indeed have varicoceles. The pains have been slowly dying down over the summer but still come and go on a daily basis, however the vessels are much more prominent than they were a few months ago.

OK so before I jump headfirst through my office window to relieve the irony of the situation and the frustration (figuratively speaking :wooow) I'm just wondering about people's experiences here with varicoceles and ballbusting.

Has anyone here had varicocele surgery or embolization and found they can still continue with BB? I won't be seeing the urologist until next March at which time he'll make recommendations. I'm willing to put up with the status quo if I can still continue with BB in some form.

Any lifestyle recommendations, feel free to suggest as well.

What I'd give to meet a nice sweet sadist who would turn all of this into fun instead of more prolonged waiting and frustration :cussing:

Thanks for your suggestions!

07-20-2011, 04:24 AM
Has anyone here had varicocele surgery or embolization and found they can still continue with BB? I won't be seeing the urologist until next March at which time he'll make recommendations. I'm willing to put up with the status quo if I can still continue with BB in some form.

I do not have any experiences with that - but what did you do? And did you ask the doctor directly about ballbusting?

07-20-2011, 04:54 AM
I've never had problems like that. I suggest you just to practice light/medium ballbusting and let the hard ballbusting stuff for professionals. Not everybody can take what Brother Love can.

My first experiences were with scorts, but I always explained to them the limits of the things I wanted. Since I was able to meet several gf willing to do it, I always told them what was pleasure and what was too much.

So no matter how far you imagination might go, just keep in mind that your testicles are not steel in the real life. Better to watch hard bb on the Internet than visiting a doctor in the real life. And try not to practice ballbusting while you're drunk, you might not feel the pain at that moment but next day you can find a dreadful surprise between your legs.

07-20-2011, 07:58 AM
I have a varicole in one testicle but I'm not sure if I was born with it or not.

I left the dungeon in no pain despite knees and squeezing of the non varicole testicle (shots to the one with the varicole hurt too much). Went to a strip club after!

You should ease up --- she gave me 50% power knees as I didn't want any damage or residual pain. 100% I want to try but not at the risk of a rupture of pain for a week or a hospital visit.

I'd listen to my body and lighten it up a bit.