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View Full Version : Tolerance and understanding

10-08-2010, 12:09 PM
I have been thinking about this for a while and would like to share it with you.
As you know most people would think of my, our fetish to be sick and twisted because it is so far from the norm. But because of it being disliked, i think we are alot more understanding of other peoples pesonal likes/ turn ons. e.g. I do not understand nor like scat, it dosent interest me at all I dont see the point in it but I would not judge anyone for liking it, just as I wished i would not be judged for my PERSONAL fetishes. If i found out a friend liked scat or another "questionable" fetish it would make me feel no different towards them, but perhaps if I was "normal" and dident have this fetish I would distance myself from them as most would. in conclusion I think that......well i cant think of a fitting conclusion to sum it but maybe it should be something like this: "if two people have things about them regarded to be strange by society then those simmilarities can cause tolerance and understanding" Maybe that is where many faults are in society, no matter our religion, skin colour or fetishes we are all human and should be accepted as we are.

I may have seemed in this retoric :) that I dislike my fetish but I do not, i enjoy it and make the most of it. I dont post often on here but I thought I would share my though with you and see what you think. Im also not the best writer so please excuse it ;D

10-12-2010, 04:38 PM
Hi, I really like your subject and approach! I am at a point that I cannot imagine anyone WITHOUT a special like or fetish (whatever it may be)... For me, the 'normal' world just seems very boring! It needs some flavour, preferably between 2 people who just love to make eachother feel great! Thanx! dutchgroom

10-13-2010, 02:15 PM
"If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket..." - Thomas Jefferson

11-07-2010, 09:25 AM
Everyone has one`s own skeleton in one`s wardrobe. And those who suppose other people to be strange or sick have dozens of skeletons themselves. They just afraid to confess it. The main thing is not to confuse fantasies with reality.