View Full Version : Ballbusting Emporium - a new episode

10-23-2010, 08:55 AM
For those of you who have enjoyed my stories here's a new one.

Ballbusting Emporium – Jody

It had been nearly a month since Greg had won the tournament, but Judy hadn’t seen or heard from him since that day. She was beginning to get worried that she had gone too far and scared him away.

In her mind their relationship had the potential to go beyond a simple business/client arrangement. After she’d made him cum under her stockinged feet and had him lick his sperm from her legs, she realized she had genuine affection for Greg. Although she’d abused the balls of hundreds of men and made them cum, she never felt any emotion; she was simply providing a service for which the men had paid.

But Greg was different. He was such a polite young man and showed genuine respect for not only Judy, but all the women that worked at the Emporium. If and when he returned, Judy planned to let him know that she would personally attend to his desires.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a client. “Good afternoon, Fred,” she greeted the man. “What can we do to your balls today?”

“Hi Judy,” Fred smiled at her. “I think I’d like a really good squeezing. Is Tammy available?”

“She sure is,” Judy responded. “I’ll let her know you’re here. She’ll meet you in room 105. Go on back.”

“Thanks so much, Judy,” Fred said.

As Fred headed back to the assigned room, Judy realized that he was every bit as polite as Greg. ‘What’s the difference between them?’ she wondered. As she went about completing some paperwork she heard some muffled moans emanating from one of the client rooms. She smiled and thought, ‘Tammy sure didn’t waste any time. It sounds like she’s already got his balls in her famous death-grip.’



The unmistakable sound of shoeleather against a naked pair of balls resounded through the room. The knees of the man on the receiving end buckled, but he did not go down. He gagged a couple of times, but resumed the proper position without being told.

Lisa was impressed. She was with a first-time client who had purchased a package of twenty-five kicks. After taking the first fifteen at the solid level, he had asked her to give him the next ten at full force. The latest was kick number twenty-one and she had yet to put him on the ground.

“I must say, James, that your balls are able to take quite a bit of punishment. I don’t ever remember any of my clients taking so many kicks without going to the floor at least once.”

“Years of practice,” James panted. “Please, give me another one.”


Lisa’s high-heeled shoe landed dead center in James’ balls. Both organs were flattened against his pelvic bone. This one stood him up and caused his eyes to bug out of his head. Then he finally went down to one knee.

“I could really feel your balls compress with that one, James,” Lisa observed. “Are you okay?”

“I – I’m fine,” he gasped. “Please, give me another one.”

“Whatever you want. You’ve paid, in more ways than one.”

Lisa drew back her leg and let her foot fly yet again.


Her aim was deadly accurate. James’ balls had nowhere to go but completely flat. He fell to the floor in complete agony, clutching his battered testicles. He gagged several times and fought for breath. Lisa stood and watched calmly, tapping the toe of her shoe on the floor.

After a few minutes, James struggled to his feet and assumed the proper position. “I believe I have two more kicks coming,” he said weakly.

“Yes, you do,” Lisa confirmed. “Are you sure you want to take them? I know they’re your balls, but I’d really hate to ruin you.”

“I can take two more,” James assured her. “I know it looks bad, but I know my limit.”

Lisa shrugged and said, “You’re the boss.”

She stepped in front of James and delivered the most powerful kick yet.


An unearthly scream rose from James’ throat. Lisa had felt one of his balls pop with this kick. Instead of catching his balls on the top of her foot and shoe, the toe of her pump had landed dead center in his right testicle and driven through with enormous force. The result was inevitable.

Calmly, Lisa buzzed Judy on the intercom and told her what had happened. Judy immediately dialed 911.

Lisa tried to comfort James as he rolled on the floor in impossible agony. “Easy, James. The paramedics are on their way. It’ll only be a few minutes.”

“It’s okay,” James gasped through tightly clenched teeth. “It was bound to happen eventually. Thank you for popping my ball.”

“Uh… you’re welcome,” she said, puzzled by James’ reaction to losing one of his balls.

“Would you…” James managed to say between gasps of pain. “Would you consider selling me those pumps as a souvenir?”

“Oh… kay,” Lisa agreed, even more confused. “They cost $200.00 when I bought them.”

“No problem,” James hissed through clenched teeth. “I’ll be happy to pay you $400.00. That should be enough to purchase a replacement pair and pay you for your trouble.”

“That’s more than a fair price,” Lisa said.

“Please hand me my wallet. It’s in my pants pocket, over there.”

Lisa retrieved James’ wallet and he extracted the money and gave it to her. Lisa slipped her feet out of the pumps and put them with the pile of James’ clothes. Just then Lisa heard a commotion from up front.

“Sounds like the paramedics are here,” she said.

“That’s… good,” James grunted. “And thank you again for everything, Lisa.”

“You’re welcome,” she said in complete disbelief as the medical people entered and went to tend James’ injury.


After the techs had left and taken James to the hospital, Judy and Lisa discussed the event.

“Was that the first ball you popped, Lisa?” Judy asked. “I know you’ve never had it happen here.”

“No, it’s not,” Lisa admitted. “A number of years ago I was teaching a self-defense class and I was sparring with a man in a demonstration. He was wearing a cup, but unfortunately for him, one of my kicks knocked it out of place and before he could say anything or stop me, I gave him a follow-up kick and crushed his left nut. I was barefoot and I could feel it go flat. I was absolutely horrified at what happened, but the man realized it was an accident – terrible for him – but an accident nonetheless. Luckily, his right ball wasn’t affected and he retained full sexual potency.”

“It’s not like you to miss your target,” Judy observed. “How did it happen?”

“I’m convinced James wanted it to happen,” Lisa said. “Just as my shoe was about to connect, I’m sure he flinched and pulled back a bit. So instead of the flat part of the top of my foot hitting him, the pointed toe of my shoe went directly into his ball. Even so, it was a one in a million shot that his ball would pop.”

“And then he bought the shoes you kicked him with,” Judy confirmed.

“That’s right. Plus he gave me a huge tip.”

“Amazing,” Judy shook her head in disbelief. “I’ve been at this for quite a few years now, and I’ve only seen a man’s balls ruined one other time. “It was…”

Just then the mailman arrived. He smiled at the two beautiful young women as he placed several letters on the counter.

“Hi there, Dave,” Judy greeted the young man. “Have you given some more thought to partaking of our services here?”

“Um, yes, I have, Judy,” he answered. “I – I think I just might give it a try.”
“That’s wonderful,” Judy said. “”We have an immediate opening.”

“Gee… I, uh, can’t right now,” Dave stumbled over his words. “I, uh… I have to finish my route.”

“Of course,” Judy acknowledged. “Maybe this evening? We’re open late.” Her smile was quite alluring.

“I… uhhh… well, okay, yes,” Dave finally decided. “I’ll come back after dinner.”

“Excellent! However, I wouldn’t recommend eating too much,” Judy advised. “First timers have been known to get a bit nauseous.”

“Ohhhhhh… Right,” Dave realized.

“Don’t worry about it,” Judy encouraged him. My staff are all highly trained professionals who will give you exactly what you want. They can be gentle and sensual, or downright vicious. The choice is completely yours.”

“Th-that’s good to know,” Dave stammered nervously.

“Well, we’ll see you later, then?” Judy smiled her most enticing smile.
“Around 6:30?”

“Okay,” Dave agreed. “I’ll give it a try.” He returned Judy’s smile with a weak one of his own as he left to finish his route.

Lisa had watched the whole exchange in amazement. She genuinely enjoyed working at the Ballbusting Emporium, but was often flabbergasted at what the men would let the women do to their balls. Her thoughts were interrupted by an astonished cry from Judy.

“Holy shit! Not again!”

“What is it?” Lisa asked.

“A letter from my sister,” Judy said as she tore open the envelope and began to read.

“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Lisa said.

“I never mention her to anyone. I banished her from my life years ago.
“Really? Why would you have done something like that?”

“Because she is an egotistical, incorrigible miscreant who embarrassed me and nearly ruined my business.”

“Whoa!” gasped Lisa. “What happened?”

“She wanted a job here and I made the mistake of giving her a chance. “I knew I shouldn’t have, but against my better judgment I gave it a try.”

“What did she do?” Lisa asked.

“Remember how I said I’d only seen a man’s balls ruined one other time? She kicked a client in anger and neutered him,” Judy sighed. “One of my best customers and a really nice man.”

“Oh dear,” Lisa said softly. “How did it happen?”


Judy hadn’t seen her younger sister, Jody, in several years. Not since the “incident”. After graduating from college Judy had decided to make the Ballbusting Emporium her career. Recruiting the right kind of women to work for her proved to be a challenge. There was no shortage of women who, for whatever reason, wanted to simply turn a man’s nuts to paste. Judy had no use for them; she wanted repeat business, not ruined clients.

When Jody graduated from college a few years later, Judy’s business was booming and Jody need a short term job until she could land one in her chosen field. Unfortunately, Jody was quite a wildcat, and she tended to lose control of her emotions at the wrong time. Judy was well aware of this and had refused to hire Jody on several occasions.

“Come on, Sis,” Jody pleaded. “Please give me a chance. Just for a month or two. I’ve got a lot of résumés out there and it shouldn’t be long until I land the job I’m looking for.”

Judy shook her head. “I don’t know, Jody. You’re certainly capable physically. The guys would love your long, beautiful legs and pretty feet. But this job requires a lot of self-control. You can’t do what YOU want. You have to respect the client and give them what THEY want.”

“I know, Judy. I know I can be difficult at times and don’t like taking direction. But I’m sure I’d be good at this.”

“Well… okay,” Judy reluctantly agreed. “I do need someone right now. One of the girls is going on vacation for a month.”

“Great!” Jody gushed. “I promise I won’t let you down.”

‘I hope not,’ Judy thought to herself.


Judy called in one of her best customers and asked if he would like to volunteer to help train a new ballkicker. He quickly agreed and arrived at the Emporium in less than half an hour.

“Eliot,” I’d like you to meet my younger sister, Jody,” Judy introduced him. “She will be starting work here and I need to make sure she understands the correct way to kick a man in the balls without ruining him.”

“Hello, Jody,” Eliot smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, Eliot,” Jody answered. She wore a short skirt that ended several inched above her knees and on her feet were a pair of navy blue open-toed pumps with four-inch heels. The open toes revealed she had her nails polished a deep, rich red.

Eliot couldn’t help but stare at Jody’s legs and feet. He felt his penis thickening. He couldn’t wait to get kicked by this lovely woman.

“Let’s all go back to one of the rooms and we’ll get started,” Judy directed.
The three of them walked down the hall and Judy led them into an empty room.

“Okay, Eliot, get undressed and we can begin,” said Judy.

Eliot quickly stripped down as the two women watched. When he pulled off his underwear, his erection sprang up proudly.

“Wow,” you must be happy to see me,” Jody teased.

“Yes, ma’am,” Eliot admitted. “You are beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Jody said.

“All right, let’s get started,” Judy interjected. “Now Jody, what we do here is provide a service for our clients. They are here to have their balls abused in some way, but not, I repeat NOT, to be permanently injured. You must remember that. If a client asks you to stop, then stop. Don’t try to talk them into taking more. They know when they have reached their limit.”

“I understand,” said Jody.

“Good.” Judy then continued, “I’ll demonstrate the three levels of kicks we offer. First, there is the light kick. This is where novices start.” Judy moved in front of Eliot and swung her leg in an easy arc so that the top of her foot landed in his balls with a soft ‘plop.’ Eliot barely flinched. He was an old pro at this and his balls could take a lot of punishment.

“You see how I did that, Jody? Nice and easy. Never make the mistake of kicking too hard. Always err on the side of too easy. If the client wants you to kick a little harder, then go ahead. Let him guide you.”

“Okay,” Jody nodded in agreement.

“Now you try it.”

Jody moved into position in front of Eliot. She smiled at him. His erection still stood proud, saluting the two beautiful women. Jody lifted her leg to gauge the distance and then copied the smooth motion Judy had demonstrated. Jody’s pump connected dead center in Eliot’s balls with the same soft ‘plop’ as had Judy’s. Eliot winced just a bit, but stood completely still.

“Very nice, Jody,” Judy complimented. “Now I’ll show you our second level – what we call solid kicks. Novices usually don’t want to try these until their third or fourth session because a kick this hard really starts to hurt. Please watch closely.”

Judy took her spot in front of Eliot and took a practice step to set her aim. Then she sent her high-heeled foot directly into Eliot’s dangling balls. It landed with a much louder SPLAT than the light kick and Eliot’s knees buckled slightly. He gasped but he remained standing, as did his cock.

“You see how much more that affected him, Jody?” Judy asked.

“Yes. And I’d imagine that after four or five of them it would really hurt a lot.”

“That’s right. And you have to resist the temptation to increase how hard you deliver each succeeding kick. Each one should be delivered with as close to the same amount of force as possible. It takes some practice and after a while it comes naturally. But at first you must really focus on making each kick the same,” Judy explained. “Ready to give it a try?” she asked.

“I sure am,” Jody said.

“Are you ready, Eliot?” Judy asked.

“Yes ma’am,” he answered. “It is a pleasure to be a part of training a new kicker.”

Judy said, “Let’s see how well you can deliver a solid kick, Jody.”

Jody went through the pre-kick routine and when she had lined herself up, launched her sexy shoe straight into Eliot’s waiting balls. It was a direct hit and made a sickening SPLAT, but Eliot took it like a trooper. He bent over and coughed, but immediately straightened up, his erection still as strong as ever.

“Wow! I’m impressed,” Judy admired her sister’s work. “That’s exactly the way a solid kick should be delivered.”

“Thanks,” Jody said. “I think Eliot liked it, too.”

“Judging by the way his cock is pointing to the sky, I’d have to agree,” Judy laughed. “Now I want to show you a full-force kick. Remember, full-force is just a relative term. If I were to really kick Eliot’s balls as hard as I could, I’d turn them to paste.”

Eliot audibly gulped as he heard Judy say this.

“I’m going to demonstrate a full-force kick and I want you to watch very carefully, Jody. I do not want to destroy Eliot’s balls. He doesn’t want me to destroy his balls. This kick is meant to bring a man to his knees – NOT ruin him.”

Judy stood in front of Eliot and smiled at him. He nervously returned her smile with one of his own. “Relax, Eliot. We’ve done this before. I know you can take it.”

“Yes, ma’am, I know I can. But I know it will hurt.”

“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” Judy asked.

“Definitely. I want you to kick me in the balls and make them ache.”

“Your wish is my command,” Judy said as she stepped into position to deliver the most devastating kick yet.

Eliot took a couple of deep breaths and braced himself. Judy looked him right in the eye and then propelled her shoe at frightening speed deep into Eliot’s exposed balls. There was a nauseating SPLAT, immediately followed by a whoosh of air escaping from Eliot’s lungs. Then, an agonized moan as he collapsed to the floor.

“Were you watching, Jody?” asked Judy. “Did you see how I ever so slightly tempered the kick at the very end? I still got him with tremendous force, but not so much that I would crush his balls.”

“I did see that,” Jody admitted. “That must take a lot of practice to time it right.”

“It does,” Judy said. “But when Eliot is able to stand again I want you to give it a try. Kick him hard, but don’t do it like you’re trying to kick a sixty-yard field goal. You’ll ruin him for sure.”

After a couple of minutes Eliot struggled to his feet. His legs were wobbly, but his erection was still as firm as ever.

“Th-thank you, Judy,” he breathed softly. “That was one of your best ever.”

“You’re most welcome, Eliot,” Judy said. I see you are still saluting us.”

Eliot blushed and said, “Yes, ma’am. I’ve never had the privilege of being kicked in the balls by two such beautiful women at the same time before.”
“All right, Jody,” Judy said, “line him up and let him have it.”

“With pleasure.”

Judy was a bit alarmed at the tone with which Jody spoke. And the look in her eyes was becoming way too intense. ‘Please don’t make me regret I’m letting you do this, Jody,’ she thought.

Jody was standing in front of Eliot setting up for her kick. Like a cruel tease, she began rubbing the open toe of her shoe on the underside of Eliot’s turgid cock. She tickled him just beneath the head on that most sensitive of spots with her red toenail. Eliot began to tremble. Unfortunately, she kept at for a couple of seconds too long. Eliot gasped and ejaculated so forcefully his semen hit Jody in the face. Several other spurts landed on her dress and legs.

“Why you little pig!” she shouted. “How dare you do that to me?”

“Jody… NO!” Judy warned.

But she was too late. Jody drew back her leg and sent her foot flying directly into Eliot’s defenseless balls at absolute full power. She might have made a seventy-yard field goal had she been kicking a football. The sound of Jody’s pump impacting Eliot’s balls was absolutely sickening. There was no way the soft orbs could withstand such enormous pressure. Eliot’s balls exploded on impact.

The poor man sank to the floor screaming and rolling in agony. He clutched his ruined balls and simply wailed.

“Damn it, Jody!” Judy yelled. “Why did you have to do that?”

“That little pig shot his disgusting goo all over me!”

“It was your own fault! You saw how excited he was from looking at our legs and feet. What did you think would happen if you teased him the way you did?”

“Ahh… bullshit!” Jody shrugged. “He had it coming.”

“HE DID NOT!” Judy scolded her sister. “He is a very nice man and one of my best customers. And now you’ve ruined him. Get out of here and don’t ever come back. I knew I couldn’t trust you.”

“But…” Jody started to protest.

“Don’t say anything more,” Judy warned. “Just leave. I don’t know how I’m going ever make it up to Eliot, but I do not want you anywhere around when he regains his senses. Now… OUT! AND DON’T EVER COME BACK!”

Jody glared at her sister for a moment and then headed out the door. Judy glared back at her. There was no mistaking the anger in Judy’s eyes. Without any attempt at an apology, Jody walked away.


“That’s terrible,” Lisa said somewhat angrily. “I’ve had guys unexpectedly unload on me, but that’s part of the job.”

“Yes, and you know that. That’s why you’re so good at your job. You can kick a man’s balls to the edge of annihilation, but never cross the line of losing control.”

“What happened to Eliot?” Lisa asked.

“I was very fortunate,” Judy recalled. “He was far more forgiving than he should have been. I took care of all his medical expenses. His balls had to be removed. Jody’s kick had completely ruptured both of them. I waited at the hospital while the doctor performed the surgery. I was at Eliot’s bedside when he woke up. I explained to him what had happened and he just sort of shrugged and smiled weakly. He told me that he expected something like that would happen to him eventually. I apologized profusely for Jody’s foolishness but he told me everything would be okay. He told me that the orgasm she gave him right before she kicked him was by far the most intense and satisfying he’d ever had and that he would cherish it forever.”

“Wow!” Lisa said in amazement. “The guy I accidently ruined today takes it in stride and even wants the shoes I used. And your sister sadistically kicks a guy completely out of control and he takes it in stride. It’s hard to believe guys could be so forgiving about losing their balls.”

“I know,” Judy agreed. “I still feel bad about being so careless and letting Jody have the chance to kick him.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by the emergence of Fred from the back. He was hunched over and walking bowlegged.

“Well, hello Fred,” Judy greeted him. “Looks like your session with Tammy went well.”

“It sure did,” he said barely, above a whisper. “I can’t believe how strong that woman’s hands are. When she had hold of my balls it felt like they were being crushed under a truck.”

“She is very talented,” Judy bragged. “Once she gets her grip locked in on a guy’s balls there’s no way he’s getting loose until she’s ready.”

“Tell me about it,” Fred laughed softly, and then winced.

“I hope we’ll see you again, soon, Fred,” Judy invited.

“I’ll definitely be back,” he responded.

“Good-night, then,” Judy said.

“Good-night,” added Lisa smiling.

“Good-night to you, too, lovely ladies,” said Fred as he hobbled out the front door.

“So…” Lisa looked at Judy with inquiring eyes. “What’s in the letter?”

Judy just shook her head. “The usual crap. She wants to apologize. I get a letter from her about once a year. She says she’s reformed and wants to try to make amends. I always write back to her and tell her the same thing: If she can find a way to restore Eliot’s balls I’ll be happy to talk. Of course that’s impossible. Every time I respond I expect that she’ll give up. But she keeps trying.”

“It must be tough, being alienated from your sister,” Lisa mused.

“It is,” Judy admitted. “But every time I think about what she did and what could have happened, I stick to my guns. No matter what she says I just can’t trust her.”


The next hour or so was pretty quiet. A couple of clients arrived for their appointments and walked eagerly back to their rooms. When they left, they were moving slowly, bent over and moaning, but satisfied.

At six-thirty on the dot Dave nervously walked through the front door. Judy looked up and smiled warmly.

“Hi, Dave! I’m so glad you want to give this a try. I’m sure you’re very nervous, but try not to be. The young lady you select to do the honor of your first ballbusting will be as gentle or as intense as you desire.”

Judy explained the options available and the prices. Dave listened carefully. Judy showed him the book of photos of the women from which he could choose. He stared at them like a kid in a candy store. They were all so beautiful.

Judy noticed he was having a difficult time making a selection. “May I make a suggestion?” she offered.

“S-sure,” Dave stammered. His hands were shaking.

“Lisa, the young woman who was with me this afternoon when you delivered the mail is available right now. She is our most popular kicker. She is especially good with novices such as yourself.”

“All – all right,” Dave agreed. “Sh-she is certainly one of the most gorgeous ladies I have ever seen. And her legs…” Dave’s eyes closed as he pictured Lisa’s legs. “Oh dear… they are so lovely.” His face reddened as he saw Judy looking at him.

“Please don’t be embarrassed, Dave,” she soothed. “We do not judge any man who comes through our doors. Our only desire is to provide the best service possible. And if that is kicking or squeezing or punching his balls, we don’t care why. Now, what would you like to have Lisa do to your balls?”

“Ummm… kick them, please,” Dave said.

“And how many kicks would you like? I usually recommend beginners start out with a five kick package. But you may certainly take more if that’s what you want.”

“No… no, five will be good for today,” Dave said.

“Very well,” Judy said. She collected the fee and added, “It would be best if you have her make the first two or three kicks light ones. If you decide you want them harder you can change at any time to solid kicks. I would highly recommend against a full-force kick. They are for experienced clients only. Now, no more chit-chat. Go on back to room 110 and enjoy yourself.”

As Judy watched Dave nervously head into the back, she smiled. She knew Lisa would treat him right. And she would very likely have a brand new regular customer.

Alec Anaconda
10-23-2010, 12:35 PM
Excellent layout and presentation!

Thank you for sharing your work; I know you have invested much time and effort into this.

Alec Anaconda

10-23-2010, 04:15 PM
Very nice story! Thanks for sharing.

10-24-2010, 02:14 AM

Your writing continues in its excellence. :bananajum

My only wish is that it would have come sooner. Still it was very much worth the wait. You have a very vivid style of writing. I readily visualize the characters and what they are doing. The level of detail seems perfect. So when will an Emporium open in a town near me?

I hope you continue to treat us with your outstanding writing.


10-24-2010, 08:33 AM
Thank you all for the encouragement. I hope to have my next installment completed much sooner.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a ballbusting emporium open in a city near you? Alas, these lovely, understanding women are alive only in my fantasy.

10-24-2010, 11:20 AM
Realy nice story, with great details :ibow4u:
If only a emporium like this would excist

10-24-2010, 11:43 AM
Dude, i LOVE your stories!!!
Did you wrote something else with bb or just the Ballbusting Emporium series?

10-24-2010, 11:45 PM
I am so happy and overjoyed to see that you are continuing your story. Thank you for your time and dedication to making such wonderful ballbusting stories!:thumbup

Alec Anaconda
10-25-2010, 12:20 PM
Alas, these lovely, understanding women are alive only in my fantasy.

However, this creation from your imagination is logical and consistent, so it makes for easy reading.

Your men are exceptionally generous, undemanding and absurdly tolerant; again remarkably consistent.

You have established your style and your readers enjoy it, for it is comfortable.

Alec Anaconda

10-25-2010, 03:29 PM
bob1111 - I gave a bump to the top of the forum for one of my early stories titled: Kicking for a Million.