View Full Version : My first attempt at a story

11-29-2010, 12:18 PM
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000161 EndHTML:0000019967 StartFragment:0000002349 EndFragment:0000019931 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/Owner/Desktop/sss.doc @font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Synopsis: This is my first attempt at a story. Be brutally honest and tell me what you think. If a lot of people like it, there may be a couple sequels. This story, like most BB stories has a ridiculous plot. The plot is such to facilitate Bobby, the main character with giant testicles, being brutally beaten by groups of attractive women. The violence and humiliation are pretty extreme, but in a cartoon-ish way, so that there is no permanent injury, let alone ********** to the protagonist. I hope you enjoy it.

Bobby stepped off the school bus and began to slowly shuffle towards his home at the end of the long driveway. At 18 years old, Bobby was a smaller boy, 5’4 in height and weighing just a little over 120 pounds. He had short blonde hair and brown eyes.

It was snowing heavily and quite cold out, but Bobby was in no rush to get home. He knew what was awaiting him, the same thing that had awaited him every day for the past 4 years. Bobby’s life had dramatically changed at the age of 14 when his step-mom, Eve, had caught him masturbating. Eve, a fanatically religious woman, and his only parental figure since his father had left when he was 4, had, then and there, decided that Bobby was mentally ill. Pulling a few strings at the hospital at which she worked, Eve had had Bobby, a fairly intelligent boy, classified as having Severe Mental Retardation. This had allowed her to have lifetime custody of Bobby, which she told Bobby in private would allow her to “cure him.” Secretly, Bobby always wondered if it is was really the masturbation that had so upset his step-mom, or the fact that Bobby was a freak.

As Bobby neared the house, he could see his step-mom waiting for him on the porch. Sitting next to her were two of the neighbor girls, Alex and Jennifer. Alex was a tall, beautiful blonde, with piercing blue eyes. Beneath her thick winter coat, she was a skinny girl with light skin. The other girl, Jennifer, was shorter and brunette. While Alex was conventionally beautiful, Jennifer was cute and energetic. She wasn’t as skinny as Alex, but Bobby had always admired her curves, particularly her ample breast. Eve was also a brunette, at just over 40. Her face, while attractive, was also creased with age. However, her body put both of the teenage girls sitting next to her to shame. She was 6’0, an inch taller than Alex, with DD breasts, a narrow waist, and wide hips; she was a stunning woman.

“Hi, honey,” Eve greeted Bobby, “your friends Alex and Jennifer braved the cold today just to come see you and help you with you therapy.”

“Hi, Bobby.” Both girls said in unison with big smiles on their faces.

Ever since Bobby’s “therapy program” had been moved outside, because Eve had said it was becoming too messy, the neighbor girls always wanted to help. When it was nice out, it wasn’t uncommon to have two dozen girls over to serve as aides in Bobby’s therapy.

Bobby assumed his “therapy position,” grabbing hold off the metal railing on the side of the porch and spreading his legs. Eve pulled down Bobby’s thin sweatpants to reveal Bobby’s shame. Trapped behind his legs, in a homemade humbler Bobby had gotten for Christmas two years past, were two bulbous, dark-purple testicles.

Eve released the humbler, causing Bobby to gasp in pain as blood flowed back into his gigantic nuts. Hanging halfway to his knee, Bobby’s testicles each looked like fleshy grapefruits. There was not a hair on either orb, or anywhere on his genitals. Eve, an extreme clean-freak, could not stand pubic hair. If she found even a single hair, there was hell to pay.

Strapped to his right leg with two belt straps, reaching almost 2/3rds the way to his knee, was Bobby gigantic, erect penis. Bulging with veins and also a dark shade of purple from lack of blood flow, Bobby’s 15 inch cock looked horrific. The member was not only long, but had matching girth, having a greater circumference than a typical baseball bat by several inches. Stuffed in his cock-hole was one of Bobby’s plugs, which was used to, as Eve put it, “stop my little man’s leaks.” According the package the plug came in, it was indeed meant for human insertion, being designed as one of the larger models of erotic, anal plugs. Eve had simply put it to a different purpose, or rather a different orifice.

Eve left Bobby’s cock tied to his leg, but took out the big, black plug. As usual, Bobby’s cock instantly began to drool. It was hardly surprising, as aside from Bobby’s once monthly release, Bobby was never allowed to cum. For that matter, he wasn’t even allowed to touch his genitals without permission.

With his pants at his ankles, Bobby was freezing. However, the cold was currently the least of his worries. Now that everything was prepared, Bobby’s therapy could begin.

“Well girls,” Bobby heard Eve say from behind him, “which one of you sweetie-pies would like to run Bobby’s session today?”

“Alex can,” he heard Jennifer say. “She’s better with him than I am. I’ll just watch.”

“It’s nothing to feel bad about,” Eve responded. “You’ll get better with practice. The important thing is your trying to help Bobby, which I am so thankful for…Well Alex why don’t you begin, it’s really getting cold out here.”

With those words Bobby gritted his teeth. Having been taught the good manner not to turn around, Bobby stood there, sweating despite the cold weather, waiting for the inevitable. Despite the thousands of times Bobby had gone through this, it never became any easier.

Alex chose to take a running start, so he heard it coming. And then, it was there. Alex’s knee cap met Bobby’s right testicle with a thud. Although it occurred in a quarter of a second, Bobby could feel, through his agony, exactly what was happening. The kneecap smashed directly into his nut meat, sending a jolt through his body. The pain increased when the now flying orb met his pelvic bone. As the final crescendo, Alex’s knee, still swinging upward, met with the meaty sphere, mashing it nearly flat against Bobby’s pelvic bone. Being a veteran, Alex then performed a half-second long grind, to added effect.

Bobby whimpered. Alex Giggled.

Then the assault continued in earnest. Over and over and over again, Alex drove her knee into Bobby’s dangling balls. Half way through, in order to maintain balance, she grabbed onto Bobby’s shoulder, allowing the assault to continue.
After three minutes, and what seemed to Bobby like three years, her attack was halted and the three women examined Alex’s handiwork.

“That was very nice dear,” said Eve.

“You really did a number on that right nut,” Jennifer added.

“Looks like I did,” Alex said with a giggle.

“Yes, it looks quite swollen,” Eve said sweetly, “You did a good job. Would you care to continue? Perhaps you could focus on the swollen area?”

“Of coarse,” replied Alex, “Anything to help Bobby.”

Bobby had been using the break to quietly cry into the railing. Mommy had ingrained in him, early on in his therapy, that “nobody likes a crybaby.” Crying was a sign that he needed more therapy.

Alex stepped up to her target and sized it up. Bobby’s mangled right nut was now hanging lower than his left and swollen a great deal larger. Planting her left foot, Alex drove the tip of her winter boot straight into the back of Bobby’s dangling nut meat, sending the swollen testicle flying into the porch railing. The second kick caught Bobby’s right nut directly on the bottom, shooting it into his pelvic bone. The third kick again caught Bobby directly from behind. This time it was done with the bottom of the boot, and Alex made sure to follow through, mashing the tortured orb between the bottom of her boot and the metal railing.

Bobby really didn’t remember much about kicks 4 through 139. He wouldn’t have known there were 139, except for the fact that Jennifer was quietly chanting the numbers.

At 139, Eve stated, “Well, I’m getting cold and you girls must be chilled too. How about 1 more and we call it a night?”

“Of coarse, Ma’am.” Alex said, positioning herself for he last kick.

“Wait!” called Jennifer, meekly adding, “can I help on this one?”

“What did you have in mind?” asked Alex.

“What if you did a running kick? You know, like a karate kick.”

“I don’t know,” said Alex. “It’s just going to slip away. Trust me, it wouldn’t be any better than a normal kick.”

“Well I was thinking,” Jennifer paused. “…Well, what if I held it? You know, held it tight so you could get a good kick in.”

“Awesome!” Alex said, as her eyes lit up.

“Girls, girls,” Eve interjected. “I know you just want to help Bobby, but I don’t know if this is a good idea. One of you could get hurt.”

“What if Alex misses,” Eve went on, looking at Jennifer. “You could break a finger.”

“Please Ma’am,” Both girls said in unison.

There was an awkward silence, which Eve finally broke stating, “I just pray neither of you gets hurt.”

Eve sat back down on the bench and both of the girls planned their stunt. Bobby was already in so much pain that he barely knew what was going on. His cock however, the engorged, purple monster strapped to his right leg, belayed another story. As Bobby genitals never received any sensual, physical contact, his meaty cock had come to crave any contact at all, no matter how brutal. Even as the two girls were planning the imminent destruction of his right testicle, Bobby’s cock was straining against its binding and drooling uncontrollably, so the a pool a semen had formed at Bobby’s feet.

Jennifer finally got a good grip on Bobby’s right testicle, which had come to resemble something of a mangled, flesh-covered football. Alex got in position on the other end of the deck.

“Ready?” Asked Alex.

“Just don’t missed,” answered Jennifer.

Alex came storming down the length of deck like a bull. Approaching her target, she leapt into the air just like some kung-fu movie, eliciting a gasp from Eve. Jennifer stood her ground and Alex’s aim was sound. Alex’s right boot slammed directly into Bobby’s trapped testicle with the weight of her whole body behind it, before Alex fell unceremoniously on her ass.

“Oh dear!” cried Eve. “Are you ok?”

“Just fine,” answered Alex with a smile while getting to her feet.

“Look!” cried Jennifer.

Bobby lay face down on the deck, trying to stifle his sobbing. The girls weren’t interested in that, however. Imprinted deep in the meat of his mashed right nut was Alex’s boot print.

All three women broke into uncontrollable laughter.

As the laughter subsided, Eve said, “Well I think it’s time we head in. Bobby do you have anything to say?”

“Thank you,” whimpered Bobby.

“You’re welcome!” The girls responded, followed by a series of giggles.

“Come along Bobby!” Called Eve impatiently. Bobby crawled over, and Eve unceremoniously crammed the black anal plug back into his cock hole.

Bobby began to slowly crawl to the entrance of the house. Mommy had always taught him to crawl when guests were over. However, even if he had been allowed to stand, he probably couldn’t have at the moment. Bobby slowly pulled himself into the house, his mutilated right testicle dragging on the ground behind him.

Eve turned to the girls, put a hand on each of their shoulders, and with tears in her eyes said, “Bobby really is lucky to have friends like you.”

To Be Continued???

11-29-2010, 03:46 PM
Nice work, lws8512. Well written with lots of creative ideas, even if a bit extreme. Please keep writing.

11-29-2010, 06:08 PM
Hi lws8512

Congratulations on writing an excellent story. :bananajum I really enjoyed reading it. I truly hope you continue your good work.

Incidentally, I hope we get to read of some barefoot action, as well as activity by the wicked stepmother. These are my preferences, not a criticisms.

poolman2 :bananawin

11-29-2010, 07:10 PM
I personally didn't like the story, but I did like the writing style. I think it's well written, and I'm curious to see what stories you will think up in the future.

11-30-2010, 12:16 PM
Thar was awesome! I'd love to read what happens next.

Alec Anaconda
11-30-2010, 01:26 PM
This story, like most BB stories has a ridiculous plot.

Be brutally honest and tell me what you think.

It takes courage, lws8512, to publish your first short story and ask for unencumbered criticism.
Well done!

You clearly have a talent for writing, so why use a plot that you feel is unrealistic?

Might I suggest you conceive a story involving consenting adults involved within, what you consider, a realistic situation?

If you want heavy action, you then contrive a means for this to occur.

Please keep writing.

Alec Anaconda

11-30-2010, 01:31 PM
This definately needs a part 2! and soon...I really enjoyed that :)

12-01-2010, 07:33 AM
Thank you for all the feedback, both positive a negative.

In response to a couple comments:

"Might I suggest you conceive a story involving consenting adults involved within, what you consider, a realistic situation?"

I guess why I gravitated to this admittedly unrealistic story is it allowed for a humiliation factor. I like the size thing too, don't know why. Any future stories will probably be unrealistic in that sense. Also, I like the brutality of the action. If I was writing realistically, Bobby would have to be rushed to the emergency room halfway through the first chapter. Way too many BB stories end with rupture or other horrible injury to the main character. I've always found that to be a huge turnoff, ruining the story for me.

In any case, just an explanation. Thank you for the constructive criticism. Naturally, in real life, BB and all BDSM activities should conducted only with consenting adults, but stories allow a little leeway in this realm. I guess, in a way, this falls under the genre of Fantasy BB. Perhaps, if I do another story, I will try something a little more realistic.

"I hope we get to read of some barefoot action, as well as activity by the wicked stepmother."

Ask and you shall receive. I am planning on doing at least two more chapters. A requested, the third chapter will feature barefoot action by the step-mother. If anyone else has any other such suggestions, feel free to voice them. I'll try to integrate your ideas where possible.

Please keep the feed back coming, it will determine whether I continue on past a third chapter.

I'll try to have the second chapter posted today...

12-01-2010, 10:20 AM
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000161 EndHTML:0000017467 StartFragment:0000002349 EndFragment:0000017431 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/Owner/Desktop/sss.doc @font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } SYNOPSIS: This is the second chapter of the story. It gets more brutal and unrealistic as I warned. I really do hope that is ok. If it helps, think of it less seriously and more in a carton-ish way. Also, keep in mind, its still less violent than most BB stories that end in permanent testicular damage for the protagonist. Please, please keep the feedback coming. I promise there will be one more chapter. Whether it continues after that will be dependent on reader feedback.

Bobby groaned as he slowly crawled along the wooden floor of the house. After that afternoon’s exceptionally intense therapy, his testicles ached horribly. His right nut in particular pulsated with a fiery pain as it dragged along the floor behind him. He could wished that this was something out of the ordinary, but the reality was, for the last 4 years, Bobby had lived with perpetually mashed nuts.

Bobby reached the staircase to the second floor, and used the railing to pull himself to his feet. His legs were weak, quaking from the assault he had just endured. With the help of the railing, he was just barely able to make it up the stairs. A few more unsupported, wobbly steps and he was in the bathroom. He turned the handle on the hot water faucet and began running a bath. When the tub was full, he trembled as he eased himself into the water.

This was something of a ritual. Everyday, after his post-school therapy, Eve made Bobby take a bath. His step-mom’s two main concerns were that Bobby clean his semen covered legs and shave his gigantic testicles; mommy could not abide messiness.

Bobby released the straps on his swollen, purple member. His meaty cock immediately swung violently upward so that, seated in the bathtub, the head of his raging member was about six inches from his chin. Generally speaking, this was its natural state. The mess on his right leg washed off easily. Bobby then proceeded to shave his two mangled orbs of nut meat, along with the rest of his pubic area, being especially ginger with his swollen right testicle. After his tasks were completed, he soaked in the tub another 10 minutes, as the warm water felt good on his tortured testicles.

After 10 minutes, knowing that dinner was waiting, Bobby slowly extracted himself from the bathtub. The pain that had wracked his body had subsided to some degree, allowing Bobby to stand more steadily. He dried off and proceeded back down the stairs.

Eve was waiting for him, sitting at the island in their kitchen. She had changed out of her winter clothes and was dressed in a bright red robe and gray sweatpants. Bobby joined her at the island butt naked, except for the anal plug still crammed up his urethra. Bobby wasn’t allowed to wear clothes in the house, Eve told him that this was to keep him from hiding any secrets. Thankfully though, when at home, Bobby didn’t have to wear his humbler or strap down his monstrous penis, except of course if guessed were over, in which case mother felt it best that his cock was firmly tied and that, according to her, “his two meat bags were in their proper place.”

“Hi honey,” Eve greeted him, “how was your day at school?”

“Good mommy,” Bobby lied, not wishing to upset his mother. His day at school, as most days at school, had been anything but good. The school girls, as always, had taken it upon themselves to give Bobby a little un-prescribed “therapy.”

“I’m glad to hear that sweetie,” Eve said with a smile. “I made chicken pot-pie for supper.”
Bobby awkwardly walked over to the stove and served step-mom and then himself. Between his freakish genitals and the therapy they received, everything Bobby did was somewhat awkward. They then sat down to a meal that, if not for the presence of a naked, battered, 18 year old boy, would have been reminiscent of a typical family dinner.

When Bobby had finished dinner he did the dishes and began his homework. Eve poured herself a glass of red wine and began reading a book. Bobby’s homework last him a while, and it was 7:30 before he packed up his books. Then, what he had been dreading since he had seen the first snow flake occurred.

“Bobby,” Eve said, “I know this is the first snowfall of the year, but I hope you haven’t forgotten that shoveling is one of your chores.”

“No Ma’am” Bobby said. The tears already welling up in his eyes.

“Go get the shovel honey,” Eve said somewhat sternly.

Bobby went out to the garage and retrieved the big wooden handled shovel. He returned inside and handed it to his mother. In the mean time, Eve had fetched the container of Vaseline from the bathroom. Bobby sat back down in his chair. Knowing what was going to happen, Bobby could barely control himself, and let out a audible whimper.

“Bobby,” Eve said somberly, “If you can’t control yourself, we won’t be needing the Vaseline.”

Bobby held in his anguish and Eve proceeded to prepare Bobby for shoveling the driveway. Two winters ago, Eve had devised a method so that the chore of shoveling could be part of Bobby’s therapy. When Eve had the shovel ready, she pulled out Bobby’s plug and set it in the kitchen sink.

“Now hold on to him,” Eve firmly commanded, referring to Bobby’s penis “And for heaven’s sake down let him drip on the floor, I don’t want a mess.”

Bobby griped down on his huge cock. Both of his hands just barely fit around the base. Once he had had his grip, Eve made her move, and, with all her might, rammed the greased handle of the snow shovel down Bobby’s cock hole. On its initial assault, the shovel made it about 8 inches in. With more pressure from Eve, and some strategic twisting and turning, the shovel eventually made it in another 5 inches. Eve took some bands and worked them around the very tip of Bobby’s pee hole, so the shovel could not escape. Wracked with pain, Bobby gasped for air, practically hyperventilating. Sitting there in the chair, with a shovel jutting out of the head of his cock, Bobby was a sorry sight to behold. Only adding to the pitiful sight was the fact that Bobby’s heavy breathing caused the head of the shuffle to repeated smack him in the face.

When Bobby was finally coherent, Eve ushered him outside, completely naked except for the snow shovel protruding from his mangled cock. Mommy had trained her boy well, through his tears, and with his hands clasped around his back so as not to ease his suffering, Bobby began shoveling the driveway. Eve went into the living room and lit a fire in the fireplace. She left momentarily to fetch her glass of wine, and then curled up in a comfy chair facing the Bay window to watch her step-son work.

Bobby’s ordeal was made worse by the fact that their long driveway wasn’t paved, but rather of the gravel variety. Every time the shovel hit a large stone or an unseen ridge on the driveway, agony would engulf Bobby’s demented shovel-cock. Upon hitting on particularly large stone halfway through his task, Bobby collapsed on his back in the snow, writhing in pain. After a moment, with no other choice, he clambered back to his feet and resumed his work. And so it continued.

Adding to his suffering was the fact that he knew his bedtime was rapidly approaching. If Bobby was not in his bed by 9, his insolence would be punished. So he hurried along, sobbing with each hidden stone in his path.

It was 8:50 when Bobby reached the end of the drive. Of coarse didn’t know this, as he didn’t have a watch. He might have made it in bed by his curfew, if it had not been for the shadowy figure sneaking up behind him. As Bobby was shoveling away the last stripped of snow, the shadowy figure made it’s move.

Bobby never saw or heard the pink snow boot coming his way. For some reason, it was always infinitely more painful when Bobby couldn’t sense a blow coming. So when the women’s size 8 snow boot, sailing through the cold winter air with incredible speed, met Bobby’s frozen, mashed testicles, the result was exquisite agony. Bobby stumbled forward, driving his shovel laden cock, with his full body weight behind it, into the snow bank. Bobby wanted to released a horrific wail, but all that came out was a gasp, as the boot made acquaintance with his balls a second time. A 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th meeting followed shortly thereafter. While not as powerful, these kicks were more precise and more swift, racking one mangled ball at a time, and causing Bobby’s swollen nut meat to jiggle to a sickening rhythm and also inadvertently driving the wooden shovel handle further and further up Bobby’s pee hole.

When the barrage stopped, Bobby could barely breath. His cock-shovel, wedged in the snow bank, was the only thing keeping him from collapsing. His legs trembled and his arms shudder at his side. His posture was reminiscent of some demented post modern sculpture.

“Hi Bobby!” A voice squealed from behind him.

It was Megan, one of the neighbor. She was a shorter girl, two inches shorter than Bobby. She was not fat, but neither could one call her slender. She was a full bodied girl. Breast, hips, waist, butt, legs, in all aspects she big. This didn’t mean she wasn’t attractive. Her body, while curvy, was still appealing. Her face, tan and with an always sweet look about it, was anything if not cute. It was framed by locks of beautiful chestnut brown hair.

In terms of personality, she was always happy and always trying to be helpful. She had taken a personal interest an “helping” Bobby almost immediately upon moving to the neighborhood. That is why Eve had asked her to be Bobby’s after school tutor two days a week. The only problem with that was that the girl was dumb as bricks.

“Sorry I didn’t make it over today to help with your therapy,” Megan continued in a sickenly sweet voice. “I was just so busy.”

Bobby whimpered as way of reply.

“I thought you might be upset I didn’t come.” Megan continued. “So, I just wanted to stop over and say ‘hi’ and let you know I’ll still be over tomorrow to help you in math.”

“Anyways.” Megan said after waiting for a response from Bobby that physically couldn’t come because the whole of his brain had switched over to the task of processing pain, “I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie.”

As way of parting, Megan blasted Bobby’s mangled nuts one last time and then turn and began to skip back down the street toward home.

How long Bobby remained there, propped up in the snow bank, he didn’t know. Eventually, when the pain had subsided enough, he continued his work, removing the last agonizing shove loads of snow from the driveway. He then stumbled toward the house with the shovel still protruding from his cock, although not so far as it had when he first went outside.

When he entered the door, he was greeted by his sweet mommy, who looked none too pleased. She said nothing and simply pointed to the clock the read 9:03. Bobby wanted to sob, but knowing the would make matters only worse, kept it to a sniffle. He knew his evening wasn’t over yet…

To Be Continued

12-01-2010, 02:09 PM
Looking the second chapter over again, I'm noticing a couple typos. Sorry bout that, I guess that's what you get when you don't proof it.

Alec Anaconda
12-02-2010, 12:32 PM
Looking the second chapter over again, I'm noticing a couple typos. Sorry bout that, I guess that's what you get when you don't proof it.

If you have not attempted any proofreading at all, then your small number of errors impresses me.

However, provided your work is readable, precision is not critical in a forum

No one has mentioned the elephant in the room, the control information at the start of each chapter.
The preview button is a friend!

My imagination can be overactive; I winced a few times as I read this chapter and felt his pain.

How does your hero feel about his pain and public abuse?

Alec Anaconda

12-03-2010, 12:54 AM


I liked the first part better than the second. I had a little trouble with the plausibility of the mechanics of his torture in the second part. Specifically, inserting a snow shovel handle in his urethra seems to overtax the imagination.

Also, you should add the standard disclaimer that all characters in this story are age 18 or older. I presume that is the case.

These comments aside, it's an excellent story. I'm looking forward to chapter 3.

Good luck with your writing.

poolman2 :bananad:

12-03-2010, 07:37 AM
Alec RE:

No one has mentioned the elephant in the room, the control information at the start of each chapter.
The preview button is a friend!Once I paste the story from Word, for some reason it won't let me edit the text and get rid of the control information. I have no clue why...

How does your hero feel about his pain and public abuse?Well if the story ends after the next chapter (still not quite sure if it will continue or not) the answer will be vague. The protagonist is definitely not a masochist. However, he is an extremely dutiful step-son and would do anything to please Eve. Additionally, his beatings are his only form of sexual release.

If the story continues however, I had thought about having him come to crave his abuse. Not so much the pain, but rather he would come to crave being dominated and humiliated, particularly by the Step-mom.

Poolman RE:

I liked the first part better than the second. I had a little trouble with the plausibility of the mechanics of his torture in the second part. Specifically, inserting a snow shovel handle in his urethra seems to overtax the imagination.It may well be unrealistic, but you can't say it's not original :D

In any case, I have a feeling you will like chapter 3 better, as it is going to be tailored to your previous request of barefoot, step-mom action.

Also, you should add the standard disclaimer that all characters in this story are age 18 or older. I presume that is the case.Bobby is 18. Eve is over 40. All other characters (girls) I don't put an age on should be presumed to be somewhere between 18-20.

12-03-2010, 11:21 AM
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000161 EndHTML:0000014939 StartFragment:0000002349 EndFragment:0000014903 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/Owner/Desktop/sss.doc @font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } In silence, Eve unwound the bands holding the shovel in Bobby’s cock hole. When the last band came loose, Bobby ejaculated a shovel. Eve then unceremoniously inserted the black plug into Bobby’s member before any mess was made.

“The shovel needs to be cleaned and returned to the garage.” Eve said coldly.

Bobby knew the drill. He picked up the shovel and began working the handle over with his tongue, making sure to lap up every last trace of semen. He then walked the shovel back to the garage, and returned to the front door where his step-mom was waiting for him.

“Listen sweetie,” Eve said in a softer tone. “I saw you and Megan playing out there. I know she is a sweet girl and I know you just want to play with your friends, but your bedtime is important.”

She paused.

“Mommy has to take a bath,” she continued. “But then I will visit you in your room.”

Bobby followed Eve upstairs. Eve went into the bathroom and began filling the tub. Bobby went to his room and prepared himself. He dropped down onto all fours on the white carpet, with his knees splayed out as wide as possible, his head facing the radiator, and his butt facing the door. Then he waited. The alarm clock on his nightstand read 9:12.

Despite Megan’s handiwork outside, Bobby’s balls, particularly his right nut, weren’t as swollen as they had been earlier that afternoon. Perhaps that was due to the cold weather his nuts had endured while shoveling, or perhaps they were simply healing. After several years of abused, Bobby had begun to notice that no matter what happened to his massive testicles, no matter how badly they were mashed, mangled, mauled, battered, or beaten, they always recovered within a day or two. His freakish genitals had, over time, adapted to his mother’s therapy.

Even so, that evening Bobby’s testicles were not a pretty sight to behold. Waiting on all fours for Eve, Bobby’s dangling nut meat hung only inches off the ground. As his right nut had suffered the better part of the day’s torments, his gigantic meat sack hung pathetically lopsided, looking as though Bobby had a grapefruit for his left testicle and a small melon for his right. Only adding to the frightful sight was the series of bruises that covered Bobby’s dangling meat. Bobby didn’t bruise easily, but where exceptionally solid blows were dealt, Bobby’s nuts would generally turn dark purple for at least 24 hours. Sometimes, after therapy, the neighbor girls would make Bobby keep his pants down while they examine his mangle nuts. The girls would giggle with each bruise they found, being sure to all jab their fingers deep into throbbing area, while speculating over which assailant had caused the injury. If mommy was wasn’t busy, she often joined them in this game.

The alarm clock read 9:44 when Bobby final heard the bathroom door open. He heard Eve’s soft footsteps as she walked toward his room. Bobby didn’t dare look at her, but from a quick glimpse, out of the corner of his eye, he could tell that she was naked. For reasons Bobby didn’t understand, when in the house, Eve often administered Bobby’s therapy naked.

Whether naked or fully clothed, Eve never let Bobby watch his therapy be administered, that is, except for one time. Last July, on his 18th birthday, after all the guests had left the house, Eve had brought Bobby up to his room and made him sit in a stool positioned against the wall. She had then exited the room, leaving Bobby there. Bobby’s nut pulp, and pulp they were after the day’s festivities, had oozed a third way down the legs of the stool.

Within a minute, Eve had returned absolutely naked. Bobby had sat there with his jaw agape. His step-mom stood before him, her long, dark brown hair running down in curls to her shoulders. Her face, arms, neck, and legs, normally an olive complexion, had been turned chestnut brown in the summer sun. While her face belayed the fact that she was 40, her body that day had looked as though she were 20. The only feature, aside from her face, that had shown any sign of aging were her massive breasts. Bobby, having never seen breast before had assumed they were DD, as he had heard some girl at school say these were the biggest. In fact, Eve carried huge FF breasts. Over the years, they had naturally sagged down to her bellybutton. However, they by no means appeared saggy. Those breasts, with small, dark brown nipples, hanging off of Eve’s chest that night, had look voluptuous.

Below her full breasts, Eve’s stomach had been absolutely flat and narrow, widening only at her hips. Her legs had appeared incredibly muscular that night, with small little cuts pronouncing her powerful calves and thighs. Between her thighs had been the soft lips of an 18 year old girl that glistened with moisture. Above this, to Bobby’s surprise, had been a massive patch of curly brown hair, which Bobby had found glorious. Although, not so glorious as her feet. Eve’s feet were completely white compared with the rest of her body. Her nails had been meticulously painted in a bright, pink shade. They had been flawless and beautiful.

This had all last only a second, before Eve switched off the lights. Bobby had always wondered if what had happened was an accident or one last birthday gift. He had already received several gifts that day from Eve, including a new humbler, a nail gun, a new, more-powerful tazer gun, and size 10 women’s steel toed boots.

In the dark, and outlined only by the light of the moon coming in the window, Eve had begun finishing the task of demolishing the pulp dangling between Bobby’s legs. Over and over again, her shadowy figure had driven those beautiful feet into Bobby’s destroyed nuts, mashing them against the wooden legs of the stool. It was agony, but at the same time, Bobby couldn’t help but stare at the silhouette, at the shaking and jiggling breasts, and especially at the beautiful and deadly feet that made him feel so much pain.

So it had continued for 2 hours and 12 minutes according to the alarm clock, Eve unmercifully pummeling his testicles hundreds, if not thousands, of times. These kicks had been harder and more brutal than anything Bobby had experienced before or since. Yet, somehow, he knew mommy wasn’t kicking her hardest. Bobby had been kicked in the balls by dozens of girls, who all inevitably had to eventually try their hardest, ballblasting kicks. They would sweat, they would grunt, the would miss occasionally (and mercifully), and they would grow tired. During those two hours, Eve never let out a sound, nor did she miss, she had simply proceeded to annihilate Bobby’s mangled nuts in a steady rhythm.

The assault only end when the impact of one of Eve’s blows, driving through Bobby’s nut mush, had broken one of the legs of the stool, sending Bobby tumbling to the floor. Sobbing uncontrollably and trembling all over, Bobby had tried to rise to receive more. He didn’t want to upset mommy. He wanted to please her. He wanted to be dominated by her, despite the utter, excruciating agony. Bobby hadn’t been able to get up that night. Rather than continuing her assault, Eve had picked him up and, cradling his head next to her left breast, had carried him to his bed. Before leaving the room, she had covered him with a blanket, and whispered “happy birthday.”

That had been the first and last time Bobby had seen Eve, or any other woman, naked. The currently naked Eve was now standing directly behind Bobby, indicating that his punishment was set to begin. Standing 6 foot tall, Eve towered over tiny, little Bobby as he trembled in anticipation.

The opening blow was a good one, sending both of Bobby’s demented nuts slamming against his inner thighs. The following blows, a good three dozen or more, brought about the same effect. Each one brought Eve’s pulled back toes crashing into a different portion of testicle meat. She was probing Bobby’s mangled genitals.

Finally, Eve found an angle she liked, and began raining steady blows down on his right, fleshy melon with the bridge of her foot. How many she delivered Bobby could not say. Despite the pain, Bobby’s cock bucked and strained, red in color and with every vein bulging, in its own agony. Eve’s personal therapy sessions, like no other, seemed to always illicit this response. Bobby thought, that if he could only see those feet, the plug in his pee hole would shoot out like a cork. But there was no release for Bobby, neither for his cock or his balls, as the massacre continued and he did his best to silently endure it, with tears running down his cheeks.

After an untold number of blows, one well place kick to the aching sack of hamburger meat flopping between Bobby’s legs finally broke the proverbial camels back. Bobby collapsed, but rose quickly enough to absorb the next torturous blow. He fell again and rose again, fell again and rose again. Each time he got up quick enough to ensure that Eve’s right foot was able to find his mauled genitals. Over and over and over again, this was played out, until abruptly the blows stopped. Through the tears in his eyes, he read 10:17 on the alarm clock. The torture had ended.

“I’m so sorry mommy!” a barely coherent Bobby blurt out. “I should never have been late for bed, please forgive me.”

“Your forgiven honey,” Eve responded adding, “you know mommy loves you.”

With that, Eve unleashed one, last, ferocious kick into Bobby’s sore and badly beaten nut sack. The blow was hard enough to drive Bobby’s nuts under him, so that when Bobby collapsed in shock, his pelvis smashed down on two brutalized orbs of meat. Fighting through the pain, Bobby quickly got back on his badly carpet burned knees, and presented his mangled genitals again to his mommy for any additional treatment.

No kick came. Instead, Eve traced her hand along Bobby’s naked backed and whispered, “Goodnight dear,” before turning and leaving the room.

12-03-2010, 11:34 AM
Well, as promised, chapter 3. Sorry again about the control information at the start.

Well there you have it, 3 chapters. Now, as I said before, I'm letting you guys decide. If you want the story to keep going, post something to that effect.

Throwing a random number out there...let's say 10. If 10 people want the story to go on, I'll keep writing.

I won't lie to you, I'm having a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you do want me to continue. At the same time, these short, little chapters take a surprisingly long time to write. This one took over 3 hours. So, if you guys aren't much liking the story, there is no sense in me continuing.

If you have additional ideas you'd like to see included in the story, do share.

And, if anyone just hates the story, I'd be interested to hear that too, as long as you explain why. This is an erotic story, not exactly my magnum opus (I hope :Baahaha:) , so rip it apart if you feel the need.

Thanks again to those who have given feedback.

Alec Anaconda
12-03-2010, 01:16 PM
I’m starting to feel exceptionally sorry for your deformed, poor little cartoon man.

With all this accursed snow blanketing my world, he reminds me of Tiny Tim.

This one took over 3 hours.
That is fast; very fast.
Writing is hard work.
I’ve just released my second edition of Extreme Vengeance 1, so I relaxed today by shovelling a ton of snow from the drive.

Do you write more?
Your choice; you write it then I’ll read it.

Give Tiny Tim some real pleasure, perhaps a blowjob loving girlfriend or an escape route.
Then snatch it away! (Too cruel for you?)

Alec Anaconda

12-03-2010, 01:37 PM
Amazing stories lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Honestly I am a big fan of this story and I would definitely love to see you continue writing it and similar stories. Please do not give up writing because you honestly have a big talent for writing and if nothing else I am incredibly interested in seeing you continue to write.

Not that you need suggestions or that you need to follow my recommendations but if you are looking for ideas then I have some. If you are interested then I would be more than happy to make suggestions, however they are more focused on theme and concept ideas than technical advice.

In parting please do not give up writing because some people may not like your stories because there are definitely people who do like your stories and you said it yourself you have enjoyed the writing process.

I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to anything you write next.

12-03-2010, 05:38 PM
Hi LWS8512,

Well, part 3 does not continue the excellence of its predecessors. It far surpasses them. It is truly outstanding. I only wish it were longer.

I truly hope you continue this story. However, getting 10 commentators on this story will be quite a challenge. That is a very high bar which is rarely if ever met in this forum for such a short work.

I like the way you are fleshing these characters out. We can see that Bobby does enjoy the female domination. I hope you’ll let his inchoate masochism develop. At least give him a foot fetish, if not both. You might also let his gorgeous step mother be naked in his sight as she teaches, succors, and punishes him. The poor kid needs more stimulus (and torment) in his life. I also hope you keep up the barefoot action.

Kudos for an outstanding story. :bananajum


Alec Anaconda
12-04-2010, 09:50 AM
My good lady, and eight of her very tasty female friends, plead for you to continue at your earliest opportunity.

Alec Anaconda

12-04-2010, 11:52 PM
An amazing story! I myself am not into the pee hole plug and would usually ignore or show no real intrest in a story with that factor. I am quite a picky person with the stories I read and I must say I really hope to see more from you. Also to say for the fact that this is your first story also blows me away!

12-06-2010, 09:10 AM
I'd like to see more. You've managed to hit almost all the buttons here, so I don't have a lot of suggestions. More urethral play? Bondage? Something medical? Maybe a long-term ball press to keep his nuts squashed flat before and after punishment? Perhaps more in the way of squeezing and/or stepping on his balls rather than just kicking?

12-07-2010, 07:29 AM
Thanks for all the advice and feedback.

I truly hope you continue this story. However, getting 10 commentators on this story will be quite a challenge. That is a very high bar which is rarely if ever met in this forum for such a short work.Looks like you may be right on about that. 5 and counting...

It's a moot point right now anyways, as I currently don't have the time. Oh well, once I do have the time, I can always include Alec's friends in the count :D

My good lady, and eight of her very tasty female friends, plead for you to continue at your earliest opportunity.
More urethral play? Bondage? Something medical? Maybe a long-term ball press to keep his nuts squashed flat before and after punishment? Perhaps more in the way of squeezing and/or stepping on his balls rather than just kicking?

Give Tiny Tim some real pleasure, perhaps a blowjob loving girlfriend or an escape route.
Then snatch it away! (Too cruel for you?)If and when the story continues (it probably will continue, 10 requests or not) I will try to incorporate these elements.

Alec Anaconda
12-07-2010, 09:35 AM
If and when the story continues (it probably will continue, 10 requests or not)

Good man!

Alec Anaconda

12-07-2010, 07:58 PM
It is good to hear that the story will likely continue, however I am and have been very anxious to see the story continued.

Please do not take too long :(


12-10-2010, 12:18 AM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

I am sorry to hear that you are really busy now but I hope things slow down a little and you can write again. Please do not worry about the fact that less than ten people have commented because there are very few people that do comment.



:bananajum:bananajum:bananajum:bananajum:bananajum :bananajum:bananajum:bananajum

12-10-2010, 07:23 AM
Please do not take too long

If I get some free time this afternoon, I'll try for another chapter. Don't hold your breath though, most likely chapter 4 won't come until next week.

12-14-2010, 11:32 AM
Foreword: This was originally meant to be a longer chapter, but I decided to cut it in half for time sake. I hope you enjoy. The second part of chapter 4 will be short and come when I get a chance. Chapter 5 might be a while, because it will likely be longer, but will also be the most brutal yet by a long shot. As always, please keep the feedback coming.

It was 7:00 am and Bobby stood at the end of the driveway waiting for a short, yellow school bus. He wore a red jacket and gray sweatpants. Hidden beneath his gray sweat pants, his monstrous cock was firmly strapped to his right leg. His balls, both still extremely swollen from the activities of the previous night, were trapped behind his legs in a black humbler. They had ached horribly when he woke up that morning, and felt infinitely worse when Eve had yanked them upwards between Bobby’s legs and cruelly mashed them between two large pieces of wood. Now, with his every heart beat, Bobby testicles throbbed with pain.

Bobby had only had only begun going to school three months ago. Before this, Eve had taught him at home. Eve had actually done a fairly good job of instructing her step-son, but thought that he lacked socialization. So, in September, she had enrolled him in a nearby private school, the Catherine Bock-Turner Academy. The school was specifically designed for adults, between 18 and 22, who wished to receive a high school diploma. This drew a wide range of students, including high school dropouts, felons, recent immigrants, and those who had had childhood careers that had come in the way of conventional schooling.

Bobby, however, was different from the academy’s other 212 students because Bobby was a boy. The CBT Academy was a girls only school. Bobby only got into the academy because Eve had friends on the board of directors. Bobby was allowed into the school on the condition that he wore clothes, something that Eve had continued to lobby the school board about ever since, claiming that clothing hindered his therapy.

The school bus pulled up at 7:05 am, and Bobby climbed aboard.

“Hey there Bobby,” the bus driver, Liz, said with a grin. “How are they hanging?”

Humiliated as always, Bobby performed the daily ritual of lowering his sweatpants to show Liz his brutalized testicles.

“Someone must have been a bad boy last night,” Liz said with a chuckle. “Did you upset Mommy?”

Bobby was silent as usual, not knowing what to say.

Liz was in her late 20’s with bleach blond hair; she always wore punk attire. She had a pretty face and perky breasts, but otherwise had the body of a teenage boy.

“Well you better get to your place,” Liz said, not waiting for a reply. “You don’t want to upset Rachel too, I’m not sure your balls could handle it.”

Bobby stumbled down the aisle, and took his typical seat on the bus across from Rachel. Rather than sitting, he laid facedown on the bus seat, with his knees in the aisle. He then proceeded to drop his pants and waited for it to begin.

On Bobby’s first day of school, Eve had come on the bus to introduce him to the bus driver and the four girls that rode the bus. In the front of the bus, she had explained her step-son’s “condition,” while pulling down his pants, exposing him to the group of awe-struck girls. She told them all that if her “perverted son” ever bothered them in any way, all they had to do was “show him who’s boss.” In order to illustrate her point, Eve had then driven her right fist repeatedly into Bobby’s testicles until Bobby collapsed onto the floor of the bus gasping for air.

Eve had then thanked the girls for sharing the bus with her “sexual deviant of a step-son” and had wished them a good day. Once Eve had gotten off of the bus, it only took moments before the 21 year old Rachel, once convicted of being an accessory in the theft of a car, had summoned him over and initiated the now daily ritual.

Sitting across from him now, Rachel made Eve look small. She must have been at least 6’2, with absolutely huge breast and an even bigger butt. Bobby had always found her face quite beautiful, with her ebony colored skin and curly brown hair.

Behind Rachel sat Inga, a 19 year old, Swedish-born, model. She had blonde hair and a typical models body.

Across from Inga, sat Kelly and Angela, 18 and 20 respectively. They were both shorter than Bobby, with petite builds. Kelly had brown hair, Angela red.

Behind them sat a girl Bobby had never seen before. She was tiny, no taller than 5’0 and quite skinny. She had brown skin and pretty brown eyes. Her eyes were currently bulging out of their sockets as she tried to process what was happening two seats in front of her.

“Hi Sugar,” Rachel said greeting Bobby. “Looks like that mother of yours did a number on you last night…they look worse than usual.”

And they did. Bulging out from between Bobby’s legs, his entirely purple testicles were covered in a series of dark-purple bruises. Both were swollen, but the right more so, as to make them appear comically lopsided.

“Sometimes I do feel sorry for you,” Rachel continued. “Perhaps I should give you a break today.”

She turned to the other girls. “Should we give him a break today?”

The response to the question was incredulous laughter from Inga, Kelly and Angela. The girl in the back remained absolutely silent.

“Sorry Bobby,” Rachel said in a teasing voice. “The crowd has spoken.” And, with that, she began.

Her right fist collided with Bobby’s right testicle and, as it withdrew, her left fist made contact with his left testicle. Her punches were absolutely thunderous, which was hardly surprising given Rachel’s size. They came on methodically, in a one-two rhythm. With each blow, Rachel drove her knuckles further and further into Bobby’s tender nut meat. Trapped in the humbler, Bobby’s aching nuts had nowhere to hide. Each blow mashed the targeted orb of flesh against hard oak wood.

As the strength of the blows increased, it felt to Bobby as though his poor nuts were being split in half, as the meat was being driven with unbelievable force into the wooden bar behind his legs. Bobby response was a series of sobs and screams. His whole body quivered with pain and he eventually bit into rubber bus seat just to achieve some measure of relief. All tolled, it was the typical ride to school.

The girls loved it. The sounds of the massacre were far out weighed by the cheers coming from behind Rachel. Liz was silent as always, but she watched from the rear-view mirror. Through his tears, he noticed that Liz’s pants belt buckle was undone and she was driving with one hand. Bobby didn’t understand this phenomenon, but it occurred fairly often when Rachel went to work.

By the time Rachel was done, both she and Bobby were covered in sweat. Rachel and Inga traded seats, as it was now Inga’s turn to play with Bobby’s pulverized manhood. Inga had the bad habit of being a smoker, and the worse habit (in Bobby’s opinion) of putting her cigarettes out repeatedly on Bobby’s genitals.

Today she was focusing on Bobby’s bulbous cock head. Swelled with blood, it looked like a giant, purple mushroom. She entertained herself by getting her cigarette glowing hot, and then extinguishing it on the base of the head of his member, which Bobby had ironically just learned in his human biology class was called the corona. However, while repeated shrieking and writhing in pain, the irony was lost on him.

“Oh Bobby,” Inga said in a thick accent, “your just too much fun. What would I do without you?”

When Inga had seared a rough pattern into Bobby’s cock that she liked, and after she had been sure to singe his balls a bit with her lighter, she turned what was left of Bobby’s burned and mangled genitals over to Kelly and Angela.

They scratched, squeezed, kneaded, and slapped the rest of the way to school. Bobby moaned softly.

Throughout the whole 37 minute ride, the new girl, seated silently in back, never took her eyes off the torture.

When they arrived at school, the Inga did honors of administering the girls’ farewell, by way of holding her lighter to the tip of Bobby’s prick for at least a dozen seconds, which had the curious effect of causing the boy to sequel like a pig, which all onboard, except Bobby, found very amusing.

When the bus stopped, all of the girls filed out. As the new girl past Bobby, still lying prostrate on the seat, she paused. She waited until the last girl had left the bus and Liz was looking down, and she quickly slapped Bobby’s right testicle, eliciting a soft whimper. She then quickly scurried off the bus.

When they had all left, Bobby managed to stand and pull up his pants. Still in agony, Bobby slowly made his way to the front of the bus.

“Hope you had a pleasant trip,” Liz said with a cruel smile. “See you this afternoon.”

Alec Anaconda
12-14-2010, 11:48 AM
Excellent writing.
Keep going at this pace and you’ll have a book by the New Year.

Smoking on a school bus?
That’s incredible.

Alec Anaconda

12-14-2010, 01:52 PM
Another great installment! You said things were going to get even more brutal in the next segment. My request is, please, no **********. That just ruins everybody's fun.

12-15-2010, 02:21 AM
Hi LWS8512,

WOW! Good story, but now I'm starting to feel more sorrow for Bobby, than empathy with him. Keep up the good work, but maybe could you let up on the kid a little. Say let him experience life out of Humbler, even if only so the girls don't hurt themselves on it as they kick and hit him. Maybe give the kid a sex life, e.g., orally pleasing women, a BJ here and there, whatever.



12-17-2010, 02:52 PM
Hey LWS8512,

Another good chapter (well a part 1 of 2 for the chapter as you said) and as always I look increasing forward to reading more. Please do not give up on the story because I think you have a captive audience. I can speak only for myself but I know you have captivated me at least.

This is just my preference but I would prefer to see less cock torture and more ballbusting. The more brutal the better and the more detailed the better. I love hearing the girls feelings and their thoughts about what is happening.


:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::i bow4u:

12-22-2010, 11:06 AM
You said things were going to get even more brutal in the next segment. My request is, please, no **********. That just ruins everybody's fun.No worries, I'm totally with you there. More than one good story has been ruined for me because it had that element. I really don't understand why some people like that theme. For me it's a total turn off. But, shouldn't judge I guess...

It will get more brutal though, and the Bobby will suffer tortures that would ******** him 100x over if it were real life. But, through the power of creative license, his balls will somehow always survive just to get pummeled and mashed all over again.

This is just my preference but I would prefer to see less cock torture and more ballbusting. Then you probably won't like the rest of this chapter so much, but will really like chapter 5

Maybe give the kid a sex life, e.g., orally pleasing women, a BJ here and there, whatever.In the works for chapter 6 I think, if I ever get there. Speaking of which, sorry if this disappointments anyone, but there won't be any future installments until after the new year.

01-02-2011, 03:59 PM
Bumping this most excellent thread now that the new year is here!

01-05-2011, 11:57 PM
Not a bad story, a little creepy with the shovel thin though.

01-09-2011, 04:33 PM
Sorry it's taken me so long to write the next installment. I haven't had much time as of late. I'm hoping to have the next section done by the end of this week though.

01-10-2011, 09:22 AM
Yeah keep going! I really liked the naked ballbusting scene. Can you put more of them in? Maybe incorporate this with Bobby's bj's or whatever, and make them ballbusting bj's. Love the srories, keep 'em going!

01-10-2011, 05:23 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Hey it would be great to see another installment of your series and I won't make any suggestions on what to incorporate because I am certain that you will do a great job by yourself as you certainly have in the past.

I only hope to see your story very soon.


01-11-2011, 11:00 AM
Foreword: For some reason I'm very proud of this chapter. It is very brutal, perhaps that's why I like it. It's sometimes hard to dream up horrible things to do to Bobby. I know some of you wanted me to give him a break, and I will, but the next couple sections are going to get more brutal. Essentially, it's going to get worse for Bobby before it gets better.

Please, please, please continue giving feedback. It is half the fun of writing these installments. Thank you to all those who have already written, keep sharing your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and questions. If you are reading the story, but haven't written, please do, even if it is only to say this story isn't your cup of tea. I would prefer criticism to silence.

If a woman reader could write a little feedback that would be amazing, but I know that is asking a lot as there are only like 3 or 4 females on this board as I understand it.

Anyways, I really do hope you all enjoy.


School had been over for 25 minutes now, and Bobby was back on the bus. He was in his typical seat, in his typical position, with his sweatpants once again at his ankles. At the moment, Rachel’s large, left fist was driven deep into the swollen flesh of Bobby’s gigantic, left testicle.

Her left withdrew, and like a piston, her right fist came hurtling forward, slamming into Bobby’s mangled, right testicle. The incredible power of the blow ensured that Rachel’s fist was ****** deep into Bobby’s mashed genital meat. Then the right withdrew, and her left came fly through the air to pulverize Bobby’s trapped, left orb once again. With colossal force, Rachel’s left punch was driven home, causing Bobby’s demented, left testicle to be engulfed in searing pain. And then the left fist was gone, and Rachel’s right was speeding through the air yet again.

Left, right, left, right. So it had begun 20 minutes ago when Bobby had first gotten on the bus, and so it would continue for the next 15 to 20 minutes, unless another girl wanted to take a turn hurting Bobby’s genitals. For the moment though, it appeared that the other girls were content to watch Rachel work on Bobby’s balls, which, trapped in a humbler, continuously jiggled in unison under the onslaught.

Left, right, left, right. Rachel’s blows were even more ferocious than usual. After the abuse Bobby nuts had received in the last 24 hours, his nut meat was nut mush, and it appeared that Rachel intended to turn his nuts into jelly. Left, right, left, right, left, right. School didn’t afford Bobby much chance to recuperate. Granted, school did represent a break from any nut pummeling. However, mommy rigged Bobby’s humbler each day so that his freakish testicles were trapped behind his buttocks. This, in effect, ****** Bobby to sit through every class with his full body weight crushing his tortured testicles. It certainly didn’t help Bobby pay attention in class. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Bobby sometimes tried to count the brutal blows to his genitals as a way to take his mind off the pain. The pain was too much this bus ride. Bobby had lost track in less than 10 minutes at 300-something. Left, right, left. Bobby was reaching the point where the sheer pain he was enduring was sapping the tiny 18 year old of what little strength he had. Right, left, right. Bobby began the bus ride with cries, shrieks, and wails. He was now reduced to a state of moans, whimpers, and quiet sobbing. Left, right, left, right. This wasn’t at all to say that the pain became any easier. If anything, it became worse. Bobby had long ago learned that his “therapy” had a tenderizing effect on his enormous genitals. Each punch, kick, slap, knee, elbow, stomp, uppercut, and squeeze he was ****** to endure only caused his freak-balls to become sore, tender, and swollen, making any additional violence he was ****** to suffer all the more painful. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right.

Suddenly, the blows stopped. Bobby wondered which girl would be taking Rachel’s place in torturing his genitals. He turned his head, and through tearing eyes saw the new girl with the lovely brown eyes talking with Rachel. Bobby wasn’t surprised. Ever since his genitals had grown to their current freakish proportions, every girl he met wanted to hurt him, and eventually did. Of coarse, Eve encouraged it. She showed Bobby’s massive meat orbs and bulbous cock to every woman she encountered, from the women in her card club to the pizza delivery girl. If the girl in question didn’t immediately want to destroy Bobby’s genitals (or was “shy” as Eve put it) Eve would show them how it was done with a couple well placed knees to Bobby’s nut meat. It never failed, eventually the girl in question, whom Bobby usually had just met, would be driving blow after agonizing blow into Bobby’s nuts. Now it was the new girl turn to torture him.

The girl spoke softly and Bobby couldn’t hear what she was saying to Rachel.

“I’m Rachel, nice to meet you,” Rachel replied. “You want to try working ‘em over?” She said pointing to Bobby’s bruised testicle meat. “Bobby would love it. Wouldn’t you Bobby?”

“Yes Ma’am,” Bobby responded as mommy had trained him. “Please hurt me, as badly as you like.”

The new girl shook her head and Bobby was stunned. She didn’t want to beat his genitals!? But then, the girl showed something to Rachel and the whole bus gasped. Clearly the girl had something else in mind.

“Awesome!” Squealed Kelly.

“That should be fun,” said Liz from the front of the bus. “Just make sure you hit your target.”

Bobby didn’t have much time to wonder about his fate before Rachel grabbed him and laid him face up on the floor on the bus. She went to sit on his stomach, but the floor of the bus was wet, and she slipped. Her large rear-end slammed down on Bobby’s pelvis region, the impact of which mashed Bobby’s balls, which were currently trapped under him, between his humbler and the floor of the bus.

Bobby wailed and the girls laughed.

“Do it again!” Yelled Angela.

Rachel got off Bobby, stood, and with her left hand holding on to the top of a bus seat for balance, she did a deliberate freefall on Bobby’s pelvis.

Bobby shrieked in utter agony as the testicle pulp under him was mashed with incredible force into the floor of the bus.

She quickly got up and did it again. SLAM! This one was particularly stylistic, done with as much flair as any profession wrestler. Bobby, with his nut meat being horribly mangled, was unable to fully appreciate the spectacle. Instead he was mostly focused on the indescribable pain the utter destruction of his testicles was causing him.

SLAM! Once more. This time Rachel didn’t get up, but instead stayed seated on Bobby’s pelvis. She grabbed the feet of the two bus benches in front of her and pushed up on them with all her might, increasing the force that was causing Bobby’s humbler to flatten the meat underneath it like a pancake. Then, still pushing up the seat legs, she then began twisting her pelvis, grinding Bobby’s mutilated nuts into the floor of the bus.

“Turn them into chunky peanut butter,” exclaimed Inga.

“Actually, I was going for extra smooth,” Rachel said with a smile.

Bobby screamed, caught his breath, screamed again, and then resigned himself to quiet sobbing, as Rachel continued to mangle his testicles.

Eventually, the assault relented, although Rachel remained seated on Bobby’s pelvis. She began untying the binding securing Bobby’s engorged cock-head to his knee. She then undid the other strap connecting Bobby’s thick shaft and thigh. Bobby’s cock was free, and pointed straight at the ceiling. Nobody had ever freed Bobby’s cock beside Eve.

“Holly crap!” Rachel exclaimed, with Bobby’s cock just several inches from her chin.

She then began to take out the enormous anal plug crammed down Bobby’s hole.

Eve said Bobby could never take his plug out, she wouldn’t have him making messes in public. Although Bobby had been taught not to protest, no matter what horrible things were done to him, he was afraid of upsetting mommy by making a mess.

“Mommy…mommy says…I can’t” Bobby began whining in an awkward manner, both due to pain and fear. “I’ll…I’ll make a mess…”

Those were all the words Bobby got out, before Inga planted her shapely ass on Bobby face.

“Well mommy isn’t here now is she little Bobby.” She said in a sickeningly sweet voice that didn’t seem right given that the girls were just moments away from doing yet another horrible thing to Bobby.

Pinned on the floor of the bus with the majority of his face jammed into the white underwear between Inga’s ass cheeks, Bobby could only lay there and wait for whatever new torment was coming. Still, in some strange way, Bobby was excited. His rock hard, monstrous cock belayed this fact, pulsing with his every heart beat, and drooling even more than usual.

Bobby was no masochist. The pain his genitals endured, day in and day out, was horrible. However, as mommy had told him many times, they were made for it. It was Bobby’s duty to suffer, it was what he was good at. The girls in Bobby’s life entertained themselves by beating, mauling, and otherwise mangling Bobby’s gonads, and in some profound way Bobby enjoyed giving them pleasure through his pain. He wanted to suffer for them. He would endure unbearable agony if it amused them. Above all, he would suffer any misery if only to make Eve happy.

The girls were busy preparing him for whatever new agony he was fated to endure. Rachel held his cock firmly at its base. Then his drooling cock hole was stretched as wide as it would go by 4 penetrating fingers.

Bobby was scared, but not as scared as he should have been. Then again, how was he to know that the tiny girl he had only met that morning was about to spray a whole can of mace down his gaping pee hole

Fire! That is what it felt like to poor Bobby. It felt like fire was burning his cock from the inside out, as the girl emptied the can, for over 30 seconds, point blank into Bobby’s urethra. Bobby screamed and screamed and screamed, and continued screaming long past the can being emptied. All his cries were muffled by Inga’s butt. The pain was to intense his whole body began to tremble and shake. He could hear Inga jokingly telling the others how his sobbing had made her underwear sopping wet.

It was about 5 minutes before the burning inside his cock had subsided to a level where Bobby could even form thoughts. The tip still burned horribly and Bobby nuts ached from still being squashed under Rachel’s full weight.

Abruptly Inga and Rachel both got off of Bobby. He used the opportunity to look damaged cock, the head of which looked like a bright read Portobello mushroom, with the hole the middle having a deeper, darker shade. The pain was made worse just by looking at it. On his thighs and all over the floor was a large pool of semen. The little, brown-skinned girl, his tormenter, still stood there holding the can of mace, shaking from excitement and with a great big smile on her face.

“Bobby, what have you done,” Eve’s voiced shouted from the front of the bus.

Bobby looked to the front of the bus, in absolute terror, to find Eve standing there. The bus had arrived at his house and stopped and he hadn’t even know due to his ordeal. Liz was standing next to Eve with a smirk on her face.

“You make me wait for you, and then when I do come on the bus, I find that you’ve made mess of your bus!” Eve was irate.

“I’m sorry mommy, it’s all my fault…” Bobby began.

“Silence,” Eve said in a low harsh voice, “You and your meat sacks will get over here immediately.”

Bobby got off his back and on to his knees, prying his mashed meatballs off the floor of the bus in the process. He took his penis plug in his mouth and crawled over to Eve on his hands and knees as fast as his pain-wracked body would allow.

“Turn around,” Eve said sternly.

Bobby did as he was commanded and was greeted in turn to the tip of Eve’s boot driving into his the tender flesh of his left testicle. Harder than any punch Rachel could ever deliver, Bobby went sprawling onto the floor of the bus. He quickly and silent got back on his knees to receive the a similarly devastating blow to his right orb, that once again sent him sprawling.

When Bobby had gotten back on his hands and knees, Eve took the penis plug form his mouth and jammed it back in and then undid his humbler. Bobby legs and arms trembled with the pain of blood rushing into Bobby’s now free testicles. Both mangled testicles unceremoniously fell to the bus floor with a thud. They were grossly swollen from the abuse, the size of two small bowling balls. They were covered in bruises, scratches, welts, and, where they had been mashed against the floor of the bus, the imprint of the bus walkway remained along with a great deal of imbedded gravel (the girls giggled when they saw this). Damage aside, they were covered in grime and the wet, grey water that covered the floor of the bus.

“Lay down,” Eve ordered.

Bobby did as he was commanded.

Then in a very sweet voice Eve said to Rachel, “Would you come over here dear. I could use your help.”

When Rachel reached the front of the bus, Eve told her, “Step on them please.”

Rachel followed instruction, squashing each of Bobby balls under her winter boots, and for the second time today, Bobby’s manhood was mashed between the floor of the bus and Rachel’s full weight.

“Now clean the bus,” Eve said sternly.

The girls seemed confused, but Bobby knew what he had to do. He was determined not to fail Eve again.

The girls watched in amazement as Bobby slowly pulled himself forward by the legs of the bus seats. The still burning and tender tip of his penis was ground into the floor of the bus by the weight of his sternum. Astonishingly, his gigantic scrotum began to stretch further and further, until Rachel and his squashed balls were well behind his feet. Then even more incredibly, Rachel began to move. Bobby was pulling her along on top of his huge balls, even as they were further ground and pulverized by the floor of the bus. All the while, tears ran down Bobby’s cheeks, but he remained silent.

After several minutes, Bobby reached the mess he made. He began lapping it up like a dog. It burned in his mouth because of the mace, but still he licked up every ounce, along with a fair amount of cold, gray water and gravel. Inga, at one point, put the toes of her bare right foot in front of him, and he licked those too for a minute until she withdrew them.

When Eve was satisfied that the bus was clean, she thanked Rachel for her help and Rachel stepped off the two sacks of mutilated mush that were Bobby’s testicles.

Bobby crawled back to Eve, and Eve asked him, “Do you have anything to say?”

“I’m so sorry I made a mess of the bus,” he said whimpering with shame as he addressed the girls and Liz.

“Well, you’ve gotten into enough trouble for one day,” Eve said with a more jovial voice. “Why don’t we leash you so you don’t get into any more mischief. Mommy will carry your things. Megan’s inside waiting to start your lessons.”

Bobby slipped off his sopping wet sweatpants from ankles and took off his jacket and shirt and handed them to Eve who already held him humbler. She put a studded, black leather collar around his neck and attached a leash she had in her pocket. She then walked her naked son off the bus, who did his best to crawl after her.

As they crossed the snow covered front yard, the girls watching them out the right side bus windows stared in amazement. Bobby’s pulverized nut mush was so distended from his body, that he was dragging it through the snow just behind his feet. The other effect of Rachel’s full weight stand was that the undersides of Bobby’s mangled testicles matched the grooves on the floor of the bus and were speckled with gravel that had been mashed into his flesh.

“Poor kid,” Rachel said with much more amusement than sympathy.

“Snow probably feels good on his balls,” Inga chuckled.

“I betcha his balls will need a lot more icing before his night is over.” Liz said with a big smile on her face.

Alec Anaconda
01-11-2011, 01:33 PM
Please, please, please continue giving feedback. It is half the fun of writing these installments. Thank you to all those who have already written, keep sharing your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and questions. If you are reading the story, but haven't written, please do, even if it is only to say this story isn't your cup of tea. I would prefer criticism to silence.

That silence is deadly and disheartening; as your post slides down the page, it makes you think,
“Why fucking bother?”

http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12992 (http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12992)

Your writing is very good and I can feel your excitement as you accelerate his pain.

However, I’m feeling increasingly sad for your cartoon man.

Only you can decide when he has his “birthday”.

Alec Anaconda

01-12-2011, 07:30 AM
That silence is deadly and disheartening; as your post slides down the page, it makes you think,
“Why fucking bother?”It really is. That is why I'm thankful for you and the others that regularly post encouragement.

I kinda wonder if I didn't screw myself over by naming the thread what I did. "My first attempt at a story" doesn't exactly draw readers. It kinda screams "this will suck." A couple other stories were posted around the same time I wrote my first chapter, and I noticed they drew a lot more views (at least initially).

Maybe I should repost the story up to this point under some new, better-named thread, like "Busting Bobby's Balls: The Most Brutal Ballbusting Story Ever Written (probably not true, but it would draw attention).

On that same note, I am a huge hypocrite. I read some of your stuff last week, really liked it, and never posted anything. Sorry. I just posted on your link now. Hope the makes up for it. Although, the excerpt from you that I liked the most I couldn't find the thread to. Maybe it slid down the pages to oblivion. It had F/f action, including pussy slapping.

However, I’m feeling increasingly sad for your cartoon man.You keep calling him a cartoon man, so I just thought I'd mention, for some reason when I think of the world this story takes place in, I kinda imagine it like Kami Tora's artwork.

Here's a link to some of his work that involves an evil step-mother: http://www.kamitora.org/posts/the-wicked-stepmother/

Only you can decide when he has his “birthday”.Just for you, I'll make his "birthday," chapter after next. Although, be warned, next chapter will be even more brutal than the most recent one. And his "birthday" will still be somewhat painful and humiliating.

01-12-2011, 09:59 AM
Kick ass! Another great installment :ibow4u:

Alec Anaconda
01-12-2011, 12:44 PM
You keep calling him a cartoon man …

Perhaps this is because only a cartoon could absorb such punishment and continue to exist.

Perhaps this is because I would not enjoy this story if dear Bobby were real.

Although, the excerpt from you that I liked the most I couldn't find the thread to. Maybe it slid down the pages to oblivion. It had F/f action, including pussy slapping.

That was almost a month ago.
I’ll post that link to that Extreme Vengeance 2 extract in the Extreme Vengeance thread.

Alec Anaconda

01-12-2011, 10:16 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Another absolutely amazing chapter!! I just cannot get enough of your stories and I anxiously await the next chapter. I think you are doing an amazing job and I particularly like that you focused on ball torture more on this chapter (compared to the last). I love the compression torture portion and the butt busting was definitely unique and rare for ballbusting stories.

I would love to see more girls participating in the busting as well as more diverse ball torture but everything is so amazing as it is that I doubt I would be disappointed with most anything you included.

It would be particularly amazing (in my opinion) if you devoted a chapter to Eve instructing girls on ballbusting in a self defense class. Maybe as a punishment for Bobby he is ****** to be a self defense dummy where Eve instructs girls on ballbusting. My girlfriend really wants to see a chapter about this. SHE IS A HUGE FAN AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She would like to email if you are willing to provide an email address. She prefers not to post on this forum because of potential harassment.

Thanks again for another amazing story.

01-13-2011, 02:09 AM
Hi lws8512,

I just read your latest chapter. It is very well written and an excellent story overall.

HOWEVER, it has become really sad. As I read, I find my self feeling very sorry for poor little Bobby. What an unrelentingly miserable life he is leading! Were this not fictional, I would not be able to read it. Alec has nailed it perfectly. Let up on the poor kid for gosh sakes. Unceasing pathos becomes dull. The audience needs a break before it can go even deeper into the depths of his pain.

Perhaps the wicked stepmother and her cohort could assign him chores and punishments: e.g., he could help Eve in her bathing: he could take over her pedicurial duties; and of course he could assume all the responsibilities of hygiene as to all of their feet. OK, so I've got a foot fetish; let's get on with it. Naturally any arousal would eventually occasion further punishment, but hopefully within reason, say a few barefoot kicks to his balls. You've got to give the poor kid some joy in his wretched life.

At the risk of jeopardizing my credentials as a curmudgeon, I am on the verge of starting a "Be Kind To Bobby movement.

Notwithstanding the above critique, please do keep up your imaginative and good work.

poolman2 :bananawin

01-13-2011, 05:37 AM
No offense at all to poolman2 but I disagree about Bobby should get a break from the punishment. Personally I would like to see things get more brutal or at least stay the same. This is fantasy and everything so I am not too sympathetic for Bobby. If it were real then I would 100% agree and would go even further in that department but it is fantasy so things are different.

I am not opposed to any rewards for Bobby but I would like to see more bb brutality.

Again no disrespect to poolman2 or anyone else.

Thanks for reading.


Alec Anaconda
01-13-2011, 09:53 AM
Bobby could, of course, have fun, romance and brutality.

Alec Anaconda

01-14-2011, 04:03 AM
Love this! Eagerly looking forward to more!

01-14-2011, 05:51 AM
Nice work. Please keep writing

01-17-2011, 07:56 AM
HOWEVER, it has become really sad. As I read, I find my self feeling very sorry for poor little Bobby. What an unrelentingly miserable life he is leading! Were this not fictional, I would not be able to read it. Alec has nailed it perfectly. Let up on the poor kid for gosh sakes. Unceasing pathos becomes dull. The audience needs a break before it can go even deeper into the depths of his pain.I'm kinda going on a wave brutality system. The stories are getting more and more vicious until it peaks in brutality and then I will start off very light and build up again.

What my plan is, is one more very brutal chapter (more so than even the most recent) which is the peak of this wave. Then, I'll restart Bobby's suffering-o-meter, and there will be two chapters with no ballbusting at all. The first will be a story building chapter (adding new characters and scenery), the second will be Bobby catching a break...sort of. No pain in the chapter, but lots of humiliation, which he will like.

How does that sound?

Overall though, keep in mind this is an extreme story. Bobby is a ballbusting slave and will generally spend the better part of the story suffering horribly. Again, never with any permanent damage though. So in that respect it is a lot less extreme than the many ballbusting stories that feature rupturing and such. Also, as I've been hinting, Bobby likes the abuse to some extent. And, that extent will probably grow.

It would be particularly amazing (in my opinion) if you devoted a chapter to Eve instructing girls on ballbusting in a self defense class. Maybe as a punishment for Bobby he is ****** to be a self defense dummy where Eve instructs girls on ballbusting. Great Idea! It may take a while for me to get to it, but get to it I will. I want to incorporate one other development first. (SPOILER ALERT :D) Within the next several chapters Eve might just succeed in convincing the school board to let Bobby go to school naked. Then Bobby can participate in all kinds of fun science experiments and after school activities (archery club, softball, self-defense classes, etc.);)

My girlfriend really wants to see a chapter about this. SHE IS A HUGE FAN AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She would like to email if you are willing to provide an email address. She prefers not to post on this forum because of potential harassment.I'm sorry, as off the moment I only have a profession e-mail address. The one I used to sign up to femaledom is long dead. Perhaps she could just send me a private message using your account. Naturally, I'd love to hear what she thinks.

Love this! Eagerly looking forward to more!Thanks zetsubou! Always nice to hear from new people.

Naturally, I'm also thankful to those who continue to post regularly.

And, of course, as an ending refrain, I'd like to included the standard petition for more feedback (feedback can also be read as "praise" :))

01-17-2011, 04:06 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Glad to hear that you are receptive to the brutal self defense ballbusting scenario. My girlfriend and I are very excited although we wish it would be sooner than later but I know you said later is the more likely.

We are also happy to hear that more brutal ballbusting action is coming but we both wish that it does not end in the later chapters that you are referring to. Of course it is your story and it is just our opinions. We respect it and more importantly we anxiously await whenever the next chapter is released.

My girlfriend may pm you soon.

Thanks for everything


01-17-2011, 05:30 PM
We are also happy to hear that more brutal ballbusting action is coming but we both wish that it does not end in the later chapters that you are referring to.

Don't worry, it won't stop for too long...:D

01-17-2011, 05:42 PM
We are both very happy to hear that.


01-19-2011, 07:59 AM
Perhaps it's just my annoyance with watching "Teaching him a Lesson" by Skweezme get so many more responses and views than my story (no disrespect, it is a good story), but do you guys have any ideas for what other forums I could post this story on? (naturally, I'd also keep updating it here)

The only one I can think of is http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/

Alec Anaconda
01-19-2011, 11:34 AM
Mr Skweezme has been writing spot-on stories here for a long time.

He has truly mastered the art of stopping at a cliffhanger, and has the patience to wait until he receives the praise he deserves.

Mr Skweezme is also not shy of demanding responses, before he will continue posting.
I also recall you asking for 10 comments before you would continue.

If you look through all of this thread, you have already received plenty of feedback.

Please consider that people can be too busy or too lazy to post.


As to another place to publish, the only true sign of appreciation is when your readers part with their hard earned cash for your work.

Alec Anaconda

01-19-2011, 10:43 PM
Hey lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

I am sorry if you are not getting the number of responses that you want but I am certain that you will get more as time goes on. I also guarantee that you have fans. My girlfriend and I are always looking for more.

Here is a another board that you could post on but it might get removed:

Hope this helps. Have patience and faith. Most people rarely comments on any given story.


01-20-2011, 01:58 AM
Perhaps it's just my annoyance with watching "Teaching him a Lesson" by Skweezme get so many more responses and views than my story (no disrespect, it is a good story)/[/URL]

Sorry you're annoyed by my story getting so many more responses. Probably because I posted several stories some time ago and they went down well.

And it's true what Alec says, I do try to pace my stories here. Sometimes I'm a few entries ahead of what I post. Might change things according to responses.

Good luck!

01-20-2011, 09:06 PM
I hope this does not devolve into a feud between the two of you because there is no need for any bad feeling. Both of you write good stories and both of you have fans. How many people comment on your stories is not an accurate way of discerning how good any given story is or even how popular it is. So many people will read stories and not comment so it is hard to tell how many people read any given story and how many people actually enjoy a story.

Not that anyone needs my opinion but I am providing it just in case

I hope you both keep writing


01-21-2011, 12:54 AM

Your story and your writing are both excellent. Comparing your work product with that of skweezme is unrealistic. He has a long track record of excellent stories. He naturally has a devoted following who attend to his writing and express their acclaim. You too may have that in the future, but not immediately. A modicum of humble patience can be becoming.

Your fan,

poolman2 :bananawin

01-24-2011, 05:33 PM
Hey lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Taking a chance of becoming more annoying to you but I was wondering when we all might get the privilege of reading the next chapter of your amazing series?

Also will this next chapter include the self defense seminar idea that my girlfriend and I suggested.



01-28-2011, 03:08 PM
Hi lws8512. Keep up the great work! I can't write the fantasy-type stuff you do. Tried, but can't make it work. You've got the knack. Looking forward to the next installment!

01-31-2011, 07:49 AM
Sorry you're annoyed by my story getting so many more responses. Probably because I posted several stories some time ago and they went down well.Don't be sorry, your stories are quite good. You deserve the responses you get. Sorry if my comment came off as bitchy.

I hope this does not devolve into a feud between the two of you because there is no need for any bad feelingAgain, no disrespect. Just wish my story got a few more views/posts :(

If you look through all of this thread, you have already received plenty of feedback.Yes I have, and thank you again to those who have taken the time to give feedback.

Taking a chance of becoming more annoying to you but I was wondering when we all might get the privilege of reading the next chapter of your amazing series?

Sorry, I apologize for the delay. I've been busy as of late. I will resume the story ASAP (not sure exactly when ASAP is though).

The problem is I write the story in chapter formats which take a long time. If I wrote in shorter segments like Skweezme, I'd probably be able to update more often. Should I starting doing that and break up my chapters? Or do you guys like the current chapter format?

Alec Anaconda
01-31-2011, 12:23 PM
The problem is I write the story in chapter formats which take a long time. If I wrote in shorter segments like Skweezme, I'd probably be able to update more often. Should I starting doing that and break up my chapters? Or do you guys like the current chapter format?

In my humble opinion, chunks of 700 to 1000 words are ideal.
Much less and your story becomes fragmented with comments.
Much more can cause your readers to forget the existing plot.

On the flip side, once you have posted, you can’t return to make the corrections demanded by your story’s development.
You may also become distracted by plot suggestions.

If I were to post such a long story (for a forum), I would write to a logical break point, where you’re reasonably certain you won’t want to rework, then post in daily chunks.

However, I suggest you do what you prefer.

Alec Anaconda

01-31-2011, 04:13 PM
Alec, good advice as usual!

If you're interested, the way I work is this:

I start with an idea or two - some possibilities for the type of action I want to write about, and some sort of an idea for a storyline that will carry it. Or maybe, like my latest one, just a situation and see how it develops.

The I write my first segment, usually some sort of scene-setter, some indication of the characters and the situation.

When I'm happy with that little segment or scene, when I've crafted it to be lean and dramatic, I'll post it. "Show Don't Tell" is my guiding principle. Sometimes needs something different, but I try for SDT wherever possible.

Then I'll write the next scene. Same principles.

When I can see my last post has been viewed a few times, I upload the next scene.

So I'm writing as I'm posting, rather than uploading segments of something already written. And of course I really appreciate the ongoing feedback and encouragement, helps me gauge what's working and what isn't.

I love writing like this! It's a sort of ongoing improvisation. Weaving a story indeed. But even when I'm caught up in the mood of the action I have to keep an eye out for how it could end, as a story. Once I get this idea I can gradually work towards it.

This might not be the best way to write a novel. but for writing a story for a forum it seems to work for me. It's fun and it's challenging, as all improvisation should be!

Good luck with your storytelling, whatever way you find works best!

01-31-2011, 10:22 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Hey I appreciate your response back to my comments. It is especially good to hear that you will be writing ASAP (however the time frame is defined). I understand that you are busy but my girlfriend and I just love reading your stories that we obviously prefer sooner to later. We really hope that the ballbusting is detailed and more brutal than previous chapters. We especially hope that the self defense class hosted by Eve is a part of (if not a center of) the chapter.

For what its worth we prefer the entire chapter to the short segments format.

Anyway we seriously hope to read another amazing (perhaps best chapter yet) chapter as soon as you release it. You are our favorite ballbusting writer that is actively writing here or elsewhere.

Thanks again.


02-05-2011, 12:25 PM
Hi Iws8512

I have not read your story. My advice is take your time; I use to post stories on this site but I do not anymore cos I asked for constructive critism but instead got crap! I admit one was done from mind. the others I spent days on but I thought they were ok. They seemed not to be. (no feed back about them). I did post part of one and if anyone wanted the rest to let me know but no one did.

If you read stories from other websites; ball busting or other you will get more ideas on how to put your character into other bb scenarios. Post when you want to post and take your time. I am not a professional writer; I have had feed back from some who are more advanced plus I do a lot of research on how to write. Do you write other stories; not to do with ballbusting.

Do not be afraid to input a fantasy of your own or write from experience.

You may ignore what I have written and you may not, it is upto you just do your best and like I said look at other sites for ballbusting caligula and katherine's ballbusting stories are good (sorry I do not have the site addresses)

I hope this helps



02-08-2011, 04:29 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Hey. Any idea when you will be done with your next chapter?

Thanks again for everything.


02-14-2011, 11:25 AM
Sorry I haven't written in so long. Just not much time as of late. Rather than keeping you waiting, I've posted a shorter segment (the first 3rd of the chapter).

Please let me know what you think. More than that however, please let me know what you want next. After this chapter (1 or 2 more posts) I will be at a crossroads in the story. I can either have one more extreme chapter (which would be the self-defense class as suggested by Anymous1) or I can cool it down a bit, give Bobby a break, before getting more extreme again. (If I go with the latter option, the self-defense course chapter will have to be put off for a while, but I will get there no matter what.)

Really this is all a matter of ordering the chapters. So, please vote on what you would prefer.

Chapter 6 (1 of 3)

Eve traversed the snow covered lawn quickly in her black, leather boots. Bobby, naked except for his collar and leash, did his best to keep up. As he crawled up to the house his enormous dick, the head of which was still fire-hydrant red, wobbled beneath him; his mashed ball-meat dragged behind him in the snow.

Upon reaching the door, Eve dried him off with an old towel, while he remained on all fours.

“Megan’s already here for your lessons,” Eve said. “Because you dawdled on the bus, your bath will have to wait.”

Once Eve had unhooked his leash and taken off his collar, Bobby crawled into the house. On his hands and knees, he made his way to the kitchen counter where an ever cheerful Megan was seated.

She informed him that he would take a algebra quiz today. Once seated at the counter, Bobby began the quiz, trying his best to ignore his aching genitals. Megan observed him work while Eve sipped wine and watch TV in the adjacent room.

It was a long and difficult quiz, eighty-five questions in total, which was made all the worse by the pounding pain in Bobby’s testicles. After nearly an hour, he finally handed it to Megan to correct.

Bobby thought he had done fairly well, but he watched as Megan began marking one problem after another wrong. It took him a moment before he realized that Megan was grading his algebra quiz using the answer key in his geometry book. Megan was certainly not a bright girl, but this was a new low, even for her.

“Megan,” Bobby began tentatively, “are you sure your using the right answer key?”

Megan didn’t have time to respond before Eve interrupted, “Did you just question your tutor!?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Bobby responded. “I’m sorry.”

“Get on the floor,” Eve said sternly.

Once Bobby was prostrate on the floor Eve continued chidingly, “Oh Bobby, what are we going to do with you?”

Her anger was already diminishing, and she was on the verge of telling Bobby to resume his studies, when Bobby answered the rhetorical question.

“I’m sorry I questioned Megan,” Bobby said softly. “I deserve a time out.”

A look of surprise momentarily crossed Eves face, before she calmly responded, “I believe your right Bobby. Go to the pantry door.”

Bobby couldn’t believe the words that had left his lips. He crawled to the pantry door and waited. He trembled with fear, but there was also an element of excitement, an undeniable element of excitement. As he waited his excitement only grew, and his freakish dick began throbbing, eventually so violently that it began to slap his stomach. It was then that Bobby realized that mommy’s threat of a time out had become something of a dark fantasy. Eve ignored her son’s wagging member as she went about preparing what was to happen next.

Bobby had been threatened with having a “time out” numerous times over the years. However, throughout the course of his therapy, the time out remained an unfulfilled threat. The time out, as dreamt up by Eve, was based around their home’s heavy, pantry door. The door was solid oak, and over the years had warped badly, so that you could see into the pantry through a half inch gap between the door and the door frame. The door just barely still locked.

It was only moments before they were ready, although it seemed like an eternity to Bobby. Bobby was on his hands and knees facing away from the door, his mangled balls were securely duct-taped in the frame of the door, and a large, red ball gag was in his mouth (Eve didn’t want to disturb the neighbors).

Eve took hold of the heavy, oak door and called a bewildered Megan over.

“Grab my shoulders dear, and push with all your might when I push.” Eve said.

Megan nodded, finally understanding.

Eve opened the door as wide as it would go. Bobby bit into the plastic ball gag, his body quaking before the onslaught.

“Now!” Eve shouted, as she and Megan slammed the door with all there collective might.

All four of Bobby’s limbs went out from under him as he felt his testicles explode. His vision blurred and he saw stars. His ears even wrung from the pain, but what he didn’t hear was a ‘click.’

Eve opened the door, and without waiting for Bobby to right himself, came at it again, this time with a running start. A second blast detonated in Bobby’s nuts. His vision went black for a moment. This time he heard a click, which reverberated in his brain.

It took several minutes before the pain subsided enough that Bobby could even open his eyes. Through blurry vision, he looked up to see Eve and Megan starring down at him. Delirious with pain, he crawled toward Eve. He wanted to lick her beautiful, bare feet. Through unimaginable agony, he pulled against his crush manhood to reach his desire. Just as the tip of his tongue touched Eve’s large toe, his step-mother withdrew her foot.

“Your in time out for 15 minutes, mister,” Eve said softly, as she reached down and ruffled Bobby’s hair.

Eve and Megan returned to the kitchen counter. Eve sipped her wine and Megan finished correcting Bobby’s algebra test using the geometry book.

With the last of his strength, Bobby turned around to look at the pantry door. Each of Bobby’s tender testicle had been absolutely flattened by the door. Eve had done a good job of position his balls so that the door came down in the middle of each already pulverized orb. The scene was grotesque. Half of each mutilated nut, deep purple in color, bulged out from the frame of the door.

Bobby turned away from the scene and collapsed, sprawled out on the linoleum floor…

02-14-2011, 09:25 PM

Another good chapter (or 1/3 of one!). I know that this will shock you but I vote for the self defense chapter being next after you finish this one.

I am sure everyone else agrees, right? LOL

02-14-2011, 11:45 PM
thank you so much for continuing this story. i am always dissapointed when i see this thread at the top of the forum with no new addition to the story. i cant wait for more. thank you so much!!!!!

02-15-2011, 01:53 AM
Hi lws8512,

Well you've written another excellent chapter. :bananajum

You may already know the direction I want to see the story take, but since you've asked:

1. Relent on poor Bobby. Give him fewer and less harsh punishments.

2. Give him chores, say helping the wicked but gorgeous stepmother bathe. If he is impermisably aroused, make him kiss her feet, suck her toes, or even sustain a few of her barefooted ballbusts.

3. He can do likewise with some of the other women.

4. In short let the guy have a little fun.

poolman2 :bananawin

02-15-2011, 09:40 AM
Please let me know what you think. More than that however, please let me know what you want next. After this chapter (1 or 2 more posts) I will be at a crossroads in the story. I can either have one more extreme chapter (which would be the self-defense class as suggested by Anymous1) or I can cool it down a bit, give Bobby a break, before getting more extreme again. (If I go with the latter option, the self-defense course chapter will have to be put off for a while, but I will get there no matter what.)

Really this is all a matter of ordering the chapters. So, please vote on what you would prefer. </i>

I'd cool it down a bit. That way it'll seem more extreme when you go back to the heavy stuff.

02-15-2011, 11:02 AM
Wow, part two of this chapter got even more extreme than I intended upon sitting down to write it. Not surprisingly, I think it is my favorite post so far. :D

This will probably encourage the "give bobby a break" crowd to increase their insistence. To be honest, I'm kinda leaning with them, but I'll go with whatever the majority decides.

In any case, here is the chapter section. Definitely let me know what you think of this one. It may be my Magnum Opus :)

Chapter 6 (2 of 3)

Bobby lay spread eagle on the floor, the entirety of his mind and body consumed in a world of pain. His bulbous, red cock-head, filled with the black anal-plug, protruded out from under his left side, several inches below his ribs. The rest of the massive shaft below him still continued to twitch rhythmically, though with less fervor.

He couldn’t reason, he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t move. He starred blankly backward, past his tautly stretched scrotum, at the huge globules of nut mush bulging from frame of the door. They were the very picture of pain, covered with dark bruises, swelling with veins, and turning an ever darker shades of purple as the minutes past.

He was in hell, and yet, in some way, he was also in heaven. After a while, thoughts began to form. His mind began to recall all the horrible things done to him in the past 48 hours, all the suffering he had been made to endure. His cock began twitching all the more rapidly.

After what seemed liked years, Eve walked over to him.

“Well,” She began. “That was fifteen minutes. Did you learn your lesson?”

“Ymmmphh,” he said into his ball gag.

“Good,” Eve responded. “You can be done with your time out then.”

She abruptly opened the door, sending fresh blood and pain cascading into his testicles. She then ripped the duct-tape off, freeing them from the door frame. The plopped to the ground. Megan came over, and for a moment Bobby and the two women stared in amazement at Bobby’s aching nut-pulp.

Although it seemed hardly possible, Bobby’s balls were even more swollen than before. After Bobby’s experience with the pantry door, his testicles could no longer even be considered spherical in shape. They bulged in strange dimensions, and were covered with innumerable bruises along with some painful looking wooden splinters.

“Now Bobby,” Eve started in. “There is still the matter of your test. What did he get, Megan?”

“A zero percent,” Megan replied. “I’m very disappointed.”

“As am I,” said Eve. “Now typically we would do corrections, but given the circumstances I would be willing to allow you a redo.”

Eve was allowing him a chance out.

Bobby began to sob. He couldn’t take any more, he just couldn’t. But, at the same time, he didn’t want to fail Eve. He had been so bad recently. He had missed his bedtime curfew yesterday and made a mess of the bus this afternoon. He just couldn’t disappoint her again.

Eve reached down and removed his ball-gag to hear his answer.

“I, I,” Bobby stuttered, tears still rolling down his eyes. “I want to do my corrections.”

“I’m proud of you Bobby,” Eve said with a smile, not even reprimanding him for crying. “Go fetch the correction table.”

Bobby staggered to his feet, barely able to remain standing. Still sniveling, he waddled into the living room, wincing every time the swaying bag of hamburger meat between his legs hit one of his knees. He removed the lamp from the end table. The table was made from a section of a large pine tree they had cut down several years past. Aside from varnishing it, nothing else had been done to the tree trunk.

The table was heavy, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that Bobby, in his weakened state, carried it back into the kitchen. He sat down in a dinning chair near the table and raised his brutalized testicles onto the tree-trunk table. Mommy duct-taped his scrotum, behind his balls, firmly to the table. His testicles were trapped there, for better or worse, and it was always for the worse.

Corrections were a simple. Megan had written the correct answers on his test. She would hold the test in front of him and read each question he got wrong again, Bobby would just repeat the correct answer. At the point of saying the correct answer, mommy would reinforce the concept on Bobby. If Bobby got above a 90, mommy typically used a metal ruler as her reinforcement tool. 80 or above and mommy switched to a small, metal hammer. Bobby had never gotten below an 80, so as he watched Eve walk away, he had no clue what implement she was fetching. He prayed it was the ruler, his tender, swollen, extremely sensitive balls just couldn’t handle 85 blows from a metal hammer.

Mommy returned moments later, but not with the hammer. Instead she emerged from the garage with a black-head, bleached-wood-handle, 40 ounce rubber mallet. At the sight of the monstrosity, Bobby once again began sobbing. Little sound left his lips, but his body shook from terror.

“Aren’t you excited Bobby?” Megan said, with a sweet smile on her face. “This will be a new learning experience!”

The sad part was, Megan wasn’t being facetious. She just wanted to be a good tutor and for Bobby to have fun.

So they began. Megan seated in front of him, holding the test with the false answers, and Eve standing to his right.

“4x+1=13,” Megan asked.
“37 degrees,” Bobby said, reading the false “correct” answer.

The mallet traveled fiercely downward from the height of Eve’s head to find the trapped ball flesh below. The testicle meat in the impact zone was splattered flat beneath the blow.

Bobby shrieked.

“Shhh,” Eve reprimanded him. “If you make a fuss we will just have to repeat the question.”

“4x+1=13,” Megan repeated.
“37 degrees.”

A different portion of Bobby’s manhood was crushed flat between rubber-encased metal and wood.

Bobby gasped for air, but remained quiet.

“111 degrees.”

Another piece of trapped genital mush was further pulverized.

“An acute angle,” Bobby whimpered softly.

SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLUT! Three new lumps began to form on Bobby’s testicles.

“Speak up Bobby, we can’t hear you.” Mommy said impatiently, then adding, “Megan, please repeat the question.”

“An acute angle,” Bobby responded in the strongest voice he could muster knowing full well what would happen next to his mangled genitals.

SMACK! An extra hard blow drove through his meat to the wood below.

So it continued until on question 43 the indescribable agony of having his nuts reduced to paste, caused Bobby to pass out.

Eve was no stranger to this, and she soon returned with another teaching implement used primarily in the instruction of cattle. She touched the instrument’s two prongs to the tip of Bobby’s ragging cock, and push the button. Bobby awoke with a wail, as 20,000 volts of electricity coursed through his cock, frying his huge, raging member.

“Here,” Eve said with a sweet smile, handing the cattle prod to Megan. “If Bobby gets sleepy again, you know what to do.”

Bobby did indeed get sleepy again after problem 52, and after a particularly nut-mashingly brutal blow accompanying problem 55.

“Hmm,” Eve said, after Megan electrocuted Bobby for the third time. “He really is a sleepyhead tonight. Perhaps it will work better from the inside.”

“Don’t make a mess now,” Eve said, as she removed Bobby’s penis plug.

Goo immediately began to rise from Bobby’s hole. With no other recourse, Bobby began to slurp it up with his mouth. From years of foreign objects being crammed into his urethra, Bobby’s hole was slightly larger than his mouth. So between questions he was force to put his mouth in the hole to lap up his own semen, which came out in a continuous flow.

“Parallelogram,” Bobby said, raising his head from his pee hole, his face covered in slime.

He was rewarded with a crushing blow to his right testicle by a heavy instrument designed for industrial work.

Bobby got sleepy again around problem 63. Megan, being a good tutor, knew what to do. The pronged instrument was inserted several inches into his tortured penis, and Megan pulled the trigger, four times. The first to wake Bobby, the other three because she liked the “funny face” he made when she did it.

For the now almost completely delirious Bobby, the last 20 or so problems were an almost continuous series of SLURP, SPLAT, SIZZLE. It’s not that Bobby passed out that much. Megan just liked to play with her new toy, setting it off at different depths of Bobby’s enormous dong. Eve had no complaints.

“Ok, question 85,” Megan said with glee. “3x+4y+15z=32”
“A square,” Bobby sobbed.

“Good job!” Megan squealed. “You did such a good job you deserve fireworks!”

“SIZZLE, SIZZLE, SIZZLE, SIZZLE,” the prod said, as Megan touched it to various parts of Bobby’s massacred cock and balls.

Eve, not usually one for silly play, decided to join the celebration anyway. After all, the mallet was rubber.


At that moment the doorbell rang. Still convulsing in pain, Bobby looked down to find his testicles had been turned into huge, fat flesh-pancakes covered in lumps.

“Bobby,” Eve said, entering the kitchen again. “Your friends are outside. I can’t believe we totally forgot about your therapy. I’m so sorry I forgot, you’ve probably been looking forward to seeing your friends all day.”

Bobby moaned softly as he felt his traitorous dick wiggle with excitement, even as he continued to lap up the mess of the organ that only moments ago had been turned into a semiconductor.

Alec Anaconda
02-15-2011, 11:29 AM
You want votes now?

I’ve already stated my views; give the lad a break!

Alec Anaconda

02-20-2011, 05:28 AM
What an amazing story one of the best I've ever read:ibow4u:
So the only advice i can give to you is to continue like that.:ibow4u:

02-21-2011, 09:19 AM
Thanks for the post, yd26. It's always nice to hear from someone new.

02-23-2011, 08:54 AM
Thanks for the post, yd26. It's always nice to hear from someone new.

What I like in a story like that it's that there isn't any limits so it's more fun

In a video a true guy is kicked so the girl has to respect some limits.
But in pics and stories there isn't any limits so the guy can be tortured against his will and as hard as his nuts pop,it will not ******** a real man(thankfully:D)

i love your story because of your writting style, for me it's hard to do that because i'm french and I tend to write just the essencial(I hope anyway my story is not as bad as that:jumpsmile)

:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:t humbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thu mbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumb up:thumbup

02-28-2011, 07:22 AM
What I like in a story like that it's that there isn't any limits so it's more fun.

Exactly :)

i love your story because of your writting style, for me it's hard to do that because i'm french and I tend to write just the essencial(I hope anyway my story is not as bad as that:jumpsmile)

I think it's really hard to write in any language but your mother tongue. In any case, from what I read of your story, I don't have any trouble following the action. Keep writing!

03-05-2011, 09:14 PM
I'll put in my vote now for "give him a break." I don't care if he's fictional; he's a nice guy, behaves, and puts up with a lot from things that aren't his fault. He deserves a little fun of his own!

03-07-2011, 02:54 PM
Ok, well I think there is a clear consensus that I should give him a break.

Speaking of which, I think I am going to end the current chapter where it is. I think you can all assume what happens in regard to the visitors at the door. Is that ok? Or did you actually want to hear what happens?

I got a couple ideas for the upcoming chapters, which are going to start out much lighter (as requested) and gradually get more intense.

Poolman's and Anonymous' ideas for future chapters have been noted. Now would be the time for anyone else to make any suggestions if they have them. I will do my best to try to work in any ideas/requests, be they light or extreme.

I had one idea I wanted to run by you guys because I'm not sure you would like it. I was debating for one chapter having a guy bust bobby. Nothing gay, he'd be fully clothed and not at all into it sexually, rather he'd be paid by Eve and the other female characters for his services. What do you think...I'm kinda on the fence about it...???

03-07-2011, 08:05 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Hey I just wanted to respond to your recent idea of having a chapter dedicated to a guy busting Bobby. Personally I would be strongly against it regardless of whether it had sexual undertones or not. For some people who agree with me it might be because of homophobia but honestly for me it has nothing to do with that. I am just completely disinterested in m/m ballbusting and I am pretty certain that a majority of people feel very similar. I also feel that most people here would be turned off by it without it being for homophobic reasons. Just wanted to preemptively combat accusations before someone made there.

Ultimately your decision.

03-08-2011, 12:54 AM


I personally vote an emphatic NO on the issue of M/m ballbusting.

This website caters to the those interested in F/m ballbusting, domination, and foot worship. I doubt it would interest many of our forumites.

It simply does not appeal to me, so I would not read that section.

This is not to say such a theme would not work in other forums, but it does not fit here.

I'm glad to hear you're giving the kid a break.

Keep up your good work,


03-10-2011, 02:37 PM
Well, if two of my most loyal readers vote no, then no it is. I really don't think it was going to be in any way gay though.

Since I'm not doing it, I'll at least tell you what the synopsis was going to be in my defense:

Eve decides she wants help with Bobby's "therapy" and wants to hire a "professional therapist" (dominatrix). The therapist Eve chooses is very "experienced" (brutal) and won't work with a wimp. So Bobby has to prove himself.

The dom calls a friend, who just happens to be a professional kick-boxer who owes her money. She makes a bet with him. He has three, 10-minute rounds to beat Bobby ***********. If he does she'll forgive him his debt (several thousand dollars) if he doesn't she gets to take a nail gun to his balls. If Bobby can stay conscious for all 30 minutes, he will have proven himself and she will be his "therapist."

They meet in a boxing ring, Eve, bobby, the dom, and the boxer, and the challenge begins. The boxer says he'll make short work of Bobby, but after the first 10 minutes of ball pummeling, Bobby is still standing.

They take a break, during which time the dom tells the boxer what a good job he's doing and how she loves hearing Bobby squeal, and to make him squeal louder. In Bobby's corner of the ring, Eve yells at him for being a wimp and crying too much. She threatens him with a real beating if he doesn't take it like like a man.

The second round is even more brutal, and at the end of it Bobby's testicles are so mashed he can't even stand. During the break, the dom again praises the boxer, while Eve is so upset with Bobby's performance she uses the break to further beat his testicles herself.

Eve has to hold Bobby up for the final round, but Bobby manages to stay conscious for an absolutely epic 10 minute ball beating.

The dom starts advancing on the boxer with a taser saying its time to pay up. The guy begs her no to use the nail gun on him. She then begins to laugh. She says she would never do that to him and she was just teasing. She says for his efforts she will forgive him his debt even though he failed to knock Bobby ***********. She just asks him one favor, if before he leaves he can carry Bobby and the nail gun into the adjacent room. :D

Anyways, that was my thought for a chapter. I can see however how it wouldn't be up everyone's alley. I don't really see it as m/m ballbusting, but rather see it as f/m, with the boxer just being another ballbusting tool.

To be fair though, I myself don't like some ballbusting clips that I consider kinda gay. For instance, I really have no interest in f/mm ballbusting. That to me is kinda gay. Sure its a girl doing it, but two naked guys both getting their jollies in the same scene seems weird to me.

Even gayer are those couple of clips where a dom makes two guys play testicle tug-of-war...

That's just my opinion though. And, to not sound like a homophobe myself, I'll quote Seinfeld and say "not that there's anything wrong with that..."

03-10-2011, 04:48 PM
lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804)

Honestly I think that you had a very good idea for the chapter, which is not at all surprising because you come up with great ideas all the time. Personally I think you should keep the entire concept and just include a female kick boxer, which would eliminate the issue many people would have with male on male ballbusting.

Again I have absolutely no problem with homosexuality but m/m ballbusting is just unappealing to me. It really does not matter if it is sexual or otherwise because it is just unappealing to me. For whatever reason ballbusting via tools (using baseball bats, whips, etc) is also something that is less appealing to me then ballbusting via human appendages (feet, hands, knees). Using tools is not something I find completely unappealing just less than ideal and I can not exactly explain why. I will say that I enjoyed your last chapter (the two parts of it) despite the focus on tools but I must say that I mean this as a strong compliment because there are not many writers of bb that I could say that about. Your stories are awesome and I really appreciate you taking into consideration the input of your fans.

Thank for all the great stories. I seriously await reading your next brutal ballbusting story (mostly the self defense theme one my gf and I requested).

:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::i bow4u:

03-11-2011, 01:52 AM

I'm looking forward to your next chapter. :bananajum

Incidentally, the suggestion of anymous1 to use a female kick boxer is not a bad idea, although I'm still tired of seeing poor Bobby bashed around.


poolman2 :bananawin

03-11-2011, 05:13 PM
I would not worry to much poolman2 because lws8512 said he was going to give Bobby a break from all of the brutal abuse. The majority have spoken and it seems like more people prefer leniency to brutality for the next chapter. Although I would prefer a continuation of brutality I respect every else's opinion.

At the end of the day I just hope to see the story continued with the self defense chapter being inevitable and hopefully long and brutal. I am certain lws8512 (http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=34804) won't disappoint any of his true fans.

03-18-2011, 11:27 AM

To be fair though, I myself don't like some ballbusting clips that I consider kinda gay. For instance, I really have no interest in f/mm ballbusting. That to me is kinda gay. Sure its a girl doing it, but two naked guys both getting their jollies in the same scene seems weird to me.

Even gayer are those couple of clips where a dom makes two guys play testicle tug-of-war...
I think exactly like you

04-20-2011, 08:47 AM
I am terribly sorry it took so long for me to get to the next installment. I've just been super busy. But, it's here now. Hopefully I haven't lost my fan base. I will keep writing (hopefully at a somewhat quicker pace) if you keep reading and posting.

In any case, a little about this chapter: It's a "be nice to Bobby" chapter like I promised. At first I thought it wouldn't be as fun to write as the "mash Bobby's balls" chapters, but actually I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Let me know what you think

I'm thinking one more "be nice to Bobby" chapter and then I'll return to the ball mashing. As always, suggestions are welcome.

Dr. Amy Lee stopped in the front of the last door in the hallway. She looked at her clipboard, a standard physical; one Bobby Black. This would be her last patient of the day. Then she could go home and relax.

She gave a polite knock on the exam room door before entering. A boy, along with a woman, who was probably his mother, were waiting in the room. The woman, seated in a chair by the wall, looked normal enough. She was a tall, attractive woman and looked to be in her late 30’s by Amy’s reckoning. The boy, standing in the middle of the room, looked normal enough too, except for the fact that he was wearing a large trench coat. He was much shorter than his mother, standing only slightly taller than Amy.

“Hello,” Amy greeted them. “What can I do for you today?”

The boy only smiled at her, letting his mother speak.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Eve and this is my step-son Bobby.” The woman replied. “Bobby’s old physician changed practices, so were looking for a new doctor for Bobby.”

“Well that sounds just great,” she responded, looking at the boy. “I’d be happy to take you on as a patient, that is assuming your comfortable with a female doctor. Otherwise, I know of male doctor here at the clinic currently taking patients.”

Amy could only imagine how uncomfortable it would be for the poor boy to have a physical by a doctor less than 10 years older than him.

“No, Bobby would be happy to have you for his doctor,” the mother answered for the boy once again.

“Um, ok,” Amy said. “Well if you’re my new patient, we might as well begin with your physical. You can start by taking off your coat, you must be warm in here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the boy answered, speaking for the first time.

He undid the coat belt and only then did Amy realize that the boy was, except for socks and shoes, completely naked underneath. He took the coat off, and handed it to his mother and stood naked in the middle of the room.

Amy’s mouth hung open. Not only was the boy completely naked, he was fully aroused, and had freakishly large genitals. He penis had to be almost a foot and a half long with matching girth. Big veins bulged all along on the shaft. His testicles hung nearly halfway to his knees and were the size of two baseballs.

Amy tried to be professional, but when the boy turned to face her and she saw the large, black object inserted into his urethra, stretching it to an incredible size, she lost her composure.

“Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed.

“Are you comfortable being my step-sons doctor?” The woman asked kindly.

This would be the time for her to ask the boy to dress and leave. She paused. To her surprise, she could feel that her panties were slightly wet.

“Yes, of course.”

“Good, I’m glad” the woman said with a smile. “I know my son’s condition can be disturbing.”

Her son had no condition. This wasn’t a case of elephantiasis or any other medical disease. The boy was simple one in a billion, if not one in 6.7 billion. He was certainly a freak of nature, but he wasn’t sick. However, she wasn’t going to argue with the woman.

“No worries,” she said giving both son and mother a smile. “Let’s start the examine.”

She had the boy take a seat on the examine table. She ignored the increased throbbing in the boy’s massive member as she approached, and began the otherwise standard procedure, taking care not to accidentally bump into his penis.

After all the normal procedures were complete, it came time to check the boy’s testes.

She slowly began to reach down when Eve spoke, “There usually much larger when Bobby here is under regular therapy. His regime has been suspended the past 3 weeks because of a special event tonight.”

“Therapy?” Amy asked, somewhat perplexed.

“Oh yes,” Eve responded. “Concussion therapy, acupuncture, electro-shock, heat therapy, and other such treatments.”

“Concussion therapy?” Amy asked, now totally confused.

“Perhaps it would be best if I showed you,” said Eve.

With that, the tall woman stood up, drew her fist back, and proceeded to slam her son directly in the testicles.

For the second time that day, Amy’s mouth was agape. She waited for the boy to fall to the floor clutching his balls, but he didn’t. Although his face was the very picture of pain, instead of trying to protect his genitals, he spread his legs wider and thrust his pelvis out, allowing his step-mother blast his balls three more times.

“Generally I try to do one to two hours of therapy with Bobby a day,” the boy’s step-mother continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. “However, as I mentioned, for the past three weeks Bobby has been out of therapy. He has an important school function tonight, and as vital as his therapy is to his health, it can be very taxing. Normally though, when undergoing therapy, his testicles are significantly larger.”

She paused a moment before adding, “Like grapefruits usually.” She then smiled while showing the rough dimensions with her hands.

“I…I see,” Amy stuttered. “Excuse me.”

She left the room without saying another word. Her legs shook as she crossed the hallway to her office. She locked her office door, and slumped into her chair. She had a explosive orgasm before she could even unbutton her pants, followed by another three with the aide of two fingers.

She sat slumped in the chair still trembling slightly. She wanted this she realized. She wanted it so badly. She wanted to be this boys doctor. Something inside her wanted to inflict untold, horrible and perverse tortures on the boy sitting in the waiting room. Could she though? She was after all a doctor.

She got up and zipped her pants. She grabbed a random clipboard from her office as way of explaining her absence.

She entered the room again. It wasn’t a dream. The naked, 18-year old freak of nature still sat butt naked on the exam table.

“Sorry about that,” she said, pretending look down in a meaningful way at the clipboard in her hands. “Let’s continue with the exam.”

She approached Bobby, attempting to look like a confident, medical professional, but really nervous as a school girl.

Bobby’s straining cock began to wag.

She reached down and took one enormous testicle in each hand. Her tiny hands barely fit around half of each nut. She began to feel, message, and gently squeeze the orbs. Nervousness gave way to pleasure, as she spent the next 5 full minutes fondling the boy while trying not to smile too much. She was like a little girl at Christmas who had just gotten the two most exciting toys.

Amazingly, despite all the apparent trauma these organs had endured, there wasn’t a thing wrong with them. No swelling, no scar tissue, no lumps. Just two healthy, ridiculously bulbous testicles.

“I’d like to do some X-rays,” she said as she let go of Bobby’s nuts.

A lie.

“Oh,” said the mother. “Nothing serious I hope.”

“No, no, your sons fine. Just standard procedure.”

Amy turned to Bobby. “You should probably put your coat back on,” she said with a smile. She didn’t want to give any old ladies in the waiting room a heart attack.

Amy and Bobby traversed the clinic to the X-ray room. Eve remained behind, just as Amy had hoped.

Amy opened the door to the X-ray room, and ushered Bobby in, telling him to wait in there for her…without his coat.

Looking both ways to make sure no one was coming, she undid her ponytail, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt, exposing her modest cleavage. In med-school she had always been “the hot Asian girl all the guys wanted to get with.” Hopefully that would help her here.

She entered and instructed Bobby to have seat on the X-ray machine.

“Bobby, I lied,” she began. “You don’t need X-rays.

She slid her left hand under his cock head, causing his whole gigantic penis to start twitching slightly.

“I just want to hurt you.”

Although it seemed hardly possible, at these words his member bulged even more and began to flop up and down.

A good sign.

“Yes, ma’am,” the boy responded, grabbing himself by the base of the balls and stretching his enormous nuts away from his body.

It took Amy a moment to realize that the boy sitting in front of her was offering to hold his own tender testicles in place so that she could more easily pummel them.

“It’s not that simple Bobby,” she said, beginning to run her nails gently along the underside of the length of his cock. “I’m a doctor. I took an oath to do no harm.”

She paused, and with one swift motion yanked the plug out of the boy’s cock while continuing with the other hand to trace her fingers along his urethra. Somewhat to her surprise, his hole instantly began to ooze.

“So, what I need to know is,” she continued, “do you need pain?”

“Mommy says…” the boy began.

“I don’t care what Mommy says,” Amy said sharply, as she began massage the boy’s cock head using his own semen as lubricant. “I want to know if YOU need pain.

The boy’s face began to turn red. He was ashamed of the answer. For some reason, even this poor boy’s humiliation aroused her, so she continued the attack.

“Huh? Do you like it when mommy beats those huge balls of yours?”

“You do, don’t you?”

“And what about when your grapefruits here aren’t being battered to pulp? I bet you daydream about it.”

“Hmm? Is that why your cock is so hard? You can’t stop imaging your own mother beating your balls raw? That’s all you think about isn’t it you little pervert?”

She paused, and looked him in the eye, “What about me Bobby? You’ve only known me thirty minutes. What sick fantasy do you have about me?”

The boy’s face and cock were now the same shade of red. She stopped rubbing slime around his cockhead, and instead started probing his hole with two fingers. Her left hand started gently tugging at his huge balls, one at a time.

“Do I scramble your eggs with my knee?” She continued.

“Or, seeing as I am a doctor, do maybe shove needles into nuts…perhaps in some clinical trial on the use of placebos in pain management?”

Two fingers were fitting comfortably, so she went with three.

“How many needles do I mercilessly drive into your balls? How large are they? Do I shove some all the way through your balls, completely skewering those giant orbs? Do I save the two largest needles for last, and make you insert them yourself while I watch?”

She was now vigorously fingerfucking him, pumping her fingers furiously into the boy’s hole, all the way to the knuckle.

“Maybe I need to call a consult…a busty blonde doctor. She recommends even more needles. Do we keep driving metal bits into your tender nut meat until you look like a porcupine?”

She withdrew her fingers and inserted her tongue and then her whole mouth. With her two free hands she vigorously tugged at the boy’s balls, like she was milking a cow.

The boy’s face was scarlet and his member was as hard as marble. He was biting his lower lip in pleasure.

She continued for about 5 minutes, before looking up, her face and his member both completely drenched in sticky goo,

She locked eyes with him and in a low sultry voice asked, “Is that what you want? Because, if I’m your doctor I will prescribe pain…an incredible amount of pain. So, do you want me as your doctor? Do you need what I offer?”

“Yes,” the boy whispered.

“Beg me,” she whispered back. “Beg me to hurt you.”

“Please hurt me,” he obediently responded.

“Good boy,” she said as she rammed the giant rubber stopper back up into his gapping pee hole.

At this the penis arced up, almost hitting the boy in his own face. It came back down and proceeded to throb violently. It was almost purple in color, every inch covered with veins. It was much larger than it had been in the waiting room, bulging to dimensions she would have never thought possible. He had likely only been seconds from orgasm she realized suddenly.

She look at his face. It was still bright red with shame and tears were trickling down from his eyes, tears of frustration and longing.

This realization was too much for Amy, and much to her surprise, she began to come right there in front of the boy. She came harder than she had even in her office.

“I’m sorry…Bobby…” she said between high pitched moans, “as your doctor…I can’t… recommend an orgasm…at this time.”

She paused, riding out the last stages of her orgasm.

“For you at least,” she added with a big smile.

“Now put your coat back on sweetie,” she continued, wiping semen from her mouth and buttoning her shirt. “We are going back to the exam room.”

They traversed the halls, coming back to the exam room where Eve was waiting.

“Everything alright I hope?” Eve asked.

“Yes, of course,” Amy replied.

“I was wondering,” Amy continued, “if, given all the stress your son’s condition causes you, it would be helpful for me to make home visits?”

“You’d be willing to do that for Bobby?” Eve asked, pleasantly surprised.

“Yes of course, it would be my pleasure,” said Amy. “Given his condition, I’d want to make visits at least once a week.”

“Also,” she went on, “is the event you mentioned tonight a form of therapy?”

“Yes,” Eve responded. “It should be some very intense group therapy.”

Amy could see Bobby’s raging member begin to twitch out of the corner of her eye and had to stop herself from laughing.

“Could you send a videotape of the proceedings to me?” she asked. “So that I can better understand his current regimen.”

04-20-2011, 05:07 PM
I am terribly sorry it took so long for me to get to the next installment. I've just been super busy. But, it's here now. Hopefully I haven't lost my fan base. I will keep writing (hopefully at a somewhat quicker pace) if you keep reading and posting.

In any case, a little about this chapter: It's a "be nice to Bobby" chapter like I promised. At first I thought it wouldn't be as fun to write as the "mash Bobby's balls" chapters, but actually I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Let me know what you think

I'm thinking one more "be nice to Bobby" chapter and then I'll return to the ball mashing. As always, suggestions are welcome.

Dr. Amy Lee stopped in the front of the last door in the hallway. She looked at her clipboard, a standard physical; one Bobby Black. This would be her last patient of the day. Then she could go home and relax.

She gave a polite knock on the exam room door before entering. A boy, along with a woman, who was probably his mother, were waiting in the room. The woman, seated in a chair by the wall, looked normal enough. She was a tall, attractive woman and looked to be in her late 30’s by Amy’s reckoning. The boy, standing in the middle of the room, looked normal enough too, except for the fact that he was wearing a large trench coat. He was much shorter than his mother, standing only slightly taller than Amy.

“Hello,” Amy greeted them. “What can I do for you today?”

The boy only smiled at her, letting his mother speak.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Eve and this is my step-son Bobby.” The woman replied. “Bobby’s old physician changed practices, so were looking for a new doctor for Bobby.”

“Well that sounds just great,” she responded, looking at the boy. “I’d be happy to take you on as a patient, that is assuming your comfortable with a female doctor. Otherwise, I know of male doctor here at the clinic currently taking patients.”

Amy could only imagine how uncomfortable it would be for the poor boy to have a physical by a doctor less than 10 years older than him.

“No, Bobby would be happy to have you for his doctor,” the mother answered for the boy once again.

“Um, ok,” Amy said. “Well if you’re my new patient, we might as well begin with your physical. You can start by taking off your coat, you must be warm in here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the boy answered, speaking for the first time.

He undid the coat belt and only then did Amy realize that the boy was, except for socks and shoes, completely naked underneath. He took the coat off, and handed it to his mother and stood naked in the middle of the room.

Amy’s mouth hung open. Not only was the boy completely naked, he was fully aroused, and had freakishly large genitals. He penis had to be almost a foot and a half long with matching girth. Big veins bulged all along on the shaft. His testicles hung nearly halfway to his knees and were the size of two baseballs.

Amy tried to be professional, but when the boy turned to face her and she saw the large, black object inserted into his urethra, stretching it to an incredible size, she lost her composure.

“Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed.

“Are you comfortable being my step-sons doctor?” The woman asked kindly.

This would be the time for her to ask the boy to dress and leave. She paused. To her surprise, she could feel that her panties were slightly wet.

“Yes, of course.”

“Good, I’m glad” the woman said with a smile. “I know my son’s condition can be disturbing.”

Her son had no condition. This wasn’t a case of elephantiasis or any other medical disease. The boy was simple one in a billion, if not one in 6.7 billion. He was certainly a freak of nature, but he wasn’t sick. However, she wasn’t going to argue with the woman.

“No worries,” she said giving both son and mother a smile. “Let’s start the examine.”

She had the boy take a seat on the examine table. She ignored the increased throbbing in the boy’s massive member as she approached, and began the otherwise standard procedure, taking care not to accidentally bump into his penis.

After all the normal procedures were complete, it came time to check the boy’s testes.

She slowly began to reach down when Eve spoke, “There usually much larger when Bobby here is under regular therapy. His regime has been suspended the past 3 weeks because of a special event tonight.”

“Therapy?” Amy asked, somewhat perplexed.

“Oh yes,” Eve responded. “Concussion therapy, acupuncture, electro-shock, heat therapy, and other such treatments.”

“Concussion therapy?” Amy asked, now totally confused.

“Perhaps it would be best if I showed you,” said Eve.

With that, the tall woman stood up, drew her fist back, and proceeded to slam her son directly in the testicles.

For the second time that day, Amy’s mouth was agape. She waited for the boy to fall to the floor clutching his balls, but he didn’t. Although his face was the very picture of pain, instead of trying to protect his genitals, he spread his legs wider and thrust his pelvis out, allowing his step-mother blast his balls three more times.

“Generally I try to do one to two hours of therapy with Bobby a day,” the boy’s step-mother continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. “However, as I mentioned, for the past three weeks Bobby has been out of therapy. He has an important school function tonight, and as vital as his therapy is to his health, it can be very taxing. Normally though, when undergoing therapy, his testicles are significantly larger.”

She paused a moment before adding, “Like grapefruits usually.” She then smiled while showing the rough dimensions with her hands.

“I…I see,” Amy stuttered. “Excuse me.”

She left the room without saying another word. Her legs shook as she crossed the hallway to her office. She locked her office door, and slumped into her chair. She had a explosive orgasm before she could even unbutton her pants, followed by another three with the aide of two fingers.

She sat slumped in the chair still trembling slightly. She wanted this she realized. She wanted it so badly. She wanted to be this boys doctor. Something inside her wanted to inflict untold, horrible and perverse tortures on the boy sitting in the waiting room. Could she though? She was after all a doctor.

She got up and zipped her pants. She grabbed a random clipboard from her office as way of explaining her absence.

She entered the room again. It wasn’t a dream. The naked, 18-year old freak of nature still sat butt naked on the exam table.

“Sorry about that,” she said, pretending look down in a meaningful way at the clipboard in her hands. “Let’s continue with the exam.”

She approached Bobby, attempting to look like a confident, medical professional, but really nervous as a school girl.

Bobby’s straining cock began to wag.

She reached down and took one enormous testicle in each hand. Her tiny hands barely fit around half of each nut. She began to feel, message, and gently squeeze the orbs. Nervousness gave way to pleasure, as she spent the next 5 full minutes fondling the boy while trying not to smile too much. She was like a little girl at Christmas who had just gotten the two most exciting toys.

Amazingly, despite all the apparent trauma these organs had endured, there wasn’t a thing wrong with them. No swelling, no scar tissue, no lumps. Just two healthy, ridiculously bulbous testicles.

“I’d like to do some X-rays,” she said as she let go of Bobby’s nuts.

A lie.

“Oh,” said the mother. “Nothing serious I hope.”

“No, no, your sons fine. Just standard procedure.”

Amy turned to Bobby. “You should probably put your coat back on,” she said with a smile. She didn’t want to give any old ladies in the waiting room a heart attack.

Amy and Bobby traversed the clinic to the X-ray room. Eve remained behind, just as Amy had hoped.

Amy opened the door to the X-ray room, and ushered Bobby in, telling him to wait in there for her…without his coat.

Looking both ways to make sure no one was coming, she undid her ponytail, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt, exposing her modest cleavage. In med-school she had always been “the hot Asian girl all the guys wanted to get with.” Hopefully that would help her here.

She entered and instructed Bobby to have seat on the X-ray machine.

“Bobby, I lied,” she began. “You don’t need X-rays.

She slid her left hand under his cock head, causing his whole gigantic penis to start twitching slightly.

“I just want to hurt you.”

Although it seemed hardly possible, at these words his member bulged even more and began to flop up and down.

A good sign.

“Yes, ma’am,” the boy responded, grabbing himself by the base of the balls and stretching his enormous nuts away from his body.

It took Amy a moment to realize that the boy sitting in front of her was offering to hold his own tender testicles in place so that she could more easily pummel them.

“It’s not that simple Bobby,” she said, beginning to run her nails gently along the underside of the length of his cock. “I’m a doctor. I took an oath to do no harm.”

She paused, and with one swift motion yanked the plug out of the boy’s cock while continuing with the other hand to trace her fingers along his urethra. Somewhat to her surprise, his hole instantly began to ooze.

“So, what I need to know is,” she continued, “do you need pain?”

“Mommy says…” the boy began.

“I don’t care what Mommy says,” Amy said sharply, as she began massage the boy’s cock head using his own semen as lubricant. “I want to know if YOU need pain.

The boy’s face began to turn red. He was ashamed of the answer. For some reason, even this poor boy’s humiliation aroused her, so she continued the attack.

“Huh? Do you like it when mommy beats those huge balls of yours?”

“You do, don’t you?”

“And what about when your grapefruits here aren’t being battered to pulp? I bet you daydream about it.”

“Hmm? Is that why your cock is so hard? You can’t stop imaging your own mother beating your balls raw? That’s all you think about isn’t it you little pervert?”

She paused, and looked him in the eye, “What about me Bobby? You’ve only known me thirty minutes. What sick fantasy do you have about me?”

The boy’s face and cock were now the same shade of red. She stopped rubbing slime around his cockhead, and instead started probing his hole with two fingers. Her left hand started gently tugging at his huge balls, one at a time.

“Do I scramble your eggs with my knee?” She continued.

“Or, seeing as I am a doctor, do maybe shove needles into nuts…perhaps in some clinical trial on the use of placebos in pain management?”

Two fingers were fitting comfortably, so she went with three.

“How many needles do I mercilessly drive into your balls? How large are they? Do I shove some all the way through your balls, completely skewering those giant orbs? Do I save the two largest needles for last, and make you insert them yourself while I watch?”

She was now vigorously fingerfucking him, pumping her fingers furiously into the boy’s hole, all the way to the knuckle.

“Maybe I need to call a consult…a busty blonde doctor. She recommends even more needles. Do we keep driving metal bits into your tender nut meat until you look like a porcupine?”

She withdrew her fingers and inserted her tongue and then her whole mouth. With her two free hands she vigorously tugged at the boy’s balls, like she was milking a cow.

The boy’s face was scarlet and his member was as hard as marble. He was biting his lower lip in pleasure.

She continued for about 5 minutes, before looking up, her face and his member both completely drenched in sticky goo,

She locked eyes with him and in a low sultry voice asked, “Is that what you want? Because, if I’m your doctor I will prescribe pain…an incredible amount of pain. So, do you want me as your doctor? Do you need what I offer?”

“Yes,” the boy whispered.

“Beg me,” she whispered back. “Beg me to hurt you.”

“Please hurt me,” he obediently responded.

“Good boy,” she said as she rammed the giant rubber stopper back up into his gapping pee hole.

At this the penis arced up, almost hitting the boy in his own face. It came back down and proceeded to throb violently. It was almost purple in color, every inch covered with veins. It was much larger than it had been in the waiting room, bulging to dimensions she would have never thought possible. He had likely only been seconds from orgasm she realized suddenly.

She look at his face. It was still bright red with shame and tears were trickling down from his eyes, tears of frustration and longing.

This realization was too much for Amy, and much to her surprise, she began to come right there in front of the boy. She came harder than she had even in her office.

“I’m sorry…Bobby…” she said between high pitched moans, “as your doctor…I can’t… recommend an orgasm…at this time.”

She paused, riding out the last stages of her orgasm.

“For you at least,” she added with a big smile.

“Now put your coat back on sweetie,” she continued, wiping semen from her mouth and buttoning her shirt. “We are going back to the exam room.”

They traversed the halls, coming back to the exam room where Eve was waiting.

“Everything alright I hope?” Eve asked.

“Yes, of course,” Amy replied.

“I was wondering,” Amy continued, “if, given all the stress your son’s condition causes you, it would be helpful for me to make home visits?”

“You’d be willing to do that for Bobby?” Eve asked, pleasantly surprised.

“Yes of course, it would be my pleasure,” said Amy. “Given his condition, I’d want to make visits at least once a week.”

“Also,” she went on, “is the event you mentioned tonight a form of therapy?”

“Yes,” Eve responded. “It should be some very intense group therapy.”

Amy could see Bobby’s raging member begin to twitch out of the corner of her eye and had to stop herself from laughing.

“Could you send a videotape of the proceedings to me?” she asked. “So that I can better understand his current regimen.”

Amazing story Lws8512

Thanks once again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write and post another amazing story for everyone to read. I would not worry at all about losing any fans, especially if you continue writing great stories like this. If nothing else I can assure you that my girlfriend and I love your stories and always are looking forward to reading the next one. Even though we both prefer the more brutal ballbusting chapters I think you did a good job with this chapter. Hopefully all of the people that requested this story enjoyed it and even if they did not my girlfriend and I did.

I really hope that the self defense chapter will be the next one and I hope it is very detailed and brutal.

Thanks again.

:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::i bow4u:

04-21-2011, 12:07 AM
awesome story!

04-21-2011, 02:30 AM
Hi lws8512,

Well your writing continues to be excellent. I very much enjoyed this chapter. :thumbup I hope poor Bobby gets to cum in the next and possibly last "be nice to Bobby" chapter. Don't forget that will give Eve another excuse to punish him. I anxiously await the big event.

poolman2 :bananajum

04-21-2011, 02:53 AM
I am so very overjoyed to see more work by you! It has been such a long time since your last installment I thought you may have had writers block and quit like some of the other writers with some of thier more anticipated stories on this forum. Thank you so much.

Alec Anaconda
04-22-2011, 01:51 PM
I think this is your best chapter.

Your hero, Bobby, is becoming understandable and developing a personality.

Now I know he wants and needs his pain, the preceding chapters seem less callous.

I also appreciate your explanation for his unique body, and your portrayal of the randy doctor.

Alec Anaconda

04-22-2011, 03:34 PM
Omg :o
Where is the next part? :o

04-23-2011, 12:24 AM
Good chapter, I'm waiting for the event and the nurse at house:it's going to be fun:jumpsmile:jumpsmile:jumpsmile

04-23-2011, 05:33 AM
Amazing story Lws8512

Thanks once again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write and post another amazing story for everyone to read. I would not worry at all about losing any fans, especially if you continue writing great stories like this. Hopefully all of the people that requested this story enjoyed it.

I really hope that the self defense chapter will be the next one and I hope it is very detailed and brutal.

04-29-2011, 03:00 PM
Thanks for all the feedback, it is greatly appreciated! I'll try to post the next installment ASAP.

Also, just so you all know, the story is now also on bdsmlibrary (http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=9143)

I hope poor Bobby gets to cum in the next and possibly last "be nice to Bobby" chapter.He will within the next couple of chapters, but it won't be in a "be nice to Bobby" chapter...:D

04-29-2011, 04:10 PM
Hey lws8512

Definitely looking forward to the next chapter, regardless of whether it is a "be nice to Bobby" chapter or the more violent chapters that I prefer.

Have a wonderful weekend lws8512!!!!!!!

05-11-2011, 03:16 PM
Hey lws8512

Can not wait to read your next story. Do you know when you will post it?


Alec Anaconda
05-12-2011, 01:30 PM
Could this be similar to Bobby? http://www.heaven666.org/that-s-not-healthy-50202.php (http://www.heaven666.org/that-s-not-healthy-50202.php)

Warning: grotesque image!

Alec Anaconda

05-12-2011, 02:02 PM
Well I dont feel like being on the internet anymore...

05-19-2011, 11:18 PM

I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of those cheering you on! Great story with some very hot themes. I'll also agree with Alec that it's been cool to see your writing progress even between these first few chapters.

I eagerly anticipate more from you, sir. Thank you kindly for sharing.


05-25-2011, 03:02 PM
Hey All,

Thanks for all the comments and feedback. I really appreciate them.

Hey lws8512

Can not wait to read your next story. Do you know when you will post it?
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been working fairly dilegently on the next chapter, but what was supposed to be a short and simple chapter had evolved into a very long one. I hope you understand. I'll try to keep you better posted on my progress in the future.

Could this be similar to Bobby? http://www.heaven666.org/that-s-not-healthy-50202.php

Warning: grotesque image!

Alec AnacondaI saw the opening frame, and opted not to watch the video. I like to think Bobby looks more like this:


I posted this once before on this forum, but if you are getting bored of waiting for me and need something to read, why don't you check out this story.


The writing isn't the best, but it is still my favorite BB story.

Anyways, again, sorry for the delay. I will try to keep you better abreast of my progress from now on.

06-01-2011, 03:00 PM
Hi All,

Just thought I'd update you again on my progress. The coming chapter has become a little too long in my opinion, so I've decided to divide it into two chapters. I'm almost done with the first one, just need to do some editing. This chapter will mostly be a flashback covering the 3 weeks between Bobby's test and his visit to the doctor. Contrary to what I told you before, this chapter will not be very nice to Bobby. :D

The following chapter will be another "be nice to Bobby" chapter and will also serve as a lead up to the self-defense class. The self-defense chapter I assure you will be nothing short of a ballpocalypse for poor Bobby.

Speaking of the self-defense chapter, I want to add another character for the chapter. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. I was half thinking of making the new character Bobby's female equivalent, not that she would take any abuse, but in terms of dimensions. Someone like Anya here.

Any thoughts?

Finally, I thought I'd give you a sneak peak at the next chapter. Hope you enjoy.

It was raining by the time their pickup truck reached the freeway. Bobby sat stark naked in the passenger seat, having removed his coat, socks, and shoes the moment Eve had closed the truck’s doors. His engorged cock bobbled in front of him. His penis was no longer as hard as it had been in the x-ray room, but it was still as stiff as a board; it always was. Sitting there, Bobby tried to think of the last time he had seen his member flaccid. Sometime before his 16th birthday he concluded, after pondering the question for a while.

His giant testicles jiggled in his lap. They were smaller than usual, just as Eve had told the doctor. Even more unusual, they didn’t have a single bruise or scrape on them. They hadn’t received any treatment since that night three weeks ago, the evening of the cattle prod and mallet. That night had been the longest of Bobby’s life.

After he had finished taking his corrections, Eve had sent him outside to play with the neighbors. There had been eight girls in total, including Megan (who came armed with her new, favorite, high-voltage toy). There were too many of them to all fit on the porch, so instead they had led Bobby over to a snow free area of the lawn near the downspout. It was small patch of ground, that had been turned into a pool of mud by the melting snow. Once there, they had tied his hands behind his back and made him spread his legs.

By then his testicles (if they could even be called such) had come to resemble small, purple-and-black melons, dangling just a little above his knees...

06-01-2011, 05:55 PM
Hey Lws8512

Thanks very much for the update on your upcoming chapters. Personally everything you have described sounds good to me, especially the idea of adding another female character. I am on the fence about the idea of said female character having huge breasts. In my opinion, breast size is not a very important detail, especially when compared to the other elements of the story. Of course this is just my opinion and others may have specific preferences. Personally I would prefer if the new female character is young (18yrs) and Asian.:iluvu:

Also I would not concern yourself too much with the idea that any story you write is too long to post because I do not think many people would find that to be a negative thing. I personally prefer longer ballbusting stories, especially if they are well written.

Also thanks for the preview of the newest story. Flash backs are not a usual element in most ballbusting stories I have read ( I have read many stories!!!) although I enjoy reading them when they are used.

Thanks again for everything and I seriously hope to read your stories soon!!!!:jumpsmile:jumpsmile:jumpsmile


06-01-2011, 06:17 PM
I don't generally check-in with this site all that often, but your story is the most exciting thing to come out of here in quite awhile, imho. You got me on the edge of my seat!

I appreciate you breaking up a long chapter so that we can get more of Bobby's adventures sooner. I understand the difficulty of not wanting to make people wait versus wanting to give them cohesive chunks of story. You're doing great so far *thumbs-up*

Also, having a ridiculously busty character can only take this story to the next level, as far as I'm concerned. I'm hoping to see more of the sexual/denial side come out in future chapters (possibly even some periodic titanic releases for our poor protagonist?), and a monster-titted young character would be perfect for that.

That said, those are just my opinions. Write whatever turns you on, man, and you cannot go wrong. Keep up the awesome work!


06-02-2011, 10:46 AM
P.S. Anya/Busty Merilyn is a wonderful choice for reference. This probably isn't news to a connoisseur such as yourself, but Jana Defi (http://www.neonbabes.net/pinup-files/jana-defi/jana-defidi1a58b.html) might be another promising model for a delightful new character :-D


06-09-2011, 03:11 PM
Ok, well here it is. There may be more typos than usual, I didn't have a ton of time to proof it, but I figured you would prefer a few typos rather than waiting any longer.

The more feedback I get, the sooner I'll start on the next chapter.

It was raining by the time their pickup truck reached the freeway. Bobby sat stark naked in the passenger seat, having removed his coat, socks, and shoes the moment Eve had closed the truck’s tinted-window doors. His engorged cock bobbled in front of him. His penis was no longer as hard as it had been in the x-ray room, but it was still as stiff as a board; it always was. Sitting there, Bobby tried to think of the last time he had seen his member flaccid. Sometime before his 16th birthday he concluded, after pondering the question for a while.

His giant testicles jiggled in his lap. They were smaller than usual, as Eve had mentioned to the doctor. Even more unusual, they didn’t have a single bruise or scrape on them. They hadn’t received any treatment since that night three weeks ago, the evening of the cattle prod and mallet.

After he had finished taking his corrections, Eve had sent him outside to play with the neighbors. There had been eight girls in total, including Megan (who came armed with her new, favorite, high-voltage toy). There were too many of them to all fit on the porch, so instead they had led Bobby over to a snow free area of the lawn near the downspout. It was small patch of ground that had been turned into a pool of mud by the melting snow. Once there, they had tied his hands behind his back and made him spread his legs.

By then his testicles, if they could even be called such, had been transformed into small, purple-and-black melons, dangling just a little above his knees. Oh how the girls had mocked him and his mangled genitals as they began to take turns further beating those grossly swollen, throbbing orbs of pain.

Every flying boot that collided with his ultra-sensitive, sexual organs had produced a fiery explosion of pain. After several dozen devastating blows to his mauled testicle meat, Bobby’s wobbly legs had finally given out from under him and he collapsed in the mud with a wail. The girls all giggled at his misfortune and Megan took the opportunity to sear his balls and cock with the cattle prod a couple more times.

Eventually, after the laughter had died out, the girls ordered him to stand back up. Sobbing and splattered with mud, Bobby obeyed so that the show might go on. It wasn’t long, perhaps another two dozen boots to the balls, before an absolutely nut-splattering kick from Alex had sent him tumbling into the mud once again. This time Alex took the prod from Megan and began administering her own brand of shock therapy as Bobby screamed and writhed in the mud.

As the evening continued, as sort of game had formed, the ultimate goal of which was mash Bobby’s testicles bad enough to send him flopping into the mud. Two girls would compete at a time. One would stand in front of Bobby, the other behind. When both contestants were ready, they would begin the horrific assault on Bobby’s bloated testicles. Taking alternating turns, each contestant attempted to drive the most brutal kick possible deep into Bobby’s ball-mush.

Inevitably, after a lengthy barrage, one particularly ball-crushing kick would connect with Bobby’s hypersensitive testicles in such a way as to break the boy. Then, with a cry of pain, Bobby’s whole body would crumple into the pool of mud below.

At this, the girls of the sideline would all cheer, shouting “piggy in the mud.” The loser would step out to make way for a new contestant, while the winner (the girl whose boot had brought Bobby down) would enter into the bonus round.

The key instrument of the bonus round was the cattle prod. The winner would take the device and apply it liberally to Bobby’s cock, balls, and sometimes butt hole, while the girls on the sideline would rhythmically chant, “Squeal piggy, squeal!”

With 20,000 volts of pain coursing through Bobby’s genitals, squealing wasn’t too difficult. However, the rules of the bonus round were vague, and Bobby soon learned that the quality and quantity of his squealing had little to do with bringing the round to a conclusion. Rather, the round only ended when the girl with the prod was satisfied that she had received that proper amount of amusement from watching Bobby twitch and squirm in the mud. Then, when the victor was content with Bobby’s squealing, the next challenger would step forward, and Bobby would be ****** to rise to endure another round of the competition.

It had only taken a half dozen falls before Bobby was reduced to a sloppy mess, with slimy mud covering every inch of his naked body. The girls seemed to be entertained by this, and any contestant who could administer that last agonizing blow in such a way as to make Bobby do a face-plant into the mud always received the greatest accolades.

For the most part, Eve had stayed in the house. Although, she did come out to watch a few rounds and to deliver hot chocolate to the participants.

The seemingly endless ball-belting blows and cock-cooking currents finally came to an end sometime after midnight. Bobby lay in the mud, curled up in fetal position. His gigantic balls lay on the ground behind him, stretch between his legs. His erect penis was partially buried in the mud in front of him. Alex stood with one leg on Bobby side in a victory pose. She had won that evening’s competition with 37 victories. Gina, the cute, 21 year old redhead from down the block, had come in a close second with 33 wins.

Eve thanked all the girls for coming, before proceeding to wash Bobby down with the garden hose. Bobby was in no condition to walk, so she then carried him to his bed.

“You may have noticed I let your friends stay a little longer tonight,” she said, as she set him face-down on his bed.

“I do hope you had fun,” she continued, while positioning him so that his horribly bloated nuts hung even with the bed frame.

“The next couple weeks are going to be very hard on you,” Eve went on, as she forcibly spread Bobby’s legs apart. “I just want you to know Mommy’s very proud of you.”

“Please no, mommy, please no, no, no, no,” Bobby began whimpering incoherently into his bedspread, knowing full well what was coming.

He was in too much pain. He couldn’t take any more; he just couldn’t. The enormous, mutilated lumps of meat that were Bobby’s testicles had suffered unbelievably over the past 48 hours, and now Eve was preparing to continue the torment. She took hold of the frame of the top bunk bed. She drew her foot back.

“Please Mommy, they can’t take any more!” Bobby had pleaded, even though he knew better than to beg. “They hurt so…”


It was the familiar sound of a tennis shoe splattering a testicle against a hardwood surface. It was a distinct noise, separate from say the SPLAT of a barefoot driving a gonad into the pelvic bone, or the THWOCK the impact of a winter boot made on a free swinging ball. Bobby was intimately familiar with these noises, along with many other interesting sounds that objects colliding with his testes made.


The blows came like lightning.


They weren’t as brutal as the ones the girls had delivered outside. They had been controlled, deliberately working over Bobby’s nut meat.


Holding on to the bunk bed for balance, Eve’s right leg had fired like a piston. The blows came in such rapid succession that Bobby couldn’t tell when the pain from one blow ended and the other began.


All Bobby could do was writhe in pain. At times his vision became hazy and his twitching would begin to subside. Sensing this, the kicks would soften slightly.


If Bobby’s squirming increased, the kicks became more vicious.


There was no escape.


They came without end.


Sometime into his torment (whether it was an minute or lifetime he couldn’t say) Bobby formed one of his few coherent thoughts of the evening.


This was the most pain he had ever experienced.


He couldn’t breathe.


He couldn’t think.


The pain was indescribable.


He looked to his left, and saw the sun rising outside his window. The first thought to come to his pain addled mind was that it was time to start cooking Eve’s scrambled eggs that she had for breakfast every morning. Then a funny thought had come to him. This morning he wouldn’t have to make breakfast. Mommy was making it herself; she was scrambling his eggs.


Mommy should scramble his eggs he thought. That was what they were for after all.


His vision began to get hazy again, and, as it did, he found himself beginning to hump the bed with his remaining strength. With the plug firmly in his hole, it had ultimately been a futile effort, but still he did his best to rub his swollen cock between his body and the sheets.


After having his balls kicked throughout the entire night, the seemly endless assault on Bobby’s manhood had finally come to a halt.

“Look at me,” he heard Eve say softly.

With his last once of energy he rolled onto his back and looked up at Eve. She towered over him like an Amazon. She wore nothing but green panties and a black bra. Her ample breast heaved as she gasped for air. Covered in sweat, her taut, muscular body glistened. He bra in particular was soaked from perspiration that had pooled in her cleavage.

“You’ve been a very good boy tonight,” she said in a weak voice, clearly exhausted from her own exertions. “If you want you can go to bed now. However if you can be a brave boy for just one more kick, and not fall asleep, mommy will take out your plug and give your penis a special kiss goodnight.”

Bobby’s cock throbbed violently.

“Yes mommy, please kick me again,” Bobby pleaded.

Eve nodded and then turned to open Bobby’s closet. She pulled out a box Bobby instantly recognized as an unused gift from his last birthday. He had started to quake as Eve fit her foot into a horribly large steel-toe boot, and began to lace the monstrosity.

“You didn’t think I would make it easy, did you?” She asked with a tired grin.

She slipped off her left shoe, and approached Bobby with her left foot bare and her right foot encased in a steeled-tipped instrument of destruction.

She drew her foot back, and as she did every muscle in Bobby’s body tensed. She paused, and then her foot came hurtling forward only to stop inches from the fleshy basketball that Bobby called right testicle. Bobby let out an anxious moan.

Eve drew back again and fired. Once again she had stopped just short of the mangled orb of meat. Bobby began to gasp in terror, practically hyperventilating.

Six more times Eve performed the same cruel trick. By the end of this series of cruel ruses, Bobby was crying hysterically.

She stopped her little game and starred down at Bobby.

“This is for real,” she whispered, looking Bobby directly in the eyes.

She drew her booted foot back one more time and Bobby closed his eyes.


This was an entirely new sound to Bobby, one he had never heard before. It was the sound of metal slamming into wood with no regard for the sensitive sexual organ trapped in between. It was a sound Bobby would never forget.

Bobby’s mouth opened wide to let out a piercing scream, but all the came out was a tiny squeak from the back of his throat. Like a springboard, he involuntarily shot up out of bed. This precipitated a second, lesser ‘crack’ as his forehead met the frame of the top bunk, sending collapsing back into bed with a soft moan.

Eve began to giggle and then started outright laughing.

“Oh Bobby,” she said with a rare degree of sympathy in her voice. “Better luck next time.”

She kissed him softly on the forehead where a bruise was beginning to form as his vision went black.

When Bobby woke, his room had been entirely dark. Although he couldn’t see very well, he could feel Eve was still beating on his balls. However, when he looked around, he realized that no one was in the room. The pain he was experiencing was simply the residual throbbing of his own badly mangled nuts.

He sat up to look and found that someone had spread his legs and placed two volleyballs in between them. It took Bobby a moment to realize that the volleyballs were in fact his own gauze wrapped testicles. Eve must have bandaged them while he slept.

While he was staring in disbelief at his own balls, Eve walked into the room with a bowl of soup.

“Mommy, what time is it?” Bobby croaked.

“It’s seven dear.” She responded.

It all of sudden dawned on Bobby that it was Friday. He was late for school!

“I…I’m…late for school.” Bobby said frantically.

“It’s seven PM,” Eve replied with a smile.

Bobby gulped, “I’m so sorry Mommy.”

He spread his legs even further apart so Eve would have an easier time spiking his volleyballs.

“It’s alright Bobby,” she said, much to his surprise. “You just eat this soup and rest.”

She set the soup on a tray next to Bobby’s bed and left the room.

Bobby had spent the rest of the day in bed. On Saturday he made sure to wake at his usual time to make Eve’s breakfast. When breakfast was prepared, he went into the living room and got on all fours and waited for his morning therapy.

A groggy Eve came down the stairs at 8, and sat down to breakfast.

“You can get off the floor Bobby” she said sleepily. “There will be no therapy today.”

Bobby got off the floor slightly confused. No therapy? He always had a morning therapy session on Saturdays.

“How are my little man’s grapefruits?” she asked, looking down at his bandaged balls. “Or perhaps cantaloupes from the looks of it.”

“Very sore, mommy.” Bobby answered honestly.

Eve just nodded.

On Sunday, Eve had finally unwrapped Bobby’s balls. The hundreds of black and purple bruises from Friday night had changed color to crimson and brownish-yellow marks.

“Well,” Eve said. “The swelling is definitely down from yesterday. About the size of two small heads of lettuce, wouldn’t you say?”

She paused and then chuckled. “I wonder how many other boys your age have produce for balls?”

Bobby didn’t know how to respond, so he just smiled. Not many, he guessed.

By Monday morning when Bobby got on the bus the swelling had gone down even further. Strangely, Eve hadn’t put his humbler on before he left the house. Bobby hurried to his seat next to Rachel and dropped his pants, exposing his sensitive balls to the less than tender care of Rachel’s merciless fists. He braced himself for his ritual morning ball-pounding.

“Sorry Bobby,” said Rachel. “I’d like nothing better than to beat the shit out of those ridiculous nuts of yours, but your mother has forbidden any… “extracurricular” activities.”

Bobby supposed he should be happy. His testicles were still incredibly sore. Yet, something seemed wrong.

By Friday, just a week since his savage beating, the two fleshy baseballs that flopped around between Bobby’s thighs had completely healed. However, just as his testicles seemed completely healed, a new pain had started to develop in Bobby’s genitals. It wasn’t the fiery, throbbing pain of sore testicles, with which Bobby was all too familiar. Instead, it took the form of a dull ache that encompassed both the boy’s cock and balls. Even though Bobby’s nuts were not at all swollen, they felt as heavy as led and ready to burst. His cock felt much the same, and began to pulse almost constantly, with veins bulging everywhere. As the days went on, the strange aching sensation only became worse.

Finally, just last night, Thursday night, Eve had informed Bobby over dinner that he would be going to the doctor the next day, after which he would be participating in some very intense “group therapy.” Bobby had simply nodded.

Later, while alone in his room, Bobby had started to cry. It would have been a normal reaction for any boy who had just been informed that he was going to be stripped naked in front of a group of random women and have his sexual organs reduced to the consistency of pudding, except for the fact that he was smiling and laughing as he wept. He couldn’t have been happier.

When the strange mixture of laughter and tears subsided, Bobby had sat quietly on his bed and pondered this new terrifying and yet exhilarating revelation. Hadn’t he secretly known for some time. It had been his choice to place his sensitive jewels in the oak door, under the mallet, and in front of the steel-toe boots. At the time, he had attributed his actions to wanting to please Eve, but wasn’t there a part of him that had wanted it as well, that had want to suffer and suffer badly.

Now, less than a day after this realization, he had confessed his shameful secret to his doctor, a woman he had just met. Bobby couldn’t have been more ashamed, and yet in some way he was also relieved.

Bobby was still lost in thought, starring out the window, when Eve spoke.

“I see you’ve already behaved inappropriately with your new doctor.” To prove her point, she pressed a finger down on his sticky cock head as she said it.

“I can’t believe you took your plug out in front of her.” She continued. “You are such a disgusting little pervert. How am I going to teach you a lesson?”

She paused.

“Well, for starters, I should probably cancel tonight’s therapy session.”

Bobby’s eyes began to well up with tears as he struggled for words.

When Eve spoke again, her tone of voice had entirely changed. “Bobby, I’m just joking. Honestly, you can still go to the special event tonight.”

She paused.

“I know mommy can be mean to you sometimes,” she said, almost sounding hurt, “but I’m not that mean.”

Bobby couldn’t have been more relieved. Not knowing what to say, he reached over and hugged Eve instead, not letting go until they got home. Eve, for her part, put her right hand on Bobby’s head and didn’t complain about the giant cock throbbing against her chest.

06-09-2011, 10:10 PM
Amazing story as usual. Thanks very much for posting it.

06-10-2011, 01:32 AM
awesome story. good work

06-15-2011, 09:01 AM
Man, that is some wonderfully abundant nut-abuse. Totally worth the wait! Thanks, l-dub! Keep up the great work :thumbup


P.S. Oh, and the 'blueballs' hinting is super hot. I can't wait to see what this 'therapy' entails!

06-16-2011, 09:25 AM
I fell in love with your story.:iluvu::iluvu::iluvu:

06-19-2011, 11:55 AM
My girlfriend really wants to see a chapter about this. SHE IS A HUGE FAN AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She would like to email if you are willing to provide an email address. She prefers not to post on this forum because of potential harassment.Hey Anonymous, I do have an e-mail address now: lws8512@yahoo.com. So if you, your girlfriend, or anyone else would like to e-mail me, feel free to.

Someone already did e-mail me actually, saying this latest chapter was of kind of repetitive. I very much appreciated the critique. I sort of agree in retrospect. Did others of you not like the latest chapter? The relatively few posts it received indicate it might not have been my best... In any case, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

06-20-2011, 04:59 AM
Yet another great installment in the story. I really enjoy the busting that involves Eve personally. As far as the repetitiveness this is concerned i didn't think it was that bad. The only thing that i thought it could use more of was more detail about the impacts to his balls. I remember older posts had some great detail of how they were getting hit and such, and while this one had some as well i think maybe a little more would be good. Or maybe its just me. Anyways, still loved this one and im sure the next ones will be great as well.

06-28-2011, 04:09 PM
Another "be nice to Bobby story." I hope you enjoy it in particular Poolman2. I tried to work in a request of yours from a while back.

Perhaps the wicked stepmother and her cohort could assign him chores and punishments: e.g., he could help Eve in her bathing: he could take over her pedicurial duties; and of course he could assume all the responsibilities of hygiene as to all of their feet. OK, so I've got a foot fetish; let's get on with it. Naturally any arousal would eventually occasion further punishment, but hopefully within reason, say a few barefoot kicks to his balls. You've got to give the poor kid some joy in his wretched life.The truck stopped near the front of the driveway, and Bobby and Eve got out.

“Only two hours now until we have to be at school,” Eve told Bobby. “You better get your butt in the bathtub.

Bobby climbed the stairs and ran himself a bath, the whole time his mind was racing. He had been so excited for this, so desperate for it, that he had neglected to ask what was even happening tonight. Why were they going to his school? Who would be there? What horrible things would be done to him?

Bobby had just eased himself into his bath when Eve entered the bathroom.

“The more I think about it Bobby,” Eve announced, “I want you looking your best tonight, so I’m going to wash you myself.”

Bobby couldn’t say he minded as Eve began soaping his rock-hard cock to a lather. She did the same to the rest of his body, before returning once again to his penis. She must have thought his member was extremely dirty, because she proceeded to wash it again, even more vigorously. For over ten minutes, she worked her hands up and down Bobby’s shaft, until every inch was covered in foam. She even took Bobby’s plug out briefly in order to plunge a soapy finger down Bobby’s hole.

Once Bobby had been washed from head to toe, Eve began shaving him.

“Mommy,” Bobby asked as Eve was working a razor over his right nut, “what’s happening tonight?”

“Well Bobby,” Eve began to answer while continuing to work, “periodically your school runs a women’s self-defense class for its students. This past fall I enrolled in the class just for fun. Being a black-belt myself, I think I can fairly say the class was just awful.”

She finished with his right ball and began shaving his left.

“The class was run by a man who had no clue what he was doing,” she continued after a short pause. “His techniques were all wrong. Even worse, his assistant wore a cup. Some of the girls complained after the class that their feet hurt from kicking the thing…really it was just ridiculous.

Done with his sack, she began working running the razor around the base of his penis.

“So, when I heard they would have another class over the winter break, I volunteered to run it. You, Bobby, are naturally going to be the practice dummy…I think it should be a lot of fun.”

“How…how many…” Bobby began to ask.

“It’s going to be a full class,” Eve answered, before Bobby could finish. “Thirty of your classmates enrolled. Normally, they have the class in the gym, but I could only book it from five to seven, not nearly long enough. So, instead, we’ll be in the auditorium. The class will run from five to midnight.”

She had finished with his cock.

“I believe that’s good enough for tonight. You can finish up with you legs, armpits, and butt hole tomorrow.”

Bobby got out of the tub and dried off.

“I think I still have enough time to take a bath myself,” Eve said looking at the clock.

Bobby headed toward the bathroom door, but Eve stopped him.

“Actually, Bobby, why don’t you stay,” she told him.

Bobby’s member began to wag up and down furiously. Subtlety was not Bobby’s strong suit.

Much to Bobby’s chagrin, Eve then handed him her sleeping mask, adding “Here, just put this on honey.”

Bobby stood blindly next to the bathtub as he listened to Eve run a fresh bath, step out of her clothes, and slip under the warm water. During which time, the intensity of his raging member diminished somewhat. It ceased flopping about wildly and instead simply pulsated at a rapid rate.

“Be a dear, and give mommy a backrub,” Eve said once in the tub.

The pulsating increased as Bobby worked his hands into Eve’s back.

“Anyways, as I was saying,” Eve began after a time. “It should be a lot of fun tonight, but I expect you to be on your best behavior. I gave you a long enough break from your therapy after all. Therefore, there is to be absolutely no loud shrieking. I don’t want you upsetting the girls. Likewise, I expect you to keep your sobbing to a minimum. If you must cry, do so quietly. Also, if you happen to fall down, I expect you to get up immediately. You are to be a perfect, little, practice dummy. Do you understand?”

“Yes Ma’am,” Bobby answered nervously.

Eve soaked for a while as Bobby continued to massage her back.

“Oh also, I almost forgot,” she said suddenly. “Unfortunately, since it is a school function, they insisted you wear clothes. I think I have the perfect outfit for you though.”

Eve lay in the tub a couple minutes longer before rising and drying off.

“Hmmm,” she said seated on the side of the tub. “I forgot to wash my feet Bobby. Would you help me.”

Bobby fumbled blindly for the washrag before she added, “…with your tongue.”

At this, Bobby’s stopped-up cock began to go wild. Mommy had never asked him to do this before. Bobby got down on his hands and knees, his penis beating itself against the tile floor.

He started on the left foot, working his tongue along the tops and then bottoms of her toes. He then began to gently lap like a dog between each toe. Once he had finished with the left foot, he moved on to the right. He did the same as he had with the left, but once finished he decided to double check his work by sucking long and hard on each toe individually. He shifted back over to the left foot and did the same, practically nursing on Eve’s big, left toe.

Her feet were clean, but his tongue didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to loose the taste of her slightly sweet, slightly salty skin. He began to move his tongue up her left calf. Then it was above her knee. He began to lick up and down along her inner thigh. He kept inching further along until a patch of soft hair touched his tongue.

Eve pushed his head away.

“That will do Bobby,” she said. “It’s time to go.”

While Eve got dressed, she had Bobby load two heavy boxes into the back of the truck. He could hear metal clinking inside. Bobby could only imagine to what horrible ends the items inside would be used.

Butterflies filled Bobby’s stomach as they pulled out of the driveway, a combination of excitement and fear. Instead of looking out the window, Bobby starred down at the giant testicles rolling around in his lap.

“They’re not going to be so pretty by the time this evening is over,” Eve said, as if reading his thoughts. “I’m taking this self-defense class very seriously. I want to be sure every girl there knows how to defend herself by the time this evening is over. And the only way I can be certain of that is to make sure every girl there can thoroughly wreck your balls before the end of the night.”

After what seemed like an eternity to Bobby, they arrived at the school. It was half-past four and Eve sent Bobby backstage while she began to prepare the auditorium.

To his surprise, waiting for him behind the heavy curtains were Rachel, Alex, and Megan.

“Are…are you taking the class?” Bobby stuttered in surprise.

“Unfortunately not,” answered Alex with a smirk. “Your mother wouldn’t let us. The class is for novices, and apparently we are already experts.”

“Too bad,” said Rachel in agreement, pumping her right fist into her left palm. “It’s been too long.”

“We’re just here to get you ready and videotape the class,” Megan explained in a chipper voice, devoid of any appreciation of the brutality that was about to unfold on center stage that night.

“Speaking of which, we got you a gift to prepare you for the evening,” said Alex with a snicker.

She took the gift out of a plastic bag and made Bobby step into it, sliding it up his legs to his groin. They stepped back to observe how it fit.

The sports cup in question hung in front of Bobby left testicle, unable to fully encompass even the front of the massive orb.

“Safety first,” Rachel said, and the three girls began to laugh hysterically (although Megan looked slightly confused about why they were laughing).

“It was…it was the biggest size,” Alex barely managed to get out in between giggles.

When the laughter had finally subsided, they took the cup off Bobby and threw a bright blue outfit at him.

“Get dressed,” ordered Rachel.

Upon examining the article of clothing, Bobby realized it was a wrestling uniform. He awkwardly put on the spandex uniform, which seemed at least two sizes too small.

Even with the uniform on, Bobby still felt naked. The outfit was skin tight, trapping his fleshly baseballs flat against his groin. Likewise, it pressed bulbous penis, against his stomach, with every vein visible through the thin cloth.

“It’s almost time Bobby,” said Alex when he had finished dressing. “You ready for this? 30 girls? Seven hours? It’s not going to be pretty Bobby; they are going to massacre you.”

She patted his scrunched up, spandex-encased balls softly. “Hell, I kind of feel bad for you.”

She paused and then smiled, “Well no, not really.”

“You better just hope mommy sweetest doesn’t let that pack of girls crack your precious little nuts,” added Rachel.

“She wouldn’t be so mean,” said Megan confidently. “She promised we could play with Bobby tomorrow.”

Alex and Rachel broke out into hysterical laughter. Megan just looked perplexed, not getting her own joke.

“Well, it’s time for us to go set up the video camera,” said Alex. “Just think Bobby, even after this is over, you’ll get to relive every moment all over again. And if that isn’t good enough, I promise we’ll help you put on a reenactment.”

With that, the three exited through the curtain.

On the other side of the curtain, he could hear Alex ask her companions, “You think he ever wishes they would just break already?”

More laughter followed.

06-30-2011, 01:58 AM

As usual, this continuation of your story is excellent. :bananajum I think I liked this part of the story better than the prior section. Anyway, it's some very enjoyable reading. I can't wait for the next installment.

poolman2 :)

06-30-2011, 10:51 PM
Another "be nice to Bobby story." I hope you enjoy it in particular Poolman2. I tried to work in a request of yours from a while back.

The truck stopped near the front of the driveway, and Bobby and Eve got out.

“Only two hours now until we have to be at school,” Eve told Bobby. “You better get your butt in the bathtub.

Bobby climbed the stairs and ran himself a bath, the whole time his mind was racing. He had been so excited for this, so desperate for it, that he had neglected to ask what was even happening tonight. Why were they going to his school? Who would be there? What horrible things would be done to him?

Bobby had just eased himself into his bath when Eve entered the bathroom.

“The more I think about it Bobby,” Eve announced, “I want you looking your best tonight, so I’m going to wash you myself.”

Bobby couldn’t say he minded as Eve began soaping his rock-hard cock to a lather. She did the same to the rest of his body, before returning once again to his penis. She must have thought his member was extremely dirty, because she proceeded to wash it again, even more vigorously. For over ten minutes, she worked her hands up and down Bobby’s shaft, until every inch was covered in foam. She even took Bobby’s plug out briefly in order to plunge a soapy finger down Bobby’s hole.

Once Bobby had been washed from head to toe, Eve began shaving him.

“Mommy,” Bobby asked as Eve was working a razor over his right nut, “what’s happening tonight?”

“Well Bobby,” Eve began to answer while continuing to work, “periodically your school runs a women’s self-defense class for its students. This past fall I enrolled in the class just for fun. Being a black-belt myself, I think I can fairly say the class was just awful.”

She finished with his right ball and began shaving his left.

“The class was run by a man who had no clue what he was doing,” she continued after a short pause. “His techniques were all wrong. Even worse, his assistant wore a cup. Some of the girls complained after the class that their feet hurt from kicking the thing…really it was just ridiculous.

Done with his sack, she began working running the razor around the base of his penis.

“So, when I heard they would have another class over the winter break, I volunteered to run it. You, Bobby, are naturally going to be the practice dummy…I think it should be a lot of fun.”

“How…how many…” Bobby began to ask.

“It’s going to be a full class,” Eve answered, before Bobby could finish. “Thirty of your classmates enrolled. Normally, they have the class in the gym, but I could only book it from five to seven, not nearly long enough. So, instead, we’ll be in the auditorium. The class will run from five to midnight.”

She had finished with his cock.

“I believe that’s good enough for tonight. You can finish up with you legs, armpits, and butt hole tomorrow.”

Bobby got out of the tub and dried off.

“I think I still have enough time to take a bath myself,” Eve said looking at the clock.

Bobby headed toward the bathroom door, but Eve stopped him.

“Actually, Bobby, why don’t you stay,” she told him.

Bobby’s member began to wag up and down furiously. Subtlety was not Bobby’s strong suit.

Much to Bobby’s chagrin, Eve then handed him her sleeping mask, adding “Here, just put this on honey.”

Bobby stood blindly next to the bathtub as he listened to Eve run a fresh bath, step out of her clothes, and slip under the warm water. During which time, the intensity of his raging member diminished somewhat. It ceased flopping about wildly and instead simply pulsated at a rapid rate.

“Be a dear, and give mommy a backrub,” Eve said once in the tub.

The pulsating increased as Bobby worked his hands into Eve’s back.

“Anyways, as I was saying,” Eve began after a time. “It should be a lot of fun tonight, but I expect you to be on your best behavior. I gave you a long enough break from your therapy after all. Therefore, there is to be absolutely no loud shrieking. I don’t want you upsetting the girls. Likewise, I expect you to keep your sobbing to a minimum. If you must cry, do so quietly. Also, if you happen to fall down, I expect you to get up immediately. You are to be a perfect, little, practice dummy. Do you understand?”

“Yes Ma’am,” Bobby answered nervously.

Eve soaked for a while as Bobby continued to massage her back.

“Oh also, I almost forgot,” she said suddenly. “Unfortunately, since it is a school function, they insisted you wear clothes. I think I have the perfect outfit for you though.”

Eve lay in the tub a couple minutes longer before rising and drying off.

“Hmmm,” she said seated on the side of the tub. “I forgot to wash my feet Bobby. Would you help me.”

Bobby fumbled blindly for the washrag before she added, “…with your tongue.”

At this, Bobby’s stopped-up cock began to go wild. Mommy had never asked him to do this before. Bobby got down on his hands and knees, his penis beating itself against the tile floor.

He started on the left foot, working his tongue along the tops and then bottoms of her toes. He then began to gently lap like a dog between each toe. Once he had finished with the left foot, he moved on to the right. He did the same as he had with the left, but once finished he decided to double check his work by sucking long and hard on each toe individually. He shifted back over to the left foot and did the same, practically nursing on Eve’s big, left toe.

Her feet were clean, but his tongue didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to loose the taste of her slightly sweet, slightly salty skin. He began to move his tongue up her left calf. Then it was above her knee. He began to lick up and down along her inner thigh. He kept inching further along until a patch of soft hair touched his tongue.

Eve pushed his head away.

“That will do Bobby,” she said. “It’s time to go.”

While Eve got dressed, she had Bobby load two heavy boxes into the back of the truck. He could hear metal clinking inside. Bobby could only imagine to what horrible ends the items inside would be used.

Butterflies filled Bobby’s stomach as they pulled out of the driveway, a combination of excitement and fear. Instead of looking out the window, Bobby starred down at the giant testicles rolling around in his lap.

“They’re not going to be so pretty by the time this evening is over,” Eve said, as if reading his thoughts. “I’m taking this self-defense class very seriously. I want to be sure every girl there knows how to defend herself by the time this evening is over. And the only way I can be certain of that is to make sure every girl there can thoroughly wreck your balls before the end of the night.”

After what seemed like an eternity to Bobby, they arrived at the school. It was half-past four and Eve sent Bobby backstage while she began to prepare the auditorium.

To his surprise, waiting for him behind the heavy curtains were Rachel, Alex, and Megan.

“Are…are you taking the class?” Bobby stuttered in surprise.

“Unfortunately not,” answered Alex with a smirk. “Your mother wouldn’t let us. The class is for novices, and apparently we are already experts.”

“Too bad,” said Rachel in agreement, pumping her right fist into her left palm. “It’s been too long.”

“We’re just here to get you ready and videotape the class,” Megan explained in a chipper voice, devoid of any appreciation of the brutality that was about to unfold on center stage that night.

“Speaking of which, we got you a gift to prepare you for the evening,” said Alex with a snicker.

She took the gift out of a plastic bag and made Bobby step into it, sliding it up his legs to his groin. They stepped back to observe how it fit.

The sports cup in question hung in front of Bobby left testicle, unable to fully encompass even the front of the massive orb.

“Safety first,” Rachel said, and the three girls began to laugh hysterically (although Megan looked slightly confused about why they were laughing).

“It was…it was the biggest size,” Alex barely managed to get out in between giggles.

When the laughter had finally subsided, they took the cup off Bobby and threw a bright blue outfit at him.

“Get dressed,” ordered Rachel.

Upon examining the article of clothing, Bobby realized it was a wrestling uniform. He awkwardly put on the spandex uniform, which seemed at least two sizes too small.

Even with the uniform on, Bobby still felt naked. The outfit was skin tight, trapping his fleshly baseballs flat against his groin. Likewise, it pressed bulbous penis, against his stomach, with every vein visible through the thin cloth.

“It’s almost time Bobby,” said Alex when he had finished dressing. “You ready for this? 30 girls? Seven hours? It’s not going to be pretty Bobby; they are going to massacre you.”

She patted his scrunched up, spandex-encased balls softly. “Hell, I kind of feel bad for you.”

She paused and then smiled, “Well no, not really.”

“You better just hope mommy sweetest doesn’t let that pack of girls crack your precious little nuts,” added Rachel.

“She wouldn’t be so mean,” said Megan confidently. “She promised we could play with Bobby tomorrow.”

Alex and Rachel broke out into hysterical laughter. Megan just looked perplexed, not getting her own joke.

“Well, it’s time for us to go set up the video camera,” said Alex. “Just think Bobby, even after this is over, you’ll get to relive every moment all over again. And if that isn’t good enough, I promise we’ll help you put on a reenactment.”

With that, the three exited through the curtain.

On the other side of the curtain, he could hear Alex ask her companions, “You think he ever wishes they would just break already?”

More laughter followed.

Hey lws8512

I thought this last chapter/section was also better than your previous one and I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter. This last chapter was very well done. I love all of the build up and teasing.

07-01-2011, 09:44 AM
Woohoo!! Great little installment, l-dub. Your writing continues to impress, and these scenarios just keep on being super hot!

One question though: how did Bobby feel when Eve was vigorously cleaning his oversized dong for over ten minutes?



07-10-2011, 11:03 PM
An emphatic Bump!

If you haven't read through this story, you are truly missing out! If you have read the story, take a second to let the author know what you think.


07-19-2011, 04:55 PM
If you have read the story, take a second to let the author know what you think.Thanks Jim and all the rest of you who have commented on the latest chapter. And, if you haven't, as Jim stated, feedback is always appreciated. :)

I have started on the next chapter, but haven't got that far since I haven't had that much time as of late. I will keep working on it as time allows and get it to you ASAP.

07-19-2011, 05:42 PM
That's cool!

07-27-2011, 05:54 PM
I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter, especially if it is finally that self defense chapter I requested.

Thanks again for all of your amazing stories. It is honestly 95% of why I login to the forum for everyday.



07-30-2011, 01:39 PM
Still so good man :letsplay
We are all with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alec Anaconda
08-05-2011, 07:49 AM
Please don't let poor little Bobby just fad into oblivion.

I'm sure that many of your readers just do not know the time and effort you spend on each and every instalment.

Do you write in Word, check, double check and ony then copy and paste?
If so, please look at my 403 thread.

Alec Anaconda

08-05-2011, 11:08 AM
Hey Alec

I am sure lws8512 is not going to abandon the story. It is probably just taking a little longer because he is busy but I definitely am anxious to read the next installment. I hope that it will be posted soon but regardless I will wait if need be.


08-10-2011, 09:04 AM
Please don't let poor little Bobby just fad into oblivion.

I'm sure that many of your readers just do not know the time and effort you spend on each and every instalment.

Do you write in Word, check, double check and ony then copy and paste?
If so, please look at my 403 thread.

Alec Anaconda

Hey all,

Sorry for the delay. I've been busy as of late, but I promise Bobby will not fade into oblivion. I have 5 chapters completely fleshed out in my head, and probably another dozen ideas for chapters. So poor Bobby has many more misadventures in his future. The problem is simply finding the time to type...

Yup, that is more or less the method to my madness. However, I'm having trouble finding your 403 thread. Could you post a link here?

Thanks again for all your encouragement. I'll try to hurry as best I'm able.

Alec Anaconda
08-10-2011, 12:33 PM
The 403 problem turned out to be, I hope,nothing to do with this forum.

Since I posted in this thread, a few other things started to go wrong with my PC.

I’ve replaced the motherboard and windows,and all seems okay now.

But here’s the link you asked for http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13993 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13993)

Alec Anaconda

08-18-2011, 06:18 AM
Hey All,

Just thought I'd give you a quick update. It looks as though I'm going to have some free time on Tuesday to write. I'm hoping to finish up the next chapter than. So look for the next chapter starting next week Wednesday. I'm not promising anything though...

Thanks for being so patient.

08-18-2011, 02:32 PM
Hey Lws8512

Thanks very much for the update, I really appreciate it. I am looking forward to the end result of the next chapter regardless of when it is posted.

Take care


08-18-2011, 06:12 PM

What Anymous1 said.

poolman2 :bananawin

08-22-2011, 07:04 AM
Sorry, I lied. My free time on Tuesday evaporated. I might have some time to write on Friday though. Again, sorry, thanks for bearing with me.

Alec Anaconda
08-22-2011, 09:45 AM
You were not economical with the truth, sir, you only made a prediction!

Best not to rush.

Alec Anaconda

08-27-2011, 03:03 PM
I wrote for a solid 5 hours yesterday and got almost 8 pages written. I'm not even half way through the chapter though. I did reached a logical break in this section of the chapter, so I think I'm going to post what I got so far, unless anyone objects and would prefer to wait for the chapter in its entirety.

Assuming you guys don't want to wait for the full chapter, I should be able to do some final editing Monday morning and have it posted before noon. Sound good?

08-28-2011, 12:46 AM

Nuts! I leave on vacation tomorrow. So I guess it will have keep.

Still, we very much do appreciate your writing and all of your efforts. The results show in your excellent stories.


Alec Anaconda
08-28-2011, 03:00 AM
Your work is always worth waiting for, but deadlines are best reserved for the office.

Don’t turn a pleasure into a chore.

Alec Anaconda

08-28-2011, 07:02 PM
Personally I am torn. My greedy, impatient self wants story, NOW. However, I believe my more reasonable self will prevail. I wouldn't mind waiting awhile for the finished chapter. But really, whatever you want to provide is a wonderful gift to the community.

As for deadlines, I know having a little extra push helps me get things done but Alec makes a good point: do what you love and enjoy yourself, and everyone benefits. Have fun, l-dub!


08-29-2011, 10:24 AM
Hey all,

The next section of the story will follow this post. I just figured I'd separate my foreword from the actual story this time.

First off, thanks for waiting. I'm sorry it took so long. I appreciated all your encouragement.

Secondly, I really hope you like this section. Its been a while since I wrote anything, so I feel a bit rusty. Also, this chapter was slightly different because it was based off of a request. So I'm a little nervous about it. I hope you enjoy it, particularly you Anonymous1

This is just the first section of what is probably going to be a three part chapter. I have a lot of more work ahead of me. Naturally, the more feedback I receive, the more incentive I will have to work on the next sections. ;)

Also, as gluttonous as me ego is, if any of you have a bdsmlibrary account and would like to rate/review my story there that would be awesome. So far I only have 1 review. :(

Finally...this is a long shot...but if anyone has any artistic skills and the desire to illustrate something...well you see where I'm going with this. Anyways, just a thought...


08-29-2011, 10:46 AM
Melanie stood in a small circle of girls on the stage of the auditorium. She mostly listened to the others talk, not saying much herself; she didn’t want to be there. Her mother had ****** her to go, saying it would be good way for her to make some friends.

Having just turned 18 two weeks ago, Melanie had no friends, none in the country at least. She had left all her closest friends in Europe, when her mother had been transferred back stateside after a six year deployment. Worse still, since she had opted to attend a foreign school instead of the one on the army base, she had returned to the states without her diploma. Now, she was being treated by the American school system as the equivalent of a high school dropout. That’s why she had to attend this wretched academy.

Academics and friends aside, Melanie’s main problem was that she hated her body. It hadn’t always been the way. She was a very cute girl. She had a pretty face, with short black hair and hazel-green eyes. Her skin was light beige and she had some soft freckles on her face. Up until around four months ago, her attractive face had been accompanied by a generally petite frame. Then she had developed breasts.

However, these were no ordinary breast. Her mammary glands had grown until they hung well below her belly button. In a few short months, she had gone from being a slender, 5’ 3” to having a 75QQ bust. She couldn’t help but feel that nature had turned her into a milk cow.

She couldn’t go anywhere without everyone, both men and women, starring at her. She particularly hated the leering looks men gave her. She couldn’t even play sports anymore without her massive jugs smacking her in the face.

On stage now with over two dozen other girls, she felt especially self-conscious. She had done her best to reign in her tits for the evenings activities with a custom made sports-bra, but she still made even the bigger girls there look flat. There was just no way to hide her massive milk balloons.

The other girls in the circle were talking excitedly about the self-defense class scheduled for that evening. Apparently, it was going to be instructed by the mother of the one boy who went to the school. Melanie had seen the boy in the halls once or twice. It seemed weird to her that a boy was even allowed in the otherwise all-girls academy.

“Looks like it’s going to start,” said Tina, a boisterous blonde who Melanie had chatted with a little.

Tina motion over to a tall women walking onto the stage. She was older, but not that old, mid-30’s maybe. She had a pretty face and beautiful, olive skin. The woman also had large breasts, but on her frame they actually seemed to fit; she was gorgeous not freakish.

“Hi, I’m so happy you all could make it,” the woman began. “My name is Eve, and I will be teaching the course this evening.”

The thirty girls on stage murmured back awkward greetings.

“Men, can be pigs,” she started in again. “…Perverted, potentially violent, pigs. This class is meant to train you on how to deal with these animals.”

The girls looked back blankly, not sure how to respond.

“Bobby!” The woman called.

From behind the curtain emerged a short, scrawny boy dressed in a wrestling uniform. The girls all began to giggle. Underneath the uniform, they could make out what looked like some sort of gag-genitals. The fake penis was the size of a Pringles can, and the testicles were at least as big as apples.

“Fake padded testicles,” Tina whispered to Melanie with a chuckle.

“I guess,” Melanie whispered back. “But what’s with the penis? That’s so gross.”

“Symbolizing the horror of r@pe?” Tina suggested with a smirk. “I certainly wouldn’t want that thing in me.”

The ridiculous boy was now standing beside the woman.

“This is my step-son Bobby.” Eve said, as way of introducing the boy. “He is by far the most perverted piggy you will ever meet.”

The boy's face began to turn red.

“He is going to help me teach the class,” she continued after a moment. “I will show you various ways to hurt a man and you will practice them on him. And, don’t hold back or have any sympathy for him. I promise you, this little pervert here enjoys abuse. Beat him to a pulp; he’ll love it.”

Some of the girls chuckled awkwardly. The boy’s face was now the color of a turnip.

“Well, no reason to waste anymore time. Let’s begin the class.” Upon finishing her sentence, Eve casually turned toward the boy and slugged him across the face. She then drove a second, more powerful fist into the boys gut, causing him to crumple to the floor. Placing a boot on his face, she wrenched his left arm into a painful looking armbar.

“This is what you need to be able to do to any would-be assailant,” she said in a matter of fact tone.

“However,” Eve continued, “I am a third degree black belt and Bobby…well, as you can see, Bobby is hardly a prime specimen of masculinity.”

The boy let out a soft groan. Some of the girls began to giggle again.

“I am going to show you a better way to defend yourself against a man,” the woman said as she released her son.

“The techniques I am going to teach you will allow even the smallest girl here to neutralize a male several times her size,” she explained while violently dragging the small boy to his feet by his hair.

Once the boy was on his feet, she walked over a large stage block near the curtains and picked up a thin wooden rod that was resting there. She then strode back over to her step-son, who had assumed a strange position with his hands behind is back, his legs stretched as wide as they could go, and his pelvis thrust out.

“These are the key.” With that she brought the tip of the rod sailing into the boys groin. It connected with the boy’s left mock-testicle making a sharp SNICK sound.

“If you can break these, you can break any man. So tonight, I am going to teach you how to mash, mangle, and mutilate these things.” All the while she spoke, the rod continued its SNICK, SNICK, with the tip alternating between the two jiggling orbs. Melanie couldn’t help but notice that for all the padding down there, some of the impact must still have been going through, because the boy’s eyes were watering.

“Observe!” Eve lowered the rod. She pivoted to face Bobby, shifted her weight onto her right foot, and brought her left up like lightning into the boy’s groin. There was a thunderous clap where leather boot met groin. Whatever protective material the boy was wearing visibly flattened before the onslaught, bulging out on either side of the black boot. The blow was powerful enough to lift the boy several inches into the air. Melanie caught a glimpse of his face mid-flight. His lips were puckered and his eyes closed. He looked like he was in pain, a lot of pain.

The boy’s flight was short lived. He crashed face first back onto the stage and writhed on his stomach like a fish out of water. In the silence that followed, the girls began to whisper to each other; there was excitement in the air.

“So, how does that sound?!” Eve finally asked, breaking the silence. She was answered by a roar of approval. Clearly, many of the girls there were looking forward to mashing some nuts. Melanie herself had never kicked a boy in the balls, so this would be a new experience for her. Truth be told, after watching Eve’s display, she too was kind of excited to send a couple kicks flying into those ridiculous padded-testicles.

Eve grabbed the boy once again by the hair and raised him back to his feet. He was shaking a little. Melanie wasn’t all that surprised, even with protective padding that kick had to hurt.

“Bobby, bring that stage block over here,” Eve ordered. Turning again to her audience, “First, I’d like you to get a little better aquatinted with your…or rather, Bobby’s targets.”

Once the boy had hauled the stage block to the front of the stage he was made to stand on top of it. The girls were told to form a rough line so that might take turns with Bobby. There wasn’t a lot of room on the stage, especially since one side had to be kept clear for a group of girls off stage who were recording the class with a camera on a tripod. The girls shuffled and jostled into an awkward clump of a line. For as excited as they were, no one seemed to want to go first. Finally, a brave girl with curly, brown hair accepted the front position.

Upon Eve’s beckoning, the brunette walked awkwardly to the front of the stage facing Bobby. Standing on the block, Bobby’s “targets” were at the same height as the girls chest.

“What should I do?” She asked meekly.

“Anything you want dear,” was the answer she received.

The girl took hold of the large orbs as best she could, one in each hand, and began to squeeze them gently. Then tug on them. Then squeeze them harder and harder, digging her fingers into the squishy substance. To Melanie’s surprise, this caused the boy’s face to contort in pain.

“They’re so lifelike,” the girl said in amazement to Eve.

“I’m sorry dear?” Eve looked puzzled.

“These fake padded-balls feel almost real.”

“Oh,” Eve responded, with a big smile on her face. “Yes aren’t they, though!”

To Melanie’s right she could hear the girls working the camera chuckling.

The girl stopped her squeezing and began to throw light punches. With her left hand, she worked the boy’s right ball like a speed-bag. Coming upward with her fist, the orb was trapped between the tight spandex and the boy pelvis; the giant nut had no where to go. So, instead of swinging away from the rapid blows, it squished a little with each punch. She worked the ball for several minutes from various angles. This too seemed to cause the boy immense discomfort.

Then she switched over to her right. Pulling her hand back to her shoulder, she tried a couple blows with all her might. The first fist she threw slammed into the bottom of the boys left nut beneath the pelvis, shifting the orb back a little in its spandex restraints. The second squished the top of the same nut flat against the pelvis; this elicited a soft whimper from it’s owner. With the third she cross over slugging his the right orb a good solid blow, compacting it against the boy’s right leg. With the fourth she missed entirely, slamming her fist into the boy’s abdomen.

“Sorry, sorry,” she said apologetically, before throwing another solid punch into the bottom of the boys left nut.

After a couple more minutes, and several dozen solid blows, the girl was done. Sweat dripped from her forehead, although not nearly as much as covered Bobby’s face.

“Very good!” Eve told her as she returned to her place in line. Then to Bobby with a smile, “Rearrange your padding, honey.”

Bobby’s left orb had been shoved back to the point where it was well behind the right. Gingerly, and with a grimace, the boy worked it back next to its twin. Melanie was surprised by the realization that the padded balls weren’t one unit.

Next up was a tall, very skinny blonde. She skipped squeezing the orbs and went right to punches. Firing from the hip, and twisting her wrists in mid-flight, she drove fist after fist into the squishy balls. It looked like something from a Tae-Bo video. She aimed for the bottom of the orbs and drove her fists through her target until they were fully extended just below the boys pelvis.

With each punch, the orbs shook a little and Bobby shook a little. With each solid blow, she shoved the orbs back slightly. The blows were coming in such rapid succession that the orbs soon wound up behind Bobby’s legs. When this happened, Eve simply had the boy turn around and the girl worked the balls back the other direction. Nonstop, back and forth, she worked them. Finally, after nearly ten minutes, the girl bowed out. She must have been in amazing shape, because she didn’t even seem winded. Bobby, on the other hand, was gasping for air.

The next girl was a heavyset blonde with blue eyes. She seemed more nervous than the previous two. She approached cautiously, grabbed the left ball with both hands, and squeezed with what appeared to be all her might. Bobby squeaked like a mouse in a trap.

The girl let up on the ball, smiled uncertainly, and slammed a fist in between the boy’s legs. Her broad knuckles caught the center of both orbs. They squashed beneath the force and Bobby stumbled backwards. Eve gave him a wicked look and he stepped forward again whimpering. Less anxious now, the girl flung a haymaker squarely into the boy’s left nut. Her fist hammered the orb flat against Bobby’s pelvis. Whatever goo was in the orb swelled around the girl’s thick hand.

The girl continued to launch one thunderous punch after another. They weren’t quick like the other girl’s had been. Rather, she lined up each punch, never missing once, each one sinking deep into whatever padding or gel was in the spheres.

“I really like how it feels when my fist sinks into those things,” she said after her last blow. “It just feels so weird.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Eve said with a smile.

Then it was Melanie’s turn. She shuffled up there just as anxious as the last girl. The boy’s mock-balls hung in front of her. She didn’t know what to do. Cautiously, she took hold of his right ball. She knew they were fake, but still it seemed awkward. When she actually laid her hands upon it, it seemed bigger than before, much bigger. Both of her hands together just barely fit around it.

She squeezed a little. She had never felt a real testicle before, so she didn’t know if this one really felt lifelike, but it certainly didn’t feel like padding or gel. It felt like meat. She put one thumb on top of another and pressed into the fleshy substance, pressed as hard as she could. She clenched her teeth, trying to drive her thumbs in just a little deeper. At the same time she tugged the orb away from the boy’s body. Through the orb, she could feel the boy trembling.

Am I causing him pain? She thought to herself. No. I can’t be. These aren’t real.

She let go, and proceeded to sock him one in the same nut. The boy groaned. She hit him again. He groaned again. She hit him a dozen more times.

Is he acting or is he really in pain? He must be acting. She felt guilty, but part of her enjoyed imagining that she was really hurting him.

She decided to try something new. She bent down with her legs and then sprang upward launching an uppercut into the fat, right orb. She could feel her fist drive into the meaty substance. The boy’s whimpering prompted her to do it again. This time her fist sunk in even deeper.

That fat girl was right. This does feel good!

Again and again and again she crushed the orb. Always harder. Her giant tits were flopping wildly with dozens of girls watching, but she didn’t care. She was growing tired, but she didn’t want to stop. With her left arm she hugged Bobby’s right leg for support, as she repeatedly drove her fist upward in a violent pumping motion.

The noises Bobby made were delicious. The whimpers and squeaks, the moans and the groans, they were music to her ears. She pretend he wasn’t acting; she pretend it was real.

One final fist, deep, so deep. She twisted and turned it in the mush, causing the boy to make a yowling noise.

“Thank you.” She whispered to him as she withdrew her knuckles.

“Very impressive!” Eve exclaimed, as Melanie walked back to the line.

Her face was red from the exertion, her breast sore from slapping against her chest.
She felt a little embarrassed when some of the girls, led by Tina, began to clap.

Tina was up next. As she dug her knuckles into the boy’s right ball like a corkscrew, Melanie couldn’t help but notice that the right orb was now much larger than the left. Did I do that? Did I somehow damage the thing? Why would it swell though?

After Tina there was a tall and muscular blonde. She must have played volleyball, because she spent most her time up there slamming her locked fists into the boys groin just like she would bump a ball. As a testament to her strength, several of the blows lifted the boy clean into the air.

Next was a short redhead.

“I…I think I’m hurting him,” she said anxiously after just a few punches.

“Nonsense my dear,” Eve said with a smile. “Bobby is used to his padding being beaten. Here let me show you.”
She had Bobby step down from the stage block. He trembled as he did so. She then hissed something in his ear. The only words Melanie could make out were “stay standing.”

“Look here.” From behind Bobby, with her left foot planted she snapped twenty vicious right kicks off from the knee. She alternated balls, hitting Bobby’s left upward with her toe and his right forward with the arch of her foot. When she was done, the right orb, the size of a small honeydew melon, was near the front of his right leg, whereas it’s compatriot, about the size of a grapefruit, was just underneath his left butt cheek.

The boy was silent the whole time, but tears rolled down his cheeks.

“See,” Eve said. “No normal boy could take this kind of punishment to his balls.”

“Your right,” the girl said sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”

“Not at all,” Eve replied. “It was nice to get in a little practice myself.”

As if to make up for her doubt, the little girl was absolutely relentless on the two, giant balls the whole time she was up there.

Following her was the girl with the vicious job. Next there was the squeezer, who must have thought the orbs were stress balls. Then there followed several girls who clearly liked Melanie’s uppercut technique. A couple of them also attempted the volleyball method.

There was one black girl who tried out a particularly nasty technique on Bobby’s left ball. She stood to the right of Bobby with one fist in front of him and one behind. She line up the orb and let fly with both hands. She was a strong girl and, at times, when she did it as hard as she could, it almost appeared as though her fists were meeting in the middle of the mush. She proudly named the technique the “nut cracker”.

Those balls just can’t be real, Melanie thought, as she watched the girl perform her 40th or 50th nut cracker. If they were, that poor boy would be curled up on the ground crying for his mommy. She looked over at Eve, who had an approving smile on her face as she watched on. …Well, some maternal figure at any rate.

The “nut cracker” was definitely a crowd pleaser. Most of the subsequent girls tried it out. Another girl toward end of the line added an elbow to the mix. She reached around Bobby with her left arm and placed her left hand behind his left ball. Then, with her right elbow, she came forward with all her weight behind her. It took the girl some time to perfect it, but by the time her 5 or 6 minutes were up, she was practically flattening that orb with her forearm and Bobby’s eyes were nearly bulging out of his head.

Several girls after her tried the same technique, but couldn’t quite get it to work. The last girl, after throwing a few punches and failing with her elbow, tried something completely different. The tiny, Asian girl grabbed hold of the left orb as best she could (her hands didn’t even come close to fitting around it), dug her fingers as hard as she could, and pull up her legs.

Everyone gasped, as the watched her just hang there from the boy’s ball.

That settles it, thought Melanie. They are fake. Then she looked at the boy’s face and wasn’t quite sure. He had taken his hands from behind his back and looked to be digging his fingers into his skull. His jaw was clenched and his lips pulled back in a horrible grimace. His eyes were shut, but tears flowed out at a constant stream. His whole body was shaking violently.

After what appeared to be forever, but was in reality no more than 5 or 6 seconds, the girl lost her grip and fell on her butt giggling. Losing his balance, Bobby also fell, toppling backwards off the block and onto the stage. He lay there in the fetal position gasping for air.

“I’m sorry,” the girl said looking at her hands. “It think I might have tore his uniform with my nails. I knew I should have trimmed them.”

“That’s ok,” said Eve. “If the uniform is torn, it will just come out of Bobby’s allowance.”

“Let’s see, it’s almost eight o’clock.” Eve continued. “Let’s take a quick break. There are some refreshments over on that table. Let’s resume in 10 minutes, and then we will work on the knee. A sharp, hard, well-placed knee can be critical in overcoming a male assailant. A short break will also give Bobby time to sweep up this stage. I apologize, I didn’t realize how dirty it was when we began.”

The girls began filing off stage towards cookies and punch. Melanie watch as Eve got a broom from behind the curtain and dropped it on Bobby’s prostrate body.

08-29-2011, 09:12 PM
Like always, your story is one of the few things on this forum that is well worth the anticipation. i am eager to see more of the story taking place in this self defense scenario, as well as growth in Melanie's newly discovered fantasy of beating Bobby's testicals. I am positive this chapter alone made the requester a very pleased person.

08-29-2011, 09:16 PM
It goes without saying lws8512 but I will say it again because I truly believe that you deserve that recognition and have earned it. I absolutely love you stories and I think that you are one of the few writers within the ballbusting genre that consistently write quality stories. There are so few writers out there that write ballbusting stories and among those most write very little and disappear. Furthermore, most are not very good (my opinion of course) and most stories are very short and very uncreative. Over the years I have read most of the English ballbusting stories out there and probably all of the really famous and noteworthy stories so I honestly think I have a pretty informed opinion on the subject. Even if I haven't I definitely think I speak for my own ballbusting story experience when I say that you rank toward the top of all of the English ballbusting authors.

Thank you so much for fulfilling my story concept request and thanks even more for putting all of the hard work and effort into writing all of these amazing stories that you have written. I agree with juggalosnyder 100% when I say that you are 95% of why I typically visit this forum and that is due in large part because of how exciting your stories are.

I have fulfilled your request and I have reviewed your story post on bdsmlibrary and I encourage everyone else to do the same because lws8512 deserves the recognition and the ballbusting genre could use some good representations.

Anyway I look forward to more exciting and eventful ballbusting action lws8512. Thanks again for all of your generosity to myself and to the community.


Good bye

Alec Anaconda
08-31-2011, 11:42 AM
Your story, lws8512, is again of professional quality and very readable.

I enjoyed the different start and I was moved by those parts of Bobby’s emotions that you have chosen to show your readers.

I love the padding pretence and look forward to its resolution.

My feelings are still split between your hero’s need for pain and the brutality of his treatment.

Might I suggest that you need a penname more memorable than lws8512?

Also, as gluttonous as me ego is, if any of you have a bdsmlibrary account and
would like to rate/review my story there that would be awesome. So
far I only have 1 review.

Can you please give a link for bdsmlibrary?

Alec Anaconda

09-01-2011, 06:34 AM
I'm glad you guys mostly like it so far.

My feelings are still split between your hero’s need for pain and the brutality of his treatment.I'm sorry, but as the story progresses, it's only going to get more brutal. I apologize, but that's what makes the story enjoyable for me to write. Half the fun is thinking up new ways to torment poor Bobby. I do hope I wont lose you as a reader.

Can you please give a link for bdsmlibrary?http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=9143

Thanks for the review Anonymous1!

Alec Anaconda
09-01-2011, 12:08 PM
I'm sorry, but as the story progresses, it's only going to get more brutal.
I apologize, but that's what makes the story enjoyable for me to write.
Half the fun is thinking up new ways to torment poor Bobby.
I do hope I wont lose you as a reader.

I would not want you to change your story for me, as it would no longer be your story.

I suggest that interesting tales don’t emanate from a committee.

I expect, time permitting, that I’ll keep reading until the (bitter?) finish, for I hate not knowing the ending.
Alec Anaconda

09-07-2011, 08:56 PM
Hey Lws8512

Any idea as to when we might see the continuation of your previous partial chapter? Thanks!!!

Just Hanging
09-09-2011, 08:24 AM
These are good stories, just started reading them, and cant wait to continue. Do you mind hearing ideas for a future story?

09-13-2011, 07:35 AM
Any idea as to when we might see the continuation of your previous partial chapter?Not sure yet. I'd be lying if I claimed I was too busy. Rather, I just haven't been in the mood to write as of late. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I'm giving up or anything. I just don't want to force myself, and in doing so create an inferior product. I'm sure the mood will strike me soon...

These are good stories, just started reading them, and cant wait to continue. Do you mind hearing ideas for a future story?Thanks for the feedback Just Hanging! I'd certainly like to hear any ideas you might have!

09-20-2011, 09:04 AM
FYI- I started in on the next section.

09-20-2011, 12:18 PM
Glad to hear it, l-dub (you don't mind if I call you 'l-dub,' do you?). Your ongoing story really is the most exciting thing to happen in ballbusting porn in recent memory.

Personally I would love for the blueballs and urgent desire for orgasm to be more emphasized, especially if the girls incorporate that into their ballbusting and verbal/physical teasing. Maybe that's just me ;-)

In any case, keep up the great work, sir. We all eagerly anticipate forthcoming chapters :thumbup


09-29-2011, 11:00 PM
Hey lws8512

Thanks very much for the update as to the progress of your next story. I am certain that it will not surprise you that I am eagerly looking forward to reading it whenever it should be finished and posted on the forum.

Have a wonderful day.

10-12-2011, 08:48 AM
Maybe the girls had built up an appetite from beating Bobby in the groin, or maybe they were just anxious to start kneeing the boy’s bulging crotch, but the group began to consume the refreshments at an extraordinary rate. Melanie didn’t have any herself, instead she watched Bobby gingerly move about the stage with the broom.

Tina walked up next to Melanie with a cookie in hand, “Well that was fun, wasn’t it!”

“It really was,” Melanie admitted with a smile.

“Does it seem to you,” Tina began somewhat awkwardly, “like the boy’s padding has gotten bigger…like a lot bigger?”

Before Melanie could share her similar suspicions, Eve began to speak.

“Wow, looks like you finished off the cookies and punch. I hope there was enough for everyone. It hasn’t been 10 minutes yet. Should we resume the class a little early?”

Eve was greeted by a multitude of shouts to the affirmative.

The girls got back on stage and lined up in their previous order. Eve motioned the girl in front, the same brunette with the curly hair, to step forward.

“Ok, as I said before, we are going to be practicing the knee now,” Eve said facing the large group. “The knee is absolutely critical for incapacitating an assailant who is grabbing you.”

She motioned for Bobby to step forward. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she turned again to face the audience of girls.

“Ideally, your going to want to bring your kneecap into Bobby’s groin. However, with the knee, accuracy isn’t as important as power. Whether you hit him with your kneecap or somewhere along your thigh, if you drive it in between his legs with enough force, it will hurt.”

“Now the key to a powerful strike with your knee is to bring your body weight into the blow. Observe.”

Still holding on to Bobby’s shoulders, Eve stretched her right leg back while bending her left knee. Lunging forward off of her left leg, her right knee cracked into Bobby so hard that his whole body shook. Whatever substance was protecting Bobby’s groin bulged out around Eve’s leg.

The boy began to tremble and had a look on his face as though he was moments away from sobbing.

“Shhhhh,” Eve said to him, rubbing the back of his head. “There is still so much more to come.”

Locked in an embrace with Bobby, one leg still firmly planted in his crotch, Eve once again faced the girls.

“Preferably, you will have room to bring your full momentum into the knee. However, if an attacker is holding on to you, you may only be able to shift your body slightly. Even in this case, you still want to bring as much weight as you can into you blows. Any lack of power should be made up for by the rapidity of your strikes. Watch.

Eve lowered her knee and rocked back slightly before slamming her knee right back up between Bobby’s legs. Bobby whimpered softly. His arms wrapped around Eve’s neck, although it hardly looked like he was assailing her. Rather, it looked like he was hugging her just to remain standing.

Over and over again she brought her knee violently up into the large, squishy lumps bulging from the boy’s spandex encased pelvis. After about minute she finally stopped; Bobby’s legs were visibly shaking.

“…And that’s how it’s done,” Eve said with a smile. “Now I want all you to try?”

Eve looked over at the first participant.

“What’s your name dear?” Eve asked.

“Holly,” the girl responded in an excited voice.

“Bobby, go give Holly over there a hug,” Eve ordered.

Whimpering, Bobby shuffled over to the girl and did as he was ordered.

“Now Holly,” Eve continued. “Begin by trying to drive Bobby away from you with your knees. Once you have him at a good distance, put all your weight behind you and try to just absolutely flatten him.”

“Alright,” Holly said chuckling. “Is there any kind of scenario here? Should I pretend his is a mugger or something?”

“You can if you want,” Eve responded cheerfully. “But, I don’t see what’s wrong with the current scenario. This little pervert here is trying to hug you. Seems like incentive enough to wreck his balls.”

The girls all began to laugh.

“Alright, might as well get started,” Holly said, now in a slightly nervous tone. “Hope that padding of yours holds up, Bobby.”

Still with a smile still on her face, the girl brought her knee up into Bobby’s exposed groin. It was a tentative blow. Still, Bobby grunted. She did it again, this time a little harder. Then again, even harder still. As her attacks became more vicious, her knee drove deeper and deeper into the large orbs.

Bobby twisted and groaned as the blows continued to be driven home into the huge, bulging sack in his pants. Melanie could tell, without a doubt, that the boy was in pain. Still, despite his obvious discomfort, the boy kept his legs far apart, leaving his groin open to Holly’s assault.

Eventually, after a several minute long crotch pummeling, Bobby stumbled backward losing the grip on his hug.

Perhaps sensing the boy’s pain, Holly hesitated for a moment.

“Keep up the attack Holly!” Eve shouted. “You’re did good getting him off of you. Now it’s time to cripple the little wimp!”

And attack Holly did! With her first blow, she brought her kneecap squarely into the boy’s right nut, crushing it against his pelvis. The boy responded with a high-pitched squeak. Nearly losing her balance, it was now Holly’s turn to latch onto Bobby.

With her arms on his shoulders and her left foot planted on the outside of his right, Holly now took aim at his left testicle. Over and over she cracked the nut causing Bobby to continue squeaking like a mouse. Her aim wasn’t perfect. Sometime the nut was smashed on her knee, other times on her upper thigh. It didn’t matter though. Holly’s attacks came with enough force that a mangled nut was always the result.

Finally, after another 3-4 minutes, Holly’s onslaught finally came to a halt. Despite her best efforts, the boy wasn’t crippled, not quite at least. Eve gave him a shove in the direction of the next participant, the skinny, blonde girl. Bobby stumbled and wound up landing facedown at her feet. The sight of the hapless boy sent the girls into another fit of laughter.

Struggling, Bobby stood and wrapped his arms around the girl whose turn it was to beat him. No sooner had he hugged her, than the girl began firing. Just like her punches, her knees came one after another. With deadly precision, she drove her right kneecap up repeatedly into the very center of Bobby’s left ball. Each time her bony knee slammed into Bobby’s left ball, the boy’s face contorted in pain.

After only a few minutes of this non-stop brutal treatment, Bobby lost his grip on the girl. Before he could stagger backwards, the girl grabbed him around the waist. She held him close to her as her knee continued pound the poor boy. This continued for almost ten minutes, during which time Bobby began to sound something akin to a straggled cat.

“Very good!” Eve exclaimed, after the girl had finally stopped butchering her step-son. “Normally, I would encourage you to get Bobby more at a distance so you can put more weight behind your blows. But, your so quick and lethal up close. Again, great job!”

“As for you Bobby,” Eve began, as she walked over to a bag at the corner of the stage. “I think we’ve heard enough out of you for one night.”

She returned with a big, red ball-gag, which she unceremoniously jammed into the boy’s mouth. For some reason, this too sent the pack of girls into hysterics; the boy just looked so pathetic.

It was probably a good thing Eve chose to put the ball-gag in. Next up was the heavyset girl. Melanie could see the fear in Bobby’s eyes as he approached. The boy wrapped his arms around her neck and the girl began what appeared to Melanie more like demolition work than self-defense. Her powerful knees literally lifted Bobby into the air with each thunderous blow. Bobby was probably shrieking beneath his gag, but all that came out were tiny whistles of air.

It was no more than a minute before Bobby lost his grip. Melanie was surprised he lasted as long as he did. Having lost his grip, things got worse for Bobby rather than better, much worse. The girl positioned the boy at a distance from her, and began taking running starts at him.

As Melanie watched, she couldn’t help but think it was like watching a train wreck. The girl certainly came at Bobby like a train, and oh did she wreck him. Melanie couldn’t help but admire the fact that Bobby remained on his feet, even if just barely. Tears rolling from his eyes, Bobby still kept his legs wide open to receive the pain.

Melanie could tell the girl was having blast. Bobby’s groin was thoroughly blasted. After just over five minutes, it appeared as if the girl was finally done with Bobby, but then the stage block caught her eye. She led a delirious Bobby over to the stage block, and lifted him up there herself.

It took Bobby a moment to realize what was going to happen. When the girl began to lead him to the edge of the block by his hands, it finally dawned on him. There was terror in his eyes and he shook his head at the fat girl below, his eyes pleading.

“I hope that padding is still working,” Tina snickered into Melanie’s ear.

The mysteriously expanding padding was now nearly the size of two cantaloupes, which bulged horribly from between Bobby’s legs. Finally, an obedient Bobby, with his legs wide open so his cantaloupes were completely exposed, stepped off of the platform. He, or rather his cantaloupes, were met in midair by the large girl’s skyrocketing knee. There was a loud crunch.

Bobby crumpled to the stage on his knees, his face buried in his arms. The girls all gasped in unison. Bobby’s padding had fallen out. Only, the orbs weren’t padding, nor were they cantaloupes. Protruding from either side of Bobby’s spandex outfit were two enormous, horribly battered testicles.

“How!” Eve began, at the same time slamming her boot into the boy’s bloated, right testicle.

“Dare!” she continued, crunching his left.

“You!” She blasted his bruise covered right ball again.

“Expose!” His left ball wobbled under another heavy blow

“Yourself!” His right ball was flattened against the back of his thigh.

“To!” Eve’s boot drove deep into the claw-marked portion of Bobby’s left testicle, on which a girl had recently hung.

“These!” The right nut went splat.

“Girls!” The left was hit so hard that is still shook for a half of second after impact.

After each blow, Bobby screeched something that sounded to Melanie like “I’m sorry mommy,” although due to the ball-gag it came out “I’mmpgh Sorfffy Morthy” along with a great deal of drool.

“Get yourself presentable,” Eve hissed.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” Eve apologized to the girls, as Bobby struggled to stuff his mangled testicles back into his spandex outfit. Clearly even touching his balls was painful to the boy and the groin of the wrestling outfit wasn’t made to contain cantaloupes.

Finally, Bobby succeeded in his endeavor and, to Melanie’s horror, stumbled up to her, tears rolling down his eyes, and gave her a big hug. In all the excitement, Melanie had totally forgot she was next in line. She froze. The words “they’re real” ran repeatedly through her mind.

10-13-2011, 11:21 AM
O.M.G, more!! :o

10-13-2011, 06:18 PM
Eagerly awaiting the next installment.

10-28-2011, 07:48 AM
Fantastic installment! I love Melanie's perspective on the whole event; I can't wait to see how her enormous tits are going to play into it! For some reason it's super-hot that they all think that he's wearing padding, too. Great work! And the impacts felt quite a bit more personal in this installment; much less mechanical.

I'm going to chime in with Alec in that I'm not a big fan of his mother humiliating him and calling him names. I think it worked better when she was brutally racking him for her pleasure and for his own good, out of love. But that's just my feeling; you've got to write what turns you on.

Thanks for keeping this epic masterpiece going, and in grand form!


P.S. If you'd like someone to read it over for those little typos ("Ideally, you're going to want to bring your kneecap...", etc) I'd be happy to help you out. No matter how many times I read my own stories I always miss things like that.

10-28-2011, 04:30 PM
Almost done with the next installment. A few more posts would certainly encourage me to finish up those last couple of sentences. Especially if it was from...say...someone who never posted before.:o

(As always, thank you to those who post regularly; you know who you are. You're the reason this story is still going.)

I'm going to chime in with Alec in that I'm not a big fan of his mother humiliating him and calling him names. I think it worked better when she was brutally racking him for her pleasure and for his own good, out of love. But that's just my feeling; you've got to write what turns you on.Can't she love and humiliate him? :)

P.S. If you'd like someone to read it over for those little typos ("Ideally, you're going to want to bring your kneecap...", etc) I'd be happy to help you out. No matter how many times I read my own stories I always miss things like that.I very much appreciate the offer, but I really don't want to add an additional step to the process. Again, thanks for offering though.

10-28-2011, 04:37 PM
Hey Lws8512

I read your last installment shortly after you wrote it and I thought I commented but I guess I forgot to. I apologize because I know how hard you work on your stories and I definitely appreciate it as I am sure many others do as well. The way it usually works is that for every person that comments and complements you on your story there is probably 10 others that feel the same but do not comment.

Anyway great story as usual. I cannot wait to read what is yet to come. Personally I would prefer for the girls to not believe they are practicing on padding but that is just me. I think you should write about the topics that interest you. My only strong opinion is that you continue to write.

Thanks again


10-28-2011, 06:39 PM
Personally I would prefer for the girls to not believe they are practicing on padding but that is just me.You did read to the end of the last chapter, right?

Finally, Bobby succeeded in his endeavor and, to Melanie’s horror, stumbled up to her, tears rolling down his eyes, and gave her a big hug. In all the excitement, Melanie had totally forgot she was next in line. She froze. The words “they’re real” ran repeatedly through her mind.
The girls now know they a very much real.

10-28-2011, 08:52 PM
Hey lws8512

I did read through to the last paragraph but I was just saying that I would have preferred to have the chapter begin with the girls being aware that Bobby was not wearing padding. Of course I think you did a good job but I was just commenting as to my preference.

Anyway I am not complaining but just giving my opinions.

10-29-2011, 03:43 AM

WOW! Thank you all for reminding me of this series. I have intermittently been on vacation and missed the last two chapters. These are excellent. For reasons I cannot explain, these seem to be among the best.

lws 8512, I truly hope you won't be too much more brutal to Bobby. Much more would strain crudulity. I am still hoping Eve will be a barefoot martial artist. I really do like seeing Bobby through Melanie's eyes. It does offer more perspective. I also hope the girls, all of whom are no doubt 18 or over, will get to practice barefoot self-defense kicks on Bobby. It does seem necessary to the story line, not to mention to the gratification of my horny imagination.

Anyway, lws8512, congratulations on another couple of excellent chapters. I second Alex' comment that nothing good was ever wrought by committees, so keep up the good work, but be sure to follow my recommendations. ;)

Now, why couldn't I have had a (step)mother like Eve? Oh well, at least my mother had a best friend, and she was very good. :)

Best wishes,


10-29-2011, 10:41 AM
WOW! Thank you all for reminding me of this series. I have intermittently been on vacation and missed the last two chapters. These are excellent. For reasons I cannot explain, these seem to be among the best.Well, thank you!

I also hope the girls, all of whom are no doubt 18 or over, will get to practice barefoot self-defense kicks on Bobby.They all go to the school, which is for +18 dropouts, so yes they are over 18. Not sure if there will be much barefoot this chapter, but I will try to work in another barefoot only chapter soon.

I truly hope you won't be too much more brutal to Bobby. Unfortunately, it will get worse for him. I won't deny I enjoy dreaming up new and even more horrible things to do to Bobby. Even if that weren't a factor though, I feel the in BB stories things always have to get more brutal. Most BB stories (mine included) don't have much in the way of plot. So that "rising action" we all learned about in 8th grade literature class has to come from additional pain.

Now, why couldn't I have had a (step)mother like Eve? Oh well, at least my mother had a best friend, and she was very good.You're joking, right?

10-30-2011, 04:44 PM
I just read this article about this poor guy (http://www.lvrj.com/health/las-vegas-man-suffering-from-100-pound-scrotum-needs-1-million-for-surgery-131962533.html?ref=533). I could not help but think of your story.

10-30-2011, 07:41 PM
I just read this article about this poor guy (http://www.lvrj.com/health/las-vegas-man-suffering-from-100-pound-scrotum-needs-1-million-for-surgery-131962533.html?ref=533). I could not help but think of your story.

...well, that was depressing. Also unsettling, since they said it could possibly have been caused by trauma.

10-31-2011, 11:25 AM
As always, feedback is what makes this fun for me, so please post.

Melanie just stood there not knowing what to do. She couldn’t hurt the poor boy, could she? And yet, she was expected to do just that, to slam her knee repeatedly into the most sensitive part of the boy’s anatomy.

The boy had to be in so much pain already. He had spent the better part of three hours letting 30 girls take turns beating his unprotected genitals. Even now he stood before Melanie, legs spread, so that she too could mash his meat. And from what Melanie had seen, his balls truly were meat, so swollen and red and covered in horrible bruises. They were so large Melanie wasn’t even sure Bobby could have closed his legs if he wanted to.

He just stood there, obediently waiting for the torture to begin. He was such a pathetic sight, eyes watering, nose running, and drool dripping from his gag. Melanie fixated on the red ball in his mouth. The ball had been put there so that while his tender, sexual organs were being brutally mauled, the boy wouldn’t annoy Melanie by making any unpleasant sounds. Then, once Melanie was done pounding on him, he would stumble mutely on to the next girl so that his balls could receive even more punishment. It was such a strange thought.

Stranger still, there was part of her that wanted to beat poor Bobby. Before, while she had pummeled the boy’s testicles with her fists, hadn’t she imagined they were real? Even now, the thought that perhaps she had caused some of those bruises excited her. But how could she? How could she cause the poor boy anymore suffering?

“It’s alright dear,” said Eve sympathetically. “I know it must have been upsetting to see what a freak Bobby is, but I promise he won’t hurt you. Just give those disgusting balls of his a knee and you’ll see.”

It was strange, Melanie thought, that Eve should use the word “freak.” It was Melanie, with her enormous breasts, that had always felt like the freak. She knew she should feel sympathy for “Bobby the freak.” Melanie couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like if her mother were herding her around the stage so that 30 strangers could take turns smacking around her massive teats. However, it wasn’t her. She was in a group of 29 other, normal girls who were doing the beating, and it was freak’s gross nuts, and not her breasts, that were being pummeled.

Maybe just one or two soft knees, Melanie thought. I’ll go easy on the boy.

She jabbed her knee upward into the boy’s left ball, not too hard, but enough to give him a jolt. She had to admit, it felt good. She did it again, just a little harder, causing the boy to wince. She did it several more times; the nut felt pleasantly warm on her bare knee. She began alternating her sharp strikes between the balls. She liked how they jiggled slightly when struck, so she sped up her rhythm to make them jiggle all the more. The boy began to cry softly.

He shouldn’t be crying, Melanie thought, slightly annoyed. Compared to what the last girl did to him, this is nothing.

Melanie knees started coming in harder, probing further up into the boy’s ruined, testicle meat. The boy continued crying, shuddering with each blow. His was a mess. His eyes were red from crying, his face was covered in tears, snot, and drool, and he had a bruise on his cheek from where his mother had punched him.

For some reason, Melanie found herself becoming angry with Bobby. I try to be nice to this disgusting, little boy and all he does is cry. Maybe I should give him something to cry about.

Melanie brought her knee back, paused a moment to take aim, and then swung it forward hard, really hard, into Bobby’s left nut. Locked together as close as they were, she could feel the boy’s whole body tremble. A tiny whistle came from beneath the gag and Bobby stopped crying.

Well that shut him up, Melanie thought. Perhaps a few more good ones. The other girls were hitting him with all their might. I won’t hit him that hard, but I should be allowed a little fun too.

She slammed him again, catching his left ball on her thigh before it slipped away; Bobby whistled again. She did it again, this time the nut slipped away to the other side. Bobby toned once again. Melanie found it difficult to land a precise blow when coming at Bobby this hard, so instead she just increased her power and threw accuracy to the wind. Bobby’s balls were so big that no matter where her knee landed it was certain to mash some meat.

As Melanie drove home blow after devastating blow, she occasionally would score the lucky “perfect shot.” She would catch one of Bobby’s rotund balls squarely on her knee. Nut and knee would both accelerate upward until the ball met Bobby’s pelvis. Usually, at this point, the nut would just slip away to one side or another. However, if she caught it just right, sometimes it didn’t and it would be flattened under the force of Melanie’s powerful knee. It felt so good when that happened. Melanie could feel her knee driving through Bobby’s inflamed ballsack. Then it would find the bloated lump inside. She could feel as her knee drove deep into the rubbery object, grinding it against Bobby’s pelvis. As if to say “good job,” Bobby would then whistle an octave higher.

A hundred or two knees into things, Melanie noticed that Bobby had begun crying again, well not so much crying as sobbing. He had long ago lost his grip on Melanie. It was now Melanie who was grabbing him by the shoulders for balance.

Hitting him harder shut him up before, Melanie reasoned, kneeing him even more brutally.

She brought another several dozen extremely hard knees up into Bobby groin, further pulverizing his spandex encased sack, and producing further musical accompaniment from Bobby. Melanie looked at the clock only to discover she had been beating Bobby for nearly 20 minutes now. She realized she had to stop.

One more good one before I send this little, sniveling wimp on to Tina, Melanie thought to herself. Let’s give him one to remember, as hard as I can.

Melanie drew back and cracked Bobby’s left ball with all her might. It landed perfectly, practically flattening the mangled nut. Melanie could even hear the scream in Bobby’s throat, despite the ballgag. It felt amazing; she didn’t want to stop.
One more for his right, have to make it even after all.

This blow wasn’t quite as perfect. She squashed some meat against her thigh to be sure, but it didn’t feel nearly so delightful as the last.

“We can’t have that be our last one, now can we Bobby,” Melanie whispered to the sobbing, pain-racked boy. He nodded in agreement, but Melanie doubted he had any clue what she actually said.

Alright, one more, then I’m done.

Whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle.

Ok, seriously now, Melanie thought. One last knee, then I really have to be done.

Her kneecap caught Bobby toward the bottom of his left ball, knocking the ball up towards Bobby’s stomach, and knocking the snot out of Bobby, literally. A small globule of snot landed on Melanie’s hand.

“How dare you get your snot on me you sick freak,” Melanie hissed. “Get over here!”

She pulled him by the hands, and as he was coming at her, drove her knee into his left ball, which was still trapped by spandex at a height even to his pelvis. She pushed him away by his wrists, then pulled him back, crashing her knee into the same spot. Over and over she did this. Because Bobby’s meaty, left orb was trapped against his lower stomach, it was an easy target. Each shot was glorious, for Melanie that was. For Bobby, it was devastating.

Adding to Bobby’s pain was the fact that he was literally running square into each blow. Bobby was so well trained that Melanie did even have to pull him by the end. Obediently, he would run at Melanie as quick as his deformed balls would allow, sobbing all the while. Melanie’s knee would meet his left testicle head on, and squish would go the nut. Bobby would stumble backwards, usually while whistling repeatedly out of his ball gag, and would then dutifully come at Melanie again for his next dose of pain.

Time to finish the freak off, though Melanie, after she had pulverized the boy for at least the 40th time.

As he began to clumsily waddle at her yet again, she charged. Bobby never saw it coming; he was too wracked with pain to notice much. At a full sprint, Melanie collided with Bobby. Her knee, like a spear point, drove into the center of its intended target. Bobby’s eyes went comically wide, and he didn’t make a sound; he had reached a new level of pain.

Melanie wasn’t done with him yet, though. Before he could stumble back, Melanie grabbed him around the waist and pulled him tight. At the same time, she twisted around the knee imbedded in Bobby’s left testicle, grinding the tender organ. Melanie heard a gurgle come from he back of Bobby’s throat, and the saliva around his ball gag began to bubble. Melanie must have moved her kneecap too far up, because suddenly the mangled testicle slipped out from under her, and fell back down between Bobby’s legs.

The slipping testicle must have been extraordinarily painful, because Bobby let out an ear piercing whistle. In his agony, he twisted around and nearly fell. He stood for a second, doubled over, with his back toward Melanie. A second was all he got. The temptation of seeing the backsides of Bobby’s bloated testicles just dangling there was too much for Melanie. Her knee came crashing into them with a sickening squish sound. Bobby let out another whistle, accompanied by a spray of saliva, and stumbled forward. Melanie pursued.

Around the stage they went, Melanie’s knee thrashing the poor boy’s balls. With each impact the boy would stumble forward and some pitiful sound would escape the gag. Melanie would follow, almost as if she was herding him. This continued on for several minutes, until Bobby could barely stand. Half way through, Bobby began to make pleading sounds in between the whistles of pain.

“Mthmy, morthmy,” Bobby begged.

It took Melanie a moment to realized he was calling for his mommy. However, it didn’t look like Eve was going to step in anytime soon. She just stood on the sidelines with her arms folded and a big smile on her face.

“You want mommy to beat your balls too?” Melanie whispered in Bobby’s ear teasingly, as she approached to inflict more violence on him. “My, my, you just can’t get enough.”

Melanie continued until it looked like Bobby couldn’t take anymore. Then, she gave him a moment’s respite. Thinking it was over, Bobby bent over in half, his face in his hands.

That was a mistake.

Melanie came at him like lightning, driving her knee into the boy’s crotch so hard he did a somersault and landed on his back.

Stunned, Bobby just lay there, legs and arms sprawled out wide, convulsing slightly. Melanie circled around and stood directly between Bobby’s legs. She looked down a moment at Bobby’s spandex encased ballsack, imagining what a wreck his testicles must have been by this point. Then, without warning, she leaned her right knee forward slightly, and fell forward. Her kneecap jack-hammered, with Melanie’s full weight behind it, into Bobby’s left ball, squashing it like pancake against the stage floor.

Bobby bolted upright, so they were eye to eye. The salvia around Bobby’s gag gurgled, tears flowed. His eyes were wide with pain and terror. Melanie stood, looked him in the eye, and gave him the most ironic sad face she could muster, before dropping knee first onto his right testicle. Another direct hit. She could feel the meaty substance of his nut roll around between the floor and her knee. She also noticed the giant rod in his pants was twitching.

Good heavens, she thought, if his massive balls are real, that thing must be real too! And it’s twitching! His mom must not have lied. The freak must really be liking this. Guess I’ll just have to give him more of what he likes.

Melanie continued to mash Bobby’s balls in this fashion for quite some time. After a while, she got into a rhythm. Left, right, left, right, left, right…

“I don’t want to encourage vigilantism,” Eve told the rest of the class as Melanie continued. “If this were a mugger, ******, or robber, you should call the police at this point.”

“Please, don’t make her stop!” She heard a couple girls exclaim.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” responded Eve. “This isn’t a criminal, this is Bobby.”

“Well I think she should stop before she injures him,” Tina said disgustedly. “I mean, if she breaks him, I won’t get my turn.”

“She won’t break him,” Eve said confidently. “And, even if she did, you could still have a turn.”

They quieted down again to watch the massacre. Bobby was practically foaming at the mouth. Snot bubbles were forming around his nose. He was surprisingly quite though, making only the tiniest of squeaks each time his manhood was mangled.

Eventually, Melanie knew she had to stop, if for no other reason than that she was absolutely exhausted. She was so sweaty that her shirt clung to her and a pool of sweat had formed in her cleavage. She stood above Bobby panting. She looked down and their eyes locked.

“Thank you,” she whispered to him sincerely.

Then, without really planning it, she leapt into the air, and came down on both knees, one for each of Bobby’s throbbing balls. She stuck the landing; both balls were crushed beneath her kneecaps. From behind bobby’s gag she could hear a series of throaty squeals. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and began to rock on her kneecaps, mashing Bobby’s meat. The drool began to froth around the gag. The boy’s eyes rolled into the back of his head when Melanie started bouncing slightly on his bags.

“You’re a sweetie,” she whispered into his ear. She gave him a kiss on his bruised cheek.

“And just think,” she continued after a moment, “only 26 more girls to go.”

She stood and Bobby flopped onto his back. Part of her wanted to come at him again, but she figured she really should leave something for Tina.

The other girls were absolutely silent for a moment, and then broke into wild applause.

As Melanie walked back into line, Eve approached her. All of a sudden, she became very afraid. She had just mutilated this woman’s son. Perhaps she had gone too far with Bobby. She wanted to tell her she didn’t mean to, she had planned to just go easy on the boy, things went to far.

Before she could open her mouth, Eve spoke. “Excellent job my dear. You are really quite talented.”

“Thank you,” Melanie stuttered, relieved.

“Please be sure to see me after class before you leave,” Eve went on. “I’d like to talk to you about putting your skills to use.”

Melanie didn’t know what to make of that. Before she could say anything, Eve was shouting across the stage.

“Bobby, get your lazy butt up! Tina over here is waiting.”

Melanie looked over and saw Tina was indeed waiting most eagerly, launching practice knees into the air.

11-01-2011, 03:59 AM
Hi lws8512,

This is the best chapter yet. :bananajum I loved Melanie. Even as a man, I could empathize with her, all the while she hoping she didn't rupture Bobby. But even if that happened, I'm sure a literary cure would be possible. It might be interesting to explore even if ever so briefly Melanie's motivation for her zeal.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I sure hope you retain Melanie as an active character.

poolman2 :ibow4u:

11-14-2011, 02:51 AM
Hey lws8512

I have loved this story from the start. And this Melanie girl sounds like an amazing ride. Hope to see more in the near future. Your work is definitely the best i have seen in a while. Thank you for you contributions.

Alec Anaconda
11-17-2011, 12:31 PM
Thank you for another well presented instalment, LWS.

I think you’re handling the darker side of human behaviour skilfully and I conjecture that you are laying the ground for a couple of brilliant plot twists!
Alec Anaconda

11-17-2011, 02:20 PM
Hey lws8512

Another great story as usual. It was very entertaining reading about Melanie's enthusiasm for the self defense exercise. It is always good to read about the enthusiasm of a ballbusting character in any story, especially your stories.

As you have likely already seen I think most everyone agrees because they have demonstrated allot of approval of your latest story.

Thanks again for all of your stories and for your most recent installment/chapter.


11-18-2011, 07:19 AM
Hey All,

Thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated. Working on the next installment, not sure when it will be done.

11-23-2011, 07:58 AM
Another great entry, l-dub. Love having this story to check in with every couple weeks. Thanks for keeping up the hot ballbusting!


P.S. Hope to see Melanie's endowment playing a larger role in the story, as well as the fact that Bobby almost never gets to cum ;-)

12-09-2011, 06:07 AM
Anyone else have trouble uploading chapters to bdsmlibrary? As you know, I have this story up there as well. (http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=9143) However, whenever I want to add a new chapter it takes forever. Last time it took over a month and I had to try uploading the same darn chapter 6 times. I tried asking the admin if I was doing anything wrong, but I never got an e-mail back. Anyone else have this experience?

Also, over halfway through the next section so it shouldn't be too much longer now...

12-10-2011, 09:58 AM
From personal experience I know the approval process can be quite long; Literotica often takes a week or more. I have heard that bdsmlibrary is even worse, for some reason. They probably have a ton of submissions that they have to read very closely and a small staff to do it. At least that's what I imagine. Thanks for continuing to post updates to the story on this forum for instant consumption :-)


12-28-2011, 11:20 AM
Hi all. I've been following this great story as it's developed over the last year or so. Bobby has featured prominently in my wank fantasies for a while and, as there are currently many unanswered questions and unexplored scenarios, my own vivid imagination has gone wild and filled in some of the blanks. Here, I'm outlining my own ideas about his life, riffing on the story to this point. It's not meant to be canon or the way I think it should play out. They're just my own fantasies about Bobby that get me off really hard!

I love his physique. He's a slight, slender lad, unable to stand up to his tormentors, even if he ever allowed the thought to cross his mind. He's kept smooth, hairless, resulting in a sweetly innocent, yet freakish appearance considering... The fantastic dimensions of his bloated, tortured genitals! They were made for the most delicious pleasure, yet receive nothing but staggering pain!

His stepmother is "fanatically religious" and, oh, how warped and kinky it has made her sexuality. Poor Bobby is the focus of all her twisted cruelty, yet she absolutely believes that she's saving him, "curing" him.

By the time Eve caught him in the act, Bobby had already been fighting the urge to play with his enormous dick for years! He'd finally cracked, and given in to his raging horniness despite years of harsh conditioning about the evils of masturbation. But she'd certainly goaded him all that time with filthy talk and lewd displays, teasing him into a frenzy. She set him up for a fall. And nothing makes her more stiff-clitted and sopping wet than the thought of keeping him in a state of permanent sexual desperation.

She has him sleeping face down on a bedframe - no comfortable mattress for him - with his dick jammed down under the bed. Dozens of fish hooks attached to wires at the foot of the bed are gouged in behind the flared head, in case he has any filthy dreams that might give him a hard-on.

And his "treatment"... Well, by inflicting inhuman levels of pain to his dick and balls, she aims to ensure that no amount of pleasurable stimulation and need can ever bring him sexual relief!

So, the boy has never once masturbated to completion. And he's physically prevented from achieving relief through his first wet dream.

His throbbing dick and heavy, aching balls weep constantly with frustration and the need to unload. His frequent, massive erections and sticky stains in his pants are always a source of embarrassment.

His mother and the girls revel in this suffering, finding ways to ratchet up his tension, keeping the bloated knob and heavy nutsack perpetually leaking sticky dew. His arousal is strictly, cruelly controlled, and he's always denied any legitimate means of blowing his titanic load of spunk, straining with YEARS' worth of sadistically accumulated sexual tension. At every moment, his entire reproductive system is flooded to the brim with sticky cum, which he fights a losing battle to restrain. His voice is thick with lust, almost as though his throat was actually clogged with the cum welling up inside him.

Giant balls producing enormous volumes of sexual juice, a monstrously huge, hypersensitive dick, constantly hammered and tortured with indescribable pain.

The boy is not allowed to masturbate, hasn't had a single wet dream and never will. He's never been allowed a single orgasm, no ejaculation, no release whatsoever!

He'll always be a virgin. His colossal dick guarantees it, no matter how many pussies are super-heated into a lather at the sight of it. And she would never allow the freak to breed. His leakings are called "pre-fuck", not pre-cum. He'll never fuck, and he'll certainly never cum. But the need is relentless!

For her part, Eve never masturbates either, and her own frustrations help to drive proceedings. Bobby's so-called "monthly release" takes place at the horniest point of Eve's cycle. She has him face-down on a bench, and heavily sedated (or ***********). His cock-log points down toward his feet, aimed toward a large tub.

Eve will spend the whole night grinding herself against his dick, smashing her tight butt into his nuts thousands of times, as surges of clear dick-leak pour out of him. She restricts even his leakage of pre-fuck, but allows him this, even though he's never aware if it. And if she happens to "suffer" through chains of crippling, cunt-cramping orgasms of her own in the process, she'll just have to endure it.

And as the years pass, and the need to blow his incredible load grows and grows, he'll need ever more withering levels of pain inflicted upon him to hold back the flood.

Or, perhaps... he'll finally be "cured" when the very need to orgasm is itself agonisingly intense enough to prevent it from ever happening! Even his wet dreams would self-destruct. He needs to cum SO MUCH that he can't cum!

01-01-2012, 11:42 AM
Hey Lws8512

Happy New Year!!! I apologize for the question but do you know when you might post the newest chapter of the story that you have been working on.

Thanks again for all of the amazing stories.

01-01-2012, 05:45 PM
Happy New Year all!

Renard- Thanks for your feedback. It is much appreciated. In regards to some of your theories/ideas about the story

His stepmother is "fanatically religious" I think I put that in the first chapter of the femaledom copy of the story and then changed it in the bdsmlibrary version to just being "very strict". I figured I didn't want to offend anyone.

In regards to the tease/denial aspect of the story, there is bad news and good news for you. The bad news is that Bobby is allowed a monthly orgasm (although I think you will enjoy the nature of it). The good news is that (without giving too much away) Bobby's new physician might just feel that this is far too much stimulation for the boy, as soon recommend an alternate regimen.

Anymous1- No reason to apologize. Terribly sorry I haven't kept you guys more up to date. I'm half way through with the next chapter, and am really hoping to have it posted by the end of the week (no promises).

As far as the planning for the whole story goes, there are going to be 5 more chapters to the book, which I am hoping to get done before summer. Then, I'm thinking I might start book 2 of the series in the fall. :)

As always, I'm needy, so all feedback is much appreciated, bdsmlibrary ratings especially!

01-02-2012, 02:12 AM
Thanks, LWS8512,

The plans for the book(s), and the outline and tentative schedule are very much appreciated. :bananad:


01-02-2012, 04:05 AM
Yeah, I had been trying to reconcile the "monthly release" with my fantasies. I realised a bit later on that it would still be incredibly hot if he had orgasms, but every single one ruined. Or utterly demolished. I'm hanging out for what you've come up with, anyway.

I did suggest a while back that the doctor might recommend him maintaining a state of permanent, extreme "epidydimal hypertension". So that's good to see.

01-02-2012, 04:10 AM
Also curious to see where things go with Melanie. Maybe she'll be his "girlfriend", helping Eve to keep him under control, and turned on so much by Bobby's suffering that she's constantly frigging herself senseless. :)

01-04-2012, 09:40 AM
Well, I have good news and I have bad news.

The good news is I finished the chapter today. The bad news is I don't have time to proof it today.

Hopefully I'll find time by Friday.

01-04-2012, 01:02 PM

You should just post it anyway, especially if it is just a matter of minor spelling and grammatical errors. You could always repost the corrected version. Everyone wins this way.

01-05-2012, 11:24 AM
Well, here it is. I hope you all enjoy. Please let me know what you think.

No one was surprised when it happened. They had all been waiting for it, hoping for it; they knew it had to happen eventually.

For the past hour and half, Bobby had staggered his way down the line of girls, allowing each one a chance to thoroughly pulverize his manhood with their knee. For an hour and a half, since his encounter with Melanie, he hadn’t stopped crying. That’s not to say his crying didn’t vary from time to time. Depending on the violence being inflicted on him, his state varied anywhere between gentle sobbing and horrific wailing. Most of it was muffled of course by the large red ball strapped in his mouth. The exception had been when the tall, muscular volleyball-girl had taken her turn. She had told Eve that she had bad knees, and was wondering if she could wear a knee guard. Eve had not seen a problem with her wearing the hard, plastic protective-device, although Bobby certainly had; not even the ballgag had been able to quiet his screeching.

By all rights, his nuts should have been mush by now. However, as Bobby suffered the non-stop mashing of his testicles, the orbs only continued to swell in size. By the time he neared the end of the line, they were huge, looking to be about the size of two, elongated volleyballs. They had grown so large that his silly, spandex outfit could just barely contain them. Testicle meat had begun bugling out of its spandex casing on both sides.

There might have been something virile and masculine about nuts half that size, if they had hung on a proportional man, perhaps a 6’6 body builder. However, for Bobby, the little wimp of a boy being savagely beaten by a pack of girls, the bigger his genitals swelled, the more pathetic he looked.

He had just stumbled up to the last girl in line. His outfit was stretched to its limit, torn in several areas. Perhaps it was fitting that it happen then, since it was the little, Asian girl who had first torn Bobby’s uniform. She only had the chance to bring one tentative knee into the boy’s tender testicles. As her knee came away, there was a ripping sound, and, to all thirty girls’ great delight, two huge testicles came spilling out.

All the girls just stared in amazement at the train-wreck that was Bobby’s genitals. They had all known what they were doing to the poor boy, but seeing his pulverized meat dangling there just made it all the more entertaining. From dark-purple to sickening yellow, his nuts were covered with every shade of bruise imaginable within the spectrum of pain.

Bobby stared down at his own exposed genitals with a look of terror on his face. At first, Melanie thought that Bobby was simply horrified by the damage done to his manhood, but when she heard Eve’s hard footsteps moving in Bobby’s direction she knew the true reason for his fear.

Eve rapidly crossed the stage and grabbed Bobby by the hair.

“I warned you, didn’t I,” she yelled at him angrily.

With her right hand still clutching his hair, she began walking briskly back to the other side of the stage, dragging Bobby with her. The whimpering boy did his best to keep up, his naked and mangled nuts flopping wildly between his legs.

“But, yet again, you had to be a little pervert and expose yourself to these poor girls,” she said, throwing him into the stage block.

The stage block caught Bobby square in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. For the moment, the whimpering and crying stopped. Eve roughly shoved him further up onto the block, so that he was laying on his stomach. Then viciously grabbed both his legs and splayed them out, so that one stuck out from either side of the block.

Now Bobby’s two rotund balls dangled flat against the back of the block. The back of Bobby’s massive testes were mostly virgin territory. With the exception of a couple smaller bruises, probably caused when Melanie kneed him from behind, this portion of the boy’s balls had escaped largely unscathed.

“Your going to regret being such a gross, little pervert,” Eve continued to rant, as she crossed the stage to grabbed something. As she turned, Melanie could see Eve was holding the wooden rod she had used earlier in the class. Eve stormed over to where Bobby lay and raised the rod into the air.

This is going to be good, Melanie thought excitedly. It was then that she first noticed that her underwear had become sopping wet. She didn’t give it much thought however, she was too preoccupied with what was unfolding in front of her.

The rod came sailing down into Bobby’s naked balls. SNICK! Up and down again like lightning. SNICK! Yet another into the exact same spot on Bobby’s upper testicles. SNICK!

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! The testicle meat around the rod started to jiggle slightly.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK!Eve began to methodically work her way down her son’s ballsack.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK!Muffled shrieks and whimpers, along with gurgling and all sorts of frantic noises began coming from the boy.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! Ignoring the sounds, Eve continued raining down blow after blow, causing the boy’s tender balls to quiver like gelatin.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! Melanie was a little disappointed. For all the boy’s shrieking, the wooden rod seemed to be having little physical effect on the huge, dangling gonads.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK!Eve was working the middle of her son’s testicles. when Melanie first noticed the red streaks forming towards the top of Bobby’s balls.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! Hundreds of bright red welts were now forming on the area of the boy’s ballsack that had been worked over by the rod.


SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! As always, Bobby presented quite the comical sight. With each blow from the rod, his splayed out legs had begun to shake violently.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! Upon reaching the bottom of her son’s gonads, and thoroughly caning them as well, Eve began to work her way back up.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! Where the new blows intersected with the old, darker, meaner looking red welts raised up.

SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! By the time Eve reached the top of her son’s genitals again, the ballgag could no longer muffle the boy’s shrieking.


SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! SNICK! Melanie had always wonder what strangling a cat would actually sound like. She was pretty sure she now knew the answer.




After beating her son’s testicles incessantly for over a half an hour, Eve finally let the cane come to a rest at 11:21pm. The end result of her work was a checkerboard of stripes and welts crisscrossing one another. The brutality encompassed the whole backside of Bobby’s massive balls. Eve had been very thorough in her a work, very few areas of nut flesh had been left unmarked. In some areas where the cane had landed one too many times, ever so slight trickles of blood formed.

“I hope you learned your lesson,” Eve told the Boy.

Melanie wasn’t exactly sure what lesson Bobby was suppose to take out of this.

Wear stronger fabric if you are going to let a pack of girls beat your genitals or, perhaps, don’t let little Asian girls claw your testicles, Melanie thought to herself, causing her to chuckle quietly.

In any case, it probably didn’t matter. Melanie was almost sure Bobby hadn’t heard his mother. He was too busy still sobbing violently into his ballgag, his whole body glistening with sweat.

The boy clearly wasn’t doing well. On the other hand, Melanie was doing great. She had long ago realized that she enjoyed watching the boy suffer, but she hadn’t thought about the nature of her enjoyment. Now that things had slowed down for a moment, Melanie was ****** to come to terms with the small lake forming in her panties.

I’m getting aroused by this boy’s pain, Melanie admitted to herself, much to her own surprise.

“Well class, I’m sorry,” Eve began. “Due to Bobby’s awful behavior tonight, we are going to have to end the class early. I’m sorry you had to see this.” She drove the cane one last time into the nut-mush, eliciting a garbled wail from Bobby.

Eve was answered by thirty voices crying their dismay. “No!” “Please No!” “We don’t mind his balls!” “Please let us kick him some more!”

Listening to them beg Eve to let them beat her son some more, Melanie couldn’t help but wonder if the enjoyment they were having wasn’t the same as her own; maybe there wasn’t a dry panty in the auditorium.

“I’m sorry girls,” Eve answered them. “Really I am, but I could get in trouble with the school board. Bobby already flashed you all twice tonight. He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get expelled.”

“You won’t get in trouble,” Tina’s voice rose above the rest. “I promise. My mom is the head of the school board. I’ll talk to her.”

“Your Mrs. Swanson’s daughter?” Eve asked surprised.

Tina nodded.

“Ok, we will continue on. Just promise me if any issues arise, you will explain the situation to your mother.”

Tina nodded again.

“Ok girls,” Eve shouted to them all. “We don’t have a lot of time, and none of you have passed the class yet.”

“You are all going to take the final test as a group,” she continued and she strode over to the side of the stage a picked up a water bottle. “You pass or fail as a group.” She walked up to Bobby and removed his ball gag. “Each of you gets one kick. By the time all thirty of you have gone, this water bottle should be empty.” She then poured a large portion of the water into Bobby’s mouth, where he held it in his cheeks.

Oh I see, thought Melanie after a moment. We have to kick him so hard that he spews out the water.

Her underwear became slightly more wet.

Bobby knew what was happening right away, without any instructions. I wonder how many times he’s played this game.

“Now before we begin,” Eve addressed them again. “I just want to make sure you are all wearing rubber tennis shoes, or some other firm sole shoe. That stage block is very hard, and if one of you should be off target you could stub, or even break, a toe. And, I don’t want to see anyone get injured.” She paused a moment before adding, “Also, try to aim for the center of the testicle. That should cushion your foot against the impact.”

The girls all nodded.

As always, Holly was first to go. She took a long time lining up her target. Finally, she took one large step with her left leg, and brought the flat of her shoe into the very bottom of Bobby’s engorged, right orb.

It wasn’t a very good kick, but Bobby sent out a fountain of water all the same. Holly was going to go to the back of the line, but Eve waved her over.

“Given Bobby’s awful manners this evening, I think it would be a good idea if he took this opportunity to thank each of you for coming.” Eve stated.

“Thank you.” Sobbed the boy, water still dribbling from his mouth. Eve poured more water in.

The skinny blond was next, she drove the point of her shoe high into Bobby’s left nut. It was a solid kick, but there wasn’t much weight behind it. Bobby snorted in pain, but the water stayed in.

“Thank you.” He garbled, with water in his mouth, and then let out a pathetic whimper.

The heavy set girl was next. Her foot connected dead-center in his right ball. Flat in the middle, with meat bulging out on every side, it momentarily looked like a testicle donut. A geyser of water came from Bobby’s mouth. His high-pitched “thank you” was proceeded and followed by hysterical sobbing.

Melanie lined up the same nut. The water had barely been poured into Bobby’s mouth when she struck. Instead of going with a more conventional kick, she went with a sidekick and landed it perfectly. Her foot, just slightly longer than the middle of Bobby’s right nut, brutally squished the hemisphere of the orb. She heard the water splattering on the floor.

She had an odd thought for a moment. What if it were semen instead of water? What if I kicked him so hard that it blew his load out his mouth? She knew it was impossible, but that didn’t stop the wetness in her panties from spreading.

She walked up to the front of the block. Bobby was sobbing wildly again, causing his whole body to shake. When he heard her approached, he sniffled a little and stopped. He looked at her with glassy eyes and whimpered his thanks.

It’s weird, Melanie thought looking down at him. There’s no anger in his voice. It’s not even a perfunctory thanks, done because he has to. He is legitimately thanking me.

Melanie realized then that she liked the boy. He was handsome, even if a bit pale. He was definitely scrawny, but what little muscle he did have was well defined. It wasn’t a crush. You can’t have a crush on a beaten dog, can you? Whatever it was, she legitimately liked him.

“Your welcome,” Melanie replied with a giggle, and tussled his dark blonde hair.

Bobby’s mouth was refilled with water, and within five seconds Tina had blown it back out of him by gouging the tip of her shoe into the tender looking bottom of his left nut.

“Thank you” he croaked, before his mouth was filled again.

“What a gentleman,” Eve said with a smile. “Only five of you have gone and the bottle is almost half empty. He must be trying to let you win. I think we are going to have to find an incentive for Bobby to try harder.”

She walked over once again to the side of the stage, and retrieved one large boot

“Bobby,” she began, holding the boot in front of him. “You remember this from the other night?”

The boy nodded, trembling all over as though he had been kicked.

“If you lose,” she continued, “I’m going to let them have a bonus round with it.”

His eyes grew wide, and he began to cry so violently that he lost the water already in his mouth. He looked down in terror at the growing puddle beneath him and began to cry some more.

“Not a good start,” Eve chuckled.

“What is it!?” At least a dozen girls asked at once.

The answer, “a steel-toed boot,” sent the girls wild. Melanie wasn’t sure if the boot had made Bobby any more determined, but it certainly had a dramatic effect on the rest of them.

The volleyball-girl was next. She targeted his left ball and drove her foot home with deadly precision. Bobby whimpered his thanks as the last of the water leaked from his mouth.

The short redhead, who had been worried before about hurting Bobby, was next. She didn’t seem too worried about that now. She drove her shoe upward into the underside of Bobby’s swollen, right nut. It flew up violently and then flopped back down, the bulbous sack continuing swaying slightly.

The girl scowled when no water spewed from the boy’s mouth. She came closer to the boy, and then, unexpectedly, drove her knee square into the same nut, grinding the mashed meat as hard as she could into the stage block. The boy writhed violently in response to the unexpected assault, but somehow still manage to keep the water in. “Thank you.”

Despite the fact his balls were looking more tender and grossly swollen by the minute, Bobby began to hold his own.

A solid punt by a lanky brunette. “Thank you.”

A heel driven deep into his left ball by a cute blonde. “Thank you.”

A solid roundhouse to his left nut delivered by an athletic looking blonde. “Thank you.”

A nice, solid jump kick by a tall redhead that sent Bobby’s left nut so high that it smacked him in the butt before flopping back down. “Thank you.”

A hard but misplaced kick by a short brunette that ricocheted off Bobby’s inflamed, right orb causing it to wobble a little. “Thank you.”

Then there came an tall and heavy-set brunette. From what Melanie had seen, she hadn’t been especially vicious that night. (That is to say, no more vicious than any of the other girls there that night, who were now all single-minded in their desire to mangled this little boy’s genitals.)

Before kicking, she grabbed Bobby’s monstrous right nut with both hands and set it on top of the stage block so that it was hanging off the edge. Then, moving her right leg in large clockwise arch, she brought down a brutal axe kick into the exposed organ. Her aim was perfect, cracking Bobby’s egg on the edge of the block. The boy shrieked and water came spilling out. She had to wait for the boy’s coughing fit to subside to receive her thanks.

It was five more solid punts before the next load of water dribbled out of the boy’s mouth. Eve waited for Bobby’s sobbing to subside before filling his mouth up once again.

“Only one more gulp left in the bottle,” Eve declared. Excited by the news, the girls began to chant “crack his nuts,” drowning out Bobby’s weeping.

The next girl, a plain looking brunette, did just that. She sent a surprisingly agile flying-kick into Bobby’s right orb and still managed to land gracefully on her feet. Bobby showed remarkably little grace at having his nut thoroughly squished, and sent the better part of his water shooting out his nose.

“Thank you,” Bobby wailed, gasping for air.

“This is it girls,” Eve said excitedly. “One more for the win.”

The girls responded by chanting louder. “Crack his nuts!”

A punt by a busting redhead. Bobby garbled his thanks, water still in his mouth.

A powerful kick by a curvy blonde. No geyser.

A misplaced kick by a short but muscular black girl. Nothing.

Seven more kicks and seven more whimpers of thanks, but no water.

The little Asian girl was last to go. The chanting had stopped. The girls had all but admitted defeat. Eve was standing at the back of the stage block now. She had moved there after giving Bobby the last of the water. When the little Asian girl came up to take her turn, Eve motioned for her to come over. Eve bent down and whispered something in the girl’s ear. The short girl nodded with a smile and then stepped aside, while Eve eyed up Bobby’s horribly mangled genitals.

She stood there a moment, and then charged. Eve had kicked Bobby several times earlier during the evening, but not like this. It was like testicular dynamite. The result was testicle splattered against wood. Bobby blew the water out so hard at first, that it came out as mist. The rest drooled out of his agape mouth.

“Great kick!” Eve told the little Asian girl with a wink.

Bobby didn’t make a sound for a while, not a squeak or a moan. But then the sobbing returned more violent than ever. Melanie wasn’t sure if it was from the kick or from the fact that Holly was already trying on the steal-toed boot. Clearly, Bobby had a lot to be sad about.

“Sorry if they don’t fit you perfectly,” Eve told her. “There the only pair I have.”

“And you,” she said, turning to Bobby with a grin. “Stop your whining. You lost fair and square, and nobody likes a sore loser.”

Melanie wasn’t sure if the pun was intended, but she began chuckling to herself all the same.

01-05-2012, 11:51 PM
As always another great chapter!

01-06-2012, 12:06 AM
i enjoyed the read. Thanks!

01-06-2012, 01:56 AM

Thank you again for continuing in your now established tradition of excellence in writing. :bananajum

I have stopped empathizing with poor little wretched Bobby, and now have switched allegiance to Melanie, and wish I could to the cruel Eve. Oh well, we readers are a fickle lot. I think Bobby may need a major change in his life to remain a viable character. Anyway I leave his fate to the imaginative lws8512.


01-06-2012, 05:21 AM
great work

01-06-2012, 11:48 AM
Cool, I was hoping Melanie would end up completely creaming herself to Bobby's suffering. Maybe she'll need frequent and epic wanking sessions to satisfy her needs as it gets worse for him.

01-07-2012, 11:25 AM
Thanks for writing curmudgeon and sockmess!

Poolman2- I'm glad you like Melanie, because she is here to stay. In many ways she will become the new driving force of the story. You may come to like Eve too. The next chapter is going to be from her point-of-view.

Here actually are the POVs for the next 4 chapters:


(Where there are two names, I'm going to test my writing skills by trying to switch back and forth between POVs during the chapter.

I have stopped empathizing with poor little wretched Bobby...I think Bobby may need a major change in his life to remain a viable character.I hope that by that you just mean Bobby is no longer a good POV character. If that's what you mean, I pretty much agree. From here on out, most of the chapters will be from other character's perspectives, but Bobby will always be there to be beaten and pummeled by the other characters.

I hope you don't mean Bobby's no longer good as a character at all. I'd be really reluctant to throw a new male character into the story. Somehow I feel that would take away from the pure, 100% agony that is Bobby.

01-08-2012, 01:24 AM
Hi LWS8512,

What I was trying to say in my own occasionally inartful way was what you surmised in the former interpretation. Bobby is integral to this story, but the circumstances surrounding him have so changed that I find myself not identifying with him despite his being the only male character. I am now wanting the shift to the POV of Melanie. I feel like I am becoming my wife. LOL

Anyway the outline for the next few chapters sounds very promising. Your reading audience anxiously awaits your further craftsmanship.


poolman2 :bananawin

01-09-2012, 04:28 PM
Huh? Totally missed your posts elvo and reynard. Odd...

In any case, thank you for your feedback guys.

Cool, I was hoping Melanie would end up completely creaming herself to Bobby's suffering. Maybe she'll need frequent and epic wanking sessions to satisfy her needs as it gets worse for him.maybe...maybe... ;)

01-10-2012, 12:11 AM
Huh? Totally missed your posts elvo and reynard. Odd...

In any case, thank you for your feedback guys.

maybe...maybe... ;)

Yeah, that was weird. I wrote a few responses days ago and they didn't appear until yesterday. I thought they got lost or were rejected. Other ones popped up in the meantime, though.

In any case, thanks for all your continuing effort on this story. Looking forward to what's to cum. :)

01-13-2012, 11:52 AM
Hey LWS8512

I sincerely apologize for my late response but nevertheless I could not possibly withhold my response upon reading your latest chapter. Honestly I really thought it was one of the best if not the best chapter you have written so far (top 2 to me). I really enjoyed the moral support and enthusiasm from the other girls when it was another girl's turn. Of course I really enjoyed everything so it would be tedious for me to point out everything I enjoyed.

Thanks so much for another amazing story and I anxiously await the next chapter. I am very anxious to see what comes next!!!!!

:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::i bow4u:

01-21-2012, 11:48 PM
If there was ever going to be an illustrated version of this, you could get Knave to do it. I've seen a few of his cartoons before, but didn't know where they came from until just now!


01-23-2012, 09:53 AM
Glad you enjoyed it Anonymous1!

If there was ever going to be an illustrated version of this, you could get Knave to do it. I've seen a few of his cartoons before, but didn't know where they came from until just now!Funny you should mention that. I actually approached him on the topic a few weeks ago. While he enjoyed the story, he indicated that it wouldn't be worth it financially for him to illustrate. Apparently, he make the vast majority of his income through commissions and not through sales via his website. So, unless I was willing to commission him to illustrate the story (which I am not; I'm poor :() it's not going to happen. Too bad though, I think he would have been the right artist for this story, but I certainly don't blame him; he has to make ends meet too.

02-02-2012, 11:11 PM
Hey lws8512, thought I'd de-lurk quickly to tell you how much I enjoy your story! I stumbled across it on BDSM Library, and I've been eagerly looking forward to new chapters ever since haha. I really adore the incredibly over the top brutality Bobby has to endure. And, like I said in my review on BDSM Library (10/10, of course), the way the women who are abusing Bobby - with a humiliating attitude that they're trying to "help" the perverted boy - is SO HOT, even if we know they don't really mean it!

I read through a few posts on here, and it sounds like you have the next few chapters planned out (very exciting!). If I could make one request though? Could we please, please, please see a bit more of Dr. Amy Lee? I've read her chapter in part 1 so many times, it's just so nasty! I loved the way she treated Bobby as she realized she could exploit him for her own perverse pleasure.

Thanks again for all of your work writing this. It's really well done, and very entertaining. Can't wait to read the next chapter!

02-07-2012, 12:27 AM
Hey Lws8512

Your absolutely welcome. It is too bad about knave not being willing to illustrate your story without obtaining a commission but that is how it goes sometimes.

I was wondering if you had an idea when the next chapter might be finished?


02-08-2012, 12:27 AM
I just wanted to write a quick message praising your last chapter, lws8512 (and your story overall, of course). Your story is so fantastically over the top - I love it! To me, it's just how a ballbusting story should be. The violence is so brutal it's silly, the women either believe they're helping the guy or pretend they are, and the guy actually wants the abuse deep down. Love it!

Any chance we'll see the return of the Dr. Amy Lee sometime soon? Her character is so evil, I can't wait to read about what she's got planned for Bobby!

02-08-2012, 02:39 PM
I was wondering if you had an idea when the next chapter might be finished?Haven't started on it yet...sorry:(

I'll try to start it this week...

02-09-2012, 11:23 AM
Hey Lws8512

No need to apologize to me. If anything I apologize for always asking you questions about when you will post a new chapter to your series. Of course I never intend to anger or harass you with my questions but instead I just want to know because I am always excited at the prospect of reading another chapter of your story.

I really appreciate your response and although it goes without me saying I look forward to whenever you are able to post the new chapter.

Thanks again for everything.


02-13-2012, 02:59 PM
If anything I apologize for always asking you questions about when you will post a new chapter to your series. Of course I never intend to anger or harass you with my questions but instead I just want to know because I am always excited at the prospect of reading another chapter of your story.Certainly don't feel like your harassing me. If anything, you are reminding me I have fans who enjoy my work.

Unfortunately, I still haven't found time to start the next chapter, but soon I hope...

02-13-2012, 08:10 PM
Hey Lws8512

I am very glad to hear that you have interpreted my questions and comments in the positive manner in which they were intended.You definitely do have fans and you will never know how many because there are many people that won't comment or respond, despite enjoying what they read. It is just the nature of this community and perhaps of people online in general.

With respect to the your next story I am not upset that you have not started it. You should begin when you feel comfortable because it is detrimental in the long run to rush stories.

Thanks again for everything.


02-17-2012, 08:10 AM
3.5 pages done (1,800 words). I'd say that's about 50% of the the chapter. I might try to get in another page this afternoon. We will see.

Question for you all. I started using italicized thought text a little bit for what characters are thinking. I'm doing that because the series of books I'm currently reading does that and I have a tendency to want to take on some the style of whatever I'm reading at the time. I'm really on the fence about it. So...do you like it, or should I drop it? If any of you writing/literature minded people have an opinion, I am all ears.


Alec Anaconda
02-17-2012, 09:52 AM
I started using italicized thought text a little bit for what characters are thinking.

Anything that makes a story easier to read is good!

Provided that you are consistent, you can use fewer words by utilising such techniques.

The negative side is if your story ever becomes unformatted text, you may lose readability.

I normally use double quotes for speech and single quotes italic for thought.

I also use tab indentation, but that’s impractical in this forum.

For example,

Bobby replied,

“Of course you may kick my balls,” but he mused,

‘And I’d like a blowjob afterwards!’

Alec Anaconda

02-17-2012, 01:03 PM
Thanks for your thoughts on that Alec. I'll be curious what you think of the next chapter, as I use it a lot.

Speaking of which...

5 pages (2500 words). Now I'm hanging it up for the weekend, hopefully will be done by the end of next week, maybe earlier.

02-17-2012, 04:40 PM
Hey Lws8512

It is great to hear that you have made good progress on the next chapter you are working on. As far as using italic text to represent the thoughts of your characters I am of the mindset that it is a good idea. Perceptually it is distinguishable from the narrative and spoken words of the text, which I think might improve readability. I do want to emphasize that I do not believe that your writing is difficult to read or in any way requires reformatting to make the content easier to understand but it could be helpful. Any improvement, even a slight improvement, is preferable to no improvement at all and I think that including italic text would be a slight improvement.

I would not worry about losing readability if the text reformatted because if someone were to copy and paste your text elsewhere it is highly unlikely that the italics would not removed.

Anyway I hope my feedback reinforces your confidence in your formatting change.

As always I look forward to reading your next chapter, hoping before the end of next week :(.

I am just joking with you. I will not be disappointed if it takes you even longer than you anticipate.


02-18-2012, 01:49 AM
I think you have a lot of people on the edge of their seats eagerly awaiting your work.

02-18-2012, 10:24 AM
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter Anymous1!

I think you have a lot of people on the edge of their seats eagerly awaiting your work.

Thanks! That's what makes it all worthwhile! :)

02-18-2012, 04:41 PM
Hi lws8512,

I like your idea. I also like Alec's recommendation. Why not try it, or better yet, both? If it doesn't work, it could always be reformatted. Anyway I very much appreciate your attention to detail and clarity. It shows in the quality and attractiveness of your writing.

I look forward to your next offering. But never sacrifice quality for speed.

poolman2 :bananawin

02-21-2012, 11:17 AM
6.5 pages (3,600 words), and just a little bit more to go...:)

02-22-2012, 02:38 PM
DONE!!! :bananajum

...Just needs some revisions yet. I will have it posted by Friday afternoon.

Also, in the grammar department, I decided not to put single quotation marks around thoughts, ('thought') because I'm going to do that with regular speech. I know this isn't grammatically correct, but bdsmlibrary hates quotations marks for some reason, and turns every " into this instead �. I have not clue why, but I'm going to see if this fixes it.

Alec Anaconda
02-23-2012, 03:56 AM
There is another convention where the speech / thought quote are interchanged, so single for speech and double for thoughts.

However, when using Word (or similar) that wants to slant the quotes in pairs, this can be a pain with apostrophes.

Whatever way you proceed, provided you are consistent, it hardly matters to ninety-nine point nine percent of your readers.


Could this website be objecting to slanted quotes?

Alec Anaconda

02-23-2012, 04:14 AM
Hi, I've been quit but I got to say, I followed your work, and I really like it so far, keep it up (please).

02-24-2012, 02:18 PM
Could this website be objecting to slanted quotes?I have no idea, Alec. It certainly is annoying though...

Hi, I've been quit but I got to say, I followed your work, and I really like it so far, keep it up (please).Thanks Dude! It's always nice to hear from another fan!

...So, I hate to disappoint, but I didn't get a chance to finish it up today. I'll have it up as soon as I can early next week. I hope you understand...

02-24-2012, 03:49 PM
Hey Lws8512

No problem!!!

02-29-2012, 06:04 AM
Hey Lws8512

I apologize for a back to back response but I was wondering if you knew when you might be able to post the next chapter to your story. Any chance of tonight :bananajumor will it potentially be later?

I apologize for the inquiry. I appreciate everything either way.

:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::i bow4u:

02-29-2012, 02:39 PM
Sorry it's taking so long, I just can't seem to find that last hour or two to get it polished up. I definitely won't be posting it tonight, but hopefully by Friday.

03-02-2012, 07:18 AM
Sorry, it's not going to happen this week after all. I apologize. I'll have it to ASAP next week.

03-05-2012, 08:41 AM
I rushed the editing a bit because I didn't want to make you wait any longer, so please pardon any typos. So, here it is. Not sure how I feel about this one. It is always a challenge to write from a new POV. I hope you enjoy. Please share your thoughts.

“Thank you so much for coming!” Eve said, smiling at the tall girl.

“Uh…well…thank you for putting on this event and for donating your son’s test….err time. I really did learn a lot,” the girl responded, her face slightly red with embarrassment.

The girl wasn’t this shy before when she was driving her knee-guard over and over again into Bobby’s nut sack, Eve thought to herself. The new ones always seem to get like this afterwards though.

“Oh don’t worry about it. I was happy to donate Bobby’s testicles,” Eve responded, watching the girls face turn an even deeper shade of red as she stuttered her thanks again and left.

As if in answer to Eve’s comment, there came an agonized groan from the corner of the stage.

And just how are those poor testicles? Eve wondered to herself.

Eve had barely been able believe it when, after they had packed the steal-toed boot away, Bobby had still lay conscious, though absolutely hysterical, on the stage block. She never would have guessed he would still have the energy to shriek after the 3rd booted kick, much less the 30th. Even with four years experience torturing the hapless boy, his ability to suffer unthinkable pain still managed to astonish her sometimes.

So, when the booting was done, a conscious Bobby had come as quite a pleasant surprise; the girls could have more fun with him. Instead of carrying a comatose boy to the car as Eve had initially planned, she had let the girls drag a conscious, though thoroughly pain-wracked, boy over to the corner of the stage where Eve had left the little box of toys she had brought from home. Inside the box were hammers, thumbtacks, several staplers, some leather belts, and a variety of footwear.

Eve had explained how class was over, but if the girls wanted they could stay longer and play some more with Bobby. She however cautioned them to go easy on Bobby. With 30 bewildered faces looking at her, she added that she had forgotten the smelling salts at home.

They must have gone somewhat easy on Bobby (easy being relative) as that had been an hour and a half ago and the boy was still conscious. Even now, at 1:30 in the morning, eight girls still remained on stage, doing their best to mangle the boy’s sexual organs.

Eve strolled over to the side of the stage to see how things were going. Bobby lay butt-naked, spread-eagle on the stage. The only part of him that was covered was his head, wrapped in the tattered remnants of his uniform from the bridge of his nose upward. Eve remembered how the girls had asked to strip him almost immediately after the end of class, then how they had all screamed and giggled upon finally seeing Bobby’s bulbous, 15 inch prick.

Girls will be girls, Eve thought with chuckle.

One girl currently sat on Bobby’s chest, her knees on his arms to keep him from squirming. Two other girls held Bobby’s legs open. While these three were busy keeping Bobby in the place, the others we tormenting the boy in a variety of different ways.

Tina was wielding a leather belt, which she was working up the underside of Bobby’s cock. She must have been at it a while, because the bottom of the boy’s cock could hardly have looked more red.

Another girl, also wielding a belt, was smashing the buckle down hard down into Bobby’s massive cockhead. The gigantic, mushroom-shaped piece of meat was already covered in bruises. The two seemed to have fallen into a rhythm, alternating blows that caused the meaty rod to continue wobbling about violently.

While those two saw to Bobby’s penis, two others were paying attention to the boy’s fleshy orbs. One girl had found a high-heeled stiletto in the box, and was pumping her foot up and down into Bobby’s right testicle, switching between trying to stab the huge, fleshy sphere with the heel of the shoe and trying to grind it into the stage with the toe.

Holly was kneeling by Bobby’s other nut, with a large container of thumbtacks in hand. Methodically, one after another, she worked the bits of sharp, pointy metal into the nut, as deep as they would go.

Melanie was the only one not actively torturing the victim. Instead, she simply kneeled by Bobby’s head, looking down at Bobby, a far away look in her eye.

I would almost think she felt sorry for him, if I didn’t know better. No, there is no sympathy there, that girl is enthralled with his pain. Right now she is trying to imagine what he is feeling, no doubt daydreaming of other cruelties to inflict. Eve smiled to herself. I should know after all. I’m told I get the same look watching Bobby and the neighbor girls play. She looked closely at the girl and her smile broadened. She is definitely the one I’m looking for.

Eve stopped twenty feet away from the scene. She didn’t want to come any closer and make the girls feel self-conscious. They just looked like they were having so much fun.

Bobby, the star of the show, lay there in a constantly writhing state. The whole uncovered portion of his face was one big mess of snot and drool. He had cried so much that there was even visible wetness on his makeshift blindfold. He was no longer shrieking though, as he was too breathless to do so. The pain he was suffering, coming from every direction, was so constant that he wasn’t able to take in more than a gasp of air at a time, rendering him almost mute. The only sound he made was his constant labored panting for air, coupled with the occasional, high-pitched squeak.

Poor boy, poor little boy, Eve couldn’t help thinking. Still, it is for the best. It has to be this way. And let’s not pretend I don’t enjoy it either. That I don’t love it, need it. Those late nights, after I just spent the day beating him to a pulp, how long do I sit there in bed with my notebooks? Just lying there, dreaming up all kinds of new and terrible things to do to him. And doesn’t my free hand always, eventually, gravitate down my leg to my sopping wet…

“Ms. Black?”

“Oh! Sorry Tina, was just thinking about something,” Eve responded somewhat startled.

Eve hadn’t noticed Tina walk over. The rest of the girls appeared to still be hard at work. Holly and the girl with the belt had switched positions. Holly was now hard at work shoving a ring of thumbtacks into the bruised meat surrounding Bobby’s plugged cock-hole, while the girl with the belt was swinging the buckle down ferociously into Bobby bloated, left testicle, which made a sickening thud sound upon impact. Melanie had once again joined the festivities, and was busy slapping Bobby hard across the face; his cheeks were already turning bright red.

“I have to be going Ms. Black, but I just wanted to thank you again for this evening. I had so much fun!” Tina said with a big smile on her face.

“Call me Eve,” the older woman responded, “and it was no trouble at all. It was my pleasure.”

“Well, it really was a awesome. And I learned so much. I just can’t wait until the next time some boy gives me crap,” Tina said with a chuckle.

“Now, now, Tina. What did I tell you all at the end of class?” Eve began. “You don’t want to go scaring all the cute boys away, do you? What you learned tonight is only for self-defense…and for Bobby.”

She looked briefly over to the scrawny, naked boy being brutally tortured on the stage. He is made for it, she thought to herself.

“Anytime you feel like spending a little time with Bobby,” Eve continued, “just let me know. I’d be happy to have you over to the house. And believe me, we have a lot more fun toys there.”

“Thank you so much,” Tina cried, and lunged forward giving Eve a big hug.

“No problem, no problem,” Eve said with a chuckle. “But…uh…remember if you mother should ask you anything about…”

“Don’t worry, Eve. I promise you my mother won’t be upset,” Tina interrupted. “Anyways, goodnight!”

“Goodnight Tina.” I hope your right about your mother. The last thing I want to do is upset the head of the school board.

Eve looked at the clock on the far side of the auditorium. It was almost 2:00am; it was time to go.

Eve walked over to her naked and twitching son and the seven girls still beating him.

“I hate to say it girls,” Eve began, “but it’s getting late.”

The girls sighed with disappointment and climbed off Bobby. Eve said her goodbyes to each girl while Bobby lay on the stage moaning and gasping for air.

Melanie was the last girl to say goodbye. When Eve approached her she could tell Melanie was nervous.

“You did a very good job tonight,” Eve began.

“…thanks…thank you.” Melanie said, looking down at her feet.

“Do you currently have a job?” Eve asked.

“Um…no.” Melanie responded, somewhat confused by the question. “I’m just trying to finish school so I can go on to college.”

“How would you like a job like what you did tonight?” Eve said. “You’ve certainly shown you have the skills, and you could still go to school at the same time.”

“I…I don’t understand,” Melanie stammered, even more confused.

“Well, I need someone to help with Bobby’s therapy, to be his aide.” Eve explained.

“So you mean…I’d be…?” she looked over at Bobby, now laying in a fetal position, his enormously swollen testicles laying on the stage behind his butt. She turned back to Eve, looking her in the eyes for the first time. Eve could see fervent excitement in the young girl’s face.

“Yes,” Eve replied softly. “But you don’t have to give me an answer tonight. I’m having a holiday party on the evening of the 23rd, you should come. We can discuss the offer in greater detail then.”

Eve stepped forward and Melanie met her. They embraced in a short hug.

“Thank you…for everything,” Melanie said softly, and then left for the door.

She’s the one, Eve thought, as she watched Melanie go. She is so much like me. She has the same…enthusiasm.

“Well camera crew,” Eve said, turning away from her thoughts, “should we pack it up?”

“Sure thing,” answered Rachel. She looked over at Bobby, who was crying softly, still curled up on the stage. “What a night it was! And we got it all on tape.”

All on tape, thought Eve. For some reason that made her extremely excited. Nine hours of carnage I can watch over and over again. Why didn’t I do this sooner!? Nine hours of pain I can show to everyone Bobby knows. Nine hours I can post on the internet and have strangers watch. Above all, nine hours I can make Bobby watch. For some reason that made her the most excited. Could I find a reason that he has to sit on my lap while we watch it together? Maybe also an excuse for me to massage his throbbing, though ultimately plugged-up, flesh pole all nine hours long?

“Wow, they look like there going to burst,” said Alex. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen them bigger!” While Eve was lost in thought, Alex had moved over to Bobby and was now tapping his bulbous testicles with the toe of her shoe. Bobby just groaned.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen them bigger either, thought Eve. Even that evening three long weeks ago, when I beat him all night long, his testicles hadn’t looked quite as bad. I remember thinking they might have been basketball size then, somewhere between that and a volleyball, but now they certainly the size of at least two children’s basketballs.

She took a couple steps closer to get a better look. Just look at them; they’re huge! They’re the most sensitive parts of my step-son’s body, the parts of him that makes him a man, and every inch of them is covered in bruises and welts, scrapes and scratches, not to forget the occasional thumbtack. Even now, after it’s all over, the pain must be incredible! I can’t even begin to imagine what that poor boy is going through right now. It seemed to Eve that there was something wonderful about that. Something so very tantalizing about the thought that she never would, or even could, experience a fraction of the pain and suffering that had been inflicted on her son that night alone.

“Hold on a second,” Eve said excitedly over to Rachel who was still by the camera. “Could you get it running again?”

“Sure, no problem,” Rachel replied, somewhat confused.

Eve had had the idea earlier in the evening, but had dismissed it as something for her notebooks, some dark fantasy to be written down and stored away. But, something in that moment told her she had to do it.

She walked over Bobby, and grabbed her naked son by the ankles. He gave one long, pitiable wail. And, while there was no intelligible syllable in that wail, the meaning was incredibly clear, “Oh god, please no more!”

He was silent as she dragged him the rest of the way to the foot of the stage block. She gently knelt down beside him and unwrapped the tattered uniform from his face. He looked up through red, tearful eyes. “Mommy?” he asked.

She wait a moment for a question or plea, but it never came.

“Can you do something for mommy,” Eve asked?

“Of course…anything for you mommy,” he replied, whimpering with the knowledge there was more suffering in store for him.

“Good boy,” she said softly. That was she needed to know. She raised her hand and slapped him hard across his already red cheek. Then again, backhanded, across the other side of his face.

She got up and left her son spread-eagle, without a scrap of clothing on him, and with her fingerprints still on his face. She walked over to where the box of toys lay and ruffled through the box until she found the footwear she was looking for.

Her legs began to tremble as she sat down on the stage to put the shoes on. The area between her legs, which had already been sopping wet hours ago, was becoming warm, so very warm.

She stood and walked shakily back to the stage block with her metal, baseball cleats. Her extra thick underwear, which she specifically wore for that night, must have reached their max absorbency, because she could feel a strand of thick warm fluid slowly trickle down her left leg.

It’s for the best, she thought, as she walked back up to Bobby with increasingly wobbly legs. He needs more. The fact he’s still conscious means he needs more. And, the doctor said he could have one more release. Plus the girls will love it. I’ve never let anyone see this before, but they deserve it after all their hard work tonight.

For all her reasoning and justifications, she stood over Bobby hesitating, looking down at his mangled genitals with pity. To continue would give her so much pleasure, and Bobby so much pain. Maybe he had had enough, maybe it was time to call it a night.

As she stood there, grappling with indecision, her thoroughly pulverized son looked up at her and, fully realizing what she was about to do, asked, “Are my legs spread wide enough, mommy?”

Oh how I love him, she thought as she slammed her first into his gut, causing him to wail as his whole body convulsed.

“No!” She hissed, roughly kicking his thighs further apart. What a wonderful son I have, a wonderful freak of a son. She then reached down and yanked the plug out of Bobby’s beaten and bloody cock-head with one swift motion, large strands of penis drool coming with. The mangle member bobbed about, slapping globs of precum onto Bobby’s chest and stomach. It eventually stopped its tortured dance, and returned to its pulsating, thirty degree angle, still dribbling on the boy’s body like a leaky faucet.

Eve climbed unsteadily onto the stage block. Her legs were like rubber, and the flesh between them was hot, so wonderfully hot. She looked down at her battered and beaten step-son, who lay beneath her shaking with fear. Tears rolled from his eyes and his lips trembled. There was no pity in Eve, though. Whatever little had remained after the past four years had vanished that night. This is his place. This is what he was made for, to entertain me and all the other women in his life with his pain. To suffer while we laugh at him. To thank us while we beat him. To beg us, knowing full well that he won’t receive mercy.

“Ready or not, here mommy comes,” Eve said with a big grin on her face, and leapt off the stage block. It took only a fraction of a second for Eve’s muscular, 170 lbs frame to come down, spiked cleats first, onto Bobby’s horribly bloated sexual organs. The metal spikes did their job, driving deep enough into Bobby’s testicles to prevent the tender, swollen orbs from escaping elsewhere into Bobby’s inflamed scrotum. So, squish went Bobby’s balls.

There could be no doubt that Bobby had recovered his breath from his previous ordeal. The boy’s upper-body shot up, and he let out a long, blood-curdling howl. The sheer agony in his wail, coupled with the amazing feeling of Bobby’s manhood flattened beneath her, was too much for Eve. Here mommy cums, she thought, as she bit her bottom lip.

The girls were right there videotaping everything, but there was nothing Eve could do; she only hoped they wouldn’t notice. Thankfully, Bobby’s continued shrieking drowned out her own moans, as she stood on top of her son’s crushed nuts having a mind-blowing orgasm.

After a minute or more of sheer pleasure, Eve regained enough composure to return her attention to Bobby, still wailing beneath her feet. Her son’s meaty prick was rock hard and wriggling like a fish out of water against the boy’s chest, smearing goo everywhere. That’s when she began twisting her ankles, grinding the boy’s spiked meat into the floor.

The screams for mercy stopped and the boy’s mouth went slack. Eve went right on twisting. Bobby’s ridiculous cock stopped flopping about and got harder yet (if that was even possible). Eve continued to grind. Bobby’s eyes rolled back in his head and he began to fall back to the stage. Realizing the opportunity, Eve caught him by hair with her left hand and held him sitting upright, all the while her ankles still turned this way and that.

Now Eve hadn’t actually measured Bobby’s fluids since before his 17th birthday, when she decided measuring it had become far too messy. It was much easier to just have Bobby blow his mess on the floor of the barn. But, as far as Eve could recall at the present moment, the last time she had measured, the end result had been just shy of about one and a half liters of semen. With this statistic in mind, she used her right hand to aim the tip of her son’s flesh cannon in between the boy’s own, parted lips.

The beaten and bruised organ twitched once more and then exploded. Out of it erupted a massive geyser of white fluid. A raging stream of his own milk smashed Bobby in the face so hard that Eve almost lost her hold of his hair. The cream gushed down the boy’s throat until his mouth could hold no more, and it began to pour from his lips. Bobby began to gurgle and choked on his own seed. When a second jet of hot fluid shot down Bobby’s throat, two white streams of liquid began to pour out of his nose.

Eve aimed the fleshy hose higher, and let the next several torrents of white gush into Bobby’s eyes and hair. She then let his slime-caked head fall to the stage floor with a splat. His meaty prick wasn’t done though, and it proceed to drop another several cups of jizz onto the boy’s quivering body. All the while, Eve kept grinding, only stopping once she had mashed out the last ounce of spunk.

She stepped off her son’s balls and looked down at the carnage. She smiled, each of her son testicles, the symbol of his manhood, had her shoe print in it; there was something very fitting about that. From several places where the metal spikes had broken the skin, trickles of blood flowed down the mangled orbs.

Eve shifted her gaze to Bobby’s dick meat. The boy’s prick was just as enormous as always and still drooling. Hope that monstrous thing is somewhat satisfied, because this is the last relief it’s going to get any time soon. She smiled, Actually, I really don’t care.

She drew her foot back and gave Bobby’s dick a hard kick in the head, causing it to wobble about wildly. To her amazement, Bobby let out a groan. Still awake, her smile broadened, poor, sweet boy. My poor, sweet plaything. She walked behind the stage curtain and found what she was looking for. She walked back out and handed it to Alex.

“Be a dear, and make sure Bobby cleans up,” she told Alex, who still had a stunned look on her face. “I’m going to go pack up the truck.”

“Oh…ok,” Alex responded, her eyes still starring in disbelief at the brutally beaten boy laying in a lake of his own juices.

“I…I’ll go get him a mop,” ventured Megan, who seemed equally stunned.

“Nonsense,” Eve responded. “Don’t trouble yourself with that. He has a tongue.” Even as she said it, she could feel the warmth returning.

Eve walked from the auditorium as quick as she could, her legs feeling more and more like jelly with every step. She had just rounded the corner of the hallway when she heard the first shriek echo from the stage; Alex had applied the cattle prod. By time she heard the second scream, her pants were unbuttoned. She had two fingers between her swollen lips in time for her step-son’s third wail of agony.

She stood there for several minutes of pure bliss, leaning against the wall, hand rubbing, hips thrusting. All the while she tried to picture what was happening on stage, her tortured son crawling around the stage weeping, dragging his mangled balls behind him, trying to lick up his own filth, never knowing when the next searing jolt of electricity would fry his genitals. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.

It was another couple minutes before Eve had composed herself enough to walk again. She moved briskly down the hallway towards the exit, screams still echoing behind her. When she finally stepped outside, the cold air felt good on her sweaty face. She made her way to the truck and unlocked the passenger door. After rummaging around the glove box for a moment, she found what she was looking for, a fresh pair of black panties.

Alec Anaconda
03-05-2012, 12:59 PM
Thanks for your thoughts on that Alec. I'll be curious what you think of the next chapter, as I use it a lot. LWS, 17 Feb.

Your presentation is excellent, and your worries about handling a different point of view were groundless.

The “thoughts” are clearly differentiated.

I can see that you take the time to produce quality work, work that shows craftsmanship and pride in your product.

My only minor advice is not to overuse (...) as a stutter pause.

- - -

As to the subject matter...

Alec Anaconda

03-06-2012, 07:02 AM
Great as always!!!!

I know that I, like most on this forum I would surmise, look forward to each installment of your wonderful writing!

So please accept my great personal thankyou for your hard work.

03-06-2012, 06:40 PM
Hi lws8512,

Your latest chapter conforms to your usual norm of truly excellent writing. Your change of POV was well done, clear, and with good character identification.:bananad:

My only negative was that from the standpoint of the reader and generally of the characters, this story had little if any joy. None was manifest in any of the girls, and certainly not in the wretched little Bobby. Although Eve may have eventually enjoyed pleasure, that could have been greatly expatiated even possibly at the expense of Bobby. I also hope to see more development of Melanie in the future.

Let’s face it, even masochists aren’t really happy unless their exploitive sadists are profoundly enjoying themselves. I think Bobby as well as the reader would have benefited from seeing more overt pleasure in the women.

And finally keep in mind, I am just an opinionated critic. You are the literary creator. To continue to write well, you may need to follow your own muse no matter how misguided I may think he is.

Best wishes,

poolman2 :bananawin

03-21-2012, 09:31 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry if it wasn't my best chapter. To be honest, my heart really wasn't in it. To that end, I think I'm going to put this story on hiatus for a while. I promise it won't die though. I will eventually come back to do at least 3 more chapters. But for the moment I'd like to take a break.

In the mean time, I've already started working on something else. A one-installment BB story that I'm very excited about. The only thing is, I'm not sure how people on this board will like it because it is going to be MFF/M. It's not in any way gay, but I know to some of you any M/M, no matter how many F's are after the M (i.e. MFFFFFFFFFFFF/M) is still anathema. So, we will see...

03-22-2012, 11:15 PM
I really enjoyed your last chapter (not a surprise, since I've enjoyed them all so far). My fingers are crossed that Bobby's doctor will pop back up when you get around to writing another chapter :)

I'm interested to read your newest story... will the ballbusting be as crazy over-the-top as usual? I hope, haha.

03-23-2012, 12:18 AM


You're the writer. We'll wait in eager anticipation in the meantime.

Good luck,

poolman2 :bananawin

03-24-2012, 12:44 AM
Here's a story I found on Literotica awhile ago:

"Cindy gets the upper hand" - by Encarta

Jeff was having a hard time keeping his eyes off the voluptuous new temp who had been working for him for the last week. Cindy Ames was perhaps 10 years older than he was, but all the young guys in the office had their tongues hanging out whenever she was around.

Cindy was a stunning woman with a breathtaking figure. She was a tall redhead who may have been pushing 40 but her hourglass curves were firm and generous and she wasn't shy about showing them off.

When she walked into Jeff's office late that afternoon she was wearing very high heels, black nylons and a short grey skirt. She had a little red purse slung over her shoulder. A tight white blouse strained to contain her out-thrust breasts which were clearly visible through her shirt. The 3 buttons that were casually undone left a magnificent expanse of cleavage on display for anyone who was interested and Jeff was definitely interested.

Cindy's eyes were twinkling merrily behind her big rimmed glasses as she stopped and tapped lightly at the door frame to Jeff's office.

"Mr. Young, I have that document you wanted to see..." she said to get his attention.

Jeff, who had been watching her through his window into the office, pretended to look up as if he hadn't seen her coming.

"Thank you Mrs. Ames. I ..ahhh ..I appreciate that..." Jeff stammered as he reached out across the desk for the report. Cindy walked over, leaned forward slowly and placed the paperwork in front of her boss. Her smile broadened as she watched Jeff's eyes follow her bulging breasts down when she leaned over.

"There are a couple of changes I made that I wanted to point out to you..."

"Yes...Unnn...Mrs. Ames... Changes?..." Jeff stammered, barely able to bring his eyes up to focus on his secretary's face.

He noticed that Cindy was pursing her lips just a little bit. She was wearing a bright, red lipstick and Jeff suddenly pictured her gorgeous mouth wrapped around the end of his cock. He imagined her on her knees, her eyes staring up into his from behind her glasses, as her lips formed a seductive oval around his knob. His prick lurched uncontrollably in his pants at this tantalizing image and he shifted closer to his desk.

Cindy straightened up slowly, put her purse down on the corner of his desk and moved around behind Jeff's chair. She bent over behind her boss and reached around to shuffle through the pages of the document in front of him.

"They're right here sir, on pages 27 and 31..." Cindy said quietly, snuggling in behind the anxious young man.

Jeff could barely breathe with excitement as his secretary's pillow like breasts pressed against him. She was wearing a flowery perfume that was making him light headed....or maybe it was just all the blood rushing to his cock!

"I don't see...you mean unn.. this... this sentence here?..." Jeff asked, his fingers shaking as he tried to examine the document in front of him.

"It's further down the page..." Cindy purred into her boss's ear as she took Jeff's hand in hers and moved it. She pressed her big tits more tightly against him as she toyed with the hairs on the back of his hand. Then she reached further across his desk and touched the picture of his wife, making sure her breasts moved across his cheek as she stretched out.

"Is this you're wife?...She looks very sweet!...I'll bet you two have a good time!..."

Jeff could feel his ear and his cheek flaming as Cindy's tits jiggled against him.

"That's my wife, Allison. We used to do more but ...with two young kids...we don't do as much as we used to. Not as many good times these days..." Jeff said distractedly.

"Mmmmm Hmmm!..." Cindy murmured, straightening up and coming around to stand beside her boss.

Jeff looked up and all he could see were Cindy's two mountainous melons looming over him. Her eyes were scanning the outer office. Then she looked down at her young boss and smiled seductively. She leaned forward so that her half bared tits were hanging right in his face.

"Do you like to have a good time, Jeff?...I'll bet Allison knows what you like?..." Cindy said, moving one hand lightly against his chest. Then she was scratching at his nipple through his shirt with one sharp fingernail.

"A sexy young couple like you. Once the kids are in bed, I'll bet she's all over you. Sitting on your lap while you're watching TV...taking it out, slipping it up under her skirt in case one of the kids comes down for a glass of water. Playing with it 'til it's hard and then putting it in, maybe just a little....". she said, twisting his taut nipple sensuously.

"Does she like to tease you like that Jeff?... Just slipping the head inside then sitting on the end of it!... Even if she won't let you put it all the way in, she can still jerk you off inside her!...Ummm!.... Even if it's just a quickie!"...she purred.

"Is that what you and Allison do?.. You know what I mean Jeff?..." Cindy asked, closing her free hand into a fist and making a lewd jacking-off motion with it in front of her speechless young boss.

"Unnn!...Cindy!...Mrs. Ames!...We don't!...Not really!...Ohhh!..." Jeff groaned. He couldn't believe how hot she was making him with her lewd conversation and lurid gestures.

"Why Jeff!... I can't believe that!... If it was me, well... But I always have a hard time keeping my hands to myself, and not just my hands!..." Cindy said in a gravelly voice, as she stretched his throbbing nipple away from his chest. She watched him with amusement as his taut flesh pulsed angrily between her viciously squeezing fingertips.

"Ahhhh!...Wait!....Mrs. Ames!...Don't!...Maybe we should talk!...Or go out!..." Jeff whispered in a quavering voice.

Cindy smiled, continuing to abuse her boss's breast through his shirt for another long moment. Then she let go and moved over towards the door.

"I don't think we need to go anywhere boss!...Maybe I'll just close this!..." she said closing and locking the door... "and these..." she said, drawing the blinds as curious faces turned in her direction.

Cindy turned to once again face the wide-eyed young man ogling her. With a confident swagger she walked over to his side of the desk.

Jeff sat there in shock, his legs tight together. He stared at his wanton secretary, anxiously ignoring his obvious hard-on as if that would make it invisible. Cindy wasn't nearly as shy as she let her gaze drift meaningfully down into her boss's crotch.

"You like big tits don't you Jeff? I've seen you looking down my shirt ever since I got here! Would you like to see more?..." she asked as she raised one stiletto clad foot and wormed it between Jeff's legs. She pushed his chair back a little as she perched against his desk. She casually prodded his balls and the root of his cock with her pointed toe. At the same time she reached up and cupped one of her mammoth tits in her hand and squeezed it sensuously.

"They're bigger than Allison's aren't they baby?... How long have you two been married?..." she asked as she slid her leather clad sole up and down over the length of his cock.

"Seven years...Mrs Ames!..Cindy!...Maybe we shouldn't... I mean, I think you'd better...Ohhh!..." Jeff yelped as Cindy jabbed her pointed heel into his balls.

"You think I better what?... Oh, and you can call me Mrs. Ames, I like that ...You don't want me to stop do you lover?...I haven't even started yet!..." she taunted, leaning hard on the heel she was grinding into his quivering testicles.

"Mrs. Ames!...Agggghh!..Easy!...Pleeaase!..." Jeff begged, as a paralyzing nausea gripped his groin.

" Jeff, I really don't want to hurt you! I just want you to be nice! Can you do that? Because I can be nice too, if you're a good boy! Very, very nice! "

"Yes!...Yes, I will! ...I do!...Mrs. Ames!.." Jeff panted, the sweat beading on his brow as his balls spasmed under Cindy's punishing heel. She held him pinned to his seat for a little longer with her twisting foot and then she eased off the pressure with a satisfied smile.

"Now tell me... you like big breasts, don't you Jeff?...All the boys do!...Most of the boys I fuck love these big old tits!" she purred, opening two more buttons so that her bra encased breasts spilled out of her shirt.

"They love to squeeze them and suck them. My nipples get all hard and long, when they do that. I just can't help it! And of course they love to fuck them, if I let them!... " she purred, lifting her round orbs with both hands and squeezing them together lewdly.

"But I only let the boys fuck these if they've been especially nice to me!..Ummm!... Would you like to fuck them Jeff?...Would you like to fuck my tits?..." Cindy asked with a grin. Gracefully she dropped to her knees in front of her seated boss. Jeff shifted about excitedly. Some of the steel had left his tool when Cindy was mauling his nuts with her heel. But when she spread his thighs with her hands and thrust her barely covered tits into his crotch, his cock responded eagerly.

"Do you like that baby?...Ummm! ..." Cindy teased, mashing her resilient tits lewdly into his crotch.

"You're hard already, aren't you?...Really hard?...Ummm Hmmm!...You are!...I can feel it!..." Cindy said as she twisted her shoulders back and forth, making his cock strain through his pants against her chest.

"Oh my God!....Unnnn!..Mrs. Ames!..."

"Feels good, doesn't it baby? Does Allison let you fuck her little tits? Girls with little tits have big nipples don't they? Does she squeeze your knob and stick her pointy nipples into the mouth of your cock. The boys love it when I do that, stick my hard nipple into the tip of their cocks and jack them off like that ...You'd probably think I was a real slut if I did that, wouldn't you Jeff?..." Cindy murmured as she deftly undid her boss's zipper and fished out his rigid cock. With her eyes burning up into his she flipped the little catch at the front of her bra, freeing her bare conical orbs

Pleeease!...Mrs. Ames!...Yessss!...Oh God!...Please!...Unnn!...Don't stop!..." Jeff moaned as his sexy secretary rubbed his hard-on against her cushiony breasts. Her lewd fondling and her dirty talk were driving him nuts!

"We don't have much time right now lover!.... " Cindy cooed with a knowing smile as she closed her hands on the outer swells of her tits and smothered Jeff's bare erection between them.

"Do you like that?...Do you like it when I squeeze your cock between my tits?...Does it make you want to come?...Would you like it if I made you come like this baby?..."

"Please Cindy!...Ahhh!...Yesss!...Yess!...Noooo!..." Jeff gasped as Cindy suddenly cupped his testicles in one hand and squeezed them viciously.

"I'd prefer you to call me Mrs. Ames, honey!..." she said with a smile as she mauled his nuts in her clenched palm. Jeff hastily nodded yes and Cindy slowly released the pressure on his balls. She again squeezed her pillowy boobs around his tool. Still holding his eyes with hers, she hefted her compressed tits up and down, up and down, lewdly jacking him off into her steamy cleavage.

"Ahhh!...Mrs. Ames!...Please!...Yes!...I can't help it!...Nnnn!...Don't stop!...Make me come!..." Jeff gasped, as his pre-come began to stream from his cock, greasing the luscious valley between Cindy's milky tits.

Cindy rocked back on her knees, freeing Jeff's cock from her glistening breasts. She then closed her two fists, hand over hand around his rigid pole and squeezed. The blood in his erection pulsed frantically under her wringing hands. Cindy watched with a satisfied smile as the crown of Jeff's cock mushroomed into a huge purple dome above her clenched fists.

"You want to come, don't you lover?...Your balls are ready to burst, aren't they?..." Cindy purred, jacking Jeff's cock in a hard, slow rhythm that had him squirming with arousal. She jerked his taut flesh up and down the two or three inches it would stretch around his engorged shaft. Up and down, up and down she pulled on his cock, smiling as she watched his balls knot up, knowing his come was churning for release. She masturbated him with a firm deliberate stroke, her smile getting broader as Jeff's knob turned an angry tomato red above her pumping fists.

"Do you like that baby?..Does little Allsion jerk you good like this?..Does she let you come on her face?...On her tits?...I'll bet she doesn't, does she?... Guys love to cream in a girl's face!....But little Allison won't let you, will she?...She thinks it too nasty!...But I will baby!... I want you to!...I want it sooo bad!...Do it baby!... Shoot your hot come all over Cindy!...Let me see you squirt!.." she urged like a whore as she beat his throbbing pole. Her big tits shook deliciously in time with the rhythm of her torrid masturbation.

"Unnn!...Unnn!...Ohhhh!...Yesss!...Yesss!..."Jeff pleaded, his hips thrusting up urgently into Cindy's purposefully stroking hands. His cock was on fire with the excitement that was raging through his groin.

"Come on baby!..Come for Cindy!... Come on my tits!...Comeeeee!.." she urged, moving one hand up around Jeff's cock crown. Using his pre-come to lubricate her palm, she began to twist her closed fist back and forth around his sensitive knob. She knew he wouldn't be able to hold it when she did that! She turned her greasy fist around and around on the big ridge under his cock crown. The pre-come streamed from his knob and over her wrist in response. Smiling up at him as he writhed under her hands, she yanked the shaft of his cock faster and faster.

"Ahhhh!...Ahhh!...Ohhh Gooddd!..." Jeff squeaked, biting his lip as Cindy's expert ministrations brought him to the brink.

"Give it up baby!...Do it!.. Squirt for me!...Squirt it on my glasses!.." Cindy coaxed sluttishly, leaning over so that the bulbous head of Jeff's cock was aimed directly at her upturned face.

"It's coming!...Yesss!...I can feel it!...Cooooome!..." she whispered, dragging her tongue around her ovalled lips in wanton invitation. Cindy watched excitedly as his little pee slit flared open widely, pulsing like a little mouth. She knew he was going to come now! She slammed her fist to the root of his shaft and pressed down hard.

"Gnnnn!...Nnnnn!...Nooo!...Yessss!...." Jeff moaned as his balls lurched and a tremendous volley of sperm erupted from the gaping mouth of his cock. The milky stream splattered wetly on Cindy's lips and cheeks.

"Ummm!...Yess!...Like that!...Ummm Hmmm!..." Cindy purred. Jeff's balls were tight as nails as his orgasm began to wrack him.

"Ahhhhh!...Goddd!..." he cried excitedly as a second blast of sperm erupted onto the collar of Cindy's blouse. But then the scheming secretary clenched the base of Jeff's cock hard in the ring of her thumb and forefinger. She smiled mischievously as Jeff's come pounded for release but she held it in check with a viscous squeeze.

"Whaaa!....Mrs. Ames!...Pleease!...Ahhhh!...Let go!...Let me come!...''' Jeff moaned as his balls spasmed with excruciating tension. Cindy maintained a steady pressure on the root of his prick refusing to allow him his release.

The gasping young manager reached down and frantically tried to pry Cindy's hand lose from his bursting cock.

Cindy reached into his straining crotch with her free hand, pinched one of his drum taut nuts between her sharp nailed fingertips and squeezed it viciously.

"What's the matter Jeff?...You've really got to come now, don't you lover?...Doesn't Allison do you like this?... You'll enjoy it so much more if you have to wait for it!...Trust me!...I know what I'm doing!... Now be a good boy!..." Cindy said with a knowing smile as she pressed his tender testicle between her fingertips again and again, making it squish around agonizingly inside his fleshy sac. She knew what the boys liked! And she also knew what hurt, a lot! She pinched his vulnerable nut hard, knowing that she could make a man do anything she wanted when she had him like this!

"Gnnaahhh!...Unnnn!...Mrs. Ames!...Please!..." Jeff cried, twisting now in surprised anguish. He struggled for a moment longer but waves of blinding nausea were washing through his groin. Jeff's hands finally flew to the arm-rests of his chair which he gripped 'til his knuckles were white.

"Please!... Please!..." he whimpered . The sweat was streaming off his brow as he looked pleadingly into Cindy's smiling eyes. Slowly she released the pressure on his agonized ball, but her grip remained firm around his still throbbing organ.

"Baby needs to come so bad!..." she teased..."Little Cindy will take good care of you!..." she purred, leaning back and giving his swollen cock a flurry of sharp, quick strokes with the hand she had been using to abuse his testicle. As her little fist raced up and down his angry tool, Cindy relaxed the squeeze she had on the root of his shaft.

"Agggghhhhh!...Ahhhh!...Noooo!..Agggg!..." Jeff cried out, heaving upwards in an agony of ecstasy as his lurching balls convulsed and two huge volleys of sperm streaked across the tops of Cindy's heaving breasts. Before he could come any more Cindy ringed her fingers around his shaft and squeezed, again aborting his frantic climax. But she never stopped masturbating him with her other hand

"Ohhh!...That one hurt a bit didn't it, lover?..." she giggled

"I'll bet you've got a lot more hot come for me, don't you Jeff?..I love the feel of it on me, dripping down my face and my chest!... It makes me feel so sexy!...Do I look sexy, with your come all over me baby?...Do I!..."

Jeff looked down at his wanton secretary in amazement. With his creamy sperm gleaming on her clothes and her flesh, Jeff thought he had never seen anything that looked so arousing. His groin was convulsing with a combination of frustration and excitement. His cock was becoming raw with abuse and yet he had never been so anxious to come in all his life.

He started to reach down to try and free her still her torturing hands once again but Cindy had only to let her fingertips drift down and press warningly into his quivering nutsack and he stopped.

"Be a good boy now baby!...Let Mrs. Ames take care of this juicy cock.!...When I'm finished with you, you won't have a drop left!..."...she promised, masturbating him frenziedly..."And you won't be fucking your little Allison any time soon, I promise you that!..."

"Yesss, Mrs. Ames!... Do it, please!...Don't stopppp!...Ahhhh, it feels!...Unnn!.."

Cindy laid his cock against her cheek as she continued to beat him off, puckering a teasing kiss at him she released her grip on his cock root again.

There were a couple of heartbeats where there was no sound except the squishing noise of Cindy's shuttling fingers flying up and down his cock and then there was a panicky cry from Jeff ... "Unnnn!... Ahhh!...Ahhhh!...Ahhhhhh!..." .

It felt like his groin was tearing apart. Then his balls convulsed and his sticky come jetted up into Cindy's hair. Cindy only smiled and pressed her glowing cheek harder into his throbbing member. She aimed his cock so that his feverish spurts coated her face, her shoulders and her tits.

"Naughty boy!...Coming and coming all over me!..Does it feel good?...Do you like it Jeff?... Want me to keep doing it?..." Cindy whispered as she cut him off again.

"Mrs. Ames!...Please!..It hurts so much!...Please!...Just let it come!..."..Jeff pleaded. His erection was feverishly swollen and all the veins bulged angrily above Cindy's strangling grasp.

"I know baby!...I know!...Just wait!..." Cindy taunted as she leaned forward and dragged Jeff's cock up and down across the breast bone between her creamy breasts. She wiped all of his glistening man juice off until his shaft was dry.

"This might hurt a bit lover!...Tell me if you want me to stop!..." she purred. Once again she gripped his burning shaft and beat it furiously. With no lubrication, she knew her pistoning hand was chafing Jeff's already livid flesh terribly. With a cruel smile she just closed her hand tighter.

03-24-2012, 02:15 AM

Hi! This is an excellent errotic vignette. I hope you have the rest of it. It's too good not to read more, hopefully to the end. Do you know who wrote it?


03-26-2012, 02:43 PM
I really enjoyed your last chapter (not a surprise, since I've enjoyed them all so far). My fingers are crossed that Bobby's doctor will pop back up when you get around to writing another chapter :)

I'm interested to read your newest story... will the ballbusting be as crazy over-the-top as usual? I hope, haha.

Thanks for writing, Totaldiscord! I appreciate it.

The next story won't be quite so over the top. It will be hard but realistic. I'll try to post a portion of it soon.

03-30-2012, 11:50 PM
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"Gaaahhh!...Naaaaa!...Godddd!..." he moaned, his cock burning like it was being held in a fire.

Cindy knew she had him beside himself to come, even though the pain she was inflicting on his livid organ was excruciating. She could get anything from him she wanted at this moment.

"Pleease!...Ahhh!...Please Mrs. Ames!..." Jeff begged, humping helplessly up and into her relentlessly driving hand! His cock was on fire and his balls were churning in agony.

"If I let you come baby, I want to see you again!..." she purred, flailing his flesh pitilessly.


"We'll have some more fun, I promise!...This Friday night!...I don't care what you tell little Allison!.... Nine o'clock!... My place!..." Cindy demanded as she gazed across Jeff's livid cock crown into his tear filled eyes, never slowing her torrid masturbation

"Yes!...Yes!!..I will!...Pleaseee!..." he cried.

"Such a good boy!...Now whenever you see me close my fist and make this little motion..." she whispered as she accelerated her already frantic fisting..."you'll know that I'm thinking about!... How I jacked you off and made you come so hard today!...You'll think about this a lot, I promise!..." Cindy taunted as she stuck out her tongue and laid the tip of Jeff's cock on it. She released her ferocious squeeze at the root of his shaft.

03-30-2012, 11:50 PM
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"Naahhhhhh!....Ahhhh!...Godddd!..." Jeff cried in a scream that must surely have been heard throughout the office. His hips jerked up wildly from his seat straining frantically as his balls repeatedly convulsed. Cindy rose up with him, pumping his spewing prick with all her strength.

"Unnnn!..Unnnn!...Owwwww!..." he cried as his come jetted up from his balls in a torrent . Cindy jacked his load into her gaping mouth in perfect time with his shuddering orgasm.

"Cummmmm!...Ummm!...Mmmm!...Cummmm Onnnnn!..." she encouraged gutturally. She didn't even try to swallow his copious flow. She let his sperm fire into her open mouth and as soon as her mouth was full, it just trickled down her chin, his cock and her continuously stroking fist.

"Ahhhhh!...Nahhhh!...Nahhhh!..." Jeff cried as Cindy worked on his inflamed prick, extracting a seemingly endless stream of sperm from his nuts into her come dripping mouth.

"Unnn Huhhh!...UnnHuhhh!...Ummm!...Ummm Hmmm!..." she encouraged as Jeff's orgasm slowly began to subside.

Spitting the creamy load of come that had pooled in her mouth onto his shaft, Cindy used two hands to milk his diminishing flow over her heaving tits.

03-30-2012, 11:51 PM
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000004517 StartFragment:0000002295 EndFragment:0000004481

"Unn Hnnn!...That's it!...All of it lover!...All of it!...I want every drop!..." Cindy coaxed. She knew how to make Jeff come and come and come again. She was well practiced in keeping a man coming long after he thought he was done! She knew how to drain his testicles of every ounce he had! Deliberately she continued to pump Jeff's scarlet tool.

Jeff squirmed more and more uncomfortably as she emptied his balls. Always smiling at him, she waited for the pressure to build under her squeezing fists. Then, just when she knew he was ready to relax, she'd slam her clenched hands down his sorely chafed shaft to the base of his cock. He'd thrust up reflexively and she'd press down with practiced skill. Inevitably his genitals would shudder yet again in response. Over and over she'd do it, coaxing another and another and another spasm out of his cringing nuts. She was ******* him through a dry come now.

"Owwww!...Nooo!...Mrs. Ames!...Enough!...Pleeease!...No more!.." Jeff pleaded, quivering as Cindy continued to jerk his agonized pole. His little pee hole was stretched into a huge gaping oval. There was no more juice even bubbling now in that pulsing hole.

"Just want to be sure I've got it all!.." she said with a wanton smile.

Again and again Jeff thought his balls couldn't give any more, but Cindy was relentless. She waited and squeezed and twisted and jiggled and when she felt that telltale twitch, she fisted him hard and pressed down until his tortured testicles lurched yet again.

"Nnaaaa!...Stop!...Please!..." he pleaded.

03-30-2012, 11:52 PM
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Cindy pursed her come smeared lips up at him in a little moo as she gave him one or two more excruciating tugs and then relinquished his sorely spent tool.

"Was that good baby?...Did you like that?.. " she asked, slowly standing up in front of her exhausted and sweat drenched boss. Jeff watched in a weary stupor as Cindy opened her purse and took out a large handkerchief which she used to mop her glasses, her face and her hair. She left his glistening come on her shoulders and chest where it was trickling down into her cleavage. Then she reached into her purse and pulled out a little cellophane packet which she handed to Jeff

03-31-2012, 12:00 AM
...trying to post the last paragraph to the story but the 'genius' interface of this forum is ******* me to post in blocks otherwise it rejects my posts altogether...welcome to the year 2012, eh ?

04-01-2012, 03:05 PM
...trying to post the last paragraph to the story but the 'genius' interface of this forum is ******* me to post in blocks otherwise it rejects my posts altogether...welcome to the year 2012, eh ?

Here's the link to all of that author's stories on literotica. Now you don't have to fight the forum interface and everyone who's interested can go check them out :)

04-02-2012, 01:08 AM
thanks! :bananajum

04-02-2012, 01:25 AM
Hi blancanvas and Total *******,

Thanks very much this writer has some very good stories

poolman2 :bananawin

04-10-2012, 08:29 PM
Hey Lws8512

I really apologize if I had anything at all to do with you feeling rushed when you posted your last chapter of the 'Bobby' story because the last thing I would want is for you to be feeling rushed and disappointed by a story that you write. I do not think that you should have felt disappointed by your last chapter but regardless I hate to hear you apologize for it or feel bad about it. Even though I definitely love to read your stories sooner or later I would rather that you take your time and feel good about yourself and your work product before you post it. Even if I could read your story later without the benefit of a higher quality story I would prefer it to you feeling upset about yourself but posting the story earlier.

I have read the first part of your new story and I appreciate that you are continuing to write stories for the forum. I personally think that you are one of the best if not the absolute best thing to happen to this forum in a long time. With that said I personally would prefer to see you return to writing on your first story concept because I really think that you were heading in a potentially exciting direction. Of course this is just my opinion and I am sure there might be others out there that might disagree, although I suspect that a majority would agree. I think that you should make your decision based upon what you prefer to write about most because at the end of the day you are the one writing the stories and you don't owe any of us anything. I would also hate to see you write what I would prefer that you write at your own comfort and expense. In the end everyone will lose if you feel ****** or unduly compelled to write something that you really do not want to write about.

If you do choose to continue writing on this story concept then I would recommend that you incorporate much more ballbusting and cuckholding (not my preference but it is more compatible with the nature of your story).

Regardless of what you do I hope you are happy.

Thanks again for everything.

:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u::i bow4u:

04-11-2012, 07:27 AM
No reason to apologize Anymous1, you in no way rushed me. And don't worry, I haven't given up on Bobby. I was just getting a little bored with it and thought working on something else for a while might be a nice change of pace. This new story won't be more than a couple installments, and once it's done I have every intent of returning to Bobby.

05-04-2012, 02:16 PM
Here my first story. Sorry for the non-native-speaker english... Follow-up intended. Feedback welcome. Have fun.
Content: just f/m, erotic

Balls-Trap – 1 – The invention

Jils favourite tool still gives her a comfortable and controlled living with her friend.
She was in her last school year when she developed and learned to love her tool. Somehow she came to the ball trap by an heady incident and with the help of her little sister and Tim. Tim was THE nice guy of the school and from other girls stories he was a must have in bed – although his last girl friend said he is a bit dominating and never let her on top. Jil loved to have control during sex – so Tim were not on her radar up to then.
Jil was some how not a conspicuous beauty, but she had a nice face, shoulder long hair and a sportive body – she just did not spend much time in front of the mirror and tended to wear wider clothes. Friends were aware that she was a hidden beauty and that she was no child of sadness and austereness.
The endless fancy of the other girls of Tims physiology and skills also awoke Jils interest, when she came to the idea that she could make their dreamed encounter joyful for her somehow. She was not sure and very curious if she could get Tim sleep with her. He was choosy. She was working on him for several day now and the change of his smile promised her that he now new her hidden side and was heavily interested in a test drive. She still had no idea how to not miss out, but normally she would improvise and find a way.
The sports lesson in the sports hall with Tim was easy and fun, and changed to hot and made her a bit nervous, when Tim asked her discrete with a subtle smile “20 minutes after the game in your locker room?” He understood that her eyes said yes to him. The hall was free after their lesson until the evening courses so they would have clear area for a private “conversation”. His question gave a push to her fantasy and made it unclear if it was just the basket ball game that made her feel wetness in her slip.
While taking the shower in the locker room she tried to look relaxed and be slower than the other girls. She met the last remaining girl just in time for a “good bye” when she came out of the shower.
She just finished with the new slip and T-shirt and sweater when she wanted to know if the wet feeling had two reasons. She glid one hand into her slip and was affirmed. “Did you find anything I should know?”, Tim said from the door with a seductive undertone. He looked great with his wet hair. Jil first felt caught and her surprise spontaneously made her react offensive: “Come here and find out!, Jil answered inviting. Tim took it literally. She could not tell which lips he touched first, but his mouth and his hand felt great – and she returned both favours. He got hard fast under her examinating hand. Both knew what was about to follow. He turned on her backside and his fingers lightly fondle over her breast that the nippels flipped with each passing finger. That made her crazy and this time she did not need a hand to feel that she was ready. Her slip and his package holder found their way to the floor. His cock slipped between her legs. His hand on her back softly pushing her neck forward while pulling her hip with the other hand ringed the alarm. “Resists the beginnings” came to her mind and with a little heavy heart Jil suddenly turned around. “Well, I have a better idea”, she said with a smile and was fiddeling in her sweater pocket to get hold and gain time. Her left hand found the two hard plastic disks she bought for her little sister’s birthday, which are used by kids to make funny bobbles/pompoms. She gently but dedicated grabbed Tim’s balls and used her other hand to slowly push his breast backwards on the (bank) to have him a seat. The massive wooden bench in the locker room consisted of straight thin flat wooden slats parallel to the front edge, shaped in an S from the calves to the backrest with a spacing between the slats enough to easily go through with a mans prolated hand.
Jil followed him frontal with one knee on the bank beside him; letting his second head at her second lips but not between. He slips down a bit in a relaxed sitting position. She reached down, sliding her hand along his cock to the balls and unintentionally pushes one through the slats of the bank. He did not notice as all his attention was distracted by the bunch of sensations - and her firm breasts watching at him out of the sweater. And there was it - the moment of the invention. She smiled. Now she knew how to get her undisturbed ride on Tim. Jils went down between his knees caressing his cock and give his head the pleasure of her first lips. Jil reached under the bank and gently pulled his sack skin through the slats. Her right thumb and first finger got a good grip around his balls under the bank while her tongue let Tim forget about anything else. Her left got the two plastic disks out of the pocket.
They consist of two 75mm circular disks with a 16mm hole in the middle and one slit from the edge to the hole. The disks lay loose one another with the slit in the same orientation. She continuously glided the sack skin through the parallel slits to the hole. On top Tim, sitting on the slat his balls carefully pulled downwards and above the balls this disks with a hole enough for the sack skin but definitely not for Tims balls. Jil twisted the two disks against each other, so that the slits pointed in different directions. Now Tims balls were trapped. And the most funny thing, Jils thinks, is there is no way for him to make it loose himself, as he can not reach over the backrest nor under the seat from the front.
Jil can’t go on with blowing because she did not get her winners smile out of her face. So she got up still smiling at Tim. “What?” he responsed to her smile without having a clue of his position. “Now I come over you” Jil said, both her knees beside him and slowly slides her pussy on his cock and her tongue into his mouth.
Just a few meters ridden he seeed to feel uncomfortable with his inactivity and tried to lift her up for a new position and first does not realise what hinders him. Also his second try still did not ring a bell, but the third more engaged try did… “Arghh”. Jil got her smile again mixed with deep pleasure. Already a little breathless she moaned “I believe – ahh- you better –ahhh- stay seated”. Tim was torn between pleasure and the disturbing feeling something does not go as wanted. He just could got out a “You bitch” between his moans as he was galloped to Jils climax. The girls climax’ or at least what he catches as such always where a big turn on for him and here triggered his own, while Jils exhausted “rides the stallion the last meters to the gate”, until she sank on him, pressed breasts on breasts by gravity.
A satisfied deep-drawn sigh is released by her as she sits up on him: “Was it that bad?”, she asks him.
Tim realizes that he just was fucked. This displeased him and his mood changed from horny to angry. He pushed Jil away from him, spreaded his legs and reached down with his fingers between the slats to see what trapped his balls. He got his fingers through but could not move them on the bottom side. “You grotty cuzzy!” he yelled, “What did you do? Remove this!” Jil was called a lot in her life, but this? “You skirt-chaser could be a bit more friendly for this experience with me!”. Tim roughly pulled her head to him by her hair and aggressively said: “You fucking get me out of this”. Now Jil became frightend and tried to calm down Tim: “Ok, ok, I remove it”.
While in him grew the discomfort with the thought to let her to his balls after his words and additionally grabs her throat as assurance, she had growing discomfort with the thought to have him free standing in front of her.
She slowly grabs under the bench with both hands. Carefully she takes the balls in one hand fixing one disk, ready to turn the other to set him free, but waiting on a signal that he appreciates her intention. But he is fraught with her hands on him and his grip signals more menace than relief. Her angst overturns to panic and suddenly she takes one ball in each hand between thumb, forefinger und middle finger and squeezes hard. “Youuuaarrhhhhg”. His intended execration turns to primeval sounds after the first word. In the first five seconds his grip around her throat got a stronger, and encouraged Jil to squeeze what she can… Every following second his hands loosend his strength. After long ten seconds he is in angst and intuitively let her go and trys to cover his balls with his hand. They just can grab into wood. Jil feels the power and the adrenalin tsunami lets her heart run at high speed. He tilts forward to her with he hands still buried in the wood not able to reach their aim. It probably would not have helped him anyway, but it made it even worse for him, while Jil entered the comfort zone and got a kick out of the power she felt. If she could have seen her she probably had been surprised about her grin on her face tending to diabolic. This defiantly was the moment she got addicted to that feeling. It felt great. His groaning and grunting slowly lost power and finally fell silent. Atonic he was bent double towards her shoulder. Jil slowly releases the pressure, but keeps her hands where they are, ready to restart. Tims flat breath was not hearable beside her deep breathing. Nothing happened. She let go, slowly pushing his weight to the backrest. His pelvis slowly slips forward. She unsuccessfully tries to stop him, but at the front of the bench his trap prevents him from slipping further.
Jil stood up. “Hell, that is a kick” she thought or said, she does not know herself. Her feelings are on a rollercoaster ride between the satisfying power trip and adrenalin space hopper. “You asshole”, she suddenly yelled while she adjoins the accented last word with a hard slap to his cheek. He showed no reaction. She sit down beside him resting her elbows on her knees, lowering her head and releasing a deep sigh of relief of a hard well done job. She looked at Tim thinking about what to do. Her first idea was that she had to bring the disks to her little sister and bends down and looks under the bench. Tims balls got quite big and are under the tension of his downward slipping body weight. She fingers at the disks, but did not know how to get the disks of his sack without injuring him. “Subtle irony” she thinks. Would she give this disks to her sister anyway? She stoped her free-two-Willys project and started dressing. Someone would take care of him not later than the evening sport courses. So Jil left to go to the shopping mall – to buy new bobble disks for her sister. In the shop she hesitated, thinking of her experiences - and buyed two sets of disks…

Tim awoke more than 20min after Jil left. His balls were hurting as hell. Carefully he was crawling backwards to release the pulling force on his sack. Still stunned he tries to get a clear sight on his situation. He was able to see parts of the disk without having a clue what accursed device it was and how he could get rid of it. Again he tried to reach between the slats but had no progress. He felt badly in pain and increasingly frustrated. He tries to reach under the front of the bench, but besides the increasing pull on his sack resulting in a paint that he nearly lost balance he realised that there was no way to come even near this terrible thing. So he went back to his foredoomed fingering attempt between the slats. He had to get this off. For no price in the world he wanted to be found in this position he thought.
The knocked open door startled him to wince up, inevitable followed by a pain that bend him again, still with the hand between his legs. Remaining his obscure position he slowly raised his head to see what could be his liberator and greatest disgrace.
The giggling conversation of the five inflowing young girls switched to silence and a row of surprised faces looking at this most desired guy mostly naked in an awkward position. First thoughts went around a caught jerking off, but in a second it became clear to the gals that this was even more interesting. “What the hell” they nearly intonated in choir. He tries to cover himself, but the first curious sweet girl checked her suspicion and looked under the bench from a safe distance. “His balls are dangling underneath!”, she yells, “and they are big!” Oh-oh!” she added with a voice of pity. “Oh shit you are trapped, Tim.” What did you do”, asked an other one.
Tim wished to become invisible for shame and just could wisper an “Please help me”. First non of the girls had the heart to touch his balls, but when the first decided completely unselfish to take a pitty on Tim, and hesitant reaching under the bench, all wanted to participate… So ten eyes and four hands where uncoordinated caring about Tim’s balls. Tim’s screams: “Ahh! Careful!” The girl Mary that had been first on her knees to see the mess said “Away everyone. I do it”. The others accepted that she filed her claim as she was known to have an eye on Tim for some time. “Let’s see how that works. Well, what clever and easy – and insidious mechanism. There really was no way out for you Tim. I get it.” Under close observation and several “ahhhs” and “Ohhhs” from Tim and the other girls finally Tim got free. Mary took her chance and gave Tim a hug and showed she feels sorry for him. The others understand and know that they will get the hole story not later than in an hour or two. They hurry to change their clothes and leave into the sports hall. Tim hurries to grab his clothes. Mary gives him a kiss of pity and says: “So Tim, then tell me what happened and what cruel person did this to you”. Tim cried as he thought about it. He did not tell a word and kept save distance to Jil the rest of the school.
For Jil it is still fun to remember this incident and the beginning of her interest in engineering advanced version of her ball-trap.

05-04-2012, 04:14 PM
Amazing story....Thanks for sharing an keep on writing pls.http://smilyes4u.com/img/4/f1.png :)

05-06-2012, 09:58 AM
Thanks for feedback!:)

Alec Anaconda, A1
05-06-2012, 12:02 PM
I enjoyed this fascinating plot, and look forward to the next instalment.

Might I suggest leaving more blank space, to make the sequel easier to read?

05-06-2012, 02:26 PM
Loving the stories! :D Im going to share one of mine! :)

05-29-2012, 12:10 AM
Hey Lws8512

Any chance that you might be writing another chapter?

05-31-2012, 01:16 PM
Hey Lws8512

Any chance that you might be writing another chapter?

I'd like to, but I don't have much time these days. It might be a while until I get any work done on either of my stories. Sorry. :(

07-17-2012, 12:04 PM
Hey Lws8512

Whenever you get the time and desire to write again I will be anxiously waiting, primarily for a continuation of Bobby's adventures.

Thanks again for everything. Hope to read your stories soon.
