View Full Version : A Failed Robbery (fantasy story)

12-12-2010, 07:51 PM
Let me know what you guys think of this story. I thought the materialistic nature of the woman would make it sexier, along with other things ;)

“A Failed Robbery”
At midnight, a robber slowly drives through an upscale suburb of Chicago looking for a good house to steal from. He soon finds a large single story mansion that appears very quiet so decides to scope it out. He shuts off his van and sneaks around the exterior of the place to find that a back door is open. He silently opens the door and creeps inside the house to find it is very luxurious with lots of valuable items. Even though it appears nobody is home, he takes out his hunting knife as a precaution. He doesn’t intend to hurt anyone, just intimidate them and get them to shut up if they happen to catch him in the act. He wears a black ski mask to ensure nobody can identify him.
He soon comes to the double doors of the master bedroom and decides to see if anyone is in there. He smoothly wanders inside the large dark room and soon the big elegant bed catches his eye. From this distance it doesn’t appear that anyone is in there but it is too dark to know for sure so he moves closer for a better look. He soon sees the lump of a human body completely covered by the sheets. He decides to make his way out of the bedroom and steal items in other parts of the house while this person is sleeping. Unfortunately he accidently knocks a lamp over by the bed and the woman awakens to find him standing right next to her. He quickly shows his knife and says “don’t make a sound and get up now”. She is an exceptionally gorgeous 40 year old white woman named Maria and her wealthy investor husband is on a business trip. She has a really cute oval doll face with beautiful brown eyes, luscious lips, and long straight shinny black hair. When she gets up she is wearing a sexy white lace bra and matching white lace panties that show off her mouth-watering large bubble butt that pops out of her slim figure.
She slips into some sexy black heels by the bed and the robber is completely mesmerized by her beauty, while he stands there with his mouth open looking her up and down. Noticing that he is distracted, she struts over to him and delivers a devastating kick to his crotch. Her eyes light up and she laughs enthusiastically as he lets out an agonizing moan, drops the knife, grabs his crotch, and helplessly falls to the floor. She then swishes her shinny flowing black hair and says “I’m gonna call the police while you’re rolling on the floor holding your nuts”. She then proceeds to walk towards the phone on the dresser all the way at the opposite end of the large bedroom. As she walks her tremendously sexy bubble butt jiggles up and down in the white lace panties and the robber stares in admiration while still in agony on the floor. He continues to moan loudly and painfully in different pitches. When she gets halfway to the phone, he suddenly lets out an extra loud high pitched moan. She turns around to look down at him in pain, laughs, and says “I forgot how funny the noises are after I kick men in the nards”. She then gets to the phone, dials 911, and says “A robber broke into my house…(pause)…No it’s OK, I kicked him in the balls. He’s crying and moaning on the floor but please come arrest him cause I wanna take a hot Jacuzzi bath. If he manages to get up, I’ll kick him in the balls again” (hangs up phone).
She notices the robber is no longer moaning as intensely and his hands aren’t covering his crotch anymore. She says “I’m gonna prepare a hot bath and I don’t want you escaping before the police get here”. As he lies on the floor recovering, she struts over to him and stomps on his crotch with her black heel causing him to moan in terrible pain. With her heel still pressed on his crotch she twists it back and forth a couple times and his moans turn into violent whimpers. She removes her foot, laughs enthusiastically, and says “I’ve never done that move before. I’m gonna call it the scrotum smoosher ha ha. That’ll keep you on the floor in pain while I’m taking my bath and til’ the police get here. My husband and I have 2 little girls, but I’m not sure if you’re gonna be having any kids. Lots of losers like you want me, but only a rich and powerful man like my husband can have me. When I’ve gone to clubs wearing tight jeans, a couple dummies have grabbed my butt in the past. I sent them both to the floor holding themselves with a kick in the nards, then had security throw them out for harassing me. Their reactions were hilarious and pathetic like yours. They went”: (she comically imitates a guy’s reaction to being kicked in the groin by making goofy moaning noises, a funny face, and grabs her crotch slowly lowering to the floor). She gets up and says “the nuts are so vulnerable in that floppy sack he he. No man can touch my butt unless he buys me a mansion, all the designer clothes I want, and a new BMW. My husband loves it when I wear tight jeans while making dinner. He always sits at the bar in the kitchen, has a beer, and stares at my bottom while I prepare meals to relax after a long day at the office”.
She says “men are so easy…” and walks into the elegant master bathroom. Still in throbbing testicular pain, the robber rolls over to look at Maria standing in the bathroom with the door open. Her rich shinny black hair is draped across her back and she bends over to turn on the faucet and light scented candles. This shows her extremely sexy, big juicy booty fully extended in the classy white lace panties. He is massively turned on by her as he remains in agony. She shuts the door before she gets in the bath and the police arrive in about 10 minutes while he is still on the floor.