View Full Version : Balls in very HOT water

03-08-2011, 09:57 AM
Hi, sometimes I like to torture my balls with hot water.
I know that some people use hot warm water to control fertility, because the hot water helps to get lower sperm count. More hot and more time you submerge your testicles in the water and more you kill temporary sperm.
I tried a lot of times, but the last time i did something more extreme;)

I put warm water (40°c) in a little pot, for 3 minutes. Then I changed the water and putted in 45°water. Kept submerged for other 3 minutes.
Then I put the pot on fire, and submerged balls. You must pay a lot of attention to not bruise you. I used a little towel between my legs and the pot metal. When the water reached 65°c i turned off fire, and waited with balls submerged 5 minutes. Then a little more fire..70°c for a few seconds, turned off and another 5 minutes in water.

In this mode you don't burn your skin (you burn if balls are directly submerged in 70°water), and is very pleasurable. I had an erection for all the time, and at the end when i ejaculated, the cum was a lot and very very liquid. After a couple of day the cum was normal.
I don't know the maximum temperature for balls before doing damage. In your opinion how much is?
I wanna try to scald them little more;)

03-08-2011, 11:06 PM
How can you tell how hot you get it? Do you use a thermometer?

I remember one thread like this one: http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8890

All in all 60 degrees seems very very hot, at most Australian homes that is the hottest your water can get due to energy efficiency reasons, and steam comes out, let alone 70.

03-18-2011, 07:25 PM
If you are interested in heating the testicles, this web site might be of interest. It is a adetailed method of heating a sbmissive males testicles over a period of time to reduce sperm and testosteone in order gain full control over him. It can be done by yourself and sound very interesting. All is done with heat pack progressively increasing the temperature.


03-19-2011, 12:44 AM
I've never thought about that before. I'll have to give it a try and see how it goes =)