View Full Version : kneeing
03-10-2011, 04:23 AM
what are some of the most best kneeing clips? and the hardest? I dont know what it is I find knees the best! I also think their underated for pain. a knee is wide and will hit both balls dead on perfect where as a kick the accuracy would have to be perfect to his both
who else is a fan of knees and what clips are the best you seen ? post them if you can
03-10-2011, 10:02 AM
I saw some clips a long time ago called "Alice is a killer." I love this fetish and can take my share of abuse...but she scared me.
03-10-2011, 10:50 AM
what are some of the most best kneeing clips? and the hardest? I dont know what it is I find knees the best! I also think their underated for pain. a knee is wide and will hit both balls dead on perfect where as a kick the accuracy would have to be perfect to his both
who else is a fan of knees and what clips are the best you seen ? post them if you can
I completely agree, I love watching beautiful women knee men in the balls and yes having been on the receiving end it is excrutiatingly painful.
03-10-2011, 12:14 PM
My wife's best friend was over about a month ago, her and my wife had me restrained in shackles and a leg spreader. She told my wife that she wanted to knee my balls till I passed out and started kneeing me hard. After about twenty or so hits I think I actually did pass out because I can't recall space or time. My wife made her quit when I started throwing up and could not catch my breath. Knees are brutal and I still fantasize about her mindset, it was like she was going to make me pass out or kill me in the process. Those two are always the most brutal when they are together.
iron horse
03-10-2011, 02:14 PM
Sharon, who owns and runs and this site, once posted about her favorite blows to a man's balls. As a woman that had dedicated her life and career to blows to men's balls, her response was important to me.
She said she preferred to knee a man in his balls the most as she can deliver the most force. If you think about it, this makes sense. If a major league baseball player wants to break a bat, he does it with his knees bent. Kicking the bat wouldn't break it.
But on the other hand, if you want to kick a football a long way, you do it with your foot, not knee. The difference is velocity versus power. Feet splatter the balls whereas knees crush them.
03-10-2011, 05:27 PM
it's when i feel the power of the woman...i can feel her body, her breath, her presence and her my balls! favourite!
03-11-2011, 01:23 AM
Hi nutpunches,
That great reading about your experiences with your wife and her girl friends. We'd love to read more about them. :bananajum
03-11-2011, 01:31 AM
Sharon, who owns and runs and this site, once posted about her favorite blows to a man's balls. As a woman that had dedicated her life and career to blows to men's balls, her response was important to me.
She said she preferred to knee a man in his balls the most as she can deliver the most force. If you think about it, this makes sense. If a major league baseball player wants to break a bat, he does it with his knees bent. Kicking the bat wouldn't break it.
But on the other hand, if you want to kick a football a long way, you do it with your foot, not knee. The difference is velocity versus power. Feet splatter the balls whereas knees crush them.
nice way to think about also a knee is hard bone barefeet wouldnt get much of the bone hitting the balls,
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