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View Full Version : Stree Reliever - The Doctor Makes a House Call

03-13-2011, 07:51 AM
New story today. Hope you enjoy it.

Stress Reliever – The Doctor Makes A House Call

I spent the night falling in and out of sleep, the ache in my balls being too persistent to allow me to completely relax. However, by midmorning, things had settled down quite a bit and I was able to move around without too much discomfort. My scrotum still bore the telltale marks of Sandy’s heels. And, in a way, I was rather proud to have them; though the manner in which I acquired them was far from pleasant.

Sandy’s doctor friend, Vera, came by about 4:00 in the afternoon. I was upstairs lying down when I heard two sets of footsteps approaching.

“Ted,” Sandy announced as she poked her head in the door, “Vera is here to give your balls a follow-up exam.”

I looked up as the two women entered the room. My wife Sandy is a stunning woman. At 5’-8” and a 120 pounds she is a model of physical perfection. Her long, toned legs and flat belly are simply magnificent. Now, she was dressed in a T-shirt and tight jeans. On her devilish feet she wore a pair of classic black pumps with slender three-inch heels.

I had met her friend Vera before last night, albeit briefly. I was in no condition to pay much attention to her looks when she examined my balls, so when I took a good look at her now, I was amazed at just how attractive she was. She was bit shorter than Sandy, probably about 5’-5”, but every bit as physically fit. She was dressed in a very professional manner – classically styled blouse and skirt, a skirt that ended an inch or two above her knees, and pumps with ‘sensible’ heels. My mind drifted a bit as I imagined the damage she could do to a pair of balls if she was so inclined.

“Hey!” Sandy’s voice snapped me out of my fog.

“Sorry,” I said. “I’m still pretty tired.”

“Good afternoon, Ted,” Vera said. “How are you feeling, aside from tired?”

“Not too bad, all things considered,” I replied.

“Please slide your pants down for me so I can take a look at your testicles. I want to make sure I didn’t miss anything last night.”

I sat up and carefully eased my pants off and spread my legs apart so Vera would have unrestricted access to my groin.

“All right, let’s have a look,” she said as she moved in and lightly lifted my balls with her fingers.

I flinched at the contact. I was still pretty tender, but I also was aware that a beautiful woman was about to manipulate a very sensitive area that normally would induce a noticeable response. I hoped that I was still too sore for that to occur. I didn’t think Sandy would appreciate me showing excitement at being fondled by another woman – even if she was her friend and a doctor.

I held my breath as Vera’s fingers gently and skillfully examined my balls. She noticed my tension and said, “Relax Ted. We are adults. We are aware of what might happen. It is a completely natural reaction. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

I looked at Sandy and she smiled at me and nodded. “I understand,” she said. Don’t worry about it.”

Vera continued to feel around. I felt the unmistakable stirrings of an erection.

“That is actually a good sign, Ted,” she said. It shows your equipment is working properly. I don’t feel anything amiss down there, so I expect that in a day or two you will feel just fine. But I still want to caution you,” she added as she let go of me and stepped back, “please be careful for at least a week.”

“I will,” I promised. My penis was past half-hard. Vera’s fondling had added a different ache to my groin.

“And so will I,” Sandy added with a big grin, and then continued, “Vera, I want to thank you so much for doing this. If you’re done, I’ll show you out.”

I pulled my pants back on as the two women headed down the stairs. They chatted for at least ten minutes before I heard the door close. Fatigue took over completely and I fell soundly asleep.


Vera’s diagnosis was correct. I felt much better a couple of days later, and by the end of the week all traces of discomfort in my balls had disappeared. Sadly, the heel bruises had pretty much gone away, too.

I find it nearly incomprehensible that the same feet that caused me so much agony were capable of creating a pleasure so intense it was as nearly unbearable as the pain. Only a week after she nearly destroyed me, Sandy, that wonderful woman, gave me a footjob that made me cum so hard I nearly passed out.

The days passed quickly. Our next regular stress relief night was drawing near. I was always a bit nervous on the eve of this event, but this time I was really worried. Now that Sandy had teetered on the edge of going too far, I wasn’t sure she could stop herself in the heat of the moment.
Fortunately, things had been going rather well for her at work, and she seemed to be rather relaxed. I hoped this was a sign that she would take it easy on me this month. Then, she dropped the bombshell.

“Ted, I’ve invited Vera over tonight.”

“But, tonight is stress relief night. You mean you’re skipping it this month?”

A faint smile spread across Sandy’s lips. “I am. But you’re not.”

“Wha… what do you mean?”

“Vera will be taking my place.”

“Hunnh?” I babbled.

“You see, Ted, I feel great this month. I don’t need it. But Vera has been under tremendous strain lately. The administrator at the hospital where she works has been treating her like absolute crap. When she told me this I suggested she come over for a night of stress relief.”

“But Sandy… that’s a personal thing between you and me,” I protested.

“Ted, how much more personal could it be? The woman had her hands around your balls and gave you a hardon, for goodness sake.”

“But she was acting as my physician… it was medically related.”

“Yeah, right,” scoffed Sandy. Okay, maybe it was the first time, right after I hurt you. But when she came back the second day I could see the twinkle in her eye. She wanted to give you that hardon.”

“But still… she had no intention of hurting me.”
“No, not then. But as she was leaving I told her a little more about what we do on stress relief night and how much it helps me. She said she could never do something like that, but I could see in her eyes she was dying to try it.”

“But… but why me?”

“Because I’ve toughened your balls. They can withstand a lot more abuse than the balls of a man who has never been subjected to regular busting. And because it would be nearly impossible to find a willing volunteer. You know how special you are.”

“Yeah, well, that’s because you’re my wife and I love you. Vera seems like a really nice person, but it would be weird letting her do to me the things I let you do.”

“I saw the way you looked at her on her second visit. You were fantasizing about her feet. Admit it.”

“Okay, I was,” I said grudgingly.

“She does have great legs,” Sandy offered. “Really strong.”

“No doubt,” I agreed.

“She played soccer in college. She really knows how to kick.”

Gulp! “A soccer player certainly would,” I admitted.

“But she might not decide to kick you,” Sandy suggested. “They are many other things she could do.”

“I – I suppose so.”

“But she might do those other things and kick you, too.”

“Yes, she could.”

I was getting more nervous by the second. The thought of Vera’s athletic leg sending her foot crashing into my defenseless balls was terrifying. And I could only being to guess at what other things she might think of to do to them.

“But I’m confused, Sandy,” I said. “When Vera was here that first night she seemed upset at the abuse you inflicted on my balls.”

“She was,” Sandy agreed. “But we’ve talked about it a lot since then and she has come around to my way of thinking. So, what do you say? Will you let her relieve her stress?

“Oh, Sandy… I don’t know…”

Sandy stood in front of me and began impatiently tapping the toe of her high-heeled shoe. My eyes drifted down to watch. After a few taps I was hooked.

“I’ll do it,” I said.

“Excellent!” Sandy gushed excitedly. “You won’t regret it! I hope.” She giggled.

“I hope so, too,” I swallowed nervously.


Vera arrived around 8:00 that evening. I hardly recognized her. Instead of conservative business clothing, she wore a slinky low-cut dress that ended at mid-thigh. She wore make-up that perfectly accented her gorgeous features and her hair was flowing freely. On her feet she wore slingback pumps with five-inch stiletto heels. Her legs looked more than dangerous; they looked positively lethal. But one thing about her looked odd; she carried a classic doctor’s bag that looked completely out of place with her outfit.

“Come on in,” Sandy greeted her warmly as she opened the door. I stood by quietly a few feet away. I wasn’t sure exactly how to act in this situation. Normally one’s guests aren’t at one’s home to bust balls.

Vera looked at me and smiled. “Good evening, Ted,” she said.

“Hi, Vera. You look stunning.”

“Thank you, Ted. I thought I should look my best for the occasion.”

“You have succeeded.”

“All right you two,” Sandy interrupted. “Enough small talk. Let’s go up to the spare bedroom. It should be perfect.”

The two women headed up the stairs with me following. I could help but stare at Vera’s fantastic legs and feet. ‘How can something so lovely have the potential to be so lethal?’ I wondered.

As soon as we entered the bedroom Vera’s demeanor made an abrupt reversal.

“All right, you asshole, get naked!” she ordered as she glared at me with fire in her eyes.

Stunned, I hesitated. That was a big mistake. Vera quickly strode over to me and sent her knee straight into my balls.

As I sunk to the floor, I heard Vera ask Sandy, “Does he always take so long to obey?”

“No, not really,” Sandy replied. “I think you caught him off guard.”

“Maybe, but that’s no excuse.”

I now knew that Vera meant business, so despite the agony radiating from my crotch to my gut, I quickly took off all my clothes. Then I stood with my hands behind my back and my legs spread.

“That’s much better,” Vera said as she looked me over. “I think we’ll start with a hernia check.”

I remembered having those during routine physical exams. It’s where the doctor gently pulls your balls to the bottom of your scrotum and then presses a finger into you and has you cough. I didn’t expect Vera to be gentle, though.

I looked down as Vera took hold of my balls between her thumbs and fingers – each thumb on top of a ball with her fingers at the rear providing support. She gently squeezed and then pulled down, just like I remembered. But instead of letting go of my balls and poking a finger into me, she squeezed harder. I gasped.

“Sandy, do you know how many times I’ve wanted to do this to a guy?” As she spoke she squeezed even harder.


I coughed. And gagged. My knees buckled.

“That’s a much better way to perform the exam, don’t you think?”

“Definitely,” Sandy agreed.

“It doesn’t really provide any useful medical information about a possible hernia, but it sure does make me feel good,” Vera explained as she continued to apply pressure. “Come on, Ted. You can take it. I’m not squeezing that hard.”

I stood there in a helpless fog as Vera alternately tightened and loosened her grip. I was astounded at the strength she had in her lovely hands.

Just as I thought I was about to throw up, she finally let go. My legs gave out and I went to the floor gasping, trying to not lose the contents of my stomach.

“Good news, Sandy,” Vera announced. “He doesn’t have a hernia.”

The two women looked at each other and then broke out laughing.

I wasn’t laughing. We had just gotten started and already I wanted to quit. There was something about the way Vera handled me that hurt even more deeply than Sandy’s methods.

Vera stood over me, hands on hips, impatiently tapping the toe of her shoe.

“Such a weakling,” she said, the disgust obvious in her voice. “I’ll give you five minutes to rest before we move on to the next test.”

I breathed deeply, doing everything I knew to make the pain go away faster. But face it; when your balls have just been unmercifully squeezed by an angry women, five minutes just won’t do it.

“All right,” time’s up,” Vera announced. “Now I want to test your reflexes.”

‘That doesn’t sound too bad,’ I thought. ‘That just involves tapping on the knee with a small rubber hammer…’ But then I realized that Vera wasn’t going to tap my knee. Her hammer would be used on a different body part.

“Sit down over there on that nice hard chair,” she directed me.

Even though I knew what was coming, I did as she asked as fast as I could because I feared the consequences for going too slow would be worse than the reflex test.

“He does learn,” Vera observed. “He obeyed much quicker this time.”

“Do you blame him?” asked Sandy. “I don’t think he wants to experience your knee again.”

“Good point,” Vera nodded. “All right, Ted. Spread your legs as wide as you can.”

Seated on the hard wooden chair, I spread my knees as far as I could.

“Now scoot forward so your balls are hanging just over the edge of the seat.”

Done quickly.

“Perfect,” Vera sounded pleased. Then I saw her open her bag and pull out the typical little rubber hammer doctors use to hit you knee to test your reflexes. She smiled as she playfully tapped it against the palm of her hand.

“I’m sure you know what’s coming, don’t you Ted?”

“Ohhhh… yes,” I sighed.

“Don’t sound so sad. This is a happy occasion. Well, for me it is.”

Vera then knelt down in front of me between my spread legs and tapped my right ball with her hammer.


Then the left ball.


Back to the right ball.


While the taps themselves weren’t all that hard, the fact that my balls already ached magnified each one. She continued to alternate her tapping – left ball, right ball – until I thought I was going to die. The cumulative effect was even worse than a good swift kick.

After about twenty taps to each ball I was moaning constantly. After forty taps I was crying. When she hit sixty I jumped off the chair and screamed, “NO MORE! PLEASE, NO MORE!”

I curled up on the ground, my body clenched in a tight ball.

I heard Vera say, “Again, good news, Sandy. Ted’s reflexes are perfectly normal.”

It is nearly impossible to describe the agony I felt. My balls were swollen and they ached unbearably. Plus, the ache radiated up and spread through my entire abdomen. I hoped against hope that Vera was finished taking out her frustrations on my balls, but I suspected not. I did not know how I could possibly bear any more abuse. I was near passing out right now.

The room was silent for a while. I had no idea how long. I couldn’t move without sending waves of pure torture through my groin.

After a while I heard snippets of soft feminine voices.

“…sure he can take it?”

“…no doubt. Testicles are stronger…”

“But your legs are so strong…”

“Trust me…”

“…don’t want… …ruin him.”

“…promise, I won’t…”



“Barefoot or heels?”

“In heels, of course.”

“…see if he’s ready… …wait out on the hall.”

I sensed footsteps headed to where I lay and carefully looked up. Sandy was standing over me.

“How are you feeling Ted?” she asked.

“How do you think?”

“No need for sarcasm. I know Vera has really given your balls a workout and I won’t pretend to know how bad it feels. What I want to know is this; can you take any more?”

“I don’t know,” I groaned. “I don’t think I’ve ever hurt this much, even after you nearly wrecked me on our last stress relief night.”

“But you recovered well from that. And Vera thinks you can take what she has in mind to finish out the evening.”

“Geez, Sandy, I don’t know…”

“She is a professional and she knows what she’s doing. She has promised me
she won’t ruin you and I trust her completely.”

“Like I have a choice?”

“No, not really,” Sandy admitted.

“All right, let’s get it over with. What is she going to do?”

“She’s going to have you kneel on all fours. Then she wants you to extend your arms out in front of you and lay your head against the floor. She wants your knees spread apart so your balls hang down like ripe plums. Then she’s going to kick you from the rear – five times.”

I gagged at the thought.

“Easy, Ted,” Sandy soothed. She’s going to make them quick – one- two-three-four-five – right in a row so it won’t last long.”

“But the effects won’t go away for days,” I groaned.

“No, they won’t. But when you do recover, you know what I can do to you with my feet will make it all worth it…”

“And I suppose she’s going to leave her high heels on while she does it.”

“Of course.” After a pause, Sandy added, “You know you love them.”

“God, I hate it when you’re right.” I took a few deep breaths and finally conceded, “Oh, hell, let’s just do it. I know when I’m licked.”

“Kicked,” Sandy corrected. “You’re about to be kicked.”

I just grunted as Sandy walked over to the door and told Vera to come on in.

“He’ll do it,” Sandy told her. “I knew he would.”

“That’s wonderful.” The excitement in Vera’s voice was obvious.

“Come on, Ted, get into position,” Sandy urged. “You’re going to get it and it’s going to hurt – a lot – so you might as well get it over with.”

I gingerly crawled to the middle of the floor and arranged myself in the manner Vera desired. I pressed my face to the floor as my poor balls hung down in their naked glory – wide-open targets for Vera’s foot.

“Like Sandy already explained, Ted, I’ll make these quick; five kicks right in a row, no break between. But you’ve got to stay in position. If you fall down or flinch so I miss, we’ll have to start over. Think you can manage?”

“I’ll have to,” I said. “I think I’ll probably die if I don’t.”

“Nonsense,” Vera disagreed. “Sandy has really toughened your balls and they can take a lot more than you realize. It still hurts, of course, but they’ve been conditioned to withstand significantly more abuse than a normal pair.”

“That’s not much consolation,” I complained.

“No, I suppose it isn’t,” Vera agreed. “But, too bad. Now, no more talk. Time for kicking.”

Vera stood behind me and took a practice kick to gauge the distance. When the toe of her shoe touched me very lightly I flinched.

“Not good, Ted,” Vera warned. “Don’t make me miss.”

“Oh, God, just do it!” I wailed. “Please! I’ll hold still.”

I steeled myself as Vera planted her left foot and sent her right hurtling into my balls.


The sound her shoe made as it impacted my balls was absolutely sickening. But there was no time for contemplation, as the second kick followed immediately.


The third…


The fourth…


My entire body vibrated with the horrific agony. I gritted my teeth and tensed every muscle in my body, willing myself not to move so much as a millimeter.

Then the fifth kick…


I screamed as my rear end lifted and my knees came off the ground. I clutched my aching balls and rolled around, crying like a baby. Each kick had connected dead on the mark, flattening my balls to pancakes.

Vera and Sandy were laughing. I couldn’t believe how cruel my wife had become, not just allowing someone, but actually encouraging her to torture my testicles.

“Geez, Vera, that was awesome!” Sandy gushed. “You really nailed him!”

“And I can’t begin to explain how much satisfaction it gave me! I pictured Ted’s balls belonging to that scumbag administrator of mine. An enormous sense of power flowed through me when I felt Ted’s testicles compressing against my foot.” Vera’s voice was husky with passion. “The feeling of revenge is just so sweet, even if it is against a surrogate pair of balls.”

At this point I just wanted to die. I was in so much pain even my earlobes hurt.

“I can’t thank you enough for letting me do this, Sandy,” I heard Vera say.

“And when Ted is feeling better, I’d like to join you in giving him his reward. How do you think he’d like a four-way footjob?”

“I think,” Sandy said with a smirk, “that he’ll enjoy it so much he might hurt himself.”

Vera knelt down beside me and gently brushed her fingertips against my cheek. “And I especially want to thank you, Ted, for giving me this opportunity. You are a special man.”

“You’re so welcome,” I managed to croak out. “I’d like to say it was a pleasure, but it was anything but.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t. But what you usually do for Sandy, tonight you’ve done it for me. And I respect you for your willingness to endure such a tremendous amount of pain to relieve my stress.

“But now we need to get ice on your testicles. Sandy, would you please?”

“Of course.”

While Sandy went down to the kitchen to get the ice, Vera helped me to my feet and led me to the bed. I couldn’t believe how much I hurt.

“Keep the ice on for an hour or so, then off for about half an hour,” Vera instructed when Sandy returned. “See how he feels and put the ice back on for another hour. By then the swelling should be under control and the ache should be subsiding. I’ll stop by tomorrow to check on him.”

As Sandy escorted Vera downstairs, I couldn’t help but wonder what I had gotten myself into. What had started out as a one-time thing to help my wife deal with her stress had now grown into not only a regular event for her, but now she was loaning me out to her friends. Why did I go along with this? Why would I let these women practically annihilate my balls time and again? Was I that much of a masochist?

My mind was cloaked by a fog of pain as I mentally drifted from thought to thought. Nothing seemed real. At some point Sandy had returned and was standing beside the bed looking at me.

“Still in pretty rough shape?” she asked.

“Yes, but the ice is helping.”

Sandy sat down on the edge of the bed and I groaned.

“Ted, I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me and now for Vera. I very likely would have quit my job or been fired if not for our stress relief nights. And when I said good night to Vera she was more relaxed than I’ve seen her in a long time.”

Sandy paused. I pretty much knew where this was going.

“With that in mind, what would you think about have stress relief night twice a month – once for me and once for Vera?”

I sighed. “That means I’ll be walking around with aching balls almost all of the time.”


Before I could answer, Sandy extended her leg and rotated her ankle. Then she popped her shoe off her heel and let her pump dangle from the tips of her toes. I gazed at this lovely sight for a few moments before I closed my eyes and nodded.

“I’ll do it.”

Alec Anaconda
03-13-2011, 02:34 PM
Once more, an excellent narrative presented in a professional style.

Keep them coming.

Alec Anaconda

03-14-2011, 02:20 AM

WOW! :bananajum This sequel is as good as the first. You have written 2 consecutive truly superb stories. I noticed this story this afternoon and have been looking forward to reading it all evening. It was even better than I had hoped.

Thanks, it was a total pleasure to read.

poolman2 :ibow4u:

03-14-2011, 07:03 AM
Just wonderful. I love the rationale for 'stress relief', and the profession-related torments (ohhh, the rubber hammer!) were a thrill.

I don't suppose any of Sandy's friends want to flatten his nuts in a press...? :jumpsmile

03-14-2011, 03:25 PM
I'd like to do one more story in this series and a press would be an excellent method for one of the ladies to relieve her stress.

Thanks so much to you kind folks for the encouraging comments. I do enjoy writing these stories and plan to continue.

03-15-2011, 01:54 AM
Hi kickthem,

Your gorgeous but angry ladies are overlooking a further way of reducing their stress through ballbusting: if Sandy and Vera were barefoot, then they would add tactile sensation to their experience. They would feel the miserable wretch's balls as they compress, distort, and bounce off their beautiful feet as they kick, stomp, and trample him. That could only further enhance their relaxation and pleasure.

Just a thought.


03-16-2011, 04:00 PM
Thanks, poolman2. I'm getting some good ideas for part 3 of Stress Relief. Right now I'm trying to finish a story I've been playing around with for some time, and I'm finally making progress. I've got some stuff in there I haven't tried before.

03-16-2011, 04:57 PM
Great work again! Please keep it up.

03-18-2011, 05:57 AM
Hi kickthem,

Your gorgeous but angry ladies are overlooking a further way of reducing their stress through ballbusting: if Sandy and Vera were barefoot, then they would add tactile sensation to their experience. They would feel the miserable wretch's balls as they compress, distort, and bounce off their beautiful feet as they kick, stomp, and trample him. That could only further enhance their relaxation and pleasure.

Just a thought.


I agree with poolman!
Great story anyway!:)