View Full Version : Why are men so weak and cry about everything?
03-29-2011, 07:23 AM
I'd like to point out that I'm not sexist. But everytime I see a guy get kicked in the nuts, be it in real life or in ballbusting videos, he's always moaning or crying or going down. Seriously, I can't help but think that when a guy does this that he's a pussy. It's pathetic, truly. I can take just about everything those girls dish out, and more, and not complain. I'm like Duke Nukem, I got balls of steel, but these other men, they disappoint me. Just look at how quickly this guy goes down? Couldn't you guys take this:
03-29-2011, 10:52 AM
Most people just aren't used to experiencing pain and fighting with others. Over time your body might be able to get used to the punishment, and you can handle the pain better when you get hurt, but a lot of those guys have probably never been punched or kicked in their life.
Alec Anaconda
03-29-2011, 12:39 PM
In the OP links, do the men run away?
Do these men attempt to defend their essence?
Do they fight back?
No, no and no!
I suggest that they are on location, of their own free will, enjoying their punishment.
Alec Anaconda
03-29-2011, 02:52 PM
What Alec said with a "Duh" added on there.
Seriously, dude, how insecure can you be?
03-29-2011, 03:05 PM
I'd like to point out that I'm not sexist. But everytime I see a guy get kicked in the nuts, be it in real life or in ballbusting videos, he's always moaning or crying or going down. Seriously, I can't help but think that when a guy does this that he's a pussy. It's pathetic, truly. I can take just about everything those girls dish out, and more, and not complain. I'm like Duke Nukem, I got balls of steel, but these other men, they disappoint me. Just look at how quickly this guy goes down? Couldn't you guys take this:
Simple, its the way Men have been designed, it's total agony for any Man when he is hit in the balls. Women have a huge advantage and quite understandably take full advantage of our weakness
03-29-2011, 05:05 PM
when i was growing up i used to see guys get hit in the nuts either by a girl or accident , ball etc
but i honestly thought they were over reacting , because i often got hit and it hurt a little but never enough to incapacitate me , one a guy hit me sneakily in the balls , and it was the stupidest thing he ever did , he remembers the beating he got to this day . it just made me mad !
but i think what turned me on about it was because people reacted differently
and thought it looked hot when girls went around school slapping boys balls !
but when i got hit it never put me down , but turned me on !
they used to say i had steel balls ! lol
and then when i eventually met a girl into dom
i wanted to know what it was like to be defeated by a female because of balls !
but was so turned on by it that it hardly hurt !
eventually after a long session i eventually got there and she said it was like an Aerobic exercises she did and was tired after dishing it out !
03-29-2011, 09:19 PM
A lot of guys' reactions are bogus. They think that if they don't react enough, then people will think they haven't got balls to begin with. Blows to the testicles are painful and will hurt, but either through peer pressure or media influence, guys somehow think this is how they're supposed to react. Maybe I'm wrong. :eek:
What Alec said with a "Duh" added on there.
Seriously, dude, how insecure can you be?
haha, how am i being insecure exactly ?
eric B
03-30-2011, 12:04 AM
I prefer the idea of being floored in one shot. Good videos though, I like that the guy is wimpy about it, that's always been the point of the whole thing for me.
Sure there are a lot of mens who overact, but it's hard to stay standed after several kicks in the balls.
I've heard too that big balls cause more pain that small, but i'm not sure.
03-30-2011, 10:02 AM
How is this even an issue? It's just personal preference. Some people like to see the dude scream and overreact as it's part of the fantasy, some don't. there's no need to be condescending about it.
I see where you are coming from. I think the issue a lot of times is that the actors in ballbusting videos are just random guys that are not interested in ballbusting or maybe there are some legal reasons. Idk but I hate when BB videos has women that kick with little taps instead instead of really hard solid kicks.
Imo that is more the issue than the bad male actors faking how bad the weak taps hurt. If the female was making hard and solid kicks the male would no longer have an option to fake it.
My fav BB videos are the ones made by amateurs. That's where the ladies that do the most damage are. Yea i've seem some really good videos from most of the major bb companies but imo the best are home made.
04-01-2011, 11:06 PM
A lot of guys' reactions are bogus. They think that if they don't react enough, then people will think they haven't got balls to begin with. Blows to the testicles are painful and will hurt, but either through peer pressure or media influence, guys somehow think this is how they're supposed to react. Maybe I'm wrong. :eek:
I agree. Reactions almost always seem exaggerated to me, at least in real life and TV/movies. Based on the media you'd think a single kick would be incapacitating, which isn't usually the case in a serious situation.
Dunno about BB videos since the situations are fantasy.
04-02-2011, 09:26 AM
Big balls are definitely more sensitive than smaller ones. When I cycle (testosterone) my balls get smaller and my wife and her friends can literally beat the hell out of them for longer periods of time and i have little to no pain at all. When I am not on cycle and they enlarge back to their normal size they are way more sensitive and I go down a lot faster. The girls love to attack them viciously when the are enlarged and get more pleasure out of it. So my opinion is the bigger the balls the more pain. On cycle they shrink to about a third of their normal size...:o
04-03-2011, 08:32 AM
Most guys in ballbusting videos intentionally or unintentionally overact. It's part of the fantasy for them. It's a lot better than a guy getting kicked and just standing there.
When I cycle (testosterone)
Out of curiosity, are you an athlete, or is it a medical reason?
04-03-2011, 10:24 PM
I'd like to point out that I'm not sexist. But everytime I see a guy get kicked in the nuts, be it in real life or in ballbusting videos, he's always moaning or crying or going down. Seriously, I can't help but think that when a guy does this that he's a pussy. It's pathetic, truly. I can take just about everything those girls dish out, and more, and not complain. I'm like Duke Nukem, I got balls of steel, but these other men, they disappoint me. Just look at how quickly this guy goes down? Couldn't you guys take this:
but why would girls like ballbusting if it didnt hurt the dude although it is good exersize I guess
04-04-2011, 06:24 AM
Most guys in ballbusting videos intentionally or unintentionally overact. It's part of the fantasy for them. It's a lot better than a guy getting kicked and just standing there.
Out of curiosity, are you an athlete, or is it a medical reason?
I dont act at all , but my balls are so sensitive, that I feel sorry for the lady... I am just to little fun... BUT,,, if the lady really like causing maximum pain helplessness.... then they love me.... :ibow4u:
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