View Full Version : Women, is that true?
When I saw this video i thought is this perspective any close to the general opinion. I guess every person has a different view. But I was wondering what the majority of women thinks...
One from the Vaults
04-17-2011, 11:26 AM
Odd place to ask for agreement with a woman who doesn't understand the appeal of hurting balls. If someone agreed with her, why would they be here?
She says more thinks not only the hurting part. I think she finds balls disgusting. Is this what women think?
04-18-2011, 11:04 AM
She says more thinks not only the hurting part. I think she finds balls disgusting. Is this what women think?
Women is not a single mind.
04-18-2011, 11:18 AM
She says more thinks not only the hurting part. I think she finds balls disgusting. Is this what women think?
One of my former girlfriends was afraid of balls. I mean she thought they were as sensitive as eyeballs and just touching them scared the hell out of her because she thought it would cause me an unbearable pain and a permanent damage. After some talks, I convinced her those things were completely different from eyeballs, and I encouraged her to play with them.
After some weeks she became passionated about balls, actually she preferred my balls rather than my dick, and when she discovered I liked to be slapped there, she became more and more confident, to the point she ended up beating up my balls while fucking her by mananging to access my balls with her hands from every possible direction having in account the different positions to make sex.
Finally, in fact she was causing me unbearable but extremely pleasant pain :jumpsmile. She even discovered she could sit over me with my dick stuck into her pussy and slap my balls extremely hard to make love without moving her body, it was just the dick moving inside her body due to the slaps in my balls, she called it "an internal meat storm in her pussy".
She also discovered that slapping her own pussy was pleasant to her, and I mean it was just pleasant, not painful, so sometimes we played this game: I slapped her pussy while she slapped my balls, she was getting an incredible pleasure in her clitoris (well protected by her vulva) while my balls were in pure pain, and I enjoyed it like crazy.
It's a pity she was unbearable in the daily life then we split...(sorrow)
Anyway, my point is that no matter how women feel about balls, you can always change their minds just by showing them new games. For instance, she also disliked me sticking my tongue into her ass, but one day it was her who started to move her body, I was just licking her pussy and she bent down more in order to direct my tongue to her asshole, and she began to scream to the point I think she woke up all my neighbours ....
Oh, it's really a pity, I feel sad now, old good times :jumpsmile:jumpsmile:jumpsmile
(Of course, remember you have always to respect when she really says NO to something)
04-18-2011, 07:13 PM
I don't think you'll find a woman on this board who thinks balls are disgusting.
Unless she's all like "Balls are disgusting and deserve to be punished." I think everyone on this board has some sort of ball fetish. I find balls to be very hot, and I don't have a problem with them being in pain. Ever.
That's the general opinion of the women on this board.
04-21-2011, 12:14 AM
One of my former girlfriends was afraid of balls. I mean she thought they were as sensitive as eyeballs and just touching them scared the hell out of her because she thought it would cause me an unbearable pain and a permanent damage.
that's nice of her at least, too many girls think they can do whatever they feel like to a dude's nads
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