View Full Version : need help. how can i stop
04-22-2011, 01:43 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
04-22-2011, 03:33 PM
Cut them off lol
04-22-2011, 04:08 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
Ask somebody to kick you in the balls. You will feel how painful it is and stop thinking about that.
04-22-2011, 04:42 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
For what reason do you need to get rid of the fetish? It's difficult to give you advice when you've given us only a short sentence. Why not post again with more details about yourself and your problem?
The best course of action IMO is to find a way of becoming okay with your fetish. It is not dirty or wrong. It is not sinful. It is not a bad thing, just a strange and thus interesting thing. Diversity is not a bad thing.
However if you find it is taking over your life because the attraction to the concept is so intense, I would suggest taking steps towards self-control and pacing yourself. Getting rid of the fetish is likely to be a) almost impossible and b) very stressful.
If you find yourself constantly thinking about it, how about letting yourself? Don't try to suppress the thoughts, just allow your mind to think about what it wants, without you judging yourself. In time, your mind will probably burn itself out, because thinking obsessively about something 24/7 and relaxedly permitting yourself to do so, can be perhaps quite difficult for your mind to maintain.
So hopefully you'll arrive at a reasonable level of desire, where you still enjoy the fetish but it doesn't control your life. You control your life and the fetish, which is a nice way of gaining pleasure.
I can't be more helpful without more information from you.
04-23-2011, 04:26 PM
A) Don't feel shame or panic when you think about ballbusting, basically anything that makes your heart race. When your heart speeds up, it feels too much like excitement. Once you have that...
B) Fantasize about ballbusting combined with something else that turns you on, something more acceptable. Do this regularly, and slowly make the fantasies more about the other thing and less about ballbusting. With some work you'll be more turned on by the other thing than by ballbusting. Your interest will fade as ballbusting becomes less forbidden and less exciting.
04-24-2011, 05:29 AM
1) Visit a psychiatrist: they can provide you pills that will chemically eliminate any sexual feeling. A good amount of Valium and Prozac and you won't even get an erection, and sex won't give you a shit. Actually you won't think on anything. Sexual urge will reappear once you stop taking pills, though.
2) Visit a psychologist: they will steal all your money after long sessions talking about embarrasing memories of your past to the point you won't feel like being kicked in the balls anymore.
3) Visit a guru: they're expensive too, but you will enter in a new dimension to the point that you won't feel like being kicked in the balls until your next reencarnation.
4) Just enjoy it by watching videos but don't practice it in your real life. You can jerk off night and day but your balls won't be damaged.
5) Buddha's middle way: Try to be rational, just watch videos about brutal ballbusting made by professionals to satisfy your deepest urges, but just practice light ballbusting in your real life.
6) Origami, just play with pieces of paper each time you think about ballbusting.
7) Be sincere to yourself, recognize you're a pervert and try to find new perversions less harmful for yourself (and of course for other people). The joy of new perversions will make you free. Everybody is a pervert, so just share preversions with other people and find new ways.
Alec Anaconda
04-24-2011, 01:29 PM
I need help! How can I stop from having a ballbusting fetish? Does anyone know how?
1. Find other activities that excite you almost as much.
This will give you other wanking fantasies.
2. Work 100 hours a week, but send me the extra money to prevent spending it on BB tarts.
That’ll distract your mind.
3. If all this fails, find a partner to bust you safely.
Alec Anaconda
04-24-2011, 03:37 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
Hypnosis, maybe?
04-24-2011, 06:26 PM
I like mesenteric 's answer.
Can't really give a very good answer with more details, but am going to try.
I'd like to ask whether you want to get rid of this fetish to be 'normal' , or because you feel thats it's morally bad ? (Any religious perspective?)
I'll state that I don't think there is really any instant undo to a sexual preference. You can't unthink things. You have to accept that they happen in your mind.
There are generally two different ways to address this- 1.) Willpower; accept the thought, but do not act upon it. For some people this leads to frustration. For me I just forget about it. I like doing things the normal way too, but while I will see girls and think 'bad' things, I wait for it to run its end, do not act unless im interested beyond that, etcetera). I think this is better. We should accept our unique attributes, but not be ruled by them.
Someone mentioned about accepting we're all perv's and being free. For me, i don't feel being ruled by my desires is being free, anymore than being ruled by anything else. We all just have to decide what we want to be ruled by though... which is better for you?
The other one is wank to bb porn/indulge your fetish.
Or somewhere in between.
I hope that was helpful
Hypnosis as mentioned above is probably even better, if you can face asking for it
04-24-2011, 07:25 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
Why on earth do you want to stop having that fetish? Just take it where it leads you (but be careful) and find a girlfriend or pro who will help you explore it.
04-25-2011, 03:34 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
I don't think you will rest until you pay or arrange for a woman to knee or kick you hard in the balls, only then will you experience the intolerable and extreme pain. I maybe wrong but I think this will put a temporary stop to your fetish and will probably not volunteer for a repeat session.
04-26-2011, 01:07 AM
Find something that lights your fire even more. You might have to do some exploration in the non-cyber world. Maybe go to a club and dance with some drunk hot promiscuous girls. You'll be thinkin about booties for a while if your anything like me lool.
04-26-2011, 07:12 PM
i need help. how can i stop from having a ballbusting fetish. Does anyone know how
I would greatly help to know more about your situation.
Are you currently in a relationship or are you "unattached"?
Do you live alone, or with family or friends?
Many of the previously mentioned suggestions can be helpful. If you really want to get away from an interest in ballbusting, it mainly comes down to finding an interest in something else that has a greater interest to you.
Of course, there may always be an "urge" in the back of your mind. If you have a significant other in your life, that person can potentially just hold your testicles and occasionally give them a light squeeze to as much as you can tolerate as a way to get into other activities (like when intercourse becomes an option). Or, having the other person just carressing them may be enough.
Mainly find other ways to enjoy your balls.
04-28-2011, 06:43 PM
I use to want to get rid of this fetish. This is one of the reasons for my inactivity. However, I can only ever go for a few months before I have an overwhelming urge to return to ballbusting, and end up seeking youtube videos and stories.
It is a very difficult fetish to get rid of, believe me. If you are into it, then it just part of who you are I am affaird. However, fetishes are not entirely
04-29-2011, 12:26 AM
For what reason do you need to get rid of the fetish? It's difficult to give you advice when you've given us only a short sentence. Why not post again with more details about yourself and your problem?
The best course of action IMO is to find a way of becoming okay with your fetish. It is not dirty or wrong. It is not sinful. It is not a bad thing, just a strange and thus interesting thing. Diversity is not a bad thing.
However if you find it is taking over your life because the attraction to the concept is so intense, I would suggest taking steps towards self-control and pacing yourself. Getting rid of the fetish is likely to be a) almost impossible and b) very stressful.
If you find yourself constantly thinking about it, how about letting yourself? Don't try to suppress the thoughts, just allow your mind to think about what it wants, without you judging yourself. In time, your mind will probably burn itself out, because thinking obsessively about something 24/7 and relaxedly permitting yourself to do so, can be perhaps quite difficult for your mind to maintain.
So hopefully you'll arrive at a reasonable level of desire, where you still enjoy the fetish but it doesn't control your life. You control your life and the fetish, which is a nice way of gaining pleasure.
I can't be more helpful without more information from you.
Great advice.
This OP maybe wasn't serious, but a lot of wisdom in here anyways.
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