View Full Version : Balls vs Boobs
05-30-2011, 06:41 AM
Just looking through things that need filing...most in B1N.
But, I found a G/G short...boob squeezing competition.
Made me think to my younger years when Hilary Baxter would challenge boys.
Naked (or usually semi), faceing eachother, she would take one ball in each hand.
The boy takes one boob in each hand also.
Before the contest starts, they must agree that the loser takes a full force knee between the legs.
NO fingernails, they SQUEEZE...she didn't always win.
Round two, was nips vs nuts...same as above, but the boy is only allowed to squeeze the nipples.
Just thought that it would be good to see this on video.
If I can I'll upload the G/G video that remindered me.
05-30-2011, 06:51 AM
Imagime this Boy v Girl...Your hands on eachothers sensitive bits, the losers takes a KNEE.
05-30-2011, 10:09 AM
I played this once, and won :D
05-30-2011, 04:41 PM
I find this competition very very exciting, but the male does not have possibility to win.
I would like to try, also if I know to be destined to lose, and of course take the knee.
I hope you can find that video, or a similar, and post here. Thank you
sounds awesome :D
who's hilary baxter?
05-30-2011, 07:45 PM
I do that with a female friend of mine. It's amazing. I come just by getting my balls squeeze while we wrestle and I squeeze her tits.
If she pulls at the same time that she squeezes, it's ever better.
05-31-2011, 04:03 AM
Hilary was a girl from school, she loved to bust boys all the time. Another case of if only I knew then what I know now.
Nexus, please tell us the full story, I for one would love to hear.
I think girls might not always win, some have very sensitive boobs, especially at certain times in the month, if you could get her to play then.
Anyway, I for one would love to see a clip of this, if two willing people would do it. Must be real of course. I personally would love to see the girl lose and have to recieve a hard knee to the muff. Cuntbusting, especially by a male, still seems a bit taboo compared to ballbusting. Of course there would have to be a rematch so she can get even.
05-31-2011, 04:33 PM
I deffianetely want to do this! Now find a girl :P
And if I find someone I don't mind if it is recorded ;)
I used to do this with my ex-wife (while we were together)... she'd win all the time as she didn't have a lot of sensitivity in her breasts.. I recall one time I thought I was holding out quite well, until she adjusted her grip and my ball slid out of her grip at high-speed straight up and literally inside me. That hurt like fuck and I dropped to the floor... But the memories serve me well :D
One from the Vaults
05-31-2011, 11:13 PM
I've got a friend I might challenge to this... thing is I've got strong hands and a decent pain tolerance, so I'd probably win against most girls. But the girl I have in mind can take pain too.
06-07-2011, 01:41 PM
I'd love to see such a video!!! Male x female competing in this way is may favorite fantasy. Anyone has any link?
06-07-2011, 08:18 PM
I'd love to see such a video!!! Male x female competing in this way is may favorite fantasy. Anyone has any link?
Yes please! Or anyone have some good tit squeezing vids too? Never seen much of this before.
06-27-2011, 07:57 AM
Just wondering if anyone has had the pleasure/pain of playing this game yet.
And, if they have, could they tell us all about it.
I'm sure this would make a great video, if the filmers of such things find the right people and do it for real.
PS, I'd pay money to see it.
Alec Anaconda
06-27-2011, 08:39 AM
anyone have some good tit squeezing vids too? Never seen much of this before.
There’re some solid titbusting clips in the Cuntbusting/Titbusting thread, (
Alec Anaconda
08-28-2011, 04:47 AM
After 2 months since the last post, I thought I'd revive this thread.
Has anyone had the joy of playing this game yet?
Any videos out there showing this?
08-28-2011, 05:59 AM
this thread make me remember one of my girlfriend that used to ask me to bite their nipples since they are not sensitive at all. i could bite them hard and she did'nt feel any pain. i'm sure she would win absolutely this kind of competition...
04-05-2012, 09:53 PM
just bringing this back to page one
04-10-2012, 05:37 AM
This video looks great, does any body have it?
04-10-2012, 09:15 PM
I've got a 1 min 25 sec preview of the movie, but where can we upload to now to share??
FOR FREE, that is.
My ex-wife and I once did this.. once only because she won - and I suffered badly for it (I still get pains now, some seven years on)..
We weren't up to much, just pratting around and some comment was made by her that her tits weren't overly sensitive, I said I didn't believe her and grabbed at them to squeeze...
I squeezed harder - she smiled... and tore my fucking balls off (or at least it felt like it).
Oh I was in heaven, but in immense pain too.
04-11-2012, 03:11 AM
I've got a 1 min 25 sec preview of the movie, but where can we upload to now to share??
FOR FREE, that is.
You could use rapidshare or mediafire.
04-12-2012, 01:58 AM
thought I'd chime in, there is that clip (or at least a portion of it) on ball busting tube.
Tiny linked so that the url is actually click-able
I've seen a woman winched up by her tits - they went purple just like in this video. I don't think you could winch a guy up by his balls!
FEHYA - can you give us more details on Hilary Baxter? I think a lot of us would like to read how she squeezed balls. I know I would. ;-)
04-13-2012, 07:03 PM
I've seen a woman winched up by her tits - they went purple just like in this video. I don't think you could winch a guy up by his balls!
FEHYA - can you give us more details on Hilary Baxter? I think a lot of us would like to read how she squeezed balls. I know I would. ;-)
Gigglees What you mean like this giggles18973
Gigglees What you mean like this giggles18973
Well - I don't mind admitting I was wrong!
05-03-2012, 10:51 AM
Sorry to bring up an old post but I think this is worth looking at. This is my favorite kind of busting. Anyone else agree? Anybody have more of this kinda stuff. I'm gonna search the internet for it and report back soon.
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