View Full Version : Women arrested for cutting off husband's penis
07-12-2011, 06:27 PM
I didn't remember what the name of the thread was that housed these types of stories...sorry
07-12-2011, 08:19 PM
She waited for him to wake up from the drug she gave him and made him watch.:cryingblu She looks like she would be great at sucking cock. She made sure this poor bastard will never fuck another woman. LMAO:jumpsmile
07-13-2011, 03:37 AM
The woman allegedly tossed the penis into the garbage disposal and then turned it on.:iluvu: ...:D
07-13-2011, 04:27 AM
That was insane
07-13-2011, 05:45 AM
For being 48, if that picture is current she looks good. If she just removed his penis just because they are getting a divorce then that's sad. If she cut it off because she caught him cheating though... well I like vengeful women.
You can't justify sexual mutilation that isn't consented to.
Do you guys who laugh at this man's abuses laugh at females who get raped too?
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
07-13-2011, 07:48 PM
No .............
07-13-2011, 08:50 PM
...shortly after the news release, the alleged mutilator received a gubernatorial endorsement from NOW... :cryingblu
07-13-2011, 11:07 PM
I wonder if she was really sadistic and jacked him off for awhile before she began cutting? It seems that women practice this quite often but, take a look at what some of these men are doing they beat hell out of their wives or girl friends, fuck other women as if its nothing for their wife to get mad about, then wonder why they end up going through life with out their dick. My current wife's first husband even went out drinking with several other guys and later that night these idiots brought a whore right into her living room. Needless to say his wife then, was pissed and bit off his earlobe! She told me she seriously considered cutting off "his" penis
07-14-2011, 12:13 AM
Ok, guys. I agree we are all fucking perverts. I don't mind that if any one call me like that. But, I am also a human being. One man went through this horror and some of us enjoying here and supporting that pathetic woman. All our justification is, that man is a wife beater or adulterer. How, great?
how can anyone became that much dumb?
Every criminal has their own reason or argument in favor of him or her, so can we forgive them or support them? If not, why we support women who do these kind of heinous acts? Is it just because we are nothing but pathetic sex starved men. Is it that we believe every act of woman is good or we don't have other option than supporting women? did we really lose our self respect?(a forbidden word in a porn site like this, isn't it?)
ok, let me ask a straight question, how many of us support, if the same thing did by a man against a woman? All we jump into the rescue of that woman and literally punish that man with all our fantasies. (And some even asks to put that video on some file sharing sites and provide a direct link).
We enjoys pain, but it must be done with mutual consent, not as a crimes. If we enjoy even crimes, we are not human beings. We are just pathetic animals.
07-14-2011, 12:36 AM
Lets not take things too seriously. Its a news story on all the major news outlets. If some want to ignore it okay but if others find it interesting so be it. Shit happens. I am sure as many women as men are excited about this. This is major jack off material for many. There is nothing anyone can do to change what happened to this guy. I am sure he still has a stump and can get it hard and cum from it. It could be worse. She could have cut off his balls. I guess she was showing him some mercy and left him as a man, well almost.
07-14-2011, 12:44 AM
Ok, guys. I agree we are all fucking perverts. I don't mind that if any one call me like that. But, I am also a human being. One man went through this horror and some of us enjoying here and supporting that pathetic woman. All our justification is, that man is a wife beater or adulterer. How, great?
how can anyone became that much dumb?
Every criminal has their own reason or argument in favor of him or her, so can we forgive them or support them? If not, why we support women who do these kind of heinous acts? Is it just because we are nothing but pathetic sex starved men. Is it that we believe every act of woman is good or we don't have other option than supporting women? did we really lose our self respect?(a forbidden word in a porn site like this, isn't it?)
ok, let me ask a straight question, how many of us support, if the same thing did by a man against a woman? All we jump into the rescue of that woman and literally punish that man with all our fantasies. (And some even asks to put that video on some file sharing sites and provide a direct link).
We enjoys pain, but it must be done with mutual consent, not as a crimes. If we enjoy even crimes, we are not human beings. We are just pathetic animals.
Somebody gets it. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you guys: It's not fun to bust balls you're not using.
She's a lunatic and a criminal, not a 'goddess.'
07-14-2011, 01:42 AM
You should be ashamed of yourselves.Ohh, come on. ;)
Nobody here is able to judge whatever led to that indeed criminal and wrong action. There is no way for us to take a position for him or her.
But fact is: She did it. And she did it in a way that many of us find pervertly arousing. :D
It's not a crime to imagine that maybe she was right and he really deserved it, is it?
For me, it's a nice thing to have a face and a fact: This is a woman who really did it!
07-14-2011, 01:06 PM
While I enjoy reading any story (true or fiction) in which a male gets his wiener removed (preferably after being tortured for some time), I don't condone what this woman did. Unless she was in imminent danger, then she was completely wrong in what she did, and should be charged/convicted.
If a woman/women were to do such a thing to a convicted ****** or pedophile, I would be pleased, but I don't think people should go around taking the law into their own hands.
In short, I can take take some level of pleasure in what happened without agreeing with the act itself. If you still don't get it, I believe there are certain crimes which warrant the perpetrator being killed, but I am opposed to capital punishment because of the inherent dangers associated with it.
Now when it comes to fiction, I have no issues with what motivates a woman to chop off some male's wiener, so long as she does it good! :-)
Mr. Farknocker
07-14-2011, 02:40 PM
If a woman/women were to do such a thing to a convicted ****** or pedophile, I would be pleased, but I don't think people should go around taking the law into their own hands.
Rebecca, I think you misread the article. It wasn't the law that she took into her own hands. j/k :D
07-14-2011, 04:18 PM
Anyone cheering this needs a serious head check. This is an abhorrent crime and I hope she gets shanked in prison.
07-14-2011, 06:17 PM
Yes, you fun-busters, she must go to prison, even if he deserved it somehow.:(
But that way I'm still aroused by thinking of the woman who would go to prison for cutting of mine.;)
07-14-2011, 06:49 PM
I guess you could say his sex life went down the drain.....
07-14-2011, 06:59 PM
For being 48, if that picture is current she looks good. If she just removed his penis just because they are getting a divorce then that's sad. If she cut it off because she caught him cheating though... well I like vengeful women.
Your a sick fuck!
07-14-2011, 07:00 PM
You can't justify sexual mutilation that isn't consented to.
Do you guys who laugh at this man's abuses laugh at females who get raped too?
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Thats exactly what I am saying! Some people are just plain sick! I am having a hard time with the fact that she can have parole. Truly sad.:(
07-14-2011, 07:12 PM
While I enjoy reading any story (true or fiction) in which a male gets his wiener removed (preferably after being tortured for some time), I don't condone what this woman did. Unless she was in imminent danger, then she was completely wrong in what she did, and should be charged/convicted.
If a woman/women were to do such a thing to a convicted ****** or pedophile, I would be pleased, but I don't think people should go around taking the law into their own hands.
In short, I can take take some level of pleasure in what happened without agreeing with the act itself. If you still don't get it, I believe there are certain crimes which warrant the perpetrator being killed, but I am opposed to capital punishment because of the inherent dangers associated with it.
Now when it comes to fiction, I have no issues with what motivates a woman to chop off some male's wiener, so long as she does it good! :-)
I think her crime is as heinous as any **** or otherwise. This is a sickening act, she was not in danger she cooked him dinner tied him up and removed his penis. In my opinion it was premeditated attempted murder. I find nothing arousing at all about this fucked up act of horror.
07-14-2011, 07:14 PM
Anyone cheering this needs a serious head check. This is an abhorrent crime and I hope she gets shanked in prison.
AMEN! I think she should not be eligible for parole.
07-14-2011, 07:56 PM
But if she kicked him in the balls and destroyed his balls that would be okay.
07-14-2011, 08:01 PM
Perhaps if she put duct tape on it, threw it in the woods and lied about its location so it would not be found for 6 months, she would go free and get a lucrative book/movie deal.
If in trouble, I would always take 12 stupid jurors over 1 smart defense attorney
07-15-2011, 12:52 AM
what gets me is that they kept talking about the posibilty of reataching it (or at least some of it) i didn't think there would be anything left after going thru the disposal (shivers)
07-15-2011, 02:47 AM
Yes, you fun-busters, she must go to prison, even if he deserved it somehow.:(
But that way I'm still aroused by thinking of the woman who would go to prison for cutting of mine.;)On the other hand, I'm even more aroused by tinking of the woman who is smart enough NOT going to jail for cutting off my dick nonconsensual...!:D
Yes, you fun-busters, she must go to prison, even if he deserved it somehow.
Why is that even brought up? There has been NO mention by her that he did her any wrong... Not a shred. Even IF he had raped her - we're supposed to be more civilized than 3rd world countries where children of 10 'deserve' having their fingers cut off for stealing a loaf of bread.
No one - at all - deserves to be mutilated.
And it is truly disgusting to see some members continually trying to justify women who mutilate men by saying 'if'.
We never say that about **** victims - "if she did xyz then she deserved it."
So why the continual double-standards and hatred towards men whereby you continually try to justify and warrant mutilation of a man's penis?
When I said you should be ashamed - I meant it.
Hopefully, you don't have any Sons.
07-15-2011, 07:00 PM
The jury has gone into deliberation and the verdict is......................
.................................................. ....................For cutting off hubbys penis.......................
07-15-2011, 10:29 PM
We never say that about **** victims - "if she did xyz then she deserved it."
So why the continual double-standards and hatred towards men whereby you continually try to justify and warrant mutilation of a man's penis?
Actually we do. At least it was widespread in the past and now its still out there, just not as big. Need some examples?
If she didn't dress that way she wouldn't of been raped; if she wasn't promiscuous she wouldn't of been raped; if she wasn't out late and so on.
Its not hatred towards men. Its just the domination fantasy, and theres nothing more dominating than a woman removing a man ability to have sex.
We all say murder is bad but murder in self defense is okay, is the same way i don't want a gang of penis cutters just randomly removing penises only if there is a justifiable reason in my eyes.
07-16-2011, 02:24 AM
Actually we do. At least it was widespread in the past and now its still out there, just not as big. Need some examples?
If she didn't dress that way she wouldn't of been raped; if she wasn't promiscuous she wouldn't of been raped; if she wasn't out late and so on.
Its not hatred towards men. Its just the domination fantasy, and theres nothing more dominating than a woman removing a man ability to have sex.
We all say murder is bad but murder in self defense is okay, is the same way i don't want a gang of penis cutters just randomly removing penises only if there is a justifiable reason in my eyes.
"We" who? Why didn't you say "I do". Strange that if someone justifies violence against men s/he says "I think that the ********** of this guy is justified", if someone points a double standard people say "We think that r.a.p.e is justified".
It's just an urban legend that "we" say that r.a.p.e. is justified, actually r.a.p.e. is usually the excuse to hurt other males, like in movies, where a girl is raped just to justify the murder of 1000000000 males.
The ku klux klan said that black people raped white women to justify their lynchings.
So please instead of spreading feminist propaganda, that women get raped and everyone is ok with it, grow some balls and say "I think that r.a.p.e. is justified".
Are you scared of the consequences? If you are, then, "We" don't think that r.a.p.e. is justified and "we" actually think that the justification of r.a.p.e. is a crime and that free speech doesn't really exist cause political correctness (aka feminism) killed it.
So please reply with "I think that there are a lot of good reasons to r.a.p.e. a woman" or be silent.
And please, this "women of the past were oppressed then came feminism and liberated them" meme that you implied is ridiculous.
Actually we do. At least it was widespread in the past and now its still out there, just not as big. Need some examples?
If she didn't dress that way she wouldn't of been raped; if she wasn't promiscuous she wouldn't of been raped; if she wasn't out late and so on.
Its not hatred towards men. Its just the domination fantasy, and theres nothing more dominating than a woman removing a man ability to have sex.
We all say murder is bad but murder in self defense is okay, is the same way i don't want a gang of penis cutters just randomly removing penises only if there is a justifiable reason in my eyes.
I have heard/read many feminists stating what you *claim* here... yet, here I am; a man in my late 30s, and I have as yet never, NOT ONCE, in the real world heard a single man say "She deserved to be raped"
It IS hatred towards other men when you (not you personally, but the generic 'you') continually justifies, warrants, excuses, marginalize the reality that a woman has just attacked a man in the most dehumanizing way possible. This IS worse than any **** as ****-victims are not typically left in a similar position.
There's another story from February, whereby a man tied his wife up and burned her genitals so badly they were left heavily disfigured. She needs re-constructive surgery now.
Do you think she deserved that?
Maybe she had an affair?
Maybe she slapped him?
Maybe she committed paternity fraud?
Maybe she slept with his brother?
Maybe she hit his child?
It doesn't matter what she did - she did not deserve that... or do you think she did? Can you justify this man doing this to her, like you can justify a woman doing what she's done to the man?
If you can justify either of them - you're a sexist and clearly support abuses upon humans.
Your kind don't deserve to enjoy the freedoms the internet offers - people like you should be locked away for the good of society.
And please, this "women of the past were oppressed then came feminism and liberated them" meme that you implied is ridiculous.
Feminism has caused nothing but problems for most women - it was conceived for middle-class white women only, black women and other minority women were not supposed to take advantage of it, and that they did has upset many iconic feminists (e.g. one leading feminist set up abortion clinics for black women with the logic that black people needed to be aborted out of existence - not to help them. IOW, feminism is based largely on racism)
07-16-2011, 05:56 AM
I have as yet never, NOT ONCE, in the real world heard a single man say "She deserved to be raped"
Just one page before this, but too bad: You'll probably state OneBadMamaJama would not say so in your "real world". May we ask him?
[...]I hope she gets shanked in prison.
07-16-2011, 06:33 AM
I really don't understand what "you" are raging about. You are fighting Windmills. :)
I, for myself, state: I don't know what happened in that special case and I don't have to, because I'm not the judge! I'm just a pervert observer and I'm free to speculate.
I don't speculate about him havin done anything bad to her in order to justify what she did, because no "moral" can justify this of course and women who dismember "moraly bad men" are NOT my fetish anyway.
But I DO "disgustingly and continually try to justify women who mutilate men by saying 'if'" because MY FETISH are women who cut off dicks because THEY ENJOY IT!
So I keep saying "IF", also in this case, because, who knows? All she sayed was he "deserved it" and she made no effort to conceal what she did, so she must be very certain about this.;)
So if I ever loose my dick, it may well look just like this case to you, but you would be wrong!
07-16-2011, 11:58 AM
Seems there are many guys here very much sensible to the plight those men who have been mutilated by wife/GF/any other woman. That's really nice. :ibow4u: We may have fantasies, we may be perverts but at the end of the day, we are still human beings.
Some men are completely sex starved, alwasy thinks with those parts they have between their legs.:soomad Let us show some sympathy, after all they are not only pervert, they are sick. :D
these men don't have other option than supporting what ever woman do. All these Ifs and buts used by them shows the degree of sickness they have.:cussing:
Of course, These people are dangerous to live in civilized society. Because they ruin other's life royally.:autogun To stop such people, all we need to do is giving our version, our view against their inhuman views. Remember, you can't change their inhuman behaviour. (Hell we need not to change them, isn't it):thumbup
The only destiny they have is "watching woman abusing men or assuming it and shagging".:cussing:
07-16-2011, 12:17 PM
I really don't understand what "you" are raging about. You are fighting Windmills. :)
I, for myself, state: I don't know what happened in that special case and I don't have to, because I'm not the judge! I'm just a pervert observer and I'm free to speculate.
I don't speculate about him havin done anything bad to her in order to justify what she did, because no "moral" can justify this of course and women who dismember "moraly bad men" are NOT my fetish anyway.
But I DO "disgustingly and continually try to justify women who mutilate men by saying 'if'" because MY FETISH are women who cut off dicks because THEY ENJOY IT!
So I keep saying "IF", also in this case, because, who knows? All she sayed was he "deserved it" and she made no effort to conceal what she did, so she must be very certain about this.;)
So if I ever loose my dick, it may well look just like this case to you, but you would be wrong!
Dude, actually the thing is there is no case in past, present and in future which deserve this kind of punishment. So, all your ifs and buts are nothing but some crude jokes which no one enjoys, except you.
Why we are doing all these? what we will get?
I am doing it because, my perversion should not ruin men's life in society. Remember, because of these kind of pervasive support, women are escaping from such henious crimes. Men could have opposed and reacted strongly at the time of lorena bobbit did this to a man. Sadly many perverts like you and me supported it and cheered it. That's why many women are now feeling, they can do anything and can escaping by just saying " He is a wife beater or aggressor or some shit".
Who is respondible for this, people like you and me. Now many of us relaised and opposing (Hell, better late than never). Otherwise, why the hell anyone posts these many number of replies in porn site?
07-16-2011, 12:29 PM
Just one page before this, but too bad: You'll probably state OneBadMamaJama would not say so in your "real world". May we ask him?
Ah, only after reading that news and her justification. He just said it, not celebrated or enjoyed when it really happend. :P
And one thing I can't understand, why the hell that women need to do it. There are countless number of laws in favor of women, if she really face some problems. Why she didn't use them instead of resorting to these kind of inhuman acts. Did you ever think that? Because, they know there are many men and women who brainlesly support her.
07-16-2011, 05:25 PM
but I disagree on so many aspects of what you say that I don't think we will find a great agreement.
Who is respondible for this, people like you and me.No. I don't carry responsibilities for anything any women does. You think:
That's why many women are now feeling, they can do anything and can escapingI say: Now? Women KNOW they can do almost anything and escape and they know EXACTLY how far the can go in any situation and they GO EXACTLY so far AND a little bit more. That's women. You never heared of the "female" social powers? That's part of it. That's why many say women are coldly calculating or "diplomatic". It has nothing to do with what I say, or what any man says. There is in fact nothing you can say to stop a woman from doing exactly what she wants. And to top that: There is no way to make her tell you what that is. :D:D:D
But even if you don't want to look at things like that:
Sorry, I take notice but I don't accept this "social" reponsibilty here for me. I'm far from thinking so.
I have the feeling you apply your personal views to others. Don't you know? Others are different:
We enjoys pain, but it must be done with mutual consent, not as a crimes. If we enjoy even crimes, we are not human beings. We are just pathetic animals.Sorry, You see: I feel so. So you say, I'm nothing but a pathetic animal? Because of my sexual feelings, because I enjoy the thought of something UNJUST happen to ME? Should I lie and not tell, that my dick would get hard if a woman held the knife against it? It's just a fact and it's not the pain that I ejoy, you see?
And one thing I can't understand, why the hell that women need to do it...See, I like you much better, when you think about something. :D
waffle waffle blah blah :D
The fact is, men do not justify **** of women like YOU and women justify those women who sexually mutilate men. The man in this case was only guilty of wanting a divorce - nothing more. A fucking divorce.
So for all your "ifs" and "buts", the only 'if' issue is this; "does divorce justify sexually mutilating another human?"
If you think so - as you have demonstrated repeatedly already - then the women that imitate 70% of divorces also deserve to be sexually mutilated by the husband they're abandoning.
But unlike you - I'm not going to try and justify such a hateful and bigoted POV.
07-17-2011, 03:57 AM
"does [anything] justify sexually mutilating another human?"
In your case?
In your case?
Nothing - I don't promote such hateful bigotry, unlike you.
This man was mutilated for wanting a divorce - and you find it amusing and acceptable?
07-17-2011, 06:36 AM
Your fighting the wrong enemy. :)
But it's ok. If I'm ever in doubt about what my views are, I can always ask YOU. ;)
Your fighting the wrong enemy. :)
But it's ok. If I'm ever in doubt about what my views are, I can always ask YOU. ;)
You're the one promoting YOUR views - not me. I'm simply calling you out on the bigotry and sexism of them.
I'm sorry it upsets you so much - I'm more sorry you have them in the first place.
Perhaps if you have a Son and he becomes a victim of this, perhaps then you may understand just how hateful your view is.
07-17-2011, 08:55 AM
Perhaps if you have a Son and he becomes a victim of this, perhaps then you may understand just how hateful your view is.Don't forget that you don't know nothing about what I have or have lost. ;)
You call me hateful, bigoted, sexist, sick, yes you go so far to say: "you're a sexist and clearly support abuses upon humans [...] people like you should be locked away for the good of society."
Are you alright? :)
Try citing ME, why do I deserve to be called like that?
I understand very well, what you imply to be my views and I see your "noble" motivations to fight this, so no hard feelings!
But if you want to be so noble, you should also try to be just. And a little politeness always helps, anyway.
07-17-2011, 01:30 PM
I have heard/read many feminists stating what you *claim* here... yet, here I am; a man in my late 30s, and I have as yet never, NOT ONCE, in the real world heard a single man say "She deserved to be raped"
I do not know about your life. If you lived that long and never heard it well then who am i to say your a liar? All I know i heard that plenty of times from men and other women when it comes reasoning why that woman was raped.
It IS hatred towards other men when you (not you personally, but the generic 'you') continually justifies, warrants, excuses, marginalize the reality that a woman has just attacked a man in the most dehumanizing way possible. This IS worse than any **** as ****-victims are not typically left in a similar position.
Not hatred towards men. Just an appreciation towards women who do evil things like deny a man a sex life within my specified reason.
There's another story from February, whereby a man tied his wife up and burned her genitals so badly they were left heavily disfigured. She needs re-constructive surgery now.
Women commiting sexual violence on men is turn on for me, men committing sexual violence on women does not turn me on. So you story has no justification in my book because it does not turn me on. A woman drugging her soon to be ex husband and then tying him up sawing away at his meat... Thats a turn on so i will look for ways to justify it.
Women commiting sexual violence on men is turn on for me, men committing sexual violence on women does not turn me on. So you story has no justification in my book because it does not turn me on. A woman drugging her soon to be ex husband and then tying him up sawing away at his meat... Thats a turn on so i will look for ways to justify it.
So you enjoy humans torturing one another?
Some find it a turn on when a child is tortured... is that ok too?
[if it's not ok - do you find those who DO find it ok/a turn on to be sick in the head?]
Some find it a turn on when a child is raped... is that ok as well?
[if it's not ok - do you find those who DO find it ok/a turn on to be sick in the head?]
What about animals, some humans torture animals... is that ok?
[if it's not ok - do you find those who DO find it ok/a turn on to be sick in the head?]
How about elderly, some people have been known to torture elderly... does that turn you on?
[if it's not ok - do you find those who DO find it ok/a turn on to be sick in the head?]
She didn't deny him a sex life - she tortured the guy. Do you folks not realize the difference?
She had not right to deny him a sex life, let alone drug him and torture him.
Now if they had made an agreement and the torture was consensually / mutually agreed - then fine.. that's up to them - but to torture someone like this is beyond disgusting, and it is totally fucked up that some pricks on a fetish board would confuse torture with their fetish!!!
07-18-2011, 01:46 AM
(Score:5, Insightful)
When people are just bickering back and forth like this all the time, what the hell is the point of reading or contributing to threads on this board? It's just depressing and boring. Everyone has their opinions and human nature is to ignore any attempt at changing our personal opinion. Why bother?
There's a quote I like: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man adapts the world to himself; therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
Can't we all just get along? Seriously, dudes. Seriously.
P.S.: I love this forum and I love all you guys.
p.P.S: I'm a bit sad that Harry Potter is officially over now. I know the books have been done, but now that the last movie is out I feel like my childhood is officially over, even though I only just became a fan last month and am on Goblet of Fire now and have only seen the Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix movies. P.M. me with thoughts if you want to discuss Harry Potter without wasting folk's time or crudding this be-a-utiful forum we all love and enjoy on a daily basis.
p.P.S.s.: Sorry, I don't mean to take up so much space, but I'm adjusting to my latest batch of medications this week.
P.p.P.S.s.: This post-script exists to reference TIINWCITIFTMIC3PO or, as we all like to call it: The Incredibly Improved New Wonder Column Inside The Insider From The Man Inside C-3PO (Star Wars nerd reference). I could have that one mixed up a bit, mind, since The Wonder Column hasn't been in the Star Wars Insider in years!
Good night everybody! ("Goodnight, Dr. Nick!")
Pace. <--- I hear that stuff's made in New York City. If this is the case, that most certainly really grinds my chaps.
07-18-2011, 05:01 AM
Sorry but would whipping, ball busting, trampling and a lot of things considered female dom be condisered torture to most "sane" people. Looks like your on a site about a torture fetish.
Not much of a sex life you can have without a penis.
And still all this disgust you bring out if there was information that he asked her to cut it off in any way she pleases then its all alright?
07-18-2011, 07:03 AM
Sorry but would whipping, ball busting, trampling and a lot of things considered female dom be condisered torture to most "sane" people. Looks like your on a site about a torture fetish.
Not much of a sex life you can have without a penis.
And still all this disgust you bring out if there was information that he asked her to cut it off in any way she pleases then its all alright?
Yeah, they are all considered as torture by some men. But, if it is consensual, then it's no one's business. Here we are all watching something done as part of fantasy not as part of crime. I whatever she did to that man.. is consensual, there is no objection.
07-18-2011, 08:21 AM
You seem to deliberatly IGNORE that NOBODY here justified what Miss Becker did. YOU imply that.
YOU say: Just THINKING about IF there MIGHT be a justification already IS justification.
Don't you see the DIFFERENCE?
You say there CANNOT be ANY justification.
And then you go yourself "IF they had made an agreement [...]"
So that is YOUR kind of fetish: Consensual assault.
You know that this would STILL be a crime in the face of the law of many countries and in the face of many people? Those people could attack YOU in the same words you attack OTHERS. Try google "consensual assault".
"Consesual" = ok?
Think about about a kinky woman wanting a "female circumcision"? That is sick you would say, but anyway it happens and: It is not allowed, not even if it was consensual.
YOU would probably attack her to justify female gender mutilation in general...
That is an extreme example but your error in reasoning has further implications:
What about women admitting they have the fantasy to be raped?
Do they justify r.a.p.e in general?
What about women admitting they want to be dominated by theire partner in bed?
Do they justify domestic abuse?
Your fetish is based on the credo of "consesual agreement"?
So what am I for you? My fetish is noncensensual mutiliation.
It just doesn't TURN ME ON that a woman does anything "cruel" to me for MUTUAL pleasure!
It turns me on if she does it for HER pleasure only.
So I'm a sick person, because of that fetish?
I justify mutiliation in many ways? I'm a threat to society? Should be locked away?
Think again. :D
07-18-2011, 05:11 PM
You seem to deliberatly IGNORE that NOBODY here justified what Miss Becker did. YOU imply that.
YOU say: Just THINKING about IF there MIGHT be a justification already IS justification.
Don't you see the DIFFERENCE?
You say there CANNOT be ANY justification.
And then you go yourself "IF they had made an agreement [...]"
So that is YOUR kind of fetish: Consensual assault.
You know that this would STILL be a crime in the face of the law of many countries and in the face of many people? Those people could attack YOU in the same words you attack OTHERS. Try google "consensual assault".
Well said Finally on both parts.
07-19-2011, 02:57 PM
Earlier this thread there was speculation on the cause of this horrifying attack.
Police stated ( that prior to the incident the couple had an argument over guests that were staying.
07-19-2011, 10:27 PM
Thanks, sockmess. :)
Having sayed this, I may add, that I can understand bbbb's and bull4you's rage about biased public perception of such male mutiliation in opposition to correspondent female mutiliation very well.
Here we have some women, who probably would send you to hell if you ever touched a woman in any unpleasant way laughing about this story:
THAT is what you are raging about, I guess, and I can relate.
07-20-2011, 02:11 AM
Ouch! Dammmmmmn! No sorry but cutting a guys cock off is NOT cool - she obviously needs glasses as she missed the balls completely ;)
07-30-2011, 09:52 PM
While I enjoy reading any story (true or fiction) in which a male gets his wiener removed (preferably after being tortured for some time), I don't condone what this woman did. Unless she was in imminent danger, then she was completely wrong in what she did, and should be charged/convicted.
If a woman/women were to do such a thing to a convicted ****** or pedophile, I would be pleased, but I don't think people should go around taking the law into their own hands.
In short, I can take take some level of pleasure in what happened without agreeing with the act itself. If you still don't get it, I believe there are certain crimes which warrant the perpetrator being killed, but I am opposed to capital punishment because of the inherent dangers associated with it.
Now when it comes to fiction, I have no issues with what motivates a woman to chop off some male's wiener, so long as she does it good! :-)
I wonder if any of these women ever get the guy excited before proceeding with the assault. It seems like this woman in California and the rest of the Lorena Bobbits of the world, while putting some elaborate (and extreme) plans into action to remove man from manhood, do so somewhat unceremoniously. It would be more intense, I think, if it were more like the movies. In the movie I Spit On Your Grave, the woman, who was gang raped and is now going through and exacting revenge on each of the perpetrators, gets one guy alone in a bathtub under the pretext of having sex. The guy, of course, is totally into it, not knowing what's in store for him. And the woman works on him until he is not only totally hard but just about to pop a load. It's then that she reaches down and around so that he can't see that she's picking up a huge almost machete-like knife to not only bring his impending orgasm to an abrupt end but to also prevent him from ever doing anything with his genitals again. But most of the real life women in the news doing this just seem to be hacking off limp dicks.
07-31-2011, 03:50 AM
I wonder if any of these women ever get the guy excited before proceeding with the assault. It seems like this woman in California and the rest of the Lorena Bobbits of the world, while putting some elaborate (and extreme) plans into action to remove man from manhood, do so somewhat unceremoniously. It would be more intense, I think, if it were more like the movies. In the movie I Spit On Your Grave, the woman, who was gang raped and is now going through and exacting revenge on each of the perpetrators, gets one guy alone in a bathtub under the pretext of having sex. The guy, of course, is totally into it, not knowing what's in store for him. And the woman works on him until he is not only totally hard but just about to pop a load. It's then that she reaches down and around so that he can't see that she's picking up a huge almost machete-like knife to not only bring his impending orgasm to an abrupt end but to also prevent him from ever doing anything with his genitals again. But most of the real life women in the news doing this just seem to be hacking off limp dicks.
Spoken like a true douche bag degenerate fuck!
08-02-2011, 06:53 AM
I have no problem, as a man, laughing with these women in a relaxed context and seeing it as some kind of entertainment. I don't think any of them would cut off a penis for almost no reason themselves for real. It is just the dark or sadistic or teasing-sadistic humor we subscibers of this forum like, isn't it?
And that kind of humor is only possible if there is some reflection. I do not really fear people with black humor. I fear stupid people. Of course, laughing about such things can be dangerour because it might make people actually believe that it would be funny for real, but usually "normal" people would think twice (wouldn't they?).
And there is the revenge aspect: It is just reversed role sexism and I think women did not start this fight. I accept the longing for revenge just as part of human nature but I reject revenge as a principle in official law.
And I believe that just laughing about men is some kind of "soft revenge" which will have such a relaxing effect that people do not have to cut off balls for real. So let them laugh as this might save your balls. And keep a distance to people (men or women) who cannot relax and want to engage in a "holy war" of the sexes...
08-02-2011, 08:27 AM
Spoken like a true douche bag degenerate fuck!
Wow For someone who frequents a fetish board, you sure are judgemental. I guess you're one of those types who believes that his particular kink is absolutely acceptable and above reproach, while everyone elses is grounds for scorn and attack.
A prudish fetishist. What a strange animal.
I have no problem, as a man, laughing with these women in a relaxed context and seeing it as some kind of entertainment. Would you be ok with men laughing at a woman who was tortured in a similar manner - and laugh along with them, in a nice, friendly, relaxed way? Perhaps over a cup of tea with a cucumber sandwich?
I don't think any of them would cut off a penis for almost no reason themselves for real. It is just the dark or sadistic or teasing-sadistic humor we subscibers of this forum like, isn't it?I understand, but this isn't about a woman/man with a fetish - this is about a woman torturing a man for no reason aside that he wanted divorce from her... given her obvious issues, I can't say I blame him for wanting a divorce.
And there is the revenge aspect: It is just reversed role sexism and I think women did not start this fight.Then you don't know your history.. Women have been sexist towards men for just as long as men have been sexist to women - the difference is, men's sexism is demonized while women's sexism is applauded in today's culture.
I accept the longing for revenge just as part of human nature but I reject revenge as a principle in official law.Revenge implies he somehow 'deserved' this - that she is somehow justified in her torturing and mutilation - wrong.
And I believe that just laughing about men is some kind of "soft revenge" which will have such a relaxing effect that people do not have to cut off balls for real. Ahh, so men who laugh at r.aped women's stories are acceptable so long as they tell us that some woman done them wrong at some point in their past - right?
So let them laugh as this might save your balls. Now you're just be ridiculous. So if women will just join laughing at a female rap.e-victims might save a other women being r.aped, right?
And keep a distance to people (men or women) who cannot relax and want to engage in a "holy war" of the sexes...If you knew your history, you'd know who brought on the holy war - but you've already demonstrated your ignorance in this area more than clearly.
08-03-2011, 12:13 AM
Wow For someone who frequents a fetish board, you sure are judgemental. I guess you're one of those types who believes that his particular kink is absolutely acceptable and above reproach, while everyone elses is grounds for scorn and attack.
A prudish fetishist. What a strange animal.
I agree. I don't like scat stuff but I do not condemn anyone for finding it exciting. I happen to find penectomy stories exciting even true stories. I would never perform one on anyone, but if some chick decocks a guy it is just one fetish that gets my blood flowing.
08-03-2011, 08:02 AM
I agree. I don't like scat stuff but I do not condemn anyone for finding it exciting. I happen to find penectomy stories exciting even true stories. I would never perform one on anyone, but if some chick decocks a guy it is just one fetish that gets my blood flowing.
I agree completely! There are many fetishes/kinks (especially scat) which I don't find interesting in any way, and I don't understand how anyone can. But I don't need to understand it in order to accept that it is.
Short of protecting my life, I would never cut off a guy's wiener either, and in any scenario other than self-defence (or some really severe case of revenge against a pedophile or something), I don't condone women cutting off guy's wieners. But that doesn't mean I don't find it arousing at the same time.
I get really tired of people who visit boards like this, and attack people for their individual interests. They are utterly intolerant of anyone elses position, but God forbid someone dare to scrutinize or criticize their kink.
I guess some people just can't help but feel they are superior to anyone who differs in their way of thinking.
08-04-2011, 06:02 AM
Would you be ok with men laughing at a woman who was tortured in a similar manner - and laugh along with them, in a nice, friendly, relaxed way? Perhaps over a cup of tea with a cucumber sandwich?
I understand, but this isn't about a woman/man with a fetish - this is about a woman torturing a man for no reason aside that he wanted divorce from her... given her obvious issues, I can't say I blame him for wanting a divorce.
Then you don't know your history.. Women have been sexist towards men for just as long as men have been sexist to women - the difference is, men's sexism is demonized while women's sexism is applauded in today's culture.
Revenge implies he somehow 'deserved' this - that she is somehow justified in her torturing and mutilation - wrong.
Ahh, so men who laugh at r.aped women's stories are acceptable so long as they tell us that some woman done them wrong at some point in their past - right?
Now you're just be ridiculous. So if women will just join laughing at a female rap.e-victims might save a other women being r.aped, right?
If you knew your history, you'd know who brought on the holy war - but you've already demonstrated your ignorance in this area more than clearly.
All your arguments are good in terms of moral and justice and probably we SHOULD live that way.
But I would like to know from you why you are here - only for discussion and "opening other's eyes" or do you feel strangely aroused sometimes for some fetishes shown and discussed here? I never stated sadomasochism is a good human virtue. But you deny its reality. Explain sadomasochism to me, please. I tried to explain it to you and that not all people who feel aroused advocate it. Would you also please explain which level of sadomasochistic humor is acceptable and which not? What kind of joke is permissible, where are the borders? What kind of thought is allowed and what kind of thought should be suppressed (by what means)?
For your comparisons of sexism in females and males. The kind of and target of sexism from both sides varies as the sexes vary (and that is the special reason I usually get more arousal out of "femdom" sexism than from "maledom" sexism, but that's personal fetish). A woman laughing about an emasculation story even might not be a sadomasochist, keep in mind that laughing is also an expression of surprise. It is paranoid thinking then that really all of these women are your enemies and really want you tortured just because they laugh. Probably all should stand up and protest immediately? OK, but why don't you prohibit stupid talkshows in general then? Yes, they ARE stupid and deleterious for weak brains.
If a man beats or kills his wife for wanting to get divorced, usually you do not laugh because it is the supposed strong who beats the supposed weak. The other way, there is this kind of David against Goliath surprise, which might add to a laughter of surprise. I people laugh over such a case, they do not laugh over the special case, as the circumstances and conditions for an attack might be boring or sad, nothing to identify with. The identification is always on a more general basis and interpretation is about the "typical" male and female weaknesses. And it might be in our genes that we like winning and laugh at the loosers. Try what works better for you, denying or accepting and coping with it. Or, like on forums and porn like this: play with it.
08-04-2011, 06:12 AM
Ahh, so men who laugh at r.aped women's stories are acceptable so long as they tell us that some woman done them wrong at some point in their past - right?
An answer to this particular point:
You got me a bit wrong, but in a wider sense, my answer is: yes.
To clarify:
You might be under pressure or angry or frustrated with your girlfriend, wife or women in general.
You are in a really bad mood now.
My point is: Watch a porn, make some bad jokes over women with your buddies, laugh at it - and go home with a cheerful, forgiving mood.
On the other hand: Suppress your thoughts, go on building up anger, do not make any jokes, don't laugh at anybodies expense. Go home in a bad mood, wait for a bad word from your wife - and maybe your tense fuse will burn and you will hurt her.
Which one do you choose?
(I know, there's a third option, but not always, not for everone and why are YOU here, looking for femdom porn?)
08-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Spoken like a true douche bag degenerate fuck!
Why, thank you!
To clarify:
You might be under pressure or angry or frustrated with your girlfriend, wife or women in general.
You are in a really bad mood now.No, not in a bad mood - I just fail to see how our fetish (ballbusting, not genital mutilation) relates to seeing sexual mutilation of innocent people in a positive way, as evidenced when dumbasses try to convince lurkers and fellow BB enthusiasts that he 'probably deserved it', as suggested by a few in previous posts. No one deserves to be tortured & mutilated - man or woman.
My mood is irrelevant to respect for fellow humans.
IF some guy asks his wife to do that to him - and she does it - that is entirely different.
My point is: Watch a porn, make some bad jokes over women with your buddies, laugh at it - and go home with a cheerful, forgiving mood.
On the other hand: Suppress your thoughts, go on building up anger, do not make any jokes, don't laugh at anybodies expense. Go home in a bad mood, wait for a bad word from your wife - and maybe your tense fuse will burn and you will hurt her.What are you on about? Is English your first language? While the words may be English - they're not making much sense.
Which one do you choose?I said already, my mood is irrelevant to the fact that an innocent man was tortured and mutilated and can no longer perform sexually due to this - there is no excuse for such behaviour in the real world...
(I know, there's a third option, but not always, not for everone and why are YOU here, looking for femdom porn?)
I'm here for the ballbusting - which doesn't deprive a man of his human rights..
What I'm not here for is some tit trying to convince lurkers & members that an innocent man's right to his own body is worth less than a woman's right to her body, as some here have tried to do in order to justify their own kink.
We both have kinks - but I don't justify anyone abusing an innocent human.
08-06-2011, 08:46 PM
Don't waste your time by arguing with these guys, who can't see the difference between fantasy and crime. We already gave our opinion and explained why these kind of acts are very serious and heinous. :) and deserve to be condemned at any cost. Condemning the act and convincing those insensitive people are two different things, first thing we need to do religiously, second thing need to avoid conveniently. (You know, what I mean :D )
Anybody have latest news regarding this case, put those details here, It's better to see the judgment given by court rather than judgment given by some guys, based on their confusing state of mind which can't differentiate fantasy and crime.
Will she punished for this crime or history repeats. (We know what happened in lorena bobbit case).
08-06-2011, 10:39 PM
Some are taking this much too seriously. Lighten up.:bananajum
08-07-2011, 08:16 AM
Lighten up.:) Thanks, yes!
I wonder if any of these women ever get the guy excited before proceeding with the assault.
To be true, I fantasize about women getting the guy exited after the assault...
08-07-2011, 03:14 PM
My mood is irrelevant to respect for fellow humans.
IF some guy asks his wife to do that to him - and she does it - that is entirely different.
Your thinking is way too simple. You should think about fetishism and sadomasochism in general. That means you should think why someone would ask for this, and as others here pointed out, it would be illegal to do so, even if done consensually. Think about why someone would like to destroy himself and if this might be the fault of others, at least the influence. As it makes no sense to want to have cut off one's cock. Unless you start to think a bit more complicated.
Is English your first language?
I said already, my mood is irrelevant...
No, it is not. There is no justification for you to arouse yourself here by thinking of others pain, exerted by ballbusting. As this is REAL pain, too. Or do you think all this is played like in a hollywood movie? There is no justification for you to be here. Unless you let other people the freedom that they are interested in cases which differ from your personal fetish. Besides that it is relevant and interesting to discuss such cases here, you are just playing someone with a higer moral than the others here (who never said it is OK to cut off a penis but to fantasise over this real story). For me, your argumentation is hypocrisy, sorry.
I'm here for the ballbusting - which doesn't deprive a man of his human rights..
...Look at the BB porn and the humiliation and don't tell me it is all clean and good and gives a good example to other people, who might get bad ideas out of it. Do not try to justify yourself while you condemn others. Again: hypocrisy.
And again: It seems, everybody here was able from the beginning to see the difference between consensual and nonconsensual, but nevertheless you condemned them.
What I'm not here for is some tit trying to convince lurkers & members that an innocent man's right to his own body is worth less than a woman's right to her body, as some here have tried to do in order to justify their own kink.
Show me the femdom ballbusting porn where there is equal rights. The think gets the kick because it is at least a play of more rights for women then for men.
We both have kinks - but I don't justify anyone abusing an innocent human.
Who justified this??? We justified to write about it and think about it and fantasize about it. I see your point, that this is going too far, but don't you see that I could argue, you shouldn't be here then because your fetish about ballbusting is already "a bit" abusive and trespassed some borders. But you still want to look "cleaner" than the others here, funny...
09-22-2015, 12:08 AM
Well, she's in jail for life. Although that episode of The View where they talked about it was pretty awful. Glad they had to apologize.
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