View Full Version : Ball Crushing
08-05-2011, 06:28 PM
I'm new to the forum here as far as posting and I have a question for those of you who may be more experienced. I have developed a recent interest in having my balls crushed in a vice type contraption as I've seen on web sites online.
First of all....have any of your done this ? If so, how does it feel while they are being slowly crushed ? I assume you do it very slowly and increase the pressure just a little bit at a time until you finally can't handle anymore.
I'm very curious as to how it feels when you finally cum while you balls have been crushed slowly in a vice for a period of time.....does it feel like a super intense orgasm ?
Any input or advice would be appreciated. I appreciate this's been very interesting to read about various subjects.
I've had an interest in ball play for quite some time. I have to say that some of the most intense orgasms I've ever had came when I have had something tied to my balls which pulled them away from my body while I ! As most of you know that really adds to the intensity. I have a rubber collar ( that I use sometimes while I'm jacking off (or fucking) and it feels great when I cum. I have found that my balls can take quite a lot of play with no advese affects. I had a gal friend once who pulled on my balls with quite a lot of force while I played with myself and when I finally came she kept a lot of tension on them and it was a fantastic orgasm.
08-06-2011, 04:08 PM
I've built a few crushers and they can be a lot of fun to play with. My first one used a normal vice but with jaw 'extensions' to suit my nuts. Worked fairly well but the weight of the vice was a pain (so to speak!)
My current one is two pieces of clear plastic with a bolt at each corner. Dead easy to make but effective.
The one problem I find it stopping your nuts popping out of the vice. This isn't as easy as it may sound! My current approach is to clamp behind the balls with a well rounded piece of stripwood. You need to be careful not to trap scrotal skin between the top piece of plastic and this wood though. Another option is to carefully shape the pieces so they are wider at the 'entry' side which naturally pushes the balls away from your body. Got to be careful not to cut the blood flow too much though, or even damage the cords!
I've seen others use a plate that clamps above the balls and another which crushes up from below - I'm not convinced you can trap the balls well enough to crush them without other pain from skin etc again the hole in the upper plate.
As for the pain, it is intense but more dull than from a blow. It does take a lot of courage to tighten the wing nuts more! You can get them pretty flat though, I've had mine down to about 1/4" between the plates and I have fairly big nuts.
The sensation when cumming is different - not sure more intense is right but certainly a relief!
Something else I've found is that crushed nuts seem to work well with electro-stimulation. I find the sensations are much more intense with flat nuts, maybe as the electricity will flow more evenly through the testicle?
08-06-2011, 06:16 PM
Yesterday my Mistress crushed my balls with a couple of screw-down clamps that she then attached electrics to. More pain than I could ever have given myself!
08-07-2011, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the into teapot.....I appreciate it !
I assume when start with minimal pressure and put more pressure on slowly. How long do you "crush" ? Is an hour of time from start to finish reasonable ? I would think if you just turn the nuts (pardon the pun) a half turn or less ever couple minutes there may be a bit of a jolt of extra pain for a few seconds which probably partially subsides until the next I right here ?
You mention that cumming is a relief....what do you mean exactly ? Does the ache in your balls get worse or better once you cum ? From all the videos I've seen it always appears that when the guy comes....he immediately starts loosening the nuts on the vice to relieve the pressure.
I am somewhat interested in electrostim....but so far I've done nothing about that. It does intrigue me Sounds erotic to be all hooked up electricially and feel the pulsing in your cock and balls which drives you to a hands free orgasm.
08-09-2011, 01:23 PM
I find that there needs to be a moderate amount of pressure on your nuts before the pain actually kicks in. I tend to find that from the point where it starts to become 'uncomfortable' you can initially increase the pressure fairly quickly but you then reach a point where the pain becomes difficult to bear and it is difficult to bring yourself to increase the pressure.
Initially you are tightening the wing nuts fairly quickly but once you reach the point where you balls can't easily squash more it is literally a tweak on the nut at a time and wait until the pain becomes manageable.
I tend to find a session only lasts maybe 10-15 minutes. Maybe I rush it too much, I do find I need to keep myself on the threshold of it being unbearable to get the rush I want.
I think really cumming is a relief just because you know it is over and you have achieved the orgasm you want. The pain changes when you orgasm, hard to explain really. I do find I remove the clamp quickly when I orgasm as I find that once I cum I lose interest in ball pain and it becomes almost unpleasant.
There are probably physical reasons for this, maybe psychological as well!
Personally I can't stand any extra stim to my cock, I only got for sensations to the testicles so I can't comment on the type of electro you are talking about. That said, I have experienced ejaculation from electro stim to the balls only. I do find it enhances rather than replaces stimulation though.
One thing I have found is that you maybe have to be careful as electro can 'numb' the balls so you need to be careful not to apply too much pressure when you can't maybe feel the effects.
The best effect I found actually came from a battery charger. I know you aren't supposed to use gadgets that plug in to the mains but I also find that as an electronic engineer I tend to ignore those sort of warnings...
The sensation was very difficult to explain. It could get overpowering as there was no real control but it also seemed to come in waves, rippling though my nuts. You hear people using the term 'my eggs were scrambled' and I think that is the best explanation - it felt like they were being scrambled from inside.
08-10-2011, 03:38 PM
Do you guys know a website where there is a tutorial to make a device like this?
08-27-2011, 08:46 AM
you can always try one of those clothes hangers that have two strips of wood or plastic that clamp together.
the dollar store carries these for cheap
08-27-2011, 12:02 PM
What is your guy's opinion from experience or research as to how much weight or pressure balls can take before rupture?
08-27-2011, 12:11 PM
What is your guy's opinion from experience or research as to how much weight or pressure balls can take before rupture?
Although I have not used any of these devices, my wife frequently crushes them under foot/in hand and, on occasion has gone full weight. She is not a petite lady and I can assure you she ensures she gets them quite flat and they havent popped yet (and we have four beautiful, healthy children so it cant have done too much harm)
We are thinking of adding these sorts of clips to our store so if there is any interest in seeing such things please let us know... :bananad:
08-27-2011, 03:28 PM
That's good to hear afterdark because my Lovely Wife is about 80kg (180 lbs) of Beautiful Crushing Mistress!
Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any techniques you would care to share regarding how you have Her crush your balls underfoot? I would love to hear about new ways of having a woman brutally flatten testicles so that we could try something new!
Also, me and I am sure many others would love to see footage of her crushing your balls...that would be a great store addition imho.
08-29-2011, 12:02 AM
That's good to hear afterdark because my Lovely Wife is about 80kg (180 lbs) of Beautiful Crushing Mistress!
Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any techniques you would care to share regarding how you have Her crush your balls underfoot? I would love to hear about new ways of having a woman brutally flatten testicles so that we could try something new!
Also, me and I am sure many others would love to see footage of her crushing your balls...that would be a great store addition imho.
I will ask her to put some thoughts together about how and why she enjoys ball crushing as she genuinly gets a realy kick out of it (pardon the pun). She is very vocal on another online board so I am sure that wont be a problem
I am just uploading a handful of her pics and will post a link on here shortly
She loves to hear what you guys think of her work so please let her know what you think :)
08-29-2011, 12:18 AM
and here are the pictures...
I have a load of clips too but they are going to need some editing before I can upload them.
08-30-2011, 02:31 PM
Afterdark - love the pics! You are indeed very lucky to have a wife that crushes your balls that flat!
Please tell your wife that we enjoy her work a lot!
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