View Full Version : Rubber Bands - Is it safe?
08-11-2011, 06:33 AM
Hello everybody,
I have been playing with rubber bands since a few years now. And by play I mean putting standard rubber bands around the base of my balls. They are looped 2 or 3 times just to be more tight. I have read some threads on elastator bands and the normal rubber bands that I use are in no way so tight around the testicles as elastator bands. Also I don't keep them too long, but the testicles get colder after some time. The feeling is great, but I wonder if it is safe on the long run.
I am 31 years old now and I think my erections are not that strong as a few years ago, but that might be because of getting older.
Do others have experience with this? Am I beeing ********* slowly this way or is it safe?
08-11-2011, 07:02 AM
I'm not a medical doctor, but everything I've read has said that playing with rubber bands that way is not safe.
Alec Anaconda
08-11-2011, 09:56 AM
Cutting off the circulation to the boys is a dangerous game; is this why you do it?
I hope you keep a pair of safety scissors close by.
If this is solo play, you should considerthe unthinkable; if you pass out you may wake with dead balls!
I’m not sure if your erection problem could be due to this, but I’d be inclined to switch to activities that increase the genital blood flow.
You’re far too young for this to be age related.
Have your nuts become smaller?
Please note that I’m not a medic.
Alec Anaconda
08-11-2011, 04:25 PM
i used to fiddle around a bit with shoestring. tied my dick off at the base to get a cock-ring effect. think i overdid it because recently i've noticed a thumbprint-sized area on the flat part of my glans that's completely numb.
i wear sandals now .
08-12-2011, 06:08 AM
So, Alec_Anaconda how do you suggest to increase genital blood flow and humanbean how does wearing sandals help?
08-12-2011, 08:19 AM
So, Alec_Anaconda how do you suggest to increase genital blood flow and humanbean how does wearing sandals help?
a small joke that i didn't make clear. i was implying that i now have a phobia of shoelaces(not true). the rest of its true, including the sandals thing(only, i'm wearing them b/c its summer).:o
Alec Anaconda
08-12-2011, 11:52 AM
Alec Anaconda, how do you suggest increasing genital blood
Apart from binding, wearing heavy ballweights and extended continuous squeezing, most sexual activities will do the trick.
Prudish Victorians sat, alternately, in icy cold water then hand hot water.
Clearly, every erection (full or semi) passes fresh oxygenated blood to the penis.
Any non-restricting action (except heat) applied to the balls, which causes the sack to feel warm, shows blood flowing.
Moderate blows, firm massage and intermittent squeezing are good.
A cream such as Deep Heat or the use of nettles will cause extra flow to the skin, but I don’t know how deep this effect goes.
Alec Anaconda
08-12-2011, 12:45 PM
a small joke that i didn't make clear. i was implying that i now have a phobia of shoelaces(not true). the rest of its true, including the sandals thing(only, i'm wearing them b/c its summer).:o
I guess I was not paying much attention and did not get the joke :). Now it seems pretty funny :) Thank you for the reply.
08-12-2011, 12:46 PM
Apart from binding, wearing heavy ballweights and extended continuous squeezing, most sexual activities will do the trick.
Prudish Victorians sat, alternately, in icy cold water then hand hot water.
Clearly, every erection (full or semi) passes fresh oxygenated blood to the penis.
Any non-restricting action (except heat) applied to the balls, which causes the sack to feel warm, shows blood flowing.
Moderate blows, firm massage and intermittent squeezing are good.
A cream such as Deep Heat or the use of nettles will cause extra flow to the skin, but I don’t know how deep this effect goes.
Alec Anaconda
Thank you for your answer. I guess regular light ball massages will be good. Really helpful information.
08-15-2011, 06:51 PM
I have read that beyond 1H can cause irreversible injury.
May be 10-20min is ok..
Alec Anaconda
08-17-2011, 09:19 AM
I guess regular light ball massages will be good.
... or you could just keep your blood circulating and still have fun.
Alec Anaconda
08-17-2011, 08:18 PM
i have an elastrator and use it all the time but only leave the bands on for maximum 15 minutes.if any body in sydney wants to try it get in touch,you have the most intense orgasms with that tight green band on
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