View Full Version : Interesting methods to determine lock-up periods

09-23-2011, 08:19 AM
How do people determine the chastity period? I mean sure, what Mistress says goes, but systems and games have a cruel charm too.
I found a very nice captioned picture Here (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FbrAM8NlhIw/SuOJp9SG1gI/AAAAAAAAA08/pKyTif4GM10/s1600-h/ptCouchLady2.jpg)
It made me think about the principle of simply making each chastity period one day longer than the one that the sub just finished. To be honest that sounded sexy, but harmless to me.
Then I thought some more about it and started to do some calculations with Excel. Guess what I realized: The sub/slave would cum six times during the first three weeks (sounds like a nice party time for him, very good to get him into the further process). Then the releases would be once a week and increasing. Seven weeks later it would be one release every two weeks, a time that starts sounding serious to my ears. That would be just a bit more than three month after the game started. By the end of the first year, the frequency will be at one release every 26 days, close to once a month. Something I would call the "Argh!" zone. ;-)
During the second year there would only be eleven releases for the poor slave, shrinking to nine times during the third year. Forth year only seven times, fifth year only six times.
Means if you would play by the rule of adding one day to the chaste period after each release and you would be like playing for fourty years, then the poor slave would have had 170 orgasms during that time. That really sounds very scary. In the end orgasms would be on a one or two per year basis. If you start the game when you are young, then maybe you could go for 60 years, ending up with amazing 208 orgasms. Nice ... thats more, too bad that you probably would not have had experienced a significant period in freedom before, but hey ... too bad, I guess one can be either a slave in chastity or enjoying many thousand orgasms in life.
I know how I would coose, or do I?