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View Full Version : 5 days later and they still hurt

09-28-2011, 08:09 AM
I visited a Mistress on Friday evening, and had an intense session.

To get started, she had me stand against a high bench, and tied my wrists and ankles spread apart. Then she figured out what my initial tolerance was by kneeing me in the balls.

I was surprised and scared, but she was pleased with my pain tolerance. Then she experimented with a few different implements. I'm not a big fan of floggers and after taking just one shot across the stomach, we moved on to the riding crop.

The crop is a long stiff rod with a leather flap at the end. This caused the most crippling pain of the session. She was flicking it upwards from my knees to my ballsack, over and over lightly to set up a really hard shot. The reality though is that with my dick hanging in front of my balls, what happened was the leather flap at the end would hit my balls but the rod smashed into the head of my penis. Holy shit that was painful. It immediately buckled my knees and I could only take two more hard hits before I let her know it was too much.

She had me get on my hands and knees and sank her nails into my sack. I moaned and begged, but she kept the pressure on until I could take no more and collapsed on my face.

This made her really happy and she was very sweet with me. I'd been to two other dominatrixes before, but this is the first time I felt like I was with a true sadist. I'm not into humiliation or being treated disrespectfully, and with the focus on my physical pain bringing her pleasure, I think my limits were much higher.

She sat in a throne and had me lay on my back on the floor in front of her. She dug her heels into my cock, balls and stomach. I watched my balls stretch and when it got really intense I had to look away. Heels really scare me because they're so sharp. At one point she ground my cock flesh between the soles of both shoes and I screamed. She immediately stopped and laughed while I rolled on the ground.

All in all, a great session. Most importantly, I felt safe, which is so important when playing so roughly with delicate plumbing. I really enjoyed jerking off the next two days because my balls still hurt. I also noticed that they're really swollen and the left one took noticeably more damage than the right. Last night I looked in a full length mirror and they are PURPLE. The bruising though isn't very painful probably because it's just skin and not a lot of flesh/muscle.

Anyway, I've thought about buying one of these for the next session: http://www.paddledaddy.com/products.php?product=Acrylic-Ball-Press

I've also built my own trampling board (from when I was with a previous girlfriend who used to sit on my nuts) which I might bring instead.

Anyway, thanks for reading I've been excited to share the story. Ask any questions if you like.

09-28-2011, 09:20 AM
As lon as you enjoyed yourself,

I had a recent session of which i wrote up a mini story, my limits were stretched and the pain lasted a few weeks, but my nuts didnt turn purple, they stayed red for a day or 2 then returned to normal.

Heres my experience;


Alec Anaconda
09-28-2011, 09:46 AM
From your title, “5 days later and they still hurt,” I was expecting a “do I need a doctor?” type of post.

I find it interesting, but oxymoronic, that you describe her as “a true sadist” but state that you “feel safe”.

I think you enjoy playing with fire and are not bothered by any potential problems, so enjoy your pain and please keep reporting.

Alec Anaconda

09-28-2011, 09:58 AM
Hah, yes I guess it is a bit paradoxical to say that I felt safe with a true sadist. But I'd been to strip clubs before where the girls are happy to punch and kick me in the balls and it's potentially more dangerous because they're inexperienced and can cause inadvertent injuries.

I'd been to this dungeon a few times previously, to use the facilities with a partner, and also with a different mistress. Each time the staff is really courteous & informative and most importantly PROFESSIONAL.

I also knew that the mistress I saw this time had been employed there for at least 2 years which I interpreted as meaning she has repeat clientele. You can't have that if you're putting guys in the hospital!

Re: kickporn, even though the skin is purple I'm not in any pain. It's likely from the sharp edge stuff, her fingernails (jeez, she really liked digging them in) and heels. I read your post a few days ago actually! And, like you my semen the next 2 days was a bit watery.

Re: Alec's statement that I enjoy playing with fire... well I guess I do. I'm recently separated from my wife and went into that session looking to blow off some steam, definitely open to intense stuff because of the situation.

I can't wait to see her again, and will post an update.

09-28-2011, 11:32 AM
Which mistress was this and which dungeon?

09-28-2011, 01:13 PM
It's a dungeon in NYC. Next time I see her, I'll ask if it's ok to mention her name.

Alec Anaconda
09-29-2011, 04:25 AM
I'd been to this dungeon a few times previously, to use the facilities with a partner, and also with a different mistress.

Each time the staff is really courteous & informative and most importantly PROFESSIONAL.


That’s a fascinating word, with connotations of fully insured, highly qualified, superbly skilled people licensed to practise by a controlling body.

The world would be a far better place if this reflected the sex industry.

Maybe Mistress obtained her masters in sadomasochism, read at The Bangkok Sexual Research University.

Alec Anaconda

09-29-2011, 04:34 AM
You are still VERY HAPPY !!! :D

and do not worry killamcbills, if you tell Her name or the name of Her dungeon She will be gratefull to you, and the positive advertising you made in this thread.

12-21-2011, 12:41 AM
Great review! This is a woman after my own heart and balls, is she married?