View Full Version : Difficulty walking

10-18-2011, 03:21 AM
Hi, i'd like to say i am proud to be a member of this forum, even though i don't post here veryu much :(. Yesturday i had my second ballbusting experience, :) i paid a prostitute to bust me ( we also had sex and oral sex) she squeezed my balls, at one point i told her to sqeeze one of my balls as hard as she can for one second, i really enjoyed that, but i don't have a very high pain tollerance, she was really squamish about doing it because she didn't want to hurt me... she's not really a busting person, then we did some knees and some kicks, i really enjoyed tthe kicks more than the knees. Then we had some sex and i went home. But what i'm trying to say is... when i went home, walking seemd a real burdain for me. I mean my balls hurt and when i started walking they hurt more, i had to walk to the cab, and then home, but i don't think i could have walked a great distance.
Is this normal... ? Did this ever happen to you ?

Alec Anaconda
10-18-2011, 07:48 AM
Like any sport, there’s always a risk of injury, so it’s best to progress in stages.

Would you run a marathon without acclimatising your body first?

I expect the excitement and arousal increased your pain tolerance, far more than you realised.

For my comfort, I like to rest for at least ten minutes after a good session, sometime for as long as an hour.

If I still hurt the next day, I know I’ve gone too far.

In a few days, if you’re not starting to feel better, you might consider getting a medical opinion.

Alec Anaconda

10-18-2011, 12:27 PM
I don't really know if i've done it too hard... i mean the first time i've done some squeezing (with another girl) then i did some slaps and knees, but this time i did some squeezing, then some knees and then i thought i was reay for some kicks, she only did the knees and kicks for about 5 minutes but i felt the kicking was harder, maybe you're right... i don't know

Alec Anaconda
10-18-2011, 12:58 PM
Time will tell.

How long ago was the action?

Is the pain subsiding?

Do you find the pain a pleasant reminder of the sex, or do you wish it were gone?

Alec Anaconda

10-19-2011, 03:46 AM
Well i like what i did, it's a pleasent reminder but i also wish it to go away, it dosen't hurt only a litlle, but it hurts when i walk, the action was 2 days ago
the pain should be subsiding now

Alec Anaconda
10-19-2011, 12:09 PM
I’m starting to speculate that you might have some kind of groin strain, maybe a pulled or bruised muscle.

I’ve never had problems walking after two days, without also enduring pain when sitting.

As you have not mentioned any swelling or discoloration, I assume there’s none.

Clearly, as I’m not medically qualified, you should seriously consider being examined.

Alec Anaconda

10-19-2011, 06:05 PM
I'm afraid I am medically qualified...from what you've mentioned here, it's almost certainly just bruising following trauma, testicles can take a surprising amount of abuse. Of course, as the testicle itself is non-expansile, any swelling can make things really quite tender. It's possible that you've ended up with an orchitis or epididymo-orchitis - is one testicle more painful than the other? Is either one swollen? If so you may need some antibiotics (especially given that you had sex with her as well), but first advice would be rest them, painkillers and anti-inflammatories. There's not a lot you can do to permanently damage your balls without a lot of trauma.

One important exception is that of testicular torsion; if the testicle twists around in the scrotum it can cut off its own blood supply. This is absolutely agonising, and is a surgical emergency - it needs an operation within 4 hours or you risk losing the testicle. Sudden onset excrutiating pain, one testicle lying considerably higher up that the other and not being able to "get above" and feel the top of this higher-sitting testicle are the key symptoms and signs to watch out for. It also tends to happen to younger men. This does not sound like your problem, so I wouldn't worry...but a bit of education never hurt, eh?

Hope that helped, any worries feel free to get in touch :)

- Zaphod

10-20-2011, 03:45 AM
Good news everybody, :) the pain is gone, there was no swelling except for the first day, but there was a litlle redness, actually a lot of redness the first and second day, as for the walking, i failed to mention that i suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder witch is a mental condition wich makes me think about things that cause me fear or anxiety, and i have a tendency to reapeat things as a compusion so i talked about this testicle thing a lot thus not letting the pain go away, so i think this contributed to the trouble walking, not taking away any credit from the pain of course. But i found out something more alarming 2 days ago, i found a bump on one of the ends of my left spermatic cords, later i found out that this is called an epidimys, i feard the worst , i thought it was a broken blood vessel as it happend to me before when self busting but that is healed now, so i went to a physician, and we did the ultrasound and he said it's not, it-s just an inflamed epidimys, that's not so bad... and it should go down i think in a few days. I'm thrilled it's nothing serious, and the doctor said the actual balls have no damage, as we did the ultrasound but that dosen't mean i don't have to be more careful next time. So at the end of the day it's just the epidymus that was a litlle swolen, that was more serious and evrything else was just pain

10-20-2011, 04:47 AM
Also i have 2 questions for zaphod: 1: you say the testicles are non-expansile, but i've seen a few stomping vids were the balls were flattend or completely flattend, how can that be if you say they're non expansile ? no ofence inteded of course :)
2: I don't think i had that orchitis thing but why should i have taken antibiotics in the event that i had it and had sex with her, do you think i could have contacted something from her... ? I mean is that orchitis thing something you contact from somebody sexually ? I used protection of course, but anyway that's not the case. I don't want you to consider my questions as offensive, i simply don't know... Also i'd like to thak everybody for the concern

Alec Anaconda
10-20-2011, 07:25 AM
I guessed there was little wrong with your balls, but a psychosomatic disorder!

I never saw that one coming!

I’m please you’re free from the pain, but suggest you stop fretting about what might be wrong and concentrate on enjoying your life.

Alec Anaconda

10-20-2011, 12:05 PM
I guessed there was little wrong with your balls, but a psychosomatic disorder!

I never saw that one coming!

I’m please you’re free from the pain, but suggest you stop fretting about what might be wrong and concentrate on enjoying your life.

Alec Anaconda

Thanks mate :)

10-21-2011, 02:08 PM
I'm afraid I am medically qualified...from what you've mentioned here, it's almost certainly just bruising following trauma, testicles can take a surprising amount of abuse. Of course, as the testicle itself is non-expansile, any swelling can make things really quite tender. It's possible that you've ended up with an orchitis or epididymo-orchitis - is one testicle more painful than the other? Is either one swollen? If so you may need some antibiotics (especially given that you had sex with her as well), but first advice would be rest them, painkillers and anti-inflammatories. There's not a lot you can do to permanently damage your balls without a lot of trauma.

One important exception is that of testicular torsion; if the testicle twists around in the scrotum it can cut off its own blood supply. This is absolutely agonising, and is a surgical emergency - it needs an operation within 4 hours or you risk losing the testicle. Sudden onset excrutiating pain, one testicle lying considerably higher up that the other and not being able to "get above" and feel the top of this higher-sitting testicle are the key symptoms and signs to watch out for. It also tends to happen to younger men. This does not sound like your problem, so I wouldn't worry...but a bit of education never hurt, eh?

Hope that helped, any worries feel free to get in touch :)

- Zaphod

Great post, education never hurts!

10-21-2011, 07:07 PM
Like any sport, there’s always a risk of injury, so it’s best to progress in stages.

Would you run a marathon without acclimatising your body first?

I expect the excitement and arousal increased your pain tolerance, far more than you realised.

For my comfort, I like to rest for at least ten minutes after a good session, sometime for as long as an hour.

If I still hurt the next day, I know I’ve gone too far.

In a few days, if you’re not starting to feel better, you might consider getting a medical opinion.

Alec Anaconda

I agree, it's like all the games. Whatever we play, we need to know the rules. Ballbusting needs experience, and the best is to play lightly the first time, and harder and harder with the time. And I totally agree with the fact that you need a good rest after a good session.

12-30-2011, 01:50 AM
As i told you in my earlier posts, i have an inflammed epididimys and it has been like this for 2 months now and no subsiding, it's not a big swelling, just the size of a pea or a cereal grain. My doctor who is not a urologist said that it may never go away, i'm a bit ashamed to go to a real urologist because i would have to tell him what i've done, but if absolutely neccessary, i will go...
Can anyone in their medical opinion tell me if this inflammation is ever going to go away... ? Thanks in advance :)