View Full Version : Getting over a Mistress

12-30-2011, 11:21 PM
I am a male sub 19 years old , recently a few weeks ago my mistress/lover left my life forever :( , she got placed in a good collage far away from me .
We had been in a relationship for 1.5 years , she was the one who made me realize its ok to be the way I am (where I come from BDSM is really frowned down upon ) . I still remember our first time she had me in anticipation for a week , and she dominated me for a full 8 hours :loveeyes ... aww I could not walk properly for two day's :) . Later I might post some stories of out shenanigans .But now I am heart broken she was not only a mistress also a lover , I cant function properly with people , sometimes I spend all day alone in my room just thinking about her and looking at a lock of hair she gave me in her memory before she left . Three days ago I called her up and asked her how she is doing ? etc , I also asked her if we can continue our relationship long distance ( calls, webcam etc) . She said NO and that I should move on and find somebody else , the thing is I don't want to :( . But since she said I am gonna try as hard as I can , so I joined this site so that I can learn more on femdom and I am also hoping that you guys will support me with this ..

So anybody know what I can do ? tips ? or your own experiences in such stuff ?

01-01-2012, 09:42 AM
Where are you from?
I would suggest finding another mistress.

01-01-2012, 12:09 PM
There's nothing you can do except try to get over her and move on. If you want her to be a part of your life in any way it seems like it will be as just friends, which means your future conversations with her should not be about your past BDSM play together, her current relationships, or trying to get back together with her. Just friendly discussions about regular daily life. And they need to be relatively spaced out, like once a week or month. If you continue to push the topic of staying together she'll likely cut off all communication with you. As for yourself, accept the fact that this relationship is over, and just be grateful for what you had. Many don't even get a chance to find a person like you did, someone who understood and accepted your fetish and helped you embrace it and live it out. Life will be full of many experiences, this was one of them and it sounds like it was a good one, so be happy you had it while you did and try to find the next one. Best of luck to you.

01-01-2012, 12:24 PM
don't contact her ever and focus on finding someone else. the more you rebuild the less you'll care about her!

Alec Anaconda
01-01-2012, 12:43 PM
Your pain will fad, perhaps sooner than you expect.

The ex-lover is correct, you need to move on and start the next chapter of your live, and there is no point in prolonging the sadness.

As to my experiences, I have many such partings.

I can’t even remember most of their names now!

Alec Anaconda

01-01-2012, 02:22 PM
I've had a couple of serious break-ups in my life. The worst was when I was left by the first girl who I'd really shared my kinks with. We'd been living together a couple of years.

The thing that helped me get over it was time but not just that. Starting to do some things I hadn't been able to do when we were together like make new friends. Spend more time with old ones. Stay out all night. Meet other girls. Go away for weekends. Getting a life different from what we had together. It helped that she'd moved away, like in your situation.

All the best in the new year.

01-01-2012, 05:57 PM
I guess it is very painful. Pain in the heart is worst than pain in the balls :)
But hey! you are only 19 years old! I did not have a serious relationship till 22 years old. I have had only a few admirers, a few kisses and a few holding hands. I am now 30 and I stopped counting the girls I have been with. I have been with loads of girls from all over the world during the last 8 years!

You have too many women to meet and remember two things: a) you started 17,5 years old which is quite early and b) you haven't even started the Uni! There is a whole new world of women...

The best thing to do to make a woman come back to you is not to run behind her and bother her after a break up! My life experience says that she might come back in a few years. Lovers meet again a few times in life ( i hope you have facebook)

01-02-2012, 12:45 AM
Thank you all gore your support and advice :)

01-02-2012, 06:06 AM
Thank you all for your support and advice :)