View Full Version : International Ballbusting Dictionary

01-23-2012, 12:58 AM
Sometimes many of us, guys, trying to find some new content on a foreign websites. Usually we use google translate, but i have a better idea. We are worldwide gathering, so lets make international dictionary with some explanation, for helping each other. I'm trying to create Russian one, and i hope you will join me. Especially i'm waiting for Japanese and China languages.


When you say "balls" in russia they says "eggs". Very rare you can heard "balls" or "nuts".

balls - яйца, яички, шарики, орешки;
testicles - яички, тестикулы;
groin - пах, промежность;

between the legs - между ног;
to the groin - в пах, в промежность, по паху, в паховую область, в область паха;
to the balls - по яйцам, в яйца, по шарам;

In russian there are no special words for Kick, punch e.t.c. Usually we use word "Strike" and extension "with hand" or "with leg". (indeed we have "kick" but it used slightly different)

was striked/kicked (...) - били (...), пнули (...), пнул (...), пинали (...), ударили (...), ударил (...), ударила (...);

ex.: пнули в пах.

knee\with knee - колено\ коленом, коленкой;
leg\with leg - нога\ ногой, ножкой, ногами;
fist\with fist(arm) - кулак\кулаком(рукой), кулаками, руками;

ex.: striked with knee to the groin - пнули коленом в пах;

common phrases:
to beat off balls - отбить яйца, отбили яйца;
to reap off balls - оторвать яйца;

01-23-2012, 10:24 PM
Interesting idea. The only one I know is Japanese:

Tamakeri (玉蹴り)(lit. ball kicking)