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View Full Version : What kind of girl would ******** a man for real and even enjoy doing it to him?

Castratrix's pet
01-28-2012, 10:57 AM
There are lots of threads and posts on this forum about femdom ********** and about girls and women performing castrations. I'm wondering, what kind of girl would really ******** a man for real and even enjoy doing it to him? What would she be like? What kind of personality would she have? What would she look like? What would she really be like? How would she perform the **********, what method, how would she do it?

I'm really wondering out of curiosity, what kind of girl would actually cut a man's nuts out for real and even enjoy performing the ********** on him? Also, are there really girls like that out there?

01-29-2012, 07:52 AM
yes!!! There are girls out there who would do it. I have heard many women of different ages bring ********** up for various reasons. It seems to me women are pretty much in agreement that rapists and especially child molesters should be *********. Also, i have brought ********** up to quite a few whores in several different nations around the world and virtually all of them have told me they would like to ******** a man. Usually a hooker will open up to you about ********** if you treat them good and refrain from making wise ass remarks about their profession. you know get them to liking you. several of these women have even laughed and ran their finger across my erect penis with a sawing motion! whether they would actually cut it off i can't say for certain, but i suspect some of them would. This has happened to me in the Phillopine islands a couple of times, once on Atlanta Georgia, in Durban South Africa, she was an African girl who worked in a massage parlor. Also in Juarez Mexico Now i have to say i did get these women to talking about **********, that is really all you have to do to get them to participate. And I'll tell you i enjoyed the hell out of it, i believe that is one thing that prompted the girls enjoy it and go along with it.

01-30-2012, 06:09 PM
a psychopath

01-30-2012, 09:32 PM
I can tell you that there are some women that would ******** a man and or cut off his cock if they could get away with it.

01-31-2012, 11:32 AM
There are lots of threads and posts on this forum about femdom ********** and about girls and women performing castrations. I'm wondering, what kind of girl would really ******** a man for real and even enjoy doing it to him? What would she be like? What kind of personality would she have? What would she look like? What would she really be like? How would she perform the **********, what method, how would she do it?

I'm really wondering out of curiosity, what kind of girl would actually cut a man's nuts out for real and even enjoy performing the ********** on him? Also, are there really girls like that out there?

My own theory is that women have a "primal" or a natural inclination to ******** the male but this tendency is suppressed by the normal rules of society. If the rules were different and ********** was an acceptable thing to do, you can be sure that women would unleash their natural inclination to ******** the male, and the end result would be an exponential increase in the eunuch population.

It isn't just farm girls who get off on lopping off a male's testicles, because the typical "girl next door" type would gladly and even zealously lop off a man's testicles if her natural inclination to ******** was given a free reign.

01-31-2012, 11:14 PM
If she feels like cutting it off... So be it lol

02-02-2012, 01:18 AM
There are a lot of sick violent people out there. Most are men, as are most violent criminals. Consider the growth of mercenary outfits such as Xe, Dyncorp, etc. They recruit from somewhere right, I mean the people aren't fro outer space. Sure, there is some Nuremberg defence going on, but generally, when you're torturing people or maiming them or mass murdering them or pissing or corpses or collecting fingers as trophies, you know what you're doing even if you a poor little scared boy/girl so far from home - aw poor baby. Look at the news, and you'll find a lot of sick fuckers out there; mostly they work for the police, army, government departments, contractors to governments.

02-02-2012, 08:41 AM
There are a lot of sick violent people out there. Most are men, as are most violent criminals. Consider the growth of mercenary outfits such as Xe, Dyncorp, etc. They recruit from somewhere right, I mean the people aren't fro outer space. Sure, there is some Nuremberg defence going on, but generally, when you're torturing people or maiming them or mass murdering them or pissing or corpses or collecting fingers as trophies, you know what you're doing even if you a poor little scared boy/girl so far from home - aw poor baby. Look at the news, and you'll find a lot of sick fuckers out there; mostly they work for the police, army, government departments, contractors to governments.

no denying that men are more atrocity-prone than women. that said, men are also more homophobic than women. this means that when the sick puppies start torturing, mutilating & maiming male victims, they tend to avoid their junk. not only do they not want to touch another guys 'stuff', but they don't want others thinking that they're gay. just publicly accuse a serial killer of being a closet homo, sit back & enjoy the ensuing killing spree. way i see it, your post is really less about guys neutering guys & more about how guys are assholes. no argument here. this is why we should be under the firm guidance of our leather-clad goddesses. :ibow4u:

Castratrix's pet
02-02-2012, 10:14 AM
It would also be interesting to hear from some of the ladies who are members here. I think too often we only get the male perspective and we need both. Have any guys here ever encountered women like this? Any enough to have been scared? Just wondering. BTW, thanks for the insights so far to this, hope more will answer. I just want to know.

02-02-2012, 02:10 PM
Most of the women I've known would tend to fit the description of women who enjoy ********** a man, but it's wrong for me to generalize by making a sweeping commentary on ALL women in the general sense because I'm pretty sure that not all women are like that !!

Maybe I just haven't met them yet ....

02-04-2012, 09:30 AM
It would also be interesting to hear from some of the ladies who are members here. I think too often we only get the male perspective and we need both. Have any guys here ever encountered women like this? Any enough to have been scared? Just wondering. BTW, thanks for the insights so far to this, hope more will answer. I just want to know.

Enjoying ********** is a tough thing to admit to because evryone would just think you are nuts. To me though it makes sense because it's just another form or ballbusting just more extreme. To be honest there are many verisons of castrations that I find extremely exciting. I enjoy the thought of both a willing male giving up his balls for me and myself forcefully "taking" his balls.

Castratrix's pet
02-04-2012, 09:55 AM
To be honest there are many verisons of castrations that I find extremely exciting. I enjoy the thought of both a willing male giving up his balls for me and myself forcefully "taking" his balls.

What versions of castrations do you find extremely exciting and how would you do them? Which version would you prefer most of all and why, how would you do it? Which would you most prefer, a male willingly giving up his balls for you or you forcefully taking them against his will and why would you prefer that? I'm sorry to be asking so many questions evilgrl, but most of the time we only hear about femdom ********** from the male perspective of the man being *********. We seldom hear from the woman's perspective and that of the castratrix. Like you said people would probably think she was crazy, but I feel we need to hear both sides, that of the man being ********* and that of the woman including of the woman performing the ********** or woman with ********** fantasies. Otherwise we only get part of the story. Please excuse me for asking but what do you make of my sleeves fetish? I would like to hear from a woman's perspective on that too.

02-04-2012, 10:43 AM
Enjoying ********** is a tough thing to admit to because evryone would just think you are nuts. To me though it makes sense because it's just another form or ballbusting just more extreme. To be honest there are many verisons of castrations that I find extremely exciting. I enjoy the thought of both a willing male giving up his balls for me and myself forcefully "taking" his balls.

:Baahaha::jumpsmile I think we would ALL be considered "Nuts" if we posted what are fetish was anywhere else!:Baahaha::jumpsmile

Mind you i am intrigued myself to know what "verisons of castrations that I find extremely exciting", as i sometimes hear women say that but they never say what versions it is. I know its a personal matter of tastes and would vary enormously but it would be nice to know what at least one woman got turned on by.:loveeyes

If it helps you feel like sharing i will reveal what my fantasies always get me going. It is always the same scene ( although it varies depending on my mood in numbers and situations but its always the same core fantasy) , its a dominant woman who is in total charge, and me and another man are at her mercy.She teases us until we are hard and we cant help it ,then she decides to remove the other mans cock and does so just so she can orgazm, then she turns to me and threatens to use me later in the same manner! She openly enjoys herself, and plays with herself while the men are held against their will, she just dosent care about them, it is always just about her reaching orgasm anyway she feels like.

lol to some up, men & me held against our will powerless.Her using herself to get us hard despite we know why, she cuts cock off just to cum, then threatens me i will be next just to cause me fear and that pleases her.

Lol sorry, its a bit disjointed but just thinking about it is deverting blood flow from my brain to somewhere else! lol...

Castratrix's pet
02-04-2012, 11:35 AM
Like you sicko666, I have a "core scene" which has several variations. Sometimes the castratrix is a woman veterinarian or a woman surgeon, sometimes a girl in her late teens or early 20's, etc. Sometimes it's done before the ladies at a femdom club, or a woman veterinarian and her female vet techs, a group of girls again very late teens early 20's, Just a group of women who decide I need to be ********* and one of them know how to do it, Goddess worshippers sacrificing my male parts to The Goddess and the castratrix is a high priestess or she is The Goddess Herself, etc.

Always I am the only male there and all the others in the scene are women. I am always dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves. The castratrix is always wearing a long sleeve shirt and she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows and she performs the ********** surgery on me with her long sleeves rolled up above her elbows. She always castrates me surgicalls the way a surgeon would ******** a man for medical purposes or the way a veterinarian would neuter a large male dog. She always ****** me to cum while she is performing the **********. As she castrates me the castratrix and the other women talk among themselves about all kinds of things having to do with ********** and its effects. Throughout the ********** surgery I have a painfully huge erection and for me the ********** is totally against my will and it is total absolute living hell for me and I faint and become *********** soon after she finishes the **********. For me God is female God is Goddess and the castratrix is God Herself and I worship her forever after the ********** at her hands. The castratrix always keeps me afterward as her personal slave.

Under Cowgirls Performing **********, I have been looking for pictures and videos of a girl or woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows performing a **********. I'm hoping to find somewhere a video of a girl or young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt starting with her sleeves down and showing her rolling up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows then showing her performing a ********** because that is what I want to have happen to me in my femdom ********** fantasies.

I have written several stories in the story archive at Eunuch Archive or eunuch.org currently there are three posted there under the author/username Hereunuch, and one under the author/username I Worship Women. Ohters here might find them interesting reading.

I would really like to know and have been trying for some time to find the women's perspective on all this because I really want to know.

02-04-2012, 01:36 PM
Which would you most prefer, a male willingly giving up his balls for you or you forcefully taking them against his will and why would you prefer that?

You asked a lot of questions so I'll just try to break them down and answer them one at a time. So I find both intriguing but in different ways. The common element though is dominance over a male.

The attraction of him willfully "sacrificing" his balls for me is that he is willing to give for my pleasure something that a man holds so dear. It would be pretty special to have a man put my wants above his own is such a fashion.

The attraction to forcefully ********** a male is that I am in full control. My will is all that matters. He has no say in the matter. In a way his testicles and his sex belongs to me. I make the decision on what happens to them. Truth is knowing that in itself is pretty intoxiacting. Having the knowledge that the decision of whether or not a man gets to have balls rests with me makes things pretty exciting, even though I choose to let him keep them.

When I chat with guys about the topic they often ask if I would let a man climax prior to **********. Obviously I don't really know the answer to that, but I doubt I would. I wonder what would be my motivation for allowing such a thing? I'm pretty sure it would be more enjoyable for me knowing he didn't get to.

02-04-2012, 02:05 PM
a psychopath

Actually it's probably more sociopathic....

02-04-2012, 09:20 PM
When I chat with guys about the topic they often ask if I would let a man climax prior to **********. Obviously I don't really know the answer to that, but I doubt I would. I wonder what would be my motivation for allowing such a thing? I'm pretty sure it would be more enjoyable for me knowing he didn't get to.

Evilgrl: As long as you climax while he is *********. That is what is important !!!

02-05-2012, 01:32 AM
Your enjoyment is all that matters, as long as you climax and get pleasure.

02-07-2012, 09:42 AM
:) Castratrix's pet i have been a fan of the archive for decades so i probably already have your stories safely tucked away on my pc already but thanks for telling us your writters name! The thought of a Femdom run sociaty with male ********** farms has always been a huge turn on since i read my first "pervy" story in Cruella magazine so i can understand your fantasty completly,lol, though in my fantasies they are never so gental when it comes to the act, less surgion and more torturer lol! As for finding related ********** images or clips with specific sleeve code i really,really wish you all the luck my friend, i find it difficult to find "happy" castratrixs that are not links from the kind people at this forum. I dont know how to help in your quest appart from maybe medical clips from hot counties i dont know where one would even start to look to find these apart from a Vet forum of some sort maybe? :( Though i wish you all the possible luck in your own search!!!! :jumpsmile

:iluvu:EvilGrl reading your responce it sounds EXACTLY the way i feel, i feel a lot better now having at last gotten a glimpse into the beutiful and mystyrious Goddess mind, thank you! :iluvu::ibow4u:

:o I feel i should correct a mistake i made, my fantasies are always on the lines of penectomies rather than castrations usually, with penectomies the man will ALWAYS be horny in your pressence ( and even not as well ) and you would be able to make him do anything! Even though he could never have any sort of release he would wait on your every breath! Lol i have gotten so used to typing "**********" into search engines instead of "penectomies" that i now automaticly type ********** where as i actually meant penectomy (i know it would never get any results otherwise)! My mistake sorry...:wooow:D

02-09-2012, 01:07 AM
Actually it's probably more sociopathic....

Not necessarily.

There are plenty of very caring female veterinarians who neuter dogs, and at least a few who enjoy it. (and this is exactly the type of female I want to remove my balls) My ex would take stray dogs and get their balls removed, and she was obviously into it, she would talk about it as if it aroused her. I had a female friend who knew what I liked, and would occasionally bite my scrotum skin while I jerked off. One time she asked if she could bite one of my testicles, I expected that she would just put a little pressure on it, she nearly bit my left nut in half.

Castratrix's pet
02-09-2012, 08:41 AM
I admit I will find some of the answers to my questions to be arousing or as some might say that some of the answers would also be good wank off material. But I also really want to know from an academic standpoint.

What kind of girl would really ******** a man for real and even enjoy doing it to him? What would her personality be like, what would she be like, etc? I would really like to know.

I am trying to understand my own femdom ********** fantasies. What caused them, why I have them, why the specific elements that makeup my fantasies, questions like that. Most important of all, what is it that I'm searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies because I feel there is much more here I am searching for than just the sexual pleasure of a fantasy. And again why this fantasy? What am I searching for through femdom **********?

Yes I have wondered what it would be like if my fantasy really did come true for real. What if my femdom ********** fantasy with all of its fetishes and elements did really come true for real? I realize it can only happen once and then it's all over forever, but what would it be like while it was happening? What would it really be like for me while it was happening? What would it really be like for me to be strapped down helpless to an operating table looking up at a beautiful woman standing over me watching her rolling up her sleeves knowing that she is about to ******** me and my manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands? What would the surgery itself be like, how much pain would I feel, would I have an erection, would I feel sexual arousal and sexual feelings including being sexually turned on by the woman ********** me? Would I cum and what if she ****** me to cum for the last time while she is performing the **********? What would it really be like with an all female audiance and ********** team looking up at a beautiful woman standing over me, her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, me being totally under her power and in her control at her mercy, feeling and watching as she castrates me and my manhood is destroyed at her hands? What would it be like afterward? What would it be like serving her afterward as her personal slave?

Also, as I asked in this thread, what kind of girl would really do that to a man, what kind of girl would really do that to me? What would she really be like? How would she do the **********, what method, would she do it quickly or would she do it very slowly and why would she choose the method and way and lenght of time it would take, etc? I really want to know the answers, I want to know there's a part of me that needs to know.

While we will probably never know about it, I'm sure that somewhere to some guy my fantasy has really happened for real, that some woman actually cut a guy's balls out.

All the questions I have about femdom ********** and about my own femdom ********** fantasies I seem to almost exclusively get answers only from other men especially men who also have femdom ********** fantasies. I feel I have only part of the story, I really really need and want to hear about all this and get answers from a woman's perspective especially from a woman or women who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man. I want to hear also from women who have some kind of experience with ********** even if the castrations she did were on male animals instead of on a man.

I would really appreciate getting some honest and in depth detailed answers to my questions and I would really appreciate getting answers and perspective on all this from women as well.

02-09-2012, 02:57 PM
@Castratrix's pet

your fantasy is specific in your own mind with rolled on sleeves(:))
but this fantasy of ********** is not unusual.


For me it is a big turn on - being ********* by a gooddes.

I want to be her pussylicker without the aim nor the possibility to penetrate her.

I do not have balls so i do not get an erection. But i lick your pussy until you beg me to stop.

02-10-2012, 11:13 AM
Not necessarily.

There are plenty of very caring female veterinarians who neuter dogs, and at least a few who enjoy it. (and this is exactly the type of female I want to remove my balls) My ex would take stray dogs and get their balls removed, and she was obviously into it, she would talk about it as if it aroused her. I had a female friend who knew what I liked, and would occasionally bite my scrotum skin while I jerked off. One time she asked if she could bite one of my testicles, I expected that she would just put a little pressure on it, she nearly bit my left nut in half.

:Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baah aha::Baahaha::Baahaha:

02-10-2012, 11:31 AM
I admit I will find some of the answers to my questions to be arousing or as some might say that some of the answers would also be good wank off material. But I also really want to know from an academic standpoint.

What kind of girl would really ******** a man for real and even enjoy doing it to him? What would her personality be like, what would she be like, etc? I would really like to know.

I am trying to understand my own femdom ********** fantasies. What caused them, why I have them, why the specific elements that makeup my fantasies, questions like that. Most important of all, what is it that I'm searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies because I feel there is much more here I am searching for than just the sexual pleasure of a fantasy. And again why this fantasy? What am I searching for through femdom **********?

Yes I have wondered what it would be like if my fantasy really did come true for real. What if my femdom ********** fantasy with all of its fetishes and elements did really come true for real? I realize it can only happen once and then it's all over forever, but what would it be like while it was happening? What would it really be like for me while it was happening? What would it really be like for me to be strapped down helpless to an operating table looking up at a beautiful woman standing over me watching her rolling up her sleeves knowing that she is about to ******** me and my manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands? What would the surgery itself be like, how much pain would I feel, would I have an erection, would I feel sexual arousal and sexual feelings including being sexually turned on by the woman ********** me? Would I cum and what if she ****** me to cum for the last time while she is performing the **********? What would it really be like with an all female audiance and ********** team looking up at a beautiful woman standing over me, her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, me being totally under her power and in her control at her mercy, feeling and watching as she castrates me and my manhood is destroyed at her hands? What would it be like afterward? What would it be like serving her afterward as her personal slave?

Also, as I asked in this thread, what kind of girl would really do that to a man, what kind of girl would really do that to me? What would she really be like? How would she do the **********, what method, would she do it quickly or would she do it very slowly and why would she choose the method and way and lenght of time it would take, etc? I really want to know the answers, I want to know there's a part of me that needs to know.

While we will probably never know about it, I'm sure that somewhere to some guy my fantasy has really happened for real, that some woman actually cut a guy's balls out.

All the questions I have about femdom ********** and about my own femdom ********** fantasies I seem to almost exclusively get answers only from other men especially men who also have femdom ********** fantasies. I feel I have only part of the story, I really really need and want to hear about all this and get answers from a woman's perspective especially from a woman or women who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man. I want to hear also from women who have some kind of experience with ********** even if the castrations she did were on male animals instead of on a man.

I would really appreciate getting some honest and in depth detailed answers to my questions and I would really appreciate getting answers and perspective on all this from women as well.

:ibow4u:Wow that is a very deep and heart felt set of questions there Castratrix's pet :ibow4u:

Although not a female i felt i had to respond to such a honest and heart felt question. I dont know if you could define what sort of person would do it. There are so many factors invovled in everyones make up that finding such an answer would make the answer meaningless if applied to another.
Just an example, but you and i both have ********** fantasies, but they are totally differrent and their roots would not doubt be in totally differrent sources. Why would a woman want to do it could vary from fear,desperation (drugs,money,attacked,abuse), compassion for the males desire,anger of detrail,revenge,social standing amoung others,etc,etc, the reasons could be endless.....Sorry but i feel you might never find a answer to such deep questions because there are so many answers!

Ps this is coming from someone who suffers from deppression, and have been seen by hundreds of "experts" to find a reason but twenty years on and no-one still has no answers!

PPS "Would it hurt?" LOL :Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baah aha: Sorry,but i was circumcised as a child and that hurt, so having anything chopped off down their i am guessing would hurt a LOT!!!!!:Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baahaha::Baaha ha:

Castratrix's pet
02-16-2012, 11:41 AM
If there is anyone out there, especially women, who would feel more comfortable sharing their insights or discussing this privately instead of posting publicly please feel free to do so by private messaging me. I just really need answers and want to know.

One from the Vaults
02-16-2012, 08:57 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/425175_255168911226313_128609907215548_558386_2108 352047_n.jpg

Castratrix's pet
03-04-2012, 09:36 AM
This is my image of a castratrix ready to perform ********** surgery.

03-04-2012, 02:55 PM
Maybe you'd like to take a look at this Lady:


Castratrix's pet
03-29-2012, 09:34 AM
I still keep wondering, and it probably isn't answerable but I still keep wondering, what kind of woman really for real would roll up her sleeves and surgically ******** a man and actually enjoy doing it to him and enjoy performing the surgery on him. Even other than or outside the ********** thing itself, what would that woman be like, what kind of overall personality would she have what would her overall personality be like, what would she be like as a person, and also what would she really look like and be like physically, emotionally, and sexually?

I know I can't just sit back and enjoy I'm not that kind of person. I constantly have to crunch numbers and analyze everything including analyzing my femdom ********** fantasies. Sorry about that. But I really am looking for answers and insights and trying to understand.

07-03-2012, 12:30 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/425175_255168911226313_128609907215548_558386_2108 352047_n.jpg
I would like cut off my penis and testicules by Women.

07-03-2012, 08:18 AM
If hes a bad man, than yes, it needs to be done. It will save other women. So, yes, in the correct position and time, I could do it. You say enjoy. In one way yes, thes must be done so I will help others to be a victim of that man. So I would feel positive to be doing it as others were afraid but I can have courage to do this. But I do not say it is sexual enjoyment, it is not that for me. More courage and satisfaction. It is true you must pray for his discomfort at some time, and I think this act even if done correctly he will have fear, discomfort and a felling of loss. For man who has woman as victim in his mind and action, he needs to feel a loss, a helpless feeling of loss of wanting a thing to stop but he can not stop, even with his anger and rage. After he has had such experience then he can more full of understanding the impact of his past bad actions.
So as a just sex thrill, no, not really. But admittingas a thrill of accomplishment and courage, as a thrill of seeing the wolf in anguist, fear, pain and depression, yes, there is, inside a guilty thrill there for that – that is wide the method is important.