View Full Version : Serious BB Questions

05-02-2012, 01:17 AM
I have been into BB for quite some time. My GF and I regularily "play" and have many toys, gadgets and special shoes just for busting.

My question is, do you think a doctor would be able to tell during a physical check up that your balls undergo BT/received a fair amount of beatings? Something I've wondered for some time.

My other question is about children. My GF and I do want children someday, but we just can't help but have a good "play" session now and again. Have any of you guys who have been doing this for some time had any issues conceiving? It's kind of a question my GF and I have been asking each other for some time but never gotten the courage to ask a doctor.

Thanks for all your input!

Alec Anaconda, A1
05-03-2012, 01:04 PM
Do you think a doctor would be able to tell during a physical check up that your balls undergo BT/received a fair amount of beatings?

Unless they show damage, I don’t see how they would know.

When I’ve been treated for real injury, my false explanations have never been questioned.

Have any of you guys who have been doing this for some time had any issues conceiving?

None, but maybe I was lucky.

Why not take a sperm test now?

If your count is low or unhealthy, you can start investigation / treatment before it’s too late.

As far as I know, (I’m NOT medically qualified) there are numerous causes other than BB.

If you’re panicking, consider freezing sperm in a sperm-bank (not DIY!)

05-04-2012, 12:14 AM
Thanks for your advice Alec. I might just do that. Freezing sperm was something I had considered for sure.


05-04-2012, 07:53 PM
Whatever explanation you give will likely be accepted unless there is evidence otherwise.;) Scarring or bruises can be suspicious, and soreness in areas around your testicles might lead to further testing. Rope burns might also be suspicious. Still, a health practitioner would likely only examine your groin area if there was a reason to do so. If you do your own testicular exams checking for potential cancerous lumps (or have your wife check them for you) on a regular basis, you could then tell your doctor that you are doing so and then a decision might be made not to do it again in during the clinic exam unless you really need a second opinion.

As for fertility, a sperm count might be in order if you've been having unprotected sex while actually trying to get pregnant and nothing has happened so far for about a year. Having sperm frozen is usually something that guys do if they have to lose their testicles due to cancer or undergo chemotherapy. That way the health insurance might cover the costs. I suppose that a lot of injury could create enough scar tissue to block the sperm from making it out when you ejaculate, or kill off enough of the sperm-producing cells to make a difference. But aging will already make a big impact on fertility both for you and your wife. As she gets older, it will become more difficult for her eggs to stay viable. Even though a man can continue to make sperm well into his senior years, the children still risk having mental problems (like autism).

The best thing to do is to find a doctor that you can trust and have an open discussion about all this so you can get the best advice of what your risks are.:o

05-08-2012, 09:47 PM
Thanks Darkwing, my girlfriend and I will take your answer into consideration as well. I appreciate the info!

05-08-2012, 11:06 PM
My advice is to tell your doctor the truth if he or she asks. Lying to your doctor is a terrible idea because it can result in an incorrect diagnosis which can lead to unnecessary and/or ineffective treatment. Doctors are bound by doctor/patient privilege to not share information which you tell them in confidence with anyone else. Feeling ashamed of your fetishes is a terrible reason to lie to a doctor. It's not like you're even doing anything illegal.

As for the question of fertility, it's always tough to say for sure because there's been no serious scientific study of it. The only related result that we know of is that mountain biking leads to a small increase in testicular cancer rates. This may be due to impacts between the seat of the bike and the testicles, but it could also relate to other things like hitting the area behind the testicles where the blood vessels which supply it are.

The anecdotal evidence so far has been that BB practitioners have not had problems with conception. My wife doesn't really tend to use devices on me, so I think it's probably a little less rough for me than for you, but, in my case, we had no difficulty conceiving at all. We conceived twice, each time in her first cycle after we started trying. Every time other people have asked about it, they've gotten no one who mentioned having any troubles (although it's certainly possible that people who have had trouble would be less likely to speak up). So that's the information which exists. Make what you will of it.

Alec Anaconda, A1
05-09-2012, 08:01 AM
My advice is to tell your doctor the truth if he or she asks.

Lying to your doctor is a terrible idea because it can result in an incorrect diagnosis which can lead to unnecessary and/or ineffective treatment.

This is fine, in theory.

Medical staff are supposed not to judge, computerised record systems should be secure and paper records must be properly disposed of.

It is not a perfect world.

Now company doctors performing employment medicals; are they going to ignore lifestyle choices?

People executing high-level security clearance; will they not consider medical records?

I’m not suggesting misleading in a way as to send a medic down a fruitless path, just sufficient to maintain to veneer of normality.

An accidental ball punch during a sport seems little different to a deliberate punch, at least to me.

An inadvertent collision with a blunt object seems much the same as one inflicted for fun with said object.

Why risk trouble?

It's not like you're even doing anything illegal.

However, if there is a suspicion that you are involved in law breaking, even as a victim, that’s a different ball game.