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View Full Version : Ball-kicking culture (an article from a "feminist" blog)

05-03-2012, 05:25 AM
from here: http://miss-andrist.livejournal.com/2698.html.

Let's imagine a slightly parallel universe.

In this universe, most things are like they are here, except the gender polarity of who has the money and power in society are reversed, so that most rulers, legislators, judges, and police are women; and the ubiquitous gender-based violence problem is ball-kicking.

Because people would kick balls – women would kick much more often than men, but balls would be there for kicking. After all, they're so out there. So visible in outline. And you know, unless you kick them SUPER hard, it probably isn't going to hurt them long term, so it's not really a big deal. If men and boys don't want their balls kicked, they should take steps to avoid it, just common sense steps, after all. Sure it would be unfair and kind of scary for men, knowing at any time some woman could just decide to kick their balls but if they were careful, they could avoid it, usually. They could wear loose pants to avoid drawing attention to the outline of their balls, and avoid wearing short shorts for the same reason. They could wear thick, heavy underwear, to cushion them a bit. When they sit, they could keep their legs shut so that no one could just come along randomly and decide to kick them. They could tuck themselves in a protective way, even if it were uncomfortable, to try to minimize the risk of being kicked in the balls or the pain of it should someone decide to start kicking. If they were really careful, they could wear a cup all day. But if they did that they would probably be told they were over reacting, even if men on average were randomly kicked in the balls, very hard, at least once a year, either by a stranger or by someone they know. After all you wouldn't want to seem like you were afraid of women - that would be sexist! - or overly protective of your balls, or even sexually repressed by constraining them.

Men who had their balls kicked by friends and loved ones would be questioned, if they brought it up to anyone else in complaint. “Well did you do something to piss her off? Well didn't you remember how she is when she has PMS? Dude, you should have remembered your anniversary, to bring her flowers. That's all I'm saying, I mean, she shouldn't have done it, but next time, seriously. Well why don't you just break up with her? Sure she might decide to repeatedly kick your balls again but then it will be over with.” Men who had a stranger kick their balls and decided to go to the police would be met with blank stares and only faux compassion by the mostly female police force. They would be asked if there's been an argument ahead of time, if he's said anything to encourage the ball-kicking, what he'd been wearing, if he'd been intoxicated or on drugs and thus not careful enough about protecting his junk. Unless he'd been kicked hard enough to cause some serious injury, he wouldn't get much sympathy. If he brought it to court, he would be asked if he had secret fantasies of being kicked in the balls – after all, some men do. Maybe he'd really wanted to be kicked in the balls. Maybe it was consensual and he just had regrets later.

Little boys would be taught to keep their legs shut while sitting, from a very young age, and to be excruciatingly polite to little girls so that they wouldn't kick them in the balls while in a temper. Girls would be told, sure, that its uncool to kick in the balls, but if a girl did, although she would be punished, her parents would also shake their heads and smile knowingly, laughing just a bit, saying “Well she's got quite the spark now doesn't she?” It might even be suggested that she really likes the boy and just couldn't handle her attraction and feelings for him any other way.

Now if adult women were kicking little boys in the balls, people would condemn it, mostly. Adult balls would be overtly sexualized, especially in certain porn magazines called “The Bulge” where men presented their crotches, first clothed, then unclothed, prominently displaying their vulnerability. Non-violent displays of spread-legged men submissively offering their balls for display would be the most popular genre of porn, but a strong sub-genre of “kink” wherein men went through various forms of ball-torture would comprise a good 25% of porn mags. Men with big balls would be highly sexualized, especially if they refused to wear concealing clothing. Men with big balls who were kicked in the balls would then receive less sympathy even while still in pain from being kicked, because the bigger the balls, the more you were just asking for it by putting them out there. So little boys would be more immune from this sexual gaze because their balls are smaller. But creepy pedophile women would write secret screeds about the beauty of little balls. There would be a genre of porn then, very controversial, in which adult men with baby faces and small balls looked as young as possible and dressed boyishly in order to attract women. They would do their best to look vulnerable. There would be a slight echo of this in society, with younger men being preferred over older men, and lots of evolutionary and other logical, rational explanations given for why men were best when they were young, and lost value in some way as they aged. Men would feel anxiety about aging to a strong degree, and attempt to look childlike as long as possible.

Ball-kicking would be seen as a problem of men – something they could avoid if they were just careful to protect themselves and not piss off women.

Ball-kicking would NOT bee seen as a fault of women, as a fault of them to control their temper, as something that women did to control and subjugate men.

If you are a guy, and reading this, and cringing? Welcome to what life under **** culture is like for women.

05-03-2012, 07:57 PM
Great find!

05-04-2012, 12:17 AM
Great in terms of the fetish but I am not sure how it justifies feminism.

Alec Anaconda, A1
05-04-2012, 02:36 AM
Great in terms ofthe fetish but I am not sure how it justifies feminism.

This forum changes a certain word to asterisks,so I’ll use RRRR for sexual intercourse without permission.

The writer has interchanged the following:

Male and female

RRRR and ball-kicking

Breasts and balls.

It’s clever writing that, sadly, rings too damn true.

05-04-2012, 05:43 AM
This isn't an article on sexual fetish. It is clear the author is trying to do a role reversal to highlight how women are treated when they are the victims of domestic violence and ****. The author does not seem to be particularly well-informed on the matter in one respect though. Men who are victims of domestic and sexual violence are also treated in a dismissive manner by authorities. There are a few differences in that women are blamed for being sexually provocative and generally men are not. there have been a number of cases where authorities laugh at men who report domestic violence though, or simply disbelieve them.

Anyway that's enough real world I think. Go back to your reveries of a world where ball-kicking is the norm.

05-04-2012, 12:21 PM
this is a strange article. why mention boys???

05-05-2012, 12:49 AM
The author would probably say that male-dominated culture sexualizes young girls and tries to get older women to look younger. And that there's this weird way in which, despite underage girls being totally off limits sexually, men are still quietly encouraged to fantasize about them.

I'm not sure she's wrong. Think of schoolgirl outfits. Though I think those work because men remember when they were that age, lusting hopelessly after the head cheerleader or whatever.

05-05-2012, 02:54 AM
Heh. Certainly didn't make me cringe. Not that it would be a good reality, but that story plays out a good fantasy.

--Reality warning---
I don't know about all of the message though. R*** is generally looked upon very seriously today. The problem has been some of the less-than-true accusations that have led some people to have doubts about subsequent accusations. The balls/breasts thing has more truth to it.

This isn't an article on sexual fetish. It is clear the author is trying to do a role reversal to highlight how women are treated when they are the victims of domestic violence and ****. The author does not seem to be particularly well-informed on the matter in one respect though. Men who are victims of domestic and sexual violence are also treated in a dismissive manner by authorities. There are a few differences in that women are blamed for being sexually provocative and generally men are not. there have been a number of cases where authorities laugh at men who report domestic violence though, or simply disbelieve them.
Indeed. I support feminism, but many feminists seem to have some ideas that do not align with reality. Some seem to feel like they're being persecuted at every turn when they aren't.

Curious author name and other posts too. I hate misandristic feminists...discriminators under the guise of women's rights. Rights movements would be much better off without such people.

EDIT: Yeah, she hates men. Explicitly says so in one of her posts. The worst kind of stereotyping and discrimination given that it's half the world's population. Honestly people like her are disgusting. I wonder how she'd feel about men if her house was on fire and male firefighters came to her rescue. I'm not hateful at all, but I hate people who discriminate. We'd all be much better off without them.

05-05-2012, 03:42 AM
--Still reality warning--
Forgot to add...

Oh, and anyway, isn't ball-kicking and the like already a common cultural feature (not to the extreme degree of the story, but it is quite significant)? It's all over the media. It's apparently funny, a joke. Then news stories about women r*ping or mutilating men are laughed at. Literally laughed at. It's all "you go girl"...even criminal punishments are greatly mitigated. And men are often expected to just get over it if they're assaulted by a woman. And of course, hitting a woman is still wrong.

(Is it ironic that I feel this way in reality given that I'm a member of this forum? ;))

It goes both ways. Both genders have rights issues that need to be addressed. Misandrist feminists like the author are just blind discriminators playing the eternal victim.

Sorry, but discrimination is just one of the few things that bothers me. Also, I'm an advocate of both men's and women's rights so people like her really get to me.

05-05-2012, 04:53 AM
"Feminism is the idea that equality can be achieved by focusing solely on the issues of one gender."

05-05-2012, 10:36 AM
"Feminism is the idea that equality can be achieved by focusing solely on the issues of one gender."

ROFL, It's beyond what they say, what we see.

When it comes to article, sure the author have some hidden agenda. And some men have ballbusting fetish, I agree. But, some women too have raaapppeee fantasies. what about that.

Finally, Ignore them. They don't worth a discussion.