View Full Version : Netflix Streaming Ballbusting

08-13-2012, 11:03 AM
Could we start a list of movies and shows currently available on Netflix streaming (might be a US only thing?) with ballbusting in them? Perhaps including some detail too would be good....

Here is one that I found on bbdatabase.com (not that great, but it is a start):

Love At Stake Actress: Kelly Preston Type: Knees
Set in Puritan Massachusetts. Kelly Preston at her prettiest stands, sweetly kissing her beau in bright sunshine. When he coos, 'Sara, will you have my baby?' she suddenly grabs his shoulders and delivers a painful knee (off camera but we see his head jerk up)., He falls back, holding his throbbing crotch. 'You know I don't like it when you talk like that.' she says. Then he adds, 'I meant after we were married.' This indirect proposal so excites Kelly that she runs for him and dives right into him, thumping a knee right into his crotch. Now he is really in agony. 'Oh Miles, did I hurt you?' she asks. Holding his aching nuts, for all he's worth, he gasps, 'I don't know how good a husband I'll make after today, but I'll try.' THIS MOVIE IS ON NETFLIX INSTANT; BUST @39 MINS