View Full Version : Can Anyone tell me What they are saying? Japanese
01-04-2013, 11:43 AM
A video of some kind of talk show which leads to one of the girls kneeing a teddy bear in the crotch..
I'm curious what everyone's saying.
01-05-2013, 04:10 PM
No idea what she is saying but she certainly knows how to knee. You'd normally expect someone in that situation to do a pretty feeble knee. She slams her knee up like someone who's flattened many pairs of balls and knows how to pulp them...
01-06-2013, 02:48 PM
There will be a Japanese speaker on the forum somewhere I'm sure.
01-06-2013, 03:20 PM
They are saying: Bear has brought great shame upon himself, he must be ********* ;)
I don't know !
01-11-2013, 12:14 PM
the talk show is about what girl do when they have stress.
number 1 answer was "to kick man's crotch"
Then the girl who answered like that, was asked to practise it on teddy bear.
The host then asked if the girl ever did it to her boyfriend.
And the girl said that yes, she always do it when she has stress
01-12-2013, 04:12 AM
Number 1 stress relief method is...'Kick a boy's testicles'?! Takeda Makoto-san!
Takeda makoto, 12 years old, junior high 1st grade
"Okay, the morning, I was arguing with my mother, and I was
feeling really stressed, so I got to school and my friend was like "ahh, what should i do? I don't know..." and I was really mad that he kept waffling, and I just wanted to"
"It's ok, say what you'd say if I were him."
"...Piss off, asshole! --that kind of thing"
crowd: ehhhh? :Baahaha:
announcer: "Using this big stuffed bear, miss Takeda will show us how it's done"
takeda: "ok, here i go--don't MESS with me!"
The video has been removed, but this is a really good playlist. Anymore like it?
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