View Full Version : Fuck yeah !!! Mick's very happy now !
05-17-2013, 06:04 PM
Been keeping this a secret, but it is official now :loveeyes
Lately I have been dating this very hot sexy woman :D
For her job she works as a veterinarian.
I guess we are in sort of a relationship now. I think I might be in love with her.
She has told me on several occasions that she enjoys to perform castrations :thumbup
While she was showing me pictures on her mobile phone, there were also some pictures of cut off testicles.
And when we had sex, (the sex is super !!!) I did not even bring it up, she did bite my balls during oral sex ! :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup Fuck yeah !!!
Of course I only know her for quite a short time.
But can it get any better than this ???
I don't care, I am happy as long as it lasts. FUCK YEAH !!!
Just wanted to share this with you guys, so you know, dreams can come true !
05-17-2013, 10:26 PM
Just wanted to share this with you guys, so you know, dreams can come true !
sounds like your having fun! Good luck
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-19-2013, 08:49 AM
Been keeping this a secret, but it is official now :loveeyes
Lately I have been dating this very hot sexy woman :D
For her job she works as a veterinarian.
I guess we are in sort of a relationship now. I think I might be in love with her.
She has told me on several occasions that she enjoys to perform castrations :thumbup
While she was showing me pictures on her mobile phone, there were also some pictures of cut off testicles.
And when we had sex, (the sex is super !!!) I did not even bring it up, she did bite my balls during oral sex ! :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup Fuck yeah !!!
Of course I only know her for quite a short time.
But can it get any better than this ???
I don't care, I am happy as long as it lasts. FUCK YEAH !!!
Just wanted to share this with you guys, so you know, dreams can come true !
My congratulations on starting your affair with a veterinary surgeon; I do hope it goes well.
I also hope that you can ANTicipate the being too DOGmatic could be CATastrophic.
05-20-2013, 01:46 AM
Been keeping this a secret, but it is official now :loveeyes
Lately I have been dating this very hot sexy woman :D
For her job she works as a veterinarian.
Just wanted to share this with you guys, so you know, dreams can come true !
Gooooood!!! I am happy for You. I told You one time that faith could reserve unespected surprises. That's it.
To thank faith for Your good luck do not miss to send a picture of Your GF with the shirt sleeves rolled up to Castratrix Pet! :D:D:D
05-20-2013, 02:49 AM
I just got home, I am really tired, I only got like 2 or 3 hours sleep this night.
Last night I was with another girl, but she was not giving me any, she was playing hard to get.
Then she called me. She was drunk, she asked me if I wanted to come over.
I knew WHY she was calling me, so immediately I made an excuse to the other girl that I had to go.
I always keep a bottle of booze in my car for occassions like this. I sat down on her couch in her living room. She said I had to drink faster if I wanted to get as drunk as she was. I didn't even get the chance to finish my drink before she was all over me :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup
I fucked her all night. The sex is becoming better and better !
She was riding on top of me, when I asked her to reach back and sqeeze my balls. She did, but I asked her to do it harder. She said she was affraid to hurt me. I told her I let her know when she was hurting me and keep sqeezing it harder. SHE ALMOST POPPED MY FUCKING NUTS :D:D:D But I did not want to let her know it hurt like hell, I was too afraid she might stop :wooow
We only slept for 2 or 3 hours, till her alarm clock went off.
At a certain point she took my balls in her one hand, and with her other hand she scratched her nails all over. She is smart , she knows how to get me super hard A.S.A.P. , she told me how she likes to cut my balls off :D:D:D
Of course she is just kidding, but come on ! How fucking great is this ?
Then I fucked her once more, fucking hard !
And now I am totally fucked up for today, unless I take a nap soon :asleep
Gooooood!!! I am happy for You. I told You one time that faith could reserve unespected surprises. That's it.
To thank faith for Your good luck do not miss to send a picture of Your GF with the shirt sleeves rolled up to Castratrix Pet! :D:D:D
I am too shy to ask her stuff like that. Maybe if I know her a little longer.
I am sure she is in for it, but I am so happy now, I do not want to ruin this.
05-20-2013, 11:58 AM
Sounds like the jackpot!
Congratulations !! Maybe you should try to gradually introduce her into the world of ballbusting and see how it goes... i mean kicks and stuff and i'm not trying to sound like a smart ass or anything. Cheers !
05-21-2013, 02:18 AM
I am too shy to ask her stuff like that. Maybe if I know her a little longer.
I am sure she is in for it, but I am so happy now, I do not want to ruin this.
C'mon Mick, I was just joking! :wooow
Have a good time.
That's great news Mick!
It's hard enough to find a compatible vanilla girlfriend,
but to meet someone who shares our nutty interests; that's terrific.
Careful now, don't ask her to be too rough on the ol' goolies.
You might be needing them!
Best wishes!
05-22-2013, 02:17 PM
That's great news Mick!
It's hard enough to find a compatible vanilla girlfriend,
but to meet someone who shares our nutty interests; that's terrific.
Careful now, don't ask her to be too rough on the ol' goolies.
You might be needing them!
Best wishes!
That is exactly my problem.
Last night I was with her again. The sex part was beautiful and great. Again we had sex almost all night. And it becomes cliche, but the sex got even better ! :thumbup
But at this point I am psychologically confused, I don't know any more.
I am talking about my obsession, with ********** and ballbusting.
She is completely cool with it. But for me personally, I think it got out of hand.
At a certain point she was sucking my cock. I was lying on my back. She pushed my balls up and told me, this is how she usually castrates a dog. She showed me where she would cut and push out the balls.
And because I am obsessed I just had to do it.
I asked her to bite my balls. She did, but then I had to push it further.
At this point I was no longer thinking straight. One of my personal favourites is ball-twisting, so I asked her to twist my balls. She did.
And I aksed her to twist it further and further. And then I asked her to bite my balls again, while she had them twisted. OMFG !!! That felt like being *********. Or at least I can imagine it feels like that.
She told me , this is not healthy and I am sick in my head. I agreed to that, but still she did not stop. When I could not hold myself screaming she stopped. She said, she had a scalpel and local anaesthetic, she might as well cut them off. I told her no anaesthetic. So she came back with a scalpel.
Imagine this moment. I am naked and she walks in with a fucking scalpel !
I fully trusted her, she pushed my balls up and held the scalpel very close to my skin. At this point I asked her: if she also really enjoys this.
She told me, she really gets horny watching me enjoy this, but she was not specifically aroused by it herself. But she does really enjoy biting my balls. And biting me in general. So we quit the game with the scalpel and had some more sex. She was biting my shoulders hard, while I penetrated her.
Anyway, I personally think this got out of hand. And I want to find a way to stop with this sick obsession. This is not normal. This is sick. I enjoy sex. I love my balls. I do not want to get *********. This is unhealthy.
The cool part is, she is not at all bothered by it.
Most women would indeed freak out way before this.
But I personally think I need to stop. Some how.
05-22-2013, 05:18 PM
Dude… where do I begin?
First I am happy for you that you found someone sharing the same sexual desire, BUT!
Second, you really got carried away this time, no thinking straight.
Third, and I am sorry if I am blunt, either you got a psycho as a GF or someone with serious daddy issues…
That is exactly my problem.
Last night I was with her again. The sex part was beautiful and great. Again we had sex almost all night. And it becomes cliche, but the sex got even better ! :thumbup
But at this point I am psychologically confused, I don't know any more.
I am talking about my obsession, with ********** and ballbusting.
She is completely cool with it. But for me personally, I think it got out of hand.
At a certain point she was sucking my cock. I was lying on my back. She pushed my balls up and told me, this is how she usually castrates a dog. She showed me where she would cut and push out the balls.
And because I am obsessed I just had to do it.
I asked her to bite my balls. She did, but then I had to push it further.
At this point I was no longer thinking straight. One of my personal favourites is ball-twisting, so I asked her to twist my balls. She did.
And I aksed her to twist it further and further. And then I asked her to bite my balls again, while she had them twisted. OMFG !!! That felt like being *********. Or at least I can imagine it feels like that.
She told me , this is not healthy and I am sick in my head. I agreed to that, but still she did not stop. When I could not hold myself screaming she stopped. She said, she had a scalpel and local anaesthetic, she might as well cut them off. I told her no anaesthetic. So she came back with a scalpel.
Imagine this moment. I am naked and she walks in with a fucking scalpel !
I fully trusted her, she pushed my balls up and held the scalpel very close to my skin. At this point I asked her: if she also really enjoys this.
She told me, she really gets horny watching me enjoy this, but she was not specifically aroused by it herself. But she does really enjoy biting my balls. And biting me in general. So we quit the game with the scalpel and had some more sex. She was biting my shoulders hard, while I penetrated her.
Anyway, I personally think this got out of hand. And I want to find a way to stop with this sick obsession. This is not normal. This is sick. I enjoy sex. I love my balls. I do not want to get *********. This is unhealthy.
The cool part is, she is not at all bothered by it.
Most women would indeed freak out way before this.
But I personally think I need to stop. Some how.
05-23-2013, 03:10 AM
I do not know what you mean by 'Daddy issues', but she does has her own issues indeed !
Of course I did ask her, if she had any special sexual desires.
And I am not going to discuss them here, but trust me, she has definately got her own issues !
Besides that, she told me on multiple occasions to cum deep inside her.
And I found out, she has stopped using birth control. And she made me eggs at her house several times, she said as a joke to keep up my sperm.
I don't care ! Because it's not like she is a golddigger, she has way more money than I do. (inherited) And she is extremely intelligent and healthy.
So if she wants to get pregnant, I don't care. It is also a good test to see if my balls still work.
you got a psycho as a GF
Luckily I am perfectly normal :wooow.
If she gets pregnant , I am really curious what children that would bring to the world. ;)
05-24-2013, 02:21 AM
No longer in love, I think she is a fucking whore.
Not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure she is also fucking other guys.
So last night I also was with another woman, I have been with before. The sex was less good, but she has bigger tits. And I love huge tits, so her tits provided me some solace ;)
I will still fuck her whenever I feel like, but I no longer love her.
She is a fucking whore !
For a moment I considered poisoning her dog, to hurt her feelings, but that's just sick, because I love animals myself.
And I am a desperate motherfucker, I still got hope she will love me back.
But that is never going to happen, because she is a fucking whore.
Don't even respond to this post LOL
I am loco :wooow at the moment.
05-24-2013, 06:35 AM
I confronted her about the guy I saw leaving her house.
She told me this was one of her ex-BF's.
She admitted she had sex with him.
As she told me before, she has this rαpe-fantasy.
So every once in a while this guy comes by her house, and smacks her around, and '******' her into sex. She showed me some bruises.
She told me she really wants to stop this, but she lets him in every time, because this is her sexual obsession and she can't help herself.
I can relate to that. I know exactly what she means.
I told her, she needs to stop seeing him. She agreed, but I don't trust her.
I did not tell her this, but I was thinking of meeting this guy and punch him hard into his stomach and tell him to stay away.
Because he is a large (about 2 meters tall) fat guy.
And fat guys don't have any abdominal muscles.
But I bet this is exactly what she wants me to do.
Then she has 2 guys fighting over her. She is a manipulative little bitch.
What I really should do: and this is quite sick.
But this would be poetical justice:
Get a gun, wait at her house till the guy arrives.
Then when he starts smacking her around, ready to fuck her.
I step in, and I threathen to shoot him. Bring rope and tiewraps and force her to tie him up.
Then I set up a videocamera to record the entire event.
And then at gunpoint I force her to ******** that woman-beating son of a bitch.
BUT before all that. I should talk to the guy in a decent manner.
And give him a fair warning that he needs to quit this shit A.S.A.P.
OR I could just leave this mad fucked up situation and get back to living my own peaceful life. Damnit this woman is driving me mad !
05-24-2013, 07:58 PM
You don't need to play hero.
There are more women out there.
05-25-2013, 01:15 AM
That is life. You have the short illusion of happiness, before you find out she is a whore.
Forum administrators, could you please remove this entire topic ?
I don't want to be reminded any more.
this woman is in **** fantasies ? why cant u do play this role for her ?
05-26-2013, 04:15 AM
You found the nearest, that you ever will, to a female clone of yourself, then decided she was not what you wanted.
I sure do hope I am nothing like her. Otherwise I should really change my life.
this woman is in **** fantasies ? why cant u do play this role for her ?
I thought about it, but I am really not into rαpe-fantasy.
And I am also a bad actor, so it would be ridiculous.
But I have thought of the perfect solution that will bring both me and her satisfaction in ending this thing:
I am going to organize her a splendid rαpe-experience !
I do happen to know a group of guys that regularly visit prostitutes.
They are nice and friendly, but to be honest: they are not so good looking, hairy, smelly. Perfect guys for this job !
I need to think of a way to tie her up and shut her up.
And make up a story for the guys to believe it is perfectly fine and that she really likes this.
And then I will videotape the entire event, blur out the guys faces and put it on the internet, with her name / address everything in the title :D
If she wants to be a whore, lets organize her own private gangbang :thumbup
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-26-2013, 08:36 AM
I sure do hope I am nothing like her. Otherwise I should really change my life.
1. You both want more than one lover.
2. You both want passionate intense sex.
3. You both have “taboo” factices, which you want to play out, but with reservations. You want to play **********, but keep your balls. I’m 99.99 percent certain she does not want real R.
4. You both drink more than you should.
You call her a whore, just because she is not monogamous to a bloke she just meet; you’re Jack-the-Lad filling any fanny you can.
Lady luck has given you a good roll; man up and recognise it, before you end up incinerated in an all male prision.
05-26-2013, 10:29 AM
What I really should do: and this is quite sick.
But this would be poetical justice:
Get a gun, wait at her house till the guy arrives.
Then when he starts smacking her around, ready to fuck her.
I step in, and I threathen to shoot him. Bring rope and tiewraps and force her to tie him up.
Then I set up a videocamera to record the entire event.
And then at gunpoint I force her to ******** that woman-beating son of a bitch.
BUT before all that. I should talk to the guy in a decent manner.
And give him a fair warning that he needs to quit this shit A.S.A.P.
OR I could just leave this mad fucked up situation and get back to living my own peaceful life. Damnit this woman is driving me mad !
You are selfish and sick.
That guy fulfill this woman fantasy. He is not woman-beating, no, no, no. Again he is fulfill her fantasy that you are not able to fulfill.
This is exactly as she fulfill you sexual fantasy even is not her fantasy without calling you sick and pervert.
You cheat on her too because you have that big boobs girl friend.
Maybe in a mirror scenario she has to come at your place with a gun in order to threaten you to tie up and cut that girl boobs.
You do not deserve her. Leave her alone.
Remain with that big boobs girl friend.
But, maybe she is cheating on you too.
One from the Vaults
05-26-2013, 01:06 PM
"Not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure she is also fucking other guys.
So last night I also was with another woman, I have been with before. "
This is disgusting. You're fucking another woman, but offended to the point of murderous fantasies because she's fucking another guy?
05-30-2013, 10:08 AM
You do not deserve her. Leave her alone.
Remain with that big boobs girl friend.
But, maybe she is cheating on you too.
No I deserve better !
About the other girl, she is not my GF.
So I don't care if and who she is fucking besides me.
You call her a whore, just because she is not monogamous to a bloke she just meet.
Yes I broke #1 rule: Do not fall in love with a whore !
But she caught me off guard, I first did not recognize her as being a whore.
Lesson learned here.
you’re Jack-the-Lad filling any fanny you can.
That is not completely true.
Of course I want to be in a monogamous relationship with a nice sexy healthy intelligent woman.
But I have serious mental issues, no decent woman in her right mind would even consider starting a relationship with me.
I can only hide my mental issues for so long.
And my reputation precedes me.
So that is why I take what I can get.
This song ( applies to my situation :D
Which mostly are: less attractive women, older women, women with mental issues. The last category holds the majority of women. Most women have serious mental issues !
I do not want to be with them, I just fuck them, because it is better than jerking off.
I am goodlooking, highly educated. I make a lot of money.
And I will never be schwarzenegger, but last few years I have been doing extensive workout and lately I have been watching my food, so I burned almost all body fat. And I am very pleased with myself at the moment !
But I should really try to work on my mental issues.
Maybe even seek some professional help.
Because you get what you give. What comes around goes around. Karma.
These last few days, I might have had some minor psychosis.
Primarily caused by my misplaced love for this woman.
And because THC and LSD also gets stored in body fat, I have literally been tripping, by burning those last fat reserves, these toxins enter the blood stream.
So now I have purified my body.
It is time to purify my mind.
And I no longer hold any grudge or anger towards her.
I talked to her and she expressed that she really felt bad, that she hurt my feelings.
She is basically unable to be monogamous or sincerely love a man, because she has her own mental issues.
She is just another victim of this sick world we live in.
Ohhh and karma always gets you: she also pulled the hypocrisy card on me as she confronted me with the fact , that apparently I tried to be with a friend of her. Even when she mentioned her name, I really had to think hard, because I forgot all about that woman. So you see, women talk with eachother about everything ! And you are foolish to think they don't !
blur out the guys faces
Someone asked me in private how to blur faces in a video.
I can do it for you, it is easy no problem !
05-30-2013, 12:37 PM
"And because THC and LSD also gets stored in body fat, I have literally been tripping, by burning those last fat reserves, these toxins enter the blood stream.out of your mind."
This is total bullshit: hbacks.22_due_to_release_from_fat_cells
Don't blame drugs for your personal issues.
"So now I have purified my body.
It is time to purify my mind."
If you really meant this - good for your. You srsly need to work this out judging from what I read.
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-31-2013, 09:48 AM
Yes I broke #1 rule: Do not fall in love with a whore !
But she caught me off guard, I first did not recognize her as being a whore.
Lesson learned here.
Exactly how do YOU, Mick, define a whore?
I can’t see how you fell in love with her, perhaps it was your idealised version of how you wanted her to be.
Maybe you just fell in lust.
I have serious mental issues
That’s as vague as the American, “Some kind of a nut”.
Best get them sorted out fast; if you’re lucky they might be due to a physical cause.
As you’ve been having unprotected sex with “a whore”, a STD check also seems prudent.
06-02-2013, 02:40 AM
Yeah banging several ladies, you sound like a stalker in most of your posts, then you sound abusive. You are in love with her on her ********** play, then you bang someone else. You should not be on a femdom forum. If she needs a real man send her my way but from the sounds of your post you may have infected her with one of your many stds so perhaps I will pass.
Alec Anaconda, A1
06-04-2013, 09:50 AM
Yeah banging several ladies, you sound like a stalker in most of your posts, then you sound abusive. You are in love with her on her ********** play, then you bang someone else. You should not be on a femdom forum. If she needs a real man send her my way but from the sounds of your post you may have infected her with one of your many stds so perhaps I will pass.
but from the sounds of your post you may have infected her with one of your many stds
That’s harsh!
It seems to me that either or both could have infected the other, or both could be clean.
06-04-2013, 01:06 PM
but from the sounds of your post you may have infected her with one of your many stds
That’s harsh!
It seems to me that either or both could have infected the other, or both could be clean.
This guy is definately the man ! Spending his time typing up random hate posts.:cussing:
His own life must be so abundant with awesomeness , hence his urge to point out to others why he thinks they totally suck. ;)
Last night I was with her again, we made sweet love.
I am using a condom from now on. She is a nice person, but a whore nonetheless.
And I have quit the ballbusting / ********** play. It is unhealthy.
So that is the end of this entire story.
Guys relax!
We don't know each other here, so no need to make absolute statements about the other person's life.
Let's talk and share things that make us horny :)
One from the Vaults
06-05-2013, 09:26 PM
LSD is not stored in the fat. What makes you think that it is?
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