View Full Version : My personal opinion on m/m (gay) content on this sight.
05-21-2013, 10:04 PM
Ok. First of all, I would like to say that I'm not homophobic in anyway. I don't hate people for their sexual orientation. I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM AT ALL WITH GAY PEOPLE WHATSOEVER.. I have many gay friends that I consider to be very close friends of mine. That's cool! I don't care if you're gay! It's you're business and I'm not going to judge you for it. In fact, I support gay people because I know that sometimes it's difficult for them. And even if any of my gay friends were into m/m ballbusting, I would care. Like I said, that's their own business.
This is not a gay forum. A lot of people on this forum, including myself, don't want to see gay m/m ballbusting content.
In fact, I'm sure that a large majority of us would prefer to not see it at all.
Personally, m/m ballbusting kind of bothers me, and that's one of the reasons why I'm on this sight.
And I know that it has been said many times but, the forum is called "female dom". If you are unable to interpret the meaning of this, I will do it for you
Female Dom - Female Domination. Where the female is the dominant and, in this case, dominating the male. Ballbusting is when someone causes pain to a male's genitals, usually as a sexual fetish. Female Domination Ballbusting is when females cause pain to a male's genitals. This is the Ballbusting forum on, implying that females cause pain to male genitals.
I wouldn't mind if m/m ballbusting had it's own separate thread dedicated to gay m/m content. I just personally don't appreciate it when it's fused with the usual f/m content all around the rest of the sight.
I'm sorry if I sound rather dickish but, in my personal opinion m/m content does not belong on this forum at all, but if it must be here, I think that it should at least have it's own separate thread.
Please guys, don't take any of this in a harsh or malicious manor at all. I do not wish for a shitstorm or for people to hate me because of my personal opinion on this matter.
Thank you all for for reading,
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-22-2013, 03:46 AM
I wouldn't mind if m/m ballbusting had it's own separate thread dedicated to gay m/m content. I just personally don't appreciate it when it's fused with the usual f/m content all around the rest of the sight.
I'm sorry if I sound rather dickish but, in my personal opinion m/m content does not belong on this forum at all, but if it must be here, I think that it should at least have it's own separate thread.
It’s good to see a personal opinion expressed as just that, which I find so much nicer than dogmatic statements of right and wrong.
I agree that any m/m should be in a clearly labled thread.
I’ve noticed f/f content within some threads on this site, which is fine by me.
However, where is this m/m action?
05-22-2013, 08:33 AM
However, where is this m/m action?
I have not seen m/m content on this forum in ages.
Agreed though. Nothing wrong with requesting m/m content be clearly labeled.
05-22-2013, 10:33 AM
Yeah, there's rarely any M/M bb on the board. It's not worth getting upset about.
05-22-2013, 06:01 PM
Gay people have to put up with discrimination from both the law and people in general. Many gay people are shamed to the point of suicide. Gay people are constantly otherized in a heteronormative society. Gay people are constantly degraded, demeaned, and objectified. You're complaining about a small amount of gay porn on you're mostly F/M fetish board. Grow the fuck up and stop bitching. If you don't like it, ignore it.
One from the Vaults
05-22-2013, 07:13 PM
It's remarkable that he considered it worth making a lengthy post about it, while none of the rest of us seem to have even seen what he's referring to. I, also, can't think of stumbling across any man-man material on here recently.
More to the point... so you want gay material to be clearly labelled, right? How about if we consider any thread with "m/m" in the title to be marked as gay?
You know, threads such as this one.
K, I'll start.
While I'm very much heterosexual, I still find gay ballbusting kind of hot. I don't want to suck a man's cock but I wouldn't mind kicking him in the nuts if he wanted me to. And I non-consensually kicked or otherwise hurt my share of boys when I was younger. And it was pretty fun.
05-22-2013, 11:07 PM
I still find gay ballbusting kind of hot. And I non-consensually kicked or otherwise hurt my share of boys when I was younger. And it was pretty fun.
Well, that's the reason right there innit. Some of us are into femdom partially because it's a release from non-consensual male dominance. Well that's my guess as to why the OP might have posted this thread anyway.
Still though, OK I don't post here much (I do it in spurts) but I have lurked around on and off since it was a teeny site with RM videos, and I agree, I rarely see M/M stuff on here and I just skip it and move on when I do. I think the only thing I can even vaguely remember in the past year was like something posted in the cartoon section once.
Despite really only being into f/m I think it's interesting to find guys who do have an interest in both.
05-23-2013, 01:15 AM
I agree totally with the original post. It even ruins the experience for me if there's more than one dude in a video. Hell, it even bothers me if it's a dude running the camera if he talks. But if it's a woman, I think it's hot for her to talk and laugh. Just my opinion.
My favorite scenario would be a room full of women kicking a dude with his hands tied behind his back, and he's on his knees being held by two of the women.
05-23-2013, 02:14 AM
It even ruins the experience for me if there's more than one dude in a video. Hell, it even bothers me if it's a dude running the camera if he talks. But if it's a woman, I think it's hot for her to talk and laugh. Just my opinion.
That exactly my point of view.
05-23-2013, 02:28 AM
The future will hopefully bring technological solutions to problems like this.
I am not talking about central based censorship, where content is removed or moderated. But more finegrained decentralized content filters. For instance: posts marked as gay, will not be shown to users who do not wish to see them.
Similar to software filters they use to protect children from watching porn when they browse the internet. These software programs are becomming more intelligent and effective.
On the medical field, maybe in the future technology will be available which allows doctors to detect and perhaps even cure homosexuality in an early stage of pregnancy. It seems like science fiction for now, but I am sure they will eventually be able to.
Untill that time, we have to be tolerant towards each other, because there is no other peaceful solution. :machine:
guys can you please have a warning when you post a ballbusting video with aliens or robots...
05-23-2013, 10:13 AM
If I see m/m I'm not actually seeing it as such, but more of 'technique' being used.
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-23-2013, 01:18 PM
How has all this confusion arisen?
I can’t see why all types of testicular M/M action have to labelled as gay, or even why it matters.
Crafty ball attacks are common in contact sports, even expected.
I’ve received, and given, ball pain during Rugby, Football (UK rules), and Judo, but I never considered it sexual.
Human sexuality is what it is; less than one percent reproduction and the rest enjoyment.
Why kill the fun with labels and restrictions?
05-23-2013, 08:22 PM
I don't really care...I'll go to typically m/m ballbusting sites like Kramtoad to search for f/m content, and there is good stuff there....sometimes people preface their posts with f/m or m/m but sometimes they don't...nothing to lose sleep over
05-24-2013, 02:03 AM
Seems like many (wo)men have gay or bi-sexual tendencies.
And a lot of people who are 100% straight seem like total whores.
Now I am a 100% straight man, and I must admit, I'd fuck almost any pussy.
I don't like the whore-type bisexual lesbians. I don't like whores in general.
Well I do like them, but just to fuck them hard. I disrespect them as a person.
But now I read this:
Gold star lesbians, are lesbians who have never been penetrated by a man.
In fact they are in my opinion perfect virgins :thumbup
Now of course they don't like sex with a guy.
Assuming they are good-looking, they seem like the perfect sextoy if you don't mind ****** sex.
05-24-2013, 11:11 PM
[B][FONT=Verdana","sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]I’ve received, and given, ball pain during Rugby, Football (UK rules), and Judo, but I never considered it sexual.
Human sexuality is what it is; less than one percent reproduction and the rest enjoyment.
Why kill the fun with labels and restrictions?
Yeah but if you're an algolagniac, pretty much all ball pain is sexual, like ****** arousal, whether you're attracted to the person or not. I wouldn't exactly want a guy to give me a blow job without my consent either. So no, it's not all enjoyment, and it's not all fun. I'd never play contact sports.
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-25-2013, 12:27 PM
Seems like many (wo)men have gay or bi-sexual tendencies.
And a lot of people who are 100% straight seem like total whores.
Now I am a 100% straight man, and I must admit, I'd fuck almost any pussy.
I don't like the whore-type bisexual lesbians. I don't like whores in general.
Well I do like them, but just to fuck them hard. I disrespect them as a person.
But now I read this:
Gold star lesbians, are lesbians who have never been penetrated by a man.
In fact they are in my opinion perfect virgins :thumbup
Now of course they don't like sex with a guy.
Assuming they are good-looking, they seem like the perfect sextoy if you don't mind ****** sex.
If you’re using “forced sex” as a thinly disguised euphemism for the R word, I strongly object, as does the rest of the civilised world.
05-25-2013, 12:47 PM
If you’re using “forced sex” as a thinly disguised euphemism for the R word, I strongly object, as does the rest of the civilised world.
It is not my thing either. You probably did not read some of my recent posts.
I am the kind of emotional guy who wants to be loved back. Strangely enough.
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-25-2013, 12:53 PM
Yeah but if you're an algolagniac, pretty much all ball pain is sexual, like ****** arousal, whether you're attracted to the person or not. I wouldn't exactly want a guy to give me a blow job without my consent either. So no, it's not all enjoyment, and it's not all fun. I'd never play contact sports.
It guess it depends upon the definition of algolagniac you choose.
You’ve omitted my sentence that preceded the quote,
“Crafty ball attacks are common in contact sports, even expected.”
It takes me far more than just a swift jab or squeeze to arouse a rampant erection.
Perhaps we just react differently; for me, my perceived intent of the pain is normally far more important that the pain.
Alec Anaconda, A1
05-25-2013, 01:02 PM
It is not my thing either. You probably did not read some of my recent posts.
I am the kind of emotional guy who wants to be loved back. Strangely enough.
I’ve read all your recent posts, apart from any in ********** etc.
You found the nearest, that you ever will, to a female clone of yourself, then decided she was not what you wanted.
05-25-2013, 01:07 PM
It guess it depends upon the definition of algolagniac you choose.
You’ve omitted my sentence that preceded the quote,
“Crafty ball attacks are common in contact sports, even expected.”
It takes me far more than just a swift jab or squeeze to arouse a rampant erection.
Perhaps we just react differently; for me, my perceived intent of the pain is normally far more important that the pain.
No omission of relevance at all, as I said, I don't play certain contact sports (obviously, where crafty ball hits are an expectation, because I'd never consent to that or want that imposed on me).
I do think it's a given that BB isn't a singular fetish, clearly there's different reasons people are into it, and we all react differently to pain/sensations.
05-25-2013, 04:58 PM
Yes everyone but we're here at
That should be a clue :)
05-26-2013, 02:04 AM
Here is the thing, if you are a male and it has a man's cock in the video or photo that is not of your own cock your and you watch it you are gay. I have posted pics of my cock on here and you all have seen it, so you all are totally gay for my cock so deal with it. Same goes for the ladies and nude female pics.
05-26-2013, 04:46 PM
OP said "I support gay people because I know that sometimes it's difficult for them."
So, those men labeled as gay are not normal and OP thinks is difficult for them.
But we need to be kicked in our balls in order to have a hard on. Are we normal, then?
Should be difficult for us either.
I deeply hate when a discussion like this is started.
If we, that have a sexual deviation, are not open in accepting others who should do it?
This is amazing for me.
One from the Vaults
05-27-2013, 01:11 AM
No surprise that some of us are still deeply conflicted about our sexualities though...
05-27-2013, 11:19 AM
OP said "I support gay people because I know that sometimes it's difficult for them."
So, those men labeled as gay are not normal and OP thinks is difficult for them.
But we need to be kicked in our balls in order to have a hard on. Are we normal, then?
Should be difficult for us either.
I deeply hate when a discussion like this is started.
If we, that have a sexual deviation, are not open in accepting others who should do it?
This is amazing for me.
Sir, I realize that you may be a bit sensitive about this subject, but I never made any implications nor intended to make any implications at all that homosexuality is abnormal. In fact, if you read and think about what I said, I would say that it's pretty supportive of homosexuality. I am very much openly accepting of absolutely everyone.
In fact, if I had known that making this thread would cause the uproar that it did, I would have never made it. My intentions were not to smite gay people or speak nastily about them, but to recognize that sometimes we should politely discuss matters on this thread in a humane and intellectual manner.
With much love and hope for a good standing,
05-27-2013, 01:02 PM
Sir, I realize that you may be a bit sensitive about this subject, but I never made any implications nor intended to make any implications at all that homosexuality is abnormal. In fact, if you read and think about what I said, I would say that it's pretty supportive of homosexuality. I am very much openly accepting of absolutely everyone.
In fact, if I had known that making this thread would cause the uproar that it did, I would have never made it. My intentions were not to smite gay people or speak nastily about them, but to recognize that sometimes we should politely discuss matters on this thread in a humane and intellectual manner.
With much love and hope for a good standing,
Dear Mr. Testycoles,
As someone else already mentioned here you are anyhow focused on another man dick and balls.
This is what you see in a ball busting clip. If your neighbor will see you staring at a man genitals will not understand that you have a fetish and in fact your are aroused by the woman shoe who deliver the kick.
For him you will be homosexual.
This is nasty isn't it, or not, because you have many homosexual friends.
Than one of your homosexual friends will come to you and will caught you staring once more at males genitals so than wrongly he will assume that you are homosexual too.
You notice I am sensitive to the problem and maybe in an intellectual manner you suggest I am homosexual because I am against your post.
You belong to a majority here, on this forum but maybe tomorrow a smart neighbor kid will find out about your kink and will show that to your friends.
Than you won't be in shadow anymore and will be in minority in front of your vanilla friends.
I hope you got my point.
Bottom line is that I never saw a m/m clip around here. I do not know were is the problem?
05-28-2013, 06:05 AM
So, anyone watching a vanillaporn is gay too?
That's a hard point of view in my opinion.
I am clearly and unquestionably F/M orientated. With all the ways people (in the world) want to control what others do, I have to go along with not excluding this group from this forum. Those poor souls have enough prejudice against them. Many consider us a sick lot of people - it's the same mentality to condemn us.
Also, occasionally, I find myself curious and a little affected by seeing some of this.
On the other hand, I am thoroughly turned off by some of the extreme bb on this site including cutting, sexual mutilation, and the enjoyment of seeing helpless captive animals sexually mutilated. I do not speak out against this but simply ignore it.
We are all individuals and as such if there is any common ground to be found in all of us, it would be the sexual thrill of seeing another inflicting pain to a man's most sensitive body parts, his nuts.
Let's be open to all forms of testicle abuse by anyone.
05-28-2013, 01:42 PM
I am clearly and unquestionably F/M orientated. With all the ways people (in the world) want to control what others do, I have to go along with not excluding this group from this forum. Those poor souls have enough prejudice against them. Many consider us a sick lot of people - it's the same mentality to condemn us.
Also, occasionally, I find myself curious and a little affected by seeing some of this.
On the other hand, I am thoroughly turned off by some of the extreme bb on this site including cutting, sexual mutilation, and the enjoyment of seeing helpless captive animals sexually mutilated. I do not speak out against this but simply ignore it.
We are all individuals and as such if there is any common ground to be found in all of us, it would be the sexual thrill of seeing another inflicting pain to a man's most sensitive body parts, his nuts.
Let's be open to all forms of testicle abuse by anyone.
You capture my point.
Yes, let's be open
Anyhow I do not see any m/m ball-busting around here
With this occasion I invite OP to put a link to a recent m/m ball-busting posted in this forum.
Regarding the fact that someone come to an expression :
"I know is difficult for them" it is strange
because should be difficult also for us
it were not few occasion when I was with a beautiful woman naked in bed and I start playing with her and she told me I am weird.
I am weird because I am not aroused at normal stimulus. In order to enjoy sex I need to have my balls squeezed or busted and this weird for most of people.
Than I come here among my "weird" fellows and someone said without a clear evidence of m/m ball-busting content that
even he have a lot of very close gay friends
he did not want to see their shit around here
because they are the "weird" people in our "normal" world
05-30-2013, 12:24 AM
Getting turned on by watching another man's cock penetrate some chick's pussy in a porno doesn't mean you're gay. It just means you're a voyeur (like the rest of us).
Now if you got an erection from physically touching another man's genitals, then you're gay. Get it? Got it? Good.
05-30-2013, 07:26 AM
I've never seen gay themes here. If there was - it doesn't bother me (ok! just gay theme, don't click!).
I think you the one who have problem with this. Why do you show your opinion about an imaginary things? Where did you see gay related things here? Man, go and fuck yourself.
Ok. First of all, I would like to say that I'm not homophobic in anyway. I don't hate people for their sexual orientation. I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM AT ALL WITH GAY PEOPLE WHATSOEVER.. I have many gay friends that I consider to be very close friends of mine. That's cool! I don't care if you're gay! It's you're business and I'm not going to judge you for it. In fact, I support gay people because I know that sometimes it's difficult for them. And even if any of my gay friends were into m/m ballbusting, I would care. Like I said, that's their own business.
This is not a gay forum. A lot of people on this forum, including myself, don't want to see gay m/m ballbusting content.
In fact, I'm sure that a large majority of us would prefer to not see it at all.
Personally, m/m ballbusting kind of bothers me, and that's one of the reasons why I'm on this sight.
And I know that it has been said many times but, the forum is called "female dom". If you are unable to interpret the meaning of this, I will do it for you
Female Dom - Female Domination. Where the female is the dominant and, in this case, dominating the male. Ballbusting is when someone causes pain to a male's genitals, usually as a sexual fetish. Female Domination Ballbusting is when females cause pain to a male's genitals. This is the Ballbusting forum on, implying that females cause pain to male genitals.
I wouldn't mind if m/m ballbusting had it's own separate thread dedicated to gay m/m content. I just personally don't appreciate it when it's fused with the usual f/m content all around the rest of the sight.
I'm sorry if I sound rather dickish but, in my personal opinion m/m content does not belong on this forum at all, but if it must be here, I think that it should at least have it's own separate thread.
Please guys, don't take any of this in a harsh or malicious manor at all. I do not wish for a shitstorm or for people to hate me because of my personal opinion on this matter.
Thank you all for for reading,
05-30-2013, 09:40 AM
This area of the forum is about ballbusting. Whether its an accident or object has no "sexuality" and is allowed, this area is not about sexuality it's about balls being busted. Simple.
Personally I think you should be banned yourself for making a pointless thread that doesn't contain ballbusting and is just "fuck gay things". Now that's something that deserves attention. Pointless irrelevant threads.
Yes everyone but we're here at
That should be a clue :)
Gonna need to get rid of accidents/falling objects/fights where a ballbusting takes place but the woman still loses/anything not featuring a woman ontop of someone then
Barely any of you seem to understand that demanding content be taken down because you personally don't like it is fucking stupid. This is why 90% of femdom/ballbusting sites are ass, people remove relevant content for no good reason.
I mean I think posts featuring real life **********, animal abuse, psychopathic speeches that are for serious, and the ideal that cheating on your loved ones is "empowering" and encourages cheating, as well as encouraging **** of the innocent are awful and shouldn't be allowed, but I don't speak out against those, although I should because those are MUCH more concerning than what gender is delivering the blow.
How do you even enjoy ballbusting anything on here if you're homophobic, honestly you're looking at balls. It's like looking at herms and traps and saying you only look at straight porn
Add stories that are in-post and not linked or spoilered causing you to have to scroll for ages to the list of things that I dislike but never speak out to, even though its not the content its the format. Also, linking to sites like fchan where the images will inevitably be gone, instead of re uploading them to another site then linking them.
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