View Full Version : The Musuo People

06-10-2013, 03:14 PM
Ever hear of the Musuo people? They are from an area in Yunnan, China. It is a true matriarchal society. Men can not own land, involve themselves in politics or economics. Children get their mothers names. There is no marriage. Women choose a man at her whim and it may be for one night or longer. It is on a lake called Lugu, so it is an agrarian society. There is no record of famine in its 2000 year recorded history. In their language there is no word for ****, murder, prison, or father.

Unfortunately this valley community surrounded by mountains has been accessed by roads built by the government and now tourists are flocking into the area. I fear globalization will spoil this matriarchal bliss and it will become like everything else.

I would love to live there, but not as a tourist. I would not want to change anything. How about you?