View Full Version : Transfer ownership of penis

06-16-2013, 05:06 PM
First I want to say that I'm not giving any legal advice, and this type of thing may not be legal in your jurisdiction. I'm not offering to engage in any such agreement. Consider this a fantasy question.

Has anybody actually considered having a signed/witnessed agreement to transfer physical ownership (not removal) of your penis to another person?

Not a cute S&M thing, a real signed agreement.

Human penises are sold for research to medical institutions and one was sold for food in Japan recently. So there is some precedent for ownership of penises being transferred from the original owner.

If I was to do this, I think I'd want to have some conditions in the transfer agreement.... like right of first refusal if the new owner tries to transfer it to another person, I get first dibs to get it back (which I could refuse).

Would be kind of weird if the ex-wife gave it to her new boyfriend. :)

Also something that the new owner must not put me in medical danger in any way if they choose to remove/harm/destroy it. Any removal must be done at their expense by a medical professional, etc.

Hopefully the new owner would take care of it, but you have to account for these things if you really give it to somebody.

Anybody actually given it away and made it "official" (paperwork)?

Anybody else have these "fantasies"?

06-19-2013, 01:18 AM

08-14-2013, 06:53 PM
Found this interesting. Although I was really thinking of a more formal type of thing where the woman really does take sole ownership of the penis, not so much a shared ownership type of thing.

"The penis belongs to both lovers

We don’t want to go into psychoanalysis or biology, but it’s not a bad test of a love affair if the penis, even though it’s very much his, the man's, still somehow "belongs" to both of you. This exact connection of programmed emotions adapts a man perfectly to all kinds of experiences and feelings connected to sexuality, identity and development. Freud’s formulation that men have fears that a woman or a jealous parent will take away their penis, while the woman sees it as something she has lost, is biologically accurate, but it’s oversimplifying things."


So any comments from guys who have given it away or gals who own a penis?

11-23-2013, 12:36 PM
Kind of surprised nobody else has commented on this yet.

Isn't that one of the common uses of cock cages.... the woman takes control and ownership of the penis?

11-24-2013, 08:45 AM
Same counts for a lot of sexual penectomy fantasies. The woman(when a woman does it like in this example) takes ownership of the penis(and therefor your manhood). You lose ownership, in a sadistic, cruel, sexy or loving way(all done by someone you love or sexualle crave).
Then the fantasy can expand that you give that woman the biggest gift you can give: your manhood.

02-18-2014, 10:39 PM
We have an owner and custodian deal. She owns it, i am the custodian since it is attached. i am to take care of and safeguard it for her keeping it caged and untouched by anyone but her - not even my own hands may touch it.

02-24-2014, 03:57 PM
We have an owner and custodian deal. She owns it, i am the custodian since it is attached. i am to take care of and safeguard it for her keeping it caged and untouched by anyone but her - not even my own hands may touch it.

That's a good arrangement. In a serious relationship, I really think the penis should belong to the woman.
I think she should be free to play with other penises too, whatever she wants.

In my case, I'm fine with my wife leaving her cock in the cage and watching her play with bigger/better ones.
I get enjoyment seeing her enjoy herself.

Kind of like the arrangement this couple seems to have:
