View Full Version : Scary BB story
08-31-2013, 11:53 PM
One guy start a very nice bb story that turn out very ugly.
Seems he develop testicular cancer from just one knee into his groin.
Do you think is this is possible?
09-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Hello there,
How are you? Yes, this is very possible.
Usually, when a man is struck in the "sac", (assuming the blow is on "target") the gonads tend to bounce round a bit. This (apart from location behind the penis) helps protect the "boys". A good many kicks to the crotch tend to be slighly "off target" and finish up as glancing blows. By moving round freely, the testicles are able to dissipate some of the force directed at them.
However, occasionally a testicle (or two) will become pinned against the foot (or what ever object inflicting the blow) and the pubic bone. This compels the testicle(s) to absorb the full power of the blow! The results are often quite devastating.
This is an uncommon occurrence. But, not as "rare" as many would believe. A rupture (or two) is the result. The rupture(s) are almost always catastrophic in nature. BTW, a "rupture" is ANY tear in the tunica vaginalis (technically, tunica vaginalis testis) regardless of size. Some ruptures are small and can be repaired surgically.
Unfortunately, the large ones can not be.
The remains of the testicle(s) must be removed else, they will become cancerous. Assuming the referenced account is true from the old posting, there is something I do not comprehend. Specifically, why this individual waited so long to seek treatment.
BTW, the incident described in the old post is precisely the reason, I do not engage in so-called ballbusting for sport. Personally, I object to all blows delivered to the sac, save for self-defence. "I know, I know".. there be many here who are active participants. You "see" nothing wrong with this activity, provided the fellow is consenting. Also, if the woman (or whom ever) respects the individuals "limits" and so on. You are entitled to your views. Please, respect mine.
This begs the question, "Why are you here, on this board?". Firstly, the little interest in and enjoyment of, ball busting I have.. is related to celluloid. That is, I prefer fictional depictions. So, I know no one was (deliberately) harmed.
Also, (for me) it must be in the context of a woman defending or avenging herself, with regard to assault. I am appalled by depictions of women kicking or kneeing men in the gonads for; saying something offensive, cheating, or for simply not letting her have her "way".
However, my primary interest is not ball busting. I have a "fascination with **********".<giggles> No, I do not go round neutering men. I do not want to do it, even if I could "get away with it". Rather, I prefer to read and view fictional accounts, in regards to the avenging female character archtype.;)
One guy start a very nice bb story that turn out very ugly.
Seems he develop testicular cancer from just one knee into his groin.
Do you think is this is possible?
09-05-2013, 04:10 PM
Hi Messalina,
I read around a bit and most of the doctors disagree that a connection between a hit to the groin and cancer exist.
But could happen that a guy that come for a testicular check because of a low blow to be discovered with testicular cancer.
That because most of men do not periodically check their testicles.
09-05-2013, 04:40 PM
I would say that he had cancer already and blames it on the knee. The testicles can get damaged from hits but not cancer, just like any other part of the body.
09-05-2013, 10:50 PM
I would say that he had cancer already and blames it on the knee. The testicles can get damaged from hits but not cancer, just like any other part of the body.
Exactly. Cancer is not produced by physical hits. Still testicular cancer it is a serious issue and men should be educated how to check their testicles exactly as women are periodically check their breasts. If cancer is discovered early it is curable.
09-06-2013, 02:57 PM
Hello Serbi40,
How are you?
I never made the claim "That a connection between a hit to the groin and cancer exist." Rather, the lad who related his personal story., made such a claim. I stand by my assertion; if the remains of a necrotic testis are not removed, they will become cancerous.
Both, my sister and da are physicians. My closest friend is a nurse. Also, I hold the paramedic certificate. So, I know of what I speak.
To sum up; it is correct a groin hit will not induce the creation of cancer cells. However, necrotic testicular tissues will become malignant, after time. Yes, it is rather strange that "Most men do not check their testicles.".:confused: I examine those of my mate and we both, enjoy the process.;)
Hi Messalina,
I read around a bit and most of the doctors disagree that a connection between a hit to the groin and cancer exist.
But could happen that a guy that come for a testicular check because of a low blow to be discovered with testicular cancer.
That because most of men do not periodically check their testicles.
09-07-2013, 03:44 PM
seems you belong to a family of doctors and this afirmation put some weight in your words
still you can have a look about what American Cancer Society is saying regarding this topic:
“It’s a common myth that injuries can cause cancer,” the American Cancer Society says on its Web site. Until the 1920s, some doctors believed trauma did cause cancer, “despite the failure of injury to cause cancer in experimental animals.”
But most medical authorities, including the cancer society and the National Cancer Institute, see no such link."
Well, because I also want also to weight my words, I want to mention that my father's brother is doctor, my first cousin is doctor and my sister-in-law is biologist.
09-07-2013, 03:55 PM
There is a special topic for injury and those are not causing cancer
Even if a tumor is started because of the injury that is benign tumor
That will not change in cancer.
Malign tumors have total different causes that are listed in linked article.
the site is from that is an authority in this problem.
09-08-2013, 01:36 PM
Hi Serbi40,
Thank you, for replying to my message. I trust you and yours are well.:)
It seems, you are still missing the substance of my commentary. I am not stating "injuries cause cancer". Rather, dead tissue does. This is one of the reasons, severely damaged limbs are severed. People suffering from severe frostbite and burns, have had to have body parts amputated. Also, those who have lost circulation to a limb for an extended period of time. Sometimes, (as in the case of the terror attack in Boston) proper blood flow can not be returned to a limb. There simply is too much damage.
If the dead limb is not removed sepsis, is a very real possibility. However, cancer is as well. As the body will produce excessive amounts of cells, in a futile effort to repair something which, can not be repaired. Any (competent) physician will confirm this. Particularly, in the case of clinicians.
It is good to have intelligent discussions once again, on this board. Please, to continue your input.:)
There is a special topic for injury and those are not causing cancer
Even if a tumor is started because of the injury that is benign tumor
That will not change in cancer.
Malign tumors have total different causes that are listed in linked article.
the site is from that is an authority in this problem.
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