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View Full Version : Some German stories with translations

10-23-2013, 03:57 AM
I found a German website where users can contribute text associated with a word:


There are some nice stories and comments if you search for suitable words, e.g. Hoden, Eier, Tritt, Treten

I've translated (rather freely) my favourites to English:


My friend Sabine meets her ex this weekend for what she calls "gentle ball kicking". This shared interest keeps them meeting even after the relationship has ended. I can hear her now on the phone: "Oh yes, I'm looking forward to it...". Apparently he kneels in front of her while she sits on the sofa and softly kicks his testicles while he masturbates. When he comes over her feet she gives him a significantly harder kick as a kind of !thank-you!! This is already the third time they meet like this - hopefully it will continue as she's always super relaxed afterwards.



Once my girlfriend - probably just to see what would happen - gave my right ball a flick from underneath. Yes, not a punch or kick, just a flick with her index finger. The result was pure comedy: I held myself groaning, and was in pain for some minutes. Well, unfortunately this is no cheap TV show but reality - on TV you laugh and switch channels, but as a man I have to live with it. Now my girlfriend regularly gives my balls a slap then laughs deliciously about my built-in "off switch".


Daniel wrote:
My sister hit my balls really hard the other day! We'd just got home and were taking our coats off, and when I turned round she was standing right in front of me with a grin and kneed me full force. I thought I would die of pain it was so bad - everything went dark and I fell on the floor. When I came round she was sat next to me, still laughing. When I asked her why she'd done it she said "we talked about it in school today, and I wanted to try it. It worked really well!".

*giggle* I'd like a brother I could try that out on. I think girls should know exactly how effective a kick in the balls is, and should try it out like your sister. I'd love to practice regularly - it's a wonderful feeling seeing how easy it is to beat a boy while he falls to the floor in pain. I envy your sister and hope she has lots more fun practicing.



When I kick, I kick as hard as I can! In the end, it should really hurt and teach them a lesson, so always mind your balls - the female foot can cause a whole load of pain :-)



In my old school ball kicking was no issue, but in my new school the girls do it without restraint. In every break there will be several boys curled up on the ground holding their nuts. The male teachers turn a blind eye, the female teachers sometimes even encourage the girls, and one who's about fifty apparently gets turned on when a girl brings a shine to some balls. In class, sometimes the fat girl I sit next to grabs me between the legs and squeezes. She whispers in my ear "if you shout, I'll squash your little balls to mush" - and I'm sure she would!


I love ball-squeezing, it feels so good to get a firm grip on a man's sensitive parts and see how helpless and obedient he becomes. The first time I grabbed my boyfriend's and squeezed them together he had been pestering me for sex when I wasn't in the mood. As they were already dangling in front of me with his pants down it was easy to demonstrate to him that I wasn't interested! Fortunately for me, my boyfriend is somewhat submissive and masochistic - he even offered me his testicles to torture so I didn't have to suffer my period pains alone. I thought that was really sweet of him and of course I accepted!

Since then we've expanded the agreement somewhat, and I can torment his penis and testicles whenever I want, so long as I'm careful (which is in my interest too of course, I don't want to break my toys!). In these sessions I like to tie him up so he can't move and put a blindfold on him. I tie his hands up to the ceiling, fit a ring around his balls to make them stand out, and pull his foreskin back and fix it with tape. Then I get to work with a fly swat, alternating between his balls and glans. It's really fun when he tries to dodge but can't see where the next blow will be - I can't help myself laughing about his painful predicament!

Oops, I've strayed away from the topic of ball squeezing, but for me it's anyway an awesome way with one grip to make a man defenceless and completely surrender to me. I know I'm mean, but that's how my man likes it! What can I say - I'm happy to be a woman, and I think it's great the male genitalia are so sensitive to pain and so wonderfully accessible for a woman - for me it's clear they're designed for this purpose. So dear men: I have the vagina, so I make the rules!



Sometimes when we are kissing, I grab my husband between the legs, wrap my fingers around his balls and give them a firm squeeze. It's a wonderful feeling when he groans and slides down to the floor and kisses my shoes and feet!



A kick in the balls is the simplest way for a woman to defend herself. But I do it more often just for fun!



In the 7th year all the girls in my class were well developed (especially the breasts). There were 5 boys and 25 girls, so we had a clear advantage when it came to kicking balls. So it was in swimming lessons - our instructor was always on the side of the girls, and when a girl was (or simply felt) antagonized she would declare a penalty for the boy involved - usually a kick in the balls! Once I was so annoyed a boy had an erection after looking at my breasts that he immediately got 25 kicks!

We all shared a locker room, as it made no sense to open another for just five boys. It went like this: Girls went into the locker room while the boys waited outside (in the cold if it was winter). When the girls gave the ok the boys could get changed, then go to the shower which was also shared. The girls would wait in the corridor and grab the boys five against one, and make them stand with their legs apart. Boys with erections would get their balls kicked already, then they were all spat on, had their swimming costumes pulled off, then were let into the showers. For every ten seconds of showering they would receive two kicks from two girls.

We didn't like how fast the boys swam, so would kick their weak spot as they went past. Our cool instructor also kicked now and then as a penalty. With 26 females against 5 males we really enjoyed exercising our power. That was a great time!



Hi, my name is Marie, I'm 23 years old and love squeezing my boyfriend's balls.

He always likes it when I hold his balls after sex and fondle them. He loves it when I gently massage and stroke them, and it's fun to play with them. It's a beautiful feeling to hold his balls in my hand and know that I have complete control - though usually I stay sweet-natured unless he's been misbehaving or fails to bring me to orgasm. The last time that happened we had been out to dinner and undressed as soon as we got home. I'd got him really excited on the way home, so he didn't take long to come and the fun was over relatively quickly for me and I was quite disappointed.

Afterwards we cuddled and I held his balls as usual. Then he whispered in my ear how great the evening had been, and we should do it more often. That was too much for me so I wrapped my fingers around his balls and slowly started to grip harder. When he realized what was happening he gasped, which got me horny, and when he tried to pull my hand away I just squeezed harder. I started to pleasure myself with my other hand, and the heavier I had to breathe, the harder I gripped his balls. He groaned with pain but apparently didn't dare to shout in case it turned me on even more. I squeezed his balls tighter and tighter until I finally came.

The next day his balls were swollen and he asked me why I had done it. I told him that next time it's in his interest to work harder. We women have to educate our men, and when their most precious parts are involved they are incredibly eager to learn!

Love, Marie

10-24-2013, 01:01 AM
A few more:

I was once kicked in the balls and it was incredibly painful. It happened in a self-defence course at community college. We were practicing this "technique" - not for real but stopping before making contact. With me holding my partner on the forearms and her holding onto mine, instead of stopping she kicked me quite forcefully in the balls. I immediately felt an absolutely devastating pain, couldn't tell which way was up, and folded onto the floor. The pain was so intense I was only semi-conscious and I hunched against the wall for several minutes feeling like my insides had been torn apart.

I think women don't realise how intense the pain is, and what they can do to a man with one kick. My practice partner was somewhat shocked and apologized several times that she had inadvertently kiked too far, and she really didn't think she had kicked so hard. I'm not completely sure that she didn't maybe do it on purpose - I expect she didn't want to hurt me as much as she did, but maybe she was curious to test the effectiveness of a supposedly light kick in the balls, and only realized afterwards it was rather too hard.


Anja wrote:
I can only agree with Karla, it's really fun to show the guys what bad luck they have simply for being guys *haha* being a girl has it's advantages - and boys think that too after getting it in the balls from me!


The best thing is the unbelievable look on their face! Its somehwere between "oh my god, what has she done?!" and "ow, OW, AAAOOOWWWWW!”. I love it! Kicking boys in the balls is simply fun, and they can't defend themselves any more after an accurate hit!


For fun one time, my girlfriend kicked me right in the balls with her new high heeled boots, just to see if it hurts. As I lay on the floor she just laughed, and she still threatens me now and then about doing it again. That was *extremely* painful.


The great thing is not so much to send the guy to the floor, but rather his arrogance. Most guys still believe they have the physical advantage. Yet women naturally have much faster reactions than men and can use the advantage of surprise. At school I did a lot of martial arts, and the boys never practiced properly, supposedly because they were scared of hurting a girl. We girls had no such problem and didn't hold back ;-). Then you can see how weak some guys really are, and it's super fun to punch or kick them in the sack!


10-25-2013, 11:40 AM
Those are some hot stories, whether true or not. Always love the bro-sis and schoolgirl ballbusting theme. Post more if possible please!

10-26-2013, 05:48 AM
This is all great stuff. I love reading about ball-busting from other countries - it can be quite surprising the different scenarios you get.
Thanks for translating. I'd love to hear more.
I remember discovering that Germans call balls "small eggs" and loved that expression. Do you know if that;s a mainstream word for them? It seems so belittling, yet apt.

10-27-2013, 09:01 AM
yeahh...in Germany we really call balls...eggs..or in german "Eier", normally we don`t say "small eggs" just when someone is a whimp then we say he`s a guy with small eggs ;)
And if somebody got a kick in the balls we say "Voll in die Eier"...so if you search any german vids of guys they getting their balls hit, search for "Tritt in die Eier" , "Voll in die Eier" or for squeezing "Eiergriff"