View Full Version : Why do women enjoy the idea of chopping off a man's dick?
11-16-2013, 08:25 PM
I think I understand the various reasons why men enjoy this fantasy, but I'm aware that there are also many women out there who also enjoy penectomy fantasies and I'd love to hear what it is they enjoy about it. Is it the power of one simple act, one minute it being attached, the next minute it's gone? Is it the pain it would inflict? Is it the exposed vulnerability his penis has? Is it the possibility for punishment? I could go on. But please, share your thoughts :)
11-27-2013, 09:13 AM
Yeah I too have noticed this from women. Sigmund Freud would probably attribute this to the females penis envy. However I think it has a lot to do with how a lot of females seem to hate men in general and laugh at our pain and misery. They know that the penis is very much a part of our psychology as well as body and to destroy it would destroy the man himself whilst ******* him to live a horrible life after. So it would seem to be a part of the female predilection for sadism.
11-27-2013, 02:42 PM
Emily said that it is because men are always too proud of the penis. Talking about how big it is. Talking about their penis. Like it makes them more of a man because of their penis and how much bigger it is in their thoughts. And that they think a big penis will impress a woman. Then the thought is just funny.
Fact is that most women don't enjoy the sight of a penis, unless it's someone they generally are attracted to. And then it's the thought of sex, not the sight of the penis itself. The power the penis 'creates' in the mind of men. That that fake power is taken away, that is the thought that counts to her.
11-30-2013, 09:49 AM
Why do women enjoy the idea of chopping off a dick?
Well only speaking for myself, I would have to say, it has nothing to do with having a power trip against the guy, and by all means, there are no intentions of inflicting pain. I would hope that the pain would not be a big deal.
So for me the idea came at a young age, being raised by a single mom, she would threaten to cut off my big brothers weenie, kind of like threatening to give a spanking.
That idea swam in my head, and any time I saw him naked, I would think about what my mom said.
My brothers, was the first "weenie" I ever saw, till his friend that came on his bicycle was spending the night. He was what I thought was hot, and I saw him naked in the bathroom. That was the point that it bacame a sexual fantasy.
All my life, whan I am attracted to a guy, my feeling is the desire to cut off his dick.
12-03-2013, 02:47 PM
So for me the idea came at a young age, being raised by a single mom, she would threaten to cut off my big brothers weenie, kind of like threatening to give a spanking.
All my life, whan I am attracted to a guy, my feeling is the desire to cut off his dick.
Thats Hot. I hope I am an attractive guy to you :loveeyes
12-17-2013, 11:23 PM
Why do women enjoy the idea of chopping off a dick?
Well only speaking for myself, I would have to say, it has nothing to do with having a power trip against the guy, and by all means, there are no intentions of inflicting pain. I would hope that the pain would not be a big deal.
So for me the idea came at a young age, being raised by a single mom, she would threaten to cut off my big brothers weenie, kind of like threatening to give a spanking.
That idea swam in my head, and any time I saw him naked, I would think about what my mom said.
My brothers, was the first "weenie" I ever saw, till his friend that came on his bicycle was spending the night. He was what I thought was hot, and I saw him naked in the bathroom. That was the point that it bacame a sexual fantasy.
All my life, whan I am attracted to a guy, my feeling is the desire to cut off his dick.
Please tell us more about the incident between your brother and your mom, and about any of the other times she "threatened" your brother(s) in this way.
12-22-2013, 09:31 AM
I will tell you, those were words that changed my life forever. I never told my mom, but if she realized, she would probably wish she never said that. I know I do. Do you know what I'm saying?
12-22-2013, 04:11 PM
So, the threat of your mom was thought as a punishment for some kind of misbehaviour?
But that's exactly what many of us would like to experience.
For my part, it'd be enough to only threat me. :D
Many of our fantasies are based in the early youth.
Parents didn't think much about things like this at that time.
Today it might be different, as people get more and more informed about this kind of mental dominance.
12-23-2013, 09:28 AM
Have you ever teased your bro about that?
12-26-2013, 08:45 AM
Have you ever teased your bro about that?
No. I am pretty quiet around other people, especially anything pertaining to this subject. For some reason I have pictured him without a penis since we were kids. But not in the same sexual way that I picture other guys.
12-29-2013, 02:10 PM
Would you ever cut your brothers penis off?
01-03-2014, 09:19 AM
Would you ever cut your brothers penis off?
Maybe then, possibly. But not now.
Once I get to know a guy too good, it would take much more courage than I have to do it.
Give me an attractive guy with no personal information, and anything could happen.;)
01-04-2014, 07:24 AM
Maybe then, possibly. But not now.
Once I get to know a guy too good, it would take much more courage than I have to do it.
Give me an attractive guy with no personal information, and anything could happen.;)
I'm that guy for you. You can cut mine off lilshelly
01-05-2014, 01:25 AM
this really ought to be a required field on dating sites.
"Would you like to sever your partner's penis?" [Yes] [No] [Unsure]
01-05-2014, 09:40 AM
01-05-2014, 06:19 PM
Lol nice to see that it put a smile on your face but I'm for real lol if you really want to its yours for the taking it help both me and you our fantasies would come true mine of having a woman cut my penis off and yours of cutting a mans penis off lol you should really message me girl ps. It is a big size one too I been told I should be proud of it
01-09-2014, 08:59 AM
So enticing, hopefully some day.
It would take a lot of nerve for me to actually do it, but my real concern is my family, my friends, and coworkers.
That thought just makes me think "uuhhhh..."
01-09-2014, 12:40 PM
So enticing, hopefully some day.
It would take a lot of nerve for me to actually do it, but my real concern is my family, my friends, and coworkers.
That thought just makes me think "uuhhhh..."
Well I guess that is true your doing a big thing of cutting of a guys penis I mean I think about it a lot if a girl ever cut mine off like how much pain and blood would there really be and what she would do with it after it is cut off and like I said you can cut my penis off anytime girl I would enjoy every part of it watching you cut it off and holding it in your hand after it is no longer on my body
01-16-2014, 08:55 AM
Thanks JK you make me smile. ;)
01-16-2014, 10:53 AM
Thanks JK you make me smile. ;)
Well I'm happy to see that I can make you smile makes me feel good inside lol but by now you should now that some guys in this world would let you cut off the penis I mean I let you cut off my penis so maybe sometime and your life you be able to have your fantasy come true you might be able to cut off more then one to you never know I just hope I find a woman who cut off my penis then I could be by her side for the rest of my life
01-17-2014, 09:14 AM
You guys just make me horny, and feed my fantacy.
Some day one of you will make it come true. ;)
01-17-2014, 10:38 AM
You guys just make me horny, and feed my fantacy.
Some day one of you will make it come true. ;) well I hope I'm that lucky one
01-18-2014, 11:10 PM
LilShelly, Somehow I believe if you were a female warrior you be so much like this Vietnamese woman. There really was a female Viet chick soldier that did deball and decock her bound captives. She had to get off sexually on it as she did at least a dozen men before a US sniper got her.
01-24-2014, 12:47 PM
Well hopefully I never have to become a warrior. No telling, in an extreme condition, a woman could chop off enemies genitals to gain power.
I see how you might enjoy VietKim's style. She does make it very sexual, but she is so brutal.
Myself, the topic is very sensual and with a great deal of compassion for the man.
As people here get me to look deep into my phychosexuality, one thing I realise, the feeling of attraction, is heavyhearted. I feel empathy, and grief stricken, as if there would be no other outcome than for his penis to be removed. The thoughts have been so deeply ingrained into my mind, I do not think I could ever have a normal relationship.
This website has given me a lot. The contact with other like minded people has helped me explore my own way of thinking in a way that never happened before. Hopefully, in some way, I have helped someone else here too.
01-25-2014, 01:46 AM
I will tell you, those were words that changed my life forever. I never told my mom, but if she realized, she would probably wish she never said that. I know I do. Do you know what I'm saying?
Would you be so kind as to describe a scenario in which she would threaten to do this? I'm assuming that she didn't do this for him forgetting to take out the trash or such.
01-25-2014, 04:43 AM
Why not?
Reason enough. ;)
Still, the scenarios would be interesting, yes.
01-25-2014, 09:24 PM
Well hopefully I never have to become a warrior. No telling, in an extreme condition, a woman could chop off enemies genitals to gain power.
I see how you might enjoy VietKim's style. She does make it very sexual, but she is so brutal.
Myself, the topic is very sensual and with a great deal of compassion for the man.
As people here get me to look deep into my phychosexuality, one thing I realise, the feeling of attraction, is heavyhearted. I feel empathy, and grief stricken, as if there would be no other outcome than for his penis to be removed. The thoughts have been so deeply ingrained into my mind, I do not think I could ever have a normal relationship.
This website has given me a lot. The contact with other like minded people has helped me explore my own way of thinking in a way that never happened before. Hopefully, in some way, I have helped someone else here too.
I find that really interesting because so often the fantasy is meant to be cruel, it's rare to see anyone talk about it as sensual.
Have you ever heard of Sada Abe? She and her lover were into heavy BDSM. One night during lovemaking she strangled him and then cut off his manly bits, keeping them as a memento of him.
It's a pretty crazy story. Just sharing it because it was sensual play between lovers. I saw a comic posted of it once on this website, wish I could find it now...
Personally, I'd want to be alive for the cutting off bit so I could see my lover.. well.. in fantasy anyway of course ;).
01-26-2014, 06:05 PM
Well hopefully I never have to become a warrior. No telling, in an extreme condition, a woman could chop off enemies genitals to gain power.
I see how you might enjoy VietKim's style. She does make it very sexual, but she is so brutal.
Myself, the topic is very sensual and with a great deal of compassion for the man.
As people here get me to look deep into my phychosexuality, one thing I realise, the feeling of attraction, is heavyhearted. I feel empathy, and grief stricken, as if there would be no other outcome than for his penis to be removed. The thoughts have been so deeply ingrained into my mind, I do not think I could ever have a normal relationship.
This website has given me a lot. The contact with other like minded people has helped me explore my own way of thinking in a way that never happened before. Hopefully, in some way, I have helped someone else here too.
I know some what you mean girl you have this almost for a passion the one penis you want to cut off you want it to be like your boyfriend / lover if that's true there are many guys who want that I even want that
01-26-2014, 06:31 PM
my fantasy is for a women to chop my cock of with a sharp axe
01-27-2014, 10:24 PM
LilShelly. Yes The Female Vietnamese Warrior was very brutal. But when I am having sex and feeling the pure joy of being a man, I think of what it must have felt like
to be the man who was having his dick sliced off by her. I know its crazy but it just makes my cock even harder. A woman who is supposed to be giving pleasure to a man is
giving him the ultimate in pain and humiliation.
02-06-2014, 09:21 AM
OK, good true story. Sada Abe was a bit twisted, and obviously her fantasy caused much grief. Killing your lover just for the sake of keeping him for yourself is definitely over the line. I think about my fantasy, is it too much? Is it over the line? The last thing I would ever want is to get labeled as poisonous.
What Sade Abe did changed her life forever, and not in the good way.
I find her story very sad.
John Roberts
02-07-2014, 04:35 AM
You're inbox is full. I can't reply to the last pm you sent me... :(
"If I can't have you, noone else will" seems to be a popular theme in books and films. I don't know if it happens much in real life, as dead men tell no tales.
I saw the film "In the realm of the senses" - on Sada Abe, and you gotta admit that the threat really gives a woman power over a man.
02-07-2014, 12:14 PM
Why do women enjoy the idea of chopping off a dick?
Well only speaking for myself, I would have to say, it has nothing to do with having a power trip against the guy, and by all means, there are no intentions of inflicting pain. I would hope that the pain would not be a big deal.
So for me the idea came at a young age, being raised by a single mom, she would threaten to cut off my big brothers weenie, kind of like threatening to give a spanking.
That idea swam in my head, and any time I saw him naked, I would think about what my mom said.
My brothers, was the first "weenie" I ever saw, till his friend that came on his bicycle was spending the night. He was what I thought was hot, and I saw him naked in the bathroom. That was the point that it bacame a sexual fantasy.
All my life, whan I am attracted to a guy, my feeling is the desire to cut off his dick.
LilShelly, I have jerked off to your comments for a long time. I would love if you gave me a paragraph or two new fantasy story about what you'd do with a guy. Great stuff!
02-07-2014, 07:17 PM
He he he! I was just think about you and recently watched the porn vid version about Abe Sada, where she cuts the best of him. I thought about if you would be doing this ;). I can image you as cut through and ripping it off your special lover. But that's just me. It must be telepathy ;). She was really loving the guy, but she couldn't keep a part like his head as she said, so she cut off his penis and testicles.
I don't know, we both fantasies about it. But I keep it as a fantasy. I think you'd better not cross the line. The last thing I'd like to see, would another Lorena Bobitt case with you on national TV in a bad way :(.
OK, good true story. Sada Abe was a bit twisted, and obviously her fantasy caused much grief. Killing your lover just for the sake of keeping him for yourself is definitely over the line. I think about my fantasy, is it too much? Is it over the line? The last thing I would ever want is to get labeled as poisonous.
What Sade Abe did changed her life forever, and not in the good way.
I find her story very sad.
02-08-2014, 09:07 AM
I don't know, we both fantasies about it. But I keep it as a fantasy. I think you'd better not cross the line. The last thing I'd like to see, would another Lorena Bobitt case with you on national TV in a bad way :(.
Thankyou... ;)
02-08-2014, 10:26 AM
But I keep it as a fantasy. I think you'd better not cross the line. The last thing I'd like to see, would be another Lorena Bobitt case with you on national TV in a bad way :(.
Hmm...,well, of course, that's not what we want to see, but... you know, that one, or the Catherine Kieu case, that storys were full of hatred and nothing like what we are talking about.
LilShelly, I like you aproach very much.
Myself, the topic is very sensual and with a great deal of compassion for the man.
Some day one of you will make it come true. ;)
And I had to smile about that, because, you know, a fantasy that is absolutely forbidden to ever come true: that is just a sad dream. ;)
And hey: To stay physical (, while simply cutting off an erect penis will of course end up in a mess, on the other hand, with some minimal arrangement like applying a proper torniquet beforehand - even injecting painkiller is really not complictated - and a guy beeing driven to hospital where he walks in alone, but without his dick..., what do you think would really happen?
Well maybe THAT is not the way YOU fantasize it, ok.
But that's just an example, and it leaves the "door open" for it to maybe really happen!
Anyway, to stay on topic, we need more reasons , why do women enjoy the idea of chopping off a man's dick!
02-08-2014, 12:52 PM
Simply for fun apparantly.
Well Emily found a girl (and she's really really hot too!) online. She wanted to find a girl to join in for a clip once. Note that this girl was on a contact site for free, not a paid girl. And she doesn't want to be paid now, but if a clip sells well she would welcome a percentage. While talking she quickly found out that ballbusting is no problem at all. But when checking how far she would go, she even said that penectomy sounds like fun. She never really thought about it, but the thought made her excited.
By the way she said it apparantly, Emily wasn't sure if it was in a sadistic way, sexual way, or just plain fun. For Emily it's sadistic and sexual. Thats why she wants to cut one off. But for this girl it seems like it's a sort of sexual fun. Just to feel alive perhaps? (well I've heard of people doing extreme things for kicks so they feel alive).
Anyway. Emily has a date with her this Thursday to see how she would be in a clip. For me it's dangerous, as I have no idea what they are planning, but the danger is also exciting and hot. I doubt they would really do it the first time, but having 2 girls to have sex with (i'll post images of the clip as soon as it's made here) while they actually think about cutting off your dick is hot.
03-05-2014, 02:28 PM
I do not think they would do anything.
03-12-2014, 07:28 PM
I have no idea whether it is a repost and it may even belong in the penectomy thread, but I came across it and I figured LilShelly might like it so I decided to post it here for her.
iron horse
03-20-2014, 10:51 AM
I thought you all would enjoy the following photo. The two pretty girls have fun insinuating they would like to cut the dicks off of these two naked men at Bay to Breakers in San Francisco. A lot of the ladies walking by had a good laugh at the concept: (
03-20-2014, 04:09 PM
What about the Balls, would you cut them off.....seems the Balls are the center of his manhood and that is what charges up his penis.
03-21-2014, 09:23 AM
For me it's just the penis. But that's just me. ;)
03-21-2014, 11:29 AM
Well, the pic above should then be one for LilShelly. ;)
(And it's one for me though ;))
John Roberts
03-26-2014, 01:29 AM
You could try with me irl if we were in a committed ltr. But you know that from pm's.
John Roberts
03-26-2014, 01:38 AM
I would hope to help you make your fantasy become a reality. You could keep my penis on a necklace after or put it in your purse.
05-02-2015, 11:57 PM
I would hope to help you make your fantasy become a reality. You could keep my penis on a necklace after or put it in your purse.
Maybe this will the best bloody penis busting!!!! amazing,...i will ask her to just to keep on going lets see whats happens..
******( remove *** http://)
05-04-2015, 06:48 PM
Here link to a post I put in many years ago. Still my FAV movie about cutting off a penis.
11-08-2015, 09:48 AM
And I had to smile about that, because, you know, a fantasy that is absolutely forbidden to ever come true: that is just a sad dream. ;)
So true, a forbidden fantasy that never go's away is just a curse.
My fantasy has made my life happy for so long, it gave me the desire to go about my daily activities as if my life were a mission to "get the perfect guy." The only reason I wanted that was to fulfill my own desire, with the hope that the feeling were mutual.
Realizing that my idea is selfish and wrong, I have lived the last year stomping out the light that I once so cherished. Hooking up with a really good guy, never mentioning my dark side, and yes, he could have been the one. Things moved too quickly, he gave me a ring, I asked him to keep it until I was ready. That was my selfish mistake, now that ring is on my friends finger, they are happily engaged. I get to see them every day, and I have no hard feelings toward either of them, I only wish them the best. But I am still the little tramp, alone with my sad dream that was never meant to come true.
11-09-2015, 05:30 AM
LilShelly: you've had mail from me about your fantasies ;)
11-09-2015, 06:43 AM
Hey there Shelly I'm a young guy and im 100% when I say this I'll pay you to cut off my penis
11-10-2015, 06:58 AM
I told all my girlfriends about my ********** and penectomy fantasies. Noone was really shocked. Some liked the fantasy, others didnt care much about it. Even my very first girlfriend loved to tell me how she would cut my cock just in half with a big knife as foreplay :) That was when we were still 16 or 17 years old. My last girlfriend even bought a strange looking cutting device on a flea market. It is no ********** device, but she still gave it to me just to turn me on and let my fantasy do the rest ;)
Today my girlfriend also share ********** fantasies with me and even write me some short stories. So I never regret that I told all my girls about this dark side of me. I think it wouldnt work if I dont tell them. I still have that fantasies, and I need to talk about them and share them.
11-14-2015, 12:37 AM
Plus Shelly I been looking for years it's what I want take it away from me take my cock I don't want it
11-14-2015, 03:38 PM
And I had to smile about that, because, you know, a fantasy that is absolutely forbidden to ever come true: that is just a sad dream. ;)
So true, a forbidden fantasy that never go's away is just a curse.
My fantasy has made my life happy for so long, it gave me the desire to go about my daily activities as if my life were a mission to "get the perfect guy." The only reason I wanted that was to fulfill my own desire, with the hope that the feeling were mutual.
Realizing that my idea is selfish and wrong, I have lived the last year stomping out the light that I once so cherished. Hooking up with a really good guy, never mentioning my dark side, and yes, he could have been the one. Things moved too quickly, he gave me a ring, I asked him to keep it until I was ready. That was my selfish mistake, now that ring is on my friends finger, they are happily engaged. I get to see them every day, and I have no hard feelings toward either of them, I only wish them the best. But I am still the little tramp, alone with my sad dream that was never meant to come true.
Welcome again LilShelly was missing you here.
I only regret that has not prospered their relationship, he missed a great opportunity and a great women.
11-15-2015, 02:23 AM
I would join that dating site.
11-15-2015, 05:28 AM
I would join that dating site.
That was a question, suggestion, invitation or afirmation seapenec?
It was made for me or LilShelly?
If it was done to me, I can be sure that my answer is yes totally seapenec. :)
11-15-2015, 05:33 PM
That was a question, suggestion, invitation or afirmation seapenec?
It was made for me or LilShelly?
If it was done to me, I can be sure that my answer is yes totally seapenec. :)
It was a reply to an earlier part of the thread, but seems the quote did not attach. For threads listing penectomy desires.
11-17-2015, 08:44 AM
It was a reply to an earlier part of the thread, but seems the quote did not attach. For threads listing penectomy desires.
But you know what would be an excellent idea seapec.
I have a dating site that involved women and men really interested in penectomy, **********, etc.
But really interested in, or do the same.
Or as we say here in Brazil: "pega para capar"; in English one would say: "to catch chopping dick".
Importantly, in Brazil, the term CAPAR to say chopping dick. While the Spanish may mean from **********, such as penectomy or even nullo.
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