View Full Version : My Very own Homemade Ballbusting Clip :)
Hi, so i'm seeing this girl and i let her bust me on a regular basis, usually we do kicking, squeezing, kneeing, biting and stomping, but yesturday i told her it would be an interesting thing for her to film me while she is kicking me, and so we did, we did mostly kicking and some kneeing, the clip is almost 3 minutes long, you can hear her teasing me all along the clip, but we don't speak in english, during the clip i had used a ball-gag to muffle my screams and a cockcage to hold my balls firmly so they could be kicked thoroughly, i think everything went great and as planed :) i hope you all will like it and please give feedback and tell me what you think of my clip, it's hard for me because i usually don't talk to anyone about my fetishes and this is a chance to show y'all what i do so please tell me what you think... :) Enjoy !!!
12-03-2013, 08:34 AM
You are welcome xristos, i hope you liked it :)
12-03-2013, 11:01 PM
Hi v15,
It is good that you can film your BB activities with this girl. Any chance of making a squeezing only video?
Hi v15,
It is good that you can film your BB activities with this girl. Any chance of making a squeezing only video?
Well there is a slight chance of that happening, you see i didn't tell her that i was going to put the video on the internet, i'm afraid that if i tell her she will get angry, so i will do the next thing, i will ask her if she would film me while squeezing my balls and i will ask her permision to put it on the internet, i want to be honest with her about the next vid, but also i don't know if i will tell her that i put the first one on the internet, at least only after i get her response to the question about putting the next vids online, so it's kind of a trick question, most definately i will ask her to film me while squeezing me but if her answer is no then i can't put it online, sorry :(, but maybe she will accept then i will put it about 2 weeks from now, i honestly feel kind of bad about not telling her i put this vid online... and also i won't show any of our faces in it, i cut the parts out of this one where my face was shown completley . Cheers !
12-04-2013, 06:53 AM
Hi v15,
If you tell her you have already put the present video on the internet without telling her, who knows how she could react to that. If she is willing to be filmed squeezing your balls that will be great, but if you ask her if you can post it on the internet, well, be ready for a refusal. She may also begin to wonder what you did with the first one. So it is very delicate.....well, good luck!:)
12-04-2013, 12:33 PM
First of thank you for sharing, it was great!
Secondly, why not tell her you know of a place on the net where other people enjoy hearing about your cbt exploits and see how she reacts? If she sounds interested why not then mention the fact a couple of people have asked if you have created any videos. That way it might be her that sujests you share the first video you two created, after all if its her idea to share in the first place she might be easier to encourage to share even more, just the thought of sharing "dirty videos" online sometimes makes it a thrill for her and she dosent even have to be naked lol! Good luck, wish i had a girlfriend into Cbt!!!!!!!
First of thank you for sharing, it was great!
Secondly, why not tell her you know of a place on the net where other people enjoy hearing about your cbt exploits and see how she reacts? If she sounds interested why not then mention the fact a couple of people have asked if you have created any videos. That way it might be her that sujests you share the first video you two created, after all if its her idea to share in the first place she might be easier to encourage to share even more, just the thought of sharing "dirty videos" online sometimes makes it a thrill for her and she dosent even have to be naked lol! Good luck, wish i had a girlfriend into Cbt!!!!!!!
I will try to as subtle as possible in telling her, but i want to be honest with you guys, she's not really my girlfriend, she's a girl i see for sex and ballbusting, and i don't see her really that often just once every one or 2 weeks, and thus i don't know if anything goes with her, that's the honest truth :( i'm really sorry for implying otherwise :( i hope you guys are not dissapointed of me... but hey, things don't have to be that glim, i mean i remember once i mentioned to her that i would buy a mask and we would film each other without showing her face of course and post it on the internet and right then she agreed she didn't really seem bothered by it, so i will just pop the question and see how it goes, i will not mention that i have put the first vid online atleast after i see how she feels about it and if she dosen't agree i wouldn't tell her at all about putting it online, but i will try to convince her that no one could recognise us and that there is no danger, but this will only happen in the next 1 or 2 weeks, sorry for implying that shes my girlfriend, but we are still buddies in a way :)
Hi, Good news Guys, i met this girl today, and i asked her the question, and luckiy she said yes, she's ok with us filming ourselves again, and she is ok with me putting it on the internet, i also told her i'm going to put it in a ballbusting forum :), so... let's get back to bussieness (Ballbusting ! People) So the clip... We have made a clip as you requested(Salmon) So i hope you will be satisfied, it starts with squeezing, it goes along with squeezing and it ends with squeezing, after al litlle bit of squeezing, she starts slapping the balls, punching them, at one point she slapps and punches too hard so i tell her it's a bit too hard, then she squeezes me some more, and some more and then i begin taking hold of the camera ( the phone) and i begin filming the action, the whole time i was hard and turned on :), after some more squeezing :) i put my balls on my abdomen right above my cock and i tell her she can put her knee on my balls and lean on them with her bodyweight, she does so, i scream.... i cry, and then i tell her to step on them, she does so and if you watch carefully you can see that she is stepping fullweight on my balls for a few seconds, then we pause and then we do it again, then we finish everything with a cheery on top... some more hard squeezing, at this point, from minute 6 i began feeling dizzy and i know that that is not good, i'm really afraid i could faint because the pain is too much, nex time we should take it a bit easier... so that's it that's my video the second one and i wish there will be more videos to come, maybe also with different girls, i enjoy what i do and i do it with a smile on my face( except the dizzyness, that was too much) so enjoy my video and please give me all your comments and crittics but easy on the criticism, that stuff will kill you... :)
12-06-2013, 08:55 AM
both links give me problems => cant downlkoad them with jdownloader ( only uploader can download this video), and with normal download the max speed it gives is 200 bytes/sec ( yes, bytes, not K)
both links give me problems => cant downlkoad them with jdownloader ( only uploader can download this video), and with normal download the max speed it gives is 200 bytes/ 2Cond Ballbusting Clip Homemade Al doilea clip ballbusting.avisec ( yes, bytes, not K)
After reading your post i tried to download the clips and i saw that you are right, both clips can be downloaded very slow or better yet not at all
So... i've uploaded them both to different filehosts,
Here are the links for the first clip: vi lbusting.avi
and here are the links for the second one: doilea%20clip%20ballbusting.avi ballbusting.avi
With it is simple, you just click the link, then click the free icon, after that they will show you the next page and then you click the button: "valider et telecharger et fichier" and so you have your download
with mediafire you just have to click download and that's it, i tested theese links and they work, in case they don't please tell me other filehosts where i could put them because i don't know any others,
So enjoy the clips and i await your comments and critics ;) :thumbup
12-11-2013, 08:43 AM
Hi v15,
WOW!! Wonderful video. Delighted to see it. THANK YOU! :)(I was not expecting you would be able to do it so quickly so I have not visited here for a few days). Have you ever tried her sitting on your chest facing your feet and manipulating your balls with both hands? Smackmynuts used to have a couple like that which I cannot find anymore and they were awesome. It has been done to me so I know what it feels like....
Well, your welcome Salmon, You are very welcome, i am glad to read your post and honestly i am glad that someone in this forum apreciates what i do :), the rest of the 1 thousand and something viewers that viewed my post i think all of them watched the clip and didn't bother to say thanks and i don't think that that's very nice of them, i have once or twice tried the position that you are saying but the girl i tried it with back then didn't enjoy that position very much, plus i like them to gaze into my eyes when they are squeezing me so i can see their reaction when it hurts bad and when i'm feeling helpless, preferably it would be a reaction that they're not feeling sorry for me, and i would like also to add that i'm almost always in the mood to get busted, well actually at least once a week but max twice a week, see i don't want anything to happen to my balls(any injuries) so i don't do it more then twice a week, i am always in the mood because from a while back i have quit watching other videos of ballbusting other than the ones that i do, so even in this forum i don't watch any videos or pictures only on few ocassions so that all that sexual tension and fantasies remain inside me and i unleash them once or twice a week when i meet theese girls, it's great but sometimes i read topics without watching pics or vids on this forum, i will try to post more vids when i will make them in the future, don't know when that will be actually, but i will make more. :) And people please be more apreciative ant tell me what you think of my clips and maybe even give me some ideas. Thanks, Bye
12-13-2013, 12:10 PM
great shares v15. thank you so much
great shares v15. thank you so much
You are very welcome, thanks
12-13-2013, 07:43 PM
Hi v15,
WOW!! Wonderful video. Delighted to see it. THANK YOU! :)(I was not expecting you would be able to do it so quickly so I have not visited here for a few days). Have you ever tried her sitting on your chest facing your feet and manipulating your balls with both hands? Smackmynuts used to have a couple like that which I cannot find anymore and they were awesome. It has been done to me so I know what it feels like....
This one? (Remove dashes)
12-17-2013, 10:35 PM
Well, your welcome Salmon, You are very welcome, i am glad to read your post and honestly i am glad that someone in this forum apreciates what i do :), the rest of the 1 thousand and something viewers that viewed my post i think all of them watched the clip and didn't bother to say thanks and i don't think that that's very nice of them, i have once or twice tried the position that you are saying but the girl i tried it with back then didn't enjoy that position very much, plus i like them to gaze into my eyes when they are squeezing me so i can see their reaction when it hurts bad and when i'm feeling helpless, preferably it would be a reaction that they're not feeling sorry for me, and i would like also to add that i'm almost always in the mood to get busted, well actually at least once a week but max twice a week, see i don't want anything to happen to my balls(any injuries) so i don't do it more then twice a week, i am always in the mood because from a while back i have quit watching other videos of ballbusting other than the ones that i do, so even in this forum i don't watch any videos or pictures only on few ocassions so that all that sexual tension and fantasies remain inside me and i unleash them once or twice a week when i meet theese girls, it's great but sometimes i read topics without watching pics or vids on this forum, i will try to post more vids when i will make them in the future, don't know when that will be actually, but i will make more. :) And people please be more apreciative ant tell me what you think of my clips and maybe even give me some ideas. Thanks, Bye
Hi v15,
Well, videos like yours are so appealing because they are really original and not done by actors. It can be any person in the street. So I appreciate what you have filmed so far and hope you may post more squeezing ones.
12-17-2013, 10:36 PM
This one? (Remove dashes)
Hi smackMyNuts,
EXACTLY!! I am THRILLED to watch your squeezing video again. It is EXCELLENT! Thank you:)
Hi v15,
Well, videos like yours are so appealing because they are really original and not done by actors. It can be any person in the street. So I appreciate what you have filmed so far and hope you may post more squeezing ones.
Thank you Salmon, i will try to do a kicking video in the next month and i will try to add some more squeezing and slapping in it, but i can't promise anything, but i can tell you that i will try, cheers :thumbup
Many thanks for the homemade videos - loved the 1st one with the squeezing.
Does she smack, slap and punch your ball?
Try this for a warmup:
You kneel on the bed, legs apart and face down. She stands or kneels behind you and slaps, smacks and punches your balls from behind.
If it hurts her hand, she can use a slipper or something.
Looking forward to seeing your next video!
Many thanks for the homemade videos - loved the 1st one with the squeezing.
Does she smack, slap and punch your ball?
Try this for a warmup:
You kneel on the bed, legs apart and face down. She stands or kneels behind you and slaps, smacks and punches your balls from behind.
If it hurts her hand, she can use a slipper or something.
Looking forward to seeing your next video!
Glad to hear you like my videos dude, i posted another video in this thread a few days ago, enjoy: :thumbup
02-02-2014, 10:34 AM
The second video was awesome, thanks for posting it! Thanks too to the lovely lady doing the are a lucky man. I love the slapping and punching, keep them coming.
Don't know if the ladies are camera shy but it would be nice to see the look on their face sometimes. I love to see a girl smiling while she's busting balls. Another good option would be to at least hear their voice while they are busting you.
Thanks again. :thumbup
The second video was awesome, thanks for posting it! Thanks too to the lovely lady doing the are a lucky man. I love the slapping and punching, keep them coming.
Don't know if the ladies are camera shy but it would be nice to see the look on their face sometimes. I love to see a girl smiling while she's busting balls. Another good option would be to at least hear their voice while they are busting you.
Thanks again. :thumbup
I am glad that all of you like the clips that i have made, yes the girl is camera shy and that's why she dosen't show her face, you are welcome Cheers :thumbup
I am glad that all of you like the clips that i have made, yes the girl is camera shy and that's why she dosen't show her face, you are welcome Cheers :thumbup
You could put the camera on a chair or a tripod, lower down so we only see you two from shoulders down. Maybe she's ok with that.
Hope your meeting this week for anpther session!
02-20-2014, 10:58 AM
nice video
can you try to have her between your legs with her back to the camera? In such a position she can grip your balls from beneath and hold and separate with both hands below
nice video
can you try to have her between your legs with her back to the camera? In such a position she can grip your balls from beneath and hold and separate with both hands below
She dosen't want to appear on video with her face, idon't know about that position, maybe i'll ask her.
... so Santa came 9 months earlier this year for all you wounderfull sado/masochistical people on this forum, and he has brought me 4 more clips made by me of course, i mean, who else... :) well to be honest with you Santa had nothing to do with it, it was me and this gal who made the filming...:Baahaha: so as you have surely guessed i had my meeting with this girl today and we had a hella' good time :), we started out with some squeezing, some more squeezing, slaps, punches and stomping, and when the world started to go all around me because i got dizzy and really didn't know on what fucking planet i was on... we heard a snap and the bed fell from under us, we paused the clip, we set the bed right and then we began filming again :bananajum you can see some good stomping in the second and 3'rd clip but we had to stop filming in the 2'cond and 3'rd clips after about one minute each because the bed collapsed again, so, we started having a litlle sex, but that's not for you to see you naughty naughty viewers, you bad bad boys you... :) (just kidding) we didn't film that, but then we paused and i secured my gag in my mouth and i added a brand new thing in the picture i used my old handcuffs, well they're not top noch police replica's that they're using on the force ( you can find them on the internet but over here they are PRETTY EXPENSIVE in my country :( ) but they still get the job done, she tied my hands on my back using the cuffs, and then she started to kick me...and kick me... and kick me... and it goes on until you can hear my cries of despair tring to make themselves heard through the ballgag secured safetly in my mouth, it goes on until i can't take it anymore and then a bit more and i asked her to stop and she did. FIN
Here Are the clips, enjoy and please leave manny coments telling me what you think about my clips and my intro, (i should have been an actor :Baahaha: ) So enjoy and i'd like to thank evryone that commented and said that they like what i do, this is for you you guys, enjoy:
This is the first one with some squeezing and stomping (Salmon and Msms, this is for you, hope you like the squeezing action) :bananajum
This is my second one this is with stomping and short :
This is my 3'rd one with stomping:
And this is my 4'th and final clip from this set it contains pure kicking:
And this is from my last clip, please leave comments :
[QUOTE=v15;130389]This is the first one with some squeezing and stomping (Salmon and Msms, this is for you, hope you like the squeezing action) :bananajum
This is my second one this is with stomping and short :
This is my 3'rd one with stomping:
And this is my 4'th and final clip from this set it contains pure kicking:
EDIT: Sorry guys this is the last clip with the kicking, in my earlyer post i mixed up the link with the clip named "stomping 2 Enjoy
Great stuff - real home movies are so awsome. I know there are some good pro ones, but these are people like us.
And yes, the squeezing was amazing. I feel yor pain.
Thanks again!
02-26-2014, 01:15 AM
[QUOTE=v15;130389]This is the first one with some squeezing and stomping (Salmon and Msms, this is for you, hope you like the squeezing action) :bananajum
This is my second one this is with stomping and short :
This is my 3'rd one with stomping:
And this is my 4'th and final clip from this set it contains pure kicking:
EDIT: Sorry guys this is the last clip with the kicking, in my earlyer post i mixed up the link with the clip named "stomping 2 Enjoy
@v15 I love to see your homemade ballbusting videos! great!
but your newest squeezing action video
is not complete? it stops at 0:40 of 5:03.
perhaps you can reupload the whole action :)
@v15 I love to see your homemade ballbusting videos! great!
but your newest squeezing action video
is not complete? it stops at 0:40 of 5:03.
perhaps you can reupload the whole action :)
Done ! Reuploaded again, here's the new link, this time you can save it on your computer, enjoy !:
02-26-2014, 12:12 PM
Hi v15,
Thank you for doing this squeezing video. I had the same problem with the download yesterday and will have the chance to check it out later. Much appreciated:)
Hi all, we've made 2 more ballbusting clips, well actually kicking clips in witch she kicks me in sneakers, i don't think theese clips are as great as the last ones but it would be still a nice surprise if you guys and gals would think otherwise :). Please enjoy the clips and leave some nice comments, i can't really take harsh critisism, enjoy :
P.S. You have to download them this time, i've been having trouble uploading them on mediafire, Cheers:thumbup
Hi All, here is my newest clip, we've made a new one, this time i have bought some new cuffs that are applied on my neck and that are atached to 2 cuffs on my wrists, thus my hands are attached to my meck so i can't really reach my balls or grab them, my balls just hang there helplessly waiting to get kicked( sweet :Baahaha::cryingblu) so in the clip she begins to kick me and kick me and so forth ;) until i can't take it anymore after almost 3 minutes, i can tell you that there are a lot of kicks in there at about the middle of the first part of the clip she gets a slliper on because her foot begins to hurt (auch!!!) imagine how it hurt me then :cryingblu . So the clip is in 2 parts, i uploaded them into a webpage so you can downlod it here it is
the first part
Here is this short second part:
Oh and i have noticed that no one commented on my last clip, i think that it is too bad because it hurts a lot to do theese clips and mostly I think i'm doing it for me but also i let you guys watch and i don't charge any of you a Damn cent. So please comment ok ? your feedback is important to me because i don't talk to anyone else about my fetish, you could leave a comment even if you just say thanks and that's it, so if nobody else leaves any comments on my clips i'm not going to post them anymore, does that sound fair to you ? Because it sure does to me. So enjoy and comment, Bye
03-27-2014, 07:47 PM
Thanks v15 for your contributions. I realize that she may not want her face shown on the internet, but could you get her to agree to show a little more of her body? Total nudity is not needed, (although I wouldn't complain), but at least show enough to get an idea of what she looks like. Thanks again.
Thanks v15 for your contributions. I realize that she may not want her face shown on the internet, but could you get her to agree to show a little more of her body? Total nudity is not needed, (although I wouldn't complain), but at least show enough to get an idea of what she looks like. Thanks again.
I don't know if she will agree to that, she is very camera shy, but i will ask her
03-28-2014, 03:23 PM
Done ! Reuploaded again, here's the new link, this time you can save it on your computer, enjoy !:
It's not my favourite type of BB video. I enjoy it more when you can see the excitement of the girl and the pain of the "slave" in their faces (you can hear it though). However, theres some intense action in this video. Slapping and punching looked pretty brutal and I liked the knees at the end.
Thats probably the first time I've seen knees actually pressing against/squeezing the balls like that and I've seen a LOT of movies already. Good idea, keep up the good work.
Hi v15. I enjoyed your other vids, but I can't get these new ones. I get redirected every time. Could you upload them somewhere else? Maybe this is why there arent the comments coming - we cant see the vids!
Thanks for the effort you make - I'd really like to see the new ones.
Like xtube or bbtube?
03-29-2014, 05:03 AM
Wanting me to download an .exe file. Leery of this.
Alec Anaconda, A1
03-30-2014, 01:38 PM
Hi v15. I enjoyed your other vids, but I can't get these new ones. I get redirected every time. Could you upload them somewhere else? Maybe this is why there arent the comments coming - we cant see the vids!
Thanks for the effort you make - I'd really like to see the new ones.
Like xtube or bbtube?
I agree!
I can never downlaod without problems.
I agree!
I can never downlaod without problems.
I can't seem to manage my videos on other sites, it's not working on my computer
04-01-2014, 10:23 AM
I personally, as everyone else does, greatly enjoy your work.
And think that people should be more grateful that you are putting it out, not crying that it isn't on their favorite site or whatever.
If they are too worried about it, they will find a way to get to the material. Or they will move on.
And on behalf of all us pervs out here, thank your girlfriend for us for letting you share the wonderful experiences with everyone. You are certainly a lucky guy.
I enjoy your thoughts curmudgeon your entire message is greatly apreciated, i will try in the near future to put the clips on an accessible site but every time i use xvideos or bbtube there is an error and they won't let me put videos anywhere, but there still has to be a viable candidate site. As for the videos i won't make anymore for at least a month, then maybe almost for sure i will start again, see at the moment i can't engage in ballbusting or sexual activity because i just had surgery and had my appendix removed, see i was sick and i had an infection and it had to be removed by surgery, i asked the doctor how long it was going to be before i can have sex again, he answerd that at least 2 weeks, i didn't dare ask him how long it was going to be before i could get kicked or squeezed by my balls again because he would have looked at me like a crazy person :Baahaha: but i susspect i will give being kicked at least a month's break, after all, all jokes aside... safty truly does come first. So i will try to reupload the clips in the near future but until my next vid stay tuned and enjoy my clips... if you can get to them (no phun intended). Cheers to all :thumbup RESPECT;)
Dear Friends, Great succes, i have created a folder in my google drive account and added everything in there, 9 or 10 clips, the jackpot, all for you, all you have to do is make a google drive account and upload everything from there to your acount, maybe you don't even need a google acount or a gmail acount, so enjoy and remember guys FEEDBACK !!! tell me everything you think about my clips your likes and dislikes and tell me if it dosen't work witch evidently is not possible... Bye
04-01-2014, 02:21 PM
Hope yu are up and feeling better soon. Surgery can be a real drag.
You're probably right asking the doctor how long before you can get busted would probably get you looked at pretty weird by the doctor.
Google drive I think requires you to allow access to view files. So you will probably get your inbox exploded by the link. Hopefully I'm wrong about that.
Hope yu are up and feeling better soon. Surgery can be a real drag.
You're probably right asking the doctor how long before you can get busted would probably get you looked at pretty weird by the doctor.
Google drive I think requires you to allow access to view files. So you will probably get your inbox exploded by the link. Hopefully I'm wrong about that.
I clicked allow access on the whole folder i made of ballbusting clips and it gave me the download link i sowed you i hope there souldn't be any problems, and thank you for your thoughts on me getting better from the surgery, you are a nice guy
04-02-2014, 08:18 AM
I clicked allow access on the whole folder i made of ballbusting clips and it gave me the download link i sowed you i hope there souldn't be any problems, and thank you for your thoughts on me getting better from the surgery, you are a nice guy
It's as curmudgeon said.
You need permission
Want in? Ask the owner for access, or switch to an account with permission.
Then there's a "Request Access" button.
It's as curmudgeon said.
Then there's a "Request Access" button.
I think i fixed it now, please try again and do tell me if it dosen't work, just like you did before, thanks
04-03-2014, 08:22 AM
the goodkicking.avi video played okay. I liked the grabbing part more in the early part of the video
the goodkicking.avi video played okay. I liked the grabbing part more in the early part of the video
Thanks Darkwing, i am glad that you liked it, and you can always download the vids if they don't play online, if you like you can download "stransdecoaie" video from the folder, it's full on squeezing
04-05-2014, 08:27 PM
v15, your videos are amazing. Thank you so much for making them and sharing them with us. I particularly like the squeezing focused one. I honestly hope you do more with the primarily squeezing or pulling. I love the hands on balls <3.
v15, your videos are amazing. Thank you so much for making them and sharing them with us. I particularly like the squeezing focused one. I honestly hope you do more with the primarily squeezing or pulling. I love the hands on balls <3.
Thanks for liking my vids buddy ;), you are welcome, one thing is for certain, if you guys comment and apreciate my videos, once i recover from this surgery i have taken part of( my appendix being removed) and if this girl that i am meeting dosen't suddenly and for no aparent reason stop allowing me do do theese vids, witch i think will never happen because she's ok with them as long as her face is not shown, mine either, then i will keep making them and i know my videos are not top noch but i never will charge anything for them they will always be free for everybody :) see a long time ago when i was never busted befor i always hated that i didn't have any money to pay for clips, even if i would have had i wouldn't have payed for them, now i try to make my own and i want to give them back to people who were like me...
I will try to do more squeeezing vids when i am fully recovered !
Hi all, i would like to say that i am glad to be almost fully recovered from my surgery, so i made 2 more clips with this girl :bananad:
And here they are, as i promised:
The first one is a kicking vid, not a very hard video this time but i like it, it's ok:
And the second one, as i promised... is a brutal squeezing vid, it's 7 minutes long, i think it is really good, we've outdone ourselves this time :) please tell me what you think of it:
You can also find slapping, punching and full weight stomping in my last vid, and you can hear her baby brother crying because he was in the same room with us in his bed lol and it hurt like a mo' fo' but it was worth it... for you guys, enjoy my friends and please give me feedback, tell me what you think of my vids, also i will post them on ballbustingtube as well and once they can be viewed i will post the links here, also tell me if they don't work, if you can't view them so i can fix the problem, enjoy, my friends... ! :thumbup
04-15-2014, 08:51 AM
Thanks v15! google drive worked fine for me.
04-15-2014, 02:59 PM
Thanks, great videos :)
You are very welcome, my friends...
04-19-2014, 02:19 PM
Excellent clips,
I can see them without sign in with a Google account.
Will be nice to put all your clips like this and drop a link for each of them.
Those that need download are more difficult to get.
How did you involve your wife in this?
You are lucky.
Mine do not want to participate so I need to go to someone else for this stuff and this is not so convenient.
Excellent clips,
I can see them without sign in with a Google account.
Will be nice to put all your clips like this and drop a link for each of them.
Those that need download are more difficult to get.
How did you involve your wife in this?
You are lucky.
Mine do not want to participate so I need to go to someone else for this stuff and this is not so convenient.
I am glad you like my clips :) actually she is not my wife or my girlfriend, she is a lady friend i have sessions of ballbusting with, we also have sex, ussualy i meet her once or twice a week and our meeting consists of sex and ballbusting, i've been meeting her for a year now, at first she didn't know how to bust me, i introduced her to it and after that she started liking it :)... i will leave a separate link for each of my future clips... Cheers
04-19-2014, 11:56 PM
Nice ladyfriend you have :)
Maybe once you could have more time to do it a bit more sophisticate, that mean a little acting.
You can wear masks during session. The cam can be set in 3 different positions.
One when she goes in, one for dialog and final one for ball busting.
Also you can admit 1-2 kicks that will bring you down.
Regarding ball bondage this could be from no bondage, the bondage you used (balls together) and the more vulnerable one with balls tied separately.
Dialog are OK in your language but you can add subtitles. This is a simple text file with hour, min, sec, milisec and English text.
You can do it manually or using a software like subtitle workshop that you can download from internet.
I think will be more fun for both and maybe you can use later clipforsale in order to have some income.
There are a lot of commercial Russian ballbusting clips that are excellent in my opinion, maybe is time for Romanian clips to move into competition :).
Nice ladyfriend you have :)
Maybe once you could have more time to do it a bit more sophisticate, that mean a little acting.
You can wear masks during session. The cam can be set in 3 different positions.
One when she goes in, one for dialog and final one for ball busting.
Also you can admit 1-2 kicks that will bring you down.
Regarding ball bondage this could be from no bondage, the bondage you used (balls together) and the more vulnerable one with balls tied separately.
Dialog are OK in your language but you can add subtitles. This is a simple text file with hour, min, sec, milisec and English text.
You can do it manually or using a software like subtitle workshop that you can download from internet.
I think will be more fun for both and maybe you can use later clipforsale in order to have some income.
There are a lot of commercial Russian ballbusting clips that are excellent in my opinion, maybe is time for Romanian clips to move into competition :).
Dear Sebi40, i am very glad you said that actually i've been thinking of the same think but sadly, this cannot be done yet, you see my ladyfriend dosen't want to be filmed, she dosen't want to have her face shown, and last time i suggested she should show her body so i could just film her body, she dosen't want that either... :( she is really shy but on the other hand i don't blame her, the last thing i would want is to hurt her in some way i mean i wouldn't want her family or friends to somehow recognize her and ruin our nice meeting and also that's the last thing i would want is to hurt her :( in that way so, maybe i could try it with a different girl, i could wear a mask and if i would find a willing girl she could be filmed or she could wear a mask as well, we could have a story for each clip and we could speak in english :) i think a really good storyline would be like this: i would go to the doctor and i will say: " hello miss, i want to have a vasectomy to not have babyes animore... or could i take some pills ? " and she says: " nevermind that i know a better way... :bananad: get undressed " and then i am naked and she starts saying: " spread your legs ! " i say: " what ?? " then she says: " spread your legs bitch !!! Do as you are told !!" then i spread my legs and she starts kicking me hard and keeps kicking and kneing, stomping on my balls until i can't take it animore, and finnally when we are done she says: "ok now you should be sterrile, and the swelling on your balls goes away come see me againg so we can repeat the procces" so i think this could be a great storyline but of course we wouldn't take it that far as i would actually get injured... alway keep it safe, remember that. And i could have a nice clipstore, this is a nice dream but sadly at the moment it's only a dream, also i think that when you do something for the thrill of it and as a hobby it is pure and wonderfull but when you get to do it for the money it all gets complicated, and sometimes it ruins things.
Also it takes more than 2 kicks to bring me down, but in my last kicking clip i was a bit rusty because i took a 2 week break from busting. If you count the kicks from some of my clips i have taken sometimes 50 kicks in one session, of course not all of them were hard. Thanks for your suggestion, Cheers
Hy all, i trust you've all had a good easter holiday and that you've recovered from fun celebrations, i've made another clip with my ladyfriend, this time i've let her kick my balls while she had boots on, all the while i had my hands tied around my neck with cuffs, i had a nasty tasting gag tied to my mouth, stuffed would be a better word for it, i think i can never get use to that awfull taste and that nasty stinging inside my mouth, it's all from the gag, i think it's made from non-toxic rubber but i can tell you, it really tastes awfull... that's why i stop using it while she squeezes-slaps and stomps my balls, now i only use it to muffle my screams while she kicks me, so the neighbors won't hear me and wonder... what the heck is going on there... ?! Also i had my ussual metal rings around my balls so they couldn't get away, no rest for the balls :( sometimes it really is frustrating to take all that pain, but i remind you that no one ****** me to do it and i love what i do. ;)
So... the video: she kicks me with boots on her feet, the boots lenght is almost to her knee and they are black and sure do hurt :), she kicks me on and on for 2 minutes, then she knees me for 30 seconds, streight kneeing and i do love it, i guess i'm one happy sub. sometimes during the clip i try to get away from the kicking and i lean sideways, i actually find that very cowardly of me and resent that, of course i'm intitled to some rest for my balls during the kicking but this time i think i took too long. I think it's a nice and good clip, Have fun watching it:
Here is the link:
And good people please remember: Please coment, coment my clips alot because when you do, that's the time i feel apreciated and i know my work truly means something...
Yours truly, V15, Cheers:thumbup
04-23-2014, 07:17 PM
Good like always!
You truly are a lucky guy.
Thank you for your contributions.
Good like always!
You truly are a lucky guy.
Thank you for your contributions.
It was my pleasure, my friend, you are welcome...
Hi Guys and Gals, long time no see, i can truly say i have missed you and your comments on my clips, i haven't posted for a while because i tought i would take a break from posting my clips on the interenet... Wrong ideea, i know but i soon came to realise that my videos mean nothing if the only one who sees it is me... I haven't taken a break from ballbusting in all this time only a latest 2 week break because i took a vacation from work, i was on holliday. So i met my lady friend today, and we got to it, we made a clip that is almost 3 minutes, now this clip isn't actually the hardest clip we have mede but i have some more and they are harder, i will post them too.
Here is my description of this last clip: I would like to tell you to start with that i have made a ney sex toy, Observe that i used the term "made" and not "bought" ? Well... actually what i did was i took my old cockrings that i have used to this day, exactly like the ones showed you in the picture on this site and i bought some duct tape and i sticked them all together like a piramid, on ring goes around the base of my cock and balls,one ring goes around my balls, and one ring around my cock, so they are hold together in a steel cockcage much like the one showed to you on this site but this si the model where they didn't use duct tape so i guess they just welded them together or made them all in one: i would actually like to buy one of theese when i have the money because they charge me an extra 77 or 75 dollars to ship to Romania, so now this duct taped cockcage will have to do for now. So this toy that i made holds the balls firmly in one place, it secures them from 3 locations that actually prevent the movement for the balls and prevent them from getting away, this is the perfect sex toy for me besides handcufs because this actully helps when being kicked and squeezed by the balls and holds them tight so they won't get away from the Woman's lovely foot that is about to pulverise them :thumbup and that will make me sorry that i was born with theese 2 eggs between my legs :bananad:.
So about the clip, we started soft with a few soft kicks, i guess she wasn't in the mood for it today like she always is but after we were done i asked her: " you didn't feel sorry for me now did you... ?" and she replied: " No, why should i have been ?" and finaly i said "No you shouldn't have" and that was our whole disscussion about it, so we started soft and then she ended with some strong kicks, well at least strong for me because i was a little bit weak today and couldn't take the pain as always because i have made this 2 week break my stamina for pain wasn't so high, and she kneed me i guess 8 times hard in the balls, and she managed to get her knee all the way beneath my balls so she kind of crushed them against the cockcage with each knee, Now that was really sexy... i get hard now just thinking about it :bananajum. One more thing, for theese last clips i counted the kicks and knees, but she never gave me more than 55 kicks or kicks plus knees, in one session, she also squeezes my balls and stomps on them for like 15 minutes but that's not in today's clip but we also have done that.
So here is all the fuss iv'e made about, in this clip i was with my hands behind my back in steel handcuffs that are used by the police probably the same model that i can't get out of unless she uses the key, but of course i used the safword, i trust her.
Here is my clip:
if you can't view it from google drive you can download it, just click the download button in the option on the screen
After she kicked me and kneed me about 50 something times by balls got a bit swollen ( Duh...) and i filmed them for all you sadistic viewers to see, my right nut was HUGE ! and hard like a rock it was about double it's size, and you can clearly see the cockcage too, it has clearly done it's job, oh and for you more advanced pain veterens out theere that read this and watch the clip i would just like to say, please excuse me, i know there are many out there who can take a lot mor than i can and that have had even 3 or 4 times balls more swollen than i have in ithis clip so please note that i don't mean to brag
so here it is :
Now get ready for some real harder action, now i will post some older never seen before on the internet harder clips:
Here i take 35 kicks and 7 knees having my hands tied behind my back with handcuffs:
Things are Becoming hotter and hotter in here, and the kicks are becoming harder and harder: so here's another old never seen before clip in witch she kicked me 46 times with boots on her beaautiful feet:
And Now ladies and gentlemen... The moment we've all been waiting for, In the corner having a record of 55 solid kicks, i think we have a winner, my final ( for now ) and hardest clip:
Now that was it, i'm sorry it took so long for me to post, please share your thoughts and leave some comments because i expect that Pretty Please, Have Fun, Bye :thumbup
08-26-2014, 07:50 AM
Hi Guys and Gals, long time no see, i can truly say i have missed you and your comments on my clips, i haven't posted for a while because i tought i would take a break from posting my clips on the interenet... Wrong ideea, i know but i soon came to realise that my videos mean nothing if the only one who sees it is me... I haven't taken a break from ballbusting in all this time only a latest 2 week break because i took a vacation from work, i was on holliday. So i met my lady friend today, and we got to it, we made a clip that is almost 3 minutes, now this clip isn't actually the hardest clip we have mede but i have some more and they are harder, i will post them too. Here is my description of this last clip: I would like to tell you to start with that i have made a ney sex toy, Observe that i used the term "made" and not "bought" ? Well... actually what i did was i took my old cockrings that i have used to this day, exactly like the ones showed you in the picture on this site and i bought some duct tape and i sticked them all together like a piramid, on ring goes around the base of my cock and balls,one ring goes around my balls, and one ring around my cock, so they are hold together in a steel cockcage much like the one showed to you on this site but this si the model where they didn't use duct tape so i guess they just welded them together or made them all in one: i would actually like to buy one of theese when i have the money because they charge me an extra 77 or 75 dollars to ship to Romania, so now this duct taped cockcage will have to do for now. So this toy that i made holds the balls firmly in one place, it secures them from 3 locations that actually prevent the movement for the balls and prevent them from getting away, this is the perfect sex toy for me besides handcufs because this actully helps when being kicked and squeezed by the balls and holds them tight so they won't get away from the Woman's lovely foot that is about to pulverise them :thumbup and that will make me sorry that i was born with theese 2 eggs between my legs :bananad:. So about the clip, we started soft with a few soft kicks, i guess she wasn't in the mood for it today like she always is but after we were done i asked her: " you didn't feel sorry for me now did you... ?" and she replied: " No, why should i have been ?" and finaly i said "No you shouldn't have" and that was our whole disscussion about it, so we started soft and then she ended with some strong kicks, well at least strong for me because i was a little bit weak today and couldn't take the pain as always because i have made this 2 week break my stamina for pain wasn't so high, and she kneed me i guess 8 times hard in the balls, and she managed to get her knee all the way beneath my balls so she kind of crushed them against the cockcage with each knee, Now that was really sexy... i get hard now just thinking about it :bananajum. One more thing, for theese last clips i counted the kicks and knees, but she never gave me more than 55 kicks or kicks plus knees, in one session, she also squeezes my balls and stomps on them for like 15 minutes but that's not in today's clip but we also have done that. So here is all the fuss iv'e made about, in this clip i was with my hands behind my back in steel handcuffs that are used by the police probably the same model that i can't get out of unless she uses the key, but of course i used the safword, i trust her. Here is my clip: if you can't view it from google drive you can download it, just click the download button in the option on the screen After she kicked me and kneed me about 50 something times by balls got a bit swollen ( Duh...) and i filmed them for all you sadistic viewers to see, my right nut was HUGE ! and hard like a rock it was about double it's size, and you can clearly see the cockcage too, it has clearly done it's job, oh and for you more advanced pain veterens out theere that read this and watch the clip i would just like to say, please excuse me, i know there are many out there who can take a lot mor than i can and that have had even 3 or 4 times balls more swollen than i have in ithis clip so please note that i don't mean to brag so here it is : Now get ready for some real harder action, now i will post some older never seen before on the internet harder clips: Here i take 35 kicks and 7 knees having my hands tied behind my back with handcuffs: Things are Becoming hotter and hotter in here, and the kicks are becoming harder and harder: so here's another old never seen before clip in witch she kicked me 46 times with boots on her beaautiful feet: And Now ladies and gentlemen... The moment we've all been waiting for, In the corner having a record of 55 solid kicks, i think we have a winner, my final ( for now ) and hardest clip: Now that was it, i'm sorry it took so long for me to post, please share your thoughts and leave some comments because i expect that Pretty Please, Have Fun, Bye :thumbup Wooooowwwwwwww.................please some Biting cock video pleasee
09-02-2014, 07:26 AM
Great vids... and tough guy ! Congratulations to both of you!
What about some sack squeezing in her hands ?
Thank you Crushee, i greatly apreciate your feedback, it means a lot to me :thumbup next vid we will do a squeezing one, only that i cannot guarantee you when we will do it but we will and you can find some squeezing vids in my earlier work, oh and stewie88... we cannot do a cock bitting vid cause then her face will show in the vid, sorry... it's not like we didn't do it before but she clearly stated to me that her face cannot and will not appear on film :( , take care now and never refuse a good old kicking in the balls from a more than eager woman, you guys, take care :)
09-03-2014, 02:17 PM
Always great to see you and your friend having such great fun.
You make all of us just a little jealous, and very happy for your sharing.
09-03-2014, 07:55 PM
Thank you Crushee, i greatly apreciate your feedback, it means a lot to me :thumbup next vid we will do a squeezing one, only that i cannot guarantee you when we will do it but we will and you can find some squeezing vids in my earlier work, oh and stewie88... we cannot do a cock bitting vid cause then her face will show in the vid, sorry... it's not like we didn't do it before but she clearly stated to me that her face cannot and will not appear on film :( , take care now and never refuse a good old kicking in the balls from a more than eager woman, you guys, take care :)
I thought that's what masquerade masks were for.
I thought that's what masquerade masks were for.
Ok pal but she's not really into that, and plus i would like to say that nobody makes me do this, i share my clips out of the kindness of my heart so you guy can look at them and maybe some get off on in, the hell do i know, the least you can do is show more RESPECT vela73, and if you don't like my answer you go ahead and find i girl i don't care how hard it would be for you to do this.... find a girl and let her kick you 50 times in your balls film yourself and at the end let her bite your cock on film cause in my films this shit is never going to happen ok ? Sorry i get so mad but you need to be more apreciative...
09-04-2014, 05:33 AM
Ok pal but she's not really into that, and plus i would like to say that nobody makes me do this, i share my clips out of the kindness of my heart so you guy can look at them and maybe some get off on in, the hell do i know, the least you can do is show more RESPECT vela73, and if you don't like my answer you go ahead and find i girl i don't care how hard it would be for you to do this.... find a girl and let her kick you 50 times in your balls film yourself and at the end let her bite your cock on film cause in my films this shit is never going to happen ok ? Sorry i get so mad but you need to be more apreciative...
I meant no disrespect. I really meant that to come across in a more playful way. You've both made some great videos, and I really appreciate that you're willing to share them with us. I apologize.
I meant no disrespect. I really meant that to come across in a more playful way. You've both made some great videos, and I really appreciate that you're willing to share them with us. I apologize. I am really sorry for me getting angry there vela73, i guess i really had a bad day with lots of frustration, i know that is no excuse but i also apologize, i don't know what came over me, i guess i am really disappointed that since i posted my last vids this thread has got 1000 and something more views and only 3 more comments, i realise now that you are not like the rest of them but i guess that alot of people here are lurkers and just download my stuff and don't even bother to say "thank you" or share their thaughts on the matter so i am sorry Vela73, as for the masks she told me she dosen't want that, so i gues we will have to think of another way of her to torture my balls and film it. Cheers
09-05-2014, 09:57 PM
No worries. I'm sure anything you guys come up with will be exciting.
I hope to make similar videos with my s/o some day. We'd probably be more interested in the effort if it weren't for expectations of the same frustrations you expect here. Still, you know, it's not about the masses or even lack of masses, is it? It's about demonstrating a unique experience, and a distinct set of emotions. There's a lot more to such intimate torture administered by one's partner than we see in standard hardcore pornography. There's trust... and sort of a condoned and expected betrayal that one can only experience by way of such trust. What seems to some to be brutal is, to us, quite intimate.
So I really do appreciate your sharing those moments with us. Whether you continue to or not, you must know that these contributions have value to an under-appreciated fetish scene.
No worries. I'm sure anything you guys come up with will be exciting.
I hope to make similar videos with my s/o some day. We'd probably be more interested in the effort if it weren't for expectations of the same frustrations you expect here. Still, you know, it's not about the masses or even lack of masses, is it? It's about demonstrating a unique experience, and a distinct set of emotions. There's a lot more to such intimate torture administered by one's partner than we see in standard hardcore pornography. There's trust... and sort of a condoned and expected betrayal that one can only experience by way of such trust. What seems to some to be brutal is, to us, quite intimate.
So I really do appreciate your sharing those moments with us. Whether you continue to or not, you must know that these contributions have value to an under-appreciated fetish scene.
Thank you Vela73 for your thaughts, and i think we think alike, i see that there is trust with your partner when shes busting you, and as a hypothetical example, she betrays that trust when she busts you too hard, but sometimes even in those moments i like not to tell her she went too hard and let her do her thing so that in our next session she will do the same so she will have full control and power over my balls, now that is a real turn on for me, but of course if she gets too carried away i tell her to stop and that she went too far but only in some cases. I started making these clips because i've made busting sessions with about 8 or 10 girls in my life out of witch only 7 have bust me hard with kicks and knees, sqeezes, slapps, punches biting and stomping, the rest of the 2 girls only sqeezed and slapped my balls so i came to thinking that i do all theese thing and i like them so much... maybe besides sex i consider ballbusting the best thing in my life, and i can't show it to anyone, even if i tell someone that i'm doing it he dosen't really know or feel it... And that is a real shame, so that's when the clips came in, sometimes we film ourselves and then we post it here so i can be understood and seen by my peers, and that's why sometimes i get really frustrated when no one comments. Cheers to all of you on this forum who are really my friends ;)
09-12-2014, 06:47 PM
Hi v15 just looked at your vids, very nice, keep up the good work. I noticed that your female buster, I think is married. If so, is her husband aware or is this just discreet. The reason I comment, I have a masseuse I use and she bust me among other domination events, she is married and her husband has no clue. Enjoy your work, especially liked the squeezing vid, going to show it to my gal for training. Thanks
Hi v15 just looked at your vids, very nice, keep up the good work. I noticed that your female buster, I think is married. If so, is her husband aware or is this just discreet. The reason I comment, I have a masseuse I use and she bust me among other domination events, she is married and her husband has no clue. Enjoy your work, especially liked the squeezing vid, going to show it to my gal for training. ThanksI would like to thank you on your feedback here, ron10, for me feedback is everything, ;) also i will have fun and keep up the good work i wish you the same with your busting partner. Cheers
Hello guys and galls ! How are you... ? We haven't spoken for a while ! Long time no see... I have really missed you ! So Santa has come early this year for you and he brought you 2 more clips made bu us. In the first one you can see that i've made a stomping block... well actually i paid a carpenter to make it for me, i put my balls on it and then she steps on them and sometimes with her full weight and then she wiggles her body waight on my balls... going up and down up and down...UP and you know the rest. So she has done so in this clip you can see that she steped on them completly... you can see there is no room for the balls to escape, they're incarcerated under her foot... Damn that hurt, probably hurt her more than me... :confused: NO wait i'm just kidding, it didn't hurt her at all and as a matter of fact she really enjoyed it. So here is the clip. Have fun with it because you know we did
And now Ladies and ballbustees this is the moment we've been all waiting for... My second clip. In this clip i have surrpased my old record of 50 kicks and now she kicked me 90 times with her bare foot. I am really sorry i couldn't do 100 kicks, but her foot hurt at the end and so did my balls. I am very proud of myself that i can take a few kicks so here it is my Masterpiece :
Thethehe de de THAT'S ALL FOLKS:
Please enjoy my clips and leave lots of comments telling me what you think of my work... Oh i love how that sounds...My Work... Cheers Folks :) And i wish you some happy Holiidays beside the people you love ;)
12-15-2014, 02:44 PM
You Rock!! Thanks for sharing. Any new grab and squeeze clip ? :)
12-15-2014, 07:42 PM
v15 Thank you for sharing and thanks for posting to google drive to make it easy to see! These are some of the best home made clips. I hope you and your lady friend keep having fun with it. I wish I had your pain tolerance.
v15 Thank you for sharing and thanks for posting to google drive to make it easy to see! These are some of the best home made clips. I hope you and your lady friend keep having fun with it. I wish I had your pain tolerance.
You are welcome curiosj... i apreciate your words :thumbup
12-16-2014, 01:10 AM
You always bring such joy to the world.
And I think everyone here is so grateful that you share with us,
Your girlfriend does such a great job of jingling your bells.
ok enough x-mas jokes....
Thank you and your girlfriend so much, great like usual!
You always bring such joy to the world.
And I think everyone here is so grateful that you share with us,
Your girlfriend does such a great job of jingling your bells.
ok enough x-mas jokes....
Thank you and your girlfriend so much, great like usual!
You are welcome curmudgeon, what can i say... we both love what we do, i'm hoping in our next video we would do 100 kicks although i don't know when that will be because i don't want to pressure her with the videos and filming. Thank you all, my friends, i am glad we think alike because i belive that on this forum we are all alike, i wish you Happy holidays curmudgeon and all of you that posted on this topic. Cheers :thumbup !!!
12-18-2014, 12:24 PM
Hello guys and galls ! How are you... ? We haven't spoken for a while ! Long time no see... I have really missed you ! So Santa has come early this year for you and he brought you 2 more clips made bu us. In the first one you can see that i've made a stomping block... well actually i paid a carpenter to make it for me, i put my balls on it and then she steps on them and sometimes with her full weight and then she wiggles her body waight on my balls... going up and down up and down...UP and you know the rest. So she has done so in this clip you can see that she steped on them completly... you can see there is no room for the balls to escape, they're incarcerated under her foot... Damn that hurt, probably hurt her more than me... :confused: NO wait i'm just kidding, it didn't hurt her at all and as a matter of fact she really enjoyed it. So here is the clip. Have fun with it because you know we did
And now Ladies and ballbustees this is the moment we've been all waiting for... My second clip. In this clip i have surrpased my old record of 50 kicks and now she kicked me 90 times with her bare foot. I am really sorry i couldn't do 100 kicks, but her foot hurt at the end and so did my balls. I am very proud of myself that i can take a few kicks so here it is my Masterpiece :
Thethehe de de THAT'S ALL FOLKS:
Please enjoy my clips and leave lots of comments telling me what you think of my work... Oh i love how that sounds...My Work... Cheers Folks :) And i wish you some happy Holiidays beside the people you love ;)
Great stuff V15. Your videos are so much better than the professional model vids that are just clearly fake. I especially am impressed with your lady's aim. So many of the vids show the woman basically kicking behinds the guy's balls and really only hitting his butt. Your lady catches the testicles square on almost every time.
Again terrific stuff and thanks again
01-28-2015, 10:26 PM
Great videos V.15! Thank you for posting! I really enjoyed the first one! Looked painful!
You are Welcome Neptune89 ! I am glad that you liked it... now... Get ready for my next hit ! :)
Great stuff V15. Your videos are so much better than the professional model vids that are just clearly fake. I especially am impressed with your lady's aim. So many of the vids show the woman basically kicking behinds the guy's balls and really only hitting his butt. Your lady catches the testicles square on almost every time.
Again terrific stuff and thanks again
You are welcome Rufous, in this nex post i will post another clip, stay tuned, i am glad that i am a member of this forum and that i can make y'all happy with my clips. I agree with you Rufous, i am also not pleased with most of the clips that i see online, their mostly filled with man hating psycopath women that don't really care of what injuries they inflict on the guy they bust, they just want to have a good time laughing of the guy's fetish considering him some kind of stupid for agreeing to be busted like that, i don't think they get turned on or anything, they just want to make someone suffer and make fun of men, now i'm not saying they should be sorry for his pain but there are limits to anything... even sadism, also 80% of the guys in the videos are not really into it either, you can tell by seeing their flacid cocks, when i see this i ask my self... "What the hell am i watching here ? He's not turned on ! He's clearly doing it for the money ! I can't find any other reason why a guy who is not turned on by ballbusting would appear in a bb video, i kind of defeats the purpouse in itself ! But there are some videos that are really good, in witch you see guys with hard-ons and girls being turned on by the feeling of being empowered...
Hello all ! I am sorry it took me such a long time to post, i was having some problems... things were a bit difficult but i have managed to make another clip, i have been having this clip for a long time now but i didn't post it anywhere... we have made a kicking clip, it's the hardest clip that i have made, in the clip she kicks me 180 times by my counting, please corect me if i am wrong, of course i had to edit it because my face was shown so a couple of kicks are not shown, but i didn't leave you guys to miss out on much ( 20 seconds missing max ). I remember it hurt really badly, also after a session like this my balls hurt me really bad for a long time, sometimes the pain last even as long as 2 whole days and sometimes it takes me about a half hour or an hour to get to sleep at night, because my balls are aching. Of course i repeat this experience and i ussualy do it 2 times a week so my balls don't really get to " not hurt " maybe I have a day or 2 where the pain weares off but then i find out it's monday and the week has just begun so i have to do it all over again... :) what can i say... it's not easy being me... :( but i like the feeling it gives me, the feeling of being powerless, dominated by a woman to the fullest, being at her whip, and my pain depending at her mood... :bananad: :bananajum Well that sounds like poetry to me folks :thumbup I am also sad to say this will be the last clip i do with this girl... We had a big argument and are not on speeking terms but i am meeting someone else now how is more than happy to bust me... :bananad: Stay tooned and please comment ;)
Here is the clip:
And please do not send me any more requests on my gmail account to share my clips, if you want to share them, share them with the links that i've given you. Peace !
04-28-2015, 07:26 AM
a very nice smells for much more like this
04-29-2015, 12:15 AM
always great seeing your new work, and good luck with your new buster!
always great seeing your new work, and good luck with your new buster!
Thank you Curmudgeon ;)
04-29-2015, 03:57 PM
Hi v15,
I always especially enjoy amateur BB. It's obviously genuine and very much enjoyed. :bananajum
So thank you for your continuing contributions.
poolman2 :ibow4u:
Hi v15,
I always especially enjoy amateur BB. It's obviously genuine and very much enjoyed. :bananajum
So thank you for your continuing contributions.
poolman2 :ibow4u:
You are welcome ;)
Hi all ! i hope you liked my last post cause' there's more to come, so i've met this new girl and i like her very much ! :wooow She is really beautifull and really into ballbusting, and i've asked her to film me while she is kicking/ kneeing me and i asked for her permission to post it on this site and she agreed :bananajum I'm so glad i found her.... In this video she is kicking and kneeing me about 150 - 160 times, most of the kicks are hard but the last ones are BRUTAL ! Enjoy and comment !
05-06-2015, 10:42 PM
Congratulations again on your new buster!
And thank you for your great contribution as always.
05-07-2015, 10:02 AM
Lucky guy you found another play partner so quick :)
I have a friend that enjoys squeezing me- think cowgirl and firefighter, she has a lovely powerful grip :)
You enjoy your friend Fritzama ! Ain't nothing better than a kinky woman squeezing your balls... except for maybe a hard kick :) And you are welcome Curmudgeon, it is always a pleasure to share my clips with you, i feel that you are my friends and that you share my fetish, meaning "you" i mean the people that have posted comments on this thread, not the people that just looked at my clips and said nothing... because i saw that many people are like that, i mean from my last post until this one 2000 people looked at my most meaning most defenitively the looked at my clip, and didn't bother to say anything, not even a simple "thanks" except for you and poolman2 i hate to think that these peolple are your averege freeloaders that want everything in life the easy way, not paying for anything and not even bothering to say as simple "thank you" maybe these peolpe think that i'm busting my nuts for them, so they won't have to... but they're wrong, i'm doing it for myself, because i like it, and i share it with you ! My True Friends that comment and enjoy my clips, you are my buddies, but i can't say this for everyone else... one comment every 1000th person... it seems to me that some people just aren't appreciative, so maybe those people don't deserve to see these clips anymore, of course i'm not talking about my TRUE FRIENDS that comment, Cheers to you ! ;)
05-07-2015, 11:06 PM
Sadly there are a lot of people out there who don't care about anything but people giving them things. In fact there are a couple of old threads if they can be found that had people complaining that people actually liked to get paid for their works (sites that do it for fee) and how the best people were the pirates who helped them get the stuff for free.
The same people who wrote these threads also used to complain that nobody wanted to talk to them, or that nobody wanted to do everything to specifically meet their particular fetishes.
I wish there was a good way to cure rudeness and spoiled brats... but unfortunately there isn't.
But for the rest of us. Thank you again for your gracious contributions!
Sadly there are a lot of people out there who don't care about anything but people giving them things. In fact there are a couple of old threads if they can be found that had people complaining that people actually liked to get paid for their works (sites that do it for fee) and how the best people were the pirates who helped them get the stuff for free.
The same people who wrote these threads also used to complain that nobody wanted to talk to them, or that nobody wanted to do everything to specifically meet their particular fetishes.
I wish there was a good way to cure rudeness and spoiled brats... but unfortunately there isn't.
But for the rest of us. Thank you again for your gracious contributions!
You are welcome Curmudgeon ! For you, anytime :thumbup
05-09-2015, 11:33 AM
Thanks for the contribution of material! Great job! One suggestion is to have a bit of footage of the kickers feet and legs so it can be really clear it is a woman kicking you. Another thing for this purpose could be to hear her voice a bit. It doesn't have to be too much, but her kicks come so fast that it is tough to really see who is kicking you. She can stay anonymous and still accentuate her status as a woman a bit, right?
I know what you are saying but she dosen't want her voice to be heard, because she dosen't want to be recognized by anyone, as for the feet i have that in my last clip, but why all this making sure that it's a woman...? does it look in my other videos that there are guys kicking me ? I can asure you, it's not like that, i'm not into m/m ballbusting, as for the videos, i'm only doing them to share with you guys, you that appreciate and comment on this thread, i'm really not doing it as a professional and i don't make a dime off of all of this, so... i don't really care how it looks, i thought it would be cool to film myself sometimes when i'm doing it so i can get some appreciation of what i do... but sometimes i cannot even get that anymore because most of the people look at my stuff and move on, they don't say shit ! So i'm thinking about quiting making these clips,... or maybe i'm thinking of filming sometimes and not showing it to anyone except maybe somebody that i really trust, see the way that it is: a life of a fetishist is a truly lonely life, in the real world i don't get to tell anyone what i do and i don't get to tell anyone that my balls hurt even if the pain goes on for days, everything is a secret, if i tell somebody they would think i am crazy and talk behind my back... and belive me that has happend ! I thought that if i post all the clips here that would make everybody happy and i would meet a lot of friends with the same fetish, well i am glad i got to talk and "meet" you guys, the ones that post like curmudgeon and the other guys... so i'm thinking of doing a few more clips and then giving it up... filming that is, i will never give up ballbusting ! I will keep doing it in secret like i always have, and i guess i will have to get use to the lonelyness, maybe there's no other way :( I'm really sorry to dissapoint you, and i am really ASHAMED to complain like a little BITCH :) but that is just the way that i see things :(
So stay tuned for my new stuff, but i really don't know when that will be. Have a nice day :)
05-11-2015, 08:59 AM
I am sorry to hear that you would give up filming, I can of course understand why... There are too many who complain because their specific fetish isn't catered to... so they go on the attack rather than be grateful that someone would try and share with them...
Something that many of the guys on here would enjoy, and it is purely a suggestion... if you could maybe interview your friend, and ask her what she enjoys most about busting guys... you could write out her answers so that everyone could enjoy it... there are not a large number of women who give their feedback on the activity, and I know that we all enjoy hearing from the ladies.
And thank you again for all of your great contributions!
I am sorry to hear that you would give up filming, I can of course understand why... There are too many who complain because their specific fetish isn't catered to... so they go on the attack rather than be grateful that someone would try and share with them...
Something that many of the guys on here would enjoy, and it is purely a suggestion... if you could maybe interview your friend, and ask her what she enjoys most about busting guys... you could write out her answers so that everyone could enjoy it... there are not a large number of women who give their feedback on the activity, and I know that we all enjoy hearing from the ladies.
And thank you again for all of your great contributions!
Dear Curmudgeon, i am happy that you asked me this, and that you are with me in my adventures... But sadly i cannot do it, i mean these girls do not want to be filmed so no one could see their faces and hear their voice... But ! There is a huge but here :bananad: :) I cand do the next best thing ;) During my meetings with these girls, and there were a lot of meetings and girls, i was busted by 20 women in total, they weren't my girlfriends but if you count the serious busts with kicks, squeezes and stomps there were only about 10 or 12 that really busted me thoroughly and some of them weekly, the rest of them were just squeezes and some of them i only met once, we had fun, or didn't have and that was it, if i didn't like the girl and if i felt she wasn't enjoying herself.. then we didn't get to have the next meeting ;) , so after a few of these meetings, i asked them, i asked the ones that i saw were into it, i asked: " Do you like busting my balls ? " " And the answer of a lot of them was "yes" They said: " I like it because it makes me feel powerfull " And i asked them if it turned them on sexually and they said " Yes ! " But not all of them... only the good ones, suprisingly some of them said they like it without being turned on, but gennuinely like having control over me or a man, one of them said that she " likes kicking me hard, almost full-force " because in her words " In those moments she does what she wants to me " i can remember a specific ballbuster 3 years ago, she was very turned on by it but at first when i asked her to squeeze and slap my balls she wasn't very into it, just went along wih it and got to enjoy it along the way, she was the best ballbuster i have ever had the pleasure of being busted by :) Sadly i cannot see her anymore because she went with a work-contract in another country :) she too liked the feeling of empowerment and she was really sadistic, i let her do something to me that i didn't let the other ones do... Go beyond my limits, so i told her that she couild choose when to stop, and even if i told her to stop, she could just ignore me and keep squeezing me for as long as she wants, i don't do that anymore, and i think no one should, evrybody should play it safe with a safe word, it was really hardcore, my sessions with her because she would just bring me to the brink of desperation bcause sometimes she just wouldn't let go of my balls, she said she sometimes is really sadistic and gets turned on by hearing me scream :) :bananajum What a woman... ! But i think she didn't want to hurt me for real, that brings me to my next point, i asked alot of these girls if they want to hurt me for real, like injuries and ball - breaking, and don't think it's like in the videos, almost all of them said no, they said they don't want that, they just want to have fun... They don't want me to end up in the hospital and if it happend they would regret it, so i think i am most happy and lucky to have met such responsible and wonderfull people, because i actually i hate it when i see videos and even interviews with dommes and women saying they're gonna hurt the guy for real and pop his nuts ! It's ok if it is only a tease but if they are for real... ? Then their crazy, and they belong in a nuthouse and someone should throw away the key for good, i think if you do ballbusting or any other form of BDSM even if you do it hard you should be responsible and not want to injure the sub, i mean i have seen some ballbusting videos where some dommes seem that the only reason why their doing it... To hurt men for real and treat them like Shit, i mean they should stop when the guy yells stop or safe word or whatever but it seems that that's really what they want, to injure the guy and she don't give 2 shits about him or his balls... Pardon my french, and i think that's just SICK ! Don't get me wrong i enjoy a hard ballbusting vid just as well as you do, but when i see that these women just want to destroy you and don't really care about your limits and don't care if you get injured it really turns me off... well in a way it turns me on 2 but sometimes i think that it would really suck to be those guys... So in a conclusion i would like to end the ideea that even if you do, and even if you like to do hard-ballbusting, you should have a safe-word, your partner should respect your safe-word and stop when you ask her to, even if i didn't always do that, anyways we learn from mistakes... Don't we ?
So that is all i can tell ya about my talks with these girls, and my feelings towards ballbusting in general... Please give me feedback Curmudgeon, and evrybody alike ! Even if i know that not a lot of you will post. Cheers and have a nice day ! ;)
05-11-2015, 06:29 PM
I wasn't meaning to interview them on camera, just get their general feedback. kind of like you did in the response.
It is understandable for them to fear people thinking badly of them, women are taught that they are to not do things like that....
For me it is all about having fun between the two participants, usually ends up being kind of a game... her trying to get me to admit defeat... and me trying to not admit that I am done. I like for it to always stay fun and for each of us to laugh and enjoy ourselves. My ex found it fun because it was so out of the norm, something so taboo, and because I liked it.
05-12-2015, 01:30 AM
Hi v15,
Congratulations on having such wonderful experiences. :bananajum
And, Thank you very much for sharing this information. Such detailed personal stories are rarely provided. We, or at least I, very much appreciate it.
poolman2 :bananawin
Well i am glad i can make you guys happy, and Curmudgeon, i am glad you had fun with your ex, i find it that a fantasy like ballbusting is always more fun to do than just fantasize, i think that this may be a problem for most people or at least a lot of them even for some of this forum because all they do is look at videos and some people don't really have the guts to do it in real life... I think it is really a shame, think of all of the wonderfull experiences they can have if they would just try it with someone... sometimes i get to see some harsh comments some guys leave at some videos like: " She should have popped his balls ! " " Or something like bust him hard until he faints or vomits " or something like that... i belive that the people writing these types of comments about someone in a video, they have never been busted in their lives, they're just making rude and ridiculous comments about someone who actually had the guts to do it, because if these people who write the comments would have actually been busted hard at least once, then they would know what a painfull experience being kicked hard and repetatively really is... and they would have more respect for the guy because they know what it's like being in their shoes, i think this dramaticaly changes your perspective on things, and you get to realise how things really are... Of course i'm not talking about everyone... just the ones that talk like that. Cheers to all ! :thumbup
05-12-2015, 11:03 PM
Yeah, I hate the Monday morning quarterbacks. I think it is great that you can enjoy yourself. After all that is what it is about, not about doing it for random people across the planet.
Hello all ! So i managed to make a new clip, i was thinking boxing, i did some boxing a long time ago, for a few years, and i still train sometimes but not comptetitional, i mean not anymore, i had a few matches between the age of 16 and 19, anyways, back to ballbusting, so i still have a pair of boxing gloves that i use for hitting the bag and for some sparring and i thought why not introduce them into our sessions, and so we did :bananajum it-s an almost 6 minute vid where at the begining she keeps punching me with the gloves, mostly uppercuts and a few hard jabs with the right hand ;) then i let her knee me and kick me about 100 time ( that's how much counted when i watched the clip ) so in the end my right nut was very swollen and the pain lasted for about 2 days, pain's all gone now... my right nut felt a bit tender in those 2 days but i didn't put ice on it because after about 3 years of weekly busting my nuts have gotten use to it so i don't feel the need to put ice on it anymore, :) it's kinda kool if you think about it but i don't want you to think that i'm a loud-mouth or bragging or anything because i don't like people that are like that and full of themselves... I know that there are guys that can take more than me and i have realised over the years that ballbusting isn't really a competition... i think it's really about having fun, getting turned on, and sharing this intimate moment with your female buster :) not like when you see in the videos with dommes where the guy can't take it anymore and the domme keeps kicking him full-force until he collapses on the floor and then she spits in his face or laughs at him or she is calling him pathetic... if you ask me they are the ones pathetic because some of them and i'm not saying all but some of these women are into this just to hurt men for real ! Maybe they have a hatred for all men, i don't know but if you ask me, those clips are SHIT, and their personalities are SHIT too ! I also like to do it hard but that dosen't mean that the woman busting me needs to have an attitude towards me like i am "nothing", see i'm all about making friends and lovers and what not... ok Folks sorry for that, but i needed to get that out of my system... Back to bussiness !
Here's the clip
Enjoy and please comment ! You have my usuall Cheers !
Oh, and also i have uploaded all of my clips on ballbustingtube under the username " v1987 " my clips should be on the first or second page of the section "videos"
05-24-2015, 03:10 PM
That's great ! Thanks =)
05-25-2015, 08:50 AM
I liked it like always, it is so great that you keep contributing. if I still had the lady that I played with I would
probably make some too. But you are "da man" for your great efforts.
Hope you have a good day, and keep being awesome.
I liked it like always, it is so great that you keep contributing. if I still had the lady that I played with I would
probably make some too. But you are "da man" for your great efforts.
Hope you have a good day, and keep being awesome.
I am glad you liked it curmudgeon, also i want to tell you that i sent you a friend request on this forum, i don't know if you have noticed, so if i think about it really good i don't think i'm gonna give up filming, cause if you think about it, Quiting is for losers, and i certainly don't consider myself one ;) , so you have a nice day too and stay tuned for my next clip, don't know exactly when it's gonna be but stay tunned... and you are welcome Pucuce ;) Cheers
05-25-2015, 02:39 PM
Do you accept requests ? :P If so, I would love to see some busting from behind, wether it be punch of kicks, on all fours or not. The idea of not seeing it coming is great for me. :)
Hello All ! We've made some new clips, The first one is a stomping clip, where she stepped on my nuts with boots on, Wow, that was actually pretty heavy and painfull so i only lasted like that for about 2 and a half minutes and then i couldn't take it anymore :( the pain was just too much. And the second one we filmed right after the stomping, in the second one she kicks me hard with those boots on, but some of the kicks landed in my legs, i counted about 130 kicks most of them were hard, last 30 ones are harder and i told her to kick me full-force for the last 10 or 11 so the last ten are definatelly full-force... I am really proud of myself to be able to do this, and i am also proud and happy to have found her :) :wooow :bananajum So Enjoy:
Here is the stomping clip:
And here is the kicking clip:
Enjoy and please comment because if you won't then i will have to give this whole thing up and keep these clips for myself... I think that would be a shame, don't you ?!
So have a nice day Everyone ;)
06-11-2015, 10:56 AM
Hello All ! We've made some new clips, The first one is a stomping clip, where she stepped on my nuts with boots on, Wow, that was actually pretty heavy and painfull so i only lasted like that for about 2 and a half minutes and then i couldn't take it anymore :( the pain was just too much. And the second one we filmed right after the stomping, in the second one she kicks me hard with those boots on, but some of the kicks landed in my legs, i counted about 130 kicks most of them were hard, last 30 ones are harder and i told her to kick me full-force for the last 10 or 11 so the last ten are definatelly full-force... I am really proud of myself to be able to do this, and i am also proud and happy to have found her :) :wooow :bananajum So Enjoy:
Here is the stomping clip:
And here is the kicking clip:
Enjoy and please comment because if you won't then i will have to give this whole thing up and keep these clips for myself... I think that would be a shame, don't you ?!
So have a nice day Everyone ;)
I like all you did and show - but this googledrive does not function .. can not look :-(
06-11-2015, 01:05 PM
YES IT WOULD BE A SHAME!!!! oops, sorry for shouting... but I love your videos.
You are a great guy to share them, but people seem to be pretty self absorbed sometimes.
I am glad that you have found a wonderful woman who makes you happy!
Thank you to both of you,
I'm really sorry it dosen't work for you pudel... i tried to deconect myself from my gmail acount, and then i clicked on the links i shared with you from my google drive account and it works just fine, maybe you should try again, see if it works, i will try to upload them on ballbustingtube but lately i've been having trouble uploading my clips there, i don't know why but sometimes it just dosen't work and my clips are not uploaded, maybe the admins there have something against me personally or i really don't know why but if i will manage i will give you guys and gals the links... ;)
YES IT WOULD BE A SHAME!!!! oops, sorry for shouting... but I love your videos.
You are a great guy to share them, but people seem to be pretty self absorbed sometimes.
I am glad that you have found a wonderful woman who makes you happy!
Thank you to both of you, I am glad that you like my videos my friend, i am thinking of making another stomping video with her and making a squeezing video, until now i've seen that everybody seems to love the squeezing vids... I don't know exactly when this will be because i don't want to make promises that i can't keep ( for the date i mean... not the making of the clips ;) ) so have a nice day curmudgeon, and all of you :bananajum
06-11-2015, 03:04 PM
I look forward to it, and thank you again!
06-12-2015, 02:03 AM
I'm really sorry it dosen't work for you pudel... i tried to deconect myself from my gmail acount, and then i clicked on the links i shared with you from my google drive account and it works just fine, maybe you should try again, see if it works, i will try to upload them on ballbustingtube but lately i've been having trouble uploading my clips there, i don't know why but sometimes it just dosen't work and my clips are not uploaded, maybe the admins there have something against me personally or i really don't know why but if i will manage i will give you guys and gals the links... ;)
yes now functions - i love to see it! both good films, thank you for let us see. perhaps she like to squeeze balls to? I like for myself more then kicking.
yes now functions - i love to see it! both good films, thank you for let us see. perhaps she like to squeeze balls to? I like for myself more then kicking.
I am glad you like my clips pudel, yes she likes squeezing too, we also do all sorts of ballbusting, like kicking, kneeing, stomping, even bitting, the only thing i would never do is let any woman jump on them or i wouldn't want them cut or anything like that, but i also have my limits so when the pain is unbearable i ask her to stop because sometimes my balls, especially my right one gets really swollen and i am afraid that something might happen, so when i cannot take it anymore we just stop, but when i am being squeezed i like to let her squeeze me for a long time, it turns me on to now she has total control, but even then i say stop sometimes if i get dizzy, cause' see that is dangerous because one can faint... but ussually we don't get to the dizzy part cause' we don't do it so hard all the time. Stay tuned my friends :thumbup
06-12-2015, 08:18 PM
Hi v15,
I had no trouble viewing either video and very much enjoyed both, though probably not as much as you. :) Anyway they were definitely first rate, as is your usual. :bananajum
Incidentally, if you are taking requests, my first choice is always barefoot, with pumps a good second. The more feminine foot visible, the better.
Thanks for continuing to share them with us.
poolman2 :ibow4u:
Hi v15,
I had no trouble viewing either video and very much enjoyed both, though probably not as much as you. :) Anyway they were definitely first rate, as is your usual. :bananajum
Incidentally, if you are taking requests, my first choice is always barefoot, with pumps a good second. The more feminine foot visible, the better.
Thanks for continuing to share them with us.
poolman2 :ibow4u: You are welcome Poolman2 i really liked making the clips although i think the first clip was too rough on my balls, i mean it hurt too badly for my standards... i ussually don't take requests, but you are right i should do a barefoot stomping video, and i will :bananad: so in the near future, you will see it, as will all of you, so stay tuned, it's always nice to see you guys satisfied ;) Cheers !
06-13-2015, 02:27 AM
Hi v15,
I think you handle yourself well in the busting. I personally always found the ball trampling on a hard surface the hardest, and less satisfying than the other forms of ballbusting. Trampling my balls atop my groin was a big improvement. Also actual stomping (as distinguished from standing) on my balls, was also peculiarly good. About 90% of my busting has been barefooted, with the rest in pumps and high heeled sandals. For many years my wife has had an exclusive in working over my equipment. A current favorite of ours is the ax kick (or heel dropping) on my balls in bed in the dark. It adds an element of unpredicability to the excitement, and it's just plain fun.
Anyway, this is a long-winded way of expressing my appreciation for your work. I hope you keep it up.
06-13-2015, 02:48 AM
I am glad you like my clips pudel, yes she likes squeezing too, we also do all sorts of ballbusting, like kicking, kneeing, stomping, even bitting, the only thing i would never do is let any woman jump on them or i wouldn't want them cut or anything like that, but i also have my limits so when the pain is unbearable i ask her to stop because sometimes my balls, especially my right one gets really swollen and i am afraid that something might happen, so when i cannot take it anymore we just stop, but when i am being squeezed i like to let her squeeze me for a long time, it turns me on to now she has total control, but even then i say stop sometimes if i get dizzy, cause' see that is dangerous because one can faint... but ussually we don't get to the dizzy part cause' we don't do it so hard all the time. Stay tuned my friends :thumbup
squeezing, if she do it right and with feeling, is much more rafinesse. controlling you with pain and you never say no, because you like it. stomping and kicking is not so easy to control in force. may be then you must suffer to long ... but this is not the purpose ;-) balls must resist, or?! I hope to find a female who treats me much stronger in pain and demand. but it is not easy to find. - but to look an your homemade videos showing me its possible. is great you share it!
squeezing, if she do it right and with feeling, is much more rafinesse. controlling you with pain and you never say no, because you like it. stomping and kicking is not so easy to control in force. may be then you must suffer to long ... but this is not the purpose ;-) balls must resist, or?! I hope to find a female who treats me much stronger in pain and demand. but it is not easy to find. - but to look an your homemade videos showing me its possible. is great you share it! I appreciate your enthusiasm pudel :) I am glad that you like ballbusting to a point that you are squeezed and don't say no... but sadly this cannot be done... or would be really crazy to do, i did it with one girl, i told the story in my previous posts, i told her she could squeeze me for as long as she wants and that she can let me go whenever she wants even if i say stop, and so she did, i say'd stop and nothing... she kept going, then i let her squeeze some more and said stop it, and i think this amused her more seeing she could keep me like this... then some more and the i said "no more... !!"" "your breaking them... !!!" And then she said: " I'll break them ! They're not mine !" I know she wasn't serious about the rupturing part because she probably realised it wouldn't happen but i was in desperation and she was amused ! So i assure you as much as you like ballbusting, this stuff will fuck with your head. While it was really intese and i was turned on it was really frightening, risky and unpleasant. She began going down on me (oral sex) alternetive with the squeezing, i kept telling her to stop but she wouldn't... at one point i wanted to grab her hand but i couldn't because of the pain i felt a weakness in my whole body and i just couldn't, eventually she let me go, let me rest a bit and then squeezed me some more with some oral sex but mostly squeezing, but she kept me begging her to let me go, kept me for a long time then let me go and then rest a bit and went at it again, all in a half of an hour time.
So let me put it like this: If you are squeezed for a long time without her letting go of your balls after you feel you cannot take it anymore, the first thing you will feel is desperation if she keeps you like this some more and you see her being amused you will feel humiliated, then comes the dizzines and weakness in your body to a point that even if you would want to stop her you couldn't, then probably you will feel the urge to cry and also you would be ashamed to do it in front of her... and probably ( I don't know because she didn't keep me this long ) probably you would faint, i'm glad i didn't get to that part :) hope i never will... After i met this girl after that ( not the girls in the video) i was angry with her, and i told her in an angry tone that she went too far last time, she had a shocked reaction and told me that it was me who wanted it, but i could tell from her shocked face that she was scared and didn't actually want to hurt me, after that i still let her squeeze me longer than i could take but just a little, she was probably conscious not to do it that hard again. So i am sorry Pudel if i was too rough in my explaining but... I just want to say that ballbusting can be really dangerous if not done right, so as some rules: you always need to set up a safe word, make sure she respects it, even if it is just " stop " , tell her if she goes too far and another rule is never let yourself tied up or cuffed by someone you don't trust like the first session. I wish you all the best in your experiences ;)
Hi v15,
I think you handle yourself well in the busting. I personally always found the ball trampling on a hard surface the hardest, and less satisfying than the other forms of ballbusting. Trampling my balls atop my groin was a big improvement. Also actual stomping (as distinguished from standing) on my balls, was also peculiarly good. About 90% of my busting has been barefooted, with the rest in pumps and high heeled sandals. For many years my wife has had an exclusive in working over my equipment. A current favorite of ours is the ax kick (or heel dropping) on my balls in bed in the dark. It adds an element of unpredicability to the excitement, and it's just plain fun.
Anyway, this is a long-winded way of expressing my appreciation for your work. I hope you keep it up.
poolman2 I am glad to hear that there are other people like me that like to be busted, if we tell this to a "normal person" he would think we are crazy, if you just look at the definiton the medical world gives it: "sexual deviation" or "disorder" They say it like it's a bad thing or that we are freakes that we should not be doing it or be ashamed or marginalized from society. If think that these doctors have no wright to call it wrong because maybe this whole society is wrong and upside down. About what you said Poolman i also like to be busted by the woman being barefoot, i have only been bustd with boots and sneakers, i think the boots are the most painful, but also if the boot has a high heel i imagine it would be difficult for her to kick you right with it because of the ballance, so in this perspective with the sport shoes she can kick you better but it isn't as painful, i have always wondered how it would be to be kicked by a woman wearing heavy army boots, like these: I think that would probably lead to injury... for the balls of course, her foot probably wouldn't have a scratch :Baahaha: :Baahaha: ! Have a nice day ! I will keep you guys tuned for my next vid ( don't know exactly when that will be but probably in the next few weeks ) ;)
Hello all, sorry it took such a long time for me to post, i've met this girl today, the one you can see in my latest videos, and we had a really nice time, we've been meeting weekly now, 2 times a week and we became really good friends :) I am really happy, so every week we do the usual stuff, besides talking ( alot ) so today she was stepping on my balls fullweight and for a while now we've been trying a different technique of her stepping on them, see now she also stepps sideways but we've been trying a frontal step with both feet tippy - toes on my balls fullweight, so i managed to film one minute and 24 seconds, and all through that time the naughty boy that i am ;) i was strocking my cock, and at the end i came, so be warned that this clip containes a cum-shot :thumbup i didn't film it though because i thought the sight of my squished nuts is way more important, so here you go... Our latest installement, i am really proud of this clip and tha way it came out even tho it is so short ( sorry about that, as i said we didn't actually plan on filming it ) so please comment and here is the link:
Lemme know what you think... It is really importatnt to me, cause if no one comments then it's not really a sharing experience and i frankly see no point in doing it then :soomad
So have a nice day and tell me what you think of the clip (my work)
david muren
07-15-2015, 10:11 AM
nice work,your a lucky man
nice work,your a lucky man Thank you for your kind words, my good man, and a nice day to you :thumbup
07-15-2015, 11:00 PM
great video like always, thank you for being so generous to share with us all!!!
great video like always, thank you for being so generous to share with us all!!! You are welcome curmudgeon, for you anytime :thumbup
07-16-2015, 02:17 AM
Hi v15,
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful video with us. I think it's the best so far. I like the technique, and the excellent view of the girl's beautiful bare feet. Kudos! :bananajum
poolman2 :ibow4u:
Hi v15,
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful video with us. I think it's the best so far. I like the technique, and the excellent view of the girl's beautiful bare feet. Kudos! :bananajum
poolman2 :ibow4u:You are welcome poolman2, when i will get the chance i think i will communicate to her what you said about her feet, i think it will make her proud and it also makes me proud to hear that you like my videos, see i actually am proud of what i do, i don't think it is shamefull or degrading as some may think, i think those guys have a hard time accepting their fantasies and what they are... I accepted "what" i am a long time ago and it dosen't bother me, i just don't tell or show everybody my face because other people who are not into this wouldn't understand, and they always resort to mean and agressive comments ( other people, not the ones on this forum) I also agree with you poolman the technique is the best but also the most painful, it is really more painful then her stepping on them from the side so in this way i cannot take that much, although i am sorry that this video was so short but... you know how it is... Sometimes i get so turned on that i just can't help it and I touch myself :bananajum and i mean that in no offensive way, i just like it. If i get the chance we will do a squeezing video that is at least a few minutes long, i don't know when that will be, but in the near future.
So thank you for your comments everybody, it makes me feel really good to hear that you like my vids, at the same time i think about a lot of clip stores that are making ballbusting clips just for the money, and they seem to not care about the subs safety or injury, they just seem to care about the money they make of of his suffering, if you ask me... that's EXPLOITATION ! As in society, there should be some rules, because if there are no rules there is chaos. So thnaks all :thumbup
Hello everybody, we've made a new clip where i am put on the floor and hancuffed and she kicks me from the back, being such a position where my balls were so exposed she went a little easy on me, witch i am gratefull for :) but at the end it was more intense, i can say with my hand on my heart that this is a good video, witch i am really proud of, and i hope we can do more, Please give me your feedback and tell me if you like the new position that i stand in the clip, if it was a good ideea.
Enjoy :thumbup
07-25-2015, 02:24 AM
great as always! love your clips!
being kicked from behind can be a lot of fun
great as always! love your clips!
being kicked from behind can be a lot of fun Yes we sure had some fun, i liked being so helpless and my balls being so vulnerable... made me feel really horny, Stay tuned ;)
07-27-2015, 03:43 PM
Hi v15,
Thanks for continuing with your excellent work. :bananad: This is one of my favorite ballbusting positions. Keep up the good work. :thumbup
Hi v15,
Thanks for continuing with your excellent work. :bananad: This is one of my favorite ballbusting positions. Keep up the good work. :thumbup
poolman2 You are welcome Poolman and also Curmudgeon for your support, I'm glad you like my clips, I'm thinking of doing a squeezing clip in the future ( next few weeks the latest, maybe sooner than that ) So stay tuned and keep up the good busting. Peace :thumbup
07-29-2015, 05:39 PM
Hii v15 i love ballbusting video.
u have squeeze balls in the hands girl?
Hii v15 i love ballbusting video.
u have squeeze balls in the hands girl? Hi popballs ! Now i don't know exactly what you are asking but yeah, she squeezes my balls, and i'm thinking of making a new squeezing clip soon so stay tuned ;)
Hello All :) I'm back, after a long vacation ( metaforically speaking ) I'm back, and we have made a new clip. Me and this girl really get along, :) I am so happy that i found her, So we ussually meet 2 times a week :bananad: but yesturday we've made a new video, this time a squeezing video SQUEEEEEEEEEEZE :) !!!! :cryingblu :Baahaha: :loveeyes :wooow So in this video, i've put on a'n old cockring that i didn't use in my videos until now, it splits my balls in to so she can squeeze the separately, and boy does she... :wooow So this is almost 7 and a half minutes of non stop action except for a few seconds when i stopped and put my balls back in the cockring, so there is a blank screen for a few seconds. So you can hear my screams of pleasure and pain ( a lot of pain ) Still hurts now and it's been a day past. Have fun with my clip and please comment ;) :)
08-25-2015, 06:31 AM
Hello All :) I'm back, after a long vacation ( metaforically speaking ) I'm back, and we have made a new clip. Me and this girl really get along, :) I am so happy that i found her, So we ussually meet 2 times a week :bananad: but yesturday we've made a new video, this time a squeezing video SQUEEEEEEEEEEZE :) !!!! :cryingblu :Baahaha: :loveeyes :wooow So in this video, i've put on a'n old cockring that i didn't use in my videos until now, it splits my balls in to so she can squeeze the separately, and boy does she... :wooow So this is almost 7 and a half minutes of non stop action except for a few seconds when i stopped and put my balls back in the cockring, so there is a blank screen for a few seconds. So you can hear my screams of pleasure and pain ( a lot of pain ) Still hurts now and it's been a day past. Have fun with my clip and please comment ;) :)
Thenks for the squeeze girl
Thenks for the squeeze girl
You are Welcome !!! But i didn't do it only for you, but for myself and everyone alike ( the ones who comment, not the freeloders ;) )
08-25-2015, 07:41 AM
I'm back, and we have made a new clip. Me and this girl really get along, :) I am so happy that i found her, So we ussually meet 2 times a week :bananad: but yesturday we've made a new video, this time a squeezing video SQUEEEEEEEEEEZE :) !!!!
So glad you're back! So glad you found her! That is hot!
08-25-2015, 12:13 PM
IMO- leave out the cockring, but phookin hot scene other than that minor thing :)
IMO- leave out the cockring, but phookin hot scene other than that minor thing :)
Well i can't actually leave out the cockring because it keeps everything tight, it actually hurts more with it on, so it's kind of a turn on and a challenge for me at the same time :) and what orther thing ? Also i'm Glad you like it, and you are welcome Vela
08-25-2015, 06:34 PM
Hi v15,
You've made another excellent video. I very much enjoyed it. I hope you did as much as I. :D
Continuing thanks,
poolman2 :bananawin
08-25-2015, 11:09 PM
Hello All :) I'm back, after a long vacation ( metaforically speaking ) I'm back, and we have made a new clip. Me and this girl really get along, :) I am so happy that i found her, So we ussually meet 2 times a week :bananad: but yesturday we've made a new video, this time a squeezing video SQUEEEEEEEEEEZE :) !!!! :cryingblu :Baahaha: :loveeyes :wooow So in this video, i've put on a'n old cockring that i didn't use in my videos until now, it splits my balls in to so she can squeeze the separately, and boy does she... :wooow So this is almost 7 and a half minutes of non stop action except for a few seconds when i stopped and put my balls back in the cockring, so there is a blank screen for a few seconds. So you can hear my screams of pleasure and pain ( a lot of pain ) Still hurts now and it's been a day past. Have fun with my clip and please comment ;) :)
Seriously hot stuff, my friend! Liked that a lot!
thanks for the post!
08-26-2015, 06:04 AM
Great as always!!!
Always great to see your work!
Thank you!
I am really glad you all like my or should i say our clips, it always warms my heart to know that i am among friends... :) Cheers :thumbup
Now thats a video worth posting! Keep that camera rolling -you have many fans here!
Now thats a video worth posting! Keep that camera rolling -you have many fans here! Thank you, msms :thumbup
08-27-2015, 12:41 PM
Thank you, msms :thumbup
The top video should be where she biting cock and try to chewing balls with molar teeth
08-27-2015, 04:39 PM
The top video should be where she biting cock and try to chewing balls with molar teeth
since she doesn't want to show her face, that will not happen. So the true top video is where both of them are enjoying her hurting his balls.... so I think they have lots of top videos.
since she doesn't want to show her face, that will not happen. So the true top video is where both of them are enjoying her hurting his balls.... so I think they have lots of top videos.Thank you for backing me up here curmudgeon, you are right ;) And Stewie... I really don't think you can afford to be so pretentious or picky at this point... So if you want such a video, then you do it, then post it and show it to us ( if you are able to get a girl to do that :) ) Have a nice day now :thumbup
Hello Everyone ! :) How are you ? Me and this girl have met recently and we have made a new clip where she steppes on my balls, this time i have orderd a new wodden stomping block, it's bigger than the last one, and better.
In most of the clip she steppes on them fullweight, and you can see her beautifull pedicured feet :) ( I like her alot, and she really makes me happy ) And at some points in the clip she steppes on only one ball fullweight :cryingblu :cryingblu :cryingblu :) That really hurt a lot, i can tell you... But hey... No pain no gain, Right ?? :)
The clip has only one flaw, i didn't manage to hold the phone right so i can film the action really well, but other than that i think it is great, also i think it is better that some prodome clips where the woman dosen't step fullweight, of course i'm not talking about all of them, some are really brutal.
So anyways, here's the clip:
Enjoy And comment of course ! :)
09-20-2015, 09:29 AM
You got it right on the target. Full weight ball crush done right. The view of her other foot off the ground is what a LOT of other clip stores fail to understand. The many $$$ I've spent just on the promise of full weight ball crush, only to be sadly disappointed. I look forward to more clips from you.
You got it right on the target. Full weight ball crush done right. The view of her other foot off the ground is what a LOT of other clip stores fail to understand. The many $$$ I've spent just on the promise of full weight ball crush, only to be sadly disappointed. I look forward to more clips from you. Well i am glad you like it, :) I just came up with the ideea of filming her other foot, i think she has really sexy feet. I'm thinking of doing another stomping clip in the future, and i want to film it better so i get a close view of the balls being squshed like grapes :) Also i am glad you like my vid better than other pro ones ;) And i am doing this only for the pleasure, i don't really like the pain, it's just a mean to an end to get to the pleasure, i'm doing this only for the thrill of it and to feel a deep connetion with the girl busting me, something the actors and ballbusters from pro vids fail to understand, like the guys with flacid cocks for the whole clip and the women not caring about the subs safty, and then spitting on them when they yell in pain :) That's foolish if you ask me, i think neither of the parties ar doing it for the sexual pleasure, one just wants to meke fun of the other and the guy, well i don't know why he's doing it if he dosen't get turned on. So enjoy and stay tuned ! ;)
09-20-2015, 12:49 PM
I agree with you when it comes to the pros and their methods. But here's another idea. Try placing your balls in an open-toe, open heels shoes. They called them mules. Full weight crushing from that angel is my all time favorite when it comes to balls crush by shoes.
I agree with you when it comes to the pros and their methods. But here's another idea. Try placing your balls in an open-toe, open heels shoes. They called them mules. Full weight crushing from that angel is my all time favorite when it comes to balls crush by shoes. I agree, that is hot as well, i tried that a few times, long ago, but i don't think i can get that on film momentarily, sorry, but i will maybe do another video on the stomping block :) just don't know when that will be but in the near future i think ;) I ordered that block at a carpenter, had to lie that it's for a friend that needs it as an artist :)
09-20-2015, 05:58 PM
very nice clip :) as a variation, why not tie your balls and pull them across the board and then clamp the rope in place.You are fully extended and don't have to worry about the balls squirting out of the cage. Just a thought, keep up the good work :)
very nice clip :) as a variation, why not tie your balls and pull them across the board and then clamp the rope in place.You are fully extended and don't have to worry about the balls squirting out of the cage. Just a thought, keep up the good work :)
Nice ideea, thanks, maybe i will try that :)
09-21-2015, 12:16 AM
Hi v15,
Congratulations! You made a very good video. :bananajum
My wife and I have done a lot of ball standing. We had trouble doing it. We typically had a lot of failures for every success. So I know you worked hard to achieve this excellent result.
Kudos! :ibow4u:
Hi v15,
Congratulations! You made a very good video. :bananajum
My wife and I have done a lot of ball standing. We had trouble doing it. We typically had a lot of failures for every success. So I know you worked hard to achieve this excellent result.
Kudos! :ibow4u:
I am glad you liked it Poolman ! Thank you for your appreciation, Well what can i say... I started off lighter, i use to see this orher girl that i didnt show in the vids, she was a little plum so we were afraid to do it fullweight but i let her step on them while she was holding on to the wall or something and i was on the bed and she didn't step fullweight, we did it like that at least once a week for 6 months while i was seeing her plus our usual busting, and then i started seeing this other girl, the first one i showed in my clips, the the one that was in my first vids long time ago and she pushed me a little and she stood on myy balls fullweight, and then it was fullweight every time from then on :) I let the girls step on them fullweight after that and then there were about 6 girls that i let them step on them fullweight all in a distance of about 2 years, i think what matters most is her weight, the heaviest girl that stood on my balls weigh about 154 pounds (70 kg ) I couldn't last very long with her of course... well i am glad that you liked my clips :bananad: Stay tuned folks :)
09-22-2015, 12:27 AM
Hi v15,
It sounds like you've worked out an approach that works well for you. The results show. :)
poolman2 :bananawin
Hi v15,
It sounds like you've worked out an approach that works well for you. The results show. :)
poolman2 :bananawin Thanks Poolman :)
Hello everyone. Long time no see :) I have new videos for you all with another girl. She is very special for me and I care about her alot.
Please comment annd tell me what you think of my videos... Cheers y'all !!!
Last edit to my post :):bananawin
12-30-2018, 06:15 AM
Hello everyone. Long time no see :) I have new videos for you all with another girl. She is very special for me and I care about her alot.
Please comment annd tell me what you think of my videos... Cheers y'all !!!
Keep on having fun! The second one is rotated, but I managed. I like that you keep stroking yourself through the pain she puts you through.
Keep on having fun! The second one is rotated, but I managed. I like that you keep stroking yourself through the pain she puts you through.
I tried to rotate that video online but on all the sites I've accesed they show me the message that the filesize is too big :( sorry about that... I always get hard while being busted :) it turns me on that a woman can do whatever she wants to me and my balls :bananajum that she can immobilize me with little effort and bring me to my knees, it is such a turn on to know that she can dominate me and all my physical strengh means nothing then because she has the upper hand :) I really don't understand the guys that star in ballbusting videos and don't have a hard on it seems that they are in it only for the money and that they are realy different from us. Cheers mate and happy new year !!!
12-30-2018, 10:03 PM
I tried to rotate that video online but on all the sites I've accesed they show me the message that the filesize is too big :( sorry about that... I always get hard while being busted :) it turns me on that a woman can do whatever she wants to me and my balls :bananajum that she can immobilize me with little effort and bring me to my knees, it is such a turn on to know that she can dominate me and all my physical strengh means nothing then because she has the upper hand :) I really don't understand the guys that star in ballbusting videos and don't have a hard on it seems that they are in it only for the money and that they are realy different from us. Cheers mate and happy new year !!!
Happy new year. Does your partner get turned on by ballbusting? I introduced my partner to ballbusting and she's more into that I expected to the point that we have to take easy days because I can only handle so much. I'll start posting more to my links in my signature.
12-31-2018, 03:58 AM
Happy new year. Does your partner get turned on by ballbusting? I introduced my partner to ballbusting and she's more into that I expected to the point that we have to take easy days because I can only handle so much. I'll start posting more to my links in my signature.
I’ve got a girl too who’s willing to act out my fantasy. The question is do I have the balls to live them out.
12-31-2018, 04:33 AM
I’ve got a girl too who’s willing to act out my fantasy. The question is do I have the balls to live them out.
You will until she destroys them.
Happy new year. Does your partner get turned on by ballbusting? I introduced my partner to ballbusting and she's more into that I expected to the point that we have to take easy days because I can only handle so much. I'll start posting more to my links in my signature.
Hello Deballs, sorry it took me such a long time to reply, yes she does get turned on by it, there are girls who get turned on by ballbusting and some that aren't, some like it it more, some like it less, some get repulsed by the thought of doing it ( those are physchos by the way :jumpsmile just kidding :) ) so you never know how one will react but sometimes knowing the person you can guess from what type of personality she has ;) but im general woman that are into ballbusting generaly adore the thought of empowerment and control that she can do what they want to you with little effort and she feels empowered, that feeling is what it is all about, the feeling of it, the opposite feelings on both sides, the ladies feel empowered and the men feel vulnerable and dominated by their most sensible parts... :D :D :D now that's poetry right there ;) deballs I've seen your pics they are hot :) I'm glad you found a partner that trruly enjoyes herself busting your balls ! More videos to come ! Stay tuned ! Cheers my friends !
01-05-2019, 12:13 AM
Thanks for all your videos, they are so nice!! Can you upload some of your squeezing videos? They have been gone from the links you have posted. THanks
Thanks for all your videos, they are so nice!! Can you upload some of your squeezing videos? They have been gone from the links you have posted. THanks
Hi Gadedo ! I'm glad you like my vids, I will make a sqeezing video next week ( as in probably 2 days from now ;) and I will upload it. It is a pleasure for me to see that you all like my videos... I am so proud of that :iluvu: Cheers !
great shares v15. thank you so much
You are very welcome Arcane, ;) it was my pleasure, our pleasure to be more exact ;) so stay tuned cause' there will be more to come and one more thing: My videos are free and always will be :bananawin !!! Cheers mates !!!
Thanks for all your videos, they are so nice!! Can you upload some of your squeezing videos? They have been gone from the links you have posted. THanks
As Promised and More :) The first one is with squeezing, the rest are with ballstanding, enjoy my friends:
01-09-2019, 12:07 AM
Thanks for uploading. I love them:iluvu: I hope for more coming. So i have i little request to you. Can you make another squeezing one where she wears thick household rubber gloves when squeezing your balls, that looks so nice and she has a good grip. And another question, do you have an elastrator? That would also be an awsome clip when she wears the rubber gloves and then puts an elastrator rubberband around your balls and then gives you an handjob until you cum while squeezing with one hand. Thanks soo much
Thanks for uploading. I love them:iluvu: I hope for more coming. So i have i little request to you. Can you make another squeezing one where she wears thick household rubber gloves when squeezing your balls, that looks so nice and she has a good grip. And another question, do you have an elastrator? That would also be an awsome clip when she wears the rubber gloves and then puts an elastrator rubberband around your balls and then gives you an handjob until you cum while squeezing with one hand. Thanks soo much
I'm sorry Gadeto but we don't have thick rubber gloves and I don't use elastrators cause that's dangerous
A retrospective colection of my best work ;)
So we had a good time yesturday and of course we thought about you guys too so we filmed it :bananad:;) So here is the action ! If you listen carefully at seconds: 0:17 0:59 and possibly 02:59 you can here a slight cracking sound comming from my balls as she stands on them:cryingblu:cryingblu:cryingblu OUCH that really hurt but it turned me f on all the way so here is the video:
Enjoy and the ussual Cheers !
Hello all :) Long time no see... did you miss me ?:bananad::bananajum:bananawin:bananawin:bananawin I met someone, another woman and we sure had some fun :bananad: My lady friend is very special and I care about her a great deal :) I am very fond of her
I've made a video with her
Ballcurshing on a chair ( my new toy this chair, perfect for ballstanding :D:D:D )
Enjoy and please comment and tell me what you think of my clip, take care ! Cheers !
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