View Full Version : Ballbusting Jokes

12-04-2013, 10:29 PM
Hi, i'd like to dedicate this thread to jokes regarding ballbusting, here's a good one:

A wife came home today from work and discovered her husband in bed with another woman, whey were having wild sex, the wife was infuriated, she got hold of a shotgun and pointed it into her husband's groin ! :)
She shouted at him: " I'm going to ******** you, you son of a Bitch... !!!" (shoot his balls off) then her husband began begging: " Oh please no... please no... i beg of you please give me one more chance please... ! "
Then his wife started to think for a while and the she said: " OK, i will let you wiggle your balls one more time... :)"

12-04-2013, 10:44 PM
I know another one:
Inside a classroom at school, the teacher asks a question: " Children, can you tell me who invented the Cog ? And then a girl from the classroom raised her hand and answered: " It was Hans Dieter Muller from Hamburg !"
Then the teacher said: " Great answer Goldie, that is correct !" and then she asked:
" Now children can you tell me who invented soprano singing ?
And then a Steven from the classrom raised his hand and answered: " It was Hans Dieter Muller from Hamburg mam... !"
The teacher Replied: "No Steven, you just copied the answer from Goldie, now you are repeating like a parrot, the answer is wrong !"
Then Steven Replies: " No teacher, i am wright ! It was still Hans Dieter Muller Who invented Soprano singing the time he caught his testicles in between the cogs !"
I think this was a good one 2, please feel free to add more jokes to this thread, Bye !