View Full Version : Joy of Elastrator Play
Thoman Jerry
12-22-2013, 12:53 PM
Although most of the posts are still new to me, I've seen relatively little mention of elastrators in those I've read thus far, and I can't help but wonder why? I still aspire to experiencing an elastrator, but I've seen lots of videos and one thing seems clear; this is an actual ********** occurring in real time, with a typical time limit of under seven-to-ten minutes with a dead-serious band and maybe half an hour with a looser or larger band-either way, if your partner or partners don't release you you are a castrato after that. The hottest video I've ever seen had the victim tied to a table, and the lady crooned to him softly and tenderly while pulled his balls and scrotum through the band, inserted a white yarn string between the band and his scrotum (so she could easily pull on it to move the band away from his scrotum later and cut the band), and snapped the band off the tool. I watched as at that moment he convulsed, and then his balls, moving on their own like frightened hamsters, squirmed around each trying to find a means of escape. Even through his ball gag you could hear his screams, which I'm sure were genuine. I cannot imagine how a lady or an audience of women could avoid getting wet watching him released (wrists bound!) and hopping around, wildly flailing his penis and balls around to shake off the banding agony but only succeeding in showing his dying manhood jiggling and flopping back and forth against his thighs. A real man can take it -style of contest could ensue at a group banding, where the man or a group of men could also be squeezed, crushed, and kicked while the seconds tick away. Or, a volunteer could manipulate his penis, urging him to ejaculate for the girls, or he wouldn't be released and they could all watch him lose his manhood (and rightly so, by some lights!). That would certainly add glamor to the entertainment, since there will always be a few boys who cannot get off, either from the pain, distraction from stress and the public humiliation, or an inept (by accident or design) masturbatrix!
Thoman Jerry
12-24-2013, 05:42 AM
Another reason in favor of introducing elastrator play in a ballbusting session is the fact that we are really dealing with two potentially-separate things implicitly with ballbusting. First, ballbusting exploits the weakness and sensitivity of the testicles to create psychological effects and real terror from the incredible (and mysterious, to a woman) agony that can be instantly produced and prolonged at the discretion of another party. However, that is not the same as ********** pain, which originates with the stalks, or cords, and cremaster muscle holding the testicles in its protective sac. ********** pain is not nearly so violent and severe, or so I have heard, but rather extends up into the abdomen and causes loss of bowel and bladder control, and though painful in its own right, promotes a complete loss of dignity and primarily that humiliation is what has always terrorized males, young and old, especially if perpetrated by a group of men against one man, and especially in a public setting. Now, you can really only have one or the other, ballbusting or **********, unless you do the bust-then-cut routine, unless you band a man with an elastrator. A real tight banding will crush the cords and give the male both experiences at once, by generating his ********** pain and still, simultaneously offering the regular gamut of ballbusting techniques to be applied at the partner's or partners' pleasure. Done with care, the experience can be repeated as often as desired over a lifetime. Given that, for a male like myself, a little testicle torture goes a long way anyway (no real staying power, I'm afraid), the relatively short duration of a banding session is not an impediment but rather an advantage. Seems like a natural choice to me.
Thoman Jerry
12-28-2013, 09:47 AM
I just wrote this story in a couple of hours this morning, because I'm burned out somewhat from doing the things I have on my plate that I have to do! I hope y'all are okay with it. If no comments of a positive nature forthcoming, I will consider myself rebuked and not impose on you again with more stories! Thanks!
Part One: Auld Lang Syne
Dan’s four-wheeler slashed through the Colorado snow, on its way out by Spring Break but holding on by its fingernails anyway. His daughter Laura (she went by “Lori” these days, “With an O!”) would be arriving at the airport about now, and he was in a big rush to see her. Since he and her mother had parted when she was eight she had found some way to spend some time with him every year, and this was her first visit since the summer before.
Dan was a nice guy, normally one of life’s go-alongs, he had been in the right place at the right time one year and had made his fortune. His heart broke when his wife ended their marriage, but it could have been much worse, he reasoned; at least he had some time with Laura-Lori, and he was a reasonably happy man. He kept fit, and was always fending off friends’ attempts to get him hitched. But a couple of times he had almost been snared by women intent on charming him out of his wealth, and so he had got into the habits of a recluse, working on his circuit designs alone in his studio and rarely coming down from his mountaintop home.
Lori sat tensely in her seat on final approach and noticed that it was snowing lightly. She knew this place very well, having come out here every year for ten years now. She missed her dad and was eagerly anticipating her skiing and climbing holiday too! But there was also an item of concern on her mind. She didn’t quite know how to phrase it in words, and was still trying out approaches in her mind. Her Professor of Womens’ Studies, Dr. Dorkenfluber, was extremely excited about her idea and encouraged-no, pushed her hard to follow it through.
Lori’s Senior Thesis was going to be all about the ********** of men through history and, in particular, for the future. So her underlying concern was how to break it to her daddy (these things were always much easier to talk about with her girlfriends and the women who were her mentors!) because she really needed his help-no his collaboration; yes, his out-and-out partnership if she was going to pull it off. She was a prodigy and she knew it, of course, and this thesis could set her up for her career, or it could really blow up in her face if it was just another “me-too” essay, given the high expectations her colleagues held for her and for her project.
She planned on raising all those points with him, but the real reason that she wanted him was that she needed a male whose opinions she could trust. Someone who would answer truthfully when she asked him all about his inner feelings about the topic. And how they might have changed, or not, at particular points throughout his male life cycle. Asking a boy her age would send the wrong signal and might get her raped; it was that simple. Now, the problem was in gaining his trust; after all, it was a strange request, no matter how you looked at it. But, she had an ace up her sleeve.
So, after their joyous reunion, and while they were chatting in the four-wheeler on the way up the mountaintop, she gently laid her egg. “Daddy, when I grow up I want to ******** men.” The “when I grow up” part was disarming, and for a moment Dan thought, hoped, that he might have misheard or that she had made a callow attempt at humor, but he glanced across the seat at her lovely, frank, and determined face and instantly knew she was serious and his heart went out to her! How had someone at that damn’ school done this to her? Why had they spoiled his true darling treasure? What kind of a job was that, ********** men! She would starve! Good thing he was rich.
Dan didn’t speak for a long time, but just listened to her as she explained herself. He had to admit that she had it figured out, and that part about maybe getting raped if she took this to a boy (or worse, boys) really stung him and wouldn’t pull its stinger out! He did ask “WHY? Was it something I did?” Dan had to admit to himself that, though he had loved his daughter as a Man should, and never, ever had he acted inappropriately nor even had thoughts, but. . . Well Laura had started coming to visit him sometimes wearing her school clothes for the trip, and he, perhaps through his self-imposed celibacy became fascinated with her long, coltlike, slender legs. He never let on and reproached himself sternly, but Laura frequently brought with her several school uniforms and mixed and matched with other outfits, but always displaying her long bare legs for him throughout her visits. He started to have a crush, and by now was fully, utterly in love with his beautiful, successful daughter.
“NO-no Daddy! I LOVE you! You are my model of the Perfect Man! I have learned a lot at my school, and one of the things I’ve discovered and would like to pursue academically, is the notion-we call it “Deep Malthus”-that males are essentially irrelevant in our ecology. One ejaculation by a suitable male could inseminate every woman of childbearing age the world over. I won’t go into the well-known details of the behavior of multitudes of useless males! But women do have a choice thanks to technology, and so now the urgent question no longer becomes “How do women gain control” but rather becomes “Why do we want males/how do we want our males,” IF we decide to keep them around?”
“My work will be devoted to testing various models, various strategies for how we can keep our beloved men and successfully integrate them into our womens’ world in the future. Do we keep them as pets? Are they enslaved? What protections must we craft for them in our legislatures? Do we have children with several before they are *********? Who decides whether, when, and how; we the mothers, some impersonal scientific basis for selection? And so on, and so on, and so on.”
Dan was flabbergasted. She sure was impressive, he thought as he watched her cross her beautiful legs, unaware that he had been staring for a while now. As Lori settled down in her side of the bench seat (Daddy was something of an ascetic; or would that better be put as “aesthete?” The answer would be coming soon, and she thought she could guess pretty well, as she let her skirt ride up a little and cocked her pretty bare knee coquettishly). She prepared to hammer home the point, but Dan beat her to it when he asked, “So, what do you want from me?” They had reached her mountain eyrie, all lit up so brightly and warmly against the chill. Delighted, as they dismounted the truck she ran to him and kissed his cheek, and they walked inside hand in hand.
Part Two: The Here and Now
Over the next several days, they enjoyed their time together as they always did, and Lori worked out her agenda for this visit. “Daddy, my main problem at this stage is in introducing the practice of ********** to other women. Most would never admit to any interest, but I believe there is implicit interest based on how women treat men. We already and endlessly ******** the men we love and strangers too every chance we get.” To emphasize her observation, she crossed her legs sinuously and revealed her panties to him very briefly. Yes, she was wearing a variant of one of her former school uniforms, modishly updated so that she looked like a chic young woman sexily dressed for the weather. She, of course had seen him checking her out from the start and thereafter made it her business to encourage him by dressing for him to admire her. She was delighted that he admired her, and that feeling never went away.
“I think that there are some very erotic treatments on various websites, but I can’t just go there and expect most women to follow. I need to introduce this eroticism by showing it to them through the eyes of a male-you, quizzed by a woman-me. So we’ll just sit side-by-side on the piano bench and read together some selections I’ve saved on my laptop, and I’ll query you whenever I’m moved or curious at some place in the story, okay? Good, let’s get started with this one. Oh, I should warn you that I, personally, find this material to be very arousing. In that respect, I can’t completely control certain things, so if I do react to a story, please note that I am trying my level best to be a professional scholar, and I apologize in advance if I cause you any embarrassment.”
Dan’s head was already spinning; her expression told him that she was dead-serious, so this must be a real concern for her, but still; his own daughter, his little girl, was apologizing to him in case he smelled her musk. After they got rolling, they would usually spend two or three hours reading together, then fix a lunch, debrief afterwards for an hour or so, and then Lori would write up her notes. Most of the stories were more- or less-elaborate descriptions of castrations, but there were a few that included penectomies, and some that were about something new to him called “ballbusting,” which apparently was a popular group sport and social event. Lori had been right, she was so intensely aroused that she sometimes showed her moisture through her clothes, and Dan felt a little embarrassed for her, and mightily excited himself but so far he could keep it under control.
Once, however, when he took Lori to the university farms to witness a bull, sheep, horse, and pig **********, during one of the castrations (which were well-attended by mixed-gender audiences, he noticed) Lori glanced up at him and he saw her face from the corner of his eye as she said to him in a low voice “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!” Then, when she took him by the hand, to hold him protectively by the hand throughout, he immediately “popped a woody” as they say, which wouldn’t go down. His bulky clothing saved him, and he didn’t think she noticed, but from that time on, he was no longer able to control his physical reaction. She also winked and smiled at him and said “Now I know what’s inside your scrotum!” and squeezed his hand, which just made it worse.
Her questions started out as being largely of an exploratory nature; what does it feel like to have testicles, and how much does it hurt when you are struck there, that sort of thing, which just showed her lack of knowledge of this practical part of her subject matter. However, as the going got tough, she would turn to him and ask “What does this intimate description of a man’s ball pain do to you? Are you afraid? Are you aroused at all? What part arouses you; is it the fact that a woman is experiencing the description with you?” Does that humiliate you in some way? Are you responding to the man’s pain with fear or is your interest aroused? Are you responding to the fact of a woman’s presence, or is it MY presence that is responsible? He could only answer “It’s because it’s you.” But he could not articulate his feelings any further on that day.
Their friendship continued as usual, although, if anything, they were even more relaxed with each other than before. Lori really admired Dan for his fortitude in answering her most deeply-probing questions as thoughtfully and truthfully as he possibly could, even returning in a non sequiter if he suddenly remembered something from an earlier question that might help her to understand or might add something or correct something for her. She also continued to allure him, knowing that he had to be really under her spell for the next stage of her research. First, she had to catch him with a boner.
For Dan’s part, he really wasn’t under the same, disciplined control of his thoughts any more. He stared openly at Laura-LORI and had rampant erections which he made no attempt to hide from her, assuming that it would fall under her “if we can’t help becoming aroused we’ll be professionals” dictum. But he was a mostly celibate man and this was really starting to wear him out. He needed to fuck his beloved daughter before he lost his mind! The question was, how could he do it? Surely she was innocent of her own seductive power, and didn’t see him as a potential lover! How to break the ice, so to speak (he was sure she was a virgin)?
Dan had a slightly bigger than average, circumcised cock, maybe reaching seven inches if he was drooling precum and throbbing like a jungle drum! Which pretty-much described him all the time now. Of course, Lori had noticed from the start, and was especially aroused herself remembering his first boner at the horse **********, when she had been moved by the previous castrations to whisper some outrageous things to him like they were lovers or something and then when she took his hand his tent appeared and rapidly grew huge! Now when he had a stiffy, it was all she could do to stop herself from grabbing it, peeling it, and eating its cream filling! So, things came to a head, so to speak.
“Daddy thank you so very much for all your help. Now we are entering the most important phase of my research, and I hope I can continue to impose on your good nature! As will become apparent, this is also impossible material for me to gather from anywhere else, as I’m sure you know, and as I sure do, how arousing this stuff can be and it would send an unwanted signal if I were to approach anyone else! But, you can see how important it is that I actually participate in ********** play and actual ballbusting and experience it for myself to be able to know it fully, don’t you?”
Dan had taken to wearing surf shorts without drawers to give his cock some room and take away the painful pressure of a bent erection. There he stood, eyes wide, mouth open, boner pointing into Lori’s face, and nothing in his head! Slowly he struggled to answer her: “You want to ******** ME?” “No-no Daddy! But I do need to experience your reactions to my ball manipulations as if I were really going to ******** you! You see that, don’t you?” She knew, from her research, that his acceptance of her initial request to assist her in this project implicitly meant two things; that she was wanting to ******** him and he was wanting to be ********* by her. Soon, he would see this for himself, but she must be patient.
Dan thought he had seen and heard it all, but the thought of Laura actually ********** him almost made him squirt his sperm for her and all over her face at that! Trying to put that image out of his head, he answered her in a shaky voice “Yeah, I guess I do see how that is necessary; what do you want me to do?” Now his precum was making a big, bobbing, and wet circle in his shorts. Lori said in a small, tender girl’s voice, “Poor Daddy! Daddy, please let me see your weiner and beans!” She reached up and pulled him closer. She pulled up her skirt and spread her legs and made him stand between them. Then she unbuckled his belt and unzipped him and out popped his boner, slick at the tip, and when his shorts dropped his low-hanging and big balls jiggled in front of her face. She reached out and cupped one in each hand, and Dan just opened his legs for her and thrust his pelvis out proud of his manly beauty and offering it all to his beloved!
“They’re like eggs. . .small, fragile, bird’s eggs!” she breathed, eyes fascinated, staring, the tip of her tongue flicking around her lips, and making her smile. And then she smiled up at him with her eyes, too, and continued to explore and play with his throbbing testicles. She felt that they were spongy at first, but as she gently squeezed him she felt they had a harder structure to them underneath that sponginess. She soon learned that they made a blazing pain, judging by his reaction, when she squeezed their elongated ends toward each other only lightly. She kept asking him questions about what it felt like, and what it was like to look into her eyes and know that she was the female maternal? HIS female maternal!
For Dan’s part, he tried to keep up a conversation, but mostly he spoke like “Ooooh, Ahhhhh! And the like. Finally, she looked him squarely in his eyes, and pressed her thumbs slowly, carefully into the center of each of his nuts. Steadily pressing harder and deeper she held his gaze and said in a husky voice, “Show me how much you can take for me Big Guy!” Dan, returning her gaze, kept quiet, and seemed to be concentrating somewhere far, far away, but as she crushed him and stared at his reaction, he began to keen very softly, then his tears came and he cried out, and then he collapsed onto his side on the floor, holding his own testicles. She looked at him there, writhing and squirming in front of her, in the same way every woman through time has looked at the man she did that to. She now knew her next steps were on the right track!
Part Three: The Future of MANkind!
“Daddy, I’m going to start calling you “Dan” from now on.” Dan just nodded. Then she went on, “Dan, I now believe, from our experience together on this project, that the correct form of the future is some variant of the following: firstly, we women will keep on having boy babies, but they will be limited and strictly regulated after a certain time in their lives, probably at or just after puberty, when their semen will be collected and they will be put on the market. Second, women, including girls after their puberty will select one or more males from this marketplace from time to time, and agree to be impregnated by them. After a successful delivery, the male will be ********* by the female (formal ceremonies will be designed for this) and kept as a husband. Women will take as many husbands as they can reasonably nourish and nurture. Third, the husbands will care for their own child. I intend to incorporate this particular model into my own life’s circumstances as my life’s work to either prove or disprove the viability of the particular variant that I make my own.”
Frankly, I base my expectations on the successful friendship between you and I. However, there are still a couple of things missing, and Number One is a baby to exemplify this lifestyle choice. Since I must experience a ********** by my own hands before I can finally publish, I will also need to nut you before I leave, taking your balls with me in my jar to display lovingly to all my friends and colleagues. But in order to have your baby, my first husband, I must go ahead and store your semen and I want you to impregnate me with your own cock before I nut you for good. You will be my first, Daddy-DAN! In so many things, too.
I’ve planned this for some time, and I know that the way I want to do you is by banding. I will band you high on your scrotum, and then lower below the first band. Then, I want to cut your freshly-banded nuts off between the bands with a ********** knife, while I look deep into your eyes (perhaps we could use a sacred sickle, like the Druids). I will store your balls in preserving fluid but your scrotum will become some item such as a small clutch that I lovingly keep with me always.
Dan, who had been standing before her, as usual now, naked and with his prick twitching at her, leaking his juice, thrust himself forward at the pelvis, and spread his legs, eager to offer himself to her and feel her loving touch and see her loving look again. She took his cock in her mouth, and, as she had recently learned that a man can be ****** to ejaculate his sperm from merely squeezing his nuts hard enough, began to almost-nut him with her other hand, and taste his inner cream again before she took him inside her and he gave himself to her forever and ever!
Thoman Jerry
12-30-2013, 06:52 AM
The Dorkenfluber Conjecture
Has anyone ever heard of "the nut nerve?" I read about it in a story where the girl gives the boy his ejaculation on their first date but in return asks that she be allowed to fondle his testicles until she has found his nut nerve. Intrigued the boy agrees. As she feels and fondles and probes his scrotum she tells him about the appeal of finding a boy's nut nerve. Apparently, by warming and squeezing and rubbing carefully on his cords, if she can relax him enough the nut nerve will separate and further manipulation will produce an emotional high, a state of unutterable bliss quite unlike the usual lead up sensations accompanying the male ejaculation. Instead, at his peak an apparently endless stream of semen flows out of the prostate and related structures that feels almost like emptying the bladder, but it is seminal fluid, perhaps a little lumpier than usual. This ejaculation goes on for an extended time, like ten or fifteen minutes, during which time the emotional bliss remains as intense as when it began, only diminishing after all the fluid has squirted out of him. The author said it felt like she had liquified his testicles and triggered the liquid to squirt itself all out for her. Of course, for her the appeal is the ultimate control she has over his psyche and the power of his emotional response which she alone can generate, and she captures, and harnesses his ecstasy for herself in the form of his "inner" ejaculate produced for her and her alone. Although the narrative didn't say so explicitly, to an imaginative mind it seemed eerily as if she Had actually, somehow, liquified his nuts and drained him of them for her own delight. A masterful story that alas I cannot find again!
Well this story also reminded me of the Dorkenfluber Conjecture-you know, from Womens’ Studies. I’ll remind those dullards who may have been sleeping through her lectures: “Deep Malthus” is the evolved ecology wherein the universal androarchic ecology has been replaced by gynarchy. What this means in practical terms is that women have and exercise as part of their citizenship duty complete control of the timing, number, and, critically, the gender of their offspring. This is more than a statement of the obvious, for it is not at all obvious that there should any longer be any males participating in an evolved society. Whether for sentimental or psychological reasons, if women elect to continue to bear males there has to be a supporting structure of behavioral norms and ideals, itself backed up in legislation to protect and control them.
Okay, having got that out of the way, it behooves us to consider these legislated norms as well as their practical consequences for us in our everyday lives. As you all know, males, such as myself, are only allowed to exist as part of society if they fall into one of several distinct states. There are male children, appropriately phased within their cohorts to complement surrounding cohorts to smooth surpluses and shortages, who live at their mothers’ homes. A second category of male are intact Marketplace students, still undergoing advanced training or pursuing higher studies. Finally, there are the Husbands, who are ********* in public wedding ceremonies after they have impregnated their Wife (their semen is kept in storage if the first attempt to carry a foetus to term is unsuccessful, of course!). We Husbands care for our own offspring, and it is up to the Wife whether she will keep all her husbands and their (single) children with her together in her home, or whether she provides multiple homes, one for each of her families as is required by law. These are the only states available to males; we are not fully free as you are, but are strictly regulated by law and controlled by society. Only some, such as myself, are allowed to “work” outside the home because of some accident that provided us, and hence society at large, with our exceptional skills.
And that brings me to today’s topic. The family life of a Husband. Now there will be a quiz at the end of today’s topic, so I recommend that you take notes. I’ve written out the salient bullets for you on your screens but you never know what item might strike a chord and provide your Thesis topic, right? Okay. Let’s begin at the beginning, then. Since it’s impossible to keep some things secret, especially if a boy is living with his sisters, it’s imperative that he be socialized to accept his future **********, and even to dream of the day, and the Princess of his dreams who will take him home with her after she has done it to him. As was noted by Solzhenytzen, the human psyche can get used to anything, and will find its comforts and even small happinesses no matter the true conditions of life. And of course we have the evidence of many generations of living as a gynarchy to support the observation that males do aspire blissfully to being ********* under this regime. In fact, the biggest problem in all this is in keeping the girls from prematurely ********** the boys, who so earnestly and sweetly admire them (even with their teasing!) and so long to please them!
I draw your attention to the illustration; a typical mother playing with her son, who is at about the age that most leave home and go to the Marketplace for their further education, and to live there until their “Princess” comes to claim them for her own. Upon leaving the Marketplace with his Princess, every boy must strive to please her in every way, and in particular to impregnate her, for that is the only way he will ever become a Husband. Our society is supremely pragmatic, following the gynarchic paradigm. In many respects we keep raising males because we sentimentally love them as pets (and maybe some, in time, as real friends and companions). Also, they truly are, perhaps, the principal way that a woman can meet her deep psychological need to be penetrated; to open herself as deeply as possible and submit to his penetration of her. Sexuality has always driven us as a species in whatever our ecology, and frequently such moments of irrational and counterintuitive behavior are the sweetest!
Of course, as a gynarchy we little tolerate unproductive males, but unlike the male drones driven from the hive by the female workers, their fate is not an extended and cruel demise; it is, I’m told, rather quick and pleasant. Okay, so assuming things are working properly, we can look ahead to the marriage ceremony itself. This is what a male has been dreaming of and pining for his whole life! Imagine what he must be feeling; he will be the sole object of everyones’ attention as, and with appropriate ceremony, his mother there to witness, and his siblings, the family of his Princess-his soon-to-be-Wife, and of course, her friends also when he enters the room completely naked, fully erect and utterly proud! And, actually, the occasion is required to be public and open to anyone by law.
Now, as to the ********** itself, well, I don’t imagine it’s any news to you that being ********* hurts! I see you laughing, but it’s true that boys are no stranger to that fact as well. In fact, when you consider how much courage, and in particular, trust, it takes for a boy to hold himself erect and steady for his Wife and not collapse or faint dead away, or get sick-well, I have to click my tongue and shake my head from side to side because I’m just speechless! It is truly a hopeful act and shows how deep his devotion must be! That’s why, before, he’s a boy; after he’s a Husband!
Our culture has had plenty of time to work this out, but in early days women such as yourselves were still few and far between. They had to use methods that a single woman could manage. A favorite was the banding method that consisted of two elastrator bands located about an inch apart, with the bulging scrotum being cut off about mid-way between the bands. This is excellent, but it lacks, shall we say, panache! Nowadays, we all have come to favor the “break-me-down” method that goes like this (for those who need reminding).
At the appropriate part of the ceremony, the Wife steps in front of her soon-to-be Husband, and looking deeply into his eyes, promises him her vows. As he responds with his own, she pays careful attention as she gently cuts all around his scrotum, leaving a little of the sac for closing the wound later. He disciplines himself through this initial phase, but his breathing is now a little ragged and his erection may be a little bit spongy. She typically helps him through this by being her sweet self for him, giving him her special smile, and caressing him or even pumping him a little!
Carefully she now peels back his scrotum, putting the sac on the Sperm Shawl she has embroidered from her girlhood, made for his last ejaculation later. He stands there in front of everybody with his diaphanous cremaster tissues holding the balls in a transparent, inner scrotum. She carefully cuts this sac all the way around and it too finds its way on the Sperm Shawl. His testicles have tumbled out at this point, and may be lying on the Sperm Shawl at his feet, or they may be “frightened balls” and are pulled up short by his stalks.
Now his Wife gathers up his stalks and gently guides him out among the ladies, looking somewhat like she is holding the reins of a horse who is pulling a wagon or plowing a field (he walks backwards, and they use the Traditional Signals between them; She is in charge and goes Hi! Hi! Gee! Yip! Yip! And so on in a soft voice to direct his steps). The ladies, young and old, are then invited by his Wife to play with her Husband’s balls, and they will eagerly comply! His Wife now begins to caress his nut nerve in each stalk, and his erection throbs for them and leaks his boy juice as he settles into his blissful condition.
As each female gently takes his balls in her hands, she gazes deeply into his eyes and generally feels them and makes them squirm around in each of her hands. Sometimes, if this is her very first wedding ceremony, she may over squeeze one of his nuts, even making it squirt out from between her fingers and bounce on the floor! Once the laughter and excitement dies down, she is encouraged to take him again, and his Wife has made him so relaxed and happy that he may not even have noticed!
While the women are talking about him, how he looks, what he feels like, it’s the time for his life’s deepest emotional epiphany, and usually this is where his mother takes him by the balls and gazes frankly and deeply into his eyes. If he doesn’t weep then on his own, his Wife will crush his cords for him to induce his weeping. When he is weeping in front of them all, his Wife will cut through each cord about a foot from the testicle. Now is the most important part of the ceremony; his part is to stand there in front of all the girls and masturbate himself for them. Her part is to dangle his balls in front of his face, while she leads the assembly in the chant of womens’ affirmation! When he ejaculates, his cords twist and writhe between his legs and his sperm arcs and falls on her Sperm Shawl and soaks in. He is now her Husband. She is now his Wife.
Before she takes him to the reception feast, the recovery team takes him away to trim any remaining tissues and glue him up, and preserve his balls in her jar. Excuse me, ladies-Honk, dab, dab. Well, I said there would be a quiz, so let’s have you, Mistress Karen, and Mistress Jennifer, each take the quiz sheets at either side of the hall and pass them out to your colleagues. Thank you! We’ll continue our analysis of the Husband’s home life next lecture. When you’re finished with your quiz, don’t forget your name, then just put them in a stack on my desk and you can go.
01-12-2014, 08:43 AM**********-tool-is-perfect Might make it interesting.
01-12-2014, 08:45 AM One in use... Just needs the Woman.
01-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Elastrator play is very interesting. I've tried it a few times. I think the longest I had it on was 22 minutes. Reports vary on how long it takes to geld, somewhere between 2 and 24 hours (so who knows the real answer).
Thoman Jerry
01-13-2014, 06:07 PM**********-tool-is-perfect Might make it interesting.
Hey Kaden, thank you so much for the extraordinary images! I agree with you about the presence of feminine participants making it complete! I don't know if girls are attracted or repelled (perhaps put off because the manipulation of machinery in close proximity to the sensitive genitals of a male is frightening (I know I would be intimidated if I had to put an elastrator band on someone). That's why I believe that, apart from professionals, this activity should take place within a group context, where there are several levels of experience present and the responsibility for a successful outcome is a community responsibility. Wish women would consider this...?
Thoman Jerry
01-16-2014, 05:26 PM
When I was in my youth, the boys around me who had older brothers in their families introduced the rest of us to a technique of ballbusting that we called “chow!” after the word you crowed whenever you caught someone unawares and tapped/grabbed/or touched his testicles. We had a “station wagon” then, and one day I and my best friend Steve were alone in the back seat, and my younger sister Kristy and her friend Anne were in the front seat (all bench seats then), while we waited for my mom to return from shopping and errands.
Of course, girls saw boys chow each other a lot at school, and even still in high school, for it was a big deal (we called it “getting a bag”) if you could get someone in mixed public, so it shouldn’t have been a big surprise to me, I guess, when the girls turned around and Kris asked, with a sly smile, “what does “chow!” mean? I had, personally, been chowed only a few times, but it was a constant hazard and I found the whole thing to be a nuisance. However, how to answer the question. . .?
Well, Steve solved the problem for me when he instantly chowed me good in front of the girls. I remember glimpsing the amused delight in my sister’s eyes as mine closed in agony and I tried to maintain my male pride and dignity in front of her, to no avail it turned out, as I was now curled up like a snail on my side on the back seat. Steve took the initiative and explained to pretty Anne and Kris that chow! meant that a boy had got hit in the balls! In those days, BT (before “teenagers”) we were all either “boys” or “young men” and “girls” or “young ladies,” but among ourselves we were just boys and girls, more or less until we married.
Neither Steve nor I were part of that aggressive breed who indulged in real cruelty by grabbing and not letting go until the victim’s pain caused him to squeak out an abject plea of surrender to the superior male. It just didn’t interest us at the time. But we both Had chowed someone else ourselves a few times just to be accepted as part of the loose pack we ran around with.
Well, of course the girls were fascinated (even though I was slightly the oldest, and would be a “college man” that year, I was still too callow to realize they were probably very excited and aroused too, to see a boy get hurt “there”). They excitedly asked many questions, mostly about “Why?” do boys want to do that to each other (good question)! And “what does it feel like?” or “what’s it feel like to do it to someone?” Steve got the bright idea of suggesting that they try it out for themselves on us! When my mom returned we could go down the street to the house under construction and be away from prying eyes and they could chow us! So the show was on!
At the house site, we all went into the basement and Steve and I stood in front of them. They were so pretty in their summer dresses! We both explained to them how to do this; basically, you made a blade with your hand and poked it in between our legs really fast so we couldn’t have time to react and protect ourselves. Okay. My sister looked at me and I at her and before I could even register the motion she had really nailed me in the nuts! The others laughed and Steve made catcalls, and Kris fairly glowed with triumph at having done so well her first time! I had never been laid low by this experience before, but as I stared up her dress from the ground and looked into her face I literally forgot the pain and soon had a boner tenting my jeans too!
Before Steve got one too from Anne, Kristy kneeled beside me and started to unbuckle my belt and told me to “get up, I want to see your wiener dance!” We had played doctor sometimes years before, and whenever we did she had always wanted me to make myself jiggle for her; she called it my “wiener dance,” and used to stare, fascinated, while I jiggled and gyrated in front of her while she laughed. I would be in a world of need and begged her to touch my throbbing penis, but she always declined, saying that “it smells” which was news to me since our mom was a nurse and we were always pretty clean, but oh well!
She had gathered up her dress (well-brought-up girls wore their skirts at about the knee back then) and finished pulling my pants down as I stood in front of her; Steve got the idea and stripped quickly for Anne’s amusement too. There we were, Steve following my moves as we jiggled our cocks and balls for the ladies; basically making humping motions or jumping while our private parts slapped and flopped around in front of their laughing faces!
I was surprised to see that Steve was uncircumcised and had a fat penis, and a thick, tight ballsack while my balls seemed to be fairly big, like hen’s eggs and had always hung down low. The skin of my scrotum was thin and soft, compared to his. He wasn’t hard, either. We all watched as Anne put her index finger up the little purse-hole his foreskin made, and he cried out and shivered away from her touch until she grabbed his balls and held him firm while she explored his dick. She acted on instinct but didn’t yet know enough about cocks to realize boys are really stretchy along their shafts and she could just have pulled back on his shaft to expose his glans. In those days, we used to get linked sausages and his cock looked for all the world like a pork sausage does when you cut the links and fry them up!
So, his jiggling was all about his penis, and mine was all about my balls, since I had a woody and it wouldn’t bounce as much as a limp cock could, although to a girl either one was probably just as funny as the other. Kristy took hold of my scrotum and felt the soft plums moving around and squishing between her fingers. For a moment, I think she lost herself in her exploration and forgot herself and gave them a smack! She quickly apologized as my convulsion and scream told her that she had gone too far. Now she held me more carefully, still probing and squeezing, though. This had a mixed effect on me, however.
I was sooo turned on by my beautiful sister feeling up my nutsack like this, but it wasn’t SO very long ago since I had become aware of my balls at all. I don’t think I’m too far off the mark when I declare that all guys, at some time during their youth, are just Appalled at the “bizarreness” of their testicles! I know I was---these were my INSIDES falling out of my body! into a soft, weak, paper-thin sack of skin. This HAD to be some sort of mistake! For a long time, I was just so afraid of them, that somehow I might tip some more of my insides into that skin sack, or that it might somehow break like a water balloon and everything would spill out and end my life!
I got used to it as I eventually realized I wasn’t a freak of some sort, but like other males I still remained afraid of them and never, ever thought about them. And here was my sister---An Actual Other Person, holding them and playing with them as if it were no big deal; matter of factly! It was a new experience for me, all right, but there were more to come that day!
For instance, well-brought up young men did NOT, ever, touch themselves there! I had sudden erections, all right, and knew about nocturnal emissions as discussed in the book mom gave us both to read, but I had never had an orgasm, and only knew that such experiences were the necessary, purely biological components of the process of procreation. Kristy was really relishing the feel and sight (and, dare I say-smell!) of my manhood, and Anne was feeling up Steve, too (although he never did get an erection as I recall). Then each girl switched partners and I got the feeling-up talents of lovely, lovely Anne on my cock and balls, while Kris figured out the way to pull a boy’s foreskin back and out popped Steve’s glans! Mine was the color of my flesh, but Steve’s glans was blood-red and glistening!
Now Kristy took both of our cocks in her hands, then both of our scrotums, then she scrunched-up both cocks and testicles at once in each hand! Finally, she stood before me alone and looked deep into my eyes. She said in a little girly sex-kitten voice “I want to squash your balls!” and did begin to crush them, one in each hand. I believe my look back into her eyes said I felt humiliated at my male weakness, and in having to endure my ball-pain before her, and humiliated by the terror she caused me to feel, and utterly, deeply in love with her! I didn’t notice at first, but now I was drooling out of my little cock-slit and it even left spit-like strings as it jiggled and bobbled whenever she pulled on my nuts too!
Then, suddenly, everything changed; and I had a gravity in my intestines, and it seemed like the earth itself was moving under me like vertigo, and I felt an incredible hotness and welling-up of emotion and then I was helplessly squirting bright white semen in long arcs that each seemed illuminated by my intense ecstasy while both Kris and Anne just gaped; in awe, or maybe terror, since none of us just then really knew what was happening! Then Steve snickered, and that broke the spell and Anne just dropped his cock and said she had to go before it got dusk and her mom questioned her. Kris had let go of me, startled, but now took me in her hand again and felt my feeble last spasms. I was still wobbly, and Kris hugged me and made me steady, and we all got our things together, and THEN… the girls whispered something and both reached under their dresses and pulled down their panties, then squatted and spread their legs wide for us and we got to watch them pee. Nobody had kleenex, so we improvised! I got to look at my sister’s hairy, gooey cunt and I even touched it while patting it dry with my hand!
Well, Kris and I never did that or anything else sexually intimate ever again, but I do think she acquired a taste for ballbusting that day. We both have families and live half a world away from each other, but sometimes, from time to time out of the blue, she’ll send me something in the mail that takes me back to that day. For example, once she sent me Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow (a 1300-page paperback!), with the chapter called “Major Marvy’s **********” illuminated. I also received several Scientific Americans and copies of Nature from her that had lavishly illustrated articles on male anatomy and discussions about ********** that were fascinating (especially so, from knowing SHE had shared the knowledge provided with me!). She never said why she did this and I never asked whenever we talked but. . .well I still wonder is all.
When I occasionally find myself without feminine company, I have been known to indulge in some masturbation using images from the internet. I almost always find an image that reminds me of Kris in some way, especially my fondest image of her; looking frankly and directly into my eyes, an expression of compassion and unconditional, sisterly love on her face, mingled with a mischievous sparkle in her eye as if she is anticipating seeing what it’s like to hurt a boy “there.” I always experience again the moment she almost crushed my nuts and as I squirt my sperm for her, I always grunt, from my core, “Oh Mother!” Someday when we’re both retired and our spouses don’t care, either, if she hasn’t already invited me I’ll call her up and ask her to ******** me.
We might even do it over the internet; I’ll band myself and look into her eyes as she watches me, and then I’ll come for her (and she for me?), and then I’ll turn blue and then purple for her and then black and I’ll be Her Eunuch (for all I know, I might not even be her first, either!)!
Yah, I know. It’s weird.
06-11-2014, 10:45 AM
A couple of nice elastrator pic sets by Mistress Ashley:**********-my-tiny-dick-sissy-boyfriend**********-play-with-my-sissy
01-04-2015, 04:08 PM
So nobody has anything to add or have taken away?
Gemini 67
01-08-2015, 05:52 AM
Great story, Thoman. Please write more if you can.
09-26-2020, 11:17 AM
This was indeed a very good thread, has anyone a personal experience with this kind of game?
09-29-2020, 09:20 AM
What is the band like?
This is too extreme, and my wife isn't going to play with me with a ********** toy either. But is there some technique she can use with her hands that might imitate some of these sensations, lightly, so we can experiment with it? She makes a ring with her finger and thumb and pulls on my balls a bit. This is good for helping a man hold off an ejaculation so I taught her to do that so hand jobs could be extended, especially when I was young and had a hair trigger, but it also feels good, and it is great for a grip to squeeze balls and pull them out to spank/beat them. If she squeezes a bit harder with the 'ring' she makes, does that get the desired effect? If she goes up a bit closer to the body?
What kind of bands are these? Little rubber bands? Have you experienced the sensation? Is there any permanent damage?
09-30-2020, 04:59 PM
I've used elastrator on me many times, being careful not to keep the rubber ring on my balls more than few minutes. Unfortunately my GF is not into this kind of games, so I have asked another girl to play with me using the elastrator. It's so exciting I can't last more than few minute before reaching climax.
10-01-2020, 05:51 AM
I do want to try an elastrator, but it's hard to find the locking ones where I am, and I don't know if my wife would enjoy having to grip the handles tightly as she fumbles my balls through a too-tight ring. I have been playing with elastic hairbands for a very long time, though. Two or three double- or triple-wrapped will give a nice tight feeling, probably enough to be dangerous. Balls tend to get purple, swollen and kind of cold -- I think arterial pressure into the balls is higher than the venous pressure out? I don't claim to be a doctor, so might well have that wrong.
Once I pushed it a bit too far though. I have about a ten-minute train ride on the last leg of my commute. My wife had me put bands on my nuts in the departing station's toilet and then board the express, and she planned to finally remove them when I got home (if I begged appropriately). I decided to put on...I think it was seven double-wrapped bands, to make it more risky. (There's always the chance the train could stop for an emergency...and I could really lose my balls!) However...after leaving the station, I soon realized that they were a bit too tight, and I started feeling quite ill--my testicles were definitely being strangled as the packed commuter train rushed onwards. I felt a sickening ache climb up into my gut, I started to sweat, and I'm sure I turned pale. Once I got to my home station, I ran off the train, rushed into the toilet and yanked the deadly bands off my scrotum. I slumped there, panting and massaging my white sack as life painfully surged back into my testicles.
It was super hot, but...that was too close. I'm curious to see if an elastrator would have a similar effect.
Anyway, TL;DR: Elastic hairbands can do a pretty good job for play. Get the fully rubber kind, with no metal clip. Cheap, easy to remove and colorful :D
Perhaps I should post some pictures or videos...I mean, if anyone actually wants to see a sexy asian female playfully wrapping tight bands around my big horny balls. (not to objectify anyone, but I understand that subject might be popular)
10-01-2020, 02:22 PM
I do want to try an elastrator, but it's hard to find the locking ones where I am, and I don't know if my wife would enjoy having to grip the handles tightly as she fumbles my balls through a too-tight ring. I have been playing with elastic hairbands for a very long time, though. Two or three double- or triple-wrapped will give a nice tight feeling, probably enough to be dangerous. Balls tend to get purple, swollen and kind of cold -- I think arterial pressure into the balls is higher than the venous pressure out? I don't claim to be a doctor, so might well have that wrong.
Once I pushed it a bit too far though. I have about a ten-minute train ride on the last leg of my commute. My wife had me put bands on my nuts in the departing station's toilet and then board the express, and she planned to finally remove them when I got home (if I begged appropriately). I decided to put on...I think it was seven double-wrapped bands, to make it more risky. (There's always the chance the train could stop for an emergency...and I could really lose my balls!) However...after leaving the station, I soon realized that they were a bit too tight, and I started feeling quite ill--my testicles were definitely being strangled as the packed commuter train rushed onwards. I felt a sickening ache climb up into my gut, I started to sweat, and I'm sure I turned pale. Once I got to my home station, I ran off the train, rushed into the toilet and yanked the deadly bands off my scrotum. I slumped there, panting and massaging my white sack as life painfully surged back into my testicles.
It was super hot, but...that was too close. I'm curious to see if an elastrator would have a similar effect.
Anyway, TL;DR: Elastic hairbands can do a pretty good job for play. Get the fully rubber kind, with no metal clip. Cheap, easy to remove and colorful :D
Perhaps I should post some pictures or videos...I mean, if anyone actually wants to see a sexy asian female playfully wrapping tight bands around my big horny balls. (not to objectify anyone, but I understand that subject might be popular)
Very nice description. And yes i would love too see your wife to wrap the bands around your balls!! And i hope you will get an elastrator soon!! Just look at amazon, there you will find one!! Thanks
10-01-2020, 03:26 PM
I like your experience and I'm quite sure your wife would definitely use the elastrator on you if you asked appropriately, I don't think an elastrator could be more dangerous than putting all those rubber bands on a train ride! Just be careful not to keep it too long, I should say ten minutes would be quite safe.
And, please, show us "the sexy asian female playfully wrapping tight bands". It would be great to see. I'll search for the pictures I took with the elastrator on.
10-02-2020, 08:02 AM
I just wrote this story in a couple of hours this morning, because I'm burned out somewhat from doing the things I have on my plate that I have to do! I hope y'all are okay with it. If no comments of a positive nature forthcoming, I will consider myself rebuked and not impose on you again with more stories! Thanks!
Part One: Auld Lang Syne
Good story,
I will recommend a longer action part for next story
In this one I like daughter - father interaction
10-18-2020, 03:18 AM
Just an image about what could be a wife playing with al elastrator...
10-30-2020, 09:03 AM
Well, I finally went and ordered a farm tool a week or so ago...I'm kind of scared to use it when it arrives.
I'm still on no-cum denial until some unspecified holiday in the future (all I know is, it's between now and St. Patrick's Day). I came once without permission during sex (I told her I was going to, that I couldn't resist) and so my next orgasm is delayed an additional holiday. (Thanksgiving is the earliest possible, but I'm hoping it's not Easter...)
But tonight she was happy to play with me a bit. We had me kneel and lie my chest down the long way on the coffee table, tied my knees to two of the legs and cuffed my hands to the other end. I was totally trapped. She massaged my dangling cock and balls with coconut oil until they were hot and loose, then started wrapping rubber hairbands around my scrotum. I was thinking five, but she decided to do six because I was accidentally hiding the bag at the start. After my balls were well strangled, she started the timer and then she started bashing my trapped nuts with the bonger, over and over. Aghhhh, I couldn't escape at all! She hammered away with the tool, and the hard dense ball smacked my testicles relentlessly even when I begged her to stop. She took a few breaks to stroke my cock from behind, which kept me staying hard as a rock despite the ball torture. She teased me, asking "How long can these hairbands stay on your balls? If I just get up and leave, what happens? :D "
"My balls might die, mistress!" I cried. "Please don't go!"
"Mmm, but you can't get out at all, can you? You're trapped here with banded balls. I could even just break them with the bonger here and you can't escape," she said, pounding my nuts again HARD.
The pain and danger made my cock super excited, and I suddenly realized how close I was to cumming without permission! Even as I was crying out "No mistress please stop, I'm not allowed to cum---" she was already stroking my swollen, sensitive glans fast one, two, three times and I could feel myself going over the edge. "Noooo stop please I'm sorry mistress I didn't mean to leak, ahhh no, I'm sorry!!" She released her grip and I felt no more real pleasure, but I could feel a large load of semen welling up and then pouring out from my cock onto the floor. I knew that this was always forbidden, but I was for once totally helpless, and I knew she was in the mood to make me pay for this one, especially with the timer running.
"You weren't allowed to leak!" she said, grabbed my tortured sack and started bashing my poor nuts again. My pleas for mercy were ignored, and it was a long time before I even remembered that a safeword remained. I managed to beg her to stop beating my testicles and instead to triple-wrap another rubber band around them. She came around the table and kissed me, but returned to her spot behind my balls for the final minute. "Last minute!" she called. "One solid minute of ball torture for my slave!" I have no idea how many times she slammed the bonger into my balls, but I was yelping, squirming, begging and crying by the end of it.
After the total ten minutes was up, she untied and uncuffed me and pulled the bands off my balls. I think the bands weren't actually so bad this time, but my nuts are still sore now from the brutal bashing they endured. (on a more serious note, I didn't realize one of the handcuffs was too tight; I hope this thumb numbness is the kind that will go away within a month or two, if not sooner) .
I can imagine that once the real tool arrives, this scene will eventually be repeated (at least the tying to table aspect of it). Now feeling the hand numbness, I do worry a bit about the tight band doing nerve damage or squeezing any of the cords too tightly. I guess I'm still willing to take the risk, considering how hot the scene is. I hope my wife will be willing to take a few pictures then, too (tonight she said "Eh, my hands are a bit too oily now...and besides, I'm busy torturing your balls with them" ;) )
10-30-2020, 11:18 AM
You can't imagine how much I envy you, keep us updated and, if you can, post some pictures when the elastrator comes in the game.
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