View Full Version : Does ballbusting becomes more and more popular?
02-01-2014, 03:31 AM
It seems to me that the more time goes by the more popular ballbusting becomes. I mean that during the last decades ballbusting has become less taboo than it ever was in the past because it’s relatively frequently displayed in Hollywood movies and TV shows and as a result it doesn’t look as shocking as it used to. Plus most of the times when it is shown in the movies/TV it is perceived as a joke or a prank. Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems that nowadays girls are more familiar with the thought of hitting a guy in the balls and they would do it with less hesitation than they would in the past. For some reason it seems that it becomes more and more integrated in popular culture and therefore less taboo. Do you guys have the same impression?
02-01-2014, 04:00 AM
The Net made the miracle :)
Alec Anaconda, A1
02-01-2014, 05:04 AM
American style commercial wrestling and women’s self defence have also contributed to the idea of a ball attack being legitimate.
I don’t know if it’s becoming more acceptable as a sexual turn-on, or not.
Does anybody have any evidence?
02-01-2014, 07:40 AM
The phrase is more popular. And you see it more on tv.
However I am getting the feeling it is actually a little less popular now in an erotic way than it was 2 years ago. Perhaps because of the taboo dissapearing.
Most sites I know about ballbusting, including this one, seems much less active also. There were so many posts here each day, and now only a few if we're lucky.
Also there are lots of small studios and amateurs uploading clips, but it seems less big studios are still interested.
But thats just the feeling I am getting.
02-01-2014, 10:12 AM
American style commercial wrestling and women’s self defence have also contributed to the idea of a ball attack being legitimate.
I totally agree with that, especially about the women's self defence. And now that I think about it
Also there are lots of small studios and amateurs uploading clips, but it seems less big studios are still interested.
I think that the fact that average girls upload videos on youtube talking openly about kicking guys in the nuts and their thoughts about it says much more about the popularity of the whole thing and how integrated in the popular culture it is.
As for the forums and websites, indeed this forum isn't as active as it used to be but I don't think it's because of lack of interest in bb, but rather because now most bb fans are active on ( Also, the number of bb related videos on youtube has increased rapidly during the last 2 years, which also tells something.
02-01-2014, 04:47 PM
Maybe you are right. But I think it did lose a touch of that excitement now that it's become so normal. Out of the last 4 girlfriends I had, only 1 was not really into ballbusting. Just an example of how normal it has become. But it becoming normal does not necessarily make it popular. I think for a lot it started with ballbusting and then went a bit further. I dont know how to explain it. It did become more mainstream, but it's like its becoming less erotic.
Another example then: when you check imagefap for ballbusting, you can see that a few years ago there were a lot of ballbusting groups and albums. These days it has become much less. The femdom albums rarely still have ballbusting in it.
I checked that site. It's nice, but unfortunately also really really slow. And the forum there doesnt look really active either. But perhaps I should look elsewhere on that site than the forum?
One from the Vaults
02-02-2014, 02:45 AM
It depends where you live and who you talk to. The internet is awesome in that it means we can talk to way more people so awareness proliferates far more. In my circles of friends an unsolicited groin attack would be considered sexual assault and taken very seriously, but a fair number of my female friends have had ex boyfriends who they busted. Some of them just did it for him, others liked it. It's not considered all that rare. It's taboo to a certain extent, like not something you'd talk about with everyone, but there are a lot of guys who like it and so where you have a lot of people talking to each other about sex, it's not surprising that a lot of people know about it. The internet has definitely furthered that a lot... this forum did for sure. We know each other exist. 30 years ago we might've each thought we were the only one who likes this.
02-02-2014, 09:24 AM
I dont know how to explain it. It did become more mainstream, but it's like its becoming less erotic.
Another example then: when you check imagefap for ballbusting, you can see that a few years ago there were a lot of ballbusting groups and albums. These days it has become much less. The femdom albums rarely still have ballbusting in it.
Maybe that's also true, so it probably depends on where each one focuses on. Personally, I do not focus on whether it has become more mainstream as a sexual fetish, but rather on how easier the average girl or woman goes for the nuts either for fun or in order to hurt a guy and how easier she openly talks about it (like in all those youtube videos), as well as on the exposure that bb gets from the movies and media.
I was into BB long before the internet came - but man, was that a great invention! I joined loads of BB websites, but many have now gone. Thanks Femaledom for staying alive!
It's always been in self-defense of course, but the popularity of martial arts in the 1960s probably brought it to more people.
The earliest film I know with BB is from 1970 - I was shocked...but aroused!
I think it's now going out of fahion because there's just sooo much of it - youtube, etc.
Anyone from the UK? What's with the law that made it illegal to have material "containing threats to the genitals"? I know some people wiped their HDs.
02-07-2014, 11:38 AM
The earliest film I know with BB is from 1970 - I was shocked...but aroused!
Yes, it's very interesting that from a point and on bb started to find its way into more and more hollywood movies whereas before the 70's there where no references to it at all.
I think it's now going out of fahion because there's just sooo much of it - youtube, etc.
May I ask, what makes you think that it's going out of fashion? From what I can see it has never been as commonly portrayed in movies and media as now exactly because it doesn't seem as shocking as it would in the past (especially over two decades ago), so it's used for comedy without much reservation.
02-07-2014, 04:25 PM
I think you said it yourself there.
For those that enjoy ballbusting as comedy, there's plenty now.
However it is going out of fashion as a fetish it seems. Seems ballbusting just isn't that interesting anymore to a lot. How many in the past didn't watch a few of the same clips a hundred times mouthwatering. And now when they see it: ah just another ballbusting clip.
I still enjoy it though. At the moment me and Emily still do it once a month. But most of the clips and videos out there are not that interesting anymore. It's either just more of the same, fake, comedy or dungeonballbusting(and I am never a fan of dungeonclips).
I like the style of Ballbustingworld, Brother POV and Femaledom as it was recognisable to real life(although I wish they would have done less story in it). But it seems those studios have kinda stopped making these clips as well :(.
Yes, it's very interesting that from a point and on bb started to find its way into more and more hollywood movies whereas before the 70's there where no references to it at all.
May I ask, what makes you think that it's going out of fashion? From what I can see it has never been as commonly portrayed in movies and media as now exactly because it doesn't seem as shocking as it would in the past (especially over two decades ago), so it's used for comedy without much reservation.
Sorry I wasn't clear on that - bartender80 said what I meant - it's going out of fashion as a fetish - many of the BB websites have gone now.
Yes, there are lots of reports of schoolgirls ballbusting schoolboys as some kind of sick joke (cos the boys can't hit the girls back). There was a post some years back of a guy saying at his school the girls had a different break time to the boys cos there was so much ballbusting. They even showed the girls a film of a guy whose testicle got ruptured to try and stop the girls doing it.
I think you said it yourself there.
For those that enjoy ballbusting as comedy, there's plenty now.
However it is going out of fashion as a fetish it seems. Seems ballbusting just isn't that interesting anymore to a lot. How many in the past didn't watch a few of the same clips a hundred times mouthwatering. And now when they see it: ah just another ballbusting clip.
I still enjoy it though. At the moment me and Emily still do it once a month. But most of the clips and videos out there are not that interesting anymore. It's either just more of the same, fake, comedy or dungeonballbusting(and I am never a fan of dungeonclips).:(.
Totally agree with you there! I like the amateur stuff - there are some couples who post good stuff on BBtube, but it's harder to find now the site's gone "Premium".
If you have any home movies I'd like to see them. Sadly, Mrs won't agree to filming, so I have nothing to post now, but maybe one day?
02-07-2014, 10:50 PM
Yes, there are lots of reports of schoolgirls ballbusting schoolboys as some kind of sick joke (cos the boys can't hit the girls back). There was a post some years back of a guy saying at his school the girls had a different break time to the boys cos there was so much ballbusting. They even showed the girls a film of a guy whose testicle got ruptured to try and stop the girls doing it.
Exactly, that's were I'm coming from. I have the impression that incidents like this are more common now than any time in past decades. So personally I'm referring to the popularity of bb in the mass media and by extension in daily life rather than in porn industry.
Exactly, that's were I'm coming from. I have the impression that incidents like this are more common now than any time in past decades. So personally I'm referring to the popularity of bb in the mass media and by extension in daily life rather than in porn industry.
Ok, got it. yeah, I agree with you there. When I was at school, girls used to threaten to bust me. I remember one said "I do self-defense classes!" in a way that left me in no doubt what she was talking about.
Even kids' cartoons have BB in them today (Madagaskar, Ice Age 3), and youtube is full of BB cos everyone has a camera phone. So yeah, it's big in popular culture, but that's taken away the kinkyness of the fetish.
Maybe in a few years film directors will stop the action and say the BB is getting boring... or maybe there'll be an Oscar for the best Ballbust! LOL
iron horse
02-09-2014, 01:16 AM
I think you have to look at anything like this from a long term perspective to ascertain a trend, that is, over decades. I can state with complete confidence that some fetishes such as ballbusting, CFNM, and, a combination - CFNM ballbusting, has gone from an esoteric, little heard of fetish to now approaching mainstream. Search engines such as Google and Bing turn up exponentially more hits over the past 10 years. I do believe, however, the pirating of videos on forums that share sites has reduced profits and thus less incentive for studios to put much bucks into more productions.
But I also think that ballbusting has grown in popularity at a greater pace with women. The dialogue about it has gotten many to come out in support of it, which in turn lures other women to it. One domme into it posted on another board that at the Folsom Street Fair, she had some guy tied up naked and invited the females that were walking by to kick him in his balls. She said more and more were doing it and really getting into it. In fact, the parent site of this forum,, now hosts over 150 girls that are into it. Sharon says they come by word of mouth, and when they learn that they can kick naked men in their balls without having to get nude or have sex, they are really into it. It's finding the male models that often prove more challenging.
02-11-2014, 12:42 AM
its the future? :o
06-12-2016, 02:45 PM
nice subject!
I've found 2 videos of public ball busting at folsom at minute 5 at 2:20
and some pictures
Alice lives in Santa Cruz (south of San Francisco) and is one of the most avid CFNM enthusiasts of all the women I know. She's part of a group of females that are hostesses for ongoing CFNM parties in the SF Bay area. She also is not only into CFNM femdom, but her favorite of all is CFNM ballbusting. She even hosted the "Ballbusting Olympics" to commemorate the most recent International Olympics. I understand she videotaped it and it's on her website. She also has a group forum called "Bay Area Ballbusting". One of the games she enjoys is billiards balls-busting wherein men are tied up nude on a pool table, or alternatively, stand nude at the sides lowering their balls into the pockets as the ladies play a game of billiards scoring as the balls strike the balls of the men.
In a conversation on that forum, she indicated that one year during Folsom Street Fair, she had a naked guy tied up and encouraged women walking by to experience what it was like kicking a naked man in his balls. She reported that she was shocked at how many women eagerly jumped at the opportunity kicking the guy in his naked balls while having a good laugh while doing it. One even asked her for the guy's phone number such that she could do it again in private.
I didn't believe it at first, but then, I connected with another guy that would have himself tied up naked with a sign above him indicating that women should feel free to kick or punch him in his balls if they wanted to. He did it both at Folsom St Fair, and, at Dore Alley, which is a smaller street fair for fetishists that leads up to Folsom St.
can someone find some other videos of fomsom public ball busting please?
I think ballusting is mainstream now. In a male vs female fight in tv or movies for the girl to hit the man in the groin almost always happens, and if a girl is angry with a man there's often a knee in the balls. It's cunt busting that, having been a fetish for some time, is now beginning to appear in mainstream films, at least female on female.
09-09-2016, 01:36 AM
Proof that ballbusting is totally mainstream in japan : Nice Balls (, a novelty stress-balls toy designed explicitely to release the tension in the workplace.
Edit : the amazing Space Jin even added new illustrations on his blog about this toy.
09-09-2016, 06:50 AM
I dont know. I actually think Ballbusting is over it's 'peak'. These forums, but also several others, were so active a few years ago. It was all about ballbusting.
But I also saw it in my own clipstores. Ballbusting clips sold well and there were many requests. Yet it seemed eventually people got a little bored with it, as they might have seen enough ballbusting(it's everywhere). So a lot went a little more extreme. And eventually there were more ca.stra.tion/penectomy requests than there were ballbusting requests. And the ca.stra.tion/penectomy clips also sold better.
Ballbustingpornstars formula of ballbusting/ca.stra.tion(or even penectomy threat) also seemed to work perfect. Eric Jover is a genius to have seen it back when he started this already. It proved people wanted something a bit more extreme. If there were more sites that would publicly allow such clips, then you would see much more of them. Right now these clips/photos are wildly popular but tend to want to stick under the radar out of fear of being deleted by the host.
*edit: see how bad it is...can't even type ca.stra.tion normally here.
11-26-2016, 07:24 AM
please can someone can find some video footage of public ball busting ? please
11-26-2016, 08:45 PM
use the search words 'public' and 'beach' (one at the time) on ball-bustingtube and check the martial arts and self defence categories
that should give you a bunch of videos
11-28-2016, 11:08 AM
nice subject!
I've found 2 videos of public ball busting at folsom at minute 5 at 2:20
and some pictures
Alice lives in Santa Cruz (south of San Francisco) and is one of the most avid CFNM enthusiasts of all the women I know. She's part of a group of females that are hostesses for ongoing CFNM parties in the SF Bay area. She also is not only into CFNM femdom, but her favorite of all is CFNM ballbusting. She even hosted the "Ballbusting Olympics" to commemorate the most recent International Olympics. I understand she videotaped it and it's on her website. She also has a group forum called "Bay Area Ballbusting". One of the games she enjoys is billiards balls-busting wherein men are tied up nude on a pool table, or alternatively, stand nude at the sides lowering their balls into the pockets as the ladies play a game of billiards scoring as the balls strike the balls of the men.
In a conversation on that forum, she indicated that one year during Folsom Street Fair, she had a naked guy tied up and encouraged women walking by to experience what it was like kicking a naked man in his balls. She reported that she was shocked at how many women eagerly jumped at the opportunity kicking the guy in his naked balls while having a good laugh while doing it. One even asked her for the guy's phone number such that she could do it again in private.
I didn't believe it at first, but then, I connected with another guy that would have himself tied up naked with a sign above him indicating that women should feel free to kick or punch him in his balls if they wanted to. He did it both at Folsom St Fair, and, at Dore Alley, which is a smaller street fair for fetishists that leads up to Folsom St.
can someone find some other videos of fomsom public ball busting please?
please can someone can find some video footage of public ball busting at folsom ? please
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