View Full Version : Antique Women's Self Defence Books
I have found a 1942 Women's Self Defence book. It's interesting that the text instructions often speak of "knee him in the pit of the stomach" but the corresponding photograph shows a woman in a long dress kneeing the man in the testicles. They must have substituted "testicles" with "pit of the stomach" to get by the censorship. I hope these open properly. My first time attempting this.
03-01-2014, 01:24 PM
It's interesting to see how much things have evolved since those times. Back then instructions like that were rare and obviously a taboo subject judging by the fact that the word testicles was not even used. Public references to ballbusting nonexistent while nowadays it's everywhere and groin attack instructions are extremely easy to come on youtube, TV etc. Moreover, the groin attack instructions on this book are nothing compared to the harshness of those which are taught in women's self-defence classes today.
I think that the first modern book that focuses widely on groin attack techniques was Kathy Long's "No! no! no! a woman's guide to personal defense" ( which was published in 1993.
Yes, Kathy Long's book. I have this book and it focuses a lot on testicle attacks. She says the shin kick to the testicles is marvelous when done from the rear!
It's interesting to see how much things have evolved since those times. Back then instructions like that were rare and obviously a taboo subject judging by the fact that the word testicles was not even used. Public references to ballbusting nonexistent while nowadays it's everywhere and groin attack instructions are extremely easy to come on youtube, TV etc. Moreover, the groin attack instructions on this book are nothing compared to the harshness of those which are taught in women's self-defence classes today.
I think that the first modern book that focuses widely on groin attack techniques was Kathy Long's "No! no! no! a woman's guide to personal defense" ( which was published in 1993.
03-02-2014, 12:53 PM
Yes, Kathy Long's book. I have this book and it focuses a lot on testicle attacks. She says the shin kick to the testicles is marvelous when done from the rear!
any possibility you may somehow upload this book? i'm really curious! ;)
Yes, Kathy Long's book. I have this book and it focuses a lot on testicle attacks. She says the shin kick to the testicles is marvelous when done from the rear!
Er, how is that defense? Other than "kick every guy in the balls from behind before he even knows your there"!
But more seriously, there were self-defense courses for women inthe 1960s and 1970s concentrating on the testicles. There were books as well and you can find old posts on this site with pictures.
[QUOTE=msms;130468]Er, how is that defense? Other than "kick every guy in the balls from behind before he even knows your there"!
Actually, I read once that often when a girl's boyfriend is taking a beating from another guy, she may help her boyfriend by kicking his attacker in the nuts from behind. It seems like a good way to help him.
[QUOTE=msms;130468]Er, how is that defense? Other than "kick every guy in the balls from behind before he even knows your there"!
Actually, I read once that often when a girl's boyfriend is taking a beating from another guy, she may help her boyfriend by kicking his attacker in the nuts from behind. It seems like a good way to help him.
Very sensible. Thx.
03-04-2014, 01:49 AM
Actually, I read once that often when a girl's boyfriend is taking a beating from another guy, she may help her boyfriend by kicking his attacker in the nuts from behind. It seems like a good way to help him.i remember i saw some times ago a photo (maybe from a self sefence book) where a girl was pinned against a car by a man and another girl was kicking him between his legs from behind, so that move may be helpful for every kind of situation!
i remember i saw some times ago a photo (maybe from a self sefence book) where a girl was pinned against a car by a man and another girl was kicking him between his legs from behind, so that move may be helpful for every kind of situation!
I've knew of a man who was kicked in the balls from behind by a jilted girlfriend. It was done in a public place too so the added humiliation was probably as bad as the sore balls. I've known guys that have been attacked in other ways too and one was in a dark parking lot from behind where she tried to scratch the guys eyes. I think girls can be very vengeful.
any possibility you may somehow upload this book? i'm really curious! ;)
I think I could take pictures of the best pages and post them. I don't think sharing like this is anything illegal. I'll do it as I get time and hopefully within the week.
03-06-2014, 07:34 AM
i think i could take pictures of the best pages and post them. I don't think sharing like this is anything illegal. I'll do it as i get time and hopefully within the lol lol
03-12-2014, 07:51 PM
i think i could take pictures of the best pages and post them. I don't think sharing like this is anything illegal. I'll do it as i get time and hopefully within the week.
You have to do this, I've been trying to find some of it online for ages.
04-27-2014, 10:26 AM
I think I could take pictures of the best pages and post them. I don't think sharing like this is anything illegal. I'll do it as I get time and hopefully within the dear, did you have time to do this? thanx
04-28-2014, 02:20 AM
1973 edition of feminist, women's lib book: "Our Bodies, Ourselves". Crudely created drawings of self-defense instructions:
05-02-2014, 12:56 AM
05-06-2014, 06:53 AM
Is this the right thread?
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