View Full Version : Faking It For Sympathy

09-18-2014, 10:46 AM
Have any of you ever deliberately walked into something so it hit your balls or if a woman was in the other room, pretended it happened so she would come in after hearing you in pain and see you on your knees clutching your balls? It is also pretty easy to do over the phone, you can just bang your fist onto a table and then say "ooooooh" and/or drop the phone. Then when she calls back or you finally pick up the phone she will ask what happened and you can be sheepish about it, or direct...

Just curious if any of you have done this before, and if you have pointers. Part of the appeal of BB is the reaction of women afterall, not just the actual act of it from a woman and the real pain of it...

09-18-2014, 03:23 PM
I've definitely been nuttapped and exaggerated the pain