View Full Version : Ball Beating at Orgasm

10-22-2014, 10:37 PM
Today, my wife was having her period, so I asked her for a hand job. When we got going, I asked her to spank my balls. She did a good job. I asked her to hold the balls while she spanked them. She was hitting them with the palm of her hand with moderately hard blows, nice good solid 'thud' blows. It wasn't as hard as a solid kick to the balls. She probably hit hard enough that if it were on other skin, say the butt, it would maybe just barely sting, if that, but it's pretty hard for a blow to the balls. After a little while I got in the zone and the repeated pounding felt good.

Sometimes when I get a hand job, it talks a long time to get up to a really high level of arousal. But this time, I was about to explode, so I kept asking her to work on my balls instead of my penis because I wanted to enjoy the experience longer.

I'd read of men who liked to be hit in the testicles while having an orgasm. I decided to ask for this today. I'd kind of chickened out from this in the past. Part of the reason I did this is because I've experienced a little ball squeezing past orgasm, and without the arousal, it wasn't fun.

Today, I had her take her hand away from pulling my balls and hit me hard enough for me to want to close my legs. She did a good job, hard enough just shy of me wanting to close the legs.

So when it came time to orgasm, I asked her to spank my balls hard like she'd done before right at orgasm five times or so. I also asked her to keep stroking my penis after orgasm.

So then she said when she does the, I try and stop her. I tell her I'm going to try to stop her from stroking, and she has to insist. She asked me why the drama? If I want her to keep going, just tell her to keep going. I don't think she understands the sensation or the desire for post orgasmic stroking, but she's a sweethear for trying to please me. I ended up grabbing her hand and stopping the stroking about 20 or 30 seconds after ejaculation. Too bad. She could have gotten me good if she had a mischevious bent.. She freaks out if I bring out the homemade restraints.

But back to the ball beating/spanking at ejaculation. When I started to ejaculate, I let her know, and she really let my balls have it good. She pounded with a good solid smack of the palm, approaching from the side, over and over. I didn't count, but she didn't stop at five. She just kept pouding.

The amazing thing was, with her doing that, I couldn't figure out when my orgasm ended. It felt so good and with the ball spanking and stroking, it felt like the orgasm went on and one. Eventually, though, I did ask her to stop the ball spanking and eventually the stroking.

If she could have gotten into it, though, and tied me up, it would have been something if I were tied up and she kept up the ball spanking and head stroking if I were tied up, for a minute or two after.

Anyway, do you guys experience a sense of strong pleasure, longer, more intense orgasms if ball busting yoru balls are hit at orgasm and you take a beating all the way through?

10-23-2014, 04:44 AM
YES! Having my balls hit gives me a longer and deeper sensual buildup, and the orgasms are always better. In fact I love orgasms where there is no stimulation at all on my cock - just hitting my balls.

10-26-2014, 06:54 PM
Has anyone else experienced this, where getting busted (kicked or hit) at orgasm makes the orgasm feel like it is going on and on?