View Full Version : Beach event - celebrate mother day
12-07-2014, 12:21 PM
The Ballbusting Comitte have decided to have a game on Mother Day, have an egg hunt. They have called life guard mothers to see who is available. Most of them agree to participante and also life guard who are not mothers.
“The eggs are around the beach. Whoever finds them first gets to kick, knee, bite them…” said Gabriela.
All the lifeguard women are waiting anxious with their tight swimsuit.
Some are streching. They have strong legs that allows them to run and swim fast.
Somer are doing some high knee skips. They are heating their muscles for the competition. After doing the high knee. They stand with their feet togehter. They hope their feet wide apart and comes into a deep squat. After a few second they start to feel uncomfortable. They feel their swimsuit in their ass. They use their fingers to put the swimsuit out of their asses.
“Let’s go!!” yells the woman event presenter. And shoots the bullet to a near by man. Blowing her nuts. A big group of lifeguard women and girls ran towards the beach in order to find the more eggs as possible. The three first women who collect more eggs win a very important prize.
12-07-2014, 01:42 PM
The Ballbusting Comitte have decided to have a game on Mother Day, have an egg hunt. They have called life guard mothers to see who is available. Most of them agree to participante and also life guard who are not mothers.
“The eggs are around the beach. Whoever finds them first gets to kick, knee, bite them…” said Gabriela.
All the lifeguard women are waiting anxious with their tight swimsuit.
Some are streching. They have strong legs that allows them to run and swim fast.
Somer are doing some high knee skips. They are heating their muscles for the competition. After doing the high knee. They stand with their feet togehter. They hope their feet wide apart and comes into a deep squat. After a few second they start to feel uncomfortable. They feel their swimsuit in their ass. They use their fingers to put the swimsuit out of their asses.
“Let’s go!!” yells the woman event presenter. And shoots the bullet to a near by man. Blowing her nuts. A big group of lifeguard women and girls ran towards the beach.
As they charged into the group of the nearest boys.One life guard wearing a black swimsuit leapt at her quarry, clutching at his genitals and brought him down immediately, rolling him as they fell. The boy screamed, just as there was a large cheer from above them. He looked up to see a gallery of lifeguard women, girls above offering advice and yelling obscenities. “hot love you girl” ”Congratulation girl. You are fully trained” ”Twist and yank now. Make him sing soprano” ”Those balls dont pop themseleves” she added.”Lets go and ruin some worthless balls” “Girl’s, if you kick, punch or crush them in their testicles, they are yours for the taking. They go down like a sack of potatoes, you’ll see.”
“I got them!” shouted another lifeguard, followed by a shrill scream.
She squeezed hard, so nobody could take her prize away from her.
In the meantime the lifeguard were searching the towel, the umbrelllas justo to find some eggs that were hidding around the beach.
Three life guard women saw a man, who was hidding below a towel.
“Let’s give it a bit of movement…” said Gabriela.
The three women (Martina, Gabriela and Adriana) drew their legs back and kicked the man nuts that lay in front of them. The three bare feet connected perfectly, digging into the meaty balls and smashing them into man’s crotch with a satisfying, wet slapping sound.
The man shrieked and grabbed his balls.
Martina, Gabriela and Adriana grinned and said simultaneously: “Happy Mother day.” while the man was crying below the towel.
One lifeguard saw some boys who were hidding in the bushes. She grabbed one boy by his balls ““I got them!” and she added another squeeze. The others boys looked at her with blank expressions on their faces.
The boys were horrified. They were trying to get out of the bushes to save their nuts . All the lifeguards were wallowing around. They were moving the branches and cutting them in order to grab some balls.
“Hey!” Gabriela shouted. “Please be careful with the flowers“
The boys, who could get out of the bushes, were running . “Let’s go!!” yelled Giselle, feistily as she charged into the group of nearest boys. She leapt at her quarry, clutching at his genitals and brought him down immediately, rolling him as they fell. Natalie had followed her lead and they pinned him to the floor. Giselle squeeze his balls. The boy screamed.
An angry man went towards the event present. He touched her shoulder and he asked “Why do you organize this events?”
“If you don't want to get your balls cut by this hot girls, I am going to kick you in those eggs that you will remeber Mother Day all you life” said the TV present.
The man saw the moment a threw a kick to the woman. The woman saw the kick and she grabbed his leg. The dreamy expression on the man face turned into a surprised one. “once you have got his legs, quickly move over it to expose his fucky balls. Then bring your leg as fast as you can”. She brought her leg back and kicked the man’s nuts with all the force she could muster. The instep of her animal print stretch boot drove the man’s nuts into his body, making him let out a long, wheezing groan. His surprised face turned inot a painful one. She stopped holding his legs and said : ”Drop to the sand and cup your throbbing bollocks ha ha!!!”. Onether event present said: “ooooh. That kick was amazing!! Full square in the balls!!! like they exploded on the impact!! lol!!”. The woman, who kicked his balls, said: “fuck you asshole! I hope your balls swell up and fall off from that kick!!! next time don't try to kick a woman”
A boot-clad women, who was watching the event, asked “Who are you?”. He did not reply and she stepped on his balls, crushing them between her boot and the floor. When she was crashing his balls she said “Apologize.” and she carefully applied more pressure to his balls. “I’m sorry!” he managed to said. “Good” she said and asked “Who are better: females lifeguard or male?” The woman waited 10 seconds and with an angry voice she shouted “Females are superior to males – say it!”. She lifted her leg up high and slammed it down hard on the ground and his balls trapped under her boot. He was trying to speak and the woman stomped his nuts again and said “Say, girls are FAR superior to boys! Boys are just pathetic!” She stomped again and the fear in his eyes made him shout it at top volume, “don’t you forget it!” she yelled, and she stomped his nuts so hard and he passed out.
The event presenter: “Good day laides. You may be asking what we can do with the nuts we have already busted?”
One lifeguard from the audience shouted: “Throw to the garbage”
The event presenter: “Yes, but also we can cook them. Welcome to our ballbusting Chef, Romina”
The lifeguard broke into applause.
Romina: “Hellow, How are you?”
The event presenter: “Fine and you?”
Romina: “Great”
The event presenter: “So. What are you going to prepare?”
Romina: “An omelette.”
The event presenter picked up the man who wanted to kick her.
"We need to scramble the eggs," said the Romina with a spatula in her right hand.
Romina started to beat the man nuts. After thirsty seconds, the chef examined the testicles with her hands.
Romina said: "not quite scrambled. We should use something harder. Hmmm let me think What we have"
Romina, the chef, found a blender and turned it on. The chef put the nuts into the blender. By then it was obvious that the man's balls had ruptured.
The man sack was nut mush. Romina diced some cheese and mixed spices, adding them into the scrambled eggs. Then the chef put all the ingredients into a bowl and after that she fried it while the man laid down unconsious on the sand without his already cut nuts. When the ingredients had cooked, the chef removed the omelet from the pan onto a serving plate.
"Those were some rather large eggs," the event presenter joked as she looked at the nut omelet.
Romina had brought a pot of water and she started to boil it. She cut the penis and throw it into the water.
"How long do you boil it?" the event presenter asked.
“five minutes.” Romina said.
After it was boiled she placed the cock on a serving plate, dicing it into five pieces.
“Have you got antoher man?” Romina asked
“Sure” the event presenter answered. And she brought another man dragging being drugged by one lifeguard.
When the lifeguard was dragging him by his nuts Romina hit him with a rolling pin and the man throw to the floor.
“Be careful you could have hurt me” said the lifeguard
“Sorry” said Romina
“So what are you going to prepare” asked the lifeguard
"We are going to make testicle ice cream," said Romina
The lifeguard licked her lips
"First, we have to soften the testicles to release the flavor" said Romina.
“Could I use my boots?” asked the event presenter.
“Nooo!” said Romina and she took two mallets, and positioned them on either side of the nuts.
The chef slammed the mallets together as hard as she could, squashing the nuts.
The man screamed as Romina, the chef, brutally flattened his sack. By the twenty-five blow, the man's nuts had totally ruptured.
12-07-2014, 01:45 PM
I attached a cartoon that I have found on the WEB.21023
12-07-2014, 02:26 PM
The Ballbusting Comitte have decided to have a game on Mother Day, have an egg hunt. They have called life guard mothers to see who is available. Most of them agree to participante and also life guard who are not mothers.
“The eggs are around the beach. Whoever finds them first gets to kick, knee, bite them…” said Gabriela.
All the lifeguard women are waiting anxious with their tight swimsuit.
Some are streching. They have strong legs that allows them to run and swim fast.
Somer are doing some high knee skips. They are heating their muscles for the competition. After doing the high knee. They stand with their feet togehter. They hope their feet wide apart and comes into a deep squat. After a few second they start to feel uncomfortable. They feel their swimsuit in their ass. They use their fingers to put the swimsuit out of their asses.
“Let’s go!!” yells the woman event presenter. And shoots the bullet to a near by man. Blowing her nuts. A big group of lifeguard women and girls ran towards the beach.
As they charged into the group of the nearest boys.One life guard wearing a black swimsuit leapt at her quarry, clutching at his genitals and brought him down immediately, rolling him as they fell. The boy screamed, just as there was a large cheer from above them. He looked up to see a gallery of lifeguard women, girls above offering advice and yelling obscenities. “hot love you girl” ”Congratulation girl. You are fully trained” ”Twist and yank now. Make him sing soprano” ”Those balls dont pop themseleves” she added.”Lets go and ruin some worthless balls” “Girl’s, if you kick, punch or crush them in their testicles, they are yours for the taking. They go down like a sack of potatoes, you’ll see.”
“I got them!” shouted another lifeguard, followed by a shrill scream.
She squeezed hard, so nobody could take her prize away from her.
In the meantime the lifeguard were searching the towel, the umbrelllas justo to find some eggs that were hidding around the beach.
Three life guard women saw a man, who was hidding below a towel.
“Let’s give it a bit of movement…” said Gabriela.
The three women (Martina, Gabriela and Adriana) drew their legs back and kicked the man nuts that lay in front of them. The three bare feet connected perfectly, digging into the meaty balls and smashing them into man’s crotch with a satisfying, wet slapping sound.
The man shrieked and grabbed his balls.
Martina, Gabriela and Adriana grinned and said simultaneously: “Happy Mother day.” while the man was crying below the towel.
One lifeguard saw some boys who were hidding in the bushes. She grabbed one boy by his balls ““I got them!” and she added another squeeze. The others boys looked at her with blank expressions on their faces.
The boys were horrified. They were trying to get out of the bushes to save their nuts . All the lifeguards were wallowing around. They were moving the branches and cutting them in order to grab some balls.
“Hey!” Gabriela shouted. “Please be careful with the flowers“
The boys, who could get out of the bushes, were running . “Let’s go!!” yelled Giselle, feistily as she charged into the group of nearest boys. She leapt at her quarry, clutching at his genitals and brought him down immediately, rolling him as they fell. Natalie had followed her lead and they pinned him to the floor. Giselle squeeze his balls. The boy screamed.
An angry man went towards the event present. He touched her shoulder and he asked “Why do you organize this events?”
“If you don't want to get your balls cut by this hot girls, I am going to kick you in those eggs that you will remeber Mother Day all you life” said the TV present.
The man saw the moment a threw a kick to the woman. The woman saw the kick and she grabbed his leg. The dreamy expression on the man face turned into a surprised one. “once you have got his legs, quickly move over it to expose his fucky balls. Then bring your leg as fast as you can”. She brought her leg back and kicked the man’s nuts with all the force she could muster. The instep of her animal print stretch boot drove the man’s nuts into his body, making him let out a long, wheezing groan. His surprised face turned inot a painful one. She stopped holding his legs and said : ”Drop to the sand and cup your throbbing bollocks ha ha!!!”. Onether event present said: “ooooh. That kick was amazing!! Full square in the balls!!! like they exploded on the impact!! lol!!”. The woman, who kicked his balls, said: “fuck you asshole! I hope your balls swell up and fall off from that kick!!! next time don't try to kick a woman”
A boot-clad women, who was watching the event, asked “Who are you?”. He did not reply and she stepped on his balls, crushing them between her boot and the floor. When she was crashing his balls she said “Apologize.” and she carefully applied more pressure to his balls. “I’m sorry!” he managed to said. “Good” she said and asked “Who are better: females lifeguard or male?” The woman waited 10 seconds and with an angry voice she shouted “Females are superior to males – say it!”. She lifted her leg up high and slammed it down hard on the ground and his balls trapped under her boot. He was trying to speak and the woman stomped his nuts again and said “Say, girls are FAR superior to boys! Boys are just pathetic!” She stomped again and the fear in his eyes made him shout it at top volume, “don’t you forget it!” she yelled, and she stomped his nuts so hard and he passed out.
The event presenter: “Good day laides. You may be asking what we can do with the nuts we have already busted?”
One lifeguard from the audience shouted: “Throw to the garbage”
The event presenter: “Yes, but also we can cook them. Welcome to our ballbusting Chef, Romina”
The lifeguard broke into applause.
Romina: “Hellow, How are you?”
The event presenter: “Fine and you?”
Romina: “Great”
The event presenter: “So. What are you going to prepare?”
Romina: “An omelette.”
The event presenter picked up the man who wanted to kick her.
"We need to scramble the eggs," said the Romina with a spatula in her right hand.
Romina started to beat the man nuts. After thirsty seconds, the chef examined the testicles with her hands.
Romina said: "not quite scrambled. We should use something harder. Hmmm let me think What we have"
Romina, the chef, found a blender and turned it on. The chef put the nuts into the blender. By then it was obvious that the man's balls had ruptured.
The man sack was nut mush. Romina diced some cheese and mixed spices, adding them into the scrambled eggs. Then the chef put all the ingredients into a bowl and after that she fried it while the man laid down unconsious on the sand without his already cut nuts. When the ingredients had cooked, the chef removed the omelet from the pan onto a serving plate.
"Those were some rather large eggs," the event presenter joked as she looked at the nut omelet.
Romina had brought a pot of water and she started to boil it. She cut the penis and throw it into the water.
"How long do you boil it?" the event presenter asked.
“five minutes.” Romina said.
After it was boiled she placed the cock on a serving plate, dicing it into five pieces.
“Have you got antoher man?” Romina asked
“Sure” the event presenter answered. And she brought another man dragging being drugged by one lifeguard.
When the lifeguard was dragging him by his nuts Romina hit him with a rolling pin and the man throw to the floor.
“Be careful you could have hurt me” said the lifeguard
“Sorry” said Romina
“So what are you going to prepare” asked the lifeguard
"We are going to make testicle ice cream," said Romina
The lifeguard licked her lips
"First, we have to soften the testicles to release the flavor" said Romina.
“Could I use my boots?” asked the event presenter.
“Nooo!” said Romina and she took two mallets, and positioned them on either side of the nuts.
The chef slammed the mallets together as hard as she could, squashing the nuts.
The man screamed as Romina, the chef, brutally flattened his sack. By the twenty-five blow, the man's nuts had totally ruptured.
Close to the sea. A man was grabbing a woman lifeguard from her back. The lifeguard's mother saw her daughter. “Sweety kick his nuts” shouted her sixty years old mother. The woman lifeguard made a back kick but she missed his balls. The woman lifeguad cointue doing back kicks but were not hard enought to put him in pain.
The mother ran towards her lifeguard daughter. She stood in front and winked at her. Obviously the man could not see what was happening – but he was going to find out! The man stoped receive back kicks. The mother ran towards her daughter and she swung her boot up between her daughter’s legs – Thwack!! The end of her boot stuck out between the man’s legs.
The lifeguard stood tall and proud. The man scout squealed, jumped, bent double in the middle, groaned, clutched his genitals with both hands, rolled his eyes and fell over, writhing around the floor in agony! “Look at him roll around. I got hit nuts pretty good” the mother said. The lifeguard went to her mother and said happy mother day. The lifeguard turned her back, saw the man and said “he looks so funny rolling around and holding his nuts”. The mother and the lifeguard took a photo sitting above him.
A man was fighting with a lifeguard girl. The man thought this was going to be easy and came at the girl with his arms out to grab her. Instead, she brought up her arms and grabbed his hands with hers. They struggled for a moment, locked hand in hand, then her swiming-pools friend, who came to the event as spectator an not participants, said “Kick right up between his legs”. The lifeguard kicked him with her bare foot and he jumped, but kept struggling.
“Do it again!” yelled another friend. The boy was helpless as the girl still had his hands and she planted a second kick to his dangling, swinging balls. The lifeguard foot started to turn red and she also started to feel some pain. Again he jumped, all her swiming pools girls screamed with laughter.
“Kick that leg as high as you can,” said the one of her friends. “Like this!” and kicked with her big boot at the boy from behind, lifting his feet clear off the ground.He screamed in pain and stood still. The woman pointy boot broke his speedo so the lifeguard could watched his balls hung freely. The boot of her best friend had caused a lot of damaged and now she could finished the work.
The boot woman looked at her lifeguard friend and said "Now, kick the boys bollocks off, do it for me!"
The man, whose nuts were moving freely from side-to-side, glanced fearfully around, but wthere was nowhere to run. He kicked the lifeguard and she caught his ankle. “Yeah got his knackers” shouted one of her friends. “girls, let see what happens if jam the tip of my pointy nail toe into his sack”. “Nooo! No kick my balls. The pain is unberable” said the boy. The girls and women encourage her “Go on, kick his fucking balls as hard as you can” said one woman. The lifeguard kicked him with her bare feet and said “Go on you bastard, now drop to the sand and cup you throbbing bollocks”
While the man was grabbing his nuts in the sand. The lifeguard's friends threw sand to his eyes.
12-07-2014, 10:02 PM
Greetings Sofxx
Thank you very much for continuing to write. There are so few m/f ball busting stories being written these days and so any contribution is especially meaningful from my perspective. Given that English is most likely not your first language, it is pretty impressive how well you have been writing. I do not want to direct your writing but I would really like to see you take a more serious approach with your stories and possibly focus more on developing a single storyline. What I mean by a more "serious approach" is an approach that is less light hearted and contrived to justify the ball busting. For instance, this story is based on an egg hunt and some of that storyline is kind of light and contrived. Many of your stories seem to involve a group of girls ball busting one or a few guys with female commentators calling some of the action. I actually like that concept and I like some moments of many of your stories but I feel like you could write better stories by increasing the sadism of the girls and the ball busting action. You should ultimately do what you want but I would minimize the light hearted and contrived background and focus on the girls and their desire to do some hardcore ball busting.
12-08-2014, 09:31 AM
thanks a lot for you commets,
English is not my first language. I have been learining eglish since 1990. In the school, high-school and university.
I need to improve a lot with my stories. I like you feedback. In the year 2014 I started with the ballbusing stories.
My first idea was create a Ballbusting Queen Competition. The competition compete girls, women. They could be celebrities or normal woman. Like lawyer, doctor, taxi-driver, etc.
I have put the story in watpad (a site for writers) but I did not have comments so I have decided to delete all of them.
Searching the WEB I found femaledom and I have decided to put my stories here.
12-08-2014, 09:53 AM
Romina the ballbusting chef
12-08-2014, 10:04 AM
If you want to see my cartoons read the story ballbusting tv show. There I have more.
12-08-2014, 12:54 PM
All the lifeguard women are waiting anxious with their tight swimsuit.
Some are streching. They have strong legs that allows them to run and swim fast.
Somer are doing some high knee skips. They are heating their muscles for the competition. After doing the high knee. They stand with their feet togehter. They hope their feet wide apart and comes into a deep squat. After a few second they start to feel uncomfortable. They feel their swimsuit in their ass. They use their fingers to put the swimsuit out of their asses.
12-08-2014, 01:00 PM
A man was grabbing a woman lifeguard from her back. The lifeguard's mother saw her daughter. “Sweety kick his nuts” shouted her sixty years old mother. The woman lifeguard made a back kick but she missed his balls. The woman lifeguad cointue doing back kicks but were not hard enought to put him in pain.
The mother ran towards her lifeguard daughter. She stood in front and winked at her. Obviously the man could not see what was happening – but he was going to find out! The man stoped receive back kicks. The mother ran towards her daughter and she swung her boot up between her daughter’s legs – Thwack!! The end of her boot stuck out between the man’s legs.
12-08-2014, 01:03 PM
The lifeguard stood tall and proud. The man scout squealed, jumped, bent double in the middle, groaned, clutched his genitals with both hands, rolled his eyes and fell over, writhing around the floor in agony! “Look at him roll around. I got hit nuts pretty good” the mother said. The lifeguard went to her mother and said happy mother day. The lifeguard turned her back, saw the man and said “he looks so funny rolling around and holding his nuts”. The mother and the lifeguard took a photo sitting above him.
12-08-2014, 01:06 PM
A boot-clad women, who was watching the event, asked “Who are you?”. He did not reply and she stepped on his balls, crushing them between her boot and the floor. When she was crashing his balls she said “Apologize.” and she carefully applied more pressure to his balls. “I’m sorry!” he managed to said. “Good” she said and asked “Who are better: females lifeguard or male?” The woman waited 10 seconds and with an angry voice she shouted “Females are superior to males – say it!”. She lifted her leg up high and slammed it down hard on the ground and his balls trapped under her boot. He was trying to speak and the woman stomped his nuts again and said “Say, girls are FAR superior to boys! Boys are just pathetic!” She stomped again and the fear in his eyes made him shout it at top volume, “don’t you forget it!” she yelled, and she stomped his nuts so hard and he passed out.
The event presenter: “Good day laides. You may be asking what we can do with the nuts we have already busted?”
One lifeguard from the audience shouted: “Throw to the garbage”
The event presenter: “Yes, but also we can cook them. Welcome to our ballbusting Chef, Romina”
12-09-2014, 09:52 PM
While the man was grabbing his nuts in the sand. The lifeguard's friends threw sand to his eyes.
Three boys hold one lifeguard's friend, who was throwing the sand.
"Oh good," responded the woman, "I love fun boys!" And with that she brought her knee up with all the force she could, making the smile on the boy face turn to a grimace of pain as he bent over and the fell to his knees. "Isn't this fun!" said another woman who was throwing the sand. “You kneed his ball really hard”said another friend. “I am going to kick the nuts now, ha ha “ said the girl who kneed the boy. The others boys looked on wide eyed with shock
“Thanks, girls we need to keep the nuts” said the lifeguard to her friends.
A passer by girl who was 20 year old was listening to some music on her iPod. She was wearing zumba pants and a sport bra, she looked like she had just finished her daily work-out. Her black hair was wet and she smelled of shower gel. She ran her hand through her hair and watched a group of dressed girls throwing sand to some boys.
She was a professional dancer, and her body was pretty muscular, especially her legs. But she had a more delicate body than lifeguard trained girl.
“When are we gonna to kick those balls?” the zumba dancer said impatiently. “I can’t wait to kick their nuts…”
“I am fixing a problem with the camera.” said the lifeguard friend.
The zumba dancer watched the lifeguard woman with an amused expression on her face. “I think you are going to win”
The lifeguard turned around and looked at the zumba dancer over, laughing. “Sure. I never lose.”
The girl holding the camara turned to the lifeguard girl. “A short statement for the camera?”
The lifeguard nodded. She grinned into the camera. “I’m Zara, I’m 23 years old. And I’m an Olympic champion. I won a silver medal in China and a bronze medal in London.” She grabbed her breast and winked at the camera. “And I’m gonna show those boys here how to bust some balls…”
The zumba girl and the lifeguard's friends laughed.
The zumba girl looked at the two boys, who were holding the lifeguard, and said “Boys, you’re gonna wish you had never been born with those two marbles between your legs…”
The lifeguard girl seized the opportunity and brought her leg up into one of the two boys crotch. Her bare toes connected with his dangling plums and crunched them into his pelvis. He doubled over and cupped his nuts, whimpering in pain.
The boys turned their head and glared at the zumba girl and lifeguard girls. “Don’t you dare laugh at me”
The zumba dancer massaged her crotch and smiled. “Oooohhh”, she said in a funny voice, “your little ballsies are aching?”
The lifeguard's friends laughed. “This is fun!”
The boy, whose balls have not been kicked yet, said. “You’ll be sorry, pussy dancer! You’ll be so---“
The boy circled the zumba dancer, causing her to watch him nervously.
The lifeguard's girls friend interrupted him by pulling him up by his hair.
The zuma girl laught “I’m not sorry” and she threw her leg towards the boy.
Her bare foot connected perfectly, stopping in his dead balls.
He yelled and cried.
The lifeguard's girl friend let go of the boy's hear. The zuma girl powered another vicious kick into the poor boy's balls. Her bare toes collided with his dangling gonads and smashed them into his body.
The zumba girl watched him with an amused expression on her face.
“I give”, the poor boy croaked.
The zumba girl pretended not to understand him and put her hands behind her ear. “What?”
She kicked the boy’s balls again, flattening them and making the bad boy collapse on the floor.
The zumba dancer faced the camera and grinned with satisfaction. She flexed her legs muscles and showed a zumba dance. Her proud breast were rocking hard and swinging heavily in front of her body.
The boys were whimpering in pain, rolling around on the ground and trying to ease the pain that was radiating from their sore plums.
When she finished with her zumba dance, she walked over to already busted boy who was still lying on the ground, groaning in pain. “See you, loser”, she grinned and kissed him in the cheek. She put on her i-Pod and she went away listening music and dancing while the lifeguard's friends continue throwing sand to their eyes.
12-10-2014, 11:31 AM
Inside a bar. A barwoman was having a boy in a headlock while a fly attendant woman was pulling down his pants. The boy was yelling obscenities at them and tried to put up a fight but he had no chance against the combined efforts. The shorts were stripped and revealed his meaty nuts.
The fly attendant laughed. “Oooh, small balls…” She slapped the boy’s bulge hard.
The boy yelled in pain. “Bitches!”
The boy’s naked dick and his juicy plums bounced up and down as he tried to free himself from the fly attendant strong grip.
The boy rubbed his sore groin and straightened himself. “You’re gonna pay.”
The boy looked at the bartender’s big breast, flopping and said “Stop struggling or I’m gonna press the juice out of those melons…”
He showed a mischievous smile and slapped the bartwoman breast with his open hand.
“Kick him”, the fly attendant mouthed silently.
Again the boy slapped the bartwoman breast with his open hand.
“Go on, kick him”, the fly attendant mouthed again.
A woman walked behind the boy. He was so captivated by the big barwoman breast he didn’t see a woman going towards him.
Without being notice the passer-by woman launched her foot into his juicy plums from behind. The tip of her bare foot crushed the happy boy face nuts turning him into a sad crying face. Both of his nuts were caught dead-on by her bare toes and flattened against his pelvis. Leaving the sand out of her toe.
The bar was silent except for the echo of the impact.
They watched the boy’s facial expression as it slowly changed from happy face to sad face as the realization and the pain set in.
“Good one” said the barwoman.“Very good one”
He squeezed his balls, trying to get rid of the excruciating pain, and sank to the ground.
The woman friends laugh at the other end of the bar.
“Yay”, cheered the friends and high-fived.
They walked over to the aleready busted boy.
The boy was lying on the ground, sobbing and moaning and cradling his broken balls.
“Good work”, the fly attendant grinned as she patted the woman back.
“Thanks”, she smiled.
“Yeah, good work”, the fly attendant grinned again.
“What do you think, boy?” she grinned at the poor on the floor.
The boy cry. “He’ll be on the floor for a while”, the woman friend whispered. “Very good, girl.”
They woman cheered again and went over to get a cofee.
“Want one?” they asked the fly attendant.
“Yeah, thanks”, she said and took a cup of cofee.
They sat down at the table and looked at the boy rolling on the floor.
12-10-2014, 01:23 PM
A report was standing in front of the camera. Her name was Agustina. She was holding a microphone and speaking into the camera. “Hi there, this is Agus reporting from beach. Today we have a hunting event for the mothers days. I’ve seen some great athetic today. Here with me is the mother of one of the competitiors.”
The camera zooms out to reveal forty-eight woman laughint into the camer with a towel around her waist. “good afertoon.”
“Happy mother day!” the women reporter smiles.
“Thank you. It is a great day…” said the mother
“Yeah ”, the reporter added.
“So how are the eggs?” the reporter grins.
The mother shrugs. “I think....emhm... They’re okay.”
“So – what do you think about the event?” asked the reporter
“It is great. I am really impressed by the stamina of those girls” she laught.
Some women and girls are walking past the camara. A few of them stare, some make some goofy faces for the camera.
Suddenly a teenage girl jumps into and put her face into the camara, screaming and gesturing wildly. She is fiften years old, young but very tall for her age. She is wearing a tight t-shirt with some logo on it. A girl kicking a boy in the balls
“cuuttt balllss baaaaalll!” she screams into the camera.
“Maybe we’ll see you at next year’s mother event?” the report asked to the teenage girl.
“Of course” answered the girl. The reporter laught.
"Have you ever kicked a boy in the balls?" the reporter laughed again.
“I've kicked some balls in my time!” answered the girl.
"I guess we should probably start at the beginning with this. Where did you first learn about the sensitivity of a male's testicles?" asked the reporter.
“In a cartoon movie were the queen ******** the chauvinist pig king” she said.
“ha ha ha I watched that movie..... a good one” added the reporter.
“what do you think is the best way to get a boy where it counts?" asked the reporter.
"I think ... kicking is the best” said the teenage girl.
"Speaking of popping nuts, have you ever popped a guy's nuts before?" asked the journalist.
“No, I have never done that” answered the girl.
“Have you ever done that?” asked the teenage girl to the reporter.
"Of course, more times than I can remember! I had powerful legs for kicking. “ answered the reporter.
"What did the guys do?" asked the teenage girl.
"They start crying and making funny faces.” answered the reporter.
"You know, I've always wondered what it's the sound of a pop nuts," said the teenage waiting for a response.
"I think you'd be surprised." said the reporter.
"Do you think maybe you could kick one of those pervert boys?” asked the teenage girl.
"Well what do you want to see? Should I knee their nuts?" asked the reporter
"No, I think I want the kick." answered the teenage girl.
"Here goes!!!" The journalist ran towards a boy, who was being held by two lifeguard women. She was running with her tight blue jeans and her two black pointy boots. She swung her boot forward with great speed and accuracy, up between the boy's legs, up between his balls. The journalist's boot made a loud firm sounding 'SMACK', and she could actually saw the boy's balls compress in his tight pants and sort of try to escape her boot by each ball oozing over the sides of her boot. There was no escape though, and his balls erupted in fire by the ferocity of her kick. The journalist lowered her leg and watched the boy reaction closely. She smiled as at first his mouth hung open in a silent scream. Then his eyes started to water and quiet, soft high-pitched wailing emanated from his open mouth.
He slowly started to slump to the ground and as he fell he started to cry in earnest and whisper, "My balls, my balls... ohhhhh my balls!" The boy curled up in the fetal position as the journalist watched. She looked on, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and pride at how well she had kicked him.
"Was it everything you hoped for, girl?" asked the journalist.
"Ohhhh," said the teen age girl "I can't believe you kicked him so hard!"
Suddenly they both heard a pair of high heels come click clacking across the beach. They looked up to see a famous celebrity.
12-11-2014, 06:46 PM
reading stories to find ideas and I found the following link
12-11-2014, 06:47 PM
another good one
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