View Full Version : ballbustin queen event

12-12-2014, 09:48 AM
“Welcome, ladies to the Ball Busting Championships. I’m one of you co-hosts Gabriela. My partner in tonight’s broadcast is also here with me, Deborah, and we’re pleased to be here with you tonight.”
“Thanks Gabriela,” Deborah chimed in, “Tonight is going to be a lot of fun. I think we’re going to see a lot a brutality and I for one can’t wait.” Deborah, an ethnic looking, voluptuous, tall woman with olive skin, was wearing a low cut, shimmering evening gown and high heels, as was Gabriela.
“Oh, I definitely agree Deborah; I’m excited to be here as well. As you know this is the second event we’ve held. ”
Gabriela spoke up, “We have a pair of reporters who will be providing up close and personal coverage of the event. While Deborah and myself will be here in the booth, calling the action, they will be roaming down on the floor to provide interviews and reporting. We are extremely happy to have them.”
One of the girls spoke up, “Hi Gabriela, Hi Deborah. We are so happy to be here. I can’t wait to be able to compete one of these years.”
“While we’re waiting for our next contestants, how about we take a minute to explain how tonight’s event will work Gabriela” Deborah, the tall brown-hair, offered. Gabriela then spoke up, “The participants will compete for the ultimate prize…”
Deborah cut off her co-host, “A man’s balls.”
“Good one Deborah, but no. I mean that they will be crowned the Ultimate Ball Buster. ”
“The differents groups will receive points for dishing out punishment.”
Mariana, one of the reporters, said: “Let’s see what’s going through the minds of some of our male victims.” The sandy blonde hair walked up to a young man. Pulling off his blindfold and placing the microphone she was holding in front of him,”What brought you to our little competition today?” “Look, I wasn’t told exactly what was going on here, I was just offered a few bucks to come on TV and so I did. But I don’t like this, I want to go home, so let me go okay?”
Mariana turned to the camera with a broad grin across her face, “Sorry, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.”. Mariana quickly turned into him, driving her right knee five times between his legs. “Unnngggghhh,” and he dropped to his knees. The camera shifted back to Gabriela and Deborah smiling face and both said: “Way to go girls, that‘ll teach ‘em.”
“And here come our contestants. This place is going nuts.” The camera focused on Martina and Zaira the team winner of the first event. They were walking in pairs and waving to the crowd as they looped the arena.
Martina was wearing cut-up leggins and sneakers.
Zaira was wearing an extremely short skirt; showing off her long sleek legs. She had open toed high heels.
The women in the audience shouted things to them,
“I love you”
“You’re my hero”
“Rip their nuts off”
“Pop one for me,”
“******** them”
and the like.

The camera cut back to Gabriela and Deborah. “We’re getting ready to begin and our contestants are getting into place. Our girls have five full minutes to bust as many guys as they can in whatever ways they want. Each time will be judged in technique and brutality along with the data from the sensors recording what they do to their guy’s nuts. Each team’s score is compared to the othe team score and the best score continue on to round third.” While Brooke had been talking, the women from the TV led out several dozen men into the arena. Also, during this time, Zaira and Martina, the competing women, took up positions in the arena.
There’s the buzzer starting and the camera panned the ring. Martina and Zaira, Las Latinas team, had moved quickly into the midst of the men and started inflicting blows.
Zaira, a tall woman, ran up to a short man and grabbed him by the nutsack. Pulling straight upward, she lifted him to his tiptoes by his balls. After fifty seconds Zaira was in the process of twisting the scrotum in several 360-degree rotations as he squealed from the tremendous pressure she was placing on his testicles.
After five minutes, a loud buzzer sounded. Martina continued pummeling a young man between his legs after the buzzer went off. Several referee women had to grab Martina and pull her off her male victim. Even then, she continued stomping him several times. The team score changed as well, indicating that she had broken two testicles with her last stomp. The crowd applauded her enthusiasm and it was announced that the point are counted even though it was after the buzzer sound.
As the Zaia and Martina were handed towels and began wiping the sweat from their bodies, the TV event women began dragging the men out off the arena.
Deborah asked. “Mariana can you get close to them to ask some questions?”

One of the reporters moved over to the two contestants and held her microphone up to them. “Martina can we get a moment?” Martina said: “Sure.”

Jimena,one of the reporter, asked, “Martina, you must be incredibly pleased right now. Tell us how you feel.”

Martina said: ““Like, wow, I feel great. ”
“Well, you’re in great company with some real pro nut busters, Zaira” Jimena said.

Martina said: “Yeah, it’s really a privilege. Zaira is so great. I have learned so much from her I have learnt so many new ways to really hurt guys. I can’t wait for more.”

A girl, who looked about twenty-one, ran out of the crowd and onto the floor. Another reporter voice, Erica, was heard as the camera followed the trespasser, “Think she wants to join in? I’ve thought about running in there and ripping into a few sacks myself several times.” Both Gabriela and Debora, the tv presenters, laughed in approval.

“Wait, there is more activity.” said Juana another TV reporter. The camera panned from the girl to show a male running onto the floor as well. He had one hand on his crotch and was being chased by the twenty-one years old girl.

The male suddenly stopped, just to have some breath. The male was not looking as the girl ran up behind him, tackling him, pinning him to the ground.
“Hey!” Mariana, another reporter, screamed. She was only twenty feet or so from the two and ran over, shoving the boy off when she arrived.

Juana, the tv reporter, reached down and helped the girl. “You okay sweety?” Juana asked. The boy scrambled to his feet as well, but before he could take a step toward, he was grabbed from behind. Looking to his right and left, he saw two reporter women Mariana and Jimena, the reporter who was interviewing Martina.

Each grabbed him by the wrist and wrapped their other arm under and up around his upper arm, trying to pin him in place.

Juana took a microphone and, speaking into it to broadcast to the crowd and the home audience, “What’s going on here? You want to bust his balls?” Juana asked” Her voice boomed through the speakers located in the arena so the spectators could hear every word.
The male began screaming for to let him go. The twenty-one year old girl yelled at him “Shut-up stupid!” and kicked him as hard as she could between his legs. The screams of anger turned into screams of intense pain as the agony shot up from his nuts when the twenty-one years old girl’s nike heel sneaker slammed into his balls.

The twenty-one yearas all girls jumped up and down in glee at what she had done and the crowd applauded and roared loudly. “Cool,” she said, grinning widely. “Well, don’t stop there,” Juana encouraged her and was quickly followed by the others, Zaira, Martina, Gabriela, Deborah and all the reporters agreed the man deserved more punishment. The reporte, who were holding the boy, each slid a foot behind his ankles and pulled them wide.

The twenty-one girl began kicking him over and over, square in his nuts. The male face was contorted in a grimace. “Stop, please, my nuts, don’t! Ahhhhhhh!.”

The man was screaming in terror and pain as his balls were pummeled. The girl had kicked him well over twenty-five times. Tears flowed freely down his face and his high-pitched cries were picked up by the microphones and broadcast to the cheering crowd.

The girl stepped back tired from the effort. “Wasn’t that good everybody?” Romina, the tv presenter, asked the crowd, prompting them to give the girl words of encouragement. Gabriela, the other tv presenter, led the crowd in a round of applause.

Juana walked up to the man and unzipped his pants. “No more, please don’t,” he begged. Juana
wrapped her small fingers around his nuts.

Juana set herself, staring at her target. She began squeezing his right testicle. The man screamed at the top of his lungs. “Stop, Oh Stop urrrgh ahh!”

Juana kept up the pressure though. She could feel his ball in her hand. “Use your fingertips. Dig them into the nut.” Juana followed the advice Martina, the contestant her speciality squeezing, gave her and dug the tips of her fingers into her man’s ball. He yelled at new levels as the new agony hit him.
Juana was squeezing as hard as she could but after several minutes she had been unable to pop him. “Now, Juana I want you to use both hands. Put his nut between your palms and flatten it.” said Martina.
Juana, the reporter, did as she was told, compressing his ball with both her hands. The man screams continued and his body started to shake. He could feel his nut being crushed. He could tell it was about to pop. “Please, someone help me! Make her stop!” he begged the crowd to prevent his violation. Gabriela held her microphone near his nutsack and the entire audience heard a tiny ‘POP’ through the speakers. This was quickly followed by an “Aaaiiiiieeeee!!!” from the man and his body began to shake uncontrollably. He was flailing so violently that the women holding him had to let him go. He fell to the ground and curled up, holding his groin and crying.
“I want to do the other one!” Juana screamed. The crowd roared with approval.
Gabriela, Deborah, the tv presenters, knelt down, “Well,Juana, we want to too, but we need to present the next team. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“Yeah!” shouted Juana. hugged Gabriela and Deborah, as the man was drug away still convulsing.
”Over the loudspeakers it was announced that there would be a five-minute break to set up for the next event.
Seven minutes later, the next team, Las chetas, were standing in the arena.
“This is a tag team match,” Deborah explained. “You have to work together to bust the males. You will be scored as a team so co-operation and teamwork are very important here.”
The women from the team “Las chetas” were taking up positions next to the males. The team is composed by Ivanna and Denise. The blonde and the brunette.
Denise and Ivanna moved around the naked males, sizing them up. One man was ****** to face one of the women stalking him. He chose Denise. As he turned his back to her, Ivanna stepped up and kicked him with her light-brown bootie from behind, right between the legs. Her expensive bootie connected with his both testicles. He cried out and dropped to his knees. Ivanna then grabbed him from behind around the upper arms and pulled them back behind him. Denise took the opportunity her partner was giving her. Kicking out, she pummeled his nuts just as Ivanna had but from the front this time. Denise repeated the assault on his testicles, kicking him several more times as hard as she could. The man’s head slumped forward as he was disabled from the pain.
Denise then took one of his arms and Ivanna retained the other. Each held him by a wrist and stepped in front and to the side of him. He looked up through tears of pain and wondered what was going to happen.

Ivanna with her bootie kicked him again between his legs; Denise with her lace-up thigh-high boot followed this quickly with a blowto his both balls and penis. Then Ivanna. Then Denise. Over and over the two alternated ramming their feet into his balls. The man began screaming as the two women kicked him repeatedly. After the twentieth or so blow, a number “1” appeared on the scoreboard.
The crowd roared with the indication that one of the man’s testicles had been shattered by the repeated kicks. The crowd yelled for more as Ivanna and Denise kept kicking their victim. After another minute the scoreboard changed to “2” as the man’s screams turned to whimpers as his last bit of manhood was destroyed. They let him fall to the floor and high-fived each other. They moved to their next victim.
“Wow,” Gabriela spoke up, “It’ll be tough for Martina and Zaira beat them.”. Deborah added: “They are working as a great team. Not like Zaira and Martina. Who kick as individuals”
Zaira and Martina, the Las Latinas team, put an angry face. They knew that they were going to lost the match.
Denise quickly grabbed the next man balls and swung herself in a circle, throwing him into the wall. The wall slung him back towards the waiting Ivanna who dropped him to the floor with a harsh knee to his crotch.
Denise grabbed him by the hair and lifted him back to his feet. She wrapped her arms around his behind his back pinning them there. Ivanna kicked as hard as she could between his legs and he screamed as she connected with his balls.
Ivanna grabbed the man’s ankles and lifted his feet from the floor. As he fell, Ivanna dropped to one knee and extended her right leg in front of her, her foot on the floor and her right knee bent 90 degrees. With no support the man’s fell with each leg on either side of Ivanna’s. Her knee slammed into his groin as his weight came down hard onto the bones therein. He squealed again, louder as he felt his balls almost rupture.
The loud buzzer sounded and the match is finished.
Ivanna and Denise waited to get the judges decision. “What do you think Deborah?” Gabriela asked her partner. “I don’t know. It’s hard to call that one. Will the judges reward the efficiency of the Ivanna and Denise or the longer, more brutal pounding at the hands of Zaira and Martina? Here come the scores.”
The crowd erupted in cheers with only a few boos mixed in as Denise and Ivanna, Las Chetas team, were announced the winners by a fairly wide margin. Both Zaira and Martina, Las Latinas team, were disappointed but hugged the winners.
As the camera pulled back from the floor, Martina, Zaira, Las Latinas team, and Denise, Ivanna, Las Chetas team, could be seen shaking hands, surrounded by quivering, whimpering men.
The ones that trie to get up were being kicked by the females reporters.
“Wow! and that’s just the second program, we still have more to go.” said Gabriela, the TV presenter.
“I know Gabriela, I am feel amazing by all the action tonight. I want to bust all those nuts down there...” The camera showed the males trying to get up and being kicked by the reporters and all the girls from the studio event. “There are so many great programs. Well, so long folks, that’s all we have for tonight. Be sure to catch our next broadcast the next week. See you then.” And with that Gabriela and Deborah waved to the camera and they ran towards the males that wanted to get up and escaped. Also the credits began rolling.