View Full Version : My Kindle Stories

Precis Girl
12-22-2014, 04:45 PM
Hey all, I just published my Warrior story to Amazon, ifn ya feel like helping a poor starving artiste out :D feel free to buy, its priced to move!
I've only published the first 4 chapters, I'm working on more, and will release them in a second book at some point. Thanks for your interest (if you have any ;))


12-26-2014, 10:40 AM
Good to see you got the stories published, Precis Girl! :) Now I need to find my kindle make sure it still works. Did you do the artwork for the cover?

Precis Girl
12-26-2014, 11:51 AM
Yup, I did! Took a lot of work to get that just right lol. But it was fun. I do a lot of 3D art, though nothing really to post here lol.

And thanks for the kind words regarding my publishing :P Not too many bites, but I didnt expect much with it being so short. Oh well :D

12-26-2014, 06:35 PM
Hello Precis Girl, spanish version?
Hola Precis Girl, tienes una versión en Español?


12-27-2014, 03:48 PM
Welcome to world of self publishers! Have you done much to market your work? I've published a book at Smashwords, had a few sales, and am learning about marketing. Obvious options are notifying relevant forums like FD, doing a blog, Twitter etc, but there's much more. I recommend the marketing guide of SW, it's free, is full of info, you can get it here. http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/305 You don't need to publish at SW to get it, though I think you have to join, again free. As a newbie to e-book publishing myself, I think it'd be great if we shared ideas on marketing. We could communicate with pm messages here, though there maybe other would be writers who'd find our exchanges of information helpful, so we could use this thread. One thing I'd recommend about creation of e-books is the SmashWords Style Guide, you'll find it through the link above. Even if you don't intend to publish through SW, the Guide is packed with useful information on the subject.

Precis Girl
12-27-2014, 04:35 PM
Thanks, try! No, I haven't done pretty much anything to market my work except to post it here. I will definitely look into that marketing guide, thanks! I would like to chat with you about marketing! Either PM or here, doesnt matter to me, tho (selfishly) if we talk on here, my post stays more visible :D But whichever

12-27-2014, 06:19 PM
Hi, as I'm about to retire for the night I haven't got time to make a full reply, but one thing you could do now is create a signature of the link to the page on Amazon where your book is, like I've done with my books page on Barnes and Noble. You'll find how to do it in your profile.

Precis Girl
12-28-2014, 06:56 PM
Working on that as we speak :P

Precis Girl
12-28-2014, 07:05 PM
Also, try, I cant PM you cuz your inbox is full :D

12-30-2014, 06:49 PM
Also, try, I cant PM you cuz your inbox is full :D

Oops. haven't deleted previous posts, will remove some now. Another easy thing you could do to promote your book is upload the cover, that always helps.

12-30-2014, 06:55 PM
You should be able to pm me now.