View Full Version : A litle short story - in first person. Una corta historia - en primera persona

03-14-2015, 07:02 PM
I met my sister, Cecilia, at her home to go to our mother's home at Punta del Este.

My daugher, 15 year old, Maria had been participating Hockey for her school. She is one year older than Alejandra. The attractive, swimmer. She has been working as a model since she was 14. My son, Juan, is very different. He lazy, he doesn't like to study and less sports. He only loves to play video games. My niece Ingrid is 17 and she is a pole vault athtlete.

I was driving with my childrens, niece and my sisters. We were on our way to my mother's house where we were going to spend the weekend.

I was driving while my sister, Cecila, was sitting on the passenger seat and the four children were sitting in the back, laughing and joking around.

After two hours driving we had to take our first break, because we had to have some lunch.

After three hours driving, I was starting to get a headache. The childrens were telling jokes, making some noices, they were having some fun.

Suddenly, my son let out a high-pitched scream.

“Juan!!!!” I shouted angrily and looked into the rearview mirror.

My daughters and my niece were looking out of the window with innocent expressions on their faces. My son was doubled over, grimacing in pain, his hands clutching his midsection.

“Juan?” I repeated.

Juan whimpered.

“Girls? What happened?” I said.

“Nothing”, Maria, Alejandra and Ingrid grinned.

I sighed and concentrated on the road again.

Suddenly, my son screamed again, even louder than the last time.

I looked back. “What are you doing?”

“Playing ball tap”, Alejandra, my older daugher said cheerfully “We do that in the school”

My poor son groaned and doubled over, his face was pale.

“I’m winning”, Alejandra, my daughter, grinned. “I am the---“

She was interrupted by a punch of my son.

My poor daughter coughed.

Suddenly, a hell broke my daughers, my niece were all over my son, trying to punch his nuts.

High pitched screams indicated that his nuts were cracked, but I couln’t see anything because the girls were moving fast.

“Girls?” I shouted, trying to concentrate on the road while the three girls in the back were massacring my son's nuts. “Girls?!”

The car was filled with screams and groans, laughter, moans and high-pitched shrieks.

“I got your....“

“Pleaseeeee.....stop......my nuts!”

“No, let go of his....“

“Here, I have them“

“Girls!?!” I shouted again. “Could you please stop nut punching Juan while we are driving?”

“Oh, come on, Sofi”, Cecilia, my sister, said and grinned at me. “They are girls. Let them have a bit of fun.”

After a few minuts the noise in the back died down.

I looked into the rearview mirror and saw my daughter and my niece were all very busy nursing their hands. They looked like there was no winner at all, only a loser my son who was cradling his testicles and moaning in pain.

I sighed.

A couple of hours later we arrived at my mother's house.

The girls had recovered from their hand pain and were very eager to have a look at the rooms.

The girls stormed into the house, leaving their luggage in my Mercedes Benz car.

I looked at my son and shooked my head. “They act like they are teen girls...Relax, Juan, they think it is a game”, I said.

My son grunt so then I squeeze his balls full force, making his eyes widen and his mouth open.

“Don't do that to your mother”, I grinned. Then I turned around and left my son doubled over and slowly sinking to the ground. Cecilia, my sister, grinned proudly.