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View Full Version : Watching my first Celebrities Ballbusting Contest

03-14-2015, 09:33 PM
The Stadium was packed. My girldfriends and I had come a few hours before the show was set to start. Now it was one hour before the beginning of the show and the benches were filled with more than one hundred million of women.

There were two celebrities: Victoria Adams and Luciana Aymar. They were standing on the interview stage wearing just leggins and boots, displaying their muscular and lean bodies, and answering a few questions for Maria Menounos. She was wearing jeans. She had a microphone in her hand and four camerawomen were standing behind her.

Aymar was saying. “I have some experience in sports – hockey”

Maria nodded and smiled. “So what do you think: Do you have a chance of winning a few competitions?”

Aymar laughed. “A few? I have a chance of winning the title the Ballbusting Queen Title”

“Have you practiced at all?”

“Of course”, Aymar grinned. “I have been traning punches, kicks, knees.”

“Good for you”, I heard Maria said.

Then, out of nowhere, a Maria's boot came crashing into of males contestant. The camera showed in high definition as the male genitalia was crunched and the hard pointy Maria Menounos pointy boot dug into male's soft flesh and flattened his poor nuts.

The sound of the boot caused a few spectator in the front row to turn their head.

I turned around to see what had happened.

Maria's Menounos interviewer's Aymar and Victoria Adams were laughing their asses of, while the camerawomen were chuckling. The male was exhaling slowly and the colour of his face changed to an unhealthy paleness.

“Ooohh, looks like they are not that tough”, Maria Menounos grinned.

“Okay ladies”, Maria shouted to the audience. “We’re about to start. Males spred your legs wider for the Ballbusting Celebrities Event! You will see testicles get crunched, balls get busted, and the sweet dreams of parenthood get smashed to pieces.”

The sound of women eager for the show to begin filled the stadium. I was clapping and cheering. “Let the games begin”, I shouted.

The males were already on the stage. All of them were naked.

I heard Maria Menounos clapped her hands and said, “On your marks.”

The two young celebrities stood in front of their respective targets.

“Set.” “Go!”

The two celebrities made their moves simultaneously.

Aymar kicked her first male junk with her pointy boot, Victoria Adams grabbed her fisrt male’s naked balls with her hand and squeezed hard.

The result was a disconcerting choir of yelping, yodeling and yelling as the male’s nuts were smashed with relentless force.

I was standing next to my friends and my sisters, cheering the girls on. “Come on, smash those perverts! Make them gag on their own spunk! Trash them!”

The tip of my favorite ballbuster contest, Aymar, boot crashed into the soft bulge of the male manhood again and again, making him scream from the top of his lungs. She kicked his balls aiming at a virtual point in his stomach so that his nuts were smashed flat into his body.

“Yes!” I shouted as Aymar’s boot collided with the ugly, 58 year old nuts I shouted “Ruin him, Lucha, crack his nuts!”

Victoria stared angrily at Aymar, Lucha was lifting the old man off his feet with her well-placed boots kicks, filling the stadium with the dull thuds of her pointy boots connecting with the old nuts.

“Shut up!!!!”, Aymar grunted, kicking in the testicles with a forceful boot kick that made the old man shriek in pain.

“Yeah, that’s it, Lucha, bust his old balls!” I shouted.

03-14-2015, 10:13 PM
Victoria Adam had both of the precious balls in a vise-like grip. Both of her hands were busy squeezing the life out of the juicy nuggets, her fingertips digging into the soft flesh, grinding them and squishing them like grapes.

I watched as Victoria was ********** the male and I have decided to encourage my favorite ballbuster “Kick him, Lucha, kick him hard!”

“Those old balls are not going to stand it much longer”, I shouted.

“I feel it, one of them is going to pop”, Gabriela, my friend, added.

“The left one feels all squishy.” added my sister.

“Finish him, Lucha, finish him! Come on, finish him.” shouted Martina, my friend.

“Dad, pleaseeeee.... come on!” a boy with her three brothers shouted.

I looked up at him and I give an evil smile “You didn’t expect your daddy to give you another brother, did you?”

My sisters and my friend stared at him.

“Hi”, he said.

“Hi”, I said

The boy smiled. He was handsome, he was wearing jeans and a tight white shirt showing her biceps, triceps, abs. His black hair was cut and his brown eyes looked at me expectantly. “You wanted to show me something?”

“Yeah”, I grinned. “Look here.”

I showed him my new expensive stiletto boots

“Wow”, he said, and unconsciously grabbed his own crotch.

I had landed a direct blow to his ego.
His eyes bulged and he looked at me, surprised and hurt. He coughed. His hands were still framing his nuts, unable to move.

“Take your time on the floor” I smiled.

“Yeah that will teach him!!” shouted Romina, my friend.

“Good bust” added my sister.

“You see”, I said to my friends and my sisters “males balls are pretty weak”

I tapped my sister’s shoulder. “Do you wanna go for his brother's nuts?” I grinned.

“You could ask one of his brother for a drink if he doen't pay for that you can kick his balls” I said to my sister

My sister face lit up and she chuckled. “I am going to kick his ball, anyway”

I saw the boy's brother escaped I grabbed their hear. “No so fast. Now my sister is gonna kick your nuts a couple of times so that you’ll see how it feels.”

My sister walked behind the boys. Shee was wearing a tight blue jeans and a tight colourful flower pink shirt, with black boots.

The black hair boy complied “I mean, my girlfriend and I ...we are trying to have“

My sister interrupted him bringing her boot between his legs, slamming the two meaty balls.

My sister’s boot was still embedded into his manhood.

His cockhead and eggs had slipped out of his jeans and were wedged between my sisters boot.

My sister smiled and brought her leg back.

03-15-2015, 12:48 PM
Aymar brought her muscular leg up between the old male’s legs. Her boot caught the old nuts dead on and crunched them into his pelvis.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch”, Maria Menounos, the reporter, said, very poignantly. “Thanks I don't have balls…”

The old poor male cried at the screen. Now he knew he was not going to win, he knew he was going to lost his two testicles and the money he have to pay Luciana Aymar for losing the bet. He was standing doubled over in front of Aymar, who grinned proudly.

“Apparently Luciana got off to a good start”, Maria commented. “Victoria has to hit his nuts good to catch up to her!”

A group of british girl were encouraging their ballbustin heroine Victoria Adams.

“got his nuts crunched.”

“squeeze his eggs”

Victoria watched that her oponent Luciana Aymar's old male balls wouldn’t be able to live much longer, Victoria took a radical step. She opened her mouth wide and stuffed both of the male’s swollen testicles into it.

Victoria Adam's mouth was filled with nut-meat and for a short moment it looked like it was she who as going to throw up instead of he. But she picked up courage and closed her lips around the base of male's scrotum.
The old male looked at Maria Menouso just to interfiere. “Please....help...look ...she will split my nuts with her teeth.”

“You know”, Maria said stony-faced. “It is a ballbusting contest ...so what do you think she will do”

The old man let out a heart-breaking scream. His body was shaking and his mouth was wide open.

The son stared at his father, a horrified expression on his face. The son burst out crying. “Dad! You’ll be fine.”

“Your dad is going to lost”, Maria Menouos said slowly. “He is going to get his nuts crunched.”

The boy groaned. “Fuck.....yyo...”

He was interrupted by Maria Menou’s elbow slamming into his crotch.

The son let out a strained groan and doubled over, grabbing his crotch.

“Don’t bother the celebrities”, Maria shouted angrily “The don't like it.”

A quartet of tall girls in tight militar uniforms walked up to boy, who was covering his crotch with his hands. They were the security team. They grabbed the boy a put him away from the stage.

Then Luciana took a step back and aimed a vicious kick at the old male nether regions. Her boots smashed the old male’s juicy testicles dead-on.

The old man yelped and doubled over, while Luciana was jumping up and down and holding her boot with his hand.

“Oooh, collateral damage”, I shouted “Poor Lucha has hurt her foot…”

Luciana was grimacing from the pain in her foot.

“Come on, lucha” my girlfriends Sofia, Luciana and Delfian shouted.

“I bet that pain will be gone in a minute”, my sister mused as she animated our girld friends to clap.

“Hold on girls…I am trying to hear, they controlers want to say me something...” Maria Menouos held her hand to her earpiece to help her hear.

"Okay...I will tell them.....stop girls...now it is time to finished them!!!!!.....Think carefuly and make your last move" Maria Menouos instructed.

A group of women in black skirt suit rolled out a cart with knives, mallets, hammers, large fireworks, lighters, pliers and other instruments of nut torture and placed it in front of the two celebrities.

03-15-2015, 05:59 PM
The two males were standing unconsciously moving their heads around.

“Now girls choose your weapon” said Maria.

"Oh, I'll go," said the celebrities wiping their mouth.

I shouted with my girldfriends and my sisters “Finish him, Lucha, finish him! Come on, finish him.”

Luciana picked up a firecracker, she made a knot with the penis and there she put the firecracker, above the two dark blue testicles.
“Oops, forgot something,” said Luciana. She ran towards the crowd and some of girlfriends gave a lighter.

Luciana lit the fuse of the firecracker.

The old man was standing unconsciously and he couldn't see what was happenig.

Maria watched as the fuse got shorter… and shorter…“I thik she have already made a good decision” said Maria

A moment later there was a muted ‘pop’. The firecracker had exploded.

The swinging testicles exploded open like a pinata. The nut meat sprayed out in both directions for several feet.

Luciana — too her own surprise — threw her head back and moaned “I’m cumming!”

By the time, the old man nuts were destroyed. Luciana mid section grey leggings were dripping wet.

The old man's knees were shaking and he slowly sank to the ground, unconsciously fainted.

Maria resume the situation “man lost Yeah!” Maria shouted. She high-fived Luciana who looked proud and happy.

“Well done, Lucha!” My girld friends, sisters and I grinned.

Victoria reached for a glob club. "One... two... three..." Victoria shouted as her golf club sailed toward the old man nuts. The two old eggs crushed between the golf club head. The old man shaked his legs and he unconsciously felt to the floor.

Maria walked over to man and carefully inspected his swollen sac. “I guess only one is broke....it is the left one....yes only one...Luciana win the game!!!!”

Victoria stared at Maria, a horrified expression on her face.

Luciana burst out laughing. “Yeaaah! I win!!! I win!!!

“We have a winner! Our first gold medallist!” Maria screamed.

On the big screen behind Luciana the replay of her victorious firecracker explosion was played in a loop.

The audience clapped and cheered as Luciana raised her hands in victory.

Maria smiled. “Thanks for the show, girls. It was great.” she turned to Luciana. “Now it’s time for part 2. I imagine there are a lot of things you’d like to do to the next sacks of nuts.”

03-15-2015, 08:11 PM
it is supossed to be a firecracker

I tried to upload the photo to this site but it does not allow me it tell me that my quata is full. So I have used another site and I put ther the image I hope you can see the image. I have found the cartoon on the WEB



03-17-2015, 08:33 AM
I img I have found on the WEB

03-18-2015, 01:15 PM
nice story

03-20-2015, 01:02 PM
Aymar won the contest...who is going to compete against her?
If someone is interested in reading the next chapter please answer....

03-21-2015, 08:28 PM
Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry,

03-23-2015, 07:24 PM

Kelly Brook was standing in front of the camera, wearing blue jeans. Behind her is a wall with the logo of the Ballbusting Celebrities Event. She was holding a microphone and speaking into the camera. “Hi there, this is Kelly Brook reporting from the first day of the Ballbusting Celebrities Gamess. We’ve seen our first match. Here with me is the winner of the first event, Luciana.”
The camera zooms out to reveal Luciana grinning into the camera.
“Congratulations, Luciana, for your great game!” Kelly smiled.

“Thank you.”

The camera zooms out to reveal a boy. He watched nervously.
“You father had a bad day”, Kelly said and pointed at an old man with his ruined exploded balls.

The boy did not answer.

“Your father's big balls didn’t stand a chance against the celebrities legs” Kelly laught

The boy did not answer.

Kelly took the opportunity and grabed the boys nuts in her hand. She squeezed them and grins at him, who winced in pain.
Kelly chuckled “Your father's nuts were exploded into a pulp. Perhaps we can see video.”

A short clip of old men nuts getting exploded by the firecracker appeared on the screen.

04-25-2015, 08:33 PM
I want more,

04-25-2015, 10:30 PM
si alguien tiene un tema para que pueda escribir... no tenog ideas últimamente