View Full Version : Popularity of Ballbusting, Losing The Thrill
05-18-2015, 08:12 PM
Do you think that Ballbusting is losing the thrill now days? It is not really shown too much in shows & movies lately. Perhaps video games, but that is the user creating the game situation for Ballbust. Here Japan, Ballbusting was at the tops in the 1990s. Now... Not seen to much, maybe in some anime.
In mid 1990s I had a website & blog (Japanese language) about Ballbusting. It is my fav fetish & for 5 years I lived out all my fantasy in Ballbusting. We put up a lot of photos & video clips of my Ballbust from pretty gals. I loved it. I never made any money from it, that wasn't motivating factor for me to do it. But, it became too obsessive & I had to quit. There was also a Japanese band that used the same name as my website/blog, & f-o-r-c-e-d me to quit on line or get a lot of legal trouble. (ha, ha... that band became a failure, true!)
But, I'm asking to you all...
Is Ballbusting not exiting to younger guys? Maybe cause younger guys have seen it too much already & not exciting anymore.
What are you thinking about this? I miss the good old days of seeing a woman destroy testicles & she love it! :loveeyes
05-18-2015, 11:27 PM
I'm 18. I guess I've been interested in ballbusting femdom for as long as I could remember. You can't help what you like, I guess...
I wouldn't say losing the thrill, but lately, I do feel a bit desensitized. It's a lot of the same material going around online... and some stuff that I just don't find particularly interesting. However, that just makes finding new good material much more exciting.
However, it's disappointing seeing old websites (like the stories on,, or illustrations on Gurochan threads, or videos on Femdomspace, Ballbustingsocial, etc.) slowly disappear... when I can find that old content again, that's usually exciting too.
05-19-2015, 10:55 AM
the tide and outflow...
05-19-2015, 11:36 AM
I'm 25 and it's just about the only thing that gets me going. I have noticed a decline in popularity though. Not sure why.
05-19-2015, 07:45 PM
I think the UK sites were big sponsors of BB but with the new 'censorship' laws over there, it seems to have quieted down....fortunately we have a constitutional right to free speech in the US (for now) and that protects our wonderful perversion ;)
05-20-2015, 03:10 AM
In the past there was a big exciting among all of us (ballbusting addicted) because there were very few occasions to see videos or read tales about ballbusting. Then internet explosion transformed the discovery of this hidden planet in a simply business opportunity. Of course the original spirit is lost (I do remember Tamahimeden... or something similar, excuse me) but I do not think that anything is changed in new generation. The lucky ones who born with ballbusting fetish will continue to looking for it in all possible expression, despite it will be much more easy and cheap to get it.
05-20-2015, 10:31 PM
In the past there was a big exciting among all of us (ballbusting addicted) because there were very few occasions to see videos or read tales about ballbusting. Then internet explosion transformed the discovery of this hidden planet in a simply business opportunity. Of course the original spirit is lost (I do remember Tamahimeden... or something similar, excuse me) but I do not think that anything is changed in new generation. The lucky ones who born with ballbusting fetish will continue to looking for it in all possible expression, despite it will be much more easy and cheap to get it.
Yes. My blog was Tamahimeden, it means "Ballbusting Princess." It was days of 256k modem dial up to on-line. I had to crunch all my videos for upload, so quality was bad. And the blog hosting I used was really limited ~ I could post videos of 3 MB total. So most videos were 2 minutes. I had a Sony cam of 2 mega-pixel, best quality in 1999. lol Now most cell phone has better quality. It was fun days. I don't know I can do it again... Well... I think about it.
05-21-2015, 03:13 AM
[QUOTE=johnny_cockNballs;136832]Yes. My blog was Tamahimeden, it means "Ballbusting Princess." It was days of 256k modem dial up to on-line. I had to crunch all my videos for upload, so quality was bad. And the blog hosting I used was really limited ~ I could post videos of 3 MB total. So most videos were 2 minutes. I had a Sony cam of 2 mega-pixel, best quality in 1999. lol Now most cell phone has better quality. It was fun days. I don't know I can do it again... Well... I think about it. QUOTE]
I do remember with great pleasure Your blog, it was a precious and generous source for all of us. When I saw one of Your very first video I though "well, I am not the only monster with a ballbusting fetish on this planet" . It has been great, at the time I was surfing the net with all possible key-words, included Tamakeri. So this
is a good occasion to thankYou very much and say we all are very gratefull to You. Domo arigato Johnny san. :):):)
05-21-2015, 05:50 AM
Well, I remember this period of the "ancient" Tamahimeden. Nowadays, this name leads to Japanese sites or shops organising bridal ceremonies...
It was a great pleasure to connect to your site!
Wish it would be possible again!
05-22-2015, 02:07 AM
There are different reasons
maybe one of them is we don't support our favorite site and we just looking for free videos... on keep4share.......
It might have been discouraged manufacturers,
Maybe another reason is that Ballbusting almost unknown. It need more advertising.....
05-22-2015, 03:06 AM
I remember the old days of searching for hours to find the remotest shred and posting to boards and circles.
There were not many producing material purely for the busting community, and those who did were less worried
about the money than they were about being shut down for being considered freaks or the like.
As far as it being a more or less popular fetish than it was then, I think it is still pretty much fringe as it was then,
but the community has lost a lot of its desire to support and stand behind each other. I think part of that is the
fact that things can be searched so much faster. But more because the concept of ownership of material has become
less recognized. Things can be found on search engines that don't care about copyright or anything else.
The other factor that has lead to much of the feeling that it isn't as popular is there is more specialization in the searching
for material. What used to all fall under the heading of busting, with only very loose descriptors. (mostly m/m or m/f) has
become broken down further into subcategories. Things that we would never have even imagined all those years ago.
Maybe its just $$$.
1o years ago there were loads of amateur-run sites where you could post. It costs money, so sites like BBtube you now have to pay for. Femaledom was always pro, so it makes money from sales and lets us post for free.
Any else find there are very few BB sites around now?
05-23-2015, 07:25 AM
I love it as much as I always have, but it is so easy to view clips nowadays that there isn't the community feel to it now as there used to be.
You only have to see how many times clips have been viewed to know that its as popular now as its ever been
Gemini 67
05-29-2015, 06:15 AM
Do you think that Ballbusting is losing the thrill now days? It is not really shown too much in shows & movies lately. Perhaps video games, but that is the user creating the game situation for Ballbust. Here Japan, Ballbusting was at the tops in the 1990s. Now... Not seen to much, maybe in some anime.
In mid 1990s I had a website & blog (Japanese language) about Ballbusting. It is my fav fetish & for 5 years I lived out all my fantasy in Ballbusting. We put up a lot of photos & video clips of my Ballbust from pretty gals. I loved it. I never made any money from it, that wasn't motivating factor for me to do it. But, it became too obsessive & I had to quit. There was also a Japanese band that used the same name as my website/blog, & f-o-r-c-e-d me to quit on line or get a lot of legal trouble. (ha, ha... that band became a failure, true!)
But, I'm asking to you all...
Is Ballbusting not exiting to younger guys? Maybe cause younger guys have seen it too much already & not exciting anymore.
What are you thinking about this? I miss the good old days of seeing a woman destroy testicles & she love it! :loveeyes
I know I still enjoy ball busting! The very thought of my GF having the power and control to c@strate me makes me go off. What a rush just talking about it to you! That picture of her? holding the guy's balls really gets me off too! Wish it was me!:Gemini 67
07-09-2015, 10:14 PM
What is your solution?
What we can do for it?
07-11-2021, 12:32 PM
Ballbusting good lives in real life. One woman writes:
"I recently ran into an old schoolfriend of mine who just started as a high school teacher, and she says it's insane how many girls kick and knee guys in the balls. She says it happens all the time and none of her colleagues do anything about it. It's just the new normal."
Also see for example film - Birds of Prey (2020), film director: Cathy Yan (woman). In that movie is many kicking in the balls...
07-12-2021, 03:45 PM
Or also woman said:
"One thing I learned in high school is that frequent ballbusting is a great cure for sexism. All the boys really learned to respect us."
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