View Full Version : Hard ballbusting story
06-26-2015, 10:29 AM
Ballbusting mothers
A group of girls with theirs mothers were having some fun. Some girls were using the wooden swings, others the monkey bars. Another group were making caste on the sandpit.
A blonde super sexy mom wearing a snowflake border print high waist knit leggings was having so much fun with her little girl. She saw a boy climbing the towering metal slides and grabbed him by the balls. Then she said: “What are you doing here? It is a girls only playground” The boy with a fearful face said: “I lost”. The mom with an angry face responded: “Dont tell me you got lost, I don't believe boys. I think you are here to perv on my daughter”. He tried to escape but he could not succed because he was being held by the balls. She saw his intention and gripped his balls harder and asked: “Where do you go? You want to have some fun, don't you?” The girl said: “Mummy, squeeze them harder”. Another mom said: “Let me kick his balls”. All of the mom who were in the playground shouted: “yeah, kick his balll!!!”.
06-27-2015, 05:32 PM
The playground
A group of girls with theirs mothers were having some fun. Some girls were using the wooden swings, others the monkey bars. Another group were making caste on the sandpit.
A blonde super sexy mom wearing a snowflake border print high waist knit leggings was having so much fun with her little girl. She saw a boy climbing the towering metal slides and grabbed him by the balls. Then she said: “What are you doing here? It is a girls only playground” The boy with a fearful face said: “I lost”. The mom with an angry face responded: “Dont tell me you got lost, I don't believe boys. I think you are here to perv on my daughter”. He tried to escape but he could not succed because he was being held by the balls. She saw his intention and gripped his balls harder and asked: “Where do you go? You want to have some fun, don't you?” The mom's little girl said: “Mummy, squeeze them harder”. Another mom said: “Let me kick his balls”. All of the mom who were in the playground shouted: “yeah, kick his balll!!!”.
The fucking sexy hot mother was performing and portraying a fictional character intended to entertain her daughter while she was grabbing the boy's water balloons “Do you know the rules for this playground, pevert boy?”. He was crying with tears in his eyes and he had the scariest fucking face “Noo, please my balls”. The freakin hot mom didn't pay attention and she continue joking “I'll tell you. Rule 1: Girls only, Rule 2: If a girl catches a boy in the playground she can kick his balls any time she wants. So little boy go down from the towel”. The boy with his horror face and his shivering legs did what he was ordered.
When he was down, he saw how the mom lifted her right multi buckle boot back up to her hair and she was moving it towards his groin. She threw her right boot forward but she missed the testicles. "I missed them! Damn it! You piece of shit!" shouted the hottie, beautiful mom while her big titties were bouncing in her tight white shirt. He put a panic face, turned back and her ran towards the playground in order to escape. Then she ran towards him. It was not difficult for her. She had long though legs while he had weaks and short ones. While she was running toward him she completely jocked him “Oh, he ran too fast he is going to escape” in order to make him beleive he was going to succed. After ten seconds she raised her buckled biker boot: “Darlings, kick your leg as high as you can. Like this!” and kicked the weak slowly boy from behind, lifting him from the ground. The kick was so hard that she threw him to a sandpit damaging real hard his both eggs.
"Right in the sack" a passer-by girl said smiling "Congratulations. That was dead-on..."
The sound of the female sex laughing rang inside his head.
“That was awesome!”
“Right in the fucking nuts!”
“Good shot, girl!”
“That was what he wanted! What he DESERVED!” the blonde mom laughed. “He’ll be feeling that one for weeks!”
The passer-by girl chuckled and looked at the boy who was rolling around in pain. “Oh yeah…”
They playground moms watched him for a couple of minutes.
Finally, they sat down in a circle in front of him.
“Why don’t we do something?” the passery-by girl suggested.
“What do you have in mind?” the blonde mom asked.
“I don’t know”, the girl shrugged. “Something humiliating.”
The blonde mom shrugged. “What about a stomp?”
The passer-by girl nodded. “Yeah, why not.”
“What are you doing?” the boy stared at the moms, his eyes wide in terror.
“Damaging your balls again, pervert boy” they said cheerfully.
“You can’t do that!” the boy cried with tears in his eyes.
“Oh, sure We can”, the around ten mothers chuckled, nodding in satisfaction when their boots sound was all the way down the boys nuts.
“Just get over it”, the passery-by girl said with a laugh. “It’s not like you’ll have to that ugly things for eternity.”
“Oh no” the boy cried.
“Oh yes!” the mom replied to his cries, clapping their hands.
Pop!! and Pop!!!
“Yeah he will never pevert on our girls” I hi-five the moms, the passery-by girl and I celebrate with them around the playground while the boy was crying on the sandpitch.
And more balluster protected daughter moms
06-27-2015, 09:01 PM
Ballbusting blonde mom
Teach self defence for girls
The blonde hot mom’s idea was simple. Step 1: Film her daughter kicking her brother in the nuts. Step 2: Post the videos on youtube.
She took a sip of coffee and rubbed her hands. “Alright, let’s do it.” She stood, took off her boots and floral print color leggings showing her black cotton thong revealing a pair of very muscular legs.
The sexy blonde mom reached inside her briefcase and produced what looked like a a cup. “It is your standard protective cup, made of white plastic.” She looked at her son and knocked on the plastic surface, making a hollow sound. She grimaced comically. “Those things are made in China. Cheap as it can be”, she chuckled.
The boy took the cup. Then he carefully put his balls inside the cup. Apparently, he was having trouble storing his two ugly eggs in the cup.
“Ready?” the mom looked at her daughter camera.
The daughter nodded.
The mom stood in front of her son, looking quite hot in her hip and super soft black thong. She looked into the camera and smiled. “Hi girls, it’s time to kick some balls.” she pointed at her son ball cup and winked into the camera. “Here’s your target girls” she looked at her son and smiled brightly. “Come on, girls, give it your best shot.”
She threw her bare foot between her son’s legs. There was a dull thud when the hot sexy mom foot connected with her son’s crotch, immediately followed by a loud cracking sound and a shrill scream.
“Fuck! FUCK!” the son yodeled in a high-pitched voice. “Fuck! Fuck!”
The mother and her daughters cringed in sympathy.
“It broke!” the son yelled in a soprano voice. “The fucking thing broke!” He doubled over, clutching his crotch and groaning in pain.
“I guess I’ll have to do another take”, the mother grinned.
“Mom. Do you have another one?” asked the son.
“Give me a minute.” the blonde mom with her black thong crawled across the floor and reached for her briefcase. “That’s was the last one”
“Damn, it is worthless”, he protested. He turned to her mother. “You think you could be a little more gentle this time?”
The mom put an angry face “I can't, it’ll look fake on camera. I want the videos to be perfect. It has to seriously wow my girls”, the mother said, adjusting her thong and streaching her legs wider. “If that means you won’t have sex for a week, so be it. Your girlfriend will understand.”
The sexy blonde mom took her position in front of her son.
“Hi girls”, she said, smiling bravely. “Now it’s time to kick some balls.” her thumbs pointing at her son balls “Here’s your target. Give it your best shot.”
She took ten steps back. Then, with a fast running start, she aimed a powerful jump kick at her son’s insufficiently protected balls. The tip of her foot landed in the middle of the cup, lifting him from the ground and she let out a jubilant “Yes!”
He cried with tears in his eyes as he reached inside his shorts and pulled out the cup. His face started to go white just to be fainted and he quickly threw the damaged cup away.
“And now, son” the mother said in a fearful voice. “Let’s see what that looks like without your plastic protective cup.”
“No, please, no, mom. You are going to break them”
Without listening her son, the mom’s foot connected with her son’s balls, catching both eggs dead-on.
He screamed from the of of his lungs, grabbed his balls and jumped up and down.
The sexy brown hair girlfriend wearing a sexy blue jean skirt, white tight shirt without sleeves and white boots watched as her boyfriend drop to the ground, whimpering in pain. “I think one week without sex” she smiled.
“I’d say two weeks without sex, at least”, the hot sexy blonde mother added “Maybe three. But definitely more than one.”
“Yup”, the girlfriend nodded.
“And you can see the difference between cup and no cup?” the mother asked her son.
“Oooooooh”, the son cried on the floor
The girlfriend laught, cupped her own crotch, her feet turning inward. “Oooohh”, she imitated her boyfriend, a goofy cross-eyed look on her face. Then she burst out laughing.
Five hour later, they were going to the hospital. He was crying in pain, an ice pack on his crotch.
“You did great”, the girlfriend kissed her boyfriend and she gave two slaps on his balls. Her mother said. “Now son. You are going to enjoy a couple of days in the hospital” and the girlfriend gave two more slaps to her boyfriend.
06-28-2015, 11:21 AM
Now in the hostpital.
My boyfriend and I arrived at the balls hospital at quarter to eleven p.m. The walls and the furniture were white and there were framed art prints of testicles on the walls. There were also some commercial showing famous important models, celebrites and sport personalities doing a hard kick to a boys balls telling the girls not to do that.
Few hours later the doctor arrived. She didn’t look very doctor – at 28 years she was far too young to be an urologist. She looked so sexy with her tight white coat with a stethoscope around her neck, black pointy boots, expensive glasses and a smiling determined look on her face. She was not too tall, she had long curvly brown hair and below her white short coat, was wearing tight light-grey leggings.
“What had happened?” she asked.
“My boyfriend is in the bathroom. In the afteroon he had an extrange accident with his balls. Do you mind if we wait him few minuts?” I told the doctor.
“No problem. This is gonna be fun” the brown hair doctor grinned. Then she watched herself in the mirror and was beaming with joy.
06-28-2015, 01:48 PM
Then my boyfriend appeared walking grabbing his bruised balls in a hilarious funny jocking way. Then she asked me “Is him your boyfriend?”. “Yes” I answered her.
“Oh poor boy.”, she said suddenly, then she ran towards my boyfriend “Hey boy, get your balls out. Trust me. I’m a doctor. Do you want to see my license?”
My boyfriend had a problem with that so I opened his jeans. Then I took off his shoes, jeans and his boxer briefs so that he was all naked.
"Mmmm-mmm" the doctor grabbed my boyfriend's balls with her fingers "We must do something now if not the balls are going to die"
"Sit him down in this chair, girl" the doctor ordered and pointed at the balls chair in the middle of her medical office room.
While I was putting my boyfriend into the chair, the doctor put on a pair of rubber gloves that she found in one of the drawers.
My boyfriend's legs were spread apart with his ankles supported by the buckles of the chair.
While the doctor was trying to find some medical things in her drawer. I slapped ten times my boyfriend balls and he shouted “iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhh”.
The doctor took some syringes and asked “Everything alright?”
“Yes”, I whispered.
“Good”, she smiled and I gave my boyfriend's balls ten hard squeeze, making him shriek again. And he shouted "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
“What happened?” the doctor turned back and then she said “Let me have a look at his testicles.”
She bent down in front of my boyfriend and looked at his balls. She took a springe from her coat pocket and pricked at my boyfriend's left nut.
06-28-2015, 02:30 PM
Ohhhh I forgot to tell you boys.... my clothes at the hospital. I was wearing a flattering one-piece white dress with an open back and slit up the right leg that went just beyond my knees I had light brown black hair, which was in simple curls that had been styled in a sophisticated high bun My makeup was expertly applied and made me look even prettier than I naturally was, especially the cherry red lipstick.
06-28-2015, 02:57 PM
A medium height red hair nurse open the door. She was wearing pink dance sneakers. A very short white nurse dress and below that a lace light grey thong. “What had happened? Did your boyfriend cheat on you?” she asked me.
“No. He had an accident with his balls. I don not know exactly what had happened.” I answered the nurse.
She looked at my boyfriend and suddenly she jumped up “Fuck you!” The chair toppled and fell to the ground. “Fuck you!” she screamed again. Then with panic I shouted “What’s going on girl?“ Then she hit me. “What a coincidence…” the nurse yelled “He is my boyfriend too”
“What?????????” I shouted.
“My ex-boyfriend I must say now!” the nurse yelled. “He was my fucking boyfriend!” and she drew her leg back and sent it flying into my boyfriend’s syringe balls. Her pink dance sneaker-clad foot connected with my boyfriend's testicles, crunching them flat and ramming them into his pelvic bone with a sickening thud.
The doctor froze.
06-28-2015, 03:46 PM
“What???????” I shouted. I was breathing heavily, my beautiful face turned red and hot, now I had breasts glistening with sweat.
“Girls”, he said. “I’m sorry...“
“Shut up”, I said slowly with a very calm way “I’m going to destroy your manhood... you fucking pervert cheater…”
Then the nurse balled her fist and punched me in my abs, taking me by surprise. I whimpered in pain. After that I was struggling and trying to get out of the nurse hair’s grip. “How dare to fuck my boyfriend” she shouted. “You slut, how dare fuck my boyfriend” I responded her and then I lifted my boot and brought it back down into her right pink dance sneaker, hammering the heel of my boot into her precious sneakers. She groanied, nursing her feet with her hands.
The doctor shouted “Oh!!!!!!.... come on....girls!!!!”, and held out her hand. “You must be friend. He cheated on both of you.........hit his balls, don't fight, let's ruined his balls tonight”
06-28-2015, 04:09 PM
The doctor separated both of us “It’s all about his balls. I hate cheater because of that I have a degree in Testicular Agony”. Finally we decided to stop fighting.
Despite my ex-boyfriend struggling, he couldn't escape. Instead, his efforts only made his balls swing wildly between his legs in a funny way.
"Girls, We're going to be making scrambled eggs," the doctor said laughing.
The nurse and I nodded in approval.
"First, we need to thoroughly scramble the eggs," said the doctor picking up a knee-hammer.
She began brutally beating my boyfriend, sorry, the fucking cheater testicles like a piñata. He screamed as his balls were batted with blow after blow, bouncing wildly in a vain attempt to escape. The doctor was raining down blow after devastating blow, purplish welts and bruises were appearing all over.
"Ah, they're ready." the doctor said, putting down the hammer and reaching for a knife.
07-04-2015, 09:48 AM
While I was writing I have create three stories. Ballbusters mothers, Making ballbusting video and angry ex-girlfriend.
07-04-2015, 10:20 PM
Boots vs Balls - Tv Contest
“Today in our TV programme we have a new contest” said the co-host Sofia.
“As you seen on your screen I am wearing a tight short legging and white shoe. So simple my clothes, dont you think so” continue talking Sofía.
“Going back to our programme. Today We are going to watch Balls vs Boots” said Sofía.
“We have a girlfriend and a boyfriend. And you can call as told us who do you thinks is going to win?” said Sofía
“Let’s get to it right now”, Megan, another co-host, suggested.
The Eric, the boyfriend, and Martina, the girlfriend, grinned.
They were standing opposite each other.
“I’m gonna bust my boyfriend bollocks”, Martina grinned.
“Let’s do a short introduction, first”, Megan said.
“Hi, I’m Martina", the blonde haired smiled into the camera. “I’m 31 years old and I’m gonna bust my boyfriend bollocks…” she pointed at her muscular legs and her feet, and the camera panned down her body. Suddenly, Martina threw a kick into the air. Then she doubled over, holding her crotch in mock-sympathy with her invisible opponent. “Ooooh”, Sofía grinned, “I think that’s going to hurt…”
“I’m Eric”, Eric smiled. “I’m 28 years old. Sorry, Martina, my nuts are made by iron…’”
Sofía laughed. “We’ll see, Eric…”
“Enough with the little introduction, let’s get started.” said Megan
“Who is on the phone?” asked Sofía.
“Carolina is on the phone.”
“How old are you?” asked Sofái
“I am 40” answered Carolina.
“Who is going to win the Balls or the Boots?” aske Sofía.
“The boots is going to win. She is going to break her boyfriend nuts” said Carolina.
“Ok....Lets see” said Megan.
Martina reached down and grabbed his boyfriend’s shorts. She pulled them off.
“Fuck”, the boyfriend whispered.
Martina chuckled and brought her right foot into his boyfriend’s crotch.
Eric screamed.
“Uncomfortable, huh?” Sofía grinned.
Martina turned to Eric and grinned. “Everything okay?”
Eric moaned. “You kicked my balls…”
“I know”, Martina grinned.
“mmmmmm....the balls are still there so.....Carolina you lost” said Sofía.
“Fuck!!!!! that stupid girld doesn't know how to kick balls!!!!!!!” said Carolina very angry and hang on the phone.
07-05-2015, 08:26 AM
What d0 y0u bet the Balls or the Boots?
07-05-2015, 08:57 AM
What d0 y0u bet the Balls or the Boots?
I think I am g0int t0 bet the b00ts, because they are made by str0ng material, like w00den, ir0n. And als0 they are such a nice things. And als0 I think the b00ts are better things than balls. Balls are s0 weak. They are such a fucking crying babies.
07-05-2015, 09:28 AM
Luciana: ha ha je ja ji. Fun questions. the boots are stronger. If I kick a wooden table with pointy boots I break it two half. Sofi imagine what would happen to a men's balls
07-05-2015, 10:22 AM
Le pregunté a Carola, amiga del secudnario.
Che amiga en un programa hay que botar quién gana las bota ó los huevos, a quién apostarías por un millón de dólares?
Carola: Jaja, la bota obvio.
Sofía: por?
Carola: La botas son más fuertes y las bolas no.
07-05-2015, 10:31 AM
En un concurso por un millón de dólares. Una novia le va a dar una patada en las bolas a su mentiroso ex-novio; con sus botas preferidas, hermosas, caras.
Ustedes a quién apostarían a los huevos ó a las botas de la furiosa y vengadora ex-novia?
In a night contents show for one million dolars. A girldfriend is going to kick her ex-boyfriend testicles wearing her most favourite beautiful fashion trend boots.
Do you bet the testicles or the angry ex-girlfriend boots?
07-05-2015, 12:16 PM
amiga face
07-05-2015, 01:06 PM
“Great Martina and Eric. You can go” said Sofía.
Martina’s fingers looped around his boyfriend’s nuts firmly.
‘Oh, god,’ the boy whimpered, unable to see, but recognising his girlfriend’s grip.
“It was a hard kick, but there are still there”said Martina.
“Yeah, it hurts a lot” added the boyfriend.
And both of them walled to their seats.
“Now lets say hi to our next couple”said Sofía.
“It is a wife and husband”said Megan.
“The husband name is Juan. He is 40 years old and claims to be an actor. His resume says he had done mostly theatre.” said Sofía
“Let’s see if he is good at getting hits to the balls” Megan chuckled.
“Hi, I’m Juan”, he said.
“I’m Megan”, she replied. “Welcome to the Boots vs Balls event”said Megan.
“The wife name is Roberta. She is 38 years old. She is the one who works while his husband watches football match on the TV. Her resume says she is a policewomen and in her free-time she kicks some thieves nuts” said Sofía
Megan laughed. “Sounds weird…”
“Have you ever been hit in the nuts?” asked Sofía.
“Yes, I have” responded Juan
“Yeah. So that’s no problem for you, Juan?” asked Megan
“No problem at all. ” answered Juan.
Ring!!! Ring!!!
“Who is on the phone?”asked Sofía.
“Hi girrrrls.” said the woman on the phone.
“Hi. What is you name?”asked Megan.
“Gabriela” answered the woman.
“How old are you?”asked Sofía.
“I am 20 years old”answered Gabriela.
“So. What do you think is going to win the Boots or the balls?”asked Megan.
“I think the boots....The wife has such a beautiful strong legs and the husband is just a weak cry baby weak”answered the girl.
“Ok girl” Sofía chuckled. “Lets get ready to rumble... couple”adde Sofía
The wife chuckled. “Let’s try a kick from behind.”
The wife positioned him facing the camera and stepped behind him. Now she used her full force when she sent her foot crashing between his legs, catching both of his nuts and sending them flying towards the camera and swinging back again. It was a great sight…
And Juan was putting on a show for the camera. He made a funny face and crossed his eyes, moaning again and grabbing his beaten balls. “I think now you cracked them!” said Sofía “You cracked them good!”
“Oh, I don’t think so. Let’s have a look” added Megan. She laughed and kneeled down next to Juan the he grabbed his junk.
Juan squealed. He tried to remove Megan hands from his junk, but she held on to them.
Megan saw, the camerawoman, laugh behind the camera.
Megan let go of his balls and punched them with her left hand from below for good measure. Juan screamed, grabbed his balls and fell to his knees. He was in severe pain, his face bright red and his hands clutching his precious jewels.
“Gabriela. Are you still on the phone?” asked Megan.
“Yes, and?” asked Gabrilea.
“You lost girl...the balls are still there”said Megan with a laught.
“Ohhhh!!! Fuck....She doesn't know how to aim the balls.... fuck. If I had her legs I would have broken his fucking hangig low balls!!” said the girl on the phone.
“ too but If I were you I would call again”said Megan.
“bye” said Gabriela
“bye”said Megan
“Boots vs Balls. Who is calling?” said Sofía and Megan. And they wait for their next phone call.
07-05-2015, 05:12 PM
otra amiga
07-08-2015, 08:12 PM
A lot of work to do so it was impossible to write. I have only taken 20 minuts.
The casting
The screen changed to show two teenage girls who appeared to be around eighteen. One had tight black leather pants on and a tight t-shirt and heels; while the other had a black leather mini skirt and knee high boots.
Both of them want to be an famous actress. Their resume says they had dones some small movies and theatres. Okay. It also says that they like music and dance.
“So girls, I know you can hurt some balls. Let’s see if you are good at getting a kick in your imagine balls”
They laughed. “Sounds weird…” and “We do not have balls” the girls said
“I know … I know” then I reached inside my bag and grabbed two tennis balls. “Girls, Those things are going to be your testicles.” I chuckled.
The girl who was wearing the tight black leather trouser grabbed the two tennis balls and she carefully rearranged the two balls inside her jeans. Apparently, she was having trouble storing the two tennis balls in her leather trouser.
Finally, she seemed to be happy with the result. “Look girls ...I have balls kick them ….it hurts...”, she laught.
“Well, we are going to work t like this” I explained and then I turned to the girl who was wearing the tight leather skirt “You kick her in the balls and then you smile. She screamed in pain and fall to the floor and so on.”
“The claim is going to be: ‘This is what happens when you have balls” Or something like that. We are going to work on the exact wording”, I said
07-09-2015, 02:16 PM
I wanted to continue with the little story: The casting, the ballbusitng lesbians. They are going to kick each other in theri tennis balls.
07-09-2015, 05:58 PM
Haha this is awesome to read! Thanks, sofxx!
07-09-2015, 09:31 PM
“The claim is going to be: ‘This is what happens when you have balls” Or something like that. We are going to work on the exact wording”, I said “Make sure to show your fake testicles to the camera”, I told the girl who was wearing the tight latex trouser.
I was wearinag as you seen on my picturen, a tight light-grey legging and white shoe. So simple my clothes. Do you think so, don't you?
I said, “We’re ready to go.”
The two girl turned to the camera and smiled.
“Hi there, I’m Luciana and I’m going to show you what happens when you have balls”
She turned around and looked at her friend’s tennis balls “fake testicles”, eyeing her target. With a derisive smirk she shouted “You fucking cheater!” and then she drew her over the knee right black boot back. Then she kicked the fake testicles as hard as she could, smashing her friend's poor fake testicles into her body and flattening them like pancakes.
The girl who received the kick, cup her own crotch, her feet turned inward. “Oouuuuuuuuuuchhh”, she acted as a boy being kicked in his nuts, a goofy cross-eyed look on her face. “ooooooooohhhhhh my ballss” she shouted. Then she burst out laughing.
“Great!” I smiled. “That was awesome! You really kicked those fake testicles in!”
“ fucking cheater”shouted the tight latex mini-skirt girl.
I looked at the tight latex trouser girl and then I asked “How did that feel?”
She laught “Fucking great...It was awesome”
A group of three make-up girls entered the room. Two of them seemed unimpressed by the latex trouser’s monster equipment (her fake testicles), but the third one, a hot brunette, froze and stammered, “It looks huge!...They are not like true testicles”
Her two friends, one of them blond, the other one a redhead, looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
“Don’t worry, it’s no big deal”, her blond friend said.
The hot brunette raised her eyebrows. “Sure, but it’ll look fake on camera.”
I shouted “I don't have money to buy real we are going to work with tennis balls”
“That is true” the red-head nodded emphatically.
“Money isn’t the problem” said the hot brunetee “We have bulls testicles and those are cheap” she added.
“I know” I said “But there too big...and they are not like males ones” and I added “And the men testicles are similar as the tennis look them too big because she is wearing tight trouser and men don't wear that kind of clothes”
“Ah... that is are right” said the hot brunette.
“We have to do our next take” I grinned
“I just kick her as hard as I can?” the tight latext skirt girl asked.
“Yeah”, the tight latex trouser girl said. “Here are your balls“ “Here are your testicls”, she smiled, pointing at her midsection.
“There are a few lines you should say before you kick her”, I explained then I I handed her a piece of paper.
“Oh” she said. “Ohhhhh.” she burst out laughing. “Alright.” Then she read the paper.
“Wow” she said, and consciously she grabbed her own crotch. “You have balls and you are pathetically weak.” she said to the fake testicles girl.
The girl with the fake testicles play her acting role putting a red face with embarrassment and hurt pride. Then she grabbed the big bulge in her latex tight jeans. “Well, ..…sometimes it hurt a little”
“Could you show you shy face to the camera?” I said.
She nodded. “I’m a male and I’m 18 years old”, she said while showing her tight latex jeans and exposing her tightly packed tennis balls. Her impressive ballhood was stretching the thin latex fabric to its limits. “I have not much experience with acting as a boy, but I guess I’m gonna learn…” she said.
I chuckled. “Great.” Then I walked with a sexual manner towards her and said “So boy what happen when I grab one of those balls” I asked her while I dig my red nails in her right tennis ball.
07-10-2015, 08:37 AM
what is ballbusting?
jja ja
qué es ballbusting?
07-12-2015, 08:03 PM
Continue with the above story..
“Everything okay?” I asked her.
“Well, you got my nuts so good. You didn’t crack them, though…” She groaned while bending over and massaging her tennis balls insider her latex trouser.
“Should I go harder?” I asked her
“A little bit harder would be okay.” she was still bending over. Now she looked into the camera. “I’m a tough man with steel testicles hard to crack…” she told me.
“Let’s try a boot kick ” I positioned her facing the camera and stepped behind her. Now I used my full force when I sent my boot crashing between her legs, catching both of her fake testicles tennis balls and sending them flying towards the camera and bouncing on the wooden floor. It was fucking funny.
She was putting on a show for the camera. She made a funny face und crossed her eyes, moaning again and grabbing her crotch, her fake testicles were bouncing on the floor. “I think now you cracked them!” she winced. “You cracked them good! I cannot feel the rounded things between my legs anymore” she said.
“Oh, I don’t think so. Let’s have a look”, I laughed and kneeled down next to her.
07-12-2015, 08:43 PM
She played her male role and moved her hands away from her crotch and behind her back.
I grabbed her crotch. She tried to remove my hands from her crotch, but I held on to them.
She played her male role with a severe pain, bright red face and her hands clutching her crotch.
She looked into the camera, laught through her acting pain and said in a soprano voice: “I would like to be a girl… Watch me... cracked my both nuts...”
“So, what do you think?” she asked.
“I like your performance. I have my doubts. I don't think a male would react as you have played” I said. “Will you watch a male being kicked in the balls and then act just like him?” I asked her.
“Oh, A boy is being kicked and I would have to act as if I were him…” she replied.
“Yeah!!!” I said
“Great”, she said “So, will you do the kicking?” she asked
“mmmmmhhhh. Yeas I think so” I said.
“Okay, but I haven’t shown you my kicking skills!” she said.
“Okay girl. Show me. Kick me in my crotch” I said.
I stood in front of her, legs spread apart, hands on my hips.
She looked at my eyes and said: “Hi, I’m Martina and I am going to show my strong kicks.
She took a long running start and kicked me, shouting “Hiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!”. I was lifted several inches of the ground.
“mmmhh. It was good.” I laught “I think two testicles will be broken with that kick”
“Yes it will,” she grinned
07-13-2015, 12:14 PM
Un chiste corto
Estaba caminando por mí casa y me encontre con un bicho verde y feo. El mismo decía ET, teléfono, casa. Me asusté y le dí una patada en las bolas. El monstruo se agarro sus diminutos huevos y cayo al pizo.
Luego le saqué una foto. Y la busqué por la web. Descubrí leyendo wikipedia, que era un marciano. Qué raro no sabía que en marte habío testículos!!
07-14-2015, 04:22 PM
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