View Full Version : Two Versus One
02-06-2001, 02:57 PM
My friend and i met a guy who wanted to be busted by two girls,well what could we do we had to help him with his fetish.
My friend held his arms behind his back and i asked him to open his legs,now the good bit two steps back and bang contact
down he went gasping for air.
Kelly my friend wanted a go she told me to put him in a head lock and bend him forward she walked behind him and kicked him good and hard he was left on the floor crying like a baby
01-12-2003, 12:27 AM
I guess this is a good place to ask a question of you guys reading this.
Which would you prefer when getting your nuts mistreated:
Getting you balls busted by one gal?
Getting your nuts busted by two gals?
Or getting your testicles busted by a group of gals?
Which would you prefer?
Ever had it done to you yet?
Got any stories about it?
How would you like it done?
kick me now
06-23-2003, 09:23 PM
SS, I'd wanna have my balls kiced by two girls each kicking me twice. A group sounds intruiging... but I'd rather stick with 2 or 1. And nope, it hasn't happened to me yet.
08-16-2004, 11:00 PM
I have had this fantasy for a long time that I get into trouble with a girl, and she has her friends kidnap me. They tie me up and take turns beating me over several days. I don't know if reality would measure up though. Probably best left a fantasy. I'd settle for just one woman who loves to cause men joy through testicular pain.
Big Stong nuts
08-17-2004, 10:20 AM
i would say a group of gals it more kicks being givin
08-20-2004, 11:48 AM
2 girls because one could be ballbusting me while the other could be doing something else like facesitting or even simple stuff like kissing and so on
08-27-2004, 07:47 AM
I have always wanted to be busted by two. One of my fantasies is to be doing the nasty with one gal and just as I climax the other gal stands behind me and kicks me as hard as she can. In other words kicks the cum right out of my balls.
09-03-2004, 09:28 PM
> I guess this is a good place to ask a question of you guys reading this.
> Which would you prefer when getting your nuts mistreated:
> Getting you balls busted by one gal?
One, and I know the woman. Any and every other woman who busts me I regard as a temporary substitute.
> Getting your nuts busted by two gals?
Sounds like a cool thing to try until the one woman previously mentioned is down with it. ;)
> Or getting your testicles busted by a group of gals?
Af. Fantasy material. :)
> Which would you prefer?
> Why?
I would prefer the one woman and it is because I love her.
> Ever had it done to you yet?
Not from her, no... :'(
> Got any stories about it?
Not yet.
> How would you like it done?
To her satisfaction.
I prefer one at a time.
More personal.
04-01-2005, 01:48 AM
I had a session with two at the same time and it was really great. They would go back and forth between one holding my balls or holding me down while the other punched or squeezed away. I would have to say it was my favorite ballbusting experience ever!
04-01-2005, 05:36 AM
For me one is enough. It is not so practical to want two or a group of girls. Where do you find them? Sometimes it is already difficult enough to find one girl. In fantasy a lot can happen.
04-01-2005, 06:28 AM
The reason 2 would be good is that, possibly, two could really overpower me whereas 1 usually can't, as men are generally stronger than women.
I've had 2 before (and once 3). It's best if one is pinning you while the other takes the shots.
The reasons I might prefer 1 is:
- I think the thought of being overpowered by one woman is more of a turn-on than being overpowered by 2 or a group (where each individually would not be so "powerful"
- Because my main fetish is to nurse my wounds and reminisce about the wonderful footwear that has inflicted the pain, it can be better if I am kicked with only one pair of shoes. But I guess it could be 2 but doing different things, eg one girl in heels trampling me and another one with rounder flatter shoes/boots kicking.
04-01-2005, 12:46 PM
2 girls would definitely be great!
04-01-2005, 02:09 PM
I think the whole thrill is that one girl a foot shorter than you can disable you completely. If there were two girls, I'd imagine I'd feel assaulted, not dominated.
2 girls is best. if they r friends its best really. from personal experience i can say a group is very good but much more dangerous than two. i have only ever been busted by a group of girls once in primary school. there were five or six of them. the girl who normally busted me got her friends to pin me down. they grabbed my arms and legs and the 2 of them bent down and punched my balls one after the other. it didnt hurt as i was trying to get them off as there was a teacher around. i told them and they walked me behind the shed where all the sports stuff was kept. it was the best bust ever but very scary. they all held me and 2 girls kicked me one ofter the other and wenever i tried 2 grab my balls they moved my hands away and laughed. it was great until the next point. a girl holding me from behind decided to not do wot evry1 else was doing and she decided to pinch my right ball as hard as she could. it was the worst pain ever. u wudnt want it doing to you. she relli dug her nails in. i had talked to her before and she had mentioned the best way to hurt a boy is with a 'punch grab twist and squeeze' method, and it works very well. she actually made me cry which was awful. the girls stopped laughing and shouted at her for what she has ust done. they all ran off leaving me on my own (i think incase they got in trouble) i was late for lesson as i had 2 make it look like i hadnt been crying. when i got home it relli hurt to pee all that night. it resulted in me not being busted by the nice girl for a few months.
04-03-2005, 09:15 PM
I think the whole thrill is that one girl a foot shorter than you can disable you completely. If there were two girls, I'd imagine I'd feel assaulted, not dominated.
I've always fantasized about one.
I agree with bigguy88. If it takes two to dominate you, then the power of each girl is lessened. Part of the appeal for me is the idea that the girl is like a bedroom goddess.
play with my plums
04-07-2005, 04:35 PM
Well I've not had it done to me yet but a real fantasy of mine is 2 girls, both sisters, toying with me in the bedroom & being really competitive & giggling with each other as they take turns arousing me & then abusing my helpless balls! :D
04-07-2005, 07:27 PM
Well I've not had it done to me yet but a real fantasy of mine is 2 girls, both sisters, toying with me in the bedroom & being really competitive & giggling with each other as they take turns arousing me & then abusing my helpless balls! :D
They can do it. Been there- done that- got the T-shirt.
Well- it was actually their torture gallery not their bedroom, and I was already aroused when they started so they didn't have to do much for that. But they did take turns with the giggling and the competitive abusing parts.
04-08-2005, 02:03 AM
Tamakeri - I have the chi sisters bookmarked - did you really enjoy the session?
I really want to go see Cheryl Khan (, but don't end up in LA as often as I'd like...
04-08-2005, 06:16 AM
Tamakeri - I have the chi sisters bookmarked - did you really enjoy the session?
I really want to go see Cheryl Khan (, but don't end up in LA as often as I'd like...
Yes, I truly did, although I had had a session previously with just Damiana Chi which I may have enjoyed more- hard to compare because there was a completely different set of dynamics. With two you get the competition, the interplay, the whispered plotting and the giggling. With just Damiana there was a psychological one-to-one that was mentally much more intense- more bonded. Both sessions were equally physically demanding. After all, how many cute Asian girls wearing boots does it take to kick a naked guy's balls hard enough to make him whimper and beg? Each of my sessions was strictly ball-busting so I can't comment on how well they play other games.
But I would love to have Cheryl get her feet on me too. I met her a couple years ago and was instantly smitten. And ball-busting is one of her passions. Tough decisions to make. I like Cheryl's playspace better- I have played there with other ladies. It's much bigger and better equipped and in downtown, which is better for me, not out on the westside like the Chi Palace. Of course, how much floorspace and dungeon furniture does it take to make a cute Asian girl wearing boots kick a naked guy's balls hard enough to make him whimper and beg?
Possibility that if you worked it right they might ALL show up at one of Ms. Cyan's monthly Thursday night Sanctuary 'Slave Pit' parties and you could get a 10 minute sample of everything. (How many 10 minute sessions does it take to make a cute Asian girl wearing boots...) I know that Cheryl attends those regularly, and I suspect Damiana and Jezebel attend at least sometimes. But I'm sure they can tell you one way or another if you ask. You can find out about those parties at
04-10-2005, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the in-depth notes. I too only go for ball-busting sessions, although mine are focused on punching more than kicking. If you ever want a recommendation for the SF Bay Area, let me know.
Your site is great, by the way!
play with my plums
04-10-2005, 05:23 PM
They can do it. Been there- done that- got the T-shirt.
Well- it was actually their torture gallery not their bedroom, and I was already aroused when they started so they didn't have to do much for that. But they did take turns with the giggling and the competitive abusing parts.
Respect. :ibow4u: I am sooo jealous. That must of been one hell of an experience!
Think I need to take a leaf out of your book & start looking for whats out there, if I'm ever going to live out some fantasy busts.
Impressed with your website by the way & the efforts that must take. Tho I admit, I won't be signing up, as a good ballbust for me has to be naked. Sorry, just my preference. If I can't see the balls taking the hit, then it doesn't do anything for me! :)
07-09-2005, 08:54 AM
i have been busted by to girls once and it was a great experience i was standing up being kicked repeatedly by one girl while her friend watched and she was interested in it so i told her to get behind me and they both begin taking turns one would kick me from the front and the other would kick me from the back i stood u and took multiple shots from both of them then finally the girl in front got me to fall it was great then they both stood over and took turns stomping my balls
07-09-2005, 10:44 PM
perhaps some pics for us?
07-10-2005, 08:45 PM
I've always enjoyed the idea of a two on one balbust session!
But in my two on one, it's me and another guy verses the female.
I find the idea of a woman defeating two (or more!) males highly erotic.
Quite a shared bond between the guys. We lay curled on the floor, holding our busted balls, looking each other in the eye knowing the special pain our brother is also feeling. Meanwhile our emasculatrix stands triumphant, hands on hips, and slyly smiling.
07-12-2005, 04:21 AM
I've read through the posts and didn't realise how big a fantasy the two girls - one man thing is ! It must be very arousing, and I suppose quite humiliating too, to have a girl watching or encouraging when awaiting her turn? The games the three could play would be endless :)
I can say that for the girls it can be a very sensuous experience too. There is the interplay with the other girl (especially if we had a little plan), and with the man too, so the session flows well for us all.
Aggie x
07-12-2005, 12:06 PM
I've read through the posts and didn't realise how big a fantasy the two girls - one man thing is ! It must be very arousing, and I suppose quite humiliating too, to have a girl watching or encouraging when awaiting her turn? The games the three could play would be endless :)
I can say that for the girls it can be a very sensuous experience too. There is the interplay with the other girl (especially if we had a little plan), and with the man too, so the session flows well for us all.
Aggie x
GOSH! Oh, Agnetha, how you think...
Sign me up!!!
P.S.: Do the planning in whispers right at the moment; planning ahead is just no good, yah gots to do the planning on the spur of the moment. Oh, yeah.
07-17-2005, 02:50 AM
i also think being busted by one girl would be more personal
07-17-2005, 12:25 PM
Here's a link to a vicious clip . The link's at the top of the page. Enjoy!
07-19-2005, 01:38 PM
for me a group of girls the more the better,
07-22-2005, 03:39 PM
I have to say one woman. Having a woman kick my testicles is a very intimate thing for me.
07-28-2005, 04:22 PM
I have to say one woman. Having a woman kick my testicles is a very intimate thing for me.
I think I feel the same way with regards to ball kicking.
It might be nice to be trampled by two women though, but only because trampling has fewer emotional connotations for me than groin kicking.
David B.
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