View Full Version : Women's ********** fantasies and motivations
04-25-2016, 10:55 PM
Is the main reason that most women's ********** fantasies seem to revolve around revenge, especially for rapists, that a man's bad behavior gives women the moral leeway and/or justification for letting their fantasies of ********** a man come out?
04-26-2016, 02:00 PM
It's not a justification by any means, its simply you've been hurt in a very strange way and a traumatic way, so you do not care about the rapists human rights. Cuz he is no longer human, he is an animal that cant control his genital's urges. so its best to beat the problem and by taking his balls/cock away he can never hurt anyone that way again. and since its such a sensitive area that your body doesnt want to lose, you get the added bonus of making him feel very very uncomfortable, possibly putting him into trauma as well. Eye for an Eye
04-26-2016, 08:30 PM
Hello there,
Intriguing question! I can not speak for "Most women", only this one. For me, emasculation (in the fantasy) performed by a violated woman, is about 'justice' or vindication. Think of it as the ultimate form of 'female empowerment', in the wake of the worst kind of degradation imaginable. The peculiar satisfaction derived from the 'prey', becoming the predator. Something is 'changed' forever in a woman that, has been brutally violated. No amount of counseling / therapy, will alter this reality. The 'neutering the ******' fantasy, allows for the turning of the tables.. so-to-speak. Even with the finest Hormone treatments in the world, a man is forever altered by the removal of the 'crown jewels'.
04-27-2016, 01:55 AM
Please, please, please delicious slavietta let us have Your precious opinion about :iluvu:
04-27-2016, 08:10 PM
Hi Messalina,
Thank you. I very much appreciate the opinion of an actual woman on the subject (besides my wife, of course :ibow4u: ).
04-28-2016, 10:30 PM
I suppose that mine is a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" question. My question is, (a) do many (most?) women who have erotic c-a-s-t-ration fantasies, or find a thrill or humor in it, have a natural desire in that area, and violent men give them a sort of moral "permission" to allow that part of their personality to come out, OR, (b) is it the sexual violence that some men do that cause the thrill, humor or erotic c-a-s-t-ration fantasies in many women? Or maybe it's a mixed bag and there is no pattern?
Hello there,
Intriguing question! I can not speak for "Most women", only this one. For me, emasculation (in the fantasy) performed by a violated woman, is about 'justice' or vindication. Think of it as the ultimate form of 'female empowerment', in the wake of the worst kind of degradation imaginable. The peculiar satisfaction derived from the 'prey', becoming the predator. Something is 'changed' forever in a woman that, has been brutally violated. No amount of counseling / therapy, will alter this reality. The 'neutering the ******' fantasy, allows for the turning of the tables.. so-to-speak. Even with the finest Hormone treatments in the world, a man is forever altered by the removal of the 'crown jewels'.
05-01-2016, 09:21 PM
Hello Poolman2,
How are you? I trust your bride is well. You are most welcome. BTW, what is your better half's opinion?
Warm regards,
05-01-2016, 09:47 PM
Hello Rowdy,
How are you? Once again, I can not speak for "Many (most?) women". However, as to the "(a)" portion of your query; the women that possess "Erotic c-a-s-t-ration fantasies, or find a thrill or humor in it," in my experience.. do not "Have a natural desire in that area.". Usually, something 'triggers' it. Quite often, it is an 'incident' of some kind (often benign) that, puts a girl into the fetish. Else, it is a boyfriend, lover, or husband that, gets a girl into bb or c-a-s-t-ration fetish / fantasy. For me; it is the "(b)" portion of your question. Also, for many of the girls that, I am friends with. That is, the few who possess the c-a-s-t-ration fantasy. Certainly, you may have a point re; your final speculation.
Personally, I do not 'get' the humour. I do not find a man being struck in the gonads, to be amusing. Certainly, I have never found a man being c-a-s-t-rated humourous.
Warm regards,
05-02-2016, 12:58 PM
Do you remember this program?
Women (and the audience) laugh and make fun because some woman cut man's penis off and throw it. I'm sure that many of girls love this idea (but I think that most of them just in a fantasy) I know that this situation seems to be funny cause penis is just a tiny piece of meat, dangling beetween legs and easily you can cut it off, and maybe for some girls it seems to be a great idea because in that way girls can show girls' power and take men their the weakest but the most important part, their manhood
05-02-2016, 05:56 PM
Do you remember this program?
Women (and the audience) laugh and make fun because some woman cut man's penis off and throw it. I'm sure that many of girls love this idea (but I think that most of them just in a fantasy) I know that this situation seems to be funny cause penis is just a tiny piece of meat, dangling beetween legs and easily you can cut it off, and maybe for some girls it seems to be a great idea because in that way girls can show girls' power and take men their the weakest but the most important part, their manhood
Hello Rocky69,
Yes, I remember this programme. I find NOTHING humourous about this vile crime! Nor, am I aware of any women that do. This was a premeditated act of near unspeakable barbarism and cruelty!! This is not a " When, I first viewed this programme (and the so-called apology), I was filled with disgust. I have not viewed "THE TALK" since. Imagine, the reverse for the moment. If a man had done the equivalent to his wife. Then, the men of "CBS SPORTS" or "ESPN" had made jokes and laughed in a similar vein. Do you (or anyone else in this forum) think, they would have kept their jobs??
Warm regards,
05-03-2016, 01:26 AM
Hello again Messalina,
First, thank you very much for asking. We're both doing well. We hope you are doing likewise?
I believe my wife pretty much thinks the same way as you on this matter. And I hope she'll excuse my presumption in speaking for her. If not, I know a good way she could help me atone for my wrong. :) Unfortunately past experience leads me to think she'd deny me such wonderful punishment and give me the look instead. :cryingblu
Best regards,
05-03-2016, 01:36 PM
Hello again Messalina,
First, thank you very much for asking. We're both doing well. We hope you are doing likewise?
I believe my wife pretty much thinks the same way as you on this matter. And I hope she'll excuse my presumption in speaking for her. If not, I know a good way she could help me atone for my wrong. :) Unfortunately past experience leads me to think she'd deny me such wonderful punishment and give me the look instead. :cryingblu
Best regards,
Hello Poolman2,
It gratifies me, you and yours are well. Save for allergies, I am fine. Actually, better than fine.:jumpsmile Hubby has returned from 'over there'.:loveeyes He has kept me, rather 'busy'.... if, you know what I mean.;) "Such wonderful punishment", Bah! I am different , (or so it seems) from the majority of people in this thread / forum. So-called 'ball busting' for reasons other than, genuine self-defence is a 'turn-off'. I could never do something so brutal, to hubby! Yes, I have accidentally bumped his 'boys' whilst, we 'play' wrestled.... on the way to doing much more, enjoyable 'activities'.:D It was a kind of 'foreplay' for moi.:o However, I did not like hurting him. I liked even less that, this put an end to more pleasant 'activities'.
Warm regards,
05-05-2016, 01:40 AM
Well Messalina,
We have a lot in common. Allergies for instance. My wife too. Fortunately the kids seem not to have inherited ours to the extent and severity that we have them.
Also like you, my wife busts me for my pleasure. I'm afraid I have never been able to to induce her to enjoy it. Moreover she rarely initiates the busts of her own volition. :( Luckily for me she is a very sweetly indulgent wife. I married well. :)
It sounds like like you too have been taking very good care of your husband. That is very important for both in a relationship. Keep up the good work.
Best regards,
05-05-2016, 08:46 PM
Well Messalina,
We have a lot in common. Allergies for instance. My wife too. Fortunately the kids seem not to have inherited ours to the extent and severity that we have them.
Also like you, my wife busts me for my pleasure. I'm afraid I have never been able to to induce her to enjoy it. Moreover she rarely initiates the busts of her own volition. :( Luckily for me she is a very sweetly indulgent wife. I married well. :)
It sounds like like you too have been taking very good care of your husband. That is very important for both in a relationship. Keep up the good work.
Best regards,
Hello Poolman2,
I sympathise with your sensitivities to allergens. It pleases me, the next generation has been spared to some degree.
Seems, (to quote of one of hubby's favourite films) "What we have h'ere, is a failure to communicate". You may have misunderstood, something in my last message. I do not "Bust" hubby for his pleasure or mine. We used to 'sort of' wrestle for my pleasure. That is, I am a strong willed-woman. I kind of like to be overpowered and 'taken'.:o
We kind of had an 'understanding'. That is, if he could pin me for seven minutes.. he could do what ever he wished to me. If I could 'hold' him, for three minutes.. he had to do what ever I wished. Then again, many times... I simply pretended, I was not in the 'mood'.<giggle>
However, sometimes things got out of hand. Hubby would become over 'excited' and employ too much force. This would leave me with bruises come the morning. The result of his gripping me too tightly. Then again, my competitive nature would (sometimes) kick in and I would struggle, a bit like a wildcat! Hubby calls me his personal "Hellcat".;)
In any event, I would forget to be careful. So, (on occasion) an errant; elbow, knee, or foot would finish up in a VERY sensitive spot of the male anatomy!<mia culpa> As with your wife (and as stated previously), I do not enjoy hurting my spouse. Serious injury can result. Yes, the testes are fairly resilient when, it comes to deliberate blows. However, they are easily injured accidentally. Also, (if for no other reason) my hurting the 'boys', ends everyone's 'fun'.;)
I am pleased, you wed "Well". Thank you, I do my best to look after hubby. He is posted often (and at length) so, I do my best to maximise our time together.:D
Warm regards,
05-07-2016, 02:18 AM
Well, Messalina,
It sounds to me like your husband has also married well. :) Your wrestling has only 2 possible outcomes: either he wins fully and has his way with you; or, you win and he gets to have you work him over in the process. And if you are losing, you get excited and make mistakes, then he gets it all the more so. So regardless of how it goes, he wins from my viewpoint. :ibow4u:
Best wishes,
05-07-2016, 02:43 AM**********-fantasies/
05-07-2016, 07:05 AM**********-fantasies/
can anyone fix this link?
05-07-2016, 07:23 AM
can anyone fix this link?
Replace the "xxx" with the word "c-a-s-t-r-a-t-i-o-n", (but no dashes).
05-07-2016, 09:19 AM
Well, Messalina,
It sounds to me like your husband has also married well. :) Your wrestling has only 2 possible outcomes: either he wins fully and has his way with you; or, you win and he gets to have you work him over in the process. And if you are losing, you get excited and make mistakes, then he gets it all the more so. So regardless of how it goes, he wins from my viewpoint. :ibow4u:
Best wishes,
Hello Poolman2,
Thank you, for the lovely compliment.:) Alas, seems (as with so many in these kinds of forums) you only see things thru the prism of the bb fetish. Hubby and I no longer 'wrestle'. We have not done so, going on two years now. I mentioned the reason, in my last message. As for the "Outcomes:".. yes, we both enjoyed hubby having "His way with" me.:D Neither, of us fancied my working "Him over in the process.". Once again, I did NOT enjoy hurting him! Yes, I enjoyed winning from time-to-time. Although, it did not happen all that
I did not enjoy hitting hubby or giving him a rough time. Rather, I enjoyed the 'struggling'. I did not simply 'give' myself to the man. He had to 'conquer' me and earn, his 'prize'.<giggle> My being 'overpowered' got me 'worked up'.:o Mind you, we do 'other' pleasant things these days.:) As I wrote (typed?) in an earlier message, non self-defence blows to the male gonads, do not interest me. Indeed, they are a 'turn-off'. To the extent that, I enjoy so-called ball busting at all.. is in fiction. But, it must needs be in the context of self-defence.
My real 'thing' is.... well, I have a 'fascination with c-a-s-tration'.:o Fictional, emasculation to be sure. Once again, in the context of self-defence or as retribution for violation. Although, I am beginning to come round to the notion of orchiectiomy, as a possible treatment for recidivist sexual predators. Mind you, it would must needs be voluntary. I should never advocate such a thing, as a punishment. A just society, does not punish one atrocity (sexual violation) with another! State enforced sexual mutilation, is something befitting a theocracy in the Persian Gulf or history's Third Reich.
Warm regards,
05-10-2016, 12:24 AM**********-fantasies/
The 7th one down by Alice is amazing
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