View Full Version : When Was The Last Time?
06-21-2001, 06:12 PM
when was the last time any girl here kicked a guy in the balls?
01-13-2003, 05:14 AM
It's been a while...
I do "close-ups" now. More "hands-on" stuff.
When I lived in Mexico, it wasn't unusual to kick a guy in the nuts on the street if he got too pushy or grabby. Where I live now, things are more "civilized", and you aren't supposed to do stuff like that.
Whenever a guy grabs your shoulder and swings you around, or goes to put his hands around your neck... like what else do you do unless you've got a knife or gun? Maybe some "civilized" girls would just scream and scream, hoping for their unknown prince to rescue them.
But where I'm from, you just swing around and give him a crushing blow to his nuts with your knee.
If he's out -- fine. If he tries to get up -- that's where the kicking starts. Kicking is better because you don't have to get too close to him. Depending on that kind of boots (or shoes) you're wearing, you use any part of your foot that you can get some force behind. Stomping with your heel can easily ruin a guys balls. It depends on how afraid you are that the guy might get you later, or another day. If you just want to teach him a lesson, you don't try to crush his testicles on purpose. Just enough to have him doubled up on the ground, screaming and crying.
Anyway, I don't want to bore you with details.
It's been a while since I kicked a guy in the nuts. These days I do things with guys I know pretty well. I won't go into my methods now, but I like controlling a guy's pain (and pleasure) levels more precisely. More control. They're in a different Topic here at BallBusting World.
Question: This is for guys:
When was the last time you got kicked in the balls?
How did it happen?
01-13-2003, 06:22 PM
I wasn't kicked, but two girls got a little extra money out
of me during a full body massage by one exciting my penis
while the other squeezed testicles till I agreed to their price.
This was several years back.
01-14-2003, 01:26 AM
Good one, ballsqez !
Did you mind??
As long as you weren't carrying too much money it was probably worth it. (?)
My techniques also involve simultaneous pain and pleasure.
Some guys say they like it when I make them almost pass out from pain, just as I get them starting to have their orgasm.
There's a "point of no return". Once they start having an orgasm, they continue to ejaculate no matter how much pain they feel in their balls.
Sooo... How about the rest of you guys?
Ever been kicked in the balls?
01-14-2003, 11:18 AM
No didn't really mind, but it scared me a little. Was
doing ok with the first, but when the second woman came
in she was more experienced, and gradualy got rougher
while she was talking to me. They both stared giggling
because of the stuation I was in. Its hard to bargan
when two young women have you on a table gripping
your privates. The second woman just wanted her share
of payment also I guess. Wasn't much more.
01-27-2003, 05:08 PM
Last Fall 2002 in Los Angles. I had a mexican girl slap my balls. It was my first real ballbusting I had done. I'm just now getting into it. I've always been turned on by the thought. Other then that one time while watching a football game a team scored a touchdown and this girl was excited and jumping up and down and went to hug me and kneed me right the the balls. The next day when I ejaculated I had a little blood in my semen. I was fine in a few days. That was probably the hardest I was ever hit. The girl didn't really know she had kneed me.
01-31-2003, 07:41 PM
Lisa when was the last time you kicked a guy in the balls? How many guys have kicked so far anyway?
02-09-2003, 01:15 PM
:iluvu: About a month ago, I kicked some jerk in the balls at college.
I was in the parking deck, and I was cutting it close to being late for class, and I found someone backing out of a space, so I turned on my signal and waited (there weren't any other spaces nearby) and when the person backed out some guy coming the other way pulled-into the space. When he got out, he looked over and smirked at me, so I got out stormed up to him and asked him what the hell was his problem. He told me the parking is "first-come, first-serve" and to fuck-off. I got so mad I slapped him twice and he just stood there, stunned. I was still mad, and I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. I have never kicked anybody that hard before! It made me feel alot better!
Nutcracker sweet
02-09-2003, 06:24 PM
02-10-2003, 02:17 PM
Nutcracker sweet is my hero!
02-14-2003, 08:24 AM
i have never been kicked before but i would like to see how it feels but i live in miami and no girl do that here
Nutcracker sweet
03-06-2003, 05:05 AM
Last night ;)
I resorted to an old favorite of mine.
I used duct tape to bind Sonny's wrists behind his back, taped his knees together, and his dick to his belly so that it was out of the way.
His nuts were nestled in that hollw created where his thighs meet his pudenda.
Nicely exposed and vulnerable.
I stuck a ball gag in his mouth.
I made him stand and watch me while I masturbated as I was on the computer, chatting about cbt with other like-minded cyber-pervs!!
I also told him what I was going to do to him once I was done.
Knowing what was coming and waiting for it completely unmanned him.
I had him in tears before I even slammed his nuts!!
Which I did, hard! Dropped him like a sack of spuds.
After he recovered I let him service me by paying oral homage to my regal womanhood.
I kept the duct tape on him for quite a while...y'all should have heard him yowl when I ripped the piece from his dick!!!
03-11-2003, 10:15 PM
I am extremely turned on by Ballbusting. It makes women feel proud, and it shows men that all their macho bullshit doesnt mean a thing, when his privates are in the hands of a woman!
So I guess my real question is. When was the last time you squished a man's rocks?
Please reply with the Hot, sweaty, painful details!
05-19-2003, 10:20 AM
To Nutcrackersweet:
Boy I love what you did to him. I would love to be in his situation. would have been a great turn. The bondage would be a turn on the pain horrible but the after thoughts about what happened would be a real turn on. Wish I could find someone to do it to me and keep me bound for a long time afterward or perhaps do more a second time
kick me now
06-01-2003, 09:55 PM
You guys... I'm kinda frustrated. I'm vey young... 13 to be exact, but I have a horrible urge to be kicked/kneed/punched/squeezed in the balls by a girl. Any suggestions? Oh, and I only got kicked once by my girlfriend, she was only playing around and gave me playful kick.
06-15-2003, 10:14 PM
i guess it was about a year ago.i was kickedinthe and thisgirl were playfighting i was wearing loose sweat pants and no underwear so my balls were hanging pretty freely and were extremely vulnerable. she kicked me in the nuts,i thought pretty hard butit wasn't until the second FULL FORCE KICK that i was sent falling to the ground. she then sat on my chest and commenced teasing me by giggling and resting her sneaker clad foot gently on my bruised hardened manhood,leaving me with a clearly visible erection and alarge bloch of precum showing through my loose pants.i was never more humiliated or insanely turned on at the same time.
07-31-2003, 02:31 AM
Would any of the girls here, including SadisticSara, ever squeeze a guy's testicle so hard it ruptures, not for defense or anything, just for 'fun'?
05-27-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by wildncrazy19200
Would any of the girls here, including SadisticSara, ever squeeze a guy's testicle so hard it ruptures, not for defense or anything, just for 'fun'?
No way.
Maybe I have a slightly "sadistic" personality, but I'm not really crazy or insane!
If it was "self-defence", then sure I would.
But "for fun"? No. In my opinion, that would be sick. It might also be called "criminally insane"!
Rule number one is no permanent injury.
- Sara.
06-10-2004, 09:13 PM
I don't remember the last time anymore right now exactly. Not into the self-busting end of things! Just something much better about it when a female does it...maybe its the laugh that follows? Who knows.
06-18-2004, 06:48 PM
Sadistic Sara also asks (for men):
>When was the last time you got kicked in the balls?
>How did it happen?
The most recent time I got kicked in the balls: Wednesday. My crazy lover/buster get jealous and pissed off if I do anything really horrible; like if she calls me and I am on the phone. I woulda called the cops by now, except I, uh... well, Sara is the only fetishist here, okay? :o
The worst time I got kicked in the balls: Okay, I had a crush on my co-worker and we'd known each other for a few years. She was very very clear that we were JUST FRIENDS (ah, blah, blah, blah) and I was was being relentlessly obtuse. We went swimming at the pool by her apartment one day, changed, went back up to her apartment. It's early yet, she decides to go out again, and starts changing... in front of me.
Being obtuse, I laid hands on her, and, yeah, she kneed me in the balls which made it pretty clear that she REALLY meant that "JUST FRIENDS" thing. It was extremely painful for a moment or two, but then my nap started. (She COULD have just tried saying, "No." - hey, it MIGHT have worked!)
The earliest time that I was ever hit in the groin: When I was 14, I decided that it would be a great idea for me to try dating someone completely out of my league. Actually, I didn't decide that; I met a 28-year-old woman who seemed to like me a lot. We started seeing movies and eating together, that kind of thing. She started hitting me between the legs with her purse and, very rarely, would punch my nuts.
I didn't figure out until much later that she was trying to get me sexually stimulated enough to make a pass at her; then she could fight back a little, give in, and then have a story that might save her ass if we got caught and she got hit with a statutory **** charge.
Universe: 4,786
Me: 0
06-23-2004, 01:22 AM
Quoted from Katie:
About a month ago, I kicked some jerk in the balls at college.
I was in the parking deck, and I was cutting it close to being late for class, and I found someone backing out of a space, so I turned on my signal and waited (there weren't any other spaces nearby) and when the person backed out some guy coming the other way pulled-into the space. When he got out, he looked over and smirked at me, so I got out stormed up to him and asked him what the hell was his problem. He told me the parking is "first-come, first-serve" and to fuck-off. I got so mad I slapped him twice and he just stood there, stunned. I was still mad, and I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. I have never kicked anybody that hard before! It made me feel alot better!
Katie is a total stud.
06-27-2004, 09:15 PM
If he's out -- fine. If he tries to get up -- that's where the kicking starts. Kicking is better because you don't have to get too close to him.
Sara,if your knee knocked the guy down and he was moaning and sobbing and tried to get back up to run away,would you still kick his balls to keep him down on the ground to teach him a lesson or so he couldn't get away before the police arrived or would you let him run away?
Guitar Man
07-01-2004, 11:03 PM
i haven't been kicked in the balls since i was at school (i left 3 yrs ago - i'm at university now). there was a girl there who loved to kick just about any guy who even slightly pissed her off, or she would do it for fun. i was a victim of the latter, and enjoyably so! i the only one who finds non-consensual bb not cool? i would never hit someone "for fun" or hit someone who took my parking why is it ok for girls to do that? sure i would be pissed and most likely shout obsenities, and threaten to hit them, but i probably never would.
i'm not stubborn or anything, i just take assault seriously, even if i were to enjoy it, she wouldn't have known that, and her intention would've been to hurt me (which would've failed!)
anyway, back to my joyous self. hope that small argument made some sense.
*some of these stories seem too unbelievable to be true in my opinion*
07-03-2004, 12:34 AM i the only one who finds non-consensual bb not cool? i would never hit someone "for fun" or hit someone who took my parking why is it ok for girls to do that? sure i would be pissed and most likely shout obsenities, and threaten to hit them, but i probably never would.
This is one of the many matters in society where the sexes do not enjoy equality.
Non-consensual bb is not cool. It's illegal (do a search in Google for "Kitty Granquist"). It's assault. Yes, yes, true. Some loutish types consider it very humouress, some political types consider it an appropriate way for women to "even the scales". It's not funny, and it's not political.
That said, don't be a pill.
Being kicked in the nuts when it is not consensual is the most exciting and scariest way to have it done, especially when done by strangers or (better) by women whom you know, but not very well. It's an immediate experience of intimacy; it hurts like someone kicked you right in the brain, it lasts a long time, and it's followed by a very pleasant recovery because of all the chemicals that the body releases to fight pain. And, better than vicodin, you don't have to PAY for those chemicals! Your body makes them!!!
If a woman whom you dislike particularly overmuch kicks you in the genitals, THEN it is assault and you press charges. It isn't "okay" at all to go around kicking random helpless-looking gonads, because there is a law against that sort of thing and not everyone is going to be okay with every nut-kicking.
For the most part, however, women are safe from being prosecuted because it is often too embarrassing for men to press charges ("Yer honour, the accused done kicked me in the nutsack, she did! Blimey!"-Could you really stand up in a courtroom and say that to a judge?) and because, if not done to injure the guy, he'll probably let it slide. Injuring balls can be tricky; they are very flexible and tend to squirm out of the way when something tries to hit them. Unless, of course, someone like Sara has a pair in her hand, in which case, there's noplace to run...
...but nonconsensual bb generally doesn't involve first getting the chance to wrap your hand around a pair and THEN strike them. Guys tend to get freaked out by unfamiliar hands encircling their gonads. They tend to move. You know, run, block, hit an unfamiliar woman over the head with a piano before she can bust them, etc. I think women know this; when they go for a nonconsensual bust, they just kick. (Or just grab and yank, or whatever, but there's no time to think through or perform a triple-axle, double-toe loop.)
In general, I would be a bit more adamant against nonconsensual bb, but I don't get racked that often, so I take what I can get. :)
I've only ever been kicked once. It happened when I was 15, a girl came into the guys' changing rooms at school and kicked me full force when I told her she shouldn't be there. Damn that hurt.
07-15-2004, 06:38 PM
quote:If he's out -- fine. If he tries to get up -- that's where the kicking starts. Kicking is better because you don't have to get too close to him.
Sara,if your knee knocked the guy down and he was moaning and sobbing and tried to get back up to run away,would you still kick his balls to keep him down on the ground to teach him a lesson so he couldn't get away before the police arrived or would you let him run away?
07-15-2004, 09:32 PM
My crazy bb partner is mad at me again, which is good, because I have been feeling in the mood for another bust. :)
On the matter of kicking a guy when he's down: I suspect that kicking him is not so much for punishment, but to insure safety. Of course, to the guy, it's just gottah feel like hella punishment.
07-15-2004, 10:26 PM
Its been a couple was hot!!!!
07-19-2004, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Lew27
Sara,if your knee knocked the guy down and he was moaning and sobbing and tried to get back up to run away,would you still kick his balls to keep him down on the ground to teach him a lesson so he couldn't get away before the police arrived or would you let him run away?
Sorry, I can't answer that.
It depends on what he did or was doing and what country or location it happened in.
Remember that in some countries the police are the "bad guys".
So, it all depends...
07-22-2004, 09:02 PM
Sara,you mentioned in one of your previous posts that back in school,you and the other girls would often kick guys in the balls if they tried to touch you and stuff.Did you ever hear of any of the girls causing severe damage to a guys balls (rupture or losing a testicle)?Didn't you get in to trouble with the teachers?
07-23-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Lew27
Sara,you mentioned in one of your previous posts that back in school,you and the other girls would often kick guys in the balls if they tried to touch you and stuff.Did you ever hear of any of the girls causing severe damage to a guys balls (rupture or losing a testicle)?Didn't you get in to trouble with the teachers?
No, I don't recall hearing about any permanent damage done (at school).
But it's probably something that any such guy wouldn't make public.
The teachers didn't care. The guys wouldn't likely complain to the teachers. Even if they did, the teachers would probably take the side of the girl, since the guy started it. The girl would just be defending herself. That's to be expected.
- Sara :)
08-02-2004, 02:53 PM
My wife kicked me in the balls the other night, hard. I had my back turned, legs spread and balls hanging there. She delivered a swift kick alright and to keep her foot from stinging she left her slippers on and the sole hit the tip of my dick and damn did it sting. It was sore for about 3 days so next time no slippers, I don't really enjoy the dick kicking, just balls. I also have a board that I made which traps my balls so she can step on them. She uses her nice bare feet to apply pressure and every now and then she will pretend to stomp on my balls, she came pretty close a couple of times.
08-06-2004, 05:22 PM
Sadistic Sara writes:
The teachers didn't care. The guys wouldn't likely complain to the teachers. Even if they did, the teachers would probably take the side of the girl, since the guy started it. The girl would just be defending herself. That's to be expected.
That sucks. The same thing was true of the school to which I went; as soon as the girls blossoming into young women figured that out, the boys bursting into early manhood started suffering. I didn't bother any girls; I was too busy hunting bullies and pushing them around (I had all the cool lines written out ahead of time like, "Looks to me like you lookin' for trouble -- and I think you found it!" blah blah blah etc. tough guy routine).
One girl was polite enough to ask first. That was so weird. I was sane back then, so I turned her down.
Magnum writes:
I don't really enjoy the dick kicking, just balls.
No doubt! I need a t-shirt that has an arrow pointing down to my crotch with the words, "Please don't kick the meat" or something on it.
08-08-2004, 11:37 AM
Thats one reason I don't really care to be kicked with high heels, boots etc. because they can hit the bone or the "shaft" (ouch) and are very harsh. Usually bare foot (if they have nice feet) or socks. To bad women in the U.S. aren't like the "Brits" or Japanese. They love to kick guys in the balls over there. Can you just imagine Trouble? How about going out everyday knowing you could find just about any gal to kick you just by asking. I have always wanted to go to one of those Fetish Balls or partys and hang a sign on me that read- "ladies get your kicks" or "Need balls kicked by ladies only" etc. and see how many gals would kick me.
08-09-2004, 02:35 PM
British and Japanese women have the advantage that they grow up in societies in which kicking nuts is perfectly acceptable behaviour. It is still sometimes frowned upon in America.
Of course, British and Japanese people both lived on tiny islands crammed to the gills with people, so they are inclined to participate in all kinds of insanity.
But, anyway, back to boring old America:
Here is a gold mine for both sex and nut-kicking: older women. Women who are older (you know, like 70) are used to being neglected; they sag, they have wrinkles, etc., but they have:
a) A lifetime of experience in bed (which they are often all too ready to share);
b) Fond memories of kicking guys in the nuts back when they were young and spry.
Learn to look past the sagging boobs (or learn to like them), and you have a population of very willing and eager participants.
Personally, I really don't care if the boobs sag; so long as they're big, what difference does it really make? (To flat-chested older women: No, nobody wanted you when you were young and nobody wants you now. Get used to it.)
08-11-2004, 08:03 AM
Your Bullsh-ttng me right? 70 yrs old? I'm wondering if they can even kick at that age. I have known some 60-ish gals that could but I never asked. That puts a whole new spin on things for me.
08-11-2004, 05:21 PM
About the asiangirls.
I found these lines from an article about "tamakeri" (ballkicking) to be so sexy:
In casting the girls, Yagi searches employment agencies for girls most desperate for work. These girls are engulfed in all the stress and anxiety that inevitably arises from a fruitless job search. When these girls finally do get a call that work has been found for them they are made even doubly furious when they find out it is for a tamakeri video. Needless to say, when that girl finally finds herself in front of some pervert baring his bamboo shoot to the chef's ginzu, there is little mercy for him; the frustration comes pouring out. Maybe she also thinks if she can maim him bad enough, she can avoid having sex. Of course, for the true tamakeri pros, this is not a problem. The result of this dynamic is an honesty of emotion you just won’t find in porn or anywhere else for that matter. Genuine, unbridled rage. Each kick, an anthem for the modern era.
read all on:
08-13-2004, 07:27 AM
I have two Japanese videos that take place in a special trailer set up in a parking lot. A gal who is a blackbelt wearing her Gi asks gals walking by to come in and kick a guy in the balls. Its in Japanese so I can't understand them but it's amazing at how many women willingly come in and take turns kicking these guys in the balls. they are videos called
Testicle Kick of Amateur Girl 1 and 2. They aren't bad but it just goes to show that in other countries, kicking a guy in the nuts is "normal" everyday stuff. maybe it will catch on here somedy.
09-03-2004, 10:53 PM
Magnum says:
Your Bullsh-ttng me right? 70 yrs old? I'm wondering if they can even kick at that age. I have known some 60-ish gals that could but I never asked. That puts a whole new spin on things for me.
Grnted. I have a 67-year-old friend (yo know, close enough to 70 that it makes no odds) who is amazingly pissed off at her husband. She divorced this loser some 35-40 years ao, yet would spend many hours a day thinking about how much she despised him.
So I dropped by one day to say hi, me being the nice, honest, clean-cut perv that I am, and she is drunk as heck -- and pissed off at her husband of long ago. She told me (gain) about how he treated her, abd I said (for the first time), "You should have kicked him in the nuts."
She looked shocked by the idea. Her HUSBAND? Kick her abusive HUSBAND in the BALLS? So we talked about that for a little while and then I spread my legs and made a suggestion about how she could think of her husband and get back at him. By comparison, she didn't find that suggestion shocking at all. She squeezed the buhjeezus out of my nads. She was sober a day or two later, but quite eager to continue taking out her anger at her husband.
Positive side-effects"
1) I got my balls squeezed a lot.
2) Her ex-husband died a little while ago and she was able to deal with it without hating him a whole bunch.
I'd say we all came out better off. :)
01-14-2005, 07:31 PM
This remains one of the best threads so far; we are fortunate to have some new feet, I mean, faces, to whom we can redirect the qyestion,
01-15-2005, 05:33 AM
last thursday, I went mad with the oil and soaked his balls - they kept slipping and popping out through my grip when I squeezed. In the end I had to use my nails a lot to keep them under control.
I did try a kick and got a wet foot for my trouble, it made a noise like stepping into a puddle but he liked it (well after a minute or so), so this bodes well for next time!
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